#Croc Villa
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Anything dadrry 🥺 I love your work!!!
I just imagine Harry having a child that is just so feral and adventurous 😂 that maybe she need the walking reins (if you know what i mean) when they go out on walks and on trips with people just looking on in adoration and she just wants to run everywhere and talk to people but Harry has to hold her back 😂
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Styles On The Reins.
my masterlist || ask my anything <3
word count - 2k
my blurb masterlist!
in which, harry’s looking after his two year old son, parker whilst you go out with your aunt, so they decide to go on a walk around the small streets of italy where your currently residing, but that’s easier said then done when the little one is just as feral as his father.
authors note - i’m not really happy with this, but i hope you like it:)
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Once upon a sunny day at their beautiful Italian villa, Harry Styles found himself in charge of his energetic two-year-old son, Parker, while you, his wife, and his sister Gemma went out for the day. The two of you were going to an art museum and Harry had decided to stay at home with his mini me.
He was happy to spend some quality father-son time together.
In the cosy kitchen, Harry poured some juice into Parker's sippy cup, humming a tune as he did so. He screwed the lid onto the blue cup.
"Alright, little man, juice is ready," he called out, carrying the sippy cup into the living room where Parker was playing with his toys.
To his surprise, Parker had left his toys and was standing by the front door, pointing towards it.
"Hey there, buddy, what are y’doing by the door?" He asked with a smile, placing the sippy cup on a nearby table.
The two year old beamed up at his dad and replied with enthusiasm, "Walk!"
Harry chuckled, delighted by his son's eagerness.
"Y’want t’go on a walk? That sounds like a great idea!" he said, playing along.
As soon as Parker heard Harry say they could go on a walk, his eyes lit up with excitement. He quickly darted over to the shoe rack, his tiny feet padding across the floor, and grabbed his favourite blue crocs.
“Walk, walk!" he exclaimed, waving the shoes in the air as if to remind Harry of their adventure.
Harry grinned at his son's enthusiasm and crouched down to help him put on the crocs.
"That's right, little explorer, we're going on a walk!" he said, guiding Parker's feet into the shoes with gentle precision.
Once the shoes were on, Parker proudly wobbled around, testing them out and making sure they fit perfectly.
"Big boy shoes!" he declared, his eyes shining with pride.
Harry chuckled, ruffling Parker's hair affectionately. "You're absolutely right, buddy! Now, let's get ready."
As Parker excitedly explored the room, Harry slipped on his trusty Vans, knowing they would keep him comfortable during their walk. He then grabbed a small rucksack filled with all the toddler essentials they might need - a water bottle, some snacks, a favourite toy, and a small blanket.
"Are you all set, Parks?" Harry asked, holding out the rucksack for his son to inspect.
Parker nodded eagerly, his eyes wide with curiosity.
"Ready!" he exclaimed, reaching out for the rucksack and holding it with both hands, trying to imitate his dad.
"Great job!" Harry praised, giving his son a thumbs up. "You're going t’be a fantastic little explorer. Now, shall we head out and see what adventures await us?"
Parker squealed with delight and nodded vigorously, his excitement palpable.
"Yay! Walk with Daddy!" he said, taking hold of Harry's hand with a firm grip.
As they approached the front door, Harry bent down to pick up his son, as he usually did when they went for walks. However, to his surprise, Parker pushed his hands away gently and shook his head.
"No, no, Daddy," Parker babbled in his adorable baby talk, a determined look in his eyes. "Big boy!"
Harry chuckled, amazed by Parker's newfound independence.
"You're right, buddy. Y’are a big boy!" he praised, trying to hide his slight disappointment at not being able to hold his son.
"But, big boys still need t’be safe," Harry continued, his voice gentle but firm. "We have t’hold hands when we go f’walks, so y’don't wander off t’far, okay?"
Parker seemed to consider Harry's words, and then he reached out his small hand towards his dad.
"Hold hand, Daddy," he said, a hint of pride in his voice.
"That's m’parks," Harry spoke, beaming with pride as he took Parker's tiny hand in his own. It was a heartwarming moment for Harry, realising that his son was growing up and embracing his independence.
But bittersweet at the same time, it felt like yesterday that he held him in his arms for the first time.
Hand in hand, they walked out of the villa, and Harry couldn't help but marvel at the sight of his little one walking beside him with such determination and excitement. Parker's steps might have been small, but his spirit was as big as ever.
As they strolled along the familiar paths, Harry was amazed at how eager Parker was to explore the world around him. He pointed out butterflies, curious stones, and even tried to mimic the chirping of the birds they encountered.
Half an hour into their walk, the Italian sun had grown stronger, and Harry could feel its warmth against his skin. As they walked past the beach, Harry noticed how the waves shimmered and the sand glistened in the sunlight. He turned to Parker and asked,
"Hey buddy, do y’want some water? It's getting pretty hot out here."
Parker nodded enthusiastically, his face flushed from the heat.
"Yeah!" he said in his adorable toddler language, reaching out his hands eagerly.
Harry smiled and quickly pulled the rucksack off his back. He crouched down to retrieve the water bottle, intending to quench his son's thirst. However, as he looked up to offer the water, his eyes widened in surprise and concern.
Parker was no longer standing beside him. Instead, he had run off a few feet away and was gently stroking a random person's dog that they had encountered on their path. The dog seemed friendly, and it wagged its tail happily at Parker's touch, but Harry couldn't help feeling worried.
"Hey, Parks! Wait up!" Harry called out, hastily putting the rucksack back on his back before jogging up to his curious son.
As he reached Parker, Harry gently touched his shoulder to get his attention.
"Hey there, buddy," he said, trying to keep his tone calm. "Y’can't run off like that, okay? Y’need to stay close t’daddy so I can keep y’safe."
Parker looked up at his father, his face showing a mix of innocence and curiosity.
