#Cullen Rutherford x Regan Trevelyan
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dualwieldingtymber · 8 years ago
In the Game - Ch 3
Months have passed since Regan joined Cullen and his friends with their weekly game. It's Cullen's nameday and Regan & the others want to surprise him.
note:  This is in the same universe as the Starting Over series with Regan and Alistair, but it involves Cullen and Regan Trevelyan, more than a year before Alistair and Regan Cousland meet. I just kind of wanted to do something a little different with this pair, and thought this could be fun.
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Find it on Ao3 here
Regan twisted to avoid the hot baking sheet Bull pulled from the oven, carrying a basket of rolls out of the kitchen.  “Where’d you find tonight’s dessert, Bull?  It smells amazing.”  One of her favorite things about joining Cullen and the rest for their mostly weekly game had become acting as guinea pig for whatever recipe Bull had discovered and wanted to try out.  
“Dorian got it from someone he works with.”  Bull drizzled frosting over the cinnamon-y dessert.  “We thought it would be a nice treat.”  He left the dessert to cool and went about setting up the rest of the food. “It isn’t every day Cullen actually admits he’s having a nameday.”
Dorian set out the good plates; the first time since Regan’s introduction to the game.  It wasn’t so much about making a good impression this time. Cullen had been one of his best friends for years and rarely brought attention to his nameday.  “I know you two usually come together.  Did he say anything about you not riding with him today?”  
She had struggled for over a week trying to figure out how to get to Dorian’s place before Cullen to help get things ready.  Almost every plan she’d come up with had been rejected almost immediately for one reason or another.  Finally, she’d settled on a little white lie.  “I told him I needed to help Blackwall get ready for his anniversary date with Josie, and I’d just meet him here after.  He’s heading over after a meeting.”  A couple more trips to and from the kitchen and the food was laid out.  “It’s not a surprise party, right?  I mean, not exactly?”
“It’s a surprise, yes. A surprise party?  No.”  Dorian did another quick check of the table and the buffet setup and nodded.  The gifts were in the other room, out of sight, so it was as good as it was going to get.  He was sure no one would notice if anything out of place; he just hated the thought of things not being just right.   “We’re having a little food, a few gifts, and our normal game.  There aren’t even any decorations.  Have you figured out how to get things moving in the right direction?”
A quick check of the suddenly vibrating phone pulled her attention to the door.  “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.”  Regan gave them each a quick peck on the cheek and headed for the door.  “Cass and the others are here.  All that’s left is Cullen.”  She pulled the door open and hugged everyone before shrugging.  “I have no clue yet, honestly. I’ll come up with something.”
“Sera is actually on time?  How did that happen?”
“She rode with me, of course.”  Varric strode in with a laugh.  “I wouldn’t let Buttercup’s lack of timing ruin all your planning, Sparkler.”  He disappeared into the hallway to drop the wrapped parcels he’d been carrying in the appropriate room with the others as the door clicked shut. When he reappeared, he took his seat at the table.  “I still can’t believe I missed your debut in the game, Grace.  At least Curly had the decency not to let my beloved Corwin die while I was gone.”
“He’s here!”  Regan looked up from her phone and made a shushing sound.  “We’re not hiding, exactly, but ….”
“We know, Trev; we know.” Bull rested a hand on her shoulder and turned her toward the door.  “Go let him in; everyone else, to your seats.  Let him think we’ve been waiting impatiently.”  While Bull thought Dorian’s plan was going to be a little difficult to pull off, it was better than jumping out from behind the wall and yelling ‘surprise’.
         *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   
Bull grumbled as the dice tumbled to a stop just short of the map.  If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear the dice were laughing at him. “I run over and dump a healing potion into Cerastes’ mouth for ….” He did some quick math and rolled his eyes.  “For a whopping ten points.”
Dorian groaned softly, pressing his fingertips against his forehead.  “Cerastes looks around for Felix and sends him at the creature that knocked him out.  ‘We’ll sneak in the back way.  These bandits can’t be smart enough to put traps in the back way.  Whose bright idea was it to go through the back door again?’.”
“I flick a piece of crumbled gargoyle at him.  ‘You’re the one who stepped on the trigger!’.”  Sera downed what was left in her mug and rolled.  “I take a shot at the same thing Felix is going after.”
“One more to go.” Cullen pulled the second-to-last gargoyle from the map.  “Who’s next?”
