#Czech culture
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adyathemoongoddess · 1 year ago
Ordinary weddings: "How dare she wear white dress at my wedding, how are others suppose to tell who is the bride??!!"
Girlies from Haná: "Alright bitches, if we all dress up in simmilar dress, we will confuse the evil spirits that could attack the bride."
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palacholic · 10 months ago
něco co naprosto miluju je popularita deskovek v česku. sejít se s random lidmi v kavárně a celé odpoledne hrát člověče nezlob se nebo cokoliv jiného. not a thing in my country at all zatímco tady naprosto seriózní dospěli lidé hrají hry o jednorožcích co prdí a o tom, koho má přejet tramvaj (ano to jsou reálně existující deskovky).
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multilingualpotato · 6 months ago
Are Czech People… Cold?
One of the things that foreigners seem to struggle with in the Czech Republic, is that Czech people can appear to be quite cold and distant. You might even think that they look at you like they have something against you.
Do not worry, this is simply the “Czech public spaces resting bitch face” (as I like to call it). When you walk on a street or take public transportation do not expect Czech people to smile. Most won't and are not fond of small talk with absolute strangers either. However, this is nothing personal against you. Czech people are actually very warm and welcoming, once you get to interact with them on a deeper level. It’s just that we do not waste our smiles on strangers, but reserve them for people we hold dear.
So the next time a Czech person looks like they have a personal vendetta against you when you say hi to them in an elevator, just remember, they are probably thinking about how many rohlíky they should buy in Lidl.
Sincerely, a Czech person
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GIF: Czech fairy tale movie Pyšná princezna (Proud princess) from 1952 aka the perfect example of facial expressions of Czech people in public
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artandthebible · 22 days ago
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Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham
Artist: Caspar Netscher (Czech, ca. 1639-1684)
Date: 1673
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: The Leiden Collection, New York City, NY, United States
After many years of marriage, the biblical patriarch Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were unable to conceive a child. In the hope that they might yet beget an heir, Sarah suggested that Abraham try to have a child with her beautiful, young Egyptian maid Hagar. Hagar became pregnant and gave birth to a son, Ishmael, when Abraham was eighty-six years old. When, several years later, Sarah eventually became pregnant and had a son, Isaac, household relations soured. Ishmael began to tease his younger half-brother, leading Sarah to insist that Abraham banish Hagar and Ishmael from the family home; the latter were forced to wander in the desert.
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jahodenka-angrestovka · 1 year ago
❁blatský kroj❁
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nasbíráno na pinterestu :)
teď už ho poznáte!
podobné výšivky a prvky má kroj kozácký (táborský)
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ejmina · 4 months ago
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Digital sketch based on Joža Úprka’s painting - Jeseň (1922)
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mediocrelanguagelearner · 2 months ago
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I went to see an opera with friends last night. I was very skeptical at first, the only opera I've seen so far was Rusalka when I was like 16 and I didn't remember enjoying it. Well, we went to see Prodaná nevěsta and I was delighted. It was funny, the music was incredible (I still can't believe the orchestra played the music live, it was impeccable), the singers were amazing, the costumes were enviable. The whole time I was sitting there I was thinking about how I'm watching basically a 160 year old piece and how it must've been for people in the 1860's to see it.
It's nice to try something I was afraid of and then have a surprisingly pleasant experience.
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theelfmaiden · 1 year ago
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Christmas is time of fortune telling. People light up candles in walnut shell boats and let water tell them of their families' fate.
Regardless of what water will foretell for next year, I wish all families and people stricken with sadness this Christmas good fortune, stronger bonds and peace in their hearts.
(A lil doodle 🤗 for everyone 🌟 a pro spolužáky z fildy UK od přírody UK 🙏)
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monkeyssalad-blog · 1 month ago
Rudolfinum. LXVI Výroční Výstava, Krasoumné Jednoty pro čechy, 1905
Rudolfinum. LXVI Výroční Výstava, Krasoumné Jednoty pro čechy, 1905 by Halloween HJB Via Flickr: "Rudolfinum. LXVI Annual Exhibition, Glorious Gathering for Czechs"
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marmota-b · 6 months ago
I've come home from church a bit buzzed today.
There weren't that many people (big wedding yesterday, and I guess also the weather), and there was a lot of wine left over. In my old church in Central Bohemia, this would have led to the wine being poured back into the bottle. 🙄 South Moravians would never. 🤣 All non-drivers were prevailed upon to do something about it, and I'm a lightweight.
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kawaiitail-chan · 9 months ago
Fun fact: slavic culture isn't just russuan
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adyathemoongoddess · 1 year ago
On the day of Saint Lucia, here in Czechia women dress up as Lucky. Then they go from house to house checking wether or not you were working, wich is strictly banned on this day. So if your house was clean, or you were spinning, plucking feathers or doing any other chores that day, they are allowed to trash your place.
They are allowed to attack men who don't help their wives with chores and scare children, warning them that if they aren't fasting on the Christmas day, they will come to them and rip their stomachs apart to take all the food back and replace it with hay.
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Girls night out. 💅
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witchwitchglam · 2 years ago
POV: Vrchní prchni, akorát od Dannyho Boylea.
subPOV: Závěrečná scéna Vrchní prchni, akorát místo Severního větru hraje Lust for Life.
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crowreys-wormstache · 2 years ago
My most beloved coworker who is from Italy and I and some others went for drinks tonight after work and he was complaining how he misses warmth in Czech people. That they sometimes see him as weird for his italian temperament
Me, neurodivergent w middle eastern roots:
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jahodenka-angrestovka · 2 years ago
omg... the first picture is from Český Krumlov!! i live near it!
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jahodenka-angrestovka · 2 years ago
Jakožto obrozence mě vyloženě vytáčí Colours of Ostrava; jak nepoeticky to zní! Kam se poděla národní hrdost? Barvy Ostravy je přece mnohem hezčí, kór když je to česk�� festival.
Upřímně mě rozčilují i všechny ty anglické názvy a nápisy (hlavně u nás v Krumlově a v Praze). Je přece tolik hezkých českých slov, která by se dala upotřebit, třeba dukát, řeka, štěstí, podkova, peřej, struhadlo (představte si kavárnu Struhadlo, vsadím se, že by se z ní ihned stalo společenské středisko), pampeliška, sedmikráska, kartouzek, stříbro, drak, třpyt a třpytný, kamenný, srdce (pohostinství U Tří kamenných srdcí třeba?), rosnička, rusalka, taky různé zdrobněliny - matička, sluníčko, voděnka, poupátka...
Pokud máte nějaká další, na kolenou vás prosím, podělte se!
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