#Cylieria Esper
Alright next character, here we go. Yes its been a while. But i havent been really motivated to do another one of these until now, sorry.
General Information
• Name: Cylieria Esper
• "Nickname": Esper (Most of the time the group calls her by her last Name. Elari started it, as it was easier to remember/pronounce and now they all do it)
• Age: 73 (the "human equivalent" would be somewhere around 19)
• Race: High Elf
• Class: Rogue
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
• Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Physical Appearance
(As always, you can check the included picture)
• Eye color: Blue
• Skin color: Very slightly tanned
• Hair color: Black
• Height: 1,62m
• Weight: 65kg
• Body type: Slim build with no clearly defined muscles
• Scars/Birthmarks: Almost faded slave brant on her right hand, its barely visible anymore
• Other distinguishing features: (Later on as the Story progresses: Her left arm is replaced by an enchanted wooden prostetic)
• Disabilities: Missing her left arm (happend during the Story, so thats why there is no pic of that yet)
• Fashion style: In casual situations goes for a simple clothing style. In a more fancy setting or a night out, likes to wear more elegant, often pretty revealing clothes
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Drawing by me
Psychological Traits
• Personality: Cocky and way too full of herself. Overly confident in her own abilities. Often times flirty all the way to indecent.
• Temperament: Hard to get a rise out of her, she usually just counters with a stupid comment
• Hobbies: Later on picks up wood carving
• Morals/Virtues: She tries to help others if she can but wont always go out of her way to do so
• Phobias/Fears: Fear of losing the people she cares about due to her not being able to save them
• Bad habits: Very rarely takes things seriously. Will often make stupid or inappropriate jokes even in serious conversations
• Secrets: During the begin of her travels she keeps her life before adventuring a secret, including where she is from, what happend to her former best friend and why she left home. But as the "story" moves on, the others will learn of this.
• Regrets: Convincing her former best friend to the coming of age "challenge" that got them killed as well as letting them go in alone
Abilities etc.
• Physical abilities: Very dexterous, incredibly good at climbing (even with only one arm she is the best climber out of All of them), good at wrapping people around her Finger with her words, pretty convincing liar
• Magical abilities: No inherint magical abilities, but the prosthetic that she gets later on is magical, so that it functions like am actual part of her body
• Languages known: Common, elvish
• Partner(s)/Significant other(s): During the events of the "story" none (but their might be some small things written after the adventure which might include a romantic relationship)
• Parents/Guardians: Cora Esper (mother), Rami Esper (Father)
• Children: none
• Best friends:
Former: Adriella (deceased)
Current: Elari
• Friends: The rest of the group
Short Overview of Backstory
She Was born in a small elven village near a "cursed" forest
In said forest there is a cave where something (no one really knew what) lived, that usually kills anyone who gets to close, any attempts du kill it had failed and so the elders of the village declared the area of limits (they didnt move away as the thing never seemed to leave the forest)
However over the years it became a test of Courage or thing among teenagers, to go over to the cave and have a Look inside (some came back, some didnt, that still didnt stop others from going)
When Cylieria was about 50 years old (human equivalent would be around 15) she decided she wanted to try it as well and wanted to take her best friend of the time, Adriella, with her
Adriella originally didnt wanted to go, but Cylieria was always very good with her words, very charming and convincing, so she managed to change her friends mind
They snuck into the forest and when they reached the cave, decided one should stand guard in case some of the adults were patrolling the area to stop teenagers from coming here.
It was Cylieria who would stand guard, Adriella was the one who went in
Tho she didnt stay in very long, instead she came running and screaming towards the exit but before she could escape the something pulled her back into the darkness and that along with the abruptly cut of scream was the last thing Cylieria ever saw and heard of her friend.
She ran back home, but completly in shock it took everyone a while to figuew out what she Was talking about had happend
The events caused her to fall into depression, since she heavily blames herself for the death of her friend. Her parents were very supportive and tried to help her out of it, but eventually she couldnt stand it anymore and in a fit of guilt, ran away from home, without telling anyone
So for the next 20 years she traveled the World, never really staying somewhere too long, since it was the thrill of New experiences, that allowed her to surpress her guild and memories of the events.
Her charming and laid back behaviour is now often used as a mask to fool others but mostly herself, into believing that everything is alright
She got into trouble with a criminal originisation tho in one of the cities, which let her to eventually meet Rúnya (so thats why i will write that properly at some point)
And from that point on she travels with the group so thats the point where the "story started", so thats as much as i will write in here for now 😅
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Esper: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
Elari: Y-you were putting it in cold water???