Varric rolled his dice and grinned.  “Finally; 27, plus 4 fire damage.”  They’d been struggling for the past thirty minutes trying to deal with a cluster of gargoyles brought to life by a trapped stone that no one in the party, including the rogues, had managed to notice.  For some reason, he’d been rolling like garbage anytime it really mattered.
Cullen reached for the final mini to pull it off the board with relief.  He’d started to worry that he’d somehow managed to make the encounter too difficult, despite the fact that everyone had leveled up at least once.  “The last gargoyle falls to the ground in pieces, bits of something, you don’t really want to know what, crackling with flames.  What next?”  
“Before we go further, who needs healing?”  Cassandra looked around the table, noting that just Dorian raised his hand.  “How bad?” When he answered, she glanced at her sheet and sighed.  “Against her better judgment, Aratur  tosses Cerastes a greater healing potion for….”  She rolled the necessary dice and fought back a triumphant smile.  It wasn’t much, per se, but given the fact she was rolling D4s, it was decent. “Fifteen points.”
“While they’re doing that, I’m going to try and check the door over there for traps.”  Regan dropped the dice on the table and frowned a little as she mathed.  “Twenty-four?”  She was nervous; the last two times she or Varric had checked for traps had not gone well, and while this was the highest roll between them for the night, it was entirely possible that it still wasn’t enough.
Cullen looked over his notes and nodded faintly.  He had to hide how happy he was that his girlfriend not only was alright with the hobby that had been so important to him for years, but also enjoyed participating! The fact that she had picked things up so well still made him smile.  “The door does not appear to be trapped.”
        *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****  
“So you all finally make it back to the mayor’s house, boy in tow and … mostly intact.  He’s certainly shaken up and bruised, with the tip of the ring finger of his left hand missing after his stay with the bandits.”  Cullen glances over at Regan, only to notice that she was very pointedly looking at Dorian. “What … who does what next?”
Dorian caught Regan’s eye and nodded.  They had been trying to find a way to bring the game around to a way to give Cullen his presents, but nothing had materialized, until now.  As far as Dorian could tell, the cake had been a success; Cullen had managed to eat two pieces of it rather quickly, while everyone else had gotten one, but that was the extent of celebration they’d managed thus far.  “Cerastes knocks on the mayor’s door, rather surprised there was no guards stationed.”
Regan scooted back from the table and hopped up, using the restroom excuse to leave the room momentarily, missing the exact moment the mayor answered the door.  She could hear someone … she was fairly certain it was Sera – Breeches … explaining in grand detail the harrowing adventure that … wait, they didn’t really face down owlbears to rescue the boy.  Leave it to the bard.  She gathered up the gifts, thankful that most of them brought their gifts in bags, and made it back to the doorway of the main room just in time to hear Cassandra’s Aratur chastising the bard for making things up.
“Corwin interrupts the two bickering women, pushing past them both to go up to the mayor. ‘Honorable Mayor, in addition to rescuing your son; terribly sorry about the finger, by the way – that happened well before we arrived.’  I turn and motion for Amnon to come on up.”  Varric looks over to where Regan had been standing, surprised Cullen hadn’t noticed her there yet, and tilted his head toward the man of the hour.  “When he gets close, I turn back to the mayor.  ‘In addition to finding your son, we found some … trinkets we felt you might like.”  
Bull cleared his throat, watching Regan try to move as quietly as possible while carrying several bags and a couple boxes.  If he could have gotten up to help without calling Cullen’s attention, he would have. As things stood, he just did his best to keep everyone’s attention on him.  “I carry two of the gem-encrusted statues we found in the bandit’s place – the ruby one and the larger emerald one - up to the mayor.  I tell him ‘Choose one,’ and hold them down for him to see.”
Cullen’s brow furrowed in confusion.  For as long as he’d been playing with the group, they’d never willingly parted with something worth that much when they didn’t have to.  The obvious confusion came through in his voice.  “The mayor looks at his son.  ‘I … ah … thank you?  Frederick, which, ah – which do you think?’.  Frederick shudders, obviously not really thrilled with the idea of a memorial from the bandits that had kidnapped him, but … he eventually points to the ruby encrusted statue.  The mayor turns back to you, Corwin, and you can tell he’s just very confused.”
Regan finally reached Cullen and rested the presents at his side.  “Maybe this will clear things up a little.”  She leans over and brushes the barest of kisses against his lips. “Happy nameday, dearheart.”