"Doggy, Daddy!" he said, pointing to the furry friend he had made.
Harry smiled and nodded, acknowledging the dog.
"Yes, I see the doggy, and he's very cute," he said, giving the dog a friendly pat. "But next time, y’have t’let Daddy know if y’want to go see something or someone, okay?"
Parker seemed to understand, and he nodded, his eyes still fixated on the dog.
"Okay, Daddy," he replied, before finally letting go of the dog and returning to Harry's side.
Harry then turned to the old man who was with the dog and apologized, "Mi dispiace molto per questo. È solo un ragazzino curioso."
(I’m very sorry about that. He’s just a curious little guy.)
The man smiled kindly and waved off the apology.
"Nessun problema. È un tesoro, e il mio cane ama le attenzioni," he said, patting his furry companion.
(No problem at all. He's a sweetheart, and my dog loves the attention.)
"Grazie." Harry said gratefully, relieved that the man was understanding.
(Thank you.)
As they continued their walk, Harry remained vigilant, holding tightly onto Parker's hand to ensure he stayed close. However, as they neared a main road, Parker's curiosity got the better of him once again. He spotted something interesting on the other side and suddenly pulled his hand from Harry's grasp.
"Wait, Parker! Stop!" Harry called out desperately, but he was too slow to catch his son's hand in time. Panic surged through him as he saw Parker darting towards the road, oblivious to the dangers of the passing cars.
"Parker, get back! Stop!" Harry shouted, his heart racing with fear for his little boy's safety. He ran after Parker as fast as he could, praying that nothing would happen.
Just in the nick of time, Parker halted at the edge of the road, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked back at his dad, startled by the urgency in Harry's voice.
"Daddy!" he cried, his lower lip trembling.
Harry reached Parker, scooping him up in his arms and holding him tightly.
"Oh, Parker, y’scared me! Y’must never run into the road like that, it's very dangerous," he said, trying to control his own trembling voice.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," Parker sobbed, feeling overwhelmed by the combination of his dad's shouting and the frightening experience.
"It's okay, buddy, I'm not mad, I'm just really worried about you," Harry said, his voice softening as he held Parker close. "I know y’want t’explore, but y’have t’listen t’daddy and stay close t’me when we're near busy roads. I need to keep y’safe."
Parker nodded, tears still streaming down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," he repeated, feeling guilty for causing his dad distress.
"It's okay, sweetheart," Harry reassured, wiping away Parker's tears with gentle strokes. "I love y’so much, and I just want to keep y’safe. Let's sit down f’a’moment, catch our breath, and then we'll continue our walk, okay?"
Harry found a nearby bench and gently placed Parker on it. He sat down beside him, pulling him close and wrapping his arms protectively around his little boy.
"I love you too, Daddy," Parker whispered, sniffling as he leaned into Harry's comforting embrace.
Harry kissed the top of Parker's head, his own heart still racing from the close call. "I love you more than anything in the world, Parker. Y’mean everything to me, and I want to keep y’safe always."
Parker nodded, feeling reassured by his dad's words and warm embrace.
"I'll stay close to you, Daddy," he promised, understanding the importance of staying by his side in unfamiliar or dangerous situations.
"Parker, I know y’don't like the reins, but they're important to keep y’safe," Harry explained gently, trying to reassure his little boy.
Parker looked up at his dad, tears still glistening in his eyes.
"But I don't like them, Daddy. They're uncomfortable," he whimpered, shaking his head in protest.
"I understand, buddy, but sometimes we have t’do things we don't like t’stay safe," Harry said, his voice filled with love and concern. "The reins will help me hold y’hand and keep y’close, so y’can still walk, but I can make sure you don't run off near the roads."
Parker sniffled and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand.
"But I want to walk without them," he said, his little voice filled with frustration.
Harry sighed softly, understanding his son's desire for independence.
"I know, sweetheart, and when we're in safer places, y’can walk without them," he said, trying to find a compromise.
Parker looked uncertain, still not entirely convinced.
"Promise?" he asked, his eyes searching Harry's face for reassurance.
"I promise," Harry said, nodding sincerely. "But right now, we need to use the reins for y’safety.”
With a deep breath, Harry took out the reins from the rucksack and showed them to Parker.
"See, they're like special straps that go on y’shoulders and connect t’m’hand. That way, y’can walk, but I can still keep y’close," he explained gently.
Parker studied the reins for a moment, his little brows furrowed in thought.
"Okay, Daddy," he finally said, albeit with a hint of reluctance.
Harry smiled, relieved that Parker seemed to understand the importance of the reins.
"Good boy," he praised, gently putting the reins on his son's shoulders and securing them in place.
As they continued their walk, Parker walked alongside Harry, holding onto his dad's hand as the reins kept him securely close. At first, Parker still wasn't entirely comfortable with the reins, but Harry was patient and understanding, explaining that they were for his safety and that they would take them off once they were in a safer area.
Gradually, Parker's initial resistance faded, and he grew more at ease with the reins. He realised that even with them on, he could still explore and enjoy their walk together. Harry made sure to praise and encourage him every step of the way, making the experience as positive as possible.
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for-a-longlongtime · 10 months
On Dieter, Goya's Black Paintings, and Pedro on Talk Art 
Alright y'all, it's Saturday evening, I have nothing better to do (I actually do but I don't feel like it), so welcome to my mini TED Talk about 'how to pay too much fucking attention to the Pedro cinematic universe'. None of this is new, and maybe everybody already knew about this, but I didn't... so here's a nerdy tangent courtesy of googling/wikipedia-ing.
