#Cubaris sp silver ghost
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identifying-isopods-in-posts · 2 months ago
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Cubaris sp. “red panda king”
Cubaris sp. “rubber bee”
Cubaris sp. “rubber ducky”
Cubaris sp. “panda king”
Cubaris sp. “tapir”
Cubaris murina “white glacier”?
Cubaris sp. “latte”
Cubaris sp. “lemon blue”
Cubaris sp. “pak chong”
Cubaris sp. “green laser”
Cubaris sp. “white ducky”
Cubaris sp. “white shark”
Cubaris sp. “silver ghost”?
Nice art op! You capture the little guys very well imo :)
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collection of cubaris! i love getting to render in this style :)
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buggeppetto · 3 years ago
Here’s my full list as of now :•)
Armadillidium vulgare “punta cana “ •
Armadillidium vulgare “gem mix”•
Armadillidium vulgare “magic potion japan” •
Armadillidium vulgare “magic potion usa “ •
Armadillidium vulgare “t+ albino” •
Armadillidium vulgare “t- albino” •
Armadillidium vulgare “wild type” •
Armadillidium vulgare “orange vigor”•
Armadillidium vulgare “mega mix”
Armadillidium maculatum “zebra” •
Armadillidium maculatum “chocolate zebra”
Armadillidium maculatum “yellow zebra”
Armadillidium nasatum “peach”
Armadillidium nasatum “Pearl”
Armadillidium nasatum “wild type” •
Armadillidium klugii “montenegro clown” •
Armadillidium klugii “pudding”•
Armadillidium klugii “Dubrovnik”
Armadillidium peraccae •
Armadillidium depressum
Armadillidium granulatum •
Armadillidium gestroi •
Armadillidium frontitostre “Croatian giant” •
Armadillidium werneri “orange”
Armadillidium versicolor “ceska”•
Armadillidium versicolor “polska”
Armadillidium espanyoli sp “marbleized”•
Armadillo officinalis “Sicily” •
Armadillo officinalis “orange crush”•
Armadillo officinalis “Israel”
Armadillo officionalis “unknown locale”
Porcellio scaber “mixed” •
Porcellio scaber “lava”
Porcellio scaber “red callico”•
Porcellio scaber “orange koi”•
Porcellio scaber “Dalmatian”•
Porcellio dilataus “giant canyon” •
Porcellio laevis “dairy cow” •
Porcellio laevis “white” •
Porcellio laevis “Caramel” •
Porcellio laevis “milk back” •
Porcellio laevis “orange” •
Porcellio laevis “piebald” •
Porcellio laevis “California mix”•
Porcellio laevis “mega mix”•
Porcellio ornatus “yellow dot”•
Porcellio bolivari •
Porcellio flavomarginatus•
Porcellio sevilla •
Porcellio werneri
Porcellio expansus “orange”
Porcellionides pruinosus “powder orange” •
Porcellionides pruinosus “powder blue” •
Porcellionides pruinosus “Oreo crumble” •
Porcellionides pruinosus “white out”•
Porcellionides pruinosus “orange cream”•
Cubaris sp. “Panda King” •
Cubaris murina “papaya” •
Cubaris murina “glacier”•
Cubaris murina •
Cubaris Borneo •
Cubaris sp. “rubber ducky “•
Cubaris sp “blonde ducky”•
Cubaris sp. amber
Cubaris sp “Pak Chong”•
Nesodillo arcangeli “shiro utsuri”•
Cubaris sp. “silver ghost”•
Cubaris sp. “Jupiter”
Cubaris sp. “red tiger”•
Cylisticus convexus •
Cylisticus convexus “Ukraine pied”•
Venezillo parvus “Dalmatian”•
And then my projects are orange magic potions (both varieties), weird white p. laevis, and definitely some other stuff I’m forgetting
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logs-pods · 3 months ago
Time for another isopod ID! I have so much fun doing these.
- Unidentified isopod from Japan. Likely a color morph of Armadillidium vulgare. Image geotaged near Atago-danchi, Japan.
- Armadillidium vulgare : this individual is from New Jersey . Great example of how some vulgare are really solid dark color, but you can see hints of that yellow scribing.