Cullen stared around the room; everyone was watching him expectantly.  Too many eyes to do what he really wanted to do, and certainly enough to bring a flush to his cheek. “You … you all planned this?”  His eyes darted from Regan to the others and then back to Regan again.  “I … I don’t know what to say.”
“Say ‘Thank you’ and open the presents.”  Bull’s suggestion was laced with laughter.  The surprised look on Cullen’s face when he realized that a pile of gift bags were for him had been worth the effort.  “Start with the big, red bag.  That’s from us.”
Cullen went through the bags slowly, feeling just a little uncomfortable with the number of eyes on him. There was a new coat from Dorian and Bull, complete with furred collar and a copy of a movie that he’d wanted to see but missed in the theater thanks to a number of double-shifts.  Varric’s gift was a collection of graphic novels, written by himself, of course, each one autographed ‘To Curly’.  Cassandra’s gift was absolutely practical – a new shirt and a gift card for a nice restaurant.  By the same token, Sera’s gift had been one of the boxes and was absolutely the most impractical thing she could think of: two packs of edible under-garments – his and hers, for later, she’d said while grinning at Regan.  
And then he was down to Regan’s.  Hers was the second box, wrapped neatly in red and gold paper.  
“Open the box first, then read the card,” she instructed.
He barely caught the blush rushing to her cheeks, though he thought he saw it deepen when their eyes met and he nodded.  Carefully peeling the paper back, he found an ornate wooden box, slightly larger than the box he kept his dice in.  Across the top, he could see each letter of his name, framed on either side by a roaring lion’s head.  Inside was a set of brand new dice: marbled scarlet with gold numbering.  The twenty-sided die had a tiny lion’s head in place of the twenty.  “Regan, this is … this is amazing.  Where did you find this?”
She smiled awkwardly, ducking behind Bull until she regained her composure.  “I … had it made?  Blackwall carved everything after I supplied the box and dice.”  She reached over and gently tapped the card.  “Don’t … don’t forget the card.”
Cullen nodded, noticing the nervous way she bit her lip after speaking.  He flipped open the envelope and pulled out the card.  The front was fairly non-descript – a funny comic about getting older, and the pre-printed message inside was much the same. However, there was something else written in what was most certainly her handwriting, promising something of a far more personal nature when they were alone again.  He tried to speak, but just the thought of what she wrote had his mind misfiring.  It took several tries before he could finally say anything.  “I … I don’t know what to say, other than thank you; all of you.”  
“Dorian, would it be alright with you and Bull if Cullen gave me a ride home?  I took a cab to get here and ….”  Regan shuffled the remnants of wrapping paper that had somehow drifted in front of her, trying not to look too uncomfortable with the fact that she was pretty certain everyone at the table had an idea of what the card said.
The couple shared a knowing smile and nodded.  “Go on. We’ll take care of cleaning up.” Bull looked over at Cullen and made a shoo-ing motion with his hands.  “Go on, take her home, Cullen.  And happy nameday.”
Go to Ch 4
Additional note:  I want to thank @nerdyskirt for her help with all the D&D parts. I have never played Dungeons & Dragons (I tried once, but the people I was playing with were not very welcoming or patient with a newbie, so …). My knowledge of the game is pretty much limited to what I’ve seen on Critical Role, so … without her, this story wouldn’t happen.
5 notes · View notes
dualwieldingtymber · 8 years ago
In the Game - ch 2
Regan gets to see just what it is Cullen does during his weekly get-togethers with his friends.
Note: This is in the same universe as the Starting Over series with Regan and Alistair, but it involves Cullen and Regan Trevelyan, more than a year before Alistair and Regan Cousland meet. I just kind of wanted to do something a little different with this pair, and thought this could be fun.
Note: Unlike my normal writing, things in this chapter are bolded for emphasis, and the italics are reserved for events occurring in the game.
Chapter 1 is here
Find it on Ao3 here
“Alright then.”  Cullen looked around the table, his eyes lingering on Regan for just a hair longer than the others.  His cheeks grew warm when she gave him a nervous smile.  “When we ended last time, the group – Cerastes, Amnon, Aratur, Breeches, and Corwin – was standing outside the mayor’s home.  They had agreed to find and rescue the mayor’s son from a group of raiders who are demanding an enormous ransom.  Supplies have been acquired and Breeches has managed to convince the mayor to hand over a note that confirms the group is working for him.  Also marked on the map is the location the boy had been taken from.  Since Varric had an emergency in Kirkwall, I’ll be covering for him tonight.  Who is doing what?”
