#Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence
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katnisshawkeye ¡ 7 months ago
Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence
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Titolo originale: Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence
Autore: Rafał Kosik
In copertina: illustrazione di Dilara Özden
Editore: Fanucci Editore
Prima edizione: novembre 2023
Pagine: 359
Prezzo: € 17,00
A Night City, un gruppo di sconosciuti ha appena messo a segno un audace colpo su un convoglio Militech che trasporta un misterioso container. Cos'hanno in comune i membri della banda? Sono tutti sotto ricatto, e non possono esimersi dall'eseguire gli ordini. Costretti dunque a portare avanti il lavoro, non hanno idea di quanto sia esteso il raggio d'azione del loro mandante nĂŠ quale misterioso oggetto custodisca il container. I componenti devono superare la diffidenza e lavorare insieme per evitare che i loro segreti vengano alla luce prima di poter mettere a segno il prossimo colpo decisivo.
In un non lontano futuro, distante solo 53 anni dal presente reale, le intelligenze artificiali non sono un qualcosa di cui si parla con ansia, ma sono parte integrante della realtĂ . CosĂŹ come sono parte reali gli impianti che ogni persona decide di indossare per ampliare una qualunque parte del proprio corpo: vi sono cyberware che potenziano la forza, la memoria, l'empatia, la vista, utilizzabili in qualunque aspetto della propria vita, nella sfera lavorativa o privata, legale o illegale.
Non esiste lavoro troppo difficile da gestire per noi.
La storia inizia con lo sconvolgimento delle tranquille — seppure faticose nel portar a casa il pane — vite di cinque sconosciuti. Zor, Aya, Ron, Milena e Albert devono mettere a segno un colpo senza conoscersi né sapere come operano gli altri, senza esperienza alcuna, con attrezzatura che non hanno mai usato, senza nemmeno sapere veramente cosa stanno rubando. Ma le loro vite — e, in alcuni casi, anche quelle dei loro cari — sono appese al filo del ricatto, e non possono tirarsi indietro.
Di solito, una persona prende il destino nelle proprie mani, lo modella, corre dei rischi.
E il colpo lo portano a termine, attirando su di sé tutte le attenzioni di Night City, compresa quella dell'agente Liam della NCPD che, a costo di perdere il suo distintivo, vuole arrivare a fondo della loro storia, delle loro motivazioni, soprattutto quanto i cinque sconosciuti — oramai conosciuti da tutti come la banda improvvisata — decidono di loro spontanea volontà di mettere a segno un altro colpo per cercare di racimolare un po' di soldi, anche se non hanno alcuna attrezzatura e solo un po' più di esperienza condita di fortuna ottenuta con il primo colpo.
La coscienza, i ricordi, la conoscenza, tutto ciò che ci rende noi è solo un'effimera nuvola di probabilità il cui stato quantistico si trova da qualche parte al di là del nostro spazio tridimensionale, o addirittura quadridimensionale, percepibile.
Tra Zor, Aya, Ron, Milena Albert si instaurano legami piÚ o meno forti, che determineranno o meno la riuscita dei piani futuri della banda improvvisata. I cinque protagonisti, da sconosciuti totali, imparano a conoscersi, ad aiutarsi, a fidarsi e ad amarsi, sognando i loro futuri progetti e facendo riemergere sogni rinchiusi in un cassetto. Iniziano a ritrovare il loro io interiore, a voler migliorare la loro situazione attuale, perchÊ iniziano a credere in loro stessi. Ed è questo che li fa andare avanti, secondo piani che forse non funzionano cosÏ bene neanche sulla carta.
Il lettore non può fare a meno ad affezionarsi alla banda improvvisata, o a Liam della NCPD, inizia a credere che ce la faranno tutti quanti a realizzare i loro sogni, anche se Night City non è il posto migliore per sognare in grande, per crescere di rango, per credere in un futuro migliore. Azioni e colpi di scena sono visivamente chiare nella mente di chi legge, tanto che ti sembra di stare osservando un film anzichÊ leggere un libro.
