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taylor swift is a lyrical genius but when i hear illicit affairs live im actually gonna cry
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weepingmilkshakedreamer · 5 months ago
fun fact f0r th0ze wh0 d0nt kn0w:
there waz a amateur surge0n rip0ff game called "crazy doctor" where y0u played az a d0ct0r named "Kevin" wh0 perf0rmez all kindz 0f surgeriez 0n different patientz with a b0x cutter [i d0nt really kn0w the game btw and I'm juzt n0w l00king int0 it but yeah. l0l]
alz0 the reaz0n why i can inztantly tell it'z a rip0ff 0f AS iz the hella 0bvi0uz similaritiez the game haz 2 it like the artztyle 0f it 4 example
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like idk if thiz iz juzt me but yeah y0u can clearly zee the similaritiez here. l0l and hell even my b0i Kevin iz c0pying alanz p0ze here like it'z n0t even trying t0 hide the fact it'z a rip0ff 💀
alz0 adding thiz in here the dial0gue f0r crazy d0ct0r iz shit and lezz entertaining then the 0ne in AS cuz hey at leazt AS triez t0 have z0me hum0r in it [like h0w the game breakz the 4th wall at z0me p0intz which iz my fav gag 0f AS next 2 bleed g0ing "I'm not your nurse Alan!". l0l]
but anywayz adding thiz in here even the t00lz n h0w the sugeriez play 0ut have simularitez t0 AS specifically AS4 and/0r 3 [0r any verzi0n 0f AS i think cuz idk] like here are z0me m0re imagez f0r example
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except f0r the fact the t00lz are different in CD and there'z different surgery f0rmatz n different characterz but again there are the similaritiez.
alz0 adding thiz in here cuz yeah: i shid y0u n0t bertha c0tt0n [CD character btw] iz literally the rip0ff verzi0n 0f 0ur girl Starla.
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I'm n0t even kidding cuz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wju2hX5fno&list=PLdUyIANuJTeNlAE2yw2FQUXUz_nY4JvLB&index=11 specifically at the start 0f it but yeah.
alz0 that remindz me here'z a playlizt 0f the game i f0und after i remembered z0mething menti0ning it fr0m a p0zt 0n DA n deciding t0 l00k it up. l0l
but anywayz that'z all imma zay f0r n0w cuz again idk much ab0ut the game due t0 juzt l00king int0 it but yeah, I'll let y0u guyz kn0w if i find anything elze 0n it [alz0 feel free t0 make y0ur 0wn little rant 0n it cuz y0u'll pr0bably d0 a better j0b at explaining it then h0w i did]. l0l
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paradoxkinspace · 10 months ago
xx hey, uh. i have a can0n call, if thats 0kay? im preket xant0x, hem0an0n, 13th sgrub player. i r0leplayed with nepeta a l0t, and she c0nvinced me t0 play sgrub with every0ne else. later 0n, kanaya t0ld me that she th0ught the wh0le team thing was silly, s0 we made 0ur 0wn 'green team'. there were als0 five human kids, but i d0nt kn0w much since i never b0thered with them. i didnt really.. last l0ng, 0n the mete0r. any0nes welc0me, whether this is familiar 0r n0t. interact and ill message. xx
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paintedvanilla · 6 years ago
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lies my sister tells on the internet
- you dont wear mascara
- that’s not our fucking cat
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twotoned2marta22-blog · 8 years ago
[[ logs and some daring events with @geminidoomed​! end result: ???? ]]
geminidoomed II haven't 2een you on iin a few niight2, ii2 everythiing okay?
twotoned2marta22 > Is this one going to be as much of a hassle as The Ringleader. Please, goddesses, no.
hell0 artiifex, s0rry f0r taking s0 l0ng t0 get back t0 y0u megid0 is the name. snips is unavailable f0r the time being
geminidoomed Why ii2 2niip2 unavaiilable, and why are you on hii2 account?
twotoned2marta22 0n his acc0unt because his palmhusk was severely damaged and im transferring the data, i n0ticed tr0lls have been trying t0 c0ntact him it seems there was an accident inv0lving s0mething expl0sive! unsure 0f the details but hes quite alright n0w, luckily, m0stly hes been sleeping the sh0ck 0f it 0ff
geminidoomed oh man that 2uck2 a lot, II'm 2ure a lot of people are worriied about hiim be2iide2 me
> What a beautiful live connection to the computer sending these messages, you think you'll just pull up the view finder
twotoned2marta22 n0t really, which is a shame. he seems a nice fell0w
> Lie. Total lie. He tried to stab you in the throat with the broken handle of a teacup this evening.
geminidoomed 2ometiime2 people do head offliine for a few niight2 at a tiime. hey are you wiith tho2e friiend2 of hii2 II thiink he mentiioned before?
>You are now directly looking at her and the room surrounding her, and idly noting down the coordinates.
twotoned2marta22 g00d p0int, im rarely ever 0n myself. he was 0n his 0wn when i f0und him, d0 y0u have c0ntact inf0rmati0n f0r these friends? i w0uldnt want them t0 be w0rrying
> How many of these people that he's talked to are actually his friends. The Captor wasn't supposed to develop a social circle while isolated from society. > Aradia is in her own block, filled with ancient artifacts and a partially complete skeleton of an ancient lusii. The Peixes symbol can be seen in fuchsia over the door. There's mild burns visible on her face and arms.
geminidoomed II'm afraiid not 0n0 II've never 2poken wiith hii2 real liife friiend2.
>Yeah there's no way in fuck he'd be anywhere near a Piexes, volentarily. Sparks knows how he feels about the 'witches' >And the rebellion.
how diid you happen two be iin the neiighborhood..?
>He leaned on  one arm, putting his chin in his hand and began to write a program, the code spinning into his mind's eye.
twotoned2marta22 well thats sure a pr0blem! ill ask him when he wakes up again
> You'll ask him when you damn well feel like it, sometime after he stops trying to murder you every twelve seconds. > What's a feasible story. Easy to remember, easy to stick with.
i was running a dig site s0me kil0meters away when we heard s0mething det0nate, s0 i went 0ver t0 investigate
geminidoomed >He released the code gently. all it was was a locator. Starting from her coordinates find his artifacts.
oh man cool, what were you guy2 diiggiing up way out there?
twotoned2marta22 a very specific 0ld civilizati0n, literally buried! but the specific part has t0 be a secret f0r n0w. s0me tr0lls w0uld rather hist0ry be f0rg0tten and i d0nt want their claws anywhere near my w0rk!
> When he tracks the artifacts down, he'll find that Snips is still wearing them. He'll also find that Snips looks beat to shit, and is in a large block with just. so much pink. so many pinks. It looks luxurious, though, and there's a mediculler currently checking up on him.
geminidoomed >Holy shit shes. Shes just so bad at this. Shes so terribly bad, why has she been allowed to actually try to fool people into anything?
2hiit II wouldnt want you two be caught 2ayiing 2omethiing you 2houldn't on the iinternet and gettiing your whole diig ruiined or liike. culled or anythiing.
>Holy fuck thats so much pink. Thats just. An obnoxious amount of pink. Hes going to spend a while watching the mediculler, and Snips. The one flaw is that there isnt any audio on this shitty thing. Maybe he ought to work on that..
twotoned2marta22 > Let her live dude, most of her attention has been taken up but your (justifiably) murderous alt down in the basement. > Also yeah, this generally isn’t her job.
im n0t t00 w0rried, snips here has apparently been telling every0ne and their lusus that hes a limebl00d and n0b0dy has c0me after him
> Except the "2talker Pyrope" of course. She almost chuckles at that.
> Snips doesn't appear to be saying anything, but occasionally he flinches and starts to turn on the mediculler like he intends to attack. The mediculler jumps away, Snips slumps back down, the process continues and repeats.
geminidoomed That2 true, but 2ometiime2 deviice2 have word triigger2 iin them you never know, yeah?
>He tapped his fingers against his chin, lips thinned out into a line.
twotoned2marta22 i supp0se anyways! is there anything y0u want me t0 pass 0n t0 snips f0r y0u? 0ther than the general "hey, s0 and s0 asked if y0ure 0kay"
> Aradia slumps back on the floor rug she's laying on. It was a mighty beast at some point. Now it's just fur.
> Snips gradually lashes out less and less. By the time the mediculler packs up their things, he looks barely responsive. He shuffles toward a recuperacoon when motioned towards it.
geminidoomed yeah let hiim know II've been worriied and II'm lookiing forward two 2eeiing hiim agaiin wiill you? -hey iit wa2 niice meetiing you Aradiia but II need two jet.
>To snips, he needs to jet to Snips, he grabs his armored coat  and shrugs it on without doing up the buttons, and double checks to make sure his sword is in his strife specibus, before he relocates himself to the coordinates hes watching snips from. He wanted to grab him before he hit the sopor because the sopor would make things at least twice as more difficult than they needed to be.
twotoned2marta22 will d0. h0pefully hes g0ing t0 be right as rain and back 0nline s00n
> She doubts it. The kid has developed a stubborn streak since going wild, and he won't listen to reason until it breaks. Aradia is tired of wrigglers.
> Snips is unbuttoning his shirt slowly, fumbling with the buttons but hissing if anyone attempts to help. He can deal with this on his own, fuck you very much.
geminidoomed >The sudden appearance of a wild space pirate in the room cant be going completely unnoticed, he started closing the distance between them. "2niip2!"
twotoned2marta22 > The mediculler was just leaving, and upon witnessing the... sudden and very magical appearance of another troll, yanks open the door to shout for the guards. Two clowns and three blue brutes pile in as the mediculler makes their escape. > A door appears in the wall behind the recuperacoon, and through it steps a troll cloaked in black and fuchsia. The door disappears.
> Snips takes a solid five seconds to realize his name is being called. He looks up sluggishly.
geminidoomed >Man those guys are fucking fast, they appeared almost as quickly as he did. Did the mediculler already drug snips more? He wishes he'd had a better angle to see what he'd been doing.
>Sparks began to mentally map where everyone in the room was- including holy shit that fuchsia where the shit did she even come from??
>Time to try to scoop snips up. He obviously can't move fast enough right now.
>He was prepared to be bitten this is his life now.
twotoned2marta22 > They've been hovering in hopes of a chance to beat down the lime, honestly. They each have dead or hurt friends this week because of him. The mediculler had no drugs, this is plain old exhaustion, but they are fumbling to run and get a palmhusk out of their bag to contact Aradia.
> The witch hasn't moved from behind the coon yet, while the blues and clowns have already fanned out, blues already charging ahead while the clowns hang back. The air starts to feel thick and distorted from chucklevoodoos.
> Snips does flash his teeth, though it's hardly a threatening sight. Then he slips right out of Sparks' reach, the floor yawning open and closing the moment he's fallen through. Then he pops out of the wall and hits the floor winded, right next to the witch.
geminidoomed >Sparks's teeth were much more impressive as he bared them, half grin and half challenge, eyes blazing up bright his sword appeared in his hand and crackled with psionics. His reaction to fear was to primarily spin it into rage, to kill whatever he was afraid of, some of his panic attacks had been lethal or near lethal for people.
> - First deal with the trolls closing in, he whirled on them to engage while he let the rest of his brain calculate the exact position his friend was in relitive to his, because between kicking someone away from his sword, and turning to another he was going to dissappear and appear near snips again to take a chance and try to scoop him up even that close to the witch.
twotoned2marta22 > There's a brief second of confusion as they each realize that their opponent is a gold psion, and that he's clearly wielding magic. For a moment, the witch's snarl of outrage overrides the chucklevoodoos stuffing up the atmosphere with noise. One of the clowns decides to get into Sparks' head. With a lowblood, it's bound to be easy.
> Between magic and voodoos, Snips has completely frozen up in terror. He makes no attempt to move from where he is on the floor, aside from curling up on his side and covering his face.
geminidoomed >That tore a snarl out of him, the moment he felt an actual touch on his mind he mentally grabbed onto it and lashed his power back along the link between them wrecklessly.
>Snips is no help but he just has to get him up into his arms, and his psionics will help- it was just too hard to do the calculations to get them out of there with them seperate.
twotoned2marta22 > The first clown stumbles back with a shout, stunned, and two blues rush Sparks again while the third glances back in confusion.
> Manacles conjure up from beneath Sparks and cease his legs; the witch launches an orb of black something that hits Sparks' back hard.
geminidoomed He fell forward, caught by the legs and struck from behind, and came back up, eyes flashing, to  make a gesture in the air with his hand,  then slicing it toward the witch. Dramatics all of it, he gutted the part of her physical code that dealt with phenotype and replaced it with the typing for a rust blooded troll. - He was distracted momentarily with that.  and when his attention tore back to the guards rushing in they were far too close, he struck out at a knee while he tried to get his feet back under him and away from the things holding him down.
twotoned2marta22 > The witch collapses, loudly groaning but already struggling to get off the floor. She's stubborn. One blue's sword clangs off Sparks' leg; the other brings a hammer down on his chest with full force.
> The witch has Snips fall through an open window in the floor. He's moved elsewhere in the room but unseen.
geminidoomed He felt the weight of the sword his his leg, and the force of it all the way through to the bone, though the edge was turned away.
There was a crack, and a shattering pain that went all the way through his body, his sword found the inside of the hammer wielder’s elbow and thrust, twisting it he was seeing white as the hammer came down on him, sword work too late to stop it, and arm too weak to block a blueblood's blow, a bubble of swirling blue force burst outward from him to throw everything near him away, while he struggled to breath, his chest was shattered and he was suffocating- he didn’t have long, he had to fix this in his code
twotoned2marta22 > The blue isn't going to be wielding his hammer again anytime, stumbling back and clutching his wound, then thrown with the rest by the burst of psionics. Sparks would have a reprieve, except the witch comes shrieking in with a last action, crafting a hammer of her own of the same inky black material as before and sending it to the hands of the second clown, who brings it down on Sparks with even greater force and rage than the blue. > Mostly rage.
geminidoomed The clawing desperate pain and pressure in his chest exploded - He saw white, and then black, his body was ruined and he was overwhelmed. The half dead god stopped breathing, his heart stopped beating, everything stopped, and he laid crumpled.
twotoned2marta22 > The fighting stops, and this is when Aradia arrives. A clown is unconscious on the floor, all of the blues are bleeding, the witch is keening on the floor while the other clown stands over her holding an magically constructed hammer, there's a strange corpse in the middle of the room, the Captor is gone--
> Oh, there he is. His head is poking out from the pile of blankets and cushions to one corner of the block, staring in shock at the body. He's weeping.
“Artiifex...? Artiifex?? Fex?!”
> Aradia brings her hands together in a loud clap, startling everyone silent and bringing the trolls’ attentions to her. The medicullers she ordered to follow warily peek into the room.
“Docterror, get these four to the medical ward immediately. Jolyre, send down a cleaning crew for this mess and then go make sure your brother’s pan hasn’t been fried, Sister, tell me right now why you’re hiding in your cloaks more than usual and why there is a dead body in this block.”
> The witch doesn’t say anything, just uncovers one now-rust eye and stares up at Aradia. She heaves a sigh.
“Go with the medicullers, explain everything to me later.”
> The witch gestures to Sparks’ crumpled body, face twisted in disgust. “The psion struck a deal with something. He still lingers.”
“Can you take care of it?”
“Of course I can.”
> The witch and Sparks disappear through doors that exist for a moment. Aradia stays in the room, staring Snips down until cleaners and a new batch of guards arrive. She doesn’t say anything when she leaves. Snips doesn’t say anything either.
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erdsthenerds · 8 years ago
Taggy thing
Thanks to @dustafterreign for the tag!
11 Questions to answer:
What’s the worst menial task you have to do, either because of your own brain or someone else’s decisions? My job lol I edit letters for a company hired by banks to do their menial tasks.
Night or day? Night for sure
Are there a lot of pictures of you as a child? I think so? I’ve never really thought about the average pics of kids. Obviously it’s more now that we have cameras everywhere we go, but for a 90′s kid, I think there’s a decent amount.
Are you religious? I was raised religious, but I’m not sure I am anymore. I like some of the concepts I was taught, I’d like to believe some of the big picture things, but a lot of the details I just can’t get behind.
What’s your birthday? July 28th
Do you have a phone? Yes, since I was 13
What device do you use most frequently to access tumblr? Probably my phone
What’s your current interest? Sherlock. Always Sherlock, but also mental health. I need to find a shrink.
If you could study any topic, with no time requirements or GPA to beat, what would it be? Gender and sexuality/LGBT history or psychology. All the psychology
Favorite childhood memory? idk and don’t want to think about it.
Are any of your stuffed things “real” a la Velveteen Rabbit? I don’t understand this question, sorry. I have a Baymax plushy right now though
11 Questions for you to answer:
What brought you to tumblr/how did you find out about it?
Who would you trade lives with for a day?
What is your dream pet?
Would you want to know when/how you’re going to die? Why or why not?
What is your opinion on hickeys?
Who do you know you could call at any hour to help you if you had a flat tire?
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep and why?
How many pairs of shoes do you own and which is your favorite?
What’s your favorite color and what does it mean to you?
If you could live in a fictional world, which would you choose?
Can you cook or bake? What’s your favorite meal/dish to cook/bake?
I’ll tag:
@chickens-d0nt-clap, @awomanofsubstancelife, @ailorian, @thesunflowerviolinist, @well-fine-then, @geekyweirdo, @tl-c-sugarskulls, @sherlockwatson, @findawaytoshine, @theofficialasexual, @beau-aventure, @herwayintomyheart, @awkwardconversationss, @khaleesi-nimhara, @electronsoup, @ariston77, @the-skye-under-the-sea, @smolnord, @luv-lightand-sherlock, @johnlockedtbh, @therealdylpickle, @weweremadeforeachothersherlock, @magical-beans, @benaddictmindpalace, @dhampir-vex, and @all-the-stars-belong-to-her
Please don’t feel obligated to participate if you don’t want to, and if you see this and want to participate, feel free! Just tag me xp
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