Dorian sat up just a hair straighter.  “Cerastes looks at the group and shrugs before starting toward the road.”  His voice shifted just slightly, growing somehow more aristocratic as he slipped into character.  “’Might as well get a move on, then; the boy isn’t going to rescue himself.’.”
“Aratur starts to follow him, but stops next to the elf.  ‘Breeches …’” Cassandra dropped character for a moment to shake her head.  “Maker, I still can’t believe you chose that for a name.”  She ignored the rude gesture Sera responded with and resumed the heavily Nevarran accent she had opted to use for her character.  “’Breeches, why was it so important that he give you that note?’  I try to look over her shoulder to actually read what’s written.’.”
“’Want to be able to go where we need to, yeah?’.’”  Sera’s voice didn’t change in the slightest, giving Regan a slight pause as she tried to figure out if this was in character or not.  “I hold up the note, so she read it.  Can she read it?”  A small slip of paper slides across the table.
Cassandra ducked her head slightly and flipped through the pages of her folder.  “I assume it is written in common?“
Cullen nodded.  “Yes, and as far as I know, all of you can read common.”  He skimmed his notes, letting Cassandra and Sera chatter back and forth about the note for a moment.  “Bull, what’s Amnon doing?”
Bull put his mug down, already half-drained of ale.  “Following Cerastes.  Not much else to do at this point, and tittering over a note isn’t high on his list of things to do.”  He flipped through the papers in his folder and scribbled a couple words in one margin.  “’Where are we headed?’.”
“Corwin looks over the map the mayor had given them.  ‘It looks like the drop point is deep in the forest outside town, and the mayor said his son was taken from a stall in the market … here.’  He scurries over to catch up with Cerastes and Amnon with the map, calling behind him for the other two to come on.”  Cullen slipped a hand out from behind the game screen to give Regan’s arm a little squeeze.  He knew it had to be boring for her so far, not having her character in the game yet.  But the smile she gave him seemed to say she was enjoying herself anyway.  “So, where are you all going?  Back Into town?  The forest?  The place the mayor’s son was taken from?”
“'We should look for hints where they grabbed the boy.'.”  Bull started fingering the dice in front of him.  He enjoyed the downtime where there wasn’t a lot of dice rolling well enough, but the combat was where he really got into things.  “’Maybe they left something behind.’.”
               ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***       
“You now have a scrap of paper that has a list of seven names.  Two are crossed out, three are circled, and two are left alone.  One of the circled names is that of the mayor’s son.  You do not recognize any of the other names, though you can tell three of them appear to be elven and the rest are human.”  Cullen rubbed the back of his neck.  He could feel the tips of his ears grow warm when he caught her smiling at him from the corner of his eye.  It had taken longer than he’d expected to get the group into the market and to find the note.  He felt bad that his girlfriend had been sitting there just listening to them all instead of actually participating.  But with any luck, that would change soon.
“Are any of the crossed out or circled names elven?”  Dorian pulled out a small note pad and flipped to a blank page.
Cullen nodded.  “Both the crossed out names are elven.  The third elven name is not one of the circled names.”  He watched as Dorian made a few scribbles on his notepad.  Once his friend had stopped writing, he grinned.  “I need you all to roll a perception check.  Regan, I need you to roll a stealth check.”
“Oh-kay.”  Regan had to search the sheet in front of her to figure out what to use.  “So I roll … this guy and add … what, again?”  She held up the appropriate die, elated that she’d remembered correctly.  Cullen had given her a few lessons, and she’d studied, but it was different with everyone suddenly watching her.  She felt a little better when everyone’s gaze turned toward Sera, who obviously wasn’t happy with her roll.
“Right.”  Cullen couldn’t stop the proud grin.  “And then you add your dexterity modifier.”  He ignored the teasing smirk from both Dorian and Bull and waited for everyone to give them their rolls.
The die fell gracefully from Dorian’s hand.  He did some quick math and frowned.  “A likely unhelpful fifteen.”
A beefy hand gave Dorian’s a comforting squeeze as the die tumbled from Bull’s other hand.  “Well, twenty-three might help, at least.”
“I seriously can’t believe this.  The barbarian gets a twenty-three and what do I get?”  Sera flopped back in her seat, stunned.  “I rolled a freakin’ one.”