★★★★★ 5/5
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flaviathebibliophile ¡ 11 months ago
Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence by Rafał Kosik & Stefan Kiełbasiewicz (Review)
Title: Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence Authors: Rafał Kosik and Stefan Kiełbasiewicz Type: Fiction Genre: Adult, Science Fiction Publisher: Orbit Date published: August 8, 2023 A complimentary physical copy of this book was kindly provided by Hachette Book Group Canada in exchange for an honest review. This electrifying novel set in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 follows a group of strangers as they…
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maxalotlxl ¡ 1 year ago
Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence by Rafał Kosik
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2.5 stars.
I HATE that I'm not rating this at least a 4 stars, Cyberpunk 2077 is one of my favourite games and I really want to say that the concept of this plot was really fun. Definitely felt like a Cyberpunk story, It was emotionally dark and without pushing into spoilers had that sort of no hope feeling.
I just think it felt like a whole lot of unnecessary POV in this. Every member has there own POV parts, where I felt like only 3 maybe 4 mattered. Then we had the different Maelstroms and Valentino's POV, the cop, the corpo security dude, and a bunch of other people. There was so much POV it was pointless and messy. Everything the gangers do were at point mentioned otherwise, the cop was just going about investigating without bring any new details. It felt like they were trying to build more with all these other perspectives but they were just lacking.
The ending/reveals and twists is the only reason this ain't just a solid 2 stars. The story is so much everything I expect from a Cyberpunk 2077 story. Sad it wasn't as fun to actually read.
Finished 7th of December
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pinkyjulien ¡ 5 months ago
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Valentin Da Silva | 193/?? Cyberspace 🟦
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ohwolfling ¡ 7 months ago
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A Tale of Two Moxes, available to all on substack
a small aside from my greater project on sex work in the modern cyberpunk genre - Evelyn Parker, the Moxes, & sex workers in Cyberpunk 2077 & Cyberpunk 2077 No Coincidence.
I'm an independent creative and freelance writer at risk of losing my unofficial housing. If you enjoy this, share, and if you can, please consider subbing to the Substack, my ko-fi, or giving a one off donation there or through my Venmo (username MirandaBrave).
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baublekute ¡ 9 months ago
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sashada-g ¡ 4 months ago
Cyberpunk 2077: No coincidence
If someone wants to hear this story reading by original Valerie (female V) be my guest
You’re interested in story canonical getting place before the events from game? U should definitely found your interest in it…
Also if you’re like story of David Martinez, you’ll also get chance to meet another team in Night City wanting to become something more than city want them to be.
I just finished reading and it hits hard. I really bound with characters and I’m gonna give them some sketches soon.
I’m really encourage u to do some discussion about it to warm up cyberpunk tmbrl ✨
Kisses @sashada-g
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mail-me-a-snail ¡ 1 year ago
why aren't maelstromers described to make any ambient noises actually. why don't their implants hiss and click and groan when they move. why don't their many eyes whirr every time they refocus their lenses. we could live in a beautiful world
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majjiktricks ¡ 8 months ago
i am SOOO interested in the storylines left by the cyberpunk 2077 book
if they do another game, i hope we get to meet ArS-0X, even if its just hinted at...
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strigital ¡ 1 year ago
just when i thought the polish cannot surprise me any further i learn that their latest novel No Coincidences is getting an audiobook version narrated by the queen herself - Cherami Leigh aka female V (or to me - the voice of my precious stupid little meow meow Jaxine).
well played, poles. 👏
no all i need to die utterly happy is a Johnny POV book narrated by good sir Keanu Reeves
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merge-conflict ¡ 2 years ago
wip wednesday
excerpt from 'the damn things overlap'. i wish i could say it's the next chapter but it's not, i just have kerry brainworms now.
Kerry didn’t answer the first or second knock, but after the third he ripped the door open and took a half step through, like he was ready to start a fight. The sheer amount of manic energy pouring off him made V’s stomach turn. It was clear by the way he was looking at her that he didn’t know which one of them was flying the plane.
