#Cynthia Mancheno
thena0315 · 1 year
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Wished Gil was in this family photo
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dannygpino · 3 months
What were your thoughts when it was revealed that Nick got back together and married Cynthia?
Honestly, I was only a little surprised, lol.
I thought they had continued as friends even if they had said their feelings and relationship were real in 14x17. We only saw her again in 14x24 looking as beautiful as ever.
However, it makes sense that he'd end up with someone he has history with.
Before that though, I think Nick had to do a lot of personal growth and being comfortable with himself, learning to love and accept himself. Learning that it's okay to be alone but that doesn't mean he is alone, if that makes any sense. For example, he was clearly still in touch with Amanda after he left and I don't doubt he was in touch with Olivia, Fin, and Munch as well. Maybe he tried dating, maybe he didn't. I don't think he believed marriage was on the cards for him again until Cynthia.
That said, I do not think Nick and Cynthia jumped into marriage right away, lol. Since season 14, they clearly had been rebuilding their friendship organically and both were cognizant and respectful of any boundaries the other had. He told Gil he'd talk to her when Gil mentioned they may be moving to San Diego. I think they kept rebuilding their friendship after Nick moved to California. Maybe one day, something clicked and they both realized they wanted to date the other again. They were both ready. Maybe that was a few months after he moved, maybe it was a year.
I think they dated for a while (see: years) until marriage was even brought up, even in passing. I think Nick would have to feel comfortable with himself and the relationship, and he'd make sure Cynthia felt comfortable, too. I could also see them having a long engagement, maybe another year or so until the wedding.
He is clearly very happy, content, relaxed in a way that maybe he had never been before. I would have loved to have a little more insight on their marriage in the 500th episode but that is not the Nick Amaro way.
I am glad that he married someone who loves him, knows him, will support and accept him in all the seasons of his life. Maybe even tell him how proud she is of him for how far he's come from being undercover and working at SVU to now. To contradict myself from earlier, I am glad that he didn't end up alone.
After all he went through in life, the man deserves to feel loved, supported, safe, accepted. Taken care of.
Of course, he'll do the same for Cynthia. When Nick Amaro loves someone, he loves them with his whole heart.
And he's got a big heart.
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thena0315 · 1 year
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thena0315 · 7 months
Gonna headcanon the Amaro blended family
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is similar to the Grant-Nash blended family
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Ironically both took place in California
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thena0315 · 1 year
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Things turned out for the best for Amanda and Nick
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They overcame their demons and found their happy endings
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