Cassandra, who had been consistently getting the same three rolls for most of the night rested her elbows on the table and just laughed at her result.  “Unsurprisingly, sixteen.”
“Corwin rolls a ….”  Cullen groaned with frustration and shook his head.  “Well, that’s useful.  Corwin rolled a five.”
Regan dropped the die, checking her sheet as it landed on eighteen.  “Um, twenty-four?”
A soft chuckle could be heard behind the game screen, followed by the buzzing of Bull’s phone.  Bull skimmed the hastily texted hint, glanced over at Cullen, then Regan and grinned.  “I make a quick look around of all the market stalls, just trying to …. make sure we haven’t missed anything.  ‘We’ve found all we can here.  Move on to the ransom point?’.”
               ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        
“And the Legendary Wolf hits for 86 points of damage to Amnon, so halved is ... 43.”  Cullen checked the initiative order and grins.  Somehow, Regan had managed to roll well enough that no one had noticed her character sneaking along behind the group.  He’d hoped they would have spotted her during the trek from the market to the forest, but their most perceptive player had rolled nothing but ones and twos, and the one character who had noticed something odd in the market had rolled poorly on perception checks ever since.
“Shit.  For the first time in a while, Amnon’s actually concerned about his health.”  Bull scribbled his new hit point on his sheet and frowned.  He wasn’t dead, yet, but he was closer than he wanted to be.  And he still had to wait until the top of the next round before he could do anything.  With the two other wolves still circling him still waiting to attack, he might actually need to start plotting a new character.  “Who’s up next?”
“OK, Regan; you’re up.”  Everyone turned to look at the newest player who had, thus far, remained hidden while the rest of the group was interrupted, and subsequently attacked by, a pack of dire wolves with a legendary wolf leading the pack.
“Where is everyone again?”  Regan pursed her lips as she studied the map.  Her eyes followed Cullen’s finger as he pointed out Amnon facing off against the legendary wolf and two dire wolves and then the rest of the group facing off against the last three dire wolves about twenty feet away.  “I guess I’ll attack … whichever wolf is looking the worst out of those two.”  She rolled the dice and made her attack.
“So, while Cerastes, Breeches, Aratur and Corwin are busy dealing with dire wolves, and Amnon is doing his best to fend off the rest, a form darts out from the shadows and drives a pair of daggers into one of the wolves nearest to the tiefling, taking it out.”  Cullen pulled one of the wolf minis from the map.  “Breeches, you’re next.”
“Am I close enough to see what’s going on over there?”  Sera ran her fingers through her hair and frowned.  She wasn’t a lot of good in close-combat; most of her skillset was geared toward longer range, keeping out of the main scuffle and supporting the others.
Cullen checked out the map and nodded.  “Close enough, yes.  But can you afford to remove your attention from the situation in front of you to look?”
“Ugh; point.”  Sera sighed and grumbled.  “I hate when you have a point.”
                    ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***        ***     
“Maker, how did it get to be 2 AM already?”  Cassandra pushed away from the table, fighting a yawn.  It was only luck that someone else was driving.  Regalyan had arrived half an hour previous and had been patiently waiting.  “I am so sorry, Galyan.  I thought we would be finished earlier ….”  She made her goodbyes and left the apartment leaning on her boyfriend tiredly.
“Never thought I’d be glad to bring in another  newbie,” Sera laughed, downing the last of the energy drink in front of her.  “But damn if you didn’t come in handy.”  The time wasn’t a big concern for her; Lace would be getting off work in the next half hour anyway.  “You did good.”  She waved to everyone and practically bounded out the door, eager to meet up with her girlfriend.
“I agree.”  Dorian pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to fight back a yawn.  As much as he loved his friends, he was quite ready to push everyone out the door so he and Bull could get some sleep.  “You did very well for your first time out.”  He leaned across the table slightly and smiled after glancing over at his partner.  “And thank you for keeping him alive.  Having to comfort him on the loss of his character would have made the evening much less enjoyable.”
Bull shook his head and hugged Cassandra and Sera as they left.  “Amnon would have been fine,” he assured his husband.  “A bit beat up, but nothing he couldn’t handle.”  It took no time for him to cover the distance from the door to the table, dodging Cullen as he finished cleaning up the supplies from the game.  He leaned over and wrapped his arms around Regan in a surprise hug.  “I’m glad we didn’t have to test that, though.”
