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nonbinarylesbianherb · 4 months ago
starting arcane season 2 now
I’m going to EXPLODE
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
Whumptober Day 28 - No-holds-barred beatdown, exposure, used as bait
CONTINUATION TO DAY 13 go read that one if you haven’t (or if you need a refresher it’s been so long lol)
Hi I'm still kicking <3 only three left after this, I WILL be finishing these, NO MATTER WHAT RAAAAAH. my goal is to be done before the 15th but we'll see how that goes. I'm going to try 😓
The prompts used aren’t the best, but they were the only ones that even vaguely fit lol. The third one doesn’t even come into effect until the very end. Also this was only going to be one more part. but. they kept talking.
Warnings: violence, injury, a handful of previous warnings from day 13
Day 13
ao3 link
Sky and Warriors woke up at the same time.
Twilight stirred from his spot on the ground, having let his mind wander as he’d waited. His body still ached a bit, and it wasn't helped by his stint on the cold floor, but he sat up anyway as Warriors’ eyelids fluttered, and a squeaky moan came from Time’s back, Sky’s tail flicking. Twilight looked between the two, then went to Sky first, since strangely enough it seemed like he was waking up faster.
Legend sat next to Warriors, saying something to him as he woke, and Time watched the two with slightly narrowed eyes. He looked at Twilight as he walked up, flicking an ear as Warriors let out a disbelieving noise and Legend squawked angrily.
“Here,” Time said, carefully leaning over and sliding Sky off his back. “I’m going to go make sure Legend doesn’t bite him. And that the captain doesn’t stomp our veteran by accident. Or on purpose.”
Twilight nodded, and sat down next to Sky as his blue eyes flickered open.
“Easy Sky,” Twilight woofed as he moved a little, and Sky twitched his nose.
“Ow...” he groaned, and Twilight gave his ear a gentle lick. “...Oh, hey rancher... why’re you so big?” he asked blearily, squinting as he tried to sit up. His paws slipped out from under him though, and Sky stared at them in bewilderment, the expression honestly adorable on his furry face. He wiggled a few toes, and stared at the fur and claws, blinking in shock.
“Rancher?” Sky repeated in more of an alarmed voice. “What’s going on?”
“Short version? We all got turned into animals,” Twilight admitted, giving Sky a little push with his snout in order to help him sit up when he tried again. “We fell down here and all transformed somehow. You’re one of those cat things on your island, a... was it a remake?”
“A remlit,” Sky corrected, sounding a little calmer, but still disturbed. He studied his paws, and tilted his head back, trying to look at his ears and tail. “Huh. Just like Legend that one time. Those... women did this to us?”
“Yep, the creepy voice ones. Or something down here did, we’re not exactly sure. But it’s their fault somehow,” Twilight confirmed, and watched intently as Sky shakily stood up, paws trembling. “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m— yeah. This is just... weird,” he admitted. “I... this was dark magic, wasn’t it?”
“We think so, yeah.”
Sky frowned and looked around the dark cave, large ears swiveling, and both he and Twilight jumped as they heard a distressed whinny. Twilight whirled around, and saw Warriors attempting to get to his hooves, his legs wobbling underneath him.
“Easy Captain, don’t move too quickly,” Time warned, and Warriors snorted, tossing his head.
“Don’t ‘easy’ me, I’m not staying like this a moment longer than I have to!” Warriors said, nearly falling over. “Horses are fine, I like horses, but I don’t want to be one!”
“Actually you’re a unicorn,” Legend said helpfully, and Warriors huffed angrily as Time moved to his side, helping to steady him.
“Right. I’m a horse with a big pointy stick on my head. Wonderful.”
“At least you can stab things,” Legend continued, nose twitching in amusement. “You didn’t have a weapon before, and now you do. Besides, I think the horn really compliments your flowing locks.”
“I could almost say the same,” Warriors snorted. “Flowing locks indeed. Finally the mystery of the pink hair is solved. I wouldn’t have guessed a bunny rabbit would be the cause but you—”
“Now see here—”
“All right, that’s enough,” Time said with a sharp look at the both of them. “Captain, are you feeling all right? We all saw how rough that transformation was.”
“I’m fine,” Warriors mumbled, pawing at the floor.
Twilight glanced back at Sky, who was sniffing at the scratches on his side with a wince on his face. He’d managed to stand by himself though, and so Twilight moved over to Warriors, the captain’s legs still wobbling.
“Relax Captain, we’re going to fix this,” Twilight reassured, and Warriors made another annoyed sound, his tail swishing.
“So long as we don’t need opposable thumbs,” he said. Twilight sighed.
“We’ll manage, Captain. I know this isn’t ideal, but we’ll figure it out.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re used to having four legs,” Warriors said in a sharp voice, and Twilight flattened his ears in annoyance.
“I’m stuck like this too, Captain. Just because I’m more used to four legs doesn’t mean I don’t want my regular ones back,” Twilight snapped, his worry and fear at the whole situation abruptly bursting out. “Now if you’re done arguing with Legend we still don’t know where half our group is, so if you’re able to walk without falling over let’s get going.”
Warriors blinked, obviously taken aback, and Twilight turned away from Time’s frown and stuck his nose up in the air to sniff for any more familiar scents.