- Porcellio laevis "Dairy cow"
- Cubaris sp. "Rubber ducky"
- Armadillidium gestroi
- this is the most difficult here for me. I believe its a morph called "Silver ghost", which is sometimes listed as Cubaris, Cubaris murina, or Nesodillo archangelii.
Edit: I found the source of the last image listed as Cubaris "blue pigeon"
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fatickono · 7 months ago
i never considered quirrel having iridovirus, although that’s an interesting idea! my personal hc is he’s a blue morph of terrestrial isopod, like for example, porcellionides pruinosis powder blue, or cubaris sp. purple ghost, or cubaris sp. silver ghost
I need to stop thinking about the game with the sword wielding magic bugs in terms of real life biology. It is slowly breaking my brain
So for context, this quarter I’m taking a class on honey bee (Apis mellifera) biology & ecology. Which prompted. So many thoughts.
(I’m also gonna talk about non-bees in this later but a lot of it is bees). Without further ado:
an Entomology student rambles about Hollow Knight’s Biology. Some spoilers ahead.
Now, about 10 minutes ago I got out of a lecture specifically focusing on the waggle dance. To summarize, when a foraging bee finds a particularly good food source, she’ll return to the hive and perform the waggle dance. The dance is a figure 8 movement, with the “waggle run” down the center—which communicates the angle and distance of the food source’s location. Here’s a gif for reference:
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Keep in mind, bee hives are built vertically. So how do they communicate the angle of the food source?
They use the sun, or at the very least a patch of sky (and the angle they communicate is directly proportional to the sun’s current position!)
Now, if we take a look at Hollow Knight’s map…
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The hive is in the BOTTOM CORNER of a map that’s already underground.
My professor did mention that in the absence of sunlight, the bees can use landmarks to navigate, but even still, in my opinion it would’ve made more sense for the bees to have built their hive towards an area like the Howling Cliffs, as it’s near the top of the map, and more importantly, the closest area to Greenpath and the Queen’s Gardens—the 2 locations in the game that actually have flowers.
Now, the reason for this might be that the Hive’s queen is literally a WASP.
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Which are NOT honey bees. Plus real life hives have guard bees that can sense differences in pheromones, so I’m not even sure how she got IN there let alone become their queen; it also doesn’t make sense that there’s as many bees as there are, considering the queen is a hive’s only reproductive female, and again: a wasp. Cannot. Lay honey bee eggs. Physiologically. (I say this fully aware of the canon fact that a worm and a tree had millions of children, who have a third parent that is literally sentient darkness. And that said worm also had a kid with a spider.)
The aforementioned guard bees are a group of worker bees as well, and all worker bees are female. Male bees, or drones, essentially exist to fond a new hive, mate with a new queen, and die. Hive Knight is trans!!
Anyways though, it’s not like they could do the waggle dance even if the wanted to, because
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They are almost completely round
There is no abdomen to waggle
And they probably wouldn’t need to anyways! Because the bugs in this game can speak! And there are voice lines! THEY HAVE VOCAL CHORDS! Which real life bugs simply do not have.
That’s not to say that bugs don’t make noises, because they do! Crickets have little tines on their wings that they rub together quickly, making a chirping noise to attract mates; Hissing cockroaches can rapidly force the air out of their spiracles (entrances/exits to their tracheal respiratory system) to deter predators. I personally don’t know much on how cicadas make their sounds, but they make them! And not with vocal chords! Insect mouths are built for feeding; speaking? Not so much.
We also have eusocial mantises (well, pretty much ALL bugs in this game are eusocial, but mantises are known for being incredibly solitary and WILL kill each other if given the opportunity. Including in mating. After mating the female eats the male, and sometimes eats his head BEFORE mating. Also, based on their designs, all 4 mantis lords are trans!)
Lastly, it’s never explicitly confirmed what species Quirrel is, but he’s frequently portrayed as an isopod in the fandom.
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In nature, there is only one instance in which blue pillbugs exist: Isopod Iridovirus.
The last 2 times we see Quirrel, after giving up Monomon’s mask, he mentions “feeling his age”, and generally seems a lot weaker and more tired. Isopod Iridovirus is fatal, killing the affected individual within a few weeks. So he probably would’ve been gone soon anyways, as upsetting as the implications of Blue Lake are.
Anyways, that’s all I got for now. Bug biology is incredibly fascinating, and considering Hollow Knight is one of my favorite games figured I’d share some thoughts :)
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