#DA 2.03
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kolbisneat · 1 month ago
MONTHLY MEDIA: November 2024
A busy work month so not as much reading and watching as I would've liked, but still managed to find some good stuff! Here's how I spend the month of November.
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She's All That (1999) I was never really into teen comedies as a teen but I vaguely remember seeing this. Actually all I remember is the pubic hair pizza scene. Now, as an adult, I appreciate the bit where the dad keeps confidently answering Jeopardy! questions wrong and the prom photography saying "there's a memory". Great stuff.
End of Evangelion (1997) For what it's worth, I liked the original ending to the series. It really moved away from the premise and dipped into philosophy 101 by the end, but that last episode at least wrapped up Shinji's arc. This movie? This undoes all of that and really seems to hate its characters. Just a miserable experience with some really great visuals (and also some really repulsive ones). Not for me and a real bummer.
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Nobody Wants This (Episode 1.01 to 1.10) Turns out watching two charming people fall in love is great television. I hope the second season shifts to focus more on Joanne's world. I ALSO hope the loser siblings remain platonic to show that it is possible to maintain friendships with the opposite gender.
Arcane (Season 2.01 to 2.03) Having never played the show, I always feel like I'm understanding 10% of what's going on. But dang if the visuals aren't stunning. I mean I GENERALLY understand what's going one, but with so many intertwining plots, I feel like I'm often missing how they all tie together. Will probably do a full series rewatch after I wrap up season 2.
Dan Da Dan (Season 1.05 to 1.09) The show I most look forward to watching each week. Everything is so heightened and light that each episode just breezes by. And as someone who loves a world with lore and rules, this has that in spades. Great stuff.
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How Jordan Peterson's Suits Taught Me Fashion by CJ the X An excellent study in history and self expression featuring a great interview with Derek Guy (also worth checking out is this podcast episode featuring Derek). VIDEO
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You Don't Need Any More Turkey Recipes by Internet Shaquille You don't always need to do something new. It's okay to repeat and perfect. Sometimes making something familiar is the most radical thing you can do. VIDEO
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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stiegg Larson (Complete) Based on how many used copies I see at thrift stores, I knew this was popular, but wasn't at all expecting it to be as good as it was! Two great lead characters and I'm looking forward to digging into their next adventure. Oh and definitely checking out the film adaptations!
William Gibson's Alien 3 by William Gibson and Johnnie Christmas (Complete) Having never seen Alien 3, I'm happy to simply accept this as the third entry. I found the visual similarities between the two main locations made it tricky to keep track of where I was and who I was following, but I think a second readthrough would help clear it all up. An excellent continuation of the characters you know and love from Alien and Aliens.
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From Zero by Linkin Park (2024) Went into this with a morbid curiosity. While I didn't keep up with Linkin Park, I was surprised by how much Emily Armstrong sounded like a natural fit. Do I like this new album? I don't know yet, but is it Linkin Park? Absolutely.
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Wonderland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Hey this finally got released this month! The Tuesday crew continues to scratch the surface and you can read all about it here.
Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Back to where it all started. The group is reassembling a cursed skeleton they scattered years ago. You can ALSO read all about it here.
And that's it. See you in December!
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falanlarfilanlarsblog · 1 year ago
Tam 10 ay oldu. 10 ay. Yemin ederim hala cıkıp geleceğine inanıyorum. Hala bı yerlerde nefes alabildiğine inanmak istiyorum, yemin ederim. İnanmadım. Hiçbirine. Yediremiyorum. "Sesini duyduk" cümlesinden sonra "öldü"cümlesini yediremiyorum.
Geldim ben İzmir'e biliyor musun? Tam istediğimiz gibi. Sen yoksun ama. Bir garip oldu böyle. Olmadı sanki. Resim tam çizilmemiş gibi.
Kaldırmışlar enkazı ama yoksun çocuk. Nerdesin? Tek parçan yok. Nerdesin? 10 ay oldu. Nerdesin?
Canım hala cayır cayır yanıyor çocuk. Hala soğumadı içim. Hala kızgınım, hala altüst etmek istiyorum her yeri. Durgunlaştım da ama. Yağmurdan nefret ediyorum artık. Sabah güneşin doguş saatlerinden de. Artık uyanamıyorum o saatlerde. Kafayı yicek gibi oluyorum bazen. Aldığım nefes ciğerlerime yetmiyor. Hala korkuyorum çocuk ben. Seninle, sizinle beraber birçok şeyi kaybettim çocuk. O eski kız yok artık.