I was reading a Dieter!fic (this one right here by @chaoticgeminate - go read her writing!) earlier today, which refers to the 'Saturn Devouring His Son' painting - that giant mural Dieter is working on in The Bubble:
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(his brush isn't even touching the wall tho, ha)
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The original 'Saturn' by Goya
The fic mentioned its part of 'The Black Paintings', so I got curious and started googling. I'm no art major or expert, so please allow me to just paraphraze the Wikipedia page. 'Saturn' is part of a group of 14 Goya paintings that are called Pinturas Negras/The Black Paintings. They "portray intense, haunting themes, reflective of both his fear of insanity and his bleak outlook on humanity" --this was late in Goya's life, and was connected to several illnesses he had experienced (and the fear of relapsing) and political turmoil in Spain at the time (post-Napolean war, changing Spanish government, etc.
Trivia fact 1: Goya actually made these paintings right on the walls of the Quinta del Sordo (so-called Deaf Man's villa) where he was staying -- so I love that Apatow had Dieter also paint right on the walls.
Trivia fact 2: while Goya was living in this villa, he actually became gravely ill (again) - not by a pandemic obviously, but it's hard to not link that loosely to the COVID period. He had never intended for these 'Black Paintings' to become public; "these paintings are as close to being hermetically private as any that have ever been produced in the history of Western art" (the murals were eventually transfered to canvas by other folks once he had moved out of the villa). Switching back to The Bubble -- I love how the tragic influence of Goya's illness(es) and art/things 'made at home away from the world, not intended for an audience' (so obviously, in a bubble) has that connection to the COVID experience and how many folks were suddenly homebound, along with the burden of illness in many ways (lord knows this all did a serious number on our mental health). In the movie, Dieter and the others do not want to go into isolation again, but that solitude is what eventually led him to painting on the walls in his room. This is not a 'grand discovery' of any kind, but I got a kick out of the parellels once I read up on it - and honestly makes me appreciate the movie a bit more, haha.
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Not happy about another quarantine period.
Alright, more hyperfocusing after the cut:
Some googling led me to a post from last year by @nicolethered (gifs in this post are hers), and she included screencaps of the walls of Dieter's room (during that drug scene), which I hadn't even noticed while watching the movie. Upon taking a closer look, I noticed they're outtakes from other pieces of Goya's Black Paintings! I thought that was really cool, they sure worked on the details with that set (there's one more that's shown in a different shot but I can't exactly figure out which outtake that is):
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First one is a mirror image from Two Old Men Eating Soup and the second one is basically Satan aka 'The Great He-Goat' from the Witches' Sabbath painting. Which IMO makes for fucking hilarious perfection a.k.a. trivia fact 3 -- because we all know about Dieter and his little emotional support goat, LOL. Excellent connection.
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*insert sound bit from Hot Ones interview* : "Just let me love you!"
Anywaaay there's more. The Bubble was shot during Feb 22, 2021 to April 16, 2021, right? Pedro has spoken about how his input in shaping Dieter was mostly regarding his outfits (the Crocs, the robe, etc). But then I suddenly remember the Talk Art interview he had done in 2018, and how he namechecks 'The Dog' by Goya - and lo, guess which painting is actually part of the 14 Black Paintings? Yeap - the dog! So I checked the podcast and he was asked, 'if you could be any painting, what painting would you be?' by Russell. Here is the painting, and below it is what he said on Talk Art:
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'The Drowning Dog' by Goya
"I think… it's a Goya. Yeah, old school. I think it's called 'Dog Buried in Sand' or something like that. It's so… I remember feeling it was such a visual representation of helplessness, in such a… come on, let's all admit that helplessness is a very recurring feeling for many of us, you know what I mean? When it comes to so many things. I guess… I was in Spain, in Madrid, and I was 20. And I went to the Goya museum. What's interesting about it is that the head of the dog is really quite small and sort of adorable, it looks like a stray mutt, and the painting - if I can remember it correctly - is very rectangular. There's so much above him, like the world just seems so big. It's quite incredible, isn't it? I know it's really sad, and sort of dark, and maybe I really like enjoy perceiving myself like..." (He gets interrupted by Russell, and then continues;) "Yeah, he's certainly not dying, it's sort of - it's a moment", (then interrupts himself with;) "Maybe he's totally dying, there's no way that dog is getting out of that. That dog is SO fucked. Anyway, that's the painting that represents my life". (All three of them burst out into laughing.)
If you're still reading this - I am impressed with your dedication to my silly little post, haha. Anyway, I just thought it was so striking that there basically is a straight line from the painting he mentioned in Talk Art to what Dieter is painting in the Bubble. Makes me wonder if perhaps he - or even Russell/Robert - had any input in that part of Dieter's backstory.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk on artistic analysis of Dieter Bravo during COVID, we now resume your regularly scheduled program for Saturday night. 🤪
(Have I been smoking because a local dispensary actually had 'Mando' bud? I sure as fuck have and I blame that for this post.)
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homomenhommes · 4 months
J'émerge seul dans mon lit, il est 13h passée. Remise en mémoire de la touze de la veille, je jette un coup d'oeil à la piscine, pas de trio en vu. Je croise Manu qui me demande où j'étais la veille. En deux mots je lui dresse le tableau. Il me dit que j'aurais pu le brancher sur ce coup. Je lui dis que la prochaine touze je ne l'oublierais pas. Nonchalamment, j'étire mes muscles dans un crawl paresseux. A cette heure de la journée les beaufs déjeunent et j'ai la paix. Une heure plus tard je sors et tombe sur Bo-gosse et sa moitié en terrasse à me mater. Je m'assois à leur table et d'un regard interroge le plus vieux. Réponse aussi brève : le trio. OK ! Manu se ramène avec un croc et une bière fraîche. Sans un mot, je déjeune. Bo-gosse parle. Il me dit que nous pourrions aller à notre rendez vous sur la plage. J'aime cet humour !
