#Cy is in his late 20s here and Sev is canon Rick age so around 50
rickxation · 1 year
Sev helps "Rickie" become Cy. I wanted a solid way for Cy to get his nickname and it was just too cute to pass up the chance for his first Rick bf give it to him 🧡
Rating: G
Word count: 744
"All Ricks have a nickname," Sev said, looking at his partner in crime. The two of them were always up to mischief wherever they went. Nothing too destructive, just both living without a care in each other's arms across the multiverse.
Rickie hummed in acknowledgement, they were both sitting in their apartment just lounging around on a Sunday. "I dunno… I-i just go by Rickie, a different name seems weird. I'm just a Rick, I don't know if I need to stick out with a nickname…" Rickie shrugged.
"Babe, you aren't just a Rick, you're so unique,” Sev had turned to him and held Rickie’s face in his hands, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Each Rick is. We aren't just copies of one another. Everyone has grown in their own world and become themselves through countless different experiences," Sev spoke with his voice he always used when talking about the wonders of the universe. He was such a dreamer. 
Rickie hadn't known about other dimensions, or Ricks for that matter, before him. They became partners and lovers with Sev showing him all the amazing things he had discovered about the multiverse. He wanted the younger Rick to really know what life could be like as a Rick with the power to travel anywhere.
Sev fostered Rickie's curiosity and let him expand his mind like a Rick should. The younger had a rough life compared to Sev's path. Rickie grew up in a broken home, his love for science not nurtured like most Ricks had at a younger age. The two of them had an apartment together with plenty of projects and inventions as Rickie honed his skills in science. He had a very strong interest in robotics so Sev decided to give him ideas about what kinds of things he could make.
“Well then what nickname would you give me?” Rickie rolled his eyes with a smile.
“Hmmm, well like me, a lot of Ricks use their dimension numbers and letters to make a name… Yours is S-432…. So…. uh Four?” Sev shrugged, obviously his suggestion wasn’t liked.
“I’m not a fan of being a number, no offense baby. Though you made yours pretty cool I guess,” Rickie put up air quotes around the word “cool”.
“Rude, but noted,” Sev nibbled on his thumbnail, a sign of him thinking, “Well some other Ricks go by their specialty or physical traits… Long Hair Rick…?” Sev brushed Cy’s aforementioned long hair behind his ear and smiled.
“That’s just stupid,” Rickie laughed. He sighed, thinking about what he actually did. He felt like a failure of a Rick. He didn’t have the vast knowledge that Sev had. The older man always reminded him that he was just older and had more experience but it still discouraged Cy that he felt like his smarts would never reach Sev’s level.
“You want something cool, huh?” Sev chuckled and gave Rickie a peck on the cheek, so amused at his partner’s sass. “Well, you’ve been working with robots a lot… Robo… Rick….” He laughed hard at the wrinkled nose of his partner, “Ok, ok, serious now. Umm… well, you’ve been studying Cybernetics right? So how about Cyber Rick?”
“Does it have to have Rick at the end?” Rickie made a face, “Sounds so weird and cheesy.”
“Ok, Cyber then? Hmm, it doesn't sound quite right…” Rickie had laid down across the couch with his head on Sev’s lap. The conversation seemed so silly to him but he couldn’t help but entertain the other man’s ideas.
“Cy…?” Sev looked down and cocked his head, Rickie couldn’t resist smiling at the cute curious gesture.
“That sounds really good actually, I like it,” Rickie nodded with a small smile, “I never gave any thought to my name, in all honesty. I just went by Rickie because people called me that my whole life. I-i guess I didn’t realize you could just change your name if you want just like that.” Rickie blushed a little, it felt silly admitting that. People changed what they wanted to be called all the time but he never considered that he could do it too.
“You want to go by Cy then? We could try it out for a little bit if you want?” Sev stroked Rickie’s cheek and smiled down at him.
“Ya know what, why the hell not? I’ll try it.”
“Sounds good, Cy. Now what should we get for dinner?”
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