#Cursed H
ivyprism · 7 months
The Cursed (Sona Backstory)
Warning: Betrayal, injury, cursed, etc.
All she ever did was devote herself completely to the Deity of Life. Perhaps this is why she was punished by them. She prayed every day for good health, happiness, and a thriving nation... Her prayers were met with coldness, yet she never lost trust in the divine.
She expressed her love every day, hour, and minute... Hoping for a response from her adored Deity.
But when she eventually did...
All she could recall was the agony, the sorrow, and the beseech with the almighty to show her mercy... Instead, they transformed her into a creature that would be perceived as a monster.
How long has it been...? Verbena lost track of time. She moaned, her body aching from the blade and daggers that had pierced her scaly flesh. She sighed when she heard the sound of people approaching.
"We must slay the beast!" The voice of the "Hero" called, and Verbena tensed. No, not again. Please!
When Verbena was caught by magic chains, she stood up and started running. No! No!! She struggled against the chains, but they held her tightly. She closed her eyes and then fought back. She would not kill them, but she needed to protect herself. So she did. She defended herself.
She freed herself, but she didn't kill them. She sighed as she closed her eyes. Her body sore from the fresh reopening of her wounds.
Would no one try to befriend her...? Would she be all alone forever...?
She didn't know what to say. She couldn't do anything. All she could was try and hold on.
But she was tired... So... So tired. So lonely... So hurt...
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comicaurora · 4 months
Could you argue that Godzilla is a Dragon? No pressure, just curious.
my hot take hardline Tolkien stance is that Godzilla is the ONLY proper dragon in all of cinema
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yubriamakesart · 5 months
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Mr Qi gives me the vibe of an eldritch being that is not bound by the laws of our reality, but chooses to abide by them anyways. And if you've read my comic, you can probably guess I can't resist that kind of thing.
animated version (flash/eyestrain warning)
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poisonousquinzel · 7 months
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she went for the jugular skdjdkskks
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Update I have been gifted a new art tablet and oh my lort how do y’all draw with a screenless pad-
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This last one was the first thing I drew with it LMAO
all of these were lil test doodles, but m a n I got mad respects to them gamers who can use this kinda tabloot with ease
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hellish-sunsets · 7 months
Curses and Blessings - Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9
When they found two souls who worked the best together, who would uplift each other to good, they would grasp those two souls at the moment of their birth. This touch would leave behind a mark, each mark varied and unique.
Was this supposed to be a blessing or a curse?
Word Count: 1420
Warning: self harm, self hate, depression
Read on AO3
(set up, baby!)
When she was little, Charlie went to her father whenever she got the chance to hear him tell a story. Her mother would often tell her no, that he was too busy with important work, but if she managed to sneak away, sometimes she could get him to tell her stories. 
Her favorite was about the marks. 
He would say that once, a very very long time ago, the angels looked down upon humanity and saw their struggles. Sin had taken hold of them leading them astray and causing them to get lost. They worried and they fussed and they discussed, until finally they reached a decision. They could not interfere themselves. Now that humanity had the choice, they had to choose to be good themselves. But perhaps, if they had someone else who could help make them better, happier people, that would help.
So, they made a creature, not an angel and not a demon, with no wings for them to fly away and no eyes to see what was happening around them in the present. They took their creation to a room made just for them on top of the tallest tower in heaven, far away from anything and everything, away from the most holy of places and the most evil. They sealed the creature in, and left them for eternity.
So, they started their work. 
With the powers granted to them, they outstretched their hands, and in an instant they saw all the minds of all humanity. In a moment, they knew everyone’s thoughts and hearts. When they found two souls who worked the best together, who would uplift each other to good, they would grasp those two souls at the moment of their birth. This touch would leave behind a mark, each mark varied and unique. Some resembled pictures, others were just a swirl of color and lines, and only those two souls would match each other. 
At first, only humans received these soul marks. It made sense, they were the ones the angels deemed in need of this gift. But isolation leads one to thinking. They wondered why humanity were the only ones to receive such a gift. They knew that, locked away in their empty room in this tower so far away from existence, they knew no one could stop them. So, with a slight twist of their lips, if they did have any, they looked further. 
It wasn’t known who had the first soul mark outside of humanity, whether angel or demon, but it was made clear rather quickly that those naturally born in those realms would also be allowed this gift, though not quite as common. 
“And that is how we all got our marks.” Lucifer told Charlie with a loving smile, cradling the girl in his protective embrace. And every time, she would look up at him with those beautiful, big eyes of hers, full of so much wonder and innocence. He hoped it would never fade. She would giggle with excitement and look at her own mark, a swirl of color on her inner arm. She swore since she was young that it looked like two birds flying together, but he couldn’t see it. Not that it mattered much as long as she was happy. 