“What?” he snapped, into her startled silence.
“She’s sorry,” Johnny said, which immediately made everything worse.
“Sorry?” Kerry repeated incredulously, stepping forward. V didn’t think he’d actually hit her, but she wanted him to. Or maybe Johnny did. She felt a distant ping of memory– maybe he already had. “Boy you sure have a type Johnny, you know that? Fucking psycho.” He pointed at V when he spoke, and her adrenaline flared like a grease fire.
“Fuck you,” she snarled, shoving him back and stepping close in after. “You want him in your head, old man? The Johnny Silverhand show, twenty-four fucking seven? You of all people?”
Kerry was stronger than he looked, but she managed to steel herself when he pushed back. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean, huh? Me of all people?”
She grabbed him around the collar again, both hands, so they were almost pressed against each other. “If you had asked him not to go, Ker, would he have stayed? If you had asked him– if you asked him now to stay, if you just asked–“
<V,> Johnny interrupted, anger and something sour muddled in with her rising panic.
“Johnny never listened to a damn thing I said,” Kerry replied, more bitter than angry now. They both relaxed, just a fraction. “Certainly not going to start now.”
“You always did better without me,” Johnny said, reflexively. She could feel his hesitation, like there was more he wanted to say, but he just clenched her jaw.
“Fuck,” Kerry said, and at that moment V realized the knife had been the wrong tool for the job.
“He loves you,” she told Kerry, in the same way she might also have said I’m sorry.
The strained silence that followed made her want to crack into hysterical laughter. Johnny’s seething, stunned rage was so intense it made her bones ache, and it was the closest she had ever gotten to busting her knuckles on his jaw. But Kerry–
Kerry’s face was like a cracked mirror, and looking at him summoned two very different and equally unpleasant waves of self-loathing. V saw the flash of vulnerability, of distrust, of longing. Whatever Johnny saw struck him like a physical blow to the chest, made him inhale like he was going to plunge underwater. They both writhed underneath the same ill-fitting skin, wallowing in agonizing, self-destructive fury and regret. But it was too late.
A cynical, empty smile slid into place on Kerry’s face, and he ripped himself out of her nerveless grip and returned to his room, slamming the door behind him.
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maxalotlxl ¡ 1 year ago
My December TBR
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This TBR was constantly changed up until this post, and now I'm posting this here is hoping I'll be able to stick to it.
Starting off with;
Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence by Rafał Kosik I absolutely love Cyberpunk 2077, and was really excited to start this, I did start this near the end of November but wasn't able to finish this in time for a November wrap up. It is my current read and I have already got some thoughts about it but I'll leave that for my finished review.
Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree Again I am really excited to read this, I loved L&L and can't wait to see more about Viv's life. I've been staring at this book on my shelf since it was released and so I'm definitely going to read it this month even if I read nothing else.
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson I have no idea why but this feels like a book to read during a winter month, and all I've ever heard about this series is good things so I'm hoping to get into the hype of this book. Like I love a murder mystery and need to read more murder mystery books, so this should be perfect for me.
The Valkyrie's Daughter by Tiana Warner I'm not going to claim to know and understand Norse culture and myths well but I do really enjoy stories that take on that sort of aesthetic and vibe so I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this very much.
I'm not going to be too strict on this, as December is a really busy month so I might not get enough time to read all of them or may like to read something more according to my mood to relax better, but I have been enjoying doing these sort of lists to get me excited for each book.
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pinkyjulien ¡ 7 months ago
I finished No Coincidence and I have some THOUGHTSS
Heads up for potential spoilers 👁👄👁
You can read my condensed, spoiler light impression on Twitter also 👀
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GODDDD.... What a book man fhjfg
Gotta say, the start was a bit slow? To me at least. I wasn't too interested in the individual characters, who I thought were another group of gonks like Edgerunners
At one point, I did not want to even continue; the romances between Ron and Melina, and Zor and Aya felt forced, "he's a boy she's a girl" kind of deal. "They're around each others so of course they fuck"
A lot of moments around Melina and Aya were focused on their physics, how sexy they were and how the men were attracted to them; they made it a force and used it to their advantages of course, but this felt like I was reading an old book, yknow?