Je monte chercher clef de voiture, huile et drap de bain. Ils sont dans le hall à m'attendre. Bo-gosse me montre sa caisse, une Audi A5 RS flambant neuve. Je montre la mienne, BM Z8 ! Il me fait un signe qu'il a compris et il démarre. Je le suis. Volontairement, il me laisse voir sa moitié se pencher sur lui et je n'ai pas besoin de beaucoup d'imagination pour savoir qu'il lui fait une pipe. ;Bo-gosse se gare, je place le Z8 à coté et kpote. Pas la peine de faciliter le travail des voleurs. Malgré ses efforts, Bo-gosse bande encore à moitié quand il me rejoint. Promenade jusqu'à la plage et direct à l'océan. Retour aux serviettes. Moitié se met nu et attaque la protection de Bo-gosse. Ce dernier me propose ses services. OK et le voilà qui me huile le corps. Ce n'est pas un étalement de crème, c'est un réel massage délassant.
Nous passons l'après midi avec au maximum 20 mots de chacun de nous. Quel calme ! Et nous prenons un ton de plus coté bronzage. Moitié nous quitte quelques instants pour aller voir qui traine dans les sous bois. A son retour, nous avons droit à un résumé : une bonne partie de vieux même pas beaux, quelques jeunes en manque de bites, il s'est fait sucer par trois mecs mais sans aller jusqu'au bout, et il est tombé deux fois sur de l'action mais rien de transcendant. Comme nous partions, Bo-gosse me propose de passer chez eux. OK. Je les suis jusqu'à une villa assez proche de celle de la veille. Portail automatique et nous rentrons les voitures. Grosse villa avec piscine. Plongeon direct dans cette dernière histoire de se dessaler. A notre sortie, Moitié nous sert un apéro et s'attaque à nos shortys de bain. Je laisse faire et bientôt ma bite disparait entre ses lèvres. Il me fait durcir avant de passer à son mec. Quand ce dernier est bien dur, il alterne entre nos deux queues. Il suce bien ce petit ! Penché sur nous, il arrive à avaler correctement mes 20 cm (normal puisqu'il arrive à bouffer les 24 de son mec !). C'est très bon et fait baisser la tension psychologique qui régnait entre nous.
Je confie à Bo-gosse qu'il a un expert dans Moitié. Il me répond qu'encore là ce n'est qu'un avant goût. Je n'ai pas encore finit mon verre que ce dernier m'enkpote et s'assoit sur ma bite. Avec juste le gel de la kpote, il arrive à s'assoir sur mes cuisses. Arrivé au plus bas, ma queue au plus profond de lui, il me fait un ballet avec son anus, succession de serrages et relâchements, un véritable massage de bite. Il se relève et part s'assoir sur son mec. Je regarde et les 24cm disparaissent avec la même facilité. Moitié va entretenir nos raideurs comme ça pendant un bon moment jusqu'à ce que Bo-gosse me demande de le rejoindre. Oui, j'ai bien compris, il veut que nous double sodomisions Moitié. Docile Moitié se couche sur son mec et j'enjambe la méridienne sur laquelle ils sont installés. Je pose mon gland à l'entrée de Moitié et attend que sn mec ressorte.
Il le fait ne laissant que le bout de son gland dedans. Je colle le mien enkpoté sous sa couronne et dans un même mouvement, nous pénétrons Moitié. Léger soubresaut de sa part, mais nous l'investissons relativement facilement. La présence de nos deux queues lui tire quelques gémissements incontrôlés. Mais vu le coeur qu'il met à se limer dessus, c'est du plaisir qu'il en tire. Ma bite reste bien collée contre celle de Bo-gosse. Comme je me souviens de ma propre saillie, la veille, je me couche sur Moitié et mord un de ses trapèzes. Son gémissement se transforme en cri de plaisir. Bo-gosse me fait un clin d'oeil. Je prends les choses en main si on peut dire et fixe Moitié sur le torse de son mec, ne prenant pas ses protestation de couilles écrasées en compte. Dans cette position, je peux limer activement le trou massant de mon gland la hampe qui l'occupe avec moi. Ça a l'air de bien leur plaire. Je glisse sur tous mes 20cm et monte en pression sous l'action massant de son sphincter. Bo-gosse me souffle qu'il ne va pas tarder. J'accélère et m'enfonce une dernière fois à fond et dans une dernière morsure, je me vide. Bo-gosse remplit le cul de Moitié en direct et ce dernier tapisse les abdos de son mec. Je me retire avant de débander. C'est amusant de sortir d'un cul Kpoté avec plein de sperme dessus, comme si la kpote avant craquée. Je vérifie quand même mais c'est bien le sperme de Bo-gosse qui est dessus et le mien dedans. Moitié se dégage et lèche son sperme. J'admire la maitrise de son anneau, quand il a déculé son mec, pas une goutte de sperme n'est sorti, beau travail.
Nous avons finit l'apéritif plus calmement. Comme la villa ne dispose que de quoi faire les petits déjeuners et les apéros, Bo-Gosse me propose un restau à Royan. OK. Je pars à l'appart m'habiller et ils passent me prendre. Quand j'arrive à la résidence le trio me saute dessus pour me demander où j'étais. Je n'ai pas de compte à leur rendre ! Ils m'énervent et je les éjecte un peu durement. Short long kaki, chemisette blanche et baskets de marque, je suis prêt. Je m'engouffre à l'avant de l'A5, et nous partons. Pas mal comme caisse, silencieuse, confortable... Moitié se détache pour venir m'enlacer avec le dossier et me faire des bisous dans le cou. Engueulade de Bo-gosse, non pour les bisous mais pour la ceinture de sécurité. Il était temps nous passons devant une paire de Motards. Le diner est parfait même si notre trio attire les regards. Parmi une majorité de quinquagénaires bedonnants avec mémère et parfois petit dernier aux basques, il est vrai que sortons du lot ! Les serveurs ne s'y sont pas trompés et nous sommes servis avec un zèle à rendre jalouses les autres tables. J'en apprends un peu plus sur le couple qui m'invite. Bo-gosse a une galerie d'art à Paris et Moitié est un de ses artistes. Ironiquement je demande s'il peint avec son sperme, ce dernier sans se démonter me dit que cela lui arrive d'en mélanger avec ses couleurs. Nous en rions tous les trois.
