#DASH COMMENT - Maybe if you weren't so loud--
navybrat817 · 2 years
And Everything Nice
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: You visit the tattoo parlor when an uninvited guest shows up at the bakery. Word Count: Over 2.8k Warnings: Bad ex, mild (h)arassment, protectiveness, brief moments of insecurity, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Graphics talent and thanks: Banner by @sgt-seabass. Divider by @firefly-graphics . Bucky edit by Nix. Moodboard by yours truly. A/N: More Hottie and Sugar from our Sin on Skin AU. ❤️ Thank you to @rookthorne for listening to me ramble about this part! Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thank you for spitballing), but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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I am going to ask Bucky Barnes out.
After going through the closing checklist, Tess gave you another quick pep talk and said the only thing that would hurt if he turned you down was your pride. Deep down you knew it would hurt more than your pride if he said no, but you didn't say it out loud. She must have sensed it since she added she was certain he'd jump at the chance to date you.
"You got this," she said, giving you a quick hug. "Sorry to run, but-"
"Like I said, I got this," you said, waving her on. Normally you walked out together when you both closed the bakery, but she had somewhere to be. "Have fun!" you added as she rushed out.
Once you finished up a few minutes later, you strode to the door with your keys in hand and a smile on your face. Tomorrow was going to be a good day. You could feel it. And you would look Bucky in the eye with a smile as you asked him-
"Closing all by yourself?"
You weren't sure how you managed to not drop your keys, or not throw a punch, when you spun around and saw your ex in your personal space. You wanted to wipe the smirk off his face when you took a deep breath. "Thanks for sneaking up on me, Richard. Mind backing up a little?"
"Aww, did I scare you?" he asked as you quickly locked the door. "Not even a 'hello'?"
"We haven't talked since we broke up," you reminded him. "But hi and bye."
Richard charmed you in the beginning when you met him, like he did with so many others. Beyond his good looks, he was a confident man. It didn't take long to see that beneath the surface was a spoiled man child who was used to getting what he wanted, or thought he could buy everything. You included.
Breaking up with him was one of the best decisions you made, even if your mom disagreed.
"Where are you going in such a hurry? You should get a drink with me."
"I have plans," you lied, wondering what the hell he was even doing there.
"So? Break them. I want to talk."
The suggestion sounded more like an order and you weren't in the mood.
"I said I have plans. I'm sorry."
"Then why are you still in your work clothes?" he asked, gesturing to your outfit. "And who do you have plans with? Some new guy?"
"Because I'm changing later," you said, staring across the street as a smile spread on your face. "And not that it's any of your business, but yes. He's a tattoo artist."
You weren't sure why you said that. Maybe because you hoped Bucky really would be your guy. And because the thought of him also made you feel safe.
You half expected Richard to laugh as you walked around him, but he put his hand on your arm instead as his face twisted into a scowl. "You're not hanging out with him. You're getting a drink with me."
You wrenched your arm away before he could tighten his grip. "We aren't together anymore. So you don't get to show up out of nowhere and order me around," you said as you went to the curb.
"Don't act like a fucking brat when I'm trying to give you another chance."
I'm the brat?
"Not interested. Have a good night!" you said before you looked both ways and dashed across the street to Bucky's shop.
The entrance was cozier and more open than you expected, the sound of the needles bringing you a strange sense of comfort as you adjusted your bag on your arm. Pictures of various tattoos in different styles lined the red walls above the front desk and leather couches. You wished you had the time to pick out which works belonged to Bucky.
Another day.
"Hi! Welcome to Sin on Skin!" the man behind the desk cheerfully greeted you as he typed on the keyboard. Even sitting down, you could tell the man was built, his muscular arms covered in a variety of tattoos. He may have been intimidating if not for the glasses and warm smile. "Do you have an appointment?"
You glanced over your shoulder and saw your ex making his way across the street. "Sorry, I don't. Is Bucky here? I really need to talk to him."
"Oh, yeah. Just over there. If you want to take a seat, I can-"
"Thank you. I'll be quick," you smiled, hoping Bucky wasn't in the middle of an appointment.
You glanced around at some of the other artists as you walked over to the chairs and noted how exceedingly gorgeous they were. There was one with short dark hair and a beard that looked like he could kill someone with his tattoo gun if they stared for too long. The girl sitting at his station and the man behind him with shocking pink hair and bright smile both brought a ray of warmth to his almost dark aura.
Is it a prerequisite to work in the shop that you have to be good looking? And either look intimidating as hell or incredibly alluring?
You gripped your bag to keep your hand from shaking as you saw Bucky engaged in a quiet conversation with Steve, recognizing him from earlier. You were almost afraid to interrupt. "Hi?"
Both men turned toward you with smiles on their faces as Bucky pushed himself up from his stool. “Hey, Sugar. Couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see me?”
"Something like that," you said.
"Wait. That's Sugar?" the man with the pink hair asked. "No wonder you keep going to the bakery."
"Don't hit on her, Hal," Bucky warned, earning a chuckle from the other man. "Go bother Andy."
"He already is," a deep voice replied.
You would ask later just how much he spoke about you to the other artists. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. My ex was waiting for me outside of my shop and I kind of panicked and said I was meeting you and I rushed over here."
"Your ex?" Bucky asked, immediately moving forward to rub your arms in a soothing gesture. "Are you okay?"
"Hi! Welcome to Sin on Skin!" you heard the guy at the desk call out before you could answer.
Instead, you burrowed yourself against Bucky when you heard Richard shout your name. Rock solid and sturdy, his hold kept your nerves from bubbling to the surface. You had nothing to be afraid of.
So why am I shaking?
“You’re kidding me, right? This fucking asshole?” Richard scoffed as you looked over your shoulder at him. He didn't walk any closer, but his voice carried throughout the entire shop. "Like putting a bumper sticker on a piece of shit car, isn't it?"
“Richard, just leave.”
"Does your mom know you're spreading your legs for some tatted up lowlife? Still a disappointment, aren’t you?”
The jab cut deep as much as you wanted to ignore it. He knew that your mom judged every part of you. No matter what you did, it was never good enough.
You wouldn’t focus on that for the time being. "
You do not come into his shop and insult him. Bucky, I'm so sorry."
"Don't apologize for this asshole, Sugar. His opinion of me means less than nothing, trust me," he assured you before he faced your ex. "You, however, are banned from my shop. You can get out now or Jake will call the cops for trespassing. After you apologize to my girl for upsetting her. Your choice, Dick."
Your heart fluttered as you leaned into Bucky more.
His girl. It sounds right.
"Please. I can buy the shop tomorrow just to bulldoze it to the ground," he sneered before he jabbed a finger at you. "And you know what? Keep her. I tried to give her another chance, but she's not worth it. She's a lousy lay anyway."
The insult washed away the momentary good feeling and was the tipping point that brought tears to your eyes. It was humiliating enough that you were the root cause of a scene in Bucky's shop, but the jab in front of his employees and customers brought it to another level. Why did you think hiding in there was a good idea?
Does Bucky think I'm a total loser now?
It was only when you sniffled did you notice the entire shop had gone silent, a dangerous tension in the air when Bucky tightened his arms around you as Steve and Andy slowly got to their feet.
"Hey, why don't you and I go in the back?" the friendly girl at Andy's station suggested. "I think there's some snacks back there, right?"
Andy nodded and gave her the go ahead.
"Bucky," you whispered as you dared to look at him. A tear slid from your eye when you saw the murderous gaze on his handsome face. "I'm-"
Before you could register what was happening, he pulled your face toward his and kissed you. Fierce, yet gentle as he brushed the tear away with his thumb, you let him take the lead. A slow simmer of warmth crept into your cheeks as he parted your lips with his tongue and coaxed yours into his mouth. Your fingers twisted in his shirt as he deepened the kiss and shifted so you were pressed almost completely against him.
If this is how he kisses, he might actually kill me if we ever go further than that.
He breathed into your mouth as he stole the very oxygen from your lungs when he pulled away.
"Go in the back," he told you, his gaze dropping to your lips. Did he want to kiss you again or was it wishful thinking on your part? "I just need to take out the trash, finish up here, and I'll take you home, okay? I won't be long."
It was a feat that you didn't shed more years with how gently he spoke to you.
"Thank you," you whispered, unable to say much more.
"Let's check out that snack collection back there," you heard before you were pulled from Bucky's grasp.
You didn't look back at Richard when the girl tugged you away, but you heard a slight waver in his voice as yelled after you.
That's right. You should be afraid.
"Thank you," you said, wiping your eyes with your hand.
"No need to thank me. One of my good friends just got out of a bad relationship and I'm still a bit in my protective streak," she explained. "Are you okay?"
"I think so."
You tried to remember how Richard acted around other guys when the two of you dated. Had he been the jealous type and you just ignored it? Or did he only cause a scene because you showed him you wanted to move on?
Tess is going to flip when she hears about this.
"Well, whether they just throw him out on his ass or worse, he deserves it for what he said to you," she added before she told you her name. "Everyone calls me Sunny."
"He does," you agreed, introducing yourself as she handed you some water. "Bucky calls me Sugar."
"And you work in the bakery across the street?" she guessed.
"Co-owner," you said, the small talk calming you. "Do you work here or are you a client?" you asked, noticing that she didn't have any tattoos.
"New client. I work in an animal shelter," she smiled. "Grumpy out there is going to give me a sun tattoo."
"That's nice," you smiled back. It seemed fitting with her warm and bright presence. "I really do appreciate you bringing me back here."
It was somehow just as warm and inviting as the entrance, the couch worn and comfortable. You wondered how often Bucky came back here to relax and hang out in-between his appointments. Would he ever bring you back here if you stopped in to see him?
"I figured the amount of testosterone out there could be a bit overwhelming, but are you sure you're okay?"
"Other than being incredibly embarrassed, yeah."
Even though Richard was no longer your boyfriend, he just had to barrel back into your life and leave a mess in his wake.
"He's the one who should be embarrassed," Sunny said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Especially after seeing that kiss."
Your face warmed as you replayed it in your mind. The silver lining for showing up tonight was receiving such a passionate kiss from Bucky. It was difficult not to get swept up in the moment though and you told yourself it was likely just for show. A way for him to stick it to a guy who upset you.
"It was a really good kiss," you smiled.
"Oh, we all felt the heat. Trust me."
Both of you giggled until there was a soft knock on the door frame.
"Hey, Sugar. Trash is out on the curb," Bucky winked. "You ready to go home?"
Your heart fluttered as you smiled back. "Yeah, I'm ready."
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You didn't live far away, but Bucky still insisted on taking you home. He even took you out the back way so you didn't have to see anyone. While he didn't specify exactly what happened with Richard, he assured you he wouldn't poke around either of your shops again. It made the drive home more pleasant knowing he looked out for you.
