dailyfont-com · 10 days
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Get ready to conjure up some spooky vibes with Monster Grave! This creepy display font is perfect for Halloween-themed projects & crafty ideas - the only limit is your imagination!
Link: Monster Grave
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llithiumstars · 8 months
hi!! i haven’t watched virtually any yogs content in like 7 years but was inspired by your blog to start giving things a look-see again, especially with seeing rythian, nilesy, and ravs on the main channel again and seeing that rythian’s doing another minecraft series now! i was wondering, does kirbycraft have much lore or rp content? i might watch it anyway because it does seem fun and i’ve been getting into watching minecraft series again after a long hiatus, but i tend to be much more interested in stuff with backstories and/or a storyline, even if it’s a relatively small part of the series! and do you know of any other yogs/yogs-adjacent minecraft series made in the past few years with more of a lore/rp focus? love your art btw!!
hiya!! welcome back, and thank you!!
It's fantastic seeing more minecraft on the main channel again, the build battles and other little bits have been such a treat and I'm so SO glad we're getting more of it!!
Kirbycraft,, is not a roleplay series, no, BUT I still strongly suggest checking out at least the edited videos over on Briony's channel! The first few sessions of streams did have quite a few little references on Rythian's part to Blackrock lore, and he has his continued dislike of endermen and such (If you find you don't vibe with watching the whole streams, at least check out the vod where they beat the dragon. It's very good.)
Despite it not being a lore/rp series, we're all very eager to make up silly lore in the fandom abt how krb would connect to Blackrock + the greater series lore, so while canon may not provide, Fanon absolutely will.
In terms of other series, since Flux Buddies ended back in 2019, we've not really had a true Yogsmc roleplay series. The closest would be what Martyn's been up to in the past couple years with the Life series, Rats and Pirates smps, and a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I love the Life series, very worth a watch from his povs, and I've heard good things abt the other mc series he's been involved in!
If you're happy to leave the yogs sphere I'd also recommend Empires, both seasons, if you're looking for a very lore and roleplay heavy series.
That being said, there's quite a lot of mc content from the yogs nowadays that isn't rp focused, (Duncan hasn't stopped, seriously does he know he can stop playing minecraft?) which is all excellent. Vault hunters with the Hats + Duncan's group was great, Duncan's park 2, cursedcraft with Simon + Gee. Plenty of stuff to try out!
I didn't expect this to get this long lol but!! Welcome back!! Big wide world of awesome stuff coming out, (and now's a great time to get into krb as they're likely to be taking essentially a season break/ start something new rather soon) and I hope you find something you enjoy!
EDIT: Feel free to add suggestions in the replies if I've forgotten a series here!
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scythegameing · 5 months
Conflicting Lives- Island and Cities
Welcome to the Island! (Name in progress)
This is where the entirety of Conflicting Lives will take place. There are 5 cities on the island: Hermiton, Cursia, Wynnra, Empyria, and Survas. Each city is moddled after a Minecraft SMP Server: Hermitcraft for Hermiton, CursedCraft for Cursia, Wynncraft for Wynnra, EmpiresSMP for Empyria, and Project:SSC for Survas. (The servers associated with Curisa and Survas are very small and private servers that I as the author are apart of, and will not go into much further information about, but they both mean something to me so I have decided to include them in the story.)
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Hermiton is the largest city by both land and population, and this is where most of the Hermits live. The terrain is full of rivers and lakes, but many have adapted by building homes in the water as to get away from the otherwise crowded areas. The Hero Agency is also located in Hermiton, in the farthest northeast area near the borders of Empyria and Wynnra. Some of the top Heros are often stationed in Hermiton, most often living there as well.
Empyria is the second largest by population, but second smallest by land. The terrain is very flat, will smal crests of hills dotted around the more central and western areas. This is also where most Heros-In-Training go to better learn and train to be a full fledged hero, though there are training facilities in each city, with Empyrias being the largest. One of the largest reporting firms have originated from Empyria.
Wynnra is the middle ground of all cities by both population and land. The terrain is very hilly and sometimes a bit difficult to navigate, but overall very calm and open. There are schools for different ype of magic users, and usually they stick to themselves in their school (those with fire magic often go to school that teach about fire magic, not schools that teach about other magic). Most would classify Wynnra as class based in terms of who goes where at what times in their life, but to Wynnrans, they are simply sticking by what and who they know. Some of the most powerful and dangerous villains are rumored to be from Wynnra.
Cursia is the second largest city by land, but second smallest by population. This is due to its very steep and mountainous terrain. The elevation quickly rises to an uninhabitable level where the tallest of the mountains are, but even on some of the smaller ones it gets too cold for most people to be comfortable. Most live by the coasts or on the small islands to the north, however there has always been a large concentration of civilians in the sound eastern area along the hermiton border. The well-known Crusia University is also located at the southern coast, providing all kinds of study opportunities for all to experience.