The faintest hint of one that wasn’t rock or cave smell wafted by his nose, and Twilight turned in a slow circle, trying to pinpoint it. He caught a bigger whiff, and gestured with his head.
“I think I found someone else,” he said, and Time hummed in a growly way.
“Are you guys ready to move?” Legend asked, looking askance at both Sky and Warriors. Sky hesitated, his legs still wobbly, but when he walked around in a small circle he was able to keep his footing. Warriors gave a curt nod, his legs looking steadier, and he didn’t look over at Twilight.
Twilight felt a little sting of shame, but he swallowed it back. He could apologize later.
“This way,” he said, turning into the darkness, and the others followed along behind him, Warriors’ hooves clicking against the stone floor.
They kept the pace slow, in respect for both small and unsteady legs. Twilight felt impatience simmer under his fur, but he knew he couldn’t just run ahead. He was currently one of their few lines of defense, and who knew how many monsters might be around down here?
Sky and Legend walked together beside him, Sky asking questions about being an animal, Legend answering as well as he could. Warriors was obviously listening in as well, and Twilight even noticed Time’s ear swivel back when Legend started in on ways he dealt with fights.
Twilight... probably ought to be giving tips as well, he certainly had plenty of knowledge to draw on. But he was intent on following the scent, keeping a nose out for any others, watching for monsters, and also looking for a way out. Legend could handle the crash course in being an animal.
What a disaster.
Twilight sighed and kept sniffling, trying to identify exactly who’s scent it was he was following. He stepped past a couple large rocks that glowed faintly green, and as the scent grew steadily stronger, Twilight suddenly paused, his stomach sinking. Even with the strange overtone to it, he suddenly knew exactly who’s scent he was following.
He bolted, leaving the others behind, knowing the source of the scent was close. Twilight turned a corner, intently sniffing, and sure enough a few moments later his paw bumped into a small, grey-blue creature.
Twilight froze, and lowered himself to the floor, almost not believing what he was seeing.
“Oh boy... champion?” he asked, nuzzling gently at him. Wild don’t move, unconscious, and Twilight gave his head a small lick. “Hey, wake up for me?”
A chirrupy groan came from Wild’s still form, and his eyelids flickered, blues resting hazily on Twilight’s face.
“Mm... Twi?” he mumbled, ears twitching. “Where... ow... why does my whole body hurt?”
Twilight winced. “Well, it ah... might have to do with the fact that you’re a squirrel.”
Wild blinked slowly, his gaze still bleary. He flicked his ears again, twitched his tail once, then jerked to his feet with a completely flabbergasted expression.
“A WHAT?!” he yelped right as the others all rounded the corner and caught sight of him. Legend took one look at Wild’s bushy tail before his face cracked into a huge grin.
“Champion you’re— you’re a squirrel!” Legend spluttered, then burst into uproarious laughter, looking at Wild with pure glee on his face. “That’s the best thing I’ve seen all day!”
“IT’S NOT FUNNY!” Wild screeched, his fluffy tail sticking straight up. He looked a solid mixture of offended and freaked out. “WHAT’S FUNNY ABOUT TURNING INTO A SQUIRREL?!”
“It’s hilarious, actually,” Legend cackled, wheezing as he fell backwards, nearly tripping Sky. “A squirrel! No wonder you’re such a hoarder!”
Legend burst into another peal of laughter, and Wild stumbled backwards, every bit of him tense. Twilight moved towards him, and Wild let out a panicked little chirp.
“Wild, it’s okay,” Sky said, and Wild twitched his nose as Twilight gently nuzzled his head. He could hear Wild’s tiny heart beating like a drum.
“Are you hurt at all?” Time asked, and Wild shook his head, his tail lowering a little.
“No, I’m fine. I just... no. Don’t like this.”
Wild swiped a paw over his face as his nose twitched again, and Twilight very firmly held back the urge to laugh. Now was not the time, even if Wild being a squirrel was admittedly... rather hilarious. At least on par with Legend being a rabbit.
Maybe Farore has a sense of humor.
“Hey, you’ve just gotta adjust,” Legend said as he gave himself a shake, finally getting ahold of himself. “Just think how it could be worse. You could be a bug or something.”
“But I’m a squirrel!” Wild chittered frantically, his tail whirling all over the place. “I’m tiny! I’m defenseless! I can’t even hold a weapon like this!”
“Wow. What a hardship,” Legend said in a deadpan. “Being a small mostly-defenseless woodland creature.”
Wild opened his mouth to retort, then slowly closed it again, staring at Legend like he hadn’t truly looked at him until now.
“Oh. Uh... you’re... a pink blupee thing?”
“A rabbit. We all got transformed, Wild, calm down. I’m sure we'll be able to fix it,” Twilight reassured, and Wild groaned, pulling his tail over his face.
“I hate this. No thank you. Nope.”
“Join the club,” Warriors sighed, and Twilight sat down beside the little ball that was currently Wild, giving him another lick. Wild uncurled a little, looking at Twilight with thinly-hidden panic in his eyes, and Twilight’s chest tightened. Wild rarely looked so rattled.
“You’re sure you’re not hurt?” he asked quietly, and Wild nodded.
“Just sore,” he said quietly. “That transformation was awful. Is... everyone else okay?”