“I bet they’re the best person ever! I can’t wait to meet them!” She happily babbled on, and he hummed in agreement, resting his chin on top of her soft hair and returning to the scattered papers on his desk, the sound of the pen scratching against the paper mixing with the sound of his daughters happy chatter. His chest swelled with a never ending fountain of love. 
It was a memory he went back to often as the years turned harsh and empty. In the moments when he felt just as isolated as that poor creature he told Charlie stories about so long ago. In the deadest moments of the night, when it was just him curled up in his far-too-large bed, he sank into those warm memories like a comforting embrace. But it hurt just as much as helped, a reminder of what he had lost and, he believed in his darkest moments, what he would never have again. 
Some nights he would glare at his own mark with red, tear filled eyes. Other nights, it was with a deep longing, the faintest of hopes he knew was pointless and painful. 
When the marks had started appearing so long ago, they appeared only on humans who were just born. Even when the shift happened, it still only appeared with the birth of the demon or angel. Those few who existed before the marks first appeared simply did not get one. For whatever reason, you had to be born with it. 
But Lucifer was not born with his. The only one to just have it appear, as far as he knew. He remembered little about when it happened, but he could vividly recall the sight of when it formed. It was a burst of color, like golden ink sliding up his arm from his wrist and dancing across the pale skin of his arm. He remembered the awe, the confusion, the anxiety, as those golden lines sank into his skin and settled into an array of gold, orange, and pink, like a sunset. It was beautiful, and terrifying. That was when he started wearing the gloves. It was several days before they got the news from heaven about the marks appearing on non-humans.
Of course, he couldn’t hide it from Lillith forever. At the time he thought they had worked through it. He was adamant they could still love eachother deeply despite this mark. The likelihood of him even ever meating whoever this person was was next to impossible. She had his whole heart, his everything. And she seemed to accept it. 
But when she left so many, many years later, that mark, that damned mark, was at the top of her list of reasons. She could only spit out that she was clearly not meant for him as stormed out with Charlie in her arms, his little girl, his world, staring back at him with wide, fear filled eyes. 
And then they were just,,, gone.
He never thought much of the mark until then, his claws digging into the tainted skin as he sobbed and wailed through the night, begging to that being in that damned tower to take it away, to bring back his family. What was the point of it, of any of this?
Was this supposed to be a blessing or a curse? Everyone else considered it a blessing, a promise that someone was out there for them, a hope that they could one day find their better half. 
But there was no such thing for him. He had love, he had a wife, he had his daughter, everything he could ever want. All this damned mark did was take that from him, ruin his life. He was sure it was punishment for his disobedience. He deserved it after he cursed humanity to sin and evil. He didn’t deserve happiness, didn’t deserve love
Still, he couldn’t stop the anger that bubbled up as he sat alone in bed, glaring at the sunset of colors. The finger that was absentmindedly tracing the lines of color flexed, claw digging into his skin, a line of blood falling from the puncture and dripping onto the white sheets. His face twisted, a mix of fury and pain as he sank all five claws into his arms, tearing, Tears streamed down his face as a sob tore through his lungs. The sheets were stained in gold once more, and he almost felt sorry for the cleaning staff. Why was he like this? Why couldn’t he keep himself together for fucking once in his life? 
He knew he was spiraling, but he couldn’t stop. It was only what he deserved, the pain, the injury. Eventually he collapsed onto the mattress, sobbing and gasping, staring at the mess that once was his arm. At least the mark was gone. And yet, he knew it would be back by morning. The damage would heal over and the mark would remain, the reminder of all his failings and downfalls, a reminder of just how worthless and undeserving he was of anything but pain and loneliness and disappointment. 
The bloodloss forced a heaviness on his body and his eyes slid closed, sleep finally taking him into a realm of emptiness.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Every time I read Fernando cursing in fic, I can only think about this clip and then my brain short-circuits
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ivyprism · 7 months
"And the worst part is? You believe it! You actually believe you have an excuse to be the way you are. Well, guess what?! You don't."
Verbena growls as she looks at the deity that betrayed her.
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
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Like just about everyone else does, the Good Hunter Ruza finds Lady Maria very ✨️compelling✨️
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gingerbreadpopsolo · 1 year
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S-Statement of owo??? A-Audio wecowding by h-h-head awchivist jonyathan sims of the magnyaus institute wondon!!!
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kaiotisk · 2 years
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latest d&d character ryam!! he’s a scourge aasimar barbarian and he is NOT having a good time in barovia
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sillyhampterkohane · 4 months
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romanomen · 3 months
Horrible quality because I'm posting this while hiding out in a church bathroom but
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dailyperkele · 3 months
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DAY 31 - Overgrowth
You know how certain horned animals suffer from severe overgrowth and risk getting impaled by their own horns? I think Rher would have His fun cursing Per'kele with that hassle from time to time.
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mrsumpavasee · 1 year
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I have nothing to say here
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samijey · 4 months
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shhhh they're having a moment.....
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