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kramlabs · 1 year ago
They want you focused on Wuhan and China not Montana and DARPA
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SARS cov-2 is a SARS1 bat vaccine:
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deebeeus · 10 months ago
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1959 Gibson ES-335 TDN, from my buddy's collection.
This was an outtake from our photo session for Vic DaPra and David Plues' "ES Believers" book. I just got my copy and it's pretty packed with incredible stuff! Sadly this specific guitar didn't make it into print, but I was tickled to see that the authors did use our photos for several double-page spreads showing other guitars from this collection, including a couple of natural 175s, a natural ES330, a natural ES350, and a couple of cherry ES335s!
The long-guard ES-335 is quite a rare guitar, especially in "natural" finish, so I was surprised this one didn't make it into the book. But just thumbing through it now, I think I can see why they didn't need to use it: they apparently were spoiled for choice on natural 3xx thinlines! There is a veritable plethora of them in the book - at least a dozen (including a super rare, very early, 1958 model!), which is pretty insane considering how few of them there are out there.
So, I can sort of see why the authors didn't need to use this guitar, especially after they used so many of our other shots (for which, I thank them sincerely!) 🙂
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jeffdapra-blog · 7 months ago
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oldsardens · 1 year ago
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Regine Dapra - Schloss Aigen bei Salzburg
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years ago
Sawin quotes reports indicating that in 2009, DAPRA experimented on enhanced pigs by creating ‘semi-undead’ pigs. Reportedly, the experiment aimed to study whether humans could be genetically conditioned to have “restricted blood-loss and diminished emotional capacity.” In 2012, he writes that DARPA started “piloting projects for the biological tampering and gene modification of soldiers to help combat effects of PTSD.” Reports indicate that these programs also allowed DARPA to use deep brain stimulation to control enhanced soldiers during live combat.
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motorsportverso · 1 month ago
Results rally de Monte Carlo 2025
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Top 10
1-17-Sebastien Ogier\Vicent Landais-Toyota GR Yaris Rally 1-Toyota Gazzo Racing-3:19:06.1
2-33-Elfyn Evans\Scott Martin-Toyota GR Yaris Rally 1-Toyota Gazzo Racing-3:19:24.6
3-16-Adrian Fourmoux\Alexandre Coria-Hyundai I20 N Rally 1-Hyundai Sheel Mobis WRT-3:19:32.1
4-69-Kalle Rovanpera\Haltunen-Toyota GR Yaris Rally 1-Toyota Gazzo Racing-3:20:00.4
5-8-Ott Tanak\Martin Jarveoja-Hyundai I20 N Rally 1-Hyundai Sheel Mobis WRT-3:20:05.1
6-1-Thierry Neuville\Martin Wydaeghe-Hyundai I20 N Rally 1-Hyundai Sheel Mobis WRT-3:24:50.3
7-55-McEarlean\Eoin-Ford Puma Rally 1-M-Sport Ford-3:29:21.2
8-22-Yohan Rossel\Armand Arnaud-Citroen C3 Rally 2-PH Sport--Rally 2-WRC 2-3:29:32.2
9-21-Gryazin\Konstantin-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-Rally 2-3:30:46.8
10-31-Eric Camilli\De La Hay-hyundai I20 N Rally 2-WRC 2-Rally 2-3:32:20.7
WRC 2 Challenger
1-34-Leo Rossel\Mercoiret-Citroen C3 Rally 2-PH Sport-3:32:26.8
2-37-Cerny\Krajca-Citroen C3 Rally 2-3:36:06.9
3-24-Roberto Dapra\Luca Guglielmetti-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-3:36:33.8
4-39-Pablo Sarrazin\Geofrey Combe-Citroen C3 Rally 2-Sarrazin Motorsport-Iron Lynx-3:42:53.8
5-25-Charles Munster\Loris Pescaud-Hyundai I20 N Rally 2-3:43:49.5
6-28-Potty\Herman-Skoda Fabia RS Rally 2-3:44:33.3
7-42-Sarah Rumbeau\Julia Amblard-Citroen C3 Rally 2-Sarrazin Motorsport-Iron Dames-3:44:41.1
1-56-Pelamourgues\Pouget-Renault Clio RS Rally 3-3:44:44.9
2-54-Fontana\Arnalboldi-Ford Fiesta Rally 3-3:49:47.6
3-52-Rossi\Sarmezan-Ford Fiesta Rally 3-3:50:56.0
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metalandrubberproduct · 4 months ago
Supplier Karet Bumper Gudang Salatiga
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Karet bumper gudang, atau dikenal juga sebagai rubber bumper loading dock, adalah komponen karet yang memiliki peran penting dalam sektor industri, pabrik, dan pergudangan sebagai pelindung dari benturan. Produk ini dirancang khusus untuk melindungi struktur dinding dari benturan keras yang berpotensi menyebabkan kerusakan serius. Kerusakan pada dinding gudang sering terjadi akibat keterbatasan pandangan pengemudi saat melakukan manuver mundur, terutama di area blind spot, yang membuat mereka tidak dapat melihat bagian belakang kendaraan dengan jelas.