“We don’t know. We haven’t found everyone yet,” Twilight explained with a sigh. “No sign of Hyrule, Wind, or Four.”
“But I’m sure we’ll find them,” Sky said hopefully, his large ears spread wide. “If nothing else I’ll be able to hear them with these big old things.”
Time chuckled, and Wild’s tail flicked around, the champion obviously still distressed. But he took a deep breath and sat up, determination in his eyes. Sky watched Wild’s tail swish around as he studied everybody’s animal forms, Sky’s pupils going wide, and suddenly shot out a paw to bap at it.
Wild jumped, and Sky immediately drew back, spouting apologies.
“Sorry! Sorry It caught my attention and I was just going to watch it but then I... I don’t know why I did that,” he finished in bewilderment.
Time let out a huff from nearby. “Instincts. Never know when they’re going to kick in. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eaten rocks without thinking.”
Twilight wasn’t the only one who gave him a strange look at that.
Unfortunately none of them got to press the question, since right as Twilight opened his mouth to ask, a loud rumbling sound came from somewhere in the cave, the ground shaking under their feet.
Warriors stumbled, and Sky and Wild both fell over, the cave shaking so violently Twilight wondered if it was about to fall on their heads. He quickly positioned himself over the smallest members of the group, but the shaking abruptly stilled, and the cave went deathly quiet.
Then Twilight growled as a familiar voice suddenly spoke.
“You have all faced the magic and come out unbroken. You have passed the first stage,” the croaking voice echoed through the cave. “The second stage still remains. Survive and we will collect the chosen downstream at the crystal waters.”
“Good luck! I can’t wait for you to finish,” the other voice said excitedly, and Twilight saw Warriors flinch.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Legend growled, and Twilight saw Sky’s claws slide out.
“Return us to our normal bodies!” Warriors shouted, the whinny echoing off the walls.
“I don’t think she can understand you,” Wild pointed out, then raised himself to his hind legs, showing off the sword-shaped patch of white on his belly. “Here— RETURN US TO OUR NORMAL BODIES YOU CULTY FREAKS!”
There was no reply.
“I doubt she liked being called a freak,” Time said dryly.
“Yeah, probably not. But still. Rude,” Legend sniffed. “Guess we’ll just survive phase two then.”
“We need to find the others,” Twilight spoke up, unable to keep the worry from his voice. “Now.“
“She said we all survived the magic though, doesn’t that mean they’re all okay?” Wild spoke up, and Sky’s tail flicked worriedly.
“She didn’t say anything about other dangers, though.”
As if summoned, a monster’s howl rang through the tunnels, and everyone stiffened, heads turning toward the sound.
“Wild, Legend, on Twilight’s back, Sky, you sit on Time, we’ll save the most time,” Warriors said quickly, and Legend helped Wild scramble up onto Twilight’s back, Sky carefully moving to sit on Time’s. “I’d... take one of you, but I don’t know how steady I can keep myself.”
“I’ve got them,” Twilight reassured, noticing the frustration on Warriors’ face. Warriors met his gaze, and Twilight lowered his head, ears flicking down. An apology for earlier.
Warriors looked at him a moment, then nodded back, apologizing as well.
Twilight breathed out, a little of the nauseating emotions rolling around in him easing a bit. He may be tired, cold, hungry, in pain and worried, but that was no excuse to take it out on Warriors.
They needed to work together to get out of this mess.
They all rushed off, Warriors having trouble going at a pace much faster than a walk, but pushing himself anyway. That had been a victorious sort of monster cry, and they didn’t have time to waste. Even if Warriors kept tripping on his hooves and barely catching himself.
“So,” Wild said after a minute, and Twilight flicked an ear to show he was listening. “How come you and the old man are wolves while the rest of us are... everything else?”
“I was wondering that too,” Legend spoke up. “...I still think it’s beyond unfair.”
“I don’t know why,” Twilight admitted. “Your form says something about your person, they reflect your spirit... or it does in my case. Even though the circumstances are weird, I’m guessing it’s the same for the rest of you. I guess mine and Time’s just happen to be similar.”
“And I’m a squirrel,” Wild grumbled, and Twilight sighed.
“Yeah. Squirrels aren’t so bad though. They’re hardy, smart, good at climbing, jumping... besides, we can’t all be unicorns,” Twilight pointed out as he hopped over a rock, and Wild and Legend both let out small huffs of laughter.
“I guess not. Still pretty strange there’s so much variety,” Wild hummed. “I would’ve guessed we’d all be wolves.”
He was quiet for several seconds, and Twilight turned his attention back to navigating through the dark cave.
“...Wait a second, if our animal forms reflect us, and Legend is a bunny—”
“Don’t you dare finish that thought.”
Wild chittered out a laugh.
His amusement faded when another snarl echoed through the caves though, and Twilight exchanged a glance with Time, trotting even faster. If anyone was hurt because they couldn’t get to them in time, Twilight didn’t know what he would do.
The green rocks increased in frequency around them, the darkness of cave a bit less intense. Twilight could hear water now, and regular grumbles and snorts that sounded like monsters. Time caught Warriors when he tripped again, and they all ran down the sloping passageway.
They turned a corner, and Twilight’s eyes went wide.
