#Custodial Service
littlecrittereli · 7 months
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I’m gonna need to come up with a name for this AU eventually
But consider: The Creature Power Belt
Aka the precursor to the power suit and original prototype of the vest. It only provides the most prominent creature powers and is wayyy more prone to malfunctions.
Of course Aviva would never give Chris her old unstable technology…. Which is why he took it without asking
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lantern custody
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omg omg i had a stupid au idea i talked with a friend idk if thats you lmaoaom
where the beast really did put the woodsman's daughter's soul in the lantern and beast does try to help (hes still a fucking asshole manipulative bitch) and they keep fighting each other on who takes care of the lantern best insulting each other having divorce arguments its absolutely fucking buck wild
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arguably the most sane characters in my witch au for the forseeable future-and in tsams in general, tbh
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dryad-druid · 1 year
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Imagine watching Maoujou de oyasumi and ending up with the need to draw your babies in cute pajamas.
Just look at them! So baby, so fluffy~
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shiba-boyfriend · 3 months
needing advice here, other trans folks, especially trans men in that kind of in between space of "not yet passing but clearly medically transitioning" what are good jobs to apply to that are less likely to reject, but also any good methods of not getting rejected? i've been on a job search for so long now, and have only gotten unstable short term work with extremely low pay. i really need a better full time job.
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ex-foster · 8 months
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chussy · 8 months
just realized that my dad actually basically attempted to kidnap me the summer before 7th grade and I didn't even interpret it as such until now because it was so in line with his general shittiness that it didn't even stand out
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 11 months
You know who I would like to meet? The Wayne’s social worker.
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asbestieos · 2 years
om so damn eepy me and my coworkers should be paid so much more
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inga-don-studio · 2 years
Just saw a job posting for the local zoo that’s basically exactly what I’d want to do there & with my remaining tiny shred of self confidence I’m going to apply.
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A professional cleaning company provides not only a deep cleaning, but also the peace of mind that comes with knowing your office is clean.
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
EU Bans Crypto Companies for Russians in New Sanctions Over Ukraine Escalation
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An array of crypto-related services have been targeted in the latest round of sanctions on Russia approved by the EU. The measures are part of an expected tightening of the economic and financial restrictions in response to Moscow’s decision to annex Ukrainian territories.
EU Council Adopts Full Ban on Crypto Wallet and Custody Services for Russian Persons
The Council of the European Union announced new sanctions against Russia on the backdrop of the deepening military conflict in Ukraine. The penalties, expected to hurt the Russian government and economy, come after Moscow took steps to annex the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. In a statement, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell emphasized that the sanctions are a response to the latest escalation with the “fake referenda” in these four oblasts. Russian individuals and entities that have played a role in their organization will be specifically targeted. Other Russian citizens and businesses are also going to take a hit, including those that deal with cryptocurrencies. The new measures include a full ban on the provision of wallet, account, or custody services for crypto assets to Russian persons and residents. That’s regardless of the value of these assets, according to the eighth package of sanctions imposed by Brussels. This spring, when the EU approved its fifth round of such measures, the Council prohibited only the provision of “high-value” crypto-asset services to Russians and organizations registered in their country. The ban applied to digital funds exceeding €10,000 (close to $11,000 at the time).
New European Sanctions to Hit Russian Imports and Exports
While the earlier restrictions were meant to limit the transfer of wealth through digital assets and close other loopholes in the crypto space, a recent report revealed that pro-Russian groups have been actively using cryptocurrency, often in small transactions, to fund paramilitary operations in Ukraine. According to the research, they have raised $400,000 in crypto since the start of the invasion in late February. Russian authorities have also been working to allow businesses to employ crypto payments for international settlements. With the latest move, the EU also bans the provision of IT consultancy and legal advisory services to Russia as well as architectural and engineering services. Russian imports and exports have been targeted, too, including the maritime transport of crude oil and petroleum products to third countries. The provision of related services will be allowed only if these have been purchased at or below a pre-established price cap, which is yet to be determined. Among the other measures is a ban on EU nationals to hold any posts on the governing bodies of some Russian state-owned or government-controlled entities. The Council also decided to broaden the criteria under which persons can be designated as facilitating the circumvention of restrictions imposed by the European Union. The European Commission, the executive body in Brussels, welcomed the latest sanctions package. Do you think the new EU sanctions will significantly limit access to cryptocurrencies for Russians? Share your thoughts on the subject in the comments section below. Read the full article
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mesniklaw · 1 day
How are Child Custody and Child Support Connected?
Child custody and child support are those parts of the family law that affect children's lives when parents separate. Custody decides where a child will live and who will make important decisions, while support means the non-custodial parent pays money to help care for the child. The main goal of both is to keep the child safe and happy. The legal system usually looks at the child's needs when deciding custody and support. Its goal is to make sure the child's best interests come first.
What is Child Custody?
Child custody refers to the legal determination of where a child will live and which parent will make important decisions regarding his life. This happens only when parents are going through a separation or a divorce. Custody is divided into 2 main categories: Physical custody and Legal custody. 
Physical custody is about where the child lives and who takes care of them every day. It can be given to just one parent (known as sole custody) or shared by both parents (known as joint custody), so the child can spend time with each parent.
Legal custody is about who gets to make important decisions for the child, such as choices about education and healthcare. This gives parents the right to make meaningful and necessary decisions about their child’s life. Just like physical custody, legal custody can be given to one parent only (sole custody) or shared by both parents (joint custody).