So much that you almost took his hand when he stopped outside of your place.
"Thank you for everything," you said. "I'm really sorry about tonight."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Not the first time we've dealt with assholes in the shop. Steve and I don't like bullies."
"I still feel bad," you said, wishing the feeling would go away.
"Please, don't," he whispered.
Your fingers twisted in your lap before you took a deep breath. "When you came into the bakery earlier today, I was going to ask you out," you told him, but refused to look at him. "But after that, it's probably a dumb idea. You shouldn't have to deal with that kind of trouble."
Maybe there's a better girl out there for you.
"You think one asshole ex is trouble?" he asked, leaning over to grasp your chin so you'd face him, goosebumps rising on your arms from his touch. "I can handle that."
"But what he said in your shop-"
"He did that to bring you down because he's an asshole. Guys like that don't want to see girls thrive without them."
You scoffed and mumbled, "I wonder what you'd think of my mom.
"I'm not afraid to stand up to anyone who tries to hurt you," he said, keeping a hold of your chin with a tender grip as your chest tightened. "You said you were gonna me ask out. Don't change your mind because of them."
"So, you really want to go on a date with me?" you asked.
"If I say 'yes', do I get to kiss you again?" he replied, running his thumb along your lower lip.
You were torn between sucking his thumb into your mouth or sinking into your seat. "Maybe we should get an actual date under our belts first. You only kissed me to prove a point or something."
Even if it felt like heaven.
"Or maybe I've been wanting to kiss you since I walked into your bakery and I want to kiss you again," he said, sliding his hand around to the back of your neck with ease. "Proving a point was an added bonus."
You looked at him wide eyed and subconsciously touched your lips. "Wait, you want to kiss me just because I asked you on a date?"
"I can give you a whole list of reasons," he said, his gaze flickering between your lips and your eyes. "And I'd love to go out with you. Friday night, Sugar?"
"It's a date, Hottie," you smiled when he leaned in.
But he didn't kiss your lips.
He brushed a kiss to your forehead, which somehow seemed more intimate.
"You had a rough evening. The next time I kiss you, I want it to because it's the right moment, just for the two of us," he explained when you furrowed your brows. "My girl deserves that."
A soft smile played at your lips as something warm welled up in your chest. He could have easily taken advantage of how vulnerable you felt by stealing another kiss, but he didn't. Even though you were into each other.
Going to see Bucky tonight was the right choice.
And you couldn't wait for your date.
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Love them. Love the whole gang. Except Richard. Fuck that guy. And where are they going on that date? Check out What Dreams Are Made Of to see how Bucky is feeling. Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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madhatterbri · 1 year
You Again | J.N.
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Summary: James Norrington saves a girl from his past.
Author's Note: Happy birthday Magic Kingdom. Your present is a James Norrington fanfic cause I have daddy issues. ❤️🧎‍♀️
Warning: Mentions of gallows and having a rope around your neck but no one dies.
"Your father was a pirate. He deserved to hang from the gallows,"
Those words stuck with you ever since a boy you once called a friend uttered them to you. You were twelve years old when you saw your father hang. His limp body blew in the wind after fighting so hard to live. Your friend glared at you before leaving you behind with his family.
Fearing retaliation, your mother left with you and your siblings as stow aways. The next few years proved to be a hard time in your life. As a woman, men looked down on you. You fought to be noticed and even became captain of a ship. Yet you still wondered about the boy you once called a friend.
His name was James. A boy that always had your back. James would never let anyone hurt you. Boys would tease you for your poorer status but not him. The comment about your father was unlike him but it hurt enough for you to never speak to him again. Not that you had a choice.
Now you were about to meet the same fate as your father. A crowd was forming around the gallows. People were throwing food and other things at you as two guards led you through the crowd. Shaky legs took you up the stairs and in front of the hanging rope.
These last moments were the same your father felt. Your stomach sank. You sacrificed yourself to let your crew escape. Maybe they will tell your story to future pirates. One day you knew another woman would be captain.
A man read the charges that were stuck to you loudly. The crowd had several opinions about you and they weren't afraid to speak them. As you looked through the crowd familiar faces appeared. Large hats covered their faces but you could recognize then anywhere.
The rope was suddenly wrapped around your neck. If they were going to do something they needed to do it now. The men asked if you had any words. You spat on their face. The man raised his arm to slap you yet stopped.
"Why delay such a fitting end for a pirate whore?" He asked. He walked to the lever that would drop you. The impact would break your neck and you would gasp for air. Just as your father did.
As he pulled the lever, the rope around your neck was cut. Chaos broke as your crew attacked the guards. The floor below you gave way.
You fell to the ground with a loud thud. The pain shot up your leg. A loud scream could be heard in the crowd. People wondered if you died under the gallows. The past few days starting to weigh on you. Any hope of escape was dashed as you laid on your back. Tears ran down the corners of your eyes.
A man suddenly stood above you. His black hair tied back. A few loose strands blowing in the wind. His eyebrows furrowed together to show concern. Dark brown eyes remained on yours. He had a mustache and beard, a sharp contrast to the guards. He was dirty like her from head to toe. Yet he somehow looked so familiar.
"James?" You asked weakly.
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Reader and Warriors have to pretend to be married
Use of suggestive language ahead
You weren't sure how you ended up in this situation, but you certainly didn't regret it.
You were wrapped in Warriors arms as the early morning sunlight poured through the windows of the inn the two of you were staying at. You snuggled further into the hero as the chill of the morning sent a shiver down your spine, maybe a few more minutes of rest wouldn't hurt.
It started with a series of unfortunate events that led to you and Warriors being separated from the rest of the chain in a snowstorm.
Luckily, the two of you were able to navigate to a nearby town to seek shelter from the storm. You hoped that the rest of the chain would find you soon, and if not, then the two of you would be forced to leave the town to look for them yourselves.
Warriors led you through town, a hand clasped tightly around your wrist, as he desperately looked for an inn. Soon a sign was spotted and you were being dragged into its threshold.
Warriors headed to the front desk, finally letting you fall free from his hold, and began to ask the owner if he could have two rooms. The owner replied that there was only one room available, Warriors sighed and replied with a quick, "That's fine"
However, the inn owner was not happy with this answer. He replied that he would only rent the room to a married couple in a stern voice as he glared at Warriors.
Warriors then looked over at you before wrapping an arm around you and stating, "We are married"
You wished you were anywhere but here. A blush rose on your face at the close contact of the man you had recently accepted that you had a crush on.
The owner of the inn wasn't buying the facade and questioned why a married couple would want two rooms.
Feelings Warriors tense beside you, you finally decided to speak up, "We wanted two rooms because my husband and I just got into an argument on the way here, and I was hoping to get some time away from him so he'll come to his senses" you replied matter of factly before glaring in Warriors direction.
The innkeeper raised an eyebrow in your direction, and seemed to accept your answer as he slipped the sign-in sheet towards your 'husband'
After Warriors signed the two of you in and handed the inn owner payment for the room, he grabbed your hand and began to walk towards the stairs before he was interrupted by the inn owner.
"Sir, on the off chance you do come to your senses and make up with your wife, try not to be too loud, I don't want my other customers to be disturbed by any obscene noises"
Warriors froze in his tracks a deep red blush covering his cheeks as he quickly dropped your hand, "I promise we won't be too loud," his voice croaked out. Embarrassed he practically dashed up the stairs.
You faired no better, pink dusted your face and you wished to fall onto the floor and die right then and there. You wanted to get away from the inn owner as soon as possible, but you certainly weren't looking forward to being alone with Warriors after that comment.
Ultimately you decided to quickly follow after the blond up the steps toward your room. After Warriors unlocked the room and stepped in you moved into the room plopping yourself on the bed and refusing to look in Warriors' direction. You hadn't even bothered to remove your snow-caked boots.
You heard shuffling behind you as Warriors moved about the room, stripping himself of his bag and gear. You stiffened as the sound of his footsteps got closer. Soon you felt a presence sit itself on the other side of the bed.
"That tired already?" Warriors questioned with a teasing smirk. You didn't have to see it to know it was there, you could hear it in his voice.
You groaned incoherently still refusing to look up at Warriors afraid of the thoughts you might have about him if you did. It was already bad enough that you had to share a room with him, but the innkeeper's comment was sending you over the edge.
"Hey, at least remove your boots before you fall asleep," Warriors softly voiced.
You felt him get back up off the bed and grab the pillow that was next to your head before you heard a soft thud on the floor. You glanced up to notice Warriors lying on the cold hard ground, no blanket, just the pillow he had snatched from the bed moments before under his head.
"What are you doing?" You asked awestruck at his behavior.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm sleeping on the floor."
You moved to sit up and began removing your boots as you voiced an incredulous, "Why?"
"Because I'm a gentleman and I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he replied matter of factly
"Who said I was uncomfortable?" You said while looking down at his form lying across the floor in a clearly uncomfortable position.
Warriors looked up at you raising one of his blond eyebrows in response, "Nobody, I just assumed that you would be,"
"Well I'm not," you said staring him in the eyes despite the fact that you felt like you were going to explode due to nerves.
Warriors looks at you for a moment, as if he's waiting for you to retract your statement before standing up and getting into the bed beside you. You slip yourself out of your coat and under the covers before facing away from the man beside you.
He shuffles around under the covers, maintaining a small distance between the two of you, "Is this okay?" he asks.
"Yeah," you replied in a soft voice, smiling while you spoke.
And the two of you struggle to drift off to sleep hearts pounding next to one another. Your nerves were at an all-time high at the proximity, but you didn't regret it. It just felt so domestic. You dreaded the blush and nerves that would surely greet you in the morning, but for now, you would try your best to embrace the calming grip that sleep was starting to encapsulate you with.
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famwhy · 2 years
Yandere Camilo Madrigal
Word Count: 2,034
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The town of Encanto was extra energised. The bustling streets were more rowdier than ever, the children asking more questions than usual. The atmosphere screamed of excitement and a certain H/C-haired individual was living for it.
You didn't know what was causing people to be so elated but you weren't complaining. It was rather nice to watch from your window. You bet it would be even better going down there and experiencing it for yourself.
With a grin, you scurried out of your room, dashing down the stairs before pecking your mum on the cheek and opening your front door. "Bye mamí!"
"Don't forget to do your chores mija!"
With a skip in your step, you walked out into the sunny streets. Whatever was happening, Pepa must have been thrilled for it.
"Y/N!" The sudden voice coming from your right startled you enough to cause you to jump.
"Ah, José, what's up?"
You blinked twice, an eyebrow quirking upwards not soon after. 
'Felicidades'? Why was he congratulating you?
"Uh, thanks I guess?"