An underground stream flowed in front of them, wide, but fast, water a crystalline blue so bright it looked unnatural. More of those green rocks were scattered in and around the water, and though Twilight couldn’t see colors the best as a wolf, he could tell the mix of them was rather pretty.
But more important than the water or rocks was the group of moblins on the other side, one dragging a motionless deer behind it, another trying to bat away something running around by its feet.
“Hey!” Wild shouted, and leapt off of Twilight’s back, rushing over to the stream and attempting to hop across the rocks. His paws skidded on the slippery stone, but he managed to hang on and keep going. Twilight barked for Legend to hold on, and jumped into the water, quickly swimming across.
The water was achingly cold, but Twilight ignored it and Legend’s small squeak of dismay, paddling as fast as he could. The current wasn’t too fast for him, and Twilight leapt onto the shore right as a moblin kicked the small figure at its feet, making it squeal in pain.
Whoever it was went flying, and Twilight lunged for the moblin, teeth bared. Legend clung to his fur as he bowled the moblin over, and Twilight heard Time snarl as well, a different monster screeching in pain.
The disgusting tang of monster blood got in his mouth as he snapped at the moblin, but Twilight didn't let go until it let out a dying gurgle and went limp. He raised his head, watching Time struggle with his own moblin, Sky trying to help where he could, and also saw Warriors hurriedly trying to cross the water beside Wild.
Nobody had reached the moblin dragging the deer by the leg though, and Twilight whirled towards it, leaping at the beast with his fangs bared.
It saw him coming, and dodged his lunge to its neck, Twilight’s teeth closing around its arm instead. It snarled in anger as it dropped the deer, then raised a large club above its head, eyes glinting maliciously. Twilight knew he wouldn’t be able to move in time to avoid it, but then Legend leapt off his back, attaching himself to the moblin’s face and scratching and kicking at it furiously.
It screeched, and Twilight bit it on the wrist, making it drop its weapon. The moblin gave its head a violent shake and Legend went flying, but the opening was what Twilight needed to leap forward and finally bury his teeth in its neck.
He heard a splash behind him, fear ratcheting into his throat, but he couldn’t let go until the moblin fell still and it was stubbornly refusing to do so.
Come on, die already! Twilight thought with a snarl, abruptly twisting his head to the side.
A sickening crack rang out, and the moblin finally fell still, its tongue lolling. Twilight felt a lurch in his stomach at the more violent instinct he’d given into, but he swallowed it back and spat blood from his mouth.
He turned back to the water, and felt a quick flicker of relief as he saw Time standing over Legend's limp form, viciously attacking anything that came nearby. There were only three moblins left now, and Warriors was attempting to handle the other two, Wild goading them on and distracting them while Warriors attacked with his hooves and horn.
Which just left the question of where Sky and the other animal had gone.
Twilight whined anxiously, looking around the bloody shore for any sign of them. There was a lot going on, but he was sure that he would’ve noticed one or the both of them being hurt.
Twilight suddenly saw splashing, and he hurried over to the water, ears pricking as he saw a lithe shape struggling towards the shore, Sky’s large ears visible beside it. Twilight leaned way out, prepared to jump in if necessary, and when both heads dipped below the water, Twilight quickly splashed in and gently snatched them both by the scruff.
He dragged them to shore and set them down, then frantically sniffed the both of them, Sky's scratches reopened, the other animal's tail bleeding.
“Are you two okay?” Twilight barked urgently, and the lithe, creamy colored animal nodded shakily as he scooted closer to Sky.
“I’m good,” Wind’s voice chirped tiredly from it, turning his head so that Twilight got a good look at the swirl of blue on his head and back. “Or good enough. This... is so weird.”
“Yeah,” Twilight agreed, then turned his attention to Sky, the poor remlit panting with exhaustion in a soggy heap on the ground. “You good buddy?”
“Give... me... a sec...” Sky coughed, a shiver running through him.
Twilight nodded, and glanced back at the battle just in time to see a moblin charging for them, eyes crazed.
Wind squealed in alarm and Twilight leapt to intercept the monster, snapping at its neck. Somehow it managed to dodge the attack, and abruptly slammed its club into his side, making Twilight yelp in pain.
He was knocked to the ground, but despite the pain he got back up almost instantly. The moblin was running for Sky, and a feral snarl escaped Twilight as he leapt back at the moblin again. This time he managed to knock it off-balance, and Twilight and the moblin went sprawling to the ground, snarls and the snapping of teeth ringing through the cave as they struggled.
Twilight ignored the sharp ache ringing up his side and focused only on taking down the moblin that had been charging for Wind and Sky. It gave as good as it got, and Twilight was already scratched and kicked and sorely aching when the moblin suddenly raked its claws into his muzzle.
A sharp sting ripped across his face, and Twilight yelped in pain as he reeled back, tears welling in his eyes.
Something snapped in Twilight, and despite the sharp pain, he lunged back in again, snapping ferociously at the moblin’s neck. He clawed and tore and shook the monster under him, and it wasn’t until something pressed against his side and shouted his name that Twilight realized the moblin had gone still, and it was silent in the cave once more.