Aya being the poor girl forced to sell her body to live, and Melina being the sexy corpo doing everything to stay young. It's like, aren't we past those tropes for female characters in 2024 deadass??
They eventually grew on me as we dived more in the story, they got way more interesting once the book stopped focusing on how the men felt around them; when the book stopped using the two female characters as tools to move the male characters backstories and trauma
(making it clear its nothing against Milena and Aya, as I said I really liked them and the main gang in general, just a bit of eeeh heteronormative writing, boring to me)
Once the romance "build up" was over, I really got into the story and the characters; the dynamic between the group was interesting 👁👄👁 You can tell there's more to it all, you can tell it's No coincidence if they're together
Even if you can sniff the twist coming, they still hit HARD AND GOOD, made me look away from the book with an audible Oooooooh multiple times
I did not expect Albert to be present throughout the whole book, but I loved the deep dive into the netrunning word and the cyberspace in general oof... made my brain goes bbrrrbbrrrrrr it's so good 👁👄👁 without getting too spoilery, Albert's storyline was probably my favorite; that finale is insane, got me on edge, both fascinated and terrified
ANOTHER THING I LOVED. Seeing familiar faces! I loved to see Pepe, Dum Dum, and hear about Royce. Dum Dum actually have a big place in the book, which was fun!
We also get to see Dum Dum friends, or should I say Dum Dum's partners? I really doubt they'd categorize their relationship, but that trio obviously love each others in the most *Maelstromish* way
Karla and Dixie were fun characters, adding new flavors to what we already knew and saw of the Maelstromer gang 🤌
Talking about gangs, we also get to meet with Animals, who have actual animal features in the book compared to the game! Tusks, fangs and whiskers, with actual animal head even 👁👁 wish we had that in game
Knowing everything I know, I might want to revisit it again in the future 👀 cause its def a book you wanna re read once you get all the keys AAHHH
GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT. Recommend it if you wanna have more of Night City and of the Cyberpunk universe ⭐️
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ohwolfling ¡ 10 months ago
A TALE OF TWO MOXES - depictions of sex work and working class culture in Cyberpunk 2077 versus one off novel Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence.
This is one of the real stand out elements of Cyberpunk 2077. The sex workers aren’t just decor. They don’t escape the brutality of the dark future by any means and hyper sexualization does not translate to sex positive. But sex workers are people. They move the plot, they influence the story, they’re woven into the very fabric of this cyberpunk world. Characters naturally have varying opinions on sex work and sex workers but the existence of these people is not built into the world to be a condemnation of their choices. If anything, the flesh and blood element of sex work is a welcome reprieve to the hard plastic of sex toys littered throughout the poorer areas of Night City, a breath of fresh air to find humanity juxtaposed to the über-horny advertisements for MILFguard, Bottoms Up!, and more. To put it simply, “high tech, low life” touches this part of society with as much nuance as it does every other.
This is one piece of a greater project on depictions of sex work in modern Cyberpunk stories. It was available a month early to my ko-fi supporters. If you'd like to have early access to my upcoming pieces, as well as the opportunity to contribute/give feedback, please consider becoming a ko-fi member.
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salvatoreharan ¡ 2 years ago
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Just finished reading Cyberpunk 2077 No_Coincidence and it was super fun!
A really solid Cyberpunk story that had good characters and a very interesting story with tons of twists and turns.
The pacing and structure was odd but in a good way? Jumping POVs sometimes every few paragraphs gave it a TV show vibe.
Honestly really enjoyed this book and hope they make more Cyberpunk books. It would be fun to get the classic 2020 or 2013 stories adapted into novels.
If you like Cyberpunk, give it a read! You just need to know some lingo since they don't explain gonk, choom.
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otherpigeon ¡ 9 months ago
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incorrect quotes 5/?
tbf, she wouldn't get it regardless of who was asking.
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