A la fin du dîner comme Bo-gosse tient à m'inviter, je laisse le pourboire. Comme ils étaient deux à nous servir, j'abandonne 2 x 50€, pas question de paraitre pingre, et puis c'est moins que le montant du dîner. Le jeune serveur me rattrape avant la porte pour me dire que la note avait déjà été payée. En souriant je lui dit que c'est leur pourboire. Il me remercie. J'offre à mes nouveaux amis un dernier verre à l'appart. Je commande les cocktails au restau du rez-de-chaussée. Bo-gosse trouve cela très pratique. Manu nous les apporte et comme il a terminé son service il a ajouté un quatrième verre et me demande s'il peut rester. Je n'ai pas le temps de répondre que Bo-gosse dit oui. Je fais les présentations et dis de se mettre à l'aise. Bo-gosse jaillit de ses vêtements pour nous apparaître en slip ES, Moitié de même et Manu en shorty Hom. Beau joueur je quitte mes habits pour rester en Aussiebum.
Comme nous sirotions nos cocktails, Manu et Moitié ont trouvé que cela manquait d'action et je me suis retrouvé avec Moitié entre les jambes qui s'attaquait à mon slip quand Manu faisait de même sur Bo-gosse. L'élastique sous les couilles, cote à cote, nous nous sommes fait bouffer la bite. Manu ne m'a pas fait honte et sans problème à pris les 24cm dans sa gorge. Moitié qui pensait surement être un des seuls à pouvoir le faire en a été un peu jaloux. En me penchant, j'ai mis ma main dans le slip de Moitié pour aller lui tâter la rondelle. Comme quelques heures auparavant, elle était souple et prête à s'ouvrir.
Manu étant dans le même état et comme je désirais de nouveau prendre les 24cm dans mon trou, je propose une brochette où Manu enculerai Moitié, tout en se faisant prendre par moi-même qui subirait la loi de Bo-gosse. Aussitôt proposé aussitôt mis en application. Sur le tapis, nous nous enfilons à la suite. C'est quand même très bon d'être en sandwich. Quelques instants pour trouver le rythme successif qui fait que nous en avons tous pour notre plaisir. J'apprécie fortement les 24cm de Bo-gosse qui me défoncent le cul. Les mouvements s'amplifient et nous nous séparons en deux couples. Je prends mon pied à me faire démonter l'anus et Manu lui apprécie d'être actif (position qu'il a rarement). Décollés, alors que je me fais prendre par derrière, je me rapproche de Manu qui baise Moitié de face. Ma bite prend place au dessus du visage de Moitié qui me bouffe les couilles pendant que Manu penché en avant me suce la queue. Là ça devient très très bon ! C'est dans cette position que nous jutons tous les uns après les autres. Je jute sur les épaules de Manu, je contracte mes muscles anaux et essore la bite de Bo-gosse. Manu se retire juste à temps pour gicler sur le ventre de Moitié qui y ajoute son propre sperme.
Remerciements réciproques pour la soirée et seul Manu reste avec moi. Je ne veux pas rester seul en ce moment.
Nous nous sommes revus plusieurs fois avant que la semaine ne se finisse et que je rentre à la maison. Nous serons amenés à nous revoir, j'ai pris l'adresse de la galerie de Bo-gosse. Le trio de copains m'ont fait la gueule de m'être réservé mes nouveaux amis. C'est leur problème, après tout, ce ne sont que des rencontres de vacances !!
Retour à la maison. Marc est en déplacement, je me pose et réfléchis un peu à mon avenir.
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yourmomni · 1 year
RIVALS -Chapter 2
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I rolled over in my bed and grabbed my phone trying to look at the time. i gasped " SHIT GUYS GET UP WERE LATE" i screamed. Minyoung fell out of bed groaning while everyone else popped up. "IT 5AM WE HAVE AN HOUR BEFORE TAKE OFF." we all rushed out of bed tripping over minyoung and eachother trying to make it to the bathroom to get ready. "Where's my neck pillow." areum yelled from the living room. "I cant find my other croc, Minyoung did you wear my shoes again." i screamed. "omg i cant believe we slept through 7 alarms whats wrong with us."
A flashback played in my mind from last night. we were all up sitting in circle with a jeju island plampet out circiling all the activities we wanted to do. "oh lets go for a hike, i heard the sun rise from mount hallasan is beautiful." jiwoo cirlced the trail on the pamplet, i shrugged drink what was left in my soda can. "sure i gues. ohhh what if we go to a museum?" i asked pointing at a picture of a big brown building. Minyoung gagged. "ew learning on a trip i dont think so if i wanted to learn i would of went to school." i smacked her with a pillow. " the museum sounds fine y/n, i was thinking we could maybe go fruit picking, my uncle has a farm down there and i know he would love some help on it it'll be fun." Areum scoffed "yeah no me and dirt dont mix but ill wave from the patio." we laughed. I got up and walked to the kitchen throwing away my can
then sun went down hours ago but it was still hot and humid outside. Spring was just around the corner and it was already feeling like summer. i glanced at the memeber seeing them joking and laughing at eachothers ideas. It brought me back to when i first moved to korean in 2018 not knowing anyone and being to scared to talk, until i met them.