As he walked away to join the hustle and bustle of the streets once again, you were left standing in a bubble of confusion. 
Before you had time to ponder, though, your arms were grasped by another pair and you were brought up to a lady's face.
"Felicidades, Y/N!" With that, she let go of you before taking off in another direction.
Okay, that was the second time someone had congratulated you today. Weird.
You brushed it off, maybe they were congratulating you on your work ethic or something?
"If it isn't the woman of the day!"
Sure enough, there stood Dolores' husband in all of his muscular glory.
"Y/N! I bet you're the most excited out of all of us, huh?" He smiled down at you, beaming with delight.
"Remind me what I'm excited for again?" You were so lost.
"Huh? You've forgotten so quick? You were the one telling everyone about it just the other day." It was Mariano's turn to be confused.
"I was?" 
"Yeah, you were going around to almost everyone announcing it with a huge grin."
"Wait wait wait, what was I announcing?"
"That Camilo would propose to you today!"
"Lo siento... WHAT?!"
This was news to you - even though you were, apparently, the one to announce it to everyone.
"What's the matter, cuñada?" 
Did he just call you-?!
"Mariano, are you 100% sure it was me going around telling everyone?"
"Who else could it have been?"
Well, you had no recollection of going around announcing your best friend would be proposing to you so, unless you were drunk out of your mind that day, it must have been Camilo posing as you.
That slimy little-.
"I should go, your future sister-in-law will have my head if I'm not back in time." His wink that followed after did nothing to soothe you.
In fact, you didn't even register his words, too busy bubbling up with fury at what the Madrigal you've known since childhood did.
With gritted teeth and eyes as narrow as a river, you made your way to Casita, the building housing the very Madrigal you were furious with.
"Felicidades, Y/N!"
"I can't believe you got so lucky! I want a man like Camilo!"
Every comment that followed after your presence only proved to further enrage you, hot lava filling your veins and steam practically pouring out of your eardrums. Your footsteps were loud and you were sure Dolores was already covering her ears (you'll apologise to her later). 
Your whole demeanour screamed of anger like no other.
Casita opened its doors for you, the tiles on the floor already seemed to be shaking from fright and fear for the Madrigal you were about to flip at - yet it made no move to stop you.
"CAMILO!" Your voice was booming, demanding attention right away - attention that was not refused.
"Sí, mi amor?" 
Your head tilted upwards, meeting his gaze and that signature smirk you would usually adore but now, found to be quite mocking.
Look at him, leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs so casually as if he'd done nothing wrong. The audacity of the man caused your nails to dig further into your palm, leaving crescents indented in your skin.
"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" You made no move to lower your volume, uncaring for whether or not the other Madrigals heard you and came to investigate the commotion.
"Whatever do you mean, mi cariño?" 
"Do I?~"
"Camilo." Your tone was stern, a contrast to his playful and mocking one. "Please explain to me why EVERYONE BELIEVES I AM BETROTHED TO YOU?!"
"Hmmm, they seem to think that because of you, amor."
"You know damn well that it wasn't me who went out onto the streets and told everyone you would propose." 
"Well, it sure looked like you."
"Did it now?"
The coy behaviour of your childhood friend did not sit well with you. In fact, it only served to piss you off further.
"Camilo, I know you shapeshifted into me and went around telling everyone you would propose today."
"Woah, that's quite a big accusation you have there, cariño." 
Oh, you were so sick of his bullshit.
"Don't be coy with me, Madrigal."
"How am I being coy, Madrigal?" 
The audacity he had to be declaring you a Madrigal was so unbelievable. 
"I am not a Madrigal."
"Not yet."
Your eye twitched, teeth grinding against each other in complete and utter agitation.
"Y/N?" Your attention was drawn away from Camilo and towards his abuela. "You're here early. Dios mío, we haven't even set up the table!"
"Señora Madrigal-!" 
"Please, mija, call me abuela." She walked over to you, extending her arms so that she could cup your cheeks and bring you closer to her face. "Such a beautiful girl. Perfect for my Camilo."
Although you weren't facing the aforementioned male, you could tell he wore the biggest shit-eating grin on his face than ever. 
"I don't know, Señora. Wouldn't calling you that be disrespectful?" Your eyes darted around, refusing to meet her own as you wondered how you would tell her that you would not, in fact, be accepting Camilo's 'proposal'.
"Nonsense, you are my soon-to-be granddaughter-in-law. You can call me abuela." 
"No, you don't understand, Señora, Camilo-."
"Y/N?!" They just keep coming, don't they?
"Señora Pepa, hola."
"Please, call me mamí!" The rainbow that showed up over her head was enough to let you know that she was very excited. No wonder why the weather was so great today.
"I don't think-."
A small body crashed into your own, arms wrapping around your waist. It was Camilo's 10 year-old brother, Antonio. 
"Ah, Antonio." Your arms instinctively wrapped around the boy, patting him lightly on the back as though he were your own brother.
"I'm so glad you'll finally be able to be a hermana to me!"
Okay, too many people believed Camilo would actually propose to you. He better end this practical joke of his before you end it for him.
"Camilo." You called for the male who was still leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs, watching with a smirk as his family smothered you with affection. "Are you going to tell them what you did or should I?"
"Whatever do you mean, mi vida?" He refused to let up.
With a piercing glare sent in his direction, you went through with your threat. "Camilo was the one who announced that he would be proposing to me while posing as me."
When his smirk didn't falter, you started doubting yourself. Why was he not panicking? You just told his family of his wrongdoings, he should be scared out of his mind.
"We know, mija." Pepa's casual words froze you, a slight chill going down your spine.
Camilo's smirk only grew wider.
"We wanted to surprise you!" The innocent smile Antonio sent you caused your whole core to shiver in discomfort. Was he even aware of what he was saying? What his family were doing?
"Look." Your hands let go of Antonio as you reached out for the tablet in Señora Alma's hands. 
There, you witnessed an image of you and Camilo stood under a canopy, holding each other's hands as you gazed into one another's eyes. Your attire was as clear as day, a wedding gown.
Your pupils shrank as you continued staring at the prophecy before you. It was one of Bruno's prophecies... and his prophecies always come true.
"I'm just so glad it's you that my Camilo has decided to settle down with. You are a wonderful chica, Y/N. You would make for a wonderful Madrigal." Pepa squealed, the sky seeming even more brighter than it already was.
Your eyes didn't leave the plate before you, refusing to believe that it would come to fruition. You didn't love Camilo, you never had, he was always just your mischievous best friend who managed to put a smile on your face whenever you were feeling down. This prophecy, this prediction... it can't be true.
"Do you see that, mi vida?" You almost didn't register the fact that Camilo snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and laying his head on your shoulder as he gazed down at the tablet with you. "We're perfect for each other, even fate believes it."
You trembled as your fingers grew weaker, your grip losing it's strength.
"Will you marry me?"
Did fate really believe you were perfect for each other?
Well, no, no it didn't. In fact, fate believed you were perfect for another guy.
But... fate could always be changed, right?
The first time Camilo asked his Tío Bruno for a prophecy regarding you did not go well.
"Who. The. Fuck is that?" He shook with rage, gripping the glass so tightly that it almost shattered under the tension.
"Sorry, kid, can't change fate. Wish I could help you out more." His Tío shrugged it off, used to the negative reactions to his visions by now.
'Can't change fate' huh? What if one of the people in said 'fate' just... magically disappeared? 
Camilo's frown contorted into a smirk, malicious intent practically radiating off of him.
"Nothing's impossible though, right Tío?"
The flutter of his heart told him exactly who called out his name.
"Sí, mi cariño?" He turned around with his signature playful smile resting on his face, his cheeks tinted by the slightest bit - as they always do when he spoke to you.
"Did you hear about Andreás? He went missing the other day."
"Really?" Had he been a little less good at acting, you probably would have noticed his surprise was not genuine.
"It's such a shame, he was such a sweet boy. I really was starting to befriend him." Camilo saw the way your lips tugged down into a frown. He couldn't help but feel even more anger towards the topic of the conversation, how dare he bring a frown upon your beautiful face?
"It really is such a shame."
Such a shame that he didn't kill that rodent sooner.
"Would you look at that. The prophecy's changed. Good for you, kid!"
The feeling of utter satisfaction flooded through him as he gazed down at the picture displayed in his hands.
There we go, just as he wanted. He just needed to help fate out a little.
Mamí = mum Felicidades = congratulations cuñada = sister-in-law lo siento = sorry mi amor = my love mi cariño = my sweet mi vida = my life sí = yes tío = uncle abuela = grandma chica = girl
In case you couldn't tell, this takes place 5 years after the movie.
Idk if any1's even into Encanto anymore lmao.
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str4wb3rrys1mp · 1 year
HII! How are are :D I see your a new writer, and I wanted to send a request to you and it hopefully won’t be to hard to do, so since you write for creepypasta….
May I request Homicidal Liu, Jeff The Killer, Brain/Hoodie and Jane The Killer with a Male!S/O who has a Cutthroat Personality from Akudama Drive?
I hope that’s fine with you ^^ thank you so much! Have a wonderful day :D
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Omg yes ofc I havnt seen this one but I'll have to watch it!! But I cant write hoodie for shii srry :(( Also I'm good hry?
Jane admired your childlike wonder, but was a bit jealous of it at the same time.
One night she had broken into your house, initially thinking she'd be in and out like usual.
So imagine her surprise when cute little you not only held your ground but managed to flip her onto her back, making a loud thud on the ground.
Tbh baffled for like five seconds.
After a bit more back and fourth you both hear a knock at your room door, making you and Jane freeze.
Your roommate called your name and asked what the hell you were doing at 2:37 in the morning.
Jane, luckily gave you some time to answer him, before shooting you a grin and dashing to and out of your second story window.
A bit concerned for her, you hurried to your window, but Jane was nowhere to be seen. JEFF THE KILLER
Somehow your friends had convinced you to go into the creepy haunted woods behind your backyard.
When Jeff first say you mf prolly went feral.
Like,, drooling, the whole nine yards feral. 💀
But when your group actually saw him, he was stoic, the most you'd get was him staring at you from the back of the room.
And than you managed to throw hands with THE PROXIES?? managing to break one of BEN's console cords and strangled Masky for nearly five seconds??
Now he's just plane impressed, you don't look the type, in your pastel outfit with a white and pink sailor hat atop your head, but Jeff knows that looks can deceive.
Somehow mans managed to pull you into another room away from the chaos, and proceeds to ask you to "Show him your strength"
so naturally you think,, oKAY maybe he wants me to punch the wall?? idk man
BUT THEN this GROWN ASS man holds out his hand, beckoning for you to grab it, so you do and mf sticks his thumb up and challenges you to a thumb war
so after you kick Jeff's shit in and beat him, he agrees to show you out of the mansion.