Twilight stumbled back, panting as blood dripped from his face and mouth, staring at the ripped-up moblin below him. It was barely recognizable, and bile rose in his throat, shame and disgust slamming into him. Something suddenly butted gently against his side, and Twilight wearily raised his head, seeing Time looking at him with alarm in his eye.
The older hero was gently supporting him, and Twilight wondered why before he suddenly realized his legs were trembling.
“I’m okay,” Twilight said finally, sitting down with a whine at the pain in his side and face. At Time’s incredulous look, Twilight huffed. “Seriously, I am. Nothing’s broken, just bruised, I can tell.”
“Bruised ribs are no joke,” Warriors said as he walked by, but he didn’t stop to bother Twilight about it further. He was making his way over to the deer, who was still lying ominously still on the ground. Legend at least had stirred nearby, but he looked a little dazed, a paw held close to his chest.
Fear lurched through him and Twilight struggled back to his feet, Time still supporting his side, and he walked slowly over to Legend and the deer.
Time didn’t further question his injuries, but Twilight could feel his gaze on him as they made a brief detour for Twilight to wash some of the blood from his mouth.
I get it old man, you’re worried.
Twilight swallowed, the taste of blood still in his mouth.
I am too.
They made it to where Warriors had gone, and Twilight sat down with a huff, the others all gathered around in a loose circle. Twilight looked around at them all, bloody, disturbed, weary and damp, and lowered his head down to rest on his paws.
Are we anywhere close to getting out of here?
Twilight breathed out slowly, and tilted his head to look at the deer, a light brown and with a few speckles of pale green scattered around on his back and face. Warriors knelt beside him, and gave the deer and Legend both as much of a look-over as he could.
Wind scampered past, his feet making little paps on the floor, and he sniffed at the deer, then looked fearfully at Warriors.
“Is Hyrule okay?” he asked, fur still a little damp.
“Yes, Hyrule is okay,” a voice groaned, and Twilight turned to see the deer raise its head, blinking dizzily. “Ow.”
"Traveler!" Legend and Wind said at the same time, both looking relieved.
“Careful,” Warriors warned, but Hyrule shifted around anyway, moving like he was going to stand up.
He immediately toppled over when he tried, his hooves going everywhere, and Wind let out a sympathetic little noise. Hyrule blinked, attempting to correct himself, and when he failed, stared up at the near zoo standing around him.
“Um. So why do I have four feet and feel like I got doused in dark magic?” Hyrule asked, sounding surprisingly unconcerned. “Also... why’s there a unicorn just standing there?”
“That’s me,” Warriors said grumpily, and Hyrule blinked.
“Oh. Okay.”
“Weird cult ladies, we were dumped in a cave, dark magic stuff,” Legend summarized from where he'd moved to sit beside Sky, and Hyrule nodded, accidentally hitting his antlers on a rock.
“Ow. Yeah... I remember now. I thought I heard Wind when we fell, and I got up to go find him, but then I felt all that dark magic and blacked out,” he reported with a scrunch if his nose. “And now I’m a... deer?"
“Looks like it,” Warriors said, and Twilight heard the grim smile in his voice. “Welcome to the hoof club.” Hyrule looked around, then blinked, staring at the eclectic pile of animals gathered near Sky. "...Is that rabbit wearing a vest?"
Warriors snorted out a laugh, and then attempted to give Hyrule a crash course in who was who, and also how to walk with hooves. While they stumbled around, Twilight took the opportunity to look around at everyone else, making sure they were all still accounted for. Time was beside him still, a few scratches on his leg, some blood staining his muzzle. Legend and Wild were huddled beside Sky, trying to warm him up while Legend nursed his injured paw, and Wind and Warriors were cheering Hyrule on as he tried to raise himself up on wobbly legs.
That meant the only one missing now was Four.
Twilight looked at the stream, remembering the croaky voice’s mention of water. The exit must be somewhere near here if they were going to be... collected, but they couldn’t leave without Four.
Where could he be?
“...okay, so I know Twilight and Time are the wolves,” Wind said, and Twilight looked back to see him moving to sit next to Sky as well. “Wild’s... a thing? Furry thing?”
“A squirrel,” Wild sighed. “And Warriors is the unicorn, Sky is the cat thing I forget the name of, Legend is the rabbit,” he said with a snicker, and Legend glared at him. “And you're a... I actually have no idea what you are.”
“He's an otter,” Legend said grumpily, attempting to tie his vest into a sling with one arm. “They swim around and eat clams.”
“What’s a clam?” Wind asked.
“That’s not very nice of him,” Hyrule said as he wobbled over, and Wild and Wind joined in on his laughter while several of the others rolled their eyes.
“Enough goofing off, we still need to find Four,” Twilight spoke up, and everyone turned to look at him. "And any ideas on how we're going to deal with these witches or whatever they are?"
"We head downstream and see what happens I suppose," Time sighed. "Our smithy must have heard that message too, he’ll know where to go."
"He could be hurt though," Wind chirped worriedly, rubbing a paw over his whiskery cheek.
"And what if he was unconscious somewhere and we missed him?" Legend added.
"Twilight or the old man would've smelled him though, wouldn't they?" Warriors pointed out. "Twilight's been looking for scents this whole time, surely he would've gotten some sign of him."