I just joined our company and was staying in the company dorms in a room with 7 other girls. They we loud and annoying and were always leaving me to clean up their mess.I was to shy to tell them off, thinking that if i did it enought maybe one day they would just leave me alone. On the day before evaluations and dorm checks I only cleaned up my side of the dorm leaving theirs the way it was. When the inspecter came by and graded us he yelled at them for having such a messy arean and praised me for being so organized. After the evaluation the girls yelled at me for "making them look bad" and not cleaning thier side. " I bet you did that on purpose you want me to leave your so selfish." she threw he towel at my face. My dads words repeating in my head over and over "Never let them get a reaction out of you." i stared down at the towel that ws thrown at me and picked itup putting it in the dirty hamper. " Hello are you deaf im fucking talking to you." i jumped at her words. " its not my fault you didnt clean up your mess im not your maid." i said gritting my teeth, trying hard not to sound how i felt.small. she scoffed at my answer. " in korean culture the youngest always cleans up after the older memebers thats just how it is." she grabbed the clothes and empty noddle containers and placed it on my bed. My eyes widend. "now clean." My hands began shaking and my heart was racing. Confrontations were never my strong suit. everyone was now standing around us watching the argument go down. I slowly walked to my bed and began taking everything off of it. She started laughing and so did a couple of other girls. A tear slipped from my eyes and quickly whipped it away. When i reacher for a noddle container someone grabbed my wrist.
"what the hell is going on here."
I looked up at the voice and a girl with long wavy brown hair and basketball shorts was standing infront of me blocking my veiw.
"nothing nani were just teaching the new girl some korean costums." i bit my lip looking down and contiued taking everythign off my bed and into the trash. She turned towards me again and grabbed my hand locking them into hers. "clean up your own mess sejin this isnt the villa." my eyes widded as long as ive been here ive never heard anyone stand up to Sejin. "Shes not your maid and she sure as hell isnt going to keep cleaning up after you and your rat tails." the girls beside sejin gasped holding their ponytails. She swipped all of sejins stuff of my bed and began throwing her clothes out the window. Sejin screamed grabbing Lanani's arms. i grabbed nani an tried to pull her off of sejin
I smirked at the memory. Remembering how i made my first friend during my trainee days after Nani, jennifer came to our company,then kazumi and so on. Minyoung was the last to join us as we became one group. Looking out for eachother and taking care of one another. Building up eachothers confidence. We we basically a family.
I was brought back to reality when i saw minyoung drifting off to sleep leaning on the couch grasping her her phone in one had and a fry in the other. I smiled "Okay lets wrap thing up its almost 2am and we have a flight to catch in 4 hours lets all get some rest." Jenn said picking up the scattered soda cans and takeout boxes. "ok but lets all put a alarm on our phones so we wake up on time." kazumi added. we nodded and all pulled out our phones " with this amny alarms we cant be late to the flight hell we might even be early for a chance." Sena joked. we laughed and made our way to bed. Flashback to now we were running in the airport to our flight. "Guys i really have to pee." Minyoung whinned. we all yelled about how she could use it on the plane " Gate Number 5 For jeju will be closing in 5 minutes." the voice echoed on the intercom. "WERE NOT GONNA MAKE IT." Areum cried slowing down. I grabbed her hand and contiued to run "guys look i see 5." Nani screamed. we all zoomed to the gate making it just in time before the flight attendent closed the door. we presented our tickets to her and we walked to our seats.
I sat down in my seat and relaxed my body exhaling out of my mouth recling the seat back. "first class is the best class." Areum slumped beside me pulling down her privacy window putting her eye mask on i nodded. "tell me about it." The next hour went by really fast only allowing me to get only 20 minutes of sleep. We landed and i was the first one off than plan, i was too excited for our day of fun to start that i totally forgot about my friends. "Y/N slow down girl were gonnaa be here for a month your not going to miss anything." sena said counting us one by one making sure she didnt forget one of us. " we cant have a repeat of last year in italy."
Minyoung frowned. "i swear that lady looked just like kazumi how was i supposeto know she wasnt, and you guys eventually found me." Nani scoffed. "um yeah like 4 hours later." we grabbed our bags at baggage claim and mde our way out of the airport. A sign that had our groups name on it was being held up by a small man waving it aroud frantically. "halabeoji" areum squeaked running to the guy who i now recongnized as areums grandpa. "hi my love, welcome to jeju hopefully the flight was comfortable." she kissed his cheek and moved out of the way so we could talk to him
"Oh my girls you've aall gotten so big." we smiled and hugged him. "halabeoji its been so long." i said smiling at him "i almost couldnt recognize you, you look so much smaller." he blushed. "aw you girls make me feel young everytime i see you." he helped load our luguage into the trunk of the car and we were on our way to the house. "you girls are gonna love the house, when areum was young she would spent hours in the play room. Oh i also stocked up the fridge for you girls so dont worry about any shopping." we all thanked him.
we made it to the house and un loaded te car. "wow this house is beautiful." I said looking at the beautiful lake house in front of me. " Y/n omg they have jet ski's" minyoung squealed from the side of the house. She appeared smiling now running all the way to the back. " They have a speed boat." She screamed. I smiled and helped carry the rest of the bags in the house.
Areums grandpa bid us Fairweather immediately after saying he had a business call to take and he'll be back at the end of the week. We waved bye to him and went to see our rooms.
"OK guys welcome to the Parks summer home in jeju." Areum announced making us laugh. "So there are only 6 bedrooms-" "SIX" We said collectively. "Yes six and 4 bathrooms, we also have a game room, indoor pool, movie room, and a upstairs balcony. So please enjoy your time here and remember your break you buy." We laughed at her finishing sentence and clapped.
"OK so who's sharing a room?" Kazumi asked already heading to a room. We looked at eachother and ran upstairs to the rooms. I ran for the first door but sena beat me to it closing the door yelling a sorry after. Areum was fighting minyoung over a room saying it's always been hers. I ran for the 3rd door throwing my stuff in and closing it resting my back on it signing in triumph. "Fancy seeing you here." My eyes shot open seeing jiwoo sitting on the bed smirking at me. "Shit." She laughed." Dont worry I bought face mask."
I shrugged and we opened the door to see the set up. Minyoung and kazumi were sharing a room while the others got their own.