He helps you load your bloody and bruised friends into the car that you took to get here, assuring you they weren't dead, they just needed immediate medical attention.
right before you got into your car, Jeff turns you around and asks a question.
"Can I get ya number prettyboy?" HOMICIDAL LIU
Liu had known you since 4th grade, so you didn't necessarily scare him.
most of the time
You've always been like this, but you were really cool! He swears! Just give it some time.
However what does freak Liu out, is when someone makes a comment or a joke that you don't like, because you go deadly silent.
If looks could kill man, these mfs would be long gone.
AND THEN you can just go back to laughing and looking so happy like you didn't just try to murder someone with a glare???
Also freaky, in his humble opinion.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
okokok I’ve been thinking. I’m such a slut for pregnancy reveals with peter because UGH my heart but imagine taking the test with peter in the room with you and you wait together and see the second line at the same time and-
What better way to celebrate Peter's birthday weekend by giving him the family he deserves!
Warnings: detailed talk of pregnancy, reproductive organs, language, allusion to sex. Peter being the purest of hearts but dumbest of ass.
One's thirtieth birthday was supposed to be exciting. It was a new era. A reminder that despite all the shit you went through, you made it to the other side.
Which was why you wanted to give your boyfriend the best thirtieth birthday ever. It was what Peter deserved.
But a stupid app decided against that.
Why did you even download a period tracking app in the first place? They were most likely selling your data to third party companies.
And yet, that notification that notified you that you were fourteen days late for your period woke you right up.
Fourteen days. Two weeks.
Two whole weeks since you should have bled. But you hadn't.
Why today?
The implication was so huge, so life-changing that you weren't sure you could wait until tomorrow. After all, you and Peter had reservations for dinner and it would look highly suspicious if you didn't order any wine.
Getting pregnancy tests via Door Dash was a thing now. Maybe you could convince him to stay in and-
"Bug! We gotta read- are you okay?"
Oh fuck.
You and Peter had been dating for years. Combine that with his "Spidey sense", he knew when something was wrong.
That didn't mean it would stop you from trying.
"Yeah! It's just uh....did you see who the Yankees traded?! Unbelievable, right?"
Peter looked at you, confused, "Bug, you hate baseball."
Damn it.
Peter sat down on the bed next to you. His large hand rested on your thigh, his thumb gently stroking your soft skin..
"Bug, what's wrong?" Peter's voice was soft and reassuring, which normally you loved because it made you feel as if you could tell him anything.
Right now, that's not what you wanted. You wanted him to be selfish. To focus on his own birthday. To say that whatever was going on, could wait until tomorrow.
But he wouldn't because that wasn't Peter Parker.
Nor was it Peter Parker to agree to wait to talk about tomorrow.
Which left you to muster all the courage in your body to face your boyfriend.
"I'm......Peter, I'm late." Your voice was small and you avoided those honey glazed eyes.
Peter chuckled, "Bug, if you forgot you scheduled an appointment today, it's okay."
Oh vey. For someone who graduated at the top of his class, Peter could be dense.
"Peter, I'm not late for an appointment." You motioned to the lower half of your body, praying that would be enough. The thought of saying it out loud would confirm that this wasn't a dream.
It was.
Peter's eyes widened and his mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. The tension was so thick, you were pretty positive you could cut it with a knife.
"Um....are you sure? It's not, it's not that I don't believe you! You're just pretty g-good about taking your-"
Normally you were. Except for four weeks ago, when Peter had disappeared for three days and you weren't sure if he was alive. You couldn't recall if you ate two full meals during those days, much less take all your medication.
Peter came back, bloodied and bruised. Something to do with Chameleon. You didn't care what happened, as long as Peter was back and safe in your arms.
Both yours and Peter's faces heated up as you remembered how you two spent that reunion, after washing and cleaning up. It was spent in between the sheets for many hours.
"I guess....that makes sense," Peter commented, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah," was all you could say. The timing tracked, there was no denying it.
"Sh-should we....test?" Peter suggested.
"Can't you use your Spidey-sense to tell?" You asked. Peter had been able to tell your cousin was pregnant due to his ability to hear the second heartbeat. Of course, it became quite awkward at the dinner table when Peter asked how far along she was and she had yet to tell anyone else in the family.....
Peter rolled his eyes, "Bug, I can only hear a heartbeat if it's already formed. Which doesn't happen until you're like seven weeks along."
You groaned, burring your head into your hands, "We're supposed to be going on a picnic to celebrate your birthday, not going to the Bodega for Joe to silently judge us for buying a bunch of pregnancy tests."
Peter's arms wrapped around your body, pulling you into his chest. You felt even more ridiculous. Here you were, sitting in bed, whining, when it was his birthday that you were ruining.
"I told you that for my birthday, I just want to spend the day with you. This is something we need to figure out sooner rather than later. Preferably before our dinner reservation since you kinda need to know if you can drink wine or not."
Peter's lips brushed against your forehead. You nodded, though it still didn't make you feel any better.
"Hey bug, look at me." You titled your head up, your eyes meeting his.
"I still love you, no matter what," Peter said before pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
"I'm scared," you admitted. The idea of having a child with Peter wasn't something you were against. In fact, you dreamed about it often.
But in your dreams, there was a gold ring on your left hand and you two had already brought a house.
"I'm right here with ya bug." For the next few minutes, you curled into his body, his heartbeat calming the storm of emotions you were experiencing.
"Alright, let's get this over with," you sighed.
Six pregnancy tests, two bottles of water, and one very judgemental look from Joe later, you and Peter were sitting on the couch.
You checked the timer on your phone. Fifteen minutes.
In fifteen minutes, you and Peter would learn if your uterus had a twisted sense of humor or if it was preparing to carry a whole human.
"I'm sorry," your voice, wracked with guilt, broke the silence.
Peter looked up from the pregnancy test box, an eyebrow quirked, "For what?"
You sighed, "Everything. Not remembering to take the one thing that prevents this from happening. Not realizing this before or after your birthday. Not remembering-"
Peter shook his head as he moved to the couch, sitting next to you. God, you couldn't even look at him.
"And please don't say it's fine because this is definitely not how you or I planned for this scenario to go," you interjected before he could say anything.
Peter simply nodded his head, bringing a hand to lay on your back.
"Look, whatever happens....if you are...."
"Pregnant?" Saying the word felt both relieving and terrifying.
"Yes, it's.....it's your body, so it's your decision. I'll support you no matter what."
It was the first time you dared to think about your options if that little test showed two blue lines.
"What....what do you want to do?" You whispered.
Peter shook his head, "it's not up to-"
"I know Peter. But what would you like?" You could see he was deep in thought over your question.
"It's not exactly the order of events I wanted and yeah it won't be easy," a small smile appeared on his face, "But there's no one else I'd rather have kids with. I'd....I'd love to be able to call you the mother of my child."
You could feel tears swelling in your eyes. Whether it was due to the events of today, your love for Peter, or potential pregnancy hormones, it didn't matter.
"I would...I want to have a baby with you." Peter smiled before cupping your face with his hands, pressing his lips against yours.
You were still scared shitless over the high probability that you could be pregnant. But knowing, getting confirmation that you weren't going to lose Peter, that he wanted to stay and be a parent with you-
It was comforting.
Peter broke away for air, his fingers still gently stroking your cheeks, "Is.....is now a good time to tell ya that next week I planned to pick up a ring from the jeweler?"
Your eyes widened and you're pretty certain your heart skipped a beat, "Peter Benjamin Parker, I swear to God if you're only saying that because I might be-"
"I already refer to you as my wife when I talk about you to other people and you think I would only pick up a ring because you might be pregnant?"
"Really?" Your voice was small again and for the first time since you woke up this morning, your heart felt like it was going to burst with happiness, not anxiety.
"Yes, really. I love you and there's no one else I'd rather spend my life with. When I was gone for those few days.....all I could think about was you and getting back to you. Figured that was a pretty good indicator that I wanted to marry you," the tips of his ears were turning red, the action reminding you of when you kissed him on the first date.
"Well good, because there's no one else I'd rather wait thirty minutes with to see what a stick says after I peed on it," Peter joined in on your laughter, the tension and anxiety melting away for the most part.
His eyes darted to the empty pregnancy test box on the coffee table. He picked it up, reading the directions.
"Oh," you heard him mutter.
"What do you mean 'oh'?" You asked. It wasn't the 'oh' one let out after realizing they were in love. It was the 'oh' you let out when you realized you had done something wrong.
"Uh....it says results in three minutes, not thirty," Peter muttered, refusing to look you in the eyes.
"Three minutes?!" Your neighbors definitely heard that (which was probably a nice change considering they usually heard you moaning).
"How the hell do you mix up three and thirty Peter?!"
Peter threw his hands up, as if he was getting ready to physically defend himself, "I saw the three and just assumed- I don't know how long these things take! Usually it takes them like thirty minutes to figure out if you have step!"
You rolled your eyes, "Yes, because strep throat and being pregnant are so similar."
A crimson shade took over Peter's face, "Should we....should we go check?"
"No, I was just thinking we leave it there and go get ice cream," You deadpanned.
"You're lucky you might be pregnant, otherwise I'd pick you up and toss you onto the other couch." Peter responded, his tone matching yours.
You laughed and for a moment, you felt fine. Then reality sunk in. In that little bathroom, were the results that would either keep things as is, or change your life forever.
The realization set in for Peter, who began to fidget with the empty box.
"Should w-we-"
"Yeah," you stood up, holding out your hand.
The scared shitless dread still lingered over you, but when Peter grabbed your hand, a new feeling emerged.
It was cautious, but hopeful. There's still a chance this could all go to hell in a hand basket.
But there was also a chance this would turn out alright. Better than alright.
Maybe that's what being an adult felt like? You didn't know everything to do next, should a certain result occur, but, you had a starting point, enough understanding to not make you want to run away and hide.
Who knows.
You two stopped at the bathroom, the door closed so you wouldn't be tempted to run in too early.
"Whatever happens," you paused, "I love you Peter."
"I love you too bug," a mischievous gleam twinkled in his eyes, "Is this your way of telling me there's not enough room on the door and I have to push you in freezing cold water."
You playfully rolled your eyes, "They tried and it kept flipping over!"
"I have a master's in geophysics, it was possible-"
"Jack and Rose were in an incredibly traumatic situation and had entered the early stages of hypothermia! They couldn't think about physics in a time-"
"You know, one day we can show our kid that movie and they can be the tie breaker," Peter observed.
Yeah, that was something you could do.
"Though, not until they're older. They do show tits in that film," you reminded him.
He winced "Yeah.......what would be the appropriate age? I feel like middle school is too young and-"
You chuckled, "Why don't we find out first if we're having a child right now."