Survas is the smallest of all the cities by both population and land. This is due to the lack of most natural recourse and the harsh living conditions. They have to get most of their recourses imported from the other four cities, and there tends to be a higher than ideal level of crime (most of which is simple petty theft). One of the largest reporting firms is located in Survas, and they uncover just about everything people wonder about the water-locked city, and more
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morelorethenthereseem · 8 months
(Just some vampire lore I can’t remember ever posting here, enjoy.)
Part one: the original curse.
The ancient Ule collapse that marked the end of the fifth age begat many offshoots of the ancient elves, one of which was the vampires.
unknown by whom, some of the ancient elves were cursed and those are the elves that became the first vampires.
in the curses original form those afflicted would be truly Unkillable and they would have burned by both day and night. the cursed would have also caused them to have a ravenous thirst for blood. given long enough, this thirst would reduce them from a sound mind through an unstable one all the way to rabid animals until sated, resisting the thirst can be painful, a mix of withdrawal and hunger. additionally if any vampire were to reproduce the curse would be held by the child also and so on.
Part 2: Aloekeesheein Sunolt Mahlowkeesh.
the curse was not instant, as it would affect many many people.
so it was that the cursemonger chose a travelling curse.
The curse was sent across the sky from the location of its casting, invisible to most, and merely a glimmer to those versed.
But Sunolt was not unskilled in cursedcraft and as he saw the curse up in the sky arc downwards to him and his kin he changed the curse as much as he could, enacting every mercy he could muster, so much so that once his mana was depleted his soul begin to drain but through the power of will itself this was stifled, an unimaginable feat.
Yet even so his soul was almost nothing, and Once the curse reached its destination exploding outwords marring a great many marking them as the first vampires And Sunolt along with them. so it was that his new vampiric being turned the last of his soul to mana faster than it could regenerate. It is then that Sunolt gave himself the power of a vampiric Lord.
Part 3: the altered curse:
Sunolt altered the curse as it flew through the Sky, these are those alterations:
Instead of burning by both day and night only day would burn the vampires, additionally, instead of the sun offering only prolonged agony it snuffs out the life of any vampire caught in its light
Instead of the offspring of a vampire and a non-vampire always being another vampire it is instead More often than not the race of the non-vampire with only partial elements of the curse, however, they're not vampires, and therefore can be bitten and become vampires.
Part 4: types of vampires and vampire adjacent entities
What is a vampire? Very technically speaking it's someone who has no change or reaction to being bitten by a vampire.
Example: a vampire bites someone and nothing happens beyond being bitten, the person vision is therefore a vampire.
There are 3 types of vampires and vampire adjacent entities:
Common vampires.
Vampire lords.
Vampire children.
Common vampires include most of those first struck with the curse and those they have bitten, these are their abilities:
Regeneration. (can be temporary heightened by drinking blood)
Enhanced strength.
Blood sense. (is more intense the stronger the thirst.)
Enhanced senses (Not including blood sense.)
Vampire Lords include those Sunolt have bitten and those they have bitten, and of course Sunolt himself. These are their abilities:
Regeneration. (can be temporary heightened by drinking blood)
Blood sense (is more intense the stronger the thirst.)
Enhanced senses (including blood sense.)
Blood control (extra effective against vampires.)
Mind control (eye contact is required.)
Enhanced durability.
Vampire children: include those born from one or multiple vampires, if a child is born from two vampires they are a vampire.
But If a vampire and a non-vampire have a child that child is not a vampire.
If two common vampires have a child then the child will be a common vampire.
If two vampire lord's have a child then that child will be a vampire lord.
If a vampire lord and a common vampire have a child that child will be a vampire and have vampire characteristics that range between the two.
If a common vampire and a non-vampire have a child that child will not be a vampire but will have somewhere between none and all common vampire characteristics.
If a vampire lore and a non-vampire have a child that child will not be a vampire but will have somewhere between none and all vampire lord characteristics.
Ah but here's the trick, because a vampire child with only one vampire parent is not a vampire, this means they can be bitten by a vampire and become a vampire, and the abilities of a vampire are determined by the abilities of the vampire that bit them, So thanks to the many vampire variations between Lord+common vampire children and the many combinations of vampire characteristics from vampire+non-vampire children you can see how it over the ages there have become many many many many more variations of vampires than just common vampires and vampire lords.
(forgive any typos, I have dyslexia.)
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cursed38craft-blog · 3 years
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dailyfont-com · 26 days
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Spooky and playful, this black-letter font boasts bold, sharp letters ideal for Halloween-themed designs and decorations that evoke a sense of eerie elegance.
Link: https://l.dailyfont.com/YoziR
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