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Tipe-Tipe Karet Bumper Gudang yang Sering Digunakan
Karet bumper gudang merupakan komponen penting dalam sistem perlindungan dinding dan struktur gudang dari benturan. Fungsi utamanya adalah untuk mengurangi kerusakan yang bisa terjadi saat kendaraan seperti forklift atau truk melakukan aktivitas bongkar muat. Di Indonesia, terdapat berbagai model karet bumper yang digunakan, namun dua jenis yang paling umum adalah Karet Bumper Tipe D dan Karet Bumper Tipe Square (Kotak). Berikut adalah penjelasan lebih rinci mengenai kedua tipe tersebut:
1. Karet Bumper Gudang Tipe D
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2. Karet Bumper Gudang Tipe Square (Kotak)
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Manfaat Penggunaan Karet Bumper Gudang
Maksimalkan Perlindungan Dinding
Melindungi dinding dari kerusakan kini lebih mudah dengan solusi pelindung dinding yang efektif. Produk ini dirancang untuk memberikan perlindungan maksimal, menjaga struktur dinding agar tetap kokoh meski sering terkena benturan atau gesekan.
Minimalkan Kerusakan
Dengan teknologi perlindungan modern, risiko kerusakan pada area sekitar loading dock atau dinding lainnya dapat diminimalisir. Produk ini memastikan bahwa area operasional Anda tetap aman dan terlindungi dari potensi kerusakan yang bisa mempengaruhi produktivitas.
Optimalkan Efisiensi Loading Dock
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Beragam Pilihan Ukuran
Tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik area Anda. Fleksibilitas dalam pilihan ukuran membuat perlindungan ini bisa diterapkan di berbagai jenis ruang, baik yang luas maupun sempit.
Harga Terjangkau
Dapatkan perlindungan berkualitas tanpa harus menguras anggaran. Dengan harga yang kompetitif, solusi ini menawarkan nilai lebih untuk setiap investasi yang Anda keluarkan.
Instalasi yang Sederhana
Proses instalasi yang cepat dan mudah memungkinkan Anda untuk segera menggunakan perlindungan dinding tanpa kendala berarti. Dengan desain yang fungsional, pemasangan produk ini dapat dilakukan tanpa memerlukan keahlian khusus dari tenaga ahli.
Informasi dan Pemesanan
Jika Anda sedang mencari rubber bumper untuk loading dock guna melindungi struktur dinding, CV. Gada Bina Usaha siap membantu Anda. Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang fabrikasi produk logam dan karet konstruksi sejak tahun 2010, kami memiliki pengalaman dan keahlian yang luas dalam menyediakan solusi perlindungan konstruksi, baik untuk dermaga, jembatan, maupun berbagai bangunan.
Produk rubber bumper loading dock kami merupakan salah satu yang terbaik di kelasnya, tersedia dalam beragam model dan ukuran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Kami menawarkan pilihan produk standar dan juga layanan kustomisasi yang dapat disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi proyek Anda. Material berkualitas tinggi yang kami gunakan memastikan ketahanan produk dalam menghadapi tekanan, benturan, dan kondisi lingkungan yang keras.
Tidak hanya rubber bumper, kami juga menyediakan berbagai produk konstruksi lainnya, seperti rubber speedbump, expansion joint strip seal, expansion joint compression seal, fender bantalan karet dermaga, frontal frame fender, bolder kapal, elastomeric bantalan karet jembatan, karet dilatasi gedung, expansion joint asphaltic plug, anchor fix move jembatan, karet dapra pelindung kapal, dan produk lainnya.
