#Cuz they're just not going to care about it or like it...
uriwoos2 · 3 days
Baking with Leehan??? Like that would be the best thing everrrr
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another baking w bonedo thought 😞 I'm actually so soft and devastated w the cute scenarios that pop up in my head at these reqs PLEASE. but ok ok baking w leehanie ! <3
so firstly, I think the idea to bake together would come about really randomly! like when you're hanging out w him casually, watching a movie or eating together or sth, you'd mention how much you love chocolate brownies and he'd be like, then let's bake them U ´ᴥ` U ! <3 baby really is ready to do everything as long as it makes you happy :(
I think in leehan's case, he'd be the one following your instructions, simply bcuz he trusts you to do the hard stuff, but he'll help out too of course!! albeit a bit confused and tinsy bit clumsily but he'll be super careful not to make a mess :'( <3
he'll go extra quiet while concentrating and you would not want to disturb him while he's being so serious abt it but at the same time, I can imagine the irresistible adorable little pout he'd make. he's just so cute, I can't :(( </3
so because of that, right as he's done with his task you'd tickle his sides and u'll get to see that pretty pretty toothy smile of his ( っc ) along with the cutest giggles ever! but beware of his revenge! cuz he'll tickle u twice as much, AND pick u up to spin you around at the same time ૮ / / / ⍝ა I might actually just faint... he's the cutest <3
he'll also (not so) sneakily put some of the batter on ur nose and act all innocent afterwards. like... mister! there's no one else in the room, who else could be to blame !! <3 and then he'll just chuckle and peck the tip of your nose, after gently cleaning the batter off ૮ ˊ͈ . ˋ͈ ა
you best believe tho that he'll be at his fish tank the moment u put the tray in the oven to bake. he'll be looking at his fishies to pass the time, and you'd ask him to tell u abt them and then will listen to him cutely rant abt his babies in the softest voice filled with so much adoration <3 <3
he'd be the one taking the brownies out the oven once they're done of course! since he doesn't want u to touch it while it's hot. :(
and then you realize that you don't have any ice cream to put on the brownies, and your frustration would show on ur face. the second he finds out what ur displeased about he'll be running off to sort it out :(( </3 it has to be perfect, he wants you to enjoy the treat to the max!! ♡ˎˊ˗
and as you guys sit down to have the brownies, (that surprisingly came out so good!) his plate would be long forgotten as he'd just be staring at you with heart eyes the whole time, just watching you eat. he'd just tell you he loves to see you eating well :( :( :(
would definitely offer to bake w you again, seeing how much fun you had the last time.. like you'd be out on a date and he'll just drag u into the supermarket to get the ingredients on your way home. he'll just announce that you're baking cookies tonight all enthusiastically (ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ) loveliest baby boy just loves to see you happy, and will give u all the sweetest treats in the world ! ♡
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erm u should do one of like barty comforting james after he finds him crying (or well jot comforting but like relating and sitting with him and talking to him eventually leading to a kiss or smth) cuz i love the idea of barty being the one to understand james’ struggles
This one moved to the top of the list because I can never say no to good Sunkiller+James Angst content. @turnin9pag3
Sunkiller (fluff? Angst maybe??)
James was exhausted. An entire week of "James, I need this."" "James, how should I handle this?" "James, could you help me with this?" And he enjoyed helping people, he really did. He sometimes figured that people only wanted him around for that reason alone. So of course he helped. And he helped, and he helped and he helped , until the candle in which he clutched in his palms fizzled out, and he had no more light to shed. Now the sun could only flicker every so often, leaving behind a quiet, and terribly ruined boy.
James, who loved every single person with every single fiber of his being, James, who poured half himself into every else's quarter empty glasses, James, who looked the ugliest, meanest monsters in the eyes and with a soft voice spoke of how much they mattered James, was the light. He was the sun, the everything, and no can ever get close enough to the sun without burning up. Figuratively, anyway. James never let those around him in. He found it ridiculous to shed his woes onto the shoulders of another. He fears if he speaks too much he might just spill his entire self-worth out onto the floor. A pathetic sight that would be.
But it'll always become too much eventually. "Too much" as in you cant take it. "Too much" as in you fall to your knees clutching your chest the first second of your solitude. "Too much" as in James is now knelt in the astronomy tower, gasping for helpless breaths of air. He couldn't see anything, his glasses fogged with tears. He had no mind in this moment. No people to help, no limb of himself to tear off and distribute to the next person in need, he was just a scared, sad, and terribly frustrated teenage boy. The sun shone a lot less in these moments.