For the next half hour, Regan helped clean up, after a few minutes of arguing with Dorian about whether she needed to help or not.  Cullen kept busy gathering up and very carefully putting away each mini, map, and sheet of paper in its proper place or folder.  Finally, everything was away and Cullen walked her to her car.  “Thank you for inviting me, Cullen.”
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close before stepping back and letting his hands slide down to her hips.  “I … did you enjoy …?  I hope we didn’t run on too long.”  He’d been surprised when she’d asked to come, and more so when she had asked to play.  He hadn’t intended on even talking about it  for a while longer; a lot of people were less than accepting of the past-time he and his friends enjoyed.  But she’d been curious - asking questions and honestly studying for the past week to try and understand as much as she could.  Throughout the evening, he’d looked over to check up on her frequently and she’d looked like she’d been enjoying herself.  But what if he’d only been seeing what he’d wanted to?
“It … was a little later than I’d expected.  She laughed softly, running fingertips along his arms.  She hadn’t expected him to walk her all the way out, but it was a welcome surprise.  As nice as Dorian’s complex was, it was still late, and dark.  “But I enjoyed the company.  That blond sitting next to me was kinda cute.”  She leaned in and brushed a soft kiss against his cheek.  “And smart.”  A kiss on the other cheek.  “And funny.”  A kiss to his nose.  She leaned in a little further and whispered in his ear, “And sexy.”
Cullen stifled a faint groan, gripping her hips just a little tighter.  The only real downside with playing the game at Dorian’s apartment was that he was with his girlfriend in full view of anyone who might happen to look out their window.  He found his voice and slid a hand along her spine.  “I’m sure he –“
“Do you think Lace would be willing to share Sera?”  Regan interrupted with a teasing grin, fluttering her lashes all sweet and innocent-like.
Cullen barked out a laugh and pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers.  He felt her fingers grip his arms and her body shift just a little closer.  He ran his fingers through her hair.  The soft whimper he received when they broke the kiss was music to his ears.  “What was that, again?”
She knew her cheeks were pink despite the evening’s warmth.  She had to be getting home, as much as she didn’t want to right then.  Who would have thought she’d meet someone like him at a work party.  “I love you.”
“And I love you.”  He kissed her one last time, ignoring the whistles coming from the window of Dorian & Bull’s apartment.  “I’ll call you tomorrow when I get off shift.”
Chapter 3 here
Additional note:  I want to thank @nerdyskirt for her help with all the D&D parts. I have never played Dungeons & Dragons (I tried once, but the people I was playing with were not very welcoming or patient with a newbie, so …). My knowledge of the game is pretty much limited to what I’ve seen on Critical Role, so … without her, this story wouldn’t happen.
4 notes · View notes
dualwieldingtymber · 8 years ago
In the Game - ch 1
Cullen and his friends are a bunch of nerds. Does this include Regan Trevelyan? Maybe.
note:  This is in the same universe as the Starting Over series with Regan and Alistair, but it involves Cullen and Regan Trevelyan, more than a year before Alistair and Regan Cousland meet. I just kind of wanted to do something a little different with this pair, and thought this could be fun.
Find it on Ao3 here.
“You must really like this one.”  Dorian pulled out a small stack of expensive-looking plates and carried them to the table.  “If you’re inviting her over for our weekly game.”  In the years that he’d known the man, he’d never once invited anyone he’d gone out with to join them.  He’d been pleasantly surprised when it was first brought up, though the subsequent planning had been slightly headache-inducing.
Cullen looked over at his friend and shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face.  “I do.”  He began setting up the map he’d prepared for the start of the evening as well as the things he would need to run the game.  Several rolled up maps were placed next to his chair, just in case.  He pulled out the figures for the characters he, and the rest of the group were using, as well as the figure she’d picked out after she’d made the request to join them and done the basics to create her character.  “You don’t have to pull out your company plates, you know.”
“Oh, let him have his fun.”  Bull’s voice was muffled by whatever he was doing in the kitchen.  “You know he’s been itching for a dinner party.”  There were a few clanks, followed by a muttered curse in qunlat before he spoke again.  “Sera said she’d be running a little behind; said there was something special she was picking up.”  He came out of the kitchen carrying a platter of meat and cheese in one hand and a tray laden with brownies and cookies in the other.  “When should we expect your friend?”
