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cherryvampiro · 26 days ago
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Lil PunkFlower doodles from 2024 🌈🫶🏽🩷❤️
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pixiatn · 2 years ago
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whatlovelybones-if · 1 year ago
Your honour, Jae is unfortunately not escaping the emo simp allegations
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the way he just exudes cat energy pls 😭 no wonder salem thinks J is the biggest competition to get MC’s attention
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goodvibes24hrs · 1 year ago
Headcanons I shared on twt that I’d like to share here ☺️ (from 2023 to now):
Margo’s a 3D digital artist, Miles is more traditional, & Hobie likes to tailor his own clothes. They have days where they all occupied a single room and work silently together with music/a movie in the background.
Broke: Jefferson doesn’t like Hobie cuz his laces/punk, Woke: Jefferson likes Hobie cause he reminds him of Aaron.
Jefferson knows what it’s like to live in a tough environment. Does he approve of the things Aaron & Hobie’s done? No. Does he understand it? Yes! And he’ll be damned if he lets Hobie handled it on his own now that he knows about him 😤
And if I said Rio AND Jeff ask about Hobie all the time to Miles?? And if I said they’d tell him to invite him to the rooftop cookouts hM?? And if I said Rio & Jeff were the type of parents to always including any form of family gatherings with Hobie in mind, HMM?!
If Aaron was still alive, he would have loved Hobie.
Manifests in your mind Karl throwing Hobie over his shoulders and spinning him around really fast as they laugh.
Hobie’s the type to hold up & play music from a boombox outside Miles window to serenade him at 3 am. Jefferson from his window telling him to go home, Hobie cranks the boombox louder.
CyberPunkFlower hc: Margo & Hobie both being nervous to meet Miles parents and get surprised when Rio & Jefferson hug them at the front door (Especially from Jefferson who held both of them tightly in his hug) Miles had talked so fondly about his partners to his parents. He even explained how they both helped him escape the SS. Rio & Jefferson loved them before they even walked through their door.
CyberPunkFlower thought: Margo & Hobie being overwhelmed with how opening loving & supporting Miles’ parents are to them. They’ve both had a one to one moment with Rio/Jefferson that solidified that feeling of “You’re always welcomed in our home”. Margo being quick to accept their affection/attention vs Hobie being standoffish cuz he’s not used to this kind of positive adult/parental presents. Over time & some patience he’ll be accepting/used to it.
My singing voice hc for Hobie is Bakar (listen to his song Dracula 🎤👀)
PunkFlower/Morales Family thought: Hobie, bruised/roughed up from a battle, hoppin’ in to Miles universes to relax with him only to realize: 1. He’s not home & 2. Rio’s the only one home. Cut to Rio hovering over to Hobie & being worried about his injuries. Rio tends to his wounds (even after Hobie explains his quick healing). As Rio’s wrapping him up she talks about how much her son speaks so fondly about Hobie. Tell him embarrassing stories about her boy. Fun little conversations that will come back and haunt Miles lol.
GoldenPunkFlowerByte thoughts: Pavitr trying to help Rio in the kitchen, Miles preventing Hobie from stealing bites out of the pots, Margo talking with Jefferson and playing with Billie.
Hobie’s spiderband are the type to give each other tattoos. They give each other a heart tattoo 💙🩷💜💚💛❤️
Hobie’s the type to bring flowers for Rio & Jefferson when he’s taking Miles out on a date.
GoldenPunkFlowerByte: Pavitr, despite his size, is always the big spoon (He will jump if he has to hold Miles & Hobie) My guy loves to bury his face in his partners shoulders. He loves playing with the loose strands of Margo’s hair while she’s coding.
I really like the idea of not only Miles’ family meeting Hobie but also the Morales meeting Hobie’s SpiderBand cuz that’s his family. He grew up homeless & his band means the world to him. Rio & Jefferson would love this goofy bunch of misfits.
Hobie making Rio a dimensional phone cuz she “wanted to call and check up on you & your friends, Flaquito!”
To end it off: Before anyone comes here and says “Hobie’s an adult” pleases read these =
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Tho Hobie does not have a confirmed age, he's been described most times as a teenager from 16-17 year old (I see him as 16)
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lazycrow12 · 2 years ago
Brain saids write a punkflowerbyte fic
Body saids take your ass to bed
Imma listen to brain
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weirdo09 · 1 year ago
punkflowerbyte hcs 🎸🌻💻
hobie and miles were already established when, miles felt feelings for margo as well and slowly, hobie did too.
miles and margo introduced hobie to modern video games and he was hooked.
cuddle piles are a must, sometimes you just don‘t have to spoon so you just lay on top of each other to go to sleep.
miles has countless of sketchbooks filled with sketches of hobie and margo. margo said that she has the most drawings and hobie argued that he did, hence a fight between the two, leaving miles to shake his head.
a lot of playful banter, hobie is the one who engages in it the most.
margo and miles constantly steal hobie’s clothes and buy him more as replacements. they give them back sometimes…
they annoy miguel together, so much that they were banned from his office for 8 months. it was worth it though.
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beautifulloverhottub · 8 months ago
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Punkflowerbyte art miles is yapping about music drama and Margo and Hobie are getting sleepy (mostly cause of Margo’s lavender shampoo)
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weirdo09 · 1 year ago
ok so it’s a margo x miles x hobie fic w my jess x rio x jeff au too. i think it’s gonna be THE best cyberpunkflower fic yet 🥰🥰
sooo i’m writing a fic …
oh tell me ALL about it
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 year ago
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I FUCKING FOUND IT I WANTED TO DAYS AGO BUT GAVE UP BUT A MIRACLE CAME AND NOW I CAN MAKE IT HAUNT YOU NIGGAS TOO Also remind me to make a Hobie version with a cap of him looking at Miles
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cherryvampiro · 10 months ago
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"That you'd love me Through a million doubts That I'd catch you Before you slipped into the crowd" 💘💘💘
Lyrics/Song: Long Hot Night (Halfway To Certain) The Growlers 💕
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cherryvampiro · 1 year ago
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Someone slap the pen out of my hand
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cherryvampiro · 1 year ago
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Few warm up doodles I've had in my pocket 💜🩷💜🩷
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lazycrow12 · 2 years ago
A polycule between Miles, Margo and Hobie because that's adorable and Hobie would definitely use Miles and Margo as headrest and you can't change my mind.
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weirdo09 · 11 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Margo Kess/Miles Morales, Hobie Brown/Margo Kess, Margo Kess/Hobie Brown, Hobie Brown/Miles Morales, Miles Morales/Hobie Brown, Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610)/Rio Morales, Jessica Drew/Rio Morales, Jessica Drew/Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610)/Rio Morales, Jessica Drew/Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610), Pavitr Prabhakar/Gayatri Singh (Marvel) Characters: Hobie Brown, Margo Kess, Miles Morales, Jessica Drew, Rio Morales, Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610), Pravitr Prabhakar, Gayatri Singh (Marvel), Hobie Brown’s Grandma, Hobie Brown’s Mom, Pravitr’s Aunt, Miles Morales | Prowler (Marvel Earth-42) Additional Tags: Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Family Bonding, Family Issues, for margo, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Pre-Relationship, Post-Relationship, Forehead Kisses, Sleepy Kisses, Bisexual Miles Morales, Miles Morales Speaks Spanish, Genderfluid Miles Morales, Bisexual Margo Kess, Margo Kess Needs a Hug, Genderfluid Margo Kess, Unlabeled Hobie Brown, Jamaican-British Hobie Brown, Bisexual Jessica Drew, Parental Jessica Drew, she’s like a aunt to hobie but she doesn’t know about him dating miles and margo til later, Bisexual Rio Morales, Good Parent Rio Morales, Rio Morales Deserves Everything Ever, Bisexual Jefferson Morales, Good Parent Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610), they’re so in love, Post-Canon, Black Author, Mentioned Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Transfem Rio Morales Series: Part 1 of cyberpunkflower anyone? Summary:
miles never thought he’d be where he was now, with a boyfriend and girlfriend who love him just as much as he loves him. hobie never thought he’d ever find people who’d truly understand him but here he is, with his favorite people in the world. margo never thought she’d fall in love nor find solace from her home but, here she is, fell deeply in love with two boys who help her find that happy place. that reassurance that no matter what she’s facing, they’ll be there every step of the way.
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