Peter smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, guess we should do that first."
Your eyes darted to the sink. It felt like you were deep in a haze. Was this really happening?? Was it possible that this was somehow a long, hyper-realistic dream?
The pressure you felt as Peter's hand squeezed yours signaled that was real.
"We're having a baby," you heard him whisper, his voice full of pleased wonder.
"Yeah," a smile slowly spread onto your face, "We're having a baby. Happy birthday Peter."
"Best gift I've ever gotten," was all he could get out before you grabbed onto his shirt, pulling his lips towards yours.
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wandaslullaby · 2 years
Can you do a one shot or drabble of like dark!prof!wanda/nat (or both😏) and reader? Maybe some teasing in class and you have to stay after.
Herbology Choas | Wandnat
summary: Wandnat takes quite a liking to one particular student.
warnings: 18+, prof!wandnat, degradation, humiliation, wandanat have a strap on. exhibitionation, teasing, wanda uses her powers, r getting fucked,
a/n: I hope this lives up to your standards, idk if this is really dark but i had fun writing it.
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Today wasn't exactly going to plan, and the thought of you being late to chemistry was inevitable. You were the student that was first to enter the room, and last to leave making sure that you were top in your class.
As you tiptoed into the room, signing in relief that your two teachers, were busy writing on the board to see you walk in. You raced to your seat, which was directly at the back away from their view so you were pretty lucky that you weren't caught.
However, as you fiddled inside your bag, you noticed that you dropped your textbook.
"Fuck sake." You muttered.
Once the swear words spilled out of your mouth, the two teachers spun around. "Y/N? You are already late, and you just swore in my class? Are you disrespecting me, and Mrs Maximoff?"
You shook your head, "I wasn't. I just had a bad morning."
"And what gives you the right to come in here and disrupt the class?" Mrs Maximoff butted in, her arms crosses just below her breast area. You felt a small lump at the back of your throat, when you saw Mrs Maximoff breasts.
"It doesn't." You muttered. "I'm sorry."
"Stay after class. I'm not done with you yet." Natasha snapped, turning to face the board. "Class. I want you to revise section 4b."
You watched as all your peers got to work, you couldn't exactly do the task as your textbook wasn't present. You immediately regretted this but you had no other choice.
"Mrs Maximoff, and Mrs Romanoff. I don't have my textbook..."
"Come to my desk and sit down, so the class can see what happens when you don't follow simple school rules," Natasha said.
You grabbed your belongings, walking straight down the aisle as a couple of girls were laughing at the pure embarrassment. You spotted Wanda whispering something in Natasha's ear, before tumbling down to their feet.
The whole class erupted into laughter, and you felt a tint of pink cover your cheeks. You looked up to see both teachers smirking down at you.
"How about you stay down there, sitting on your knees. Can you do that for us or are you going to disobey again?"
You shook your head, "I won't."
"Good," Wanda smirked. "Maybe you could be handy on your knees..."
You let that comment sink into your soul, thinking of the different scenarios of what that could mean. You decided to rest your hands on your thighs, trying to hide the tingly sensation of your rosebud.
"Class, you have 10 minutes left," Natasha called out, before nodding to Wanda.
As Wanda walked to the back of the classroom, your eyes followed her. You were curious to see what she was up to. Before you could rest your eyes on Wanda, a sudden gasp left your tongue. The sensation of your rosebud, increased causing you to fidget in your position.
The wetness around your pussy was getting wetter as you slowly began to rock your waist forward, praying that no one would see your antics. You were currently so desperate you grabbed a hold of the table, closing your eyes as you rocked yourself faster. You were trying to stay calm but the feeling inside you was getting worse than before, it was like someone was fucking you.
You looked up to see Wanda in the background, toying with her hands. You made eye contact with her, and she circled her hands around the air grinning as you began to fully erupt in your pants.
You were so thankful that the school bell was loud, as you perfectly timed your loud moan with the sound of the school bell. Each student dashed out of the room, but you were still centred in the class.
You were afraid that if you were to move, you wouldn't know what kind of state you would be in. You jumped at the door slamming shut and saw Wanda walk towards you, whilst Natasha began to run her finger down your cheek.
You winced as Natasha's hands slowly made down to your breast area, giving your nipple a tight squeeze. "You've been a bad girl, dekta."
You didn't respond.
"You were disruptive," Wanda spoke out.
"Disrespectful." Natasha joined in, giving your other nipple a pinch.
"Clumsy." They both said as Natasha pushed you to the floor.
You tried to get up but Natasha was too quick to let you. "Stay on all fours for me."
You turned your head around, "Why?"
"Because I said so." Natasha snapped and Wanda crouched down, grabbing your chin and making you look up at her.
"We are going to show you want we do to girls that disobey us."
Natasha began to pull down her skirt, and take out her fully erected strap. You weren't sure why the room went silent but the sound of your tights ripping open got your panties coated again.
Natasha grinned, as she saw the evidence of your outburst in your panties. "You made quite the mess, you naughty girl."
"Who were you thinking about, dekta?" Wanda whispered as she ripped opened your top.
You closed your eyes, "No one."
Natasha set her hand down onto your bum, making you scream. "Don't lie."
Before you were about to defend yourself, another slap met your bum. "Don't even think about lying to me."
"H-How did you know?" You stammered out, feeling humiliated as Wanda twitched your nipples. "S-Stop. I can't."
"You can't what?" Wanda laughed. "Can't take the pain? Well, you should of thought of that before coming to class late, doll."
"I didn't mean to," you said, before another slap to your ass.
"You going to make up excuses?" Natasha hummed, as she slowly began to move your panties. You hissed as Natasha lightly smacked your folds, grinning as her hand was smeared with your cum.
"Filthy girl." Natasha said, as she placed her hand back over your clit, and began to rub your bud.
You let out a moan, as Natasha began to pick up the paste. You were particularly tuning a song of moans before Wanda surprised you with her strap on.
"Open your mouth, baby. We are going to put this mouth of yours to good use."
You nodded slowly, as you knew there was no chance that you were going to leave anytime soon. You opened your mouth, and saw Wanda move her cock inside your mouth and your lips were already in motion, sucking slowly.
"She's already sucking, Nat." Wanda praised, as she slowly began to thrust into you. You were trying to match her paste but the time you were at her level, you felt another long thing enter your clit. You let out a mournful cry, as they both started to fuck you. They were tearing your both holes apart, at the same time.
You were trying your hardest to focus on sucking Wanda's cock and you were oblivious to Natasha pounding inside you. You felt both cocks latch onto your sensitive areas, letting you muffle a loud moan followed by a cry.
"You are taking us so well, baby." Wanda cooed as she began to shove more of the cock inside you, reaching your throat. "She looks so gorgeous, Nat."
"You should see her from this angle, she is completely beautiful on her fours."
"Can we keep her?" Wanda asked.
"Of course. Who else is going to fuck her well like this?"
Your eyes slowly began to roll to the back of your head as Natasha pounded into you, reaching your g-spot. You started to feel an orgasm come through and muffled a moan to alret them both.
"I think she is trying to tell us that she wants to cum."
Natasha grinned, "Let's all cum at the same time."
You nodded at the request and before you let yourself come undone, Wanda and Nat gave each other a sinister look and pounded straight into you again, releasing their cum inside you. Shortly after you came undone, and Natasha rode your high.
"Swallow for me, baby." Wanda said and you tried to swallow as much as you could but you couldn't handle it. Wanda soon noticed at slapped your face, "Swallow it all you slut."
You started to let the tears fall, as your cheek began to flare. You felt a sense of relief when Natasha pulled out and collapsed onto Wanda, still having her cock in your mouth.
"Look at her, Nat. She is fucking pathetic."
Natasha laughed, "I know. Poor thing hasn't been fucked properly."
Wanda shook her head, as she saw you still swallowing her cum, "Good girl. That wasn't so hard."
You nodded, watching the cock slip out of your tongue. You were been toggled by Natasha's hands, making you stand up. Unfortunately, As Natasha let you go, you stumbled straight into Wanda again.
"Pathetic little whore."
"Our pathetic little whore." Wanda sang, and just laughed at your state. "We are going to love torturing you, baby girl."
"Good job hiding her textbook Wands."
Wanda looked at you with a huge smirk, "I know. Lucky that I was watching you this morning. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, using me as support."
You did say much but let out a sniffle, "H-Hurts..."
"Get used to it. We haven't even begun." Natasha whispered, before leaning down to give Wanda a kiss.
"Happy Early Birthday, Natty."
Natasha grinned, "Best birthday present ever."
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
"I Never Knew It'd Be Like This"  (Armitage  Summer Splash Day 2)
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As part of @lathalea and I's Armitage Summer Splash, I present to you, day 2.
Masterlist of fics for Summer Splash
Prompts: Above image. "I never knew it'd be like this." Only one bed trope.
Fandom: North & South - modern John Thornton
Pairings: Modern!John Thornton x Fem!Reader (very slight)
Summary: You are John Thornton's secretary and have agreed to travel to New York with him in high hopes of sealing a deal for his company at Marlborough Mills. However, your boss begins to show that temper of his when things don't go according to plan.
Comments/Notes: If anyone would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please say. Another fic about hotels, seeing as day 1 had the main characters staying in a hotel.
John was exasperated. Your plane had been delayed by an hour. You had waited ninety minutes for your shuttle bus from JFK to Manhattan, and now you were standing in the reception of your hotel, being told that only one room had been booked.
"I booked this myself a month ago," you told the blonde woman who was starting to grow quite scared of John. You could see her keep looking over at your rather annoyed boss who had the ability to make anyone shake just by the scowl on his face. "I made sure it was for two rooms."
John stepped away from the desk, recognising immediately why he had hired you as his secretary. You had the way with people that he didn't. When people had an issue with their wages, annual leave days or general working conditions, they came to you. Approaching John Thornton was a last resort.
"Okay, thank you," you said to the lady at reception, trying not to sigh and show your annoyance.
"What's happening? I had to step away because I knew I'd start shouting," John told you.
"They've apparently overbooked and they've only got one room available for us, and it's got one double bed," you sighed.
"Oh, this is bloody ridiculous!" John hissed. He dashed to the desk and began to ask if the manager was available.
"John! Calm down, please," you urged him.
The lady behind the desk was backing off, unsure what to do and showing signs that she hadn't been in this job for very long. Hotels always had their fair share of angry guests, and most staff members became used to it over time. This woman, however, did not have the confidence and assertiveness that most hotel staff had.
Ten minutes later, you and John admitted defeat and made your way to the elevator. But, on a positive note, you had now managed to get yourselves free drinks in the bar and free meals for the rest of your stay.