Dengan komitmen kami untuk menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi dan layanan profesional, CV. Gada Bina Usaha adalah mitra ideal untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan konstruksi Anda. Kami berkomitmen untuk bekerja sama dalam menyediakan solusi terbaik yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik proyek Anda. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, silakan hubungi kami melalui kontak yang tertera di bawah ini. Kami dengan senang hati siap membantu menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda.
WhattsApp : https://wa.me/6281233069330 – a.n. Julius Andreas.
Maps Wokshop Fabrikasi : Workshop Gada Bina Usaha
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gook54-blog · 9 months ago
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[12/06, 09:05] VinniG: Sissy Natasha that's not true Bill Gates uncle was William Gates brother in law of Rockerfeller ..he was head of CIA he bought DOS for Gates and demanded military follow lead and use DOS and the the military researchers in universities were forced and DAPRA contractors..I learnt this at 5412...
Errol Musk Elons dad was a Mossad agent who sold the BP/ Shell feul management tag to the government and municipalities. I knew him Elon whe he had an office in Shell House .. Johan my friend a mine developer does not know of any emerald mine is South Africa never mind Musks one
Move over, Elon — there’s another Musk hitting the headlines.
Errol Musk, the family’s patriarch, is in the news after confirming he fathered a second secret love child with his stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, 35
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dankusner · 9 months ago
Bjork in ATX
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Concert review
The Icelandic princess' sold-out performance at Liberty Lunch was among the most imaginative, vibrant and fun shows to grace Austin streets since the '90s began.
It reeked of originality
Everything from her unmistakable vocals and her four-piece, 21st-century backing band to such simple things as the stage lighting and the way she danced made this an absolutely inspiring rock 'n' roll experience.
And it was rock 'n' roll.
Sure, there were no guitars or bass, and most of the songs failed to stay in the verse-chorus-verse-chorus format, but if ever there were a reason to redefine and broaden the boundaries of rock music, it would be found somewhere in the ethereal spaces of Bjork's performance.
Sounds seemed to come from everywhere.
There were buzzes, clicks, purrs, hums, crunches, bangs and screeches dripping from the ceiling and bouncing off the walls.
How much of it was recorded and how much was made by the two keyboard players, one drummer and one accordion player didn't matter.
It was impressive no matter what.
Bjork was quite the court jester: Basically, this woman's goal is to go onstage and try to make a fool out of herself, and she does a great job with bizarre facial expressions, spastic dance moves and swirling arm movements that suggest she's berserk.
No matter how hard she tries, though, she still looks adorable to boys and girls alike.
You can't say she's charismatic.
It's more like she's awkwardly, curiously engrossing.
But the fans didn't even need to see her to get excited.
The crowd was clapping and cheering even before any sign of the lights dimming — a rarity at Austin.
Michelle Dapra/ Bjork took the Liberty Lunch audience into the future Friday with her inventive me of post-rock seriousness in her music and sprite-like playfulness in her manner.
The one-two punch pattern stopped there, though, as she glided into the slow and groovy "Isobel" and changed the set to a sultry, steamy mood highlighted Dy cool reu lighting.
Decked out in a showy, red-sequin dress, Bjork spent most of the night out of the spotlight, instead opting just to blend into the colored background lights.
Somehow, amazingly, she still seemed to glow from the stage, and the lighting only accentuated her colorfulness.
While she didn't talk except for an occasional "Tank you" and a few unrecognizable words, her frequent. brilliant smiles were all the audience needed.
Those, plus a few ingenious numbers such as "Venus as a Boy" and "Hyper-ballad" were the highlights of the show.
The fantasy tone of "Venus" might have seemed cheesy in any other setting, but it worked won- ders here, while "Hyper-ballad" found Bjork's futuristic sound.
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takachan · 2 years ago
月で暮らすには何がいる? 米政府が月面経済構築のための10カ年研究スタート
DAPRAが月での経済科学的かつ商業的活動のための分析枠組みのために10年間の研究プロジェクトを開始。 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2023/08/moon-economy.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr GIZMODE JAPAN
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mxpiccolo · 3 years ago
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dude who is just some chick // chick who is just some dude
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deebeeus · 4 months ago
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1964 ES-355
See this one blown up large on pages 260 and 261 of "ES Believers" by David Plues and Vic DaPra
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jeffdapra-blog · 7 months ago
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federer7 · 3 years ago
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Salzburg, Austria, 1950s
Photo: Josef Dapra
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keryahoraculi · 4 years ago
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Via Instagram
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