Barty decided he, tonight, would be Icarus. Idly he swung open the astronomy door, searching for a spot to smoke in peace, having been reprimanded the times before. He almost scoffed at the memory. Immediately Barty was hit by the chill of November air, then tainted with the sounds of hopeless sobs. Barty assessed the situation, quirking a brow when, to his own (not very) surprise, it was james. He waited only a moment before he rushed over, kneeling beside the other. His voice was awfully gentle, for what felt like the first time.
"Woah, easy, Potter, what the fuck is this?" Barty fears he's too harsh, but makes up for it quickly with how softly he takes the others face in his hands.
"I'm sorry. Holy shit, I'm sorry." James murmurs like a mantra as he apologies for, literally nothing at all. He would go on to explain that he "Feels too much" and that he "can't even breath, because the words he has yet to say feel like they're squeezing at his throat" and he "Just wishes he could say it. All of it. But no one will have the heart to listen. That he doesn't have the heart to try."
Barty would counter earnestly with "You have me. And you don't care about me. So tell me." And "I know, James. I know. You're worth so much." And "You deserve to be listened too. Honest."
He would eventually get James' breath to steady, then his tears to stop, and then for himself to calm down all together. They talked. An excruciatingly long time, too. Spoke of their woes, mostly James', and Barty was there for him. And James, bless his entire being, needed that. More than anything he needed that. Someone to listen. Barty was there. James wouldn't have ever, in a thousand years, have assumed Barty would ever be there for him.
The two sat beside one another, not close enough to friends but not far enough to be strangers. James sighed, his eyes stuck on the sky. Constellations glimmered, as if though to taunt this very interaction.
"You won't..tell anyone, will you? About this?" The sentence came out weary, and sort of broken up. James potter often ran too far ahead of his own mind, having to piece together his thoughts minutes after he spoke. Another oddly redeeming quality of his.
Barty chuckled. He shook his head violently. "Yeah, James, I'm going to leak your vulnerability to the entire school." He shook his hands above his head, snorting before reality hit him square in the chest. He turned to the other, eyes overwhelming with concern. "You don't..actually think I'd do that, do you?"
James felt the gaze burning a whole through his cheek, but he didn't turn.
"I don't know, Crouch, We aren't the closest."
Barty was almost offended at the insinuation.
"Merlin, James. I would never."
James only sighed in response. Something about it was just defeated. Sad. Barty inches closer.
"you're totally fucked, potter. I mean..You're just giving yourself away, at this point."
James let out a hearty chuckle, but Barty could tell it was really just hurt. "You don't say."
"You're too ahead of yourself. If you keep going like this, keep giving so much, you'll just..explode, you know. A supernova of the highest degree."
James turned to Barty. "Yeah, well people need me. I need to be there. I need to care, because no one else will."
"And who cares about you, James?"
"Oh get off it, Crouch.." he scoffed, possibly the most emotion he had offered all night.
"James. I'm serious. You'll hurt yourself if you go on like this. What, you think I'm so..so sporadic all the time?"
"Of fucking course not! I'm as calm as I am boisterous, man, woah. Big word. I gotta tell regulus about that.." Barty only seemed to distract himself, shaking his head as if though shaking his mind from a haze.
"Look, mate, all I'm saying is that you can't go on like this. Not forever. Not even much longer."
James eyes were filled to the brim with a sadness beyond tears when he turned to Barty, everything in him looked defeated. He just pressed his forehead against the side of Bartys shoulder, sighing.
And it felt almost normal. Most things would have, given how quickly they had gotten acquainted. Barty was sure now that he knew more about James than most of James' friends did. Must have, with how much he seemed to be holding in. Barty ached for the other, because he knew what it was like to be him. He wrapped an arm around James shoulder as he shook, violent sobs exuding from the other, sure to leave a mark on Bartys sweater.
A couple more minutes of back rubs and "I know, mate..I know.." and James was good as ever. Not really but, better than he was before. And Barty took that as a win. The two were still close, not touching. James shook his head and Barty glanced over, quirking his brow.
"You're absolutely fucking mental, crouch, you know that? I mean, how many people would stop to console a practical stranger?"
"You would."
"Of course I would." James reached up to rub his eyes, ridding them of post-tear redness.
"You're a good person James. And that's an annoying thing to admit. But good person doesn't equate to running yourself into the ground for others. It's okay to take sometimes, you know."
James' expression contorted into something new. His eyes were a little wide, if not hesitant. Barty was almost struck, with the way those enticing brown eyes fell over his very own body, lashes batting sort of wearily as James got closer, his voice low.
"Is it now? Well, if it's so okay to take, then surely you wouldn't mind.." James' eyes flicked to Bartys lips, and Barty was sure his face drained of all color. James potter was this close to him. James potter wanted him. And Barty, as confident and as overzealous as he was, really had no mind of things ending this way. And be the man he was, he took the opportunity he was given, hastily moving to crash his lips against James', greedy as he did. His kiss was hungry, demanding. James responded only with as much heat as you'd expect from the sun itself, and Barty let himself burn. Fitting tax, playing with fire and all.
This lasted a few minutes between heavy, rushed breaths, both quick to reconcile each moment. James looked at Barty like he was worth something, and he was absolutely putty under his gaze. Good things end and blah blah blah, but they pulled apart, one eyeing the other with just as much terror as the other. James never-kissed-a-boy-before Potter just spent a valuable five minutes hungrily enduring the taste of another mans presence. Barty just hadn't expected it, really. He was confident enough to try his luck with many men, just not James Potter. Not that he fully, entirely believed it was impossible or anything, but he wasn't sure James..felt that way. In any regard. And his suspicions were opposite of confirmed with this. And Barty enjoyed every second of it. Even after, knowing(as per one of their several limited meetings after this) he was James' first not- straight kiss. What a power trip that was for him.
James just sort of sat there, like a deer in headlights, staring at Barty. Barty snorted. "Oh, stop looking at me like that. I'm a man, not a fucking dragon." And James broke out into a series of laughter. He ran a hand across his own face, as if though to make sure he wasn't dreaming, before giving Barty that look again. Barty, who knew to count his blessings quick, wasted not a second before James Potter was up against the astronomy towers wall, locked narrowly in yet another heated kiss.
He, that day, found that Icarus, was not stupid at all. That he too thought it best to risk burning, if only to touch the sun for a second. Because it lingers. Always it lingers. The light. On your lips, Under your fingernails, between your grasp. Always will your skin feel a reminder of the sun itself.
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panvani · 11 months
On some level I appreciate encouraging people to read "translated novels," but the action itself is pretty hollow unless you have some concrete intellectual/artistic/whatever purpose or goal in mind while reading translated novels. The predominance of English language novels at the detriment of all others within the Anglosphere, when other languages/cultures tend to import translated English language novels at a high rate, is, indeed, problematic, but this is more because of general American media hegemony and its relationship to American exceptionalism than an esoteric quality inherent to the virtue of the Translated Novel. An English language novel by, for example, a (living) African or West Asian author represents a greater gesture towards international literacy than a translated classic from Western Europe, and neither of these represent real political or social understanding, just your willingness to engage with literary figures and traditions that are not already within the immediate American cultural sphere.
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daily-sifloop · 8 days
Ok but like what if post game Loop hates being out in public because people stare at them and whisper about them because star person so Siffrin has to step in either through distracting Loop or doing something silly to draw everyone's attention away from Loop
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Day 21: if you don't like something - don't look!
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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" Losing battle of loss "
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#castform#:)! they're so pleased..! they like the weather… it's so pleasant right now… (VERY HOT) (NINETY DEGREES) (TOO HOT)#they're smiling… :)! they like something you said you were nice to them :)!#this pokémon has that gimmick where they like. change types based on the weather which is. like cool i guess i dunno if it's good#in competitive but i never used it personally. i feel like i always got it at too low of a level to want to grind it up#it's like ok. i feel like castform's moveset kinda has to be weather ball or whatever it is and then three weather setup moves so you can#actually use it and utilize the type-changing ability to its fullest extent. because if your opponent sets up weather then they're probably#already benefitting from it and you don't want them to benefit from it. because that means your weather ball probably isn't going to be good#against the theoretical opponent's type. and then it takes two moves to use any given type's version of weather ball so i just. don't#see how it could be that good. i will look it up on smogon cuz i imagine it's pretty decent in doubles bc then you can have the Other pokémo#n set up the weather so castform can use it but like if it's not even that strong to begin with#it certainly doesn't look it#yeah it's always been kinda mid it looks like. started off better around gen 4 and then just slooowly fell off up to gen 7#dunno! still don't care a ton about competitive but i don't even care about this pokémon in not-competitive. sorry‚ castform fans
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gurorori · 5 months
haha oh no im definitely not at all disturbed by the prevalence of leftists on all platforms who are loudly 'anti-genocide' when it comes to the palestinian cause (and a couple others at best :3c) yet the only time ukraine [ʊkrɐˈjinɐ] leaves their mouths is in critique, in stark comparison to the former or in complaint about their (american) government sending aid.
at first what i saw often was pointing out the differences in western media framing [ukraine vs palestine], and that's fair (until the words and the agenda of western journalists are used to paint, as a whole, ukrainians who have been actively going through genocide as some kind of white supremacists hogging the blanket of global attention when they kinda just want to live and have the rights to their own land, culture, names and families)
but no one is even caring to do that anymore, today bitches just invent metaphorical scenarios and people to get mad at and to throw an entire ethnos away because wahhhh i decided that you care for X but not for Y!!!.... all while doing the exact thing they are condemning. the exact absolute same and they don't even hide it but do lack the self-awareness to realise
#'ohh i saw white people still go out to rally for ukraine' yeah have you considered they are ukrainian or have ukrainian loved ones or uh#simply have humanity in their heart to care about several humanitarian tragedies in the world?#this is both aimed at a post i saw on here and at SEVERAL. MANY. twitterians with a thousand palestine flags all over their accounts spewing#misinformation hate and sometimes straight up russian propaganda tactics because they're this fucking insane#i don't care about sounding nice anymore by the way. i know my heart lies in the right place and i have the capacity to care about more than#one ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples#removed incidents of bad actors having a ukrainian flag on their backpack doing hateful shit does not somehow okay dismissing a genocide you#so vehemently claim to oppose. they are not ukrainians who are getting bombed on the daily for years#i saw a very lovely 🍉🕊️ lady denying holodomor and using literal russian talking points while patting herself on the back for being such#a good person. i saw one of the most popular leftie accs on twitter be actively anti-ukraine and using slurs. luckily we mass reported them#and they're gone#i'm no longer being careful with my words because i don't want to be misconstrued. i know my values go beyond twitter and tumblr#if i catch you in any way undermining the genocide of ukrainians or only bringing it up to point fingers and bitch i am blocking you forever#don't care how far this post might go cuz of ppls questionable use of the search function. and i didn't care to censor anything#like. masks off. just block me if this is your rhetoric
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localguy2 · 1 year
I gotta write a Kai centered fic or one shot some time soon man...
Last time I did I unironically had so much, he's so fun to write and especially when he's starting to lose some of that level-headed seriousness and focus he has in actually dangerous situations.
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bunkernine · 1 year
society if hoo had them at uni age and the lost trio went to chb and chiron is like "how tf are ANY of u alive and unclaimed". wilderness was just community college.
#on a serious note this changes a lot actually. annabeth and percy would not be in chb anymore so when percy goes missing#its like. a genuine possibility and fear because demigods don't make it that old. there is also some added time between tlo and tlh as well#further adding to jasons isolation as being even WEIRDER than everyone else. he also would've been praetor for longer so maybe the romans#wouldve cared more. this also does away with the plot hole of ppl not giving a shit that jason piper and leo (and dylan) straight up#dipped. introducing piper especially to a summer camp makes chb less appealing because they're too old for that and thus makes their#departure from chb make more sense in toa. yet also it opens up the possibility of new rome uni.... which i cannot see any reason as to why#leo would not go there!!!!! outside of being banned cuz he bombed new rome lol. but pipers sexuality arc works for college too!!! ur never#too old to find urself. but also this is the question of if you are able to relatively function in society (this is more for piper leo fran#and i guess percy) then why would you even fight this prophecy??? anyway lol them being college aged is perfect cuz percy is literally#going to a new place and having a new transition with new ppl... like u do in college LOL. now the question is would hazel still be 13. nic#is a lot older at this point and perhaps has the same age gap as bianca and him did 🤔 cant remember. but also don't know why hazel was 13#in the first place lol. idk. in my college hoo she is just a senior in hs about to graduate from spqr and thinking about staying there or#possibly going to newru after seeing frank make the decision the previous year! SAD!#anyway in hoo. percy and annabeth are sophomores. frank and the lost trio are freshman.#but then in toa. percy annie frank and the lost trio are all graduating cuz percy got held back and Annabeth failed after tartarus fr.#but then also know that piper never went to newru and is adamant about going to mortal uni. and leo kills in newru but is bored. nvm i#forgot he died 🧍‍♂️ ummmmmm ok. ignore leo. and jason actually. so um. ok that really threw me off but are u getting it. that's when apollo#is like 'heeyyyyy i need help pwease 🥺' and they're all like 'dude.'#OK!#but also i ackowedge that this is a children's book and i am not its demographic so god be with you.
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novelconcepts · 6 months
i don't make resolutions, but if i did
it would be to finish this fic
(and to be kind to myself for however long it takes to actually do so)
#i'm finishing it if it kills me#i know i've been writing this makeout scene for 3 weeks but baby that can't last forever#if we want to get deep and dark and serious for a second i do think a lot of my struggles to write lately have to do with engagement#and how incredibly low engagement has been on the last few things i've written#which like. is what it is. i'm not entitled to anybody's time or comments or kudos.#but when you write stuff you're proud of and it feels like it's barely getting read it's hard to keep momentum.#this isn't intended as a woe is me or whatever it's just kind of like. there. hovering.#happens enough times you start to wonder if it's you. am i just writing for the wrong fandom/ship?#(too bad if so. they're in my bones i'm writing for them and no one can stop me.)#but yeah. if you ever wonder if authors do care or notice about hits. comments. kudos. buddy i am here to tell you#not only do we care and FLOURISH we also notice when those things drop off and readers vanish#and it is a giant bummer. and sometimes makes us wildly paranoid about why that might have happened.#so if you liked a fic today--not even one of mine. just. anybody's. share it. comment on it.#kudos at the VERY least (cuz frankly kudos is there to be an 'i got to the end and this was nice' feature.#so when you get 500 hits and only like 30 kudos? it feels like 470 of those people hated your work)#anyway. that got out of hand. lil' too raw lil' too honest. happens when you let yourself ramble at 11:30 instead of sleeping#to sum: let your local fic writer know if they've made you happy#and as we go into 2024 i am swearing to myself that this fic (and probably several others) are getting finished#come hell. high water. or dishearteningly low engagement numbers.#(and then maybe we...actually work on something original. cuz why not. new year same old me but i'll do my best.)
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keeps-ache · 2 months
mm i Neeed to go the beach
#just me hi#wauhuhh !#something about just drifting around in water that i am slightly scared of that really makes my brain whir happily lol :>#i am slightly scared of it for two major reasons: 1) fish. lord the fish why are they so scary 2) sometimes i think i'll drown and they jus#won't find the body. which is less rational than the fish so that's why fish is my number 1 fear at all times lmao#/i think out of all the animals on the planet i am the most scared of ordinary fish. not even the deep sea stuff hfbshv#cuz look they're so far down there you Have to assume they look funked. and also they prolly don't like human meat. so it's cool#but regular fish?? some of them eat birds. they eat birds dude. what would they do to me if they knew how to use harpoons??#also they for SURE eat corpses so we loop back to fear no. 2 really just being fear no. 1 hbfhs#/see i'm not even that scared of the animals my parents are determined on exploding. like man if i get eaten that was prolly bound#to happen anyway. i Know how that goes. i know what mauling is lol#i am the only person in this house who will walk around outside on a moonless light w/ no flashlight because if i was sposed to be dead i#can guaranteE there are much better opportunities. funnier ones‚ too#/just looked it up bobcats are SHY little guys. they are just shy babies. except for when they have rabies :)#shy rabies babies <3#/anyway back to the fish. i don't like how there are some that specifically like to eat human skin. mmm no i have never liked that ever not#one little bit. makes my skin crawl hghfsh#i don't care what it does or can do that is NOT cool lil dude ;w;#/hang on i'm googling 'weirdest things fish eat' because i want to scare myself i guess hbfhvbsf :'3#they're only showing me weird fish!!! no !! tell me about a fish that's living exclusively off of plastics!! or car tires !! come on !!!#these guys are just funky looking. and just Kinda funky looking. though this humphead guy is funny lol :)#he looks scary but with a charm that i can't deny#his forehead. and mouf. this guy is awesome#and of course he's endangered because the world is exploding. but it's so cool he exists :D#//anyway fish are scary. and miss humphead is Huge so goofiness aside he's also scary hhfbvs#also why do some of those motherfunkers swim close to shore and bite at you. those guys suck so bad#that's only happened to me so many times but enough for me to have a fear that has lasted for over half a decade lmao#//and anywho i'm running out of tag space lol :)#we're going ot the park!! i'm going to skate :DD !!#i wanna get good at my old stuff again hfsh - so bye! bye !! toodles !!!
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mako-island-moon-pool · 3 months
I really do deserve a fucking apology for all the times my friends and family valued strangers on the internet and their opinions more than me
How am I supposed to be just fine with being ignored for years and years or bullied for openly liking what I like, only for those same fucking people to then turn around YEARS LATER, AFTER THE DAMAGE WAS ALREADY DONE, and be like "actually this is cool, so glad I found it" while still ignoring me. Why am I not allowed to be fucking pissed about it? Why is it considered ""gatekeepy"" when I get upset someone who deliberately ignored me for years and insulted the shit I enjoy when I asked them to get into it cuz I thought they'd like it suddenly finds interest in it because it got popular online, not because I'd been begging them to give it a chance and to listen to me for years???? Why is that not allowed????? THAT'S SUCH AN ASSHOLE MOVE, WHY IS IT 'NOT OKAY' TO BE MAD? WHY DON'T THEY GROW A SPINE AND APOLOGIZE FOR DISMISSING ME FIRST? HOW ABOUT THAT?????
#I fucking hate this it keeps fucking happening#I have a fucking LIST of all the times it's happened this is not a one time thing it's fucking reoccurring#Nothing I say will ever fucking matter to anyone not even the people who are 'supposed' to care about me#Grumble grumble#Literally showed my dad a song and he was like 'well I preferred the one that came on autoplay after'#And I was like 'oh that song? Oh you mean THAT song? OH YOU MEAN THE SONG I SHOWED YOU MONTHS AGO THAT YOU DISMISSED AND CRITICIZED?'#THAT ONE? YEAH? YEAH???#Gee I wonder why you like it NOW and not when *I* showed it to you!#UGHHHHH#Begged my friend to get into OP and he would go 'no it's too long and the art style is kinda ugly'#GUESS WHO'S NOW ASKING ME TO GUIDE HIM THRU THE ANIME CUZ OP WAS TRENDING ON TWITTER OVER THE SUMMER#UGHHHHHHHHH#Begged friends to watch Trig/un for years it was always the first anime I'd recommend anyone when they asked and was always ignored#Guess what everyone did once stampede started *trending on Tumblr*?#They certainly didn't care when I asked or when I was hyping up the trailer for stampede or literally any point before then#Nobody would ever reply to me when I talked about it#But now that it's trending on Tumblr NOW they're interested. GJSGDHDJDJDK#Happened with Pe/rso/na and Ro/tm/nt too.#Begged my middle and high school friends to get into the per/sona series. Nooo never it's sooo lame#Get made fun of for being hyped for 5's release in Calc class#Man you'd never believe who I see on Twitter as the biggest fans nowadays!!#Same with ro/tm/nt begged my friends to watch it but was dismissed and the episode I showed them heavily criticized bc it wasn't 2012#Then learn the same friend who criticized it so heavily bc he *hated it* WAS WATCHING VIDEO ESSAYS EXPLAINING WHY THE FINALE WAS SO GOOD#And there's NEVER any acknowledgement like 'hey sorry I made fun of/hated on this thing I see why you like it now'#Am I actually mental?! Would that not be the polite thing to do???#I would do that if a friend begged me to watch something and I openly dismissed them or criticized it as my reason why#And then later on I saw something online and was like 'actually...'#I would GO TO THAT FRIEND AND BE LIKE 'hey sorry I dismissed you earlier man I get why you like it now' AND THEN WE COULD TALK ABOUT IT#This isn't even about like distant acquaintences some of these people are my best friends and my roommates and my own fucking parents#People I talk to daily or near-daily. You're just not going to acknowledge what happened before??? Just expecting me to be fine with it????
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celibibratty · 5 months
I know the idea of the game is to our main characters become an old master one day in a certain moment of their life, but one part of me kinda don't like that?, i like more the idea of after they kill the villans, they become some kinda of badass vigilants/justice gangsters, and continue be like this since they become old(no idea how they pay the bills living in that way?, but it doesn't matter is just a game), idk i just like our main characters more being some kinda of "lone wolf", i think it fits more their style
#about s1fu#sifu game#Nowadays i prefer more this lore#they must be so tired of all this so why continue? Let it die together with all this mess#It may sound like they being disrespectful to the father(maybe but i don't think its like that for me is vice-versa they let the things tha#Their father accomplished which is the school remain/die with him it was his legacy besides THE KNOW THE DRAMA..#This School/talisman thing caused altho i think even if the main characters were a master/teacher i don't think they would talk/show the...#talisman to the students but still they would teach the pak mei and this yang manage to kill the old man How? because he knew the pak mei..#The old man showed too much to him and he used that knowledge against him i just love to imagine our main characters thinking about that..#and be like nope!😤I won't do this it won't repeat it again! to me is actually very cool and mature of their part)#;probably still training but on his own and for his own reasons; i'll totally embrace/adopt that✨so badass#So cool to imagine my w0man❤️being a badass still being a fighter but on her own#I like it cuz it make the family dynamic very funny😂the father was ancient so hes a master the older son becomed doctor/hippie of some sort#our main characters(the baby bro🥺) become some kinda of gangster😂no no i would call mystery hero/vigilant(they just do their own thing)#I would say what they do is the arenas(I don't care if the games says the arenas are separated from the game story for me is together😤)#They are not part of this drama they are just the consequence🔥❤️#Well but that's it i like our main characters more not being a s1fu i don't think combines with them after everything they go thru#They're too cool for School✨👌#Idk i just wake up like ;i kinda don't like the idea of them becoming a s1fu now🤔;
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
I am newish to the Clexa fandom (<3yrs) and am totally confused be the tags on these sapphic polls saying Lexa is brown face?? Like, she's an aussie with a tan. How is that brown face? Where did this start, and who is perpetuating it??
*confusion intensifies*
Ugh I cannot believe we're still dealing with this in the year of our hell 2023. I'm not upset with the question or you, I'm just so fucking tired of this being rehashed constantly because some people lack the ability to learn and thus create situations where these things keep having to be explained when they've already been thoroughly dissected and debunked.
Long story short, it was started because some people are chronically online and live their lives one buzzword at a time. I'm convinced these are the same people who can't use the word gaslighting correctly to save their life and talking is "trauma dumping" and everything they don't like is "toxic". Just people who love talking about things they only have a tenuous grasp of because they think it makes them sound intelligent or like they're really fighting the good fight. And what really really pisses me off about the whole brownface/bindi (it was a Helm of Awe, not a bindi) discourse is that it's such a nothing thing when faced with all the actual real, harmful racism and xenophobic tropes that were in the loo. Racism and xenophobia that Clexas have been calling out since day one (the same xenophobia in particular a lot of these same people conveniently ignore or excuse to prop up their fave sweaty boy character but that's another convo entirely). The loo was rife with it, but ffs Lexa wasn't one of them.
Fact is Lexa was white. She was always portrayed as a white woman with a tan BECAUSE SHE CAME FROM A CLAN THAT SPENT THE MAJORITY OF THEIR TIME OUTSIDE. She's been confirmed as nothing but white by the showrunner, the writers, and fellow POC cast members who where immensely confused af when these very tiring people tried pulling them into their shit talking campaign. Case in point because it's the most blatant, Adina Porter. OG tweet was deleted, but it was @ing her asking if Lexa was white or a WOC. To which she answered
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And when someone asked why that was asked she answered
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Because,,, it's pretty fucking obvious Lexa was white. At no point in her entire story arc was it ever represented or insinuated that Lexa was anything other than a white woman with a tan. She's Lexa kom TRIKRU. The clan of the trees. Meaning she's outside, training and working and traveling in the sun a fucking lot.
Like, I just wish people would be able to use their brains and discern this
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from this
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Because the differences are real and they're important. Brownface is a real, harmful problem in media and ffs even some actual people irl using it to gain appeal and popularity. It's something that should be called out and addressed at every turn. Which is why it's fucking harmful to just toss the word around for any white character who isn't visually eggshell pasty white and instead just fucking tan
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essektheylyss · 2 years
I hate that I have actually pretty acute knowledge about election prediction, but from a very specific point where mail-in ballots were becoming more of a factor but before states started implementing all mailed ballot options.
I'm sitting here examining the remaining votes in the outstanding House races getting my damn hopes up for the possibility that the GOP might not take the House, but I don't know if some of the basic principles of that (specifically, whether the portion of votes that tends to get voted last due to mail-in ballots still skews Democrat) are still true.
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vicsdeangelis · 2 years
crazy how getting a life made me less invested in må lmao
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