I headed downbstairs to check our food choices and started pulling out some food to put on the grill." Um I don't see any ramen in here." Jiwoo was looking through the cupboards and drawers. "Damnit maybe we do have to go to the store." I closed the fridge putting everything I took out to the side so I can wash the meat. "NO we don't our neighbors are really n8ce maybe they have some extra ramen laying around I'll take minyoung and go ask." Areum slipped on her shoes. "Wow our Sophia is so amazing." We clapped and she blushed." OH stop it."
Areum and minyoung walked to the neighbors house that was just down the drive way. "So are you excited for everything." Areum asked minyoung. She nodded smiling " yeah I really need this break I'm super excited to go to the aquarium and to see all the museums hopefully this trip is going to be amazing." We walked up the neighbors drive way and areum stopped
"Well that's weird." She tilted her head. "When did they get a van. We lookedbat eachother and minyoung shrugged. " maybe they have company." We walked to the door and areum ringed the door bell. We waited then heard feet patrering ." Sunoo I got it." We looked at eachother. " Sunoo." She mouthed at areum. Their eyes were turning big. The door opened and Jay was standing there
Minyoung gasped he smirked. "OH hello ladies how may I help you." Behind him you could see the other boys throwing things. " Nevver mind have a good day." Areum grabbed my hand and we ran down the hill. " SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT."
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yugiohz · 2 years
Hawks wears crocs around the villa and his hero ratings plummet immediately
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook vague timeline;
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This might be a bit dark seeing as it mentions abandonment, murder, etc.
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard and Hannah Villa Princeps-Gothel are born on December 2nd.
Skia Aoratos is born on December 21st of the same year.
A month later, 2 of Hannah Villa Princeps-Gothel's biological parents are murdered by Mother Gothel and her sight and hearing are greatly damaged in the assault.
A day later, 3 year old Harry Hook finds her and makes a drawing that leads to his dad investigating the scene. That day, Hannah Villa Princeps-Gothel becomes Hannah Hook when she is taken in by Zarina and James Hook.
Her disabilities are discovered three months later and she meets Skia Aoratos not long after, soon becoming inseparable.
A year later, Isaac Cipher (Hannah Hook's future crew mate) is born on May 21st.
A year after that, Hannah Hook becomes an urban legend on the isle because of multiple factors and sightings of her.
A year later, Harriet Hook teaches Hannah how to read lips.
Not long after she learns how to read lips, Hannah Hook and Skia Aoratos are brought to the preschool where Zarina Hook works. Leading them meeting Lucas 'Luke' Tremaine-Westergaard, who turns their duo into a trio.
3 months later, the trio become inseparable after Luke shows up to the school and communicates with them via sign language (that he learned for Hannah).
Not long after Cj Hook teaches them how to climb the mast and they start playing on the rooftops without supervision, day and night.
Harriet Hook wins the Queen's Fury when Hannah is 4 in a croc wrestling contest and Hannah is taught everything there is to know about Pirates and pirate ships by her family.
Noah and Hadie Aoratos are born the same year on March 20th alongside Fiona Foundling who's birthday is unknown.
The next year, Hannah begins homeschooling after she punches Olga Hearts after catching her cutting her hair (while in her mother's class) and is gifted handmade hearing aids and seeing eye goggles by Harriet.
The same year, Hannah Hook learns how to talk and Tommy Wonderful is born.
A year later, Hannah Hook wins her ship (The Stormbinger) from Blackbeard in a poker game and replaces the flags with handmade ones after they are destroyed by Blackbeard in revenge.
A week later, Hannah Hook has a crew of seven (Her, Skia Aoratos, Peachy Gothel, Luke Tremaine-Westergaard, Remi de Vil, Treycor Fae-Aoratos, and Alex Aoratos-Sinclair) that continues to grow as the years go by.
That same year Lysander and Beau Foundling are born.
A year after that (7 years after Hannah was born), Marcys Foundling is born and abandoned alongside Lysander and they are then found and taken in by Hannah Hook.
That same year her adoptive mother, Zarina, dies a month after Hannah’s birthday and Hannah saves Cj after she is caught by a witch in Cannibal cover by stabbing the witch in question.
The year after that, Willow Hawthorne and Darius Foundling are born and taken in by Hannah Hook.
A year after that, Noor and Nadia Foundling are born and taken in by Hannah Hook.
2 years later, Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing and Hope Sid start dating.
A year later Hannah Hook liberates Beau from Claww Trimmers.
2 years later, Hannah Hook finds an a 2 year old Levi Giant and gets invited to Auradon, causing her to panic and smuggle her two best friends to Auradon with her after a crazily thrown together wedding was thrown for Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing and Hope Sid (Hannah married them, which is part of her responsibility as captain). 
She arrives in Auradon and The Marvelous misadventures of Hannah Hook begin in Auradon.
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siennamillerstyle · 4 months
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JJ Winters Croc Clutch In Blue
| Villa Nightclub in Hollywood, April 18th 2008 |
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beach-resorts-in-ecr · 10 months
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ae-acasa · 11 months
Barbie-themed top restaurants in Dubai: demand soar high!
Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie has taken the world by storm, generating immense buzz and excitement. The marketing team behind the film deserves praise for their extraordinary collaborations with leading brands in lifestyle, hospitality, sports, and fashion, which have added a larger-than-life dimension to the movie's promotion. The city of Dubai has more than welcomed the theme and some of the top restaurants in Dubai are celebrating the movie’s success.
Pink has become the "color" of the season, and brands like Crocs, Xbox, Fossil, Forever21, and Baskin Robbins have embraced this trend. Crocs released a Barbie collection with pink slip-on designs, while Xbox offered a special edition pink-themed console and controller. Fossil collaborated with Barbie to create a pink-themed collection of watches and accessories. Forever21's Barbie line featured pink-inspired clothing and accessories. Baskin Robbins introduced the Mermaid Sundae, likely with pink elements and flavors, adding an Instagram-worthy treat to their menu. These collaborations tap into the timeless appeal of Barbie and attract fans of all ages.