"Wait, what if he got turned into a fish or something?" Wind suddenly gasped, looking at the water. "What if he's down there and—"
"Quiet!" Sky suddenly shouted in a croaky voice, his wide ears held out.
All of them went silent, and Sky swiveled his ears around, looking ruffled, but a little less like a drowned rat as he carefully sat up. Twilight pricked his ears too, and for a moment, all anyone heard was the noise of the stream rushing by, and blood and water dripping softly from wounds.
Then Twilight heard a pained cry so soft he could barely make it out.
"That was Four," Sky gasped, obviously able to make it out better than him. "He... wait."
He pricked his ears, and then his eyes went wide.
"I can hear those women, they have Four!"
Twilight jumped to his feet, biting back a whine of pain as his side sparked angrily. "Then we need to go help him, come on!"
“We can’t just rush in there without a plan,” Warriors whinnied, stomping a hoof. “Rancher you’re injured, Hyrule can barely walk, Sky practically drowned, we need a plan if we’re going to be able to—”
“Then I’m going by myself!” Twilight snarled, and whirled around and took off, ignoring the others’ shouts and cries to come back.
Twilight’s paws pounded against the stone as the others’ voices faded behind him, every step sending a jolt up along his injured side. Blood was drying on his face, sticky and uncomfortable, but Twilight only ran faster, listening for any more signs of Four.
He knew he would need the others’ help. He knew he wouldn’t be able to take them on by himself, and Twilight especially knew he was being incredibly stupid by running off alone.
But he didn’t care.
Every moment could matter for Four.
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carternardis · 2 years ago
❝ Wanderer ❞ ᶠᵗ ᴷʰᵒⁿˢʰᵘ
An owed starter for our starry boys <;3 @khonshu-mp
Carter’s stay on the island had been interesting, to say the least. 
Every day was filled with so many new things, new people, new worlds, new adventures! He loved it for the most part, but there were some days where he missed the silence of his home; the smell of burning wood and old books as he curled up on the windowsill with his favorite blanket to look at the shy stars lighting up the sky. Sometimes he just needed a break from the overstimulating thing that was an island filled with people of incredible backgrounds and even more incredible abilities. 
So a break it is!
He waited until night time, ignored his phone and set out on his way to find the best spot to stargaze with his earphones blasting away the newest song he was obsessed with, dancing along more than walking until he reached the park. Thankfully there weren’t many lights on around and he was able to spot a nice clearing, but not even his keen sight was enough to snap him into reality before he tripped over the feet of someone already lying there; far too busy into the songs and the fresh autumn breeze to really pay attention to anything else.
“I’m sorry!” The boy chirped, gathering himself and his thoughts as he looked at the stranger with wide eyes and flushed cheeks; the light coming off him dimming just a bit out of embarrassment. “I didn’t see you there, truly–” He interrupted himself as the realization of something: the stranger was lying at the park! Was he taking a nap? Was he perhaps doing what Carter himself had intended to be doing as well? The idea of it filled his starheart with excitement and he pocketed his earphones before asking..
“Were you by any chance stargazing?”
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amynchan · 2 months ago
Today, on I Got An Impulsive Idea and Zero Impulse Control, let me show you my morning in Pictures.
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First, a mirror glaze cooling to the left and a cake cooling to the right. (Next time, don't include the chocolate chips. XD)
In the center, the Battle Ground for the Next Two Components! >:D
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Next! The buttercream (which required one more stick of butter than originally anticipated!) was done, and the raspberry compote began!
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NGL, that compote smelled fan-friggin-tastic almost immediately. XD
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The cakes were cut into circles, an attempt at leveling was made, a ring of buttercream was filled with compote, and then the result was buttercream iced! (I did put the stack in the fridge for about 15 minutes before icing it on the outside)
But yes! The result before the Glazing!
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THE GLAAAAZE!!! And the transfer. Holy halo in a handbasket these were finnicky!
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Listen: massive amounts of baking simply do not happen without casualties leftovers. It evidently is not done. (I figured out stuff to do with the leftovers, though, so there was minimal Waste!) 0.o But now I know that Many Adjustments should be made!
Like, now I know what size circle I should cut it into, I should bake the cake at normal height and then cut in half for perfect matching circles, I shouldn't include chocolate chips in the cake because that makes the cake hella difficult to cut, I may want to cut the cake when warm (?), I know how to jerry rig a spinning table now, I kinda know the ratio to raspberry compote to end result, I know-ish how to get some of the glaze back, and other stuff.
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The finished result! The little raspberry on top is/was 100% necessary. *^_^*
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And, of course, once I was done, my little boy demanded lap time. He's an itty bitty sweetheart, and I love him dearly. *^_^*
So yeah. 4.5 hours later, I got 6 Raspberry Chocolate Minicakes, 12 Death by Chocolate Cakeballs, and quite a bit of Raspberry Infused Hot Chocolate. XD
Tah Daaaaaaah!! XD
Now I gotta go to professional development. XD rip
Here's the Mirror Glaze recipe I used, the Chocolate cake recipe I used (though I used 1/2 white sugar and 1/2 brown sugar), the Chocolate Buttercream recipe I used (though I used 1.5 cups of butter), and the Raspberry Compote recipe I used (I used 3 tbsp of the syrup)! Go nuts! Have fun! Enjoy! *^_^*
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sissylittlefeather · 2 years ago
Ta daaaaaaah...
A Very Quiet Life: Chapter 5
A/N: still the AU where Elvis is your next door neighbor in the suburbs in the late '60s. This might be my favorite chapter so far...
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI! This one is hella smutty, kissing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex
Links to:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Enjoy, friends!
Song inspo (as always):
And the gifs:
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"Well, I'll be around as long as they need me." He walks out the front door and back to his house.
Three weeks pass with only polite waves between you and Elvis. He talks to the kids periodically, but you usually try to avoid eye contact when he does.
One Tuesday morning, after dropping the kids off at school, you turn on the shower and try to adjust the shower head. It comes off in your hand and water shoots out everywhere. You run to the water shut-off valve and turn it off quickly. You're still holding the shower head in your hand and blinking through the water that just sprayed all over you.
You only have one shower. Luckily, today is your day off, but you don't really have the money right now to call a plumber because you spent so much for Michael's birthday party coming up this weekend. You feel so bad for him in his little cast that you can't help but go a bit overboard.
You know what you need to do, but you're not sure if you can do it. Will he even come after the weeks of chilliness between you?
You decide you don't have a choice and throw on some clothes to go next door.
When you step onto his porch, a thought attacks you. What if his wife answers?
But as far as she knows, you're just a needy widow with a broken shower. Either way, you knock. Eventually he comes to the door with a guitar in his hand. He smirks at the sight of you with dripping wet hair and a shower head in your hand.
"Well, hello."
"Hi. I'm really sorry to do this but my shower is broken and I--"
"Say no more. I'm in the middle of a lesson right now, but I'll be over in about fifteen minutes." You hear wayward strumming from his living room. It takes a second for you to remember that he teaches music lessons to kids, but once it registers you apologize again for interrupting.
"It's not a problem. I'll see you in a bit." He closes the door as you back off of the porch and head back to your own house.
The next fifteen minutes go by slower than a snail in molasses. You're sitting in your living room with the shower head still in your hand when you hear him knock. You open the door and he walks in with a box of tools. He follows you back to the bathroom and takes the shower head from you.
"Umm... I'll let you work..." you say awkwardly as he gets started.
About twenty minutes later, he calls to you from the bathroom.
"Can you turn the water back on, so I can test it?" You go to the shut-off valve and turn it back on full power.
"Ah, SHIT FUCK!!" You hear him holler from the bathroom. You run in there to see what happened. He's standing in the shower soaking wet.
You absolutely die laughing when you see him. He looks down, shaking his head, and starts laughing too.
"You left the damn water running!" He laughs a big booming laugh and you double over, tears squeezing out of your eyes as you cackle.
"It's not that funny!" He grabs your hand and pulls you into the shower, turning the water on again as he does it, so that you're getting soaked too.
"Ah! Stop it!" You sputter and laugh, trying to turn the faucet off, but he blocks you. Luckily the water has warmed up as you stand there with him laughing as the shower continues to soak you both. You put your hand on his chest without thinking. He puts his hand over yours and looks down at you. He's not laughing anymore. You stop too as you look up at him, breathily heavily as the water runs down your back. He leans in slowly and you feel your heart flutter as his lips touch yours. Next thing you know, he's wrapped around you in a passionate kiss. You rip your wet shirt off over your head and move to take his off too. He feverishly unhooks your bra and tosses it out of the shower. You press your wet skin against his while your lips are smashed together, tongues moving wildly. Your pants and underwear are the first to go, but his aren't far behind. When you're both naked, water still running, he turns you around to face the shower wall. He kisses the back of your neck and runs both hands down the front of your body, stopping only to squeeze your breasts lightly. You stand on your toes as he lines himself up with you from behind and pushes into you, filling you fully. He grabs your hips and thrusts powerfully, fucking you from behind as the water runs down both of you. You've never been fucked with this kind of urgency before and you can feel your climax building as he pounds into you. With no warning, he pulls out of you and flips you around with your back pressed up against the wall. He gets on his knees and goes to work licking you and fucking you with his fingers. You were already close, so you come fast and hard in his mouth, your orgasm vibrating and resonating across your body like a tuning fork.
He stands up and enters you from the front, pulling on your thighs to lift you up and set your ass on the shower bar. He pumps into you like his life depends on it while you grip his back tightly, trying not to leave marks with your fingernails. He leans down and kisses you tenderly. Despite the fervor with which he's fucking you, he's still gentle. After a few more thrusts, he slams his hips into yours and cries out.
"Fuck yes, y/n!" He twitches and pumps weakly one more time and kisses you before pulling out and helping you down from the shower bar. Your legs are shaking and you notice that the water isn't so warm anymore. He leans over and shuts it off and you stand there naked and wet together, your chests heaving. You wrap yourself around him one more time and kiss him deeply. He holds you tightly against himself, like he's scared to let go of you. Pulling back to look at you, he whispers.
"I don't want to get out of this shower."
"I don't either." You want to stay here forever in this limbo with him where you can be together and no one has to know and nothing has to change.
"I don't have any more lessons today."
"I don't have to pick up the kids until 4." He reaches for a towel and wraps it around you. Then he grabs one for himself.
"Want to spend the day in my bed?" You look at him hopefully. It's stupid, but at this point, you don't care anymore.
"I thought you'd never ask." He smiles widely and bends down to kiss you on the cheek.
Meanwhile, across the street, Mrs. Walter takes note of the fact that the neighbor entered your house at 9:45am and still hasn't left...
Chapter 6 coming soon!
@itlover8000 @deniseinmn @elvisalltheway101 @ccab @suxny @hernameisnoellex3 @ashtag6887 @arabellapresley @littlehoneyposts @dkayfixates @elvisxsposts @joshuntildawn13 @msamarican @returntopresley @mrsbutler99 @elvisfatass
Want to be added to the Taglist? Let me know!
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savethewailes · 10 months ago
Sephiroth doing a mating/courting dance like one of them exotic birds
1) ta daaaaaaah! Who needs mind control when you've got these sweet moves?
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2) I'm thinking ostrich dance, it'd work on anyone.
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3) (also, anon, you good?)
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thebeastofblackmoor · 3 months ago
69 hehehe
it's the most wonderful time of the year
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atangledfate · 6 months ago
Hey Whisper, if you had an evil twin, would their name be YELL! How about HOLLER? Or maybe SHOUT! Or, oh oh I got a good one! Maybe it can be FUS RO DAAAAAAAH!
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Didn't want to think about that---also these were Tangle levels of bad! She just walked away ignoring them, and heading the the barracks! why were they so nosy!
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miragexc · 9 months ago
Porque le dices amorcito?
Porque es mi amorcito daaaaaaah
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 4 months ago
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Needed to make more aroace Ford. Along with a supportive Mabel
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fieryaxolotl · 4 years ago
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binbagsfromthermidor · 5 years ago
Murdock: is there anything better than pussy?
Murdock: Yes, a really good book!
Murdock: *keysmashes piano*
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dearoneworld · 4 years ago
Dan daaaaaaah! What do you hear?
Dan daaaaaaah! What do you hear?
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God same goes for fear which is by the hearing and the hearing of every other thing but God.
View On WordPress
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meowgiciann · 1 year ago
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✠ “Can't blame a guy for trying.” Ears twitched slightly, leaving his comfortable pose as he crawled and sat over the emperor's leg. Paws pulled Kaido's hand by the wrist so it laid over his own lap. Palm facing up. “That would be your loss, Master Kaido. My captain is worth at least 50 people! Way more!” With a wriggle of fingers, Faust laid the beans of his paw over the man’s hand. Closing his eyes after. “Sounds good fuur me. Now, please pick a number and repeat it out loud only in your mind.”
The mink would stay put, tail surrounding his own body for a whole minute. Until his eyes shoot open as he turns around. A single tap on his own ears—searching for something but nothing can be found. He reaches for Kaido’s ears as well, but when he’s back. Nothing. Faust's ears lower, both hands pondering on the side of his own head, shrugging. Then, one of the lesser soldiers that kept at the entrance started to cough uncontrollably. Failing on his knees—choking as others try to rescue them. After he passes out, another one raises the cause of it. A single white paper with a number written in bold letters—exactly the one Kaido though. Faust just raises his arms upwards with a devilish wink. “Taaaa—daaaaaaah!”
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Unprompted - always accepting! @meowgiciann asked: Something jumps on the Dragon Emperor's hair, claws that indiscriminately stab over the rougher skin as it climbs its way up. Stopping by his head as an upside-down face with unblinking yellow eyes stare directly at him. "Master Kaido, you're going to kill my Captain that way." He rolls forward, tumbling and peacefully falling over Kaido's lap while facing up. The feline quickly getting distracted as his both paws reach to tap Kaido's long mustache that was hanging in the air. "Since Captain Hawkins became a headliner, all he does is work work work. Moou, that taking my puurrecious petting time away. He's always soo tired." He bites the strand of facial hair, pulling it but letting go as soon as an idea pops into his mind. " What if~ What if! I guessed a number from your mind? Would a marvelous magical trick bring my captain more hours to relax? Sounds good, sounds fair." Faust just presses it, ignoring if he would accept or not. Hands going behind his own head as his tail mischievously swung side to side. "Pick a number from 0 to 1."
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Did mink always behave like the animals they took part of their appearances from? That was what Kaido was thinking as he watched said black cat mink tumble up from his head down to his legs where he'd swat and play with his moustache.
He didn't feel a thing even if it were tugged but growing intolerant of this playfulness, he'd swipe both hanging lengths of hair off to the side and out of reach.
"Now you are making this ridiculous, I cannot agree to these terms." His voice boomed naturally loudly though he didn't sound too annoyed with his subordinates attempt at freeing a former captain of excess labor.
"Do you want me to send Hawkins to the factories instead? Otherwise, give me a broader selection to choose from." Lest the mink want to risk losing one more of his nine lives (if mink even abided to that tall tale) he'd listen to the opportunity Kaido was humoring him with.
"How about 1-50, or is that too high for you to guess?"
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nananana-batfannn · 6 years ago
Duke Thomas thought that being shot was the coolest thing ever don’t even try to tell me that kid doesn’t run around Gotham singing his own theme music like Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove send tweet
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kae-the-nerd · 6 years ago
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And all of my mutuals lol
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