Mal: Esper. Answer the question Esper.
Esper: Yeah?? I thought for like. 5 years that ppl just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process didnt realize there was an actual reason.
Mal: You dont have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes???
Rúnya: Why are you. Putting it in the microwave. To boil it.
Mal: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Rúnya: It takes less than a minute!
Mal: Like seven minutes
Rúnya: Just stick the cup on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan...
Mal: Crying. You're putting the whole mug on the stove??? On MEDIUM HEAT??? Your stove is enchanted.
Kallista: Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic.
Abires: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?
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Ok so here is just a quick overview of the two "stories" and what characters are involved in These. Especially the Main group one might get more characters as time goes on (you know... when i make more dnd characters that i dont get to play so i add them to my adventure group). While both "stories" play in the same World, they rarely overlap. However at some point the characters might meet each other, we'll see. Since These are esentially DnD characters, the World is based on DnD (5e btw). You will Most likely see that in the mention of races and classes. Hoewever magic and other similar abilites i sometimes wrote a bit different or i gave a character abilities that they normally wouldnt have in the game. But thats because i feel like it would make sense or i want them to have it. After all its only BASED on dnd.
The names of These "stories" might still be workshopped. Idk.
I will just give a veeery short description of the characters. A proper one including some backstory stuff will be in separate posts
The Main group ("A Band of misfits")
Rúnya Calanoré (A light Domain cleric aasimar with "Angel of light" vibes. The only responsible person in the group, trying to keep These chaotic idiots in check. I guess something like the "Camp mom")
Cylieria Esper (High elf rogue. More a con-woman than a thief. Way to overly confident in her ability to talk herself Out of Situations. The youngest one of the group in relativity. Not years because... elves)
Elari Ariessus (High elf monk. On a journey to self acceptance. Go-lucky sunshine character who tries to See the best in every situation)
Mal Trickarii (A human bard. He mainly uses Illusion magic. He chose so because of his passion to play pranks and Tricks on everybody. Hence the last Name. He gave himself that)
Kallista (nope no last name here. Tiefling rogue. Your very basic edgy loner rogue. Would prefer to work alone but somehow got roped into this and is 100% done with everybodys high energy bullshit)
Philana Ventura (High Elf fighter with a bit of a contrast in behavious. Normally she is very shy, timid and obiedient. But when a fight Starts she gets a huge boost of confidence)
These are the main 6 for now. Since they will go on high fantasy adventures you can expect the "normal" content warning for stuff like this to apply to some of their stories (i will ofc tag what is necessary) like description of violence and injury, some fluff, some smut maybe, Angst. All that good stuff. Tho i will try to keep it moderate.
"To change your fortune"
This is the other "story" that mainly focuses on one of my characters (an NPC from a campaign) and that would be
Abires Blackwood
Tho because of him being a changeling He does have other Personas that might have a POV written occasionally. But Most of These will be either from his true self or his Blackwood persona
He is a changeling warlock in the pursuit of Power, who doesnt care if others get hurt along the way and manipulates the people around him to get what He wants. In puplic He is incredibly charming. Tho something sinister rests under the surface. Press the wrong Buttons and you will See, that He has some psychopathic tendencies. I feel the need to point Out that He IS NOT a good person or a hero. He isnt even morally grey. He is a WALKING RED FLAG and I believe that some bad guys are allowed to be just bad without being misunderstood and just do bad things.
So please BE CAUTIOUS when reading any of his stories. I will of course tag especially the extreme things but i might miss some of the more subtle things (i try Not to) such as emotional Manipulation, gaslighting or similar. If even These things are an issue for you, then please stay clear of his stories.
Some stories might however even contain some more serious triggers such as murder, description of the act and result of torture, mental and physical abuse and the like.
Some of his stories will have the "Dead Dove. Do Not eat" tag.
Please be mindful of that because if its in the Tags its in there. If you dont like These things please dont read. Thats why i will tag These things, obviously. And again. Dont be mad that i would even write stuff like this.
I dont condone any of These bad thing i write him doing!
However as a person with a black heart, no Moral compass and psychopathic tendencies it makes sense in the context to write him doing this.
Alright. Thats it for now. Hope that wasnt too much 😅 when I get the time I will post the indiviual characters with pictures and more information. Until then: See ya
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