Bak, yağmur yağıyor yine. Saat de 2.03. "Uyumasam mı?" fikri dolanıyor aklımda. Bilmiyorum, çocuk. Çık gel eğer hayattaysan. Ne olursun...
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ofertas24horas · 2 months ago
Smartwatch Zeblaze GTS 3 Voice Tela 2.03" Monitor de Saude & Esportes
🌟 Smartwatch Zeblaze GTS 3 Voice Tela 2.03″ Monitor de Saude & Esportes 🌟 🛍️ Por apenas R$ 124,66 Levando 3 (R$ 41,55 Cada) 💳🏃‍♀️💨 Valor já com Impostos 🌎 🎉 BÔNUS INCRÍVEIS: 💰 Ganhe R$ 10,00 no PicPay! https://oferta.one/PicPay 💵 Ganhe R$ 20,00 no RecargaPay! https://oferta.one/RecargaPay 💳 Ganhe R$ 10,00 no Mercado Pago! https://oferta.one/MercadoPago ❤️ Gostou da oferta? Contribua com uma…
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korrektheiten · 4 months ago
Europa schaut in die Röhre
Manova: »Vor ziemlich genau zwei Jahren, am 26. September 2022, erschütterten zwei Explosionen die Ostsee nahe der dänischen Insel Bornholm. Um 2.03 Uhr erfolgte die die erste Sprengung einer Nord-Stream-Pipeline. Exakt 17 Stunden später erfolgten zeitgleich drei weitere Explosionen mit enormer Sprengkraft. Tagelang stiegen Methangasblasen aus dem Meer – und noch größere Luftblasen kamen aus dem politischen Raum. Einer der größten Anschläge auf eine Säule der zivilen Infrastruktur außerhalb eines erklärten Krieges schien niemand außer Fassung zu bringen, schon gar nicht die deutsche Regierung. Man dekretierte noch kurz, da könne ja wohl nur Putin dahinterstecken. Kürzlich stellten Schweden und Dänemark offiziell die Ermittlungen ein. China und Russland haben eine internationale Untersuchung gefordert. Abgelehnt. Es gab verschiedene parlamentarische Anfragen zu Nord Stream und zum Stand der Ermittlungen. Keine Antwort. http://dlvr.it/TDVthB «
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michaelcosio · 9 months ago
JUNE 10, 2021
"And yet there had been something curiously impressive about the death of the Mexican. It wasn’t that he hadn’t deserved to die. He was an evil man, a man they call in Mexico a capungo. A capungo is a bandit who will kill for as little as forty pesos, which is about twenty-five shillings—though probably he had been paid more to attempt the killing of Bond—and, from the look of him, he had been an instrument of pain and misery all his life."
Goldfinger, Chapter One
Easy entry here, as Ian Fleming defines the term for us. In the context here, it simply means a cheap hitman or assassin.
FInding the actual term in use was a bit more difficult. I didn’t think Fleming just made it up, but I couldn’t find any references to it, other than it being the name given to a minor villain in a motion picture.
Then, on about the 10th page of Google results, I came across a page entitled “The dialect of São João da Chapada: Possible remains of a mining language in Minas Gerais, Brazil” listed among the words was:
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Searching Kapiangu brought me to the Portuguese term “Capiango” which is defined as “pessoa que rouba com destreza” – literally translated means “bad person who steals with dexterity.” In Spanish, it can be translated to “clever thief”, or simply thief.
“Bad person” fits with Fleming’s description that this was an “evil man.”
Could Ian Fleming have meant Capiango instead of Capungo? Or had he heard Capungo used in the context in which he uses it here in Goldfinger?
If anyone has further information, I’d love to hear from you.
As for the price of 40 pesos or 25 shillings, the current value of that would be 1.43 GBP or $2.03 USD. Adjusting for inflation from 1958 to to 2021, that would about 13.35 GBP or $18.91 USD.
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portfolio-einfuhrung · 1 year ago
Das Portfolio benötigt eine Änderung
Das Portfolio benötigt eine Änderung, da sich das Portfolio seit mehr als 2 Monaten nicht verändert hat.