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tagoteenetoutfit · 11 months
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New Cannella School of Hair Design-Villa Park Clog Unisex Crocs - EmonShop from Tagotee.net 🔥 See more: here
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blinkenzovip · 1 year
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New Cannella School of Hair Design-Villa Park Clog Unisex Crocs - EmonShop from Tagotee.net 🔥 See more: here
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kkbarksdale · 1 year
Day 4-  St. Thomas Excursions
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023
Day 4 was when we met up with Cody’s friends Austin and Natalie, and had 2 excursions planned in St. Thomas. We started our morning with our usual routine of walking down the hill to Lattes in Paradise, and then working out back on the deck of our villa. We had an 11 am SeaTrek excursion awaiting us at Coral World. This was one excursion that we signed up for pretty last minute, because we weren’t sure if we wanted to do it or not. We finally decided to bite the bullet because why not. Here is a link to the Coral World website so that you can see what we were doing: https://coralworldvi.com/experiences/sea-trek/ 
We headed over to Coral World early to check out the park and figure out parking. The towing sticker on our Jeep the day before really freaked us out. The area around Coral World was pretty local aka sketchy, and also busy. We were very worried about our belongings and car, but Coral World itself was very safe and secluded. We had to sign a scary waiver and we headed in to explore Coral World and wait for Austin and Natalie. Coral World is fairly small but it is a sanctuary for rehabilitated animals and also the coral reef. There were iguanas all over the park, and this was Cody and I’s first time seeing them! Coral World had multiple big sea turtles, an aviary cage, a shark tank, and multiple other exhibits that we did not get to check out. We met up with our friends and headed over to the Sea Trek experience. All of the dive instructors were so helpful, reassuring, informative, knowledgable and professional. Many of the women in the group confessed to being nervous about the claustrophobia and he guided us through how to handle that. I felt safe knowing that I wasn’t the only person who was nervous.  They gave us crocs to wear on the sea floor, and locked our belongings in a safe place. We headed down to enter the water.
The SeaTrek helmets were 75 pounds when above the water  and 15 pounds when under the water. Also long as you stood upright, the helmet would not obtain water. If you did end up tilting your head and water came in the helmet, you just had to stand back upright and the water would level out. When descended into the 20 foot deep water by a ladder. It was an unreal experience that feels hard to describe unless you are experiencing it for yourself. Being that submerged underneath the surface makes you feel weightless. It was important to hold onto the railing so that you did not wander into the reef. There were 2 guides in the water with us, so there was no stress about safety. The helmets felt like large fishbowls on our heads and the peripheral vision did hinder your sight. You could breath very normally, and I would say that the only downside was the pain of the elevation change in our ear drums. It personally took me half of the experience to adjust my ears from the pressure. It was such a cool experience and we all were reeling with awe at the excitement of being on the ocean floor. There were fish all around us and many pretty pieces of coral. We saw so many cute, colorful fish, and even got to hold a sea star. He was very squirrely and was missing a leg. My favorite fish that we saw was a pretty light blue color. He was about a half a foot long. The experience only lasted about 20 minutes as we just circled around a small coral reef, however it was surprisingly plenty of time. We all had so much fun doing something so unique that the time under water didn’t even matter. When we all surfaced, we all bonded over how cool and exciting the SeaTrek was. In our group, we had an older couple and also a younger couple who were honeymooning. The older couple was so sweet and friendly. They gave us some wedding advice that I appreciated. They said that your spouse will change over time, and it is important that you know you are vowing to be with them during every person they become. We all checked out the gift shop and pictures that were taken during our SeaTrek excursion. I purchased some gifts for my neices and Natalie ended up gifting us the SeaTrek pictures! After Coral World, we headed 2 minutes down the road to Coki Beach. 
Coki Beach was the local beach and boy, was it lit. The parking lot was jam packed, and the bars were blasting rap music. They had a beach bartender that we ordered drinks from. There were local people selling all sorts of items, including an array of drugs. We were very worried about the safety of our belongings at the beach upon arriving, but once we left, we realized that the locals were just trying to make money and weren’t any sort of threat at all. It was around this time during our trip that we started to realize that St. Thomas was a pretty safe place and most threats of theft or vandalism were actually irrational. Cody and I enjoyed catching up with our friends Natalie and Austin, and we hung out in the sun and water for a while. We finally decided to part ways for dinner. I was very sad about the end of Cody and I’s alone time/the first leg of our trip, so we decided to get dinner on our own. Cody made some pan fried scallops that were quite tasty! After dinner, we still ahd 1 more excursion to attend with our friends-night kayaking!
Night kayaking was such a cool excursion and ended up being my favorite thing we did! The excursion was at the Marriott Frenchman’s Cove at 8:30pm. This was the latest Cody and I had stayed up yet on our trip. Cody and I were pretty mesmerized when getting to the Marriott. This was the first time we had been on one of the nice resorts. We recieved the craziest directions from the man at the gate. Needless to say, not only did Cody and I get a little lost but so did Austin and Natalie. It was fun wandering on the Marriott. It was karaoke night and all drunk poolside guests were having a blast. Cody and I hung out in a hammock for a bit, and it was so peaceful. We had a great view of Charlotte Amalie at night, and it was so pretty. Our tour guide was named LeighAnn, and she was a student at the University of the VI. She was such a character. She was looking to get her master’s and specialize in octopus behaviors. She made our excursion so much fun and I learned so many fun facts from her that I will never forget. The night kayaking had LED lights underneath the clear bottoms of the kayaks. This not only lit up the ocean floor but the lights also attracted plankton and bait fish that further attracted the predator fish such as tarpon. We pretty immediately saw a few big, shiny tarpon underneath our boat. LeