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lovedrruunk · 9 months ago
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garfield0-o · 2 years ago
Overwatch but they’re mlp :33333
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brownfrogs · 1 year ago
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Had the idea of D.VA hosting unhinged subathon gameshows with members of the ovw cast. Wrong answers means you get electrocuted by her limited edition electric collars! Lineart done by the talented Odyssko!! Colors by me!!!
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months ago
Okay so yesterday last night I watched The Last Unicorn and of course cried my little eyes out soo... Overwatch characters and how each of them felt after watching The Last Unicorn!
Also TLU= The Last Unicorn if you want to know btw
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mister-random · 2 months ago
I wanna draw something with all the younger characters of overwatch, like, Illari, Juno, D.va, Hazard, Brigitte, Venture, Junkrat and Lucio, bc I think they all would have fun dynamics, Venture, D.va and Junkrat would be the autistic kids talking bout their hiperfixations (Juno is trying to participate in the conversation but gets awkward really quickly so she just ends up sitting there in silence with ROADHOG who is also there in mute bc he goes wherever his boyfriend goes and everyone there accepted him as a extension of Junkrat) Brigitte, Illari and Hazard would be the ones having like- a more "level-headed" conversations (Until they all get stoned and both of them start trauma dumping on poor Brigitte and saying stupid shit) and Lucio is chatting with everyone, going back and forth between them, putting on his playlist and making sure everyone is having a good time bc he's chill like that.
But I'm too lazy, so I'll just throw this headcanons here and if someone wanna share more fun headcanons I'm all ears (Might even draw it if I like it)
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ovwechoes · 7 months ago
Can you write different characters and how they would react when they get jealous when dating reader
D.va,Sombra,Junkrat , the rest you wanna do is your choice!
OVW Characters & Jealousy Headcanons
I'm happy to write for them! I'll write some headcanons for Venture and Ashe as well!
Hana Song / D.Va: Hana's the type of woman that would use humour to mask her jealousy - she's usually friendly, but she wont stray from poking fun at whoever she's jealous of, especially when around her partner. She's confident in herself, and doesn't internalise the jealousy, just uses it to fuel her anger towards the person she's jealous of. Her jealousy would reflect in her affection as well - her kisses would be more dominating, her hugs tighter, even hand holding would involve her nails digging into your hands more. It's her way of showing she's better, and reminding her partner that she's theirs and they're hers. Hana won't verbalise her jealousy, unless it's for a valid reason that her partner is feeding into.
Olivia Colomar / Sombra: Olivia holds her cards close to her chest, and when she feels jealous this is amplified. She keeps her guard up, and wont open up about her feelings even on the smallest of things. All the while, she'd be subtly manipulating situations where her partner's interacting with the person causing the jealousy to plant seeds of doubt and dislike from her partner to them. She doesn't take jealousy lightly, and she needs to feel in control of situations otherwise her mind wanders to dark places. Olivia would most likely hide her jealousy behind a façade, never letting anyone see how much it's affecting her. In reality, though, it is and if it were affecting her deeply, she'd create scenarios for her partner and the other person to ‘find themselves in’, so that she could test her partner's loyalty. When Olivia's backed into a wall and can't move on from it, she does destructive things like that and wants to test her partner's loyalty and commitment, just to reassure herself.
Jamison Fawkes / Junkrat: Because of his explosive nature, Jamison would probably react to situations that cause him to feel jealousy with impulsive, attention-seeking and destructive reactions. It would be immediate, and he would emphasise these emotions to the extreme - he might do rash things like become verbally aggressive with the person making him feel jealous (not his partner), and wouldn't think twice about the things he was saying or doing. It's his way of trying to feel better, and trying to gain his partner's attention back. Jamison would definitely be plotting some overly complicated and malicious way to get back at the person causing the jealousy, in an attempt to stop it from happening anymore. If confronted by his partner about his emotions, he would be honest and vulnerable, in hopes that it would cause them to see how much it's hurting him and how badly he wants their undivided attention. Otherwise, he wont speak about it and would have no intention of confronting the issue head on in a mature way.
Sloan Cameron / Venture: When Venture feels jealous, they take a very analytical approach to the situation. Instead of letting themselves react with impulsivity, they would take a step back, understand the situation, and formulate a way to move forwards with it. They'd also take into consideration their partner's interactions with other people, and see if it's something their partner is doing or the people they're interacting with. It's important to Sloan to fully understand the situation and that includes who's responsible for causing the emotions they're experiencing, so that they can approach them about it. Sloan would make an attempt to communicate with their partner, and wouldn't use blaming language. The goal of the conversation would be to highlight how they feel, listen to their response, and work with them on a solution. It's something they're good at, and they value their ability to speak to their partner in a candid way about the situation and their emotions. They would want to focus on self improvement if they're lacking as a partner in a specific way, and Sloan would make an effort to set boundaries if something their partner was doing was causing the jealousy.
Elizabeth Caledonia “Calamity” / Ashe: In situations that cause jealousy to occur because of someone else's actions (not her partner's), Elizabeth won't stray from directly confronting it with verbal aggression. She wouldn't let the other person speak by constantly interrupting them or refusing them the space to do so, and she'd tell them that they're not wanted by anyone so they might as well leave or that if they want to mess around with her she'll let them, but they wont like what she does back. She's very aggressive with her response to jealousy, and so she would want to dominate the conversation and would refuse to back down until they apologised or one of them walked away with a black eye. Elizabeth has been hurt too many times, and it's something that she wouldn't forgive her partner for a while (if they were the one causing the jealousy). She'd set the clear boundary, and make her partner work for forgiveness. It's something she's always struggled with, but after the things she's gone through, she won't beg for someone's attention and let them walk over her and her emotions.
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overwatchfanskinarchive · 5 months ago
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Overwatch x My Hero Academia by ayelisGLC (reddit 1, 2)
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year ago
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More doodles. Ok im done
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candlezofficial · 5 months ago
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more renders (plus a short meme) because i'm not home and i wanna share somthn :P
render 1. junkrat prolly wanted to do somethn sneaky on ashe because bob captured him (maybe steal some jewelery?)
render 2. mirrorwatch hashimoto because I NEED THIS CLAN IN GAME (the actual hasimoto). btw the 'heist' skins for d.va and soldier and the 'oni' genji go very well with the 'hashimoto' skins for kiriko and hanzo. just sayin-
render 3. tiger bob doing the nya. because he's so kawaii desu
render 4. junkrat with 'hashimoto' kiriko's cloth pieces on his sides because he looks decent with these roses ngl
render 5. GODZILLA (the cool one. fight me)
bonus pic of hade and pompamoto running down the hallway from the kiriko cinematic :P
vonus video: i never played dayshift at freddy's but i figured that i'll do some dumb crossover meme
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paramourxlights · 4 months ago
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🧪 👻
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zeropine · 1 year ago
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ssilentozziee · 1 year ago
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this is so fun
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demonsjimdemons · 1 year ago
My friends and I went through each overwatch character and gave them Pokémon Typings :3
D.va - Steel/Fairy
Doomfist - Fighting/Dark
Junker Queen - Fighting/Electric
Mauga - Fighting/Ground
Orisa - Bug/Electric
Ramattra- Steel/Poison
Reinhardt - Steel/Ground
Roadhog - Poison/Steel
Sigma - Psychic/Dark
Winston - Normal/Electric
Wreckingball - Steel/Normal
Zarya - Fighting/Dark
Ashe - Fire/Fighting
(Bob - Fighting/Steel)
Bastion - Steel/Grass
Cassidy - Normal/Dark
Echo - Flying/Normal
Genji - Dragon/Ghost
Hanzo - Dragon/Dark
Junkrat - Fire/Steel
Mei - Ice/Normal
Pharah - Flying/Fighting
Reaper - Ghost/Dark
Sojourn - Normal/Steel
Soldier - Normal/Ghost
Sombra - Electric/Dark
Symmetra - Psychic/Electric
Torbjorn - Fire/Steel
Tracer - Electric/Normal
Widowmaker - Poison/Fairy
Venture - Ground/Steel
Ana - Ground/Dark
Baptiste - Electric/Fairy
Brigitte - Steel/Fighting
Illari - Fire/Normal
Kiriko - Fairy/Fighting
Lifeweaver - Fairy/Grass
Lucio - Electric/Grass
Mercy - Flying/Fairy
Moira - Poison/Dark
Zenyatta - Psychic/Dark
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dawnthefox24 · 7 months ago
Okay so I've made another backroom tier list and since I thought it was funny. so heres the new improved tier list since I've gotten bored and everything lol. Also if you want to see the og tier list here
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Again this is just a joke and I had so much fun redoing this again
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whackacole3 · 2 years ago
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omnic-cassidy · 10 months ago
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