Das neue Portfolio ist wie folgt,
APRE (19.84%) DNUT (2.03%) BROS (10.46%) DH (0.08%) AIRS (10.46%) CEG (19.80%) DIBS (2.03%) CAR (14.47%) ARQQ (10.40%) CACC (10.44%)
Diese Aktien werden 2-3 Monate im Portfolio gehalten, es sei denn, der Wert des Portfolios ändert sich erheblich, z. B. -5 % oder 3 %.
[Das obige Portfolio ist nur eine Idee und nur zum Lernen und zur Kommunikation. Der Handel auf diese Weise erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr]
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introducao-ao-portfolio · 1 year ago
O portfólio precisa de uma mudança
O portfólio precisa de uma alteração, porque o portfólio não mudou há mais de 2 meses.
O novo portfólio é o seguinte,
APRE (19.84%) DNUT (2.03%) BROS (10.46%) DH (0.08%) AIRS (10.46%) CEG (19.80%) DIBS (2.03%) CAR (14.47%) ARQQ (10.40%) CACC (10.44%)
Essas ações serão mantidas na carteira por 2 a 3 meses, a menos que o valor da carteira mude significativamente, como -5% ou 3%.
[O portfólio acima é apenas uma ideia e apenas para aprendizado e comunicação. Negociar dessa maneira é por sua conta e risco]
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atletasudando · 2 years ago
Buen nivel en los Juegos Universitarios de Brasil
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Informe: CBAT Un destacado nivel en varias pruebas ofreció la nueva edición de los Juegos Universitario Brasileños (Jubs), selectiva hacia la Universiada, que se realizó en la pista del Complejo Militar de Planalto, en Brasilia. Gabriela Silva Mourao (foto), quien se viene luciendo como una de las velocistas en mejor forma en su país, ganó ahora los 100 metros llanos en 11.27 (viento -0.5ms), después de registrar 11.24w en las eliminatorias. Gabriela Fontinelel fue su escolta con 11.71 y el tercer puesto correspondió a Lara Beatriz Morais da Silva con 11.63. Entre los hombres, el mejor en esta prueba fue Lucas Conceicao Vilar, quien registró 10.32 (viento 2.0) en la prueba decisiva, delante del juvenl Thamer Moreira Alves (10.51) y Gustavo Henrique Ferreira (10.54). También los 200 metros fueron de alto nivel. La final masculina se disputó con viento a favor (2.2 ms) y allí Joao Henrique Falcao Cabral ganó con 20.55, delante de Gustavo Ferreira (20.98) y Lucas de Souza (21.04). En damas, el triunfo en esta prueba correspondió a Leticia Maria Nonato Lima con 23.39 (viento de 2.00ms), delante de Gabriela Fontienle (23.71) y Daniella Campigotto (24.26). Leticia, además, se adueñó de los 400 metros con 53.61, seguida por Uhuru Figueira Rocha con 53.77. En hombres, Falcao Cabral también hizo doblete, ya que logró los 400 en 46.77, seguido por Bruno Slompo Mendes con 47.07. Ulisses Mateus Silva Costa fue una de las principales figuras en el sector de saltos con sus 16.07 en triple. Otros de los ganadores fueron Lucas Felipe Oliveira (2.03 m. en salto en alto), Victor Soares de Silva (4.80 en garrocha) y Alex Oliveira Andrade (7.46w en largo). En damas, una de las cartas brasileñas para esta temporada es Lissandra Maysa Campos, quien ahora llegó a los 6.21 m. en largo. Tambíen ganaron Sarah  Suelen Freitas con 1.78 m. en salto en alto y Regiclecia Cándido da Silva (13.07 en triple).} Entre los lanzadores se vieron muy buenas performances en disco. Wellinton Fernandes da Cruz Filho encabezó la clasificación masculina con 59.37 y Mario Luiz David Junior fue su escolta con 53.88. Las seis primeras mujeres estuvieron por arriba de los 40 metros, con triunfo d eIngrid Iohanna Rorigues Martins con 49.66. El decathlon marcó el retorno a los primeros planos de Jefferson Carvalho Santos, quien reunió 6.642 puntos y terminó delante de Jonathan da Silva (6.616) mientras que en el heptathlon Gleyci Kelly dos Santos Nascimento venció con 5.046, seguida por Andreza de Oliveira Reis con 4.852. En la clasificación de conjunto se impuso la Universidad Mauricio de Nassau, de Pernambuco. Read the full article