When deciding which parent will get the custody, courts focus on what is best for the child. They look at things like, their emotional bond with each parent, and how stable each home is. Often, parents are advised to work together to find solutions that meet the child's needs, sometimes with help from a mediator.
What is Child Support?
Child support is a legal requirement for one parent to pay for their child's needs after separation or divorce. This money covers important expenses like food, clothing, education, and healthcare for the child. The aim is to make sure that the child's needs are met and that their standard of living stays the same as earlier.
Child support is set up through a court order, and the amount is usually calculated using factors like each parent's income, how many children there are, and the custody arrangement. Different jurisdictions have specific child support guidelines to figure out the right amount of support.
The custodial parent, who takes care of the child, usually gets child support payments from the non-custodial parent. However, this can change in shared custody situations. Child support is important in giving kids financial stability so they have a healthy lifestyle and good living.
What is the Relationship Between Child Custody and Child Support?
Child support and child custody are connected parts of the family law that affect a child wee being. Understanding how they both relate to each other is important for parents dealing with these issues.
Child custody arrangements impact on child support payments. Usually, the parent who takes care of the child pays his/her daily expenses. This means the non-custodial parent has to pay child support to help with those costs. The amount of support is determined by factors like both parents' incomes and how much time the child spends with each parent.
On the other hand, child support can also affect custody decisions. Courts focus on what is best for the child, and financial stability is an important factor. A parent's ability to provide for things like housing, education, and healthcare can influence a judge's choice about custody. If one parent shows they are financially unstable, it may destroy their chances of getting a custody arrangement. Parenting time and child support are essential components of family law, ensuring that children maintain relationships with both parents while receiving the financial support they need. Changes in custody can also lead to changes in child support. If custody arrangements shift from sole to joint, parents need to update the child support.
Visitation rights and support are both important factors in ensuring that a child maintains a strong relationship with both parents after a separation.
In summary, child support and child custody are connected parts of a child’s life after parents separation. Knowing how they affect each other can help parents make better choices, keeping the child’s well-being as the main focus.
Mesnik Law Group is a family law attorney in San Diego. We aim to provide effective legal representation for our clients. Our experienced attorneys work closely with clients to go through legal matters, ensuring that each case is handled with care and attention to detail.
If you are also in search of a child custody lawyer in San Diego and a child support lawyer in San Diego, then we can be the right call for you.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about child custody and child support.
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thomasatlaw · 2 days
Legal Separation Attorney: Understanding the Role and Benefits
Legal separation is a complex process, often confused with divorce. While both result in the separation of couples, legal separation allows spouses to live apart while remaining legally married. This can be a preferred option for those who may have religious beliefs against divorce, need time to assess their relationship, or wish to retain certain benefits like health insurance.
A legal separation attorney plays a crucial role in navigating this challenging process. They assist in drafting the legal separation agreement, which covers aspects such as:
Division of property: Legal separation agreements outline how marital assets and debts will be divided.
Child custody and support: The attorney ensures that custody arrangements and child support payments are fair and in the best interest of the child.
Spousal support: They also handle negotiations for spousal support (alimony), ensuring financial fairness for both parties.
In hiring a legal separation attorney, you gain expert guidance to protect your rights and interests. This legal professional helps clarify the legal aspects, making sure that you and your spouse’s needs are addressed while avoiding potential conflicts. By securing a well-drafted agreement, you ensure a smoother path forward, whether you reconcile or eventually move toward divorce.
Why You Might Need a Legal Separation Attorney
Clarity on finances: A legal separation allows you to protect your financial interests while living apart.
Emotional space: It can provide breathing room to make important decisions regarding the future of your marriage.
Children’s welfare: An attorney helps ensure that custody and support issues are handled in a way that is fair and beneficial to all involved.
If you’re considering legal separation, consulting with a knowledgeable legal separation attorney can offer the support and expertise you need.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"CHARGE MATRON WANTONLY CRUEL TO C.A.S. WARDS," Toronto Star. November 10, 1933. Page 1. ---- Affidavit Horrifies Children's Aid Society at Windsor Inquiry ---- TWO SUSPENDED ---- Allege Boy Beaten and Placed in Bath Before His Death --- Special to The Star Windsor, Nov. 10. - Stories of alleged cruelty to children, reminiscent of life in English orphanages in the days of Charles Dickens, were heard by the Children's Aid society yesterday.
The society, at the insistence of Mayor Croll, is hearing sixteen charges against Miss Magdalen Strang, matron of the Children's Aid Shelter, an institution operated jointly by Windsor, East Windsor and Walkerville, Miss Strang and her sister and assistant, Miss Catherine Strang, have been suspended.
Seven former employees of the establishment, including housemaids, are to testify. Mayor Croll before adjournment of the hearing until next Tuesday, read the affidavits of witnesses.
"These charges are serious, almost unbelievable, in some instances," he declared, opposing "a hasty adjournment" without suspension of the matron and assistant.
Asks Independent Inquiry Declaring that "the attitude of certain members before, during and since yesterday's emergency session has convinced me of the hopelessness of obtaining a fair and impartial verdict from the Children's Aid Society.
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sharatchandran · 2 months
Document Safety Services: Securing Your Data with Safe Custody
Data reigns supreme in the contemporary digital data. In a scenario where information is both vital and abundant, the safe custody of documents has never been more critical
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