"I never knew it'd be like this," John mused to himself as you both stood in the elevator, feeling it shudder beneath you as it rose up the floors.
"New York. It's busy, stinks, and everything has gone wrong since we landed," he sighed, crossing his arms. "Makes me wonder if this place is cursed."
"Come on, stop being so pessimistic," you urged him. The loud ping of the elevator stopping drew you both out of your thoughts, and you stepped out onto the sixth floor, trailing your suitcases behind you.
"I'm glad it's only for two nights. I'll take the floor," John said as he looked upon the double bed dominating the centre of the room which you walked into. He couldn't deny that he felt a pang of something. Anticipation, maybe? A shiver raced up his spine, and he looked across to you, only to see you looking down at the beige carpet
"The bed is big enough for two people with plenty of space in the middle. You won't even know I'm there."
John smirked to himself. Of course he'd know you were there. Even when you weren't there, he still felt you somehow. He had spent enough time around you to acknowledge that his feelings ran deeper than purely platonic. And for a second he thought back on the men who worked in the mill, who would wolf whistle at you as they passed by the office. Then, to his amazement, some of them you even spoke to! Why would you ever entertain the idea of talking to men who only saw you as a piece of meat?
You looked out the window only to see dark and heavy clouds had settled over the city, and rain was falling. "We should make the most of those free meal tickets tonight," you chuckled.
You and John went down to the lounge area a couple of hours later, your special tickets in hand to give you access to free food and drinks. Suddenly, John's phone began to ring. He stepped away from you for a minute, excusing himself with a smile.
You sat down at a table and began to skim the menu, but John's irate voice wafted through the room. Customers of the lounge began to stare, their heads turning in the direction of the angry voice.
"If this is how you're going to manage your time then you can shove the fucking deal!" John boomed.
You tried not to focus on the sea of heads that had turned towards you and followed John to the seat opposite you.
"What's happened now?" you asked in frustration and embarrassment.
"The meeting for tomorrow has been cancelled, and they don't know when they can re-schedule it to. Possibly not for another three months. They can kiss my..."
"John?" You interrupted. "Just calm down for five minutes and enjoy some food."
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Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @meganlpie @linasofia @knitastically @xxbyimm @guardianofrivendell @middleearthpixie @sketch-and-write-lover @lilacpulse @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @msjava1972 @rachel1959
Richard Armitage tag list: @cryptichobbit @eunoiaastralwings
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Feral Fatality
(Part 2)
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I'm supposed to be working on the requests but here I am. Writing nonsense. But its my nonsense so *shrugs*
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (or so I think), Blood (lots of blood), Murder (as usual), Feral side of the reader coming out for a brief moment, and cursing.
Three harsh knocks made you flinch and woke you up from your sleep.
"Hey, loser! It's dinner time. Eloiza wants you by the campfire. Now." Layla, one of Eloiza's side girls, stressed. You sat up, rubbing your eyes before you set your book on the bedside table.
"Did you hear me?! I said—"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you alright. I'll be out." You swear the whole camp could hear her with the way she's squawking.
She stomped off, huffing loud.
You chose to stay in your baggy clothes. A black hoodie with a small yin-yang symbol on your left breast with a matching pair of black and white sweatpants, half of your ebony hair tied up in a ponytail.
It was already dark when you walked out, the moon climbing bit by bit up to the sky and subtly lighting your path. You shivered as a chilled breeze went past.
In the distance, you could see a small fire, dancing, swaying its fiery arms. It would have been a nice sight if not for the people around it.
Even from afar, you could see them engaged in a heated session, the smell of cigarettes and pot reached your senses, making you grimace.
"Yo look, it's (Y/N)," one of them said once you were close to the campfire.
Few gave you glances, before going back to their business. You remained quiet, though you noticed five people were missing in the group.
Fucking in the cabins, no doubt.
Eloiza was in the middle, her ass planted on someone's lap while she held a cigarette, both of them sharing and blowing smoke at each other.
Different. Out of place. You regretted coming out here, but if you didn't they'd only harass you in your cabin. Break down your door, and drag you out just to humiliate you. Then it fully dawned on you; no adults or teachers to protect you here, they could kill you if they wish.
You cursed as worst-case scenarios ran wild in your mind.
Damn, I'm gonna die tonight.
"Layla, why don't give her some food already, she's obviously hungry," Eloiza ordered.
"Ugh! Me again? Why can't you let Betty do it?" She was straddling Jake, vice-captain of the rugby team in your school. Layla subtly ground down her ass unto his crotch. The act was uncomfortable and disgusting to you.
Eloiza shot a glare at her, expression grim.
"Fine!" she jumped off, "I'll be right back babe," she whispered not so quietly. It was clear that they weren't in a relationship, only looking for someone to fuck. Lacking the sense of intimacy that lovers have. The air was just full of sexual tension and lust, anyone who's good at reading people would know.
And right now, you wanna vomit.
"While we wait for that hoe to come back, why don't you sit down with us for a bit (Y/N)?"
"Thank you, but I'm fine standing. I'll just take the food and eat in my cabin," you replied. Your smile was fake and your voice, monotonous. You hid your hands in your pockets.
"I insist, let's chat for a bit," she said. The rest of the group ignored you still as they were busy with their...partners.
You blinked and looked at her right in the eyes.
You refuse to submit to her, you submit to no one. You came to camp to get away from the noise people like her make. Ironically, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her either.
"What did you just say to me?" Oh, right, Eloiza hates you as much as she hates being disobeyed. Her face turned red, and it wasn't from the fire.
"No," you repeated.
"No?" she scoffed, "I told you to sit the fuck down. I was being kind to you and you de—"
"No, I won't sit down. And no, you were not kind, you just gave me an order and I refused."
The group froze and looked at you, halting their activities. Eloiza shot up, making you raise your guard and take a step back.
Still, you did not expect her to grab a half-burning log and fling it at you.
You barely dodged, the hefty ember grazing the side of your face, burning your skin and some of your black strands. You took a sharp intake of air and staggered back, dizzy and groaning from the pain as you hover your hand on your cheek. Gasps and cheers sounded around you.
"Nobody. Disobeys. Me." she said, accentuating every word. "You're just a useless piece of shit. You think being a smartass will save you? You do realize that I can kill you right here and now, don't you?" Eloiza threatened as she approached you, her eyes burning holes into your head. A hand grabbed her arm, "Babe, you can't murder her! We'll go to jail if you—"
"Shut up, Evan. No one would know what happened here. It's so easy to say a bear attacked and ate her. And who would notice her gone anyway? Everyone knows her parents don't give a shit about her."
She's right, no one would care if I'm gone. Nobody would give two shits if I died.
"I said shut up, didn't I?! Do you want to die too, huh?!"
"Let her have fun, Evan," Betty commented.
"What the fuck is going on here??" Layla was back, carrying a bowl of soup.
While they were preoccupied, you twisted on your heel and bolted, your vision spun but you didn't stop. While a handful of traitorous thoughts tells you to drop dead, that you should just die than prolong your suffering, your heart didn't. Yes, not a soul cares about you, but you have yourself, your books, and your art. There was no fucking chance in hell you'd let them have their way with you.
You raced to your cabin and slammed it open, closing it in the same fashion and locking it in place. Your face was throbbing, stray tears stained your cheeks as you searched for a handkerchief to wet and cool your burns.
You eventually managed to lessen the pain, thanking yourself for bringing skin ointment. Your hands were shaking as you applied it to your skin, whimpers escaped your lips as it stung a bit. You took deep breaths to calm your heart down...
In. One. Two. Three. Out. Repeat.
Jason Voorhees stood in the shadows as the scene took place.
A girl was telling you to sit, and you refused politely, yet she asserted.
The others ignored you until you outright said no.
Was it so surprising to hear one word from your mouth that the whole group turned to you?
The girl snapped, took a burning log by its safe edge, and threw it at you. It hit your cheek and you staggered backward.
His grip tightened around his weapon as alarms rang in his head, an overwhelming urge to protect you arose. You did nothing wrong and that woman harmed you.
She was shouting, threatening to end your life. A man stopped her but...
Jason heard what she said, the words only made his sight darken with rage. What did she mean by "your parents 'don't give a shit' about you"? Did they not love you as a parent should to their child?
He sees you dash back to the cabin in haste and silently praises you for taking the chance to escape, he wouldn't want you to see what he'd do to them. The killer watched for a little longer only to make sure they wouldn't follow and hurt you again.
With you out of the way and safe, he emerged out of hiding. He threw an ax with precision, splitting open one's head like a coconut, the blood spattering on the ones nearby. In an instant, they shrieked in terror, their faces turning pallid, terrified as they scattered in different directions.
The hunt begins.
You broke out of your trance when the screams reached your ears.
You were no fool of course. You knew the legend about Jason Voorhees was true, just from looking into the cases of mass disappearances, bodies never seen again. With no evidence, no one believed it, thinking it was just an old story to scare people away, a silly myth.
Nobody, except for one little you.
Well, maybe there was somebody else but you know what I mean.
It wasn't hard to connect the dots. There were two conclusions you came up with;
Either the killer was real or the people found themselves in the stomach of a monster.
You preferred the former, honestly.
Somehow, you expected this to happen. It was part of the reason why you came with them even though you knew the possibility. Risking your life in the process just to see him with your own eyes.
Wow, what's happened to me...
You sat up on the floor and as if on cue someone pounded on your door.
"(Y/N)!! (Y/N) Let me in! Open the door and let me in!"
By the sound of it, it was Betty.
You ignored her pleas, she deserves to get torn in half for being the bitch she was...
Why not do it yourself?
A glance at the toolbox was all it took for you to stand up and take out a screwdriver. You approached the door, Betty still pleading for her life behind it.
"Please, please! I don't wanna die yet! I'm too young to—"
She stumbled forward when the door opened. But instead of a thank you, she screeched as you tackled her to the ground and stabbed her in the eye.
Her blood splattered on your clothes and skin as you drove the metal tool into her skull several times. The squelching sound of meat and bones surrounded you together with the deafening pounding of your heart.
Betty had long gone silent. Her face was unrecognizable once you stopped.
Oddly enough, you felt a familiar thrill with what you did. It was the same one when you won your first contest, received your first trophy, and made your first masterpiece. It was a first.
And it was...enthralling.
You sensed someone's eyes on you. You looked up and saw a tall and massive man with a hockey mask covering his face, standing a few meters away, his machete dripping with blood. A glint of blue flickered in his eye for a moment.
Jason Voorhees.
Not knowing what to do and still high in the moment, you waved the bloody screwdriver at him and smiled.
"H-Hey," you uttered out.
The murderer—well, you were a murderer now too— trudged towards you, stopping when a scream to your left cut through the air.
Jason honestly couldn't believe what he was seeing. Little you with a little tool, gouging the brains out of the one he was chasing down.
With a screwdriver.
Multiple emotions went through him that moment, he was shocked that you could kill someone with your tiny hands, proud that you just killed said someone that was his prey, and relieved that you were alright.
Wait, were you?
He was snapped out of his thoughts when you waved and greeted him. You just waved and greeted— what? Why weren't you running back inside your cabin? Why didn't you scream at the sight of him? Did you not know him? Was the blood on his clothes and the weapon he was carrying not ringing any bells?
Jason wanted answers and moved to close the distance between you, but then a shrill cry echoed.
Someone got snared in his traps.
He looked at you, your face was dirty with blood, but your eyes were wide open, not of fear, but happiness?
He'll have to finish his hunt first. He gave you one more look before he trudged to the origin of the sound. He'll visit you later, that is if you're still here. He wouldn't be surprised if you used this chance to get out of the place, and he'd let you. You were innocent...different, and the murder you just did was well-deserved, albeit shocking.
It was the one who injured you, the cause of your burn, miserably crawling on the ground as her foot bled through the jaws of a bear trap.
"Help! Please help me!! I'm dying! Somebody help—"
She howled as the killer gripped the source of her pain and dragged her back to the center of the camp, taking the long path on purpose.
Jason was always angry in one way or another every time people came to disturb the place, but this? Oh no, all he sees is red, not a word had been heard from his mother ever since.
He would usually kill them the instant he catches his prey, but he wants—needs— this one to suffer. He knows, more than anyone, how it feels to be an outcast, to be bullied for being different. This hideous woman is going to die slowly, the pain she gave you a hundred times more agonizing.
"Let go of me you fucking murderer!" She shouted, kicking and clawing on the dirt in hopes of stopping him. Jason paid her no mind, his eyes focused on the fire that glowed close.
This bitch will burn to ash.
He stood in front of the campfire and brought up her body over it, her long blonde tresses turned to nothing as she flailed and shrieked pathetically. The killer crushed her legs before he let go, the flames big enough to devour her entirely, scorching her alive.
A yell from behind drew his attention as another one ran towards him, an ax lifted and ready to attack.
"Die you monster!" They shouted, embedding the ax on his shoulder. Jason felt no pain from the shallow wound, only an itch.
What a lousy attack.
Jason pulled out the silly thing and bashed it on his assailant's skull with one heavy strike, crushing the bones beneath. Lifeless, he tossed the body into the fire, the cries died down moments ago, only the smell of burnt flesh filled his nose as the embers crackled remained.
The undead man stalked away, feeling better than before. There were still a few people waiting to be disposed of.
Jason Voorhees will not rest until every single one of them is dead.
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khiphop-discussions · 3 years
Hey so i saw that post 3 years ago about love & hiphop and bgc where you called mkit messy and i'm really curious why? Wasn't into khh for long but i always got the vibe that there were a lot of people in the industry who didn't like them even before the weed thing and smtm, but I could never figure out a reason. I like nafla's music and most of loopys and I watched smtm 7, but i don't really know much about them outside of that, especially stuff that happened like 3 years ago
Well, it's mostly Owen and Young W*st back in those days. This post got really long so I'm gonna put it under a keep reading. Sorry for those who hate to have to leave the dash to finish reading. I definitely do. But it's REALLY long and I think some people already know or don't care so it's better to just do it like this.
(EDIT: NEVERMIND turns out tumblr changed it so that you can just click and it opens on the dash. Damn we REALLY got all the BEST features after everyone left! I'll NEVER stop saying that!)
As far as YW, he alluded in a live one time that he didn't really like chang*o. Someone was like "YW uses autotune better than Chang*o" and he read it out loud and agreed. Then he was saying "When I used autotune, so many people talked shit" So it seemed like he may have felt that his style was stolen. At some point I was like "lol he's just kidding" in the comments cause I thought he was joking around but he was like "NO! It's not a joke" So in my head I was just like "damn" Chang*o wasn't AS popular at this time but he DEFINITELY coming up HEAVILY. I think it was not too long after the Ambition signing. Maybe the same year or so. So it was interesting to see someone publicly say something negative about him.
YW also had a short lived feud with Sik-K where he wanted to fight but apparently he felt like the police would get called so he dropped it. The reason was that he thought Sik-K was a snitch or something (this was around the time when weed/drug scandals were happening more often and lots of people would get caught because someone who knew would snitch)
At some point in between all of this apparently he fought someone and won. He didn't say who but I'm guessing it was another rapper or producer or SOMEONE in the KHH scene. But since he didn't say we have no way of knowing whether it was just some random ass small time person or someone we'd be interested in knowing about.
In general it just wasn't uncommon for YW to get in some type of drama on Twitter or IG a few years ago. I feel like he used to get on live a lot and sometimes he'd be drunk. (Back a few years ago it was MUCH more common for artists to do lives and be drunk and/or just say controversial shit/tea even if they weren't drunk. They'd get dragged depending on what they said and so most of them stopped for the most part of just stopped going on when drinking. I feel like YW was one of the main ones though)
Also, at some points pre-SMTM7 they used to get a lot of hate in general for their music in stuff from some K-fans. I guess they just didn't think they were good or that they were disrespectful.
Also, Owen has been a mainstay in terms of drama. Too many things to name lol
As for Loopy he only had beef with Myundo and Super Bee (mostly by association cause SB and Myundo used to be REALLY close. I feel like SB is most close with Uneducated Kid now. That's the way him and Myundo kinda used to be. Maybe they still are but myundo just isn't as public anymore. I think he went to college at some point. anyway back to the point...)
There was a whole thing after "King Loopy" came out where Myundo diss him for calling himself "King" and then Loopy responded with the song "Me". this was the situation Loopy talked about on SMTM7 if you remember. And that's why him and SB made up after the diss battle.
Bloo ended up having beef with a producer a few years back. Apparently the producer didn't get paid properly and so the producer kinda cussed him out in a few lives. I think the whole thing took place over the course of a few days. The producer alleged that Bloo doesn't even like music and isn't passionate like that, he just does it to get money. the other members actually like music. Also, LOTS of other shit talk about Bloo. No shade but he seemed really in awe of Niahn or Neil ( I THINK it may have been Neil) and was talking about how he's really passionate and doesn't need to make music to make money cause he already has money. Producers name was Hoodi (he's hd*b*i*beats on IG. Take the asterisks out and that's the name). Bloo ended up making his own live and during the live he cried and stuff. so the producer felt bad for making him cry and then they ended up making up and the producer got his money and I guess it was all a misunderstanding. Anyway, these days the producer is kinda quiet. From what I've seen he still produces but he also goes to college in the US (I think it might be ASU or some other big school in Arizona).
Nafla can't remember anything.
Niahn and Neil never had beef with any artists publicly from what I remember but they did have scandals where they did things to get dragged by fans. (Honestly, I always get the two mixed up so I'm not sure which one actually got dragged. You might be able to google it or look back on my blog by searching one or the others name. But apparently it had to do with one of them soliciting nudes from a minor so...OUCH! This is also another reason why Owen is unliked because of his response basically being "Who cares if you aren't their parents?")
Oh MAN, KHH used to be a MESSY, MESSY place but I feel like it cleaned up a lot by around like 2017/2018-ish. People just got smarter about what they said and did ESPECIALLY in lives. But I know shit still goes on behind the scenes. Also, I think they got better at keeping it away from International fans as well which might be why it seems less drama at least for US. K-fans (or i-fans in Korea) likely know WAY more shit. Back then, the most messy people were usually the ones who were more international like cohort and mkit. but now that they are lowkey it's less drama.
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btssunnyboy · 5 years
Partners In Crime - Jeon Jungkook Part 1
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You had a vendetta, and this was your chance. You were gonna prove yourself, but now you got another person to worry about.
Word Count - 3,131
Warning - Undercover Agent! AU, profanity and mentions of drinking.
Also I’m back after a few months break I’m so sorry, but hopefully I’ll be back with a lot more updates!!!
"I absolutely refuse! I'm more then qualified to handle this mission on my own."
The words slipped pasted your lips quicker then you intended. Venom laced through every word, as you stared stared at your higher up. His eyes threatened to roll back in his head ; agitation clearly visible through his stressed state. He released a heavy breath, while pinching the bridge of his nose. His hands form together into bone crushingly tight fist.
"L/n! Work with me! You need a partner for this assignment and he's the perfect coverup!" Mr. Jones ushered out as his eyes glanced cautiously at the clock. The small ticks that erupted from the small machine filling the tense silence that was floating in the air. His leg shook wildly in return in made the floorboards squeak underneath the shaky weight.
"I've been working Jackson Wang's case for over six months! His banquet is my shot to prove I'm worthy of my spot on this team!" You bellowed, comic stream bursting from your ears. Your face was red from embarrassment, disappointment and most importantly anger. Pure, boiling, hot anger seeping through every crevice of your body. This was chance to prove that you weren't a rookie anymore! This was a chance to live up to what you father used to be on this force.
"You've shown your worth more then enough times to be about of my department, but this is a mission that requires back up. It's too dangerous even for you." Mr. Jones sighed once more when he noticed your posture. Stick straight back, with clenched hands and jaw. You were passed the state of furious, and he knew hell was about to rain down. "Can I at least tell you his name."
"Of course it's a guy."
"His name is Jeon Jungkook. He's one of the top residents we have, and he's moving up through the ranks remarkably well." The sickly sweet comment rolled off of his tongue with such ease. It disgusted you down to your core. You didn't need a partner to handle Jackson Wang. You've dealt with his accomplices, and you sure as hell can take a guy like him on. "Now would you please stop making a big scene."
On one hand Mr. Jones had a point. Your reaction was starting to take the form of a five year old who just got told no to a brand new toy. You were overreacting, but with a good reason to back it up. This was your main chance ; you didn't want to be shadowed by some partner who would take all the credit. This was your shot, and you desperately needed it. Your worth in this department now rests on the hands of someone called Jeon Jungkook.
Before you mouth could open to add more snarky comment chief's door swung open. I'm walked a man who was almost your age, but maybe a bit older. His big doe eyes held so much innocence ; you almost pity the man who decided to work in a job like this. A job that requires you to be deceiving in every way, a job that tests your limits, and a job that puts your life in danger every time you walk out those doors. Being undercover has it's downfalls, and it may corrupt a sweet guy like him.
"This is your partner. Jeon Jungkook meet L/n Y/n."
"It's a pleasure to meet you! I've actually heard so much about you!" He beamed while staring softly at you. His hand was extended, and your whole body was hesitant to even shake his hand. He noticed the delay, and awkwardly pulled his hand away, and rubbed the nape of his neck. "It's gonna be an honor working with you."
You stayed silent through the entire exchange. The way his smile dropped ever so slightly, but the gleam never left his eyes. His stare was now directed towards the chief. Desperately trying to get the train moving along, and bolt as fast as he could out those glass doors. The chief gave a sudden scoff, before he started making his point clear.
"Jeon I'm sorry for this unprofessional like matter coming from one of our finest, but you two need to work together." The message was supposed to be loud and clear. Both of you were supposed to understand that this mission is going to take every once of willpower from the both of you. "This is his case file, learn it, live it, and then catch it."
Sharp nods left the both of you, as you reached for your file. Flipping through what felt like miles of charges against him. Things been drug charges, third degree battery, and many, many more. This just goes to prove that money will get your dumbass out of any situation. This man has ruined lives, and here he is still allowed to roam the streets without a care in the fucking world.
"Jesus Christ how can this guy live with himself?" Jungkook mumbled while pulling his chair out. His eyes scanned each charge, and loudly showed his disapproval. His scoff filled the small room, as if practically reverberated throughout. "What do you think about all of this?"
His question lingered in the air, as a response was settled onto your tongue. It was searing in your mouth, begging to have the cool air hit it and diminish the intensity of it. Instead you stayed silent. Letting your eyes linger on the file, even though you knew everything about this man. His motives, his relationship, his goddamn childhood. You knew it all, and a personal vendetta was pushing you towards getting this bastard in jail. Him and his stupid connections ruined your life, and you're never going to forget that.
"I know this isn't exactly your idea type of mission, but I'm just here to help." Jungkook softly said as he pulled his chair to the front of your desk. His famous doe eyes staring so softly into yours. They had a gleam that looked like a whole universe was settled underneath his cornea. His smile was still on his face, as if you silence wasn't affecting him at all. He didn't seem to care, as he continued on this conversation. "We still need to think of a plan to catch him."
He wasn't wrong. This whole mission still needed to be planned out step by step. And all you've got so far is the fact he's in town for the week, and once he leaves this area your team's jurisdiction will be useful no more. It has to be you, and your partner who take him down. The mere thought of him leaving made your hands clench in anger once more. Your knuckles going white from the harsh grip, and you could already fill your nails tearing the skin of your palms. His eyes glanced down at your hands, and he took it as his sign to leave.
"You don't have to go." Your voice was so soft he almost didn't hear it. This was a drastic change from your demeanor back in the chief's office. You tightly shut your eyes, and wished you'd just kept your mouth shut. He was just about to leave, and you could've been alone to make a plan layout. This could've be done all by yourself, but something made you want him. Something made it hard to see him go. "Like you said we need a plan."
"Y-yeah! A plan if were gonna catch him we need to make sure that he's caught in the act. I figured the only reason why he's never be truly admitted to jail is that he's never been see doing these things. Someone else always manages to take the fault." Jungkook stammered, as he pulled out his laptop. His eyes scanning every detail of the records he's looking at. Different people each lined up with charge that some how correspond with Jackson Wang's charges. They go down for him, and he just leaves them there. What a sicko.
You nodded your head in understanding. He would get charged and then everything would be dropped. Only for another man to take the place, and as they said coincidental at the time. This plan needs two brains working together, a different perspective is exactly what this mission needs. Yet you still can't bring yourself to accept that. It was stupid sitting here in a mood just because you have to have a partner
"We have less then a week to catch up so Jeon Jungkook. What's our first move." You sighed as you leaned back in your seat. A curt nod came from him as he typed away on his computer, original doe soft eyes were pressed in harsh glares. His min was set on finding an answer, and it looked like he was set on finding one fast.
"His banquet, like we've mentioned before is our only shot there's no other way. The only problem is that we need an invitation." Jungkook grumbled as he slammed his laptop shut. He knew this was a big opportunity, and now he can't do anything about it.
"I've got that covered, before Bailey's incident she's was assigned this case and already acquired two tickets. Now this is our last shot bring him back home. Do I make myself clear?"  The chief spoke loudly. Making sure this was getting through both of your heads.
"You're both two of the youngest on this team, make this count. And be careful, Jackson Wang is many things, but he's not a fool. One slip up and this whole operation goes down."
"So we have to look like a couple at this party." Jungkook sighed as he fixed the blazer that settled onto his broad shoulders. The sleek looking material complimented his body in an extraordinary way. He was actually looking the part of a wealthy business man, and that's exactly the cover up that was needed. "We still have a few days, maybe we should actually go on a date."
Your eyebrows shot up in a questionable look. Your head tilted to the side as well. The emerald dress in your hands suddenly worth a lot more attention then the dashing man in front of you. It felt stupid to get to know him considering after this mission you planned on never talking to him again. Hell you planned on staying quiet throughout the whole night at the banquet. Get in, get him and get the hell out. It wasn't supposed to be a bonding experience.
"Come on, I'm not that bad." He commented again, as he shrugged off the sleek material. He somehow looked even better without that jacket. His white button down shirt cling to his biceps, making him even more appealing. That same smile he always wore still graced his face. Almost like it was the only permanent expression he had. "I mean I'd like to get to know you considering we're gonna be on the same team after this."
You dreaded it when he spoke that sentence. You truly didn't mind him it's just, getting close to someone in this business has its consequences. Consequences that take every ounce of happiness in you, and rip it to shreds. You've gone through them enough to know just how terrible they actually are. You didn't want to experience that pain again, and Jungkook sure wasn't worth going through that guy wrenching pain once more. But you never know what could happen in the span of a week. Once more you stayed locked onto the target of the silky emerald dress in front of you.
"I just wanna make sure you're okay with being around me. If we have to look like a couple we're gonna have to be touching in some way to make it more believable. Maybe just tell me some lies, or say I love you. It's gonna be fake anyways."
The way he spoke so nonchalantly physically hurt your heart. It was so stupid to let those few words effect you in such a big way. You were gonna ditch him so you had no right to upset about this.
"Let's get take-out and go to my place tonight. This better be worth my night."
"Of course it's gonna be."
It was a silent ride to your little apartment. The cars passing by providing only little bit of noise in the long car ride. You could tell he was itching to start a conversation based on the way his hand kept twitching. His eyes would shoot from the road back to your sleepy form. He just wanted to get to know you, and he's usually a talk active person. But he's scared he's gonna mess up things if he even speaks a word. He's worried that if he breathes the wrong way you're gonna complain even more. 
"Up here at the left." You said in a groggy tone, and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. A small yawn passing through once again. You honestly don't know if you're awake enough to even make it to your apartment door. But there is a hot takeout box in your lap, and it’s been a long day. Besides Lucy was definitely awake, and she’s always happy too see you. Well most of the time she is. Your keys wiggled in the lock as you tried to open the door. The sound of keys slapping against the concrete woke you up only slightly.
“Here let me do it.” He spoke softly as he took the keys from your weak grip. His hands softly guiding the takeout from yours. “If you want to reschedule it’s fine.”
“No it’s fine, when need this bonding experience anyways. Besides I think Lucy has already taken a liking to you.” You laughed lightly as the calico cat immediately rubbed her head against his jean clad legs. A soft purr erupting from her. The freaking cat loves him, but hisses at anyone else. “Well hello there.”
That little heifer has the audacity to love up on him, and completely ignore you. You’re the one who fills her green bowl, gives her half the food on your plate. And she goes to the stranger that smells like mint and chocolate.
“I swear she’s usually in a mood.” You commented, as you tossed your coat on the back of the couch. As Jungkook sat down she immediately made her nest on his lap. Like you said before, that little heifer. “Okay now lets start talking.”
“Okay, what’s your favorite tv show.” He softly said as he shoveled the noodles in his mouth. His eyes never leaving yours once more, as if he truly wanted to know. He’s actually taking this hang out session seriously.
“I’ve really been getting into body of proof recently, that was reason why I wanted to be a medical examiner at the start of my career.” You smiled at the memory. Your mom done everything in her power to put you on the right track. She was always worried you’d get chocked up dealing with dead bodies like that, but she was more worried you’d get caught in between a murderer and a victim. Like your new job was any better.
“Why didn’t you continue with that?” His question was innocent as all get outs. But it still hurt to even think about the reason why you dropped it from your worries all together.
“That a personal question for another time.” You sighed as you wiped the corners of your mouth. Your eyes staying down casted towards the hardwood floors. When you noticed how Lucy’s food bowl was empty you took that as your chance to leave. Slowly searching through your kitchen cabinets looking for favorite chicken meal.
“Oh, okay. I didn’t realize, that it was like that.”
“You couldn’t have know, it’s fine how about we move onto the next topic.”
He sucked in air through his teeth as he raked his mind for another topic. The air was tense, and that was the last thing he wanted. He cleared his throat, as he lightly stroked Lucy’s head. She dug her head further into his hand ; trying to appreciate the warmth that he was giving her.
“Look I’m sorry I keep making everything so difficult. I’m not trying too it’s just in this job I’m scared to open up. It’s gotten me in some trouble, and that almost took me out.” You confessed as you popped open the cat food. Hearing her small paws tapping against the hardwood floors once more. You wiped your hands off on your jeans, and turned to face him fully. His head was tilted in the way yours does, and his eyes held that curious gleam once more.
“I understand that to an extent, but we’re just talking right now nothing bad is gonna happen.” He smiled as he pushed himself up off the couch. Leaning down with a huff he sat beside of you and watched at Lucy lapped up the food that was left in her plate. As soon as she was done she moved towards the man behind her. She happily rubbed her small head underneath his chin.
“Lucy seems pretty content with you, maybe that’s a good sign.” You half smiled as you twirled her soft tail around you index finger. Successfully gaining her attention, as your little baby licked at the tips of your fingers. “How about we put in a random movie, and go from there.”
He smiled widely as he rushed towards the small component underneath the tv. His eyes gleaming happily as he traced the spine of each dvd. Before his eyes settled onto the marvel section. His hands grasped the dozens of DVD’s and sprawled the across the floor. Ranging from Captain American to the one and only Endgame. A small chuckled passed through his lips as he held up one of the Iron Man disc.
“We can bond over one of my favorite movies.”
“I’ll get drinks.” You smiled as you raced towards your cabinets once. Pulling out the wine from the back corner. The beautiful blue bottle shinning underneath the soft lights of your kitchen. Pulling out two wine glasses you jumped onto the couch beside of him.
“I’m ready whenever you are.” He tipped his glass towards you with a suggestive smile. His eyes lingering towards the alcohol in your hands.
“Okay then let’s play the infamous twenty-one questions.” You spoke as you poured the wine and let it flow into the glasses. Watching as the foam started to settle. Taking a sip, and letting the cool liquid soothe you throat. “What made you want to go undercover.”
“Let’s get ready for a story.”
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