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Jensen Ackles as Alec McDowell | Dark Angel 2.03
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wqbytop100 · 2 years ago
Top 100 for the week ending March 19, 2023
Heaven---Niall Horan -2 [intro .16s /Ends Cold @ 3.00s]
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *Kyle Walker remix-3^ [intro .08s / Break@ 1.34s / Ends Cold 3.38]
Here We Go Again----Oliver Tree, David Guetta -4^ [Intro 0.7s/ Ends Cold @4.39s]
Dancing's Done----Ava Max -5 [intro.10s/Ends Cold 2.40s]
Left & Right----Ownboss, FAST BOY -97 [Intro .03s/Ends Cold 2.31s]
Just The Kinda Feeling----Yotto, Lost Boy -9^ [intro 0.6s/Cold 3.32]
Lovesick----Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons -11 [intro .08s/EndsCold @2.03
Back To You---Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassabors -12 [intro.08s/[email protected]]
High Heels - Party Down Under----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes, *Sam Feldt remix -18^ [Begins Vocals/1stEnd [email protected]]
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -19^ [[email protected]/[email protected]]
10:35----Tiesto, Tate McRae -21 [Begins Vocals/[email protected]]
Good Time----The Dare -27^[[email protected]/EndsCold2.13s]
You Know What I Need----PNAU, Troye Sivan -15 [intro@09s/2.46s]
Unholy----Sam Smith, Kim Petras -1 [intro.21s/[email protected]]
I Can't Wait----Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb -17 [[email protected]/Ends [email protected]]
Pearls----Jessie Ware -25^ [intro0.30s/[email protected]]
Money On The Dash-----Elley Duhe, Whethan -7 [introBeginsVocals/[email protected]]
Never Gonna Not Dance Again----Pink, *Sam Feldt remix -10 [intro0.07s/Ends [email protected]]
When I Talk-----Kx5 f/ Elderbrook -14 [intro0.14s/[email protected]]
Lay Low----Tiesto -13 [BeginsVocals/[email protected]]
Hungry Heart-----Steve Aoki, Galantis, Hayley Kiyoko -92^ [BeginsVocals/[email protected]]
Borderline-----Tove Lo -62^ [intro0.7s/[email protected]/Fade3.00s]
Out Of My Mind----Little Image -8 [[email protected]/begins long fade @2.21s]
Something's Coming----Cheat Codes, Lady A -58 [intro0.8s/[email protected]]
If We Ever Broke Up-----Mae Stephens -68^ [intro0.08s/[email protected]]
Red Lights----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, *EMBRZ remix -23
***River----Mylie Cyrus -(new entry)
Chasing Shadows----Alex Warren -89^
Afterparty----Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling -6
Gone (Da da Da)-----Imanbek, Jay Sean -16^
Lennon----ESSEL -33
Different Kind Of Lonely---Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo -24
New Gold----Gorrillaz, Tame Impala, Bootie Brown, *Dom Dolla remix -32
Tra Tra----HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Nfasis -35
Bel Mercy---Jengi -37
Flowers ------Mylie Cyrus -43 ''peak16''
Shut Up----Alan Walker, UPSAHL -20
Freeze---Kygo -31
Solitude----Snakechips, BIA, Lucky Daye -36
I'm Good (Blue)----David Guetta, Bebe Rexha -34
What's It Gonna Take-----Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny -44^
How Many Tears----Kygo, Sam Feldt, Emily Warren -40
Makin' Time----Sultan + Shepard, Julia Church -45^
Sete-----BLOND:ISH, Francis Mercier, Amadou & Mariam -41
Gimme That Bounce----Mau P -26
Drifting Away----Audien, Joe Jury -38
Lipstick----BLR, Robbie Rise -56^
Rely On Me-----Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino -22
*I'll Be Around----Elderbrook, Amtrac -(re entry)
Need Me Right----Anabel Englund -53
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn -46
Pouring Rain----Guz, Camden Cox -55
No Love For You----Regard, Drop G -39
*Don't Make Me Come Down There----Dolly Parton -(re entry)
Revolution---John Summit -57
Kill Me---Alok -54
*Make Me Feel---The Chainsmokers, Cheyenne Giles -(re-entry)
What House----Block & Crown -88^
What A Life----John Summit, Guz, Stevie Appleton -42
*Can I Get It Back----Jordana Bryant, *R3HAB remix -(re-entry)
Firewalk-----Morgan Page, Lissie -63^
Clouds-----BUNT., Nate Traveller -81^
***Moving All Around----Schak, Kim English, *John Summit remix -(new entry)
The One---INJI -61
Stay Above----Lukas Graham -64
Anyway----CASH CASH f/ RuthAnne -70^
***Where Are You----John Summit, Hayla -(new entry)
Rhyme Dust----MK, Dom Dolla -78^
Bedroom Exile----Giant Rooks -74^
***Next To You----Loud Luxury, DVBBS, f/ Kane Brown -(new entry)
Say Your Mine----Paul Oakenfold, Nat Monday, Christina Novelli -75^
***Adore---Bob Sinclar -(new entry)
Crazy----RMR, Ryan Lewis -79^
Better Now----TELYKAST, Francis Karel, MEDUN remix -76
Forget You----FAST BOY, Topic -66
***Rewind (But I Loe You) ----Whipped Cream -(new entry)
***Find Your People----Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors -(new entry)
Feelings----EMELINE -85^
Caught Up----Gryffin, Olivia O'Brien -86^
The Freaks----David Guetta, Marten Harger -84^
Feel This Good----Sigala, Mae Muller, Caity Baser, Stefflon Don -95^
***Take Me Away----ACRAZE -(new entry)
***Submarine-----Seeb, BANNERS, SUPER-Hi -(new entry)
***Thousand Miles----Miley Cyrus, Brandi Carlile -(new entry)
***New Bottega-----Torren Foot, Azealia Banks -(new entry)
***I Wrote A Song----Mae Muller -(new entry)
***F U Goodbye----Peach PRC -(new entry)
***Choose You----Elmiene -(new entry)
****The Way----Manchester Orchestra -(new entry)
***After Midnight----Lucas & Steve, Yves V, Xoro, *TELYKAST remix
***Headstrone Gunner----Aldn -(new entry)
***Lose My Mind-----Stephen Dawes -(new entry)
***Everybody Hates Me----GAYLE -(new entry)
All Or Nothing----Topic, HRVY -49
*All Falls Down---Alonestar, Jethro & Ed Sheeran -(re-entry)
Sing Your Lullaby----R3HAB, Mike Williams -48
Wings (I Won't Let You Down-----Armin Van Helden, Karen Harding-39
High----NEIL FRANCIS, PawPawRod -40
Good Life----Hayden James, Emie -51
***Oi Oi Oi----Dubdogs, Maxximal, MC Hollywood -(new entry)
Gone this week are;
Heart Wants What It Wants-----Bebe Rexha Anything But Wet----I O LIghts Creepin-----Metro Bloomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage Serotonin Moonbeams----The Blessed Madonna On My Mind-----EDX Be Right There---Diplo, Sleepy Tom, *HUGEL remix Pegasus----MEDUZA, Eli & Fur Ghost Again----Depeche Mode Sleepwalking----Matt Sassari, Goodboys If I Live Forever----Vintage Culture, Izzy Bizu Shockwave----R3HAB, Afrojack Hurt That You Gave Me----Cheat Codes, Bret Young Nervous System----JOSEPH Heartbreak Feels So Good----Fall Out Boy Can't Tame Her----Zara Larson Here----Tom Grennan Blue-(Da Ba Dee----Effel 65, *Gabry Pointe Ice Box remix Horizons---Guz Dapperton Sweet Goodbye-----Robin Schultz Do You Really? ----Lyn Lapid, Ruth B Helicopter----Jame Hype It's Quiet Now-----Hoeny Dijon, Dope Earth Alien Feel Alive----TELYKAST, Sky Blu Whistle----Jax Jones, Calum Scott
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and-i-stare-at-your-hands · 4 years ago
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Wentworth // 2.03 // Boys In The Yard //
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onlyapieceofart · 5 years ago
E io sono talmente piccola da sparirci dentro un tuo abbraccio
-13.10.2019 ore 2.03 pm
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natsumisato · 6 years ago
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Nr. 47 - 2.03 - Das Date
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awed-frog · 6 years ago
Most ridiculous and bizarrely wholesome thing I’ve seen all week. 
(Translation under the cut.)
For context: Lorenzo Baglioni is an Italian Youtube artist who specializes in educational music; in particular, and as weird as that sounds, he wrote a wildly popular, Love Actually-inspired song on how the subjunctive works. This one was prepared as part of the EU’s This time I’m voting campaign (guys, we’re electing the European parliament next week - if you haven’t registered yet, get all the details here and remember to vote!). 