“I think we can call her his girlfriend at this point, amatus.”  In the time it had taken his partner to bring the food over to the buffet table against the wall, Dorian had set out the plates and managed to produce glasses and silverware for each setting.  “And of course I need to use the company plates.  We are having real company.  We must make a good impression; even as we are protecting her fragile, low-level … what is she playing, anyway?”
Cullen felt his cheeks warm slightly.  They’d never actually discussed their … exclusivity, though as far as he knew, neither had gone out with anyone other than each other.  “She … ah, she should be here in ….”  He checked the last text from her.  “… in about five minutes.”  He checked over the setup once more, glad that he’d had most of his maps laminated long ago.  Should anything spill, his hard work would be protected.  “She settled on a dual-wield rogue.  I let her roll to settle on her starting level while setting up and she’s not starting as low as she could – she’s starting at level five.”
“So she’s two below Cassandra’s.”  Bull pulled out four folders from a drawer in the buffet and set them down next to his plate.  “Has she ever played before?”  When the blond man shook his head, he grinned.  “Well, I guess this is a good way to find out how serious she is.”
Before Cullen could ask what he meant, Dorian was sailing past him to answer a knock at the door.
“You must be Miss Trevelyan, yes?”
Cullen could hear a muffled reply, though he couldn’t make out what was being said.  He took a step away from the table, toward the door.
“Oh, you brought fruit!”  Dorian stepped back to let the new arrival through the door.  “And you found another member of the party.  Good for you.”
Regan glanced down at the platter of strawberries, apple slices and grapes in her hands and tried not to blush under his gaze.  She’d debated about bringing something for days before settling on something easy.  “My mother drilled it into me; you don’t visit someone empty-handed.”  Her voice was soft, almost embarrassed.  She followed his directions toward the buffet while the second arrival made her way in as well.
“Cassandra, so glad you could make it this week.  We’ve missed your smiling face.”  Dorian waited until she made it through the door and into the apartment before closing the door.  “I’m surprised there aren’t more speculations as to your extracurricular activities with Cullen since you both keep requesting the same evening off.”
Cassandra narrowed her eyes and just shook her head as she walked to the table.  “I was lucky to get the weekend off.  I am taking a short trip after we finish tonight.  I do not know how exactly Cullen manages to schedule his day off so easily.”  She quietly made a couple small sandwiches, scooping a little fruit onto her plate as well before taking a seat.
“I’m glad you made it.”  Cullen stepped up to Regan and brushed a soft peck of a kiss on her lips.  He could hear his heart in his ears.  Even after months of dating, his insides still fluttered and his heart still raced just being near her.  It had the potential to make running tonight’s game difficult, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.  He tried to ignore the eyes of the others, especially Dorian, when her arms slipped around his waist and she kissed him back.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”  She grinned at him as she pulled back, then looked over her shoulder at the table.  “So … where should I sit?”
Dorian swooped in again and guided her to the seat nearest Cullen’s set up.  “You’ll sit here.”  He pulled out her chair, smirking at the frown crossing his friend’s face.  “As soon as Sera arrives we can –“
The door swung open, effectively cutting off Dorian’s speech.  “Let’s get this thing started.  I’ve brought the ale!”
“Kaffas.  How can any of you drink that swill?”  Dorian practically turned up his nose as he took the case of ale from the newest arrival and carried it into the kitchen.
“Relax.  I brought you an’ the new girl something special.”  Sera pulled a large bottle of wine from the bag slung over her shoulder with a grin.  “Thought you’d want to impress the fresh meat with somethin’ befittin’ your … her … station.”
“Really; you all don’t need to do anything special for me.”  Regan felt her cheeks grow warm at the idea of them trying to impress her.  She didn’t think of herself as any better than the rest.  “I mean, really … I’m not my parents; I’d be happy eating off paper plates and drinking water.”
Bull grinned as Cullen took his seat behind the screen that separated what he was doing from the rest of the table.  “They’re worried that this will scare you off, so Dorian’s doing his best to impress you in order to distract you, just in case.”  He flashed a teasing grin at his husband, and passed out the folders at his side to Cassandra, Sera, Dorian, and himself while Cullen handed Regan a folder of her own.  “Let’s get this game started.”
Additional note:  I want to thank @nerdyskirt for her help with all the D&D parts. I have never played Dungeons & Dragons (I tried once, but the people I was playing with were not very welcoming or patient with a newbie, so ...). My knowledge of the game is pretty much limited to what I've seen on Critical Role, so ... without her, this story wouldn't happen.
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