[This is a pun - UE means EU, but also ‘hey!’]
Sei un ente, un'organizzazione internazionale 
[You’re an institution, an international organization]
Politica, economica a carattere sovranazionale 
[That’s political, economical and supranational]
Composta da 28 stati membri indipendenti 
[Composed by 28 independent member states]
O forse 27… ma so' comunque tanti 
[Or maybe 27...but they’re still many]
‘Sta cosa garantisce libera circolazione 
[This ensures free movement]
Di merci, di servizi, di capitali e di persone 
[Of goods, services, capitals and people]
Nel territorio dei paesi interni all'area Shengen 
[In the countries of the Shengen Area]
E la foto in coppa a ‘o passapuort' in chist’ manc’ serve
[So that passports are no longer needed] 
‘O saccio, ‘o saccio, ‘o saccio 
[I know, I know, I know]
Mi dici “Che follia! Io v’aggio rat’ tanto 
[You’re telling me “This is crazy! I gave you a lot]
E vuo’ vulit’ andare via..!” 
[And you want to leave!”]
Ti dico... UE! 
[I answer...hey!]
Ma comm' faccio a stare senz' 'e te…?! 
[How would I ever be without you?]
UE! Co’ ‘o parlamient’ sott' ‘a pioggia di Bruxelles 
[EU! With your parliament under the Bruxelles rain]
Fra le tue competenze spiccan le politiche economiche 
[Economic policies are under your purview] 
Mirando a precisi obiettivi socio-economici, tu stanzi fondi strutturali 
[You want to achieve detailed socio-economic goals, you allocate the Structural Funds]
Bandisci piani di ricerca con programmi pluriennali 
[You launch multiannual research programs]
Promuovi la pace fra gli stati nel ricordo della storia 
[You promote peace among countries because you remember history]
Accà  nisciun’ è fesso, non si invade la Polonia Io dico… 
[We’re not idiots, let’s not invade Poland]
UE! Con la moneta unica dal 2003 
[EU! With a common currency since 2003]
UE! Anzi era l'anno prima, mannaggia a me! 
[EU! No, that was 2002, goddammit!]
Chell'anno ero in Erasmus a Valencia e sulamente grazie a te… quant’ho pazziat’ 
[And that year I was on Erasmus in Valencia only thanks to you...and how much fun I had]
E non lasciarmi, dico (UE!) 
[Don’t leave me, I tell you ‘hey!’]
Al global Warming dico tiè! 
[To global warming I say ‘fuck you’]
Non sforo il deficit pe’ te! 
[For you I won’t breach the deficit!]
Sto al due virgola zero tre 
[I’ll stay at 2.03]
Nun fa’ l’offesa, mo’ pecché 
[Don’t be all offended now, but why?]
La Brexit, no, nun fa pe’ me 
[Brexit is not for me]
T’aggio voluto bene e ‘o sai cumm’a me, ma ch’aggio a fa’, ‘a serenata all’Europarlamient’..?! 
[I love you, you know how that goes...but should I do, serenade you in front of the European Parliament?]
UE! Ma comm’ faccio a stare senz’ ‘e te..?! 
[EU! How am I supposed to be without you?]
UE! Le linee guida della BCE 
[EU! The guidelines of the ECB]
Con Mario Draghi, il quantitative easing e il gruppo dello SME (Sistema monetario europeo), io mi chiedo... 
[With Mario Draghi, the quantitative easing and the EMS (European Monetary System), I’m wondering...]
UE! Ma comm’ faccio a stare senz’ ‘e te…?! 
[EU! How am I supposed to be without you?]
UE! ‘Stu sentimient’, UE, chist’amore che 
[EU! This feeling, hey, this love that]
Va da Posillipo a Strasburgo, da ‘o Vesuvio, comm’ lava fino a te.. 
[Goes from Posillipo to Strasbourg, from the Vesuvius like flowing lava all the way to you...]
Che sembri fredda e poi ti sciogli come neve al sole 
[You who look so cold but then you melt like snow in the sun]
Ascolta ��sta canzone che agg’ scritto, dedicata solo a te
[Listen to this song I wrote, I wrote it just for you]
Uuuuh, ragazzi scusate gli eventuali errori di napoletano, lui ha avuto il coach ma io nulla...si fa quel che si può. 🙈
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"Try me." | Jensen Ackles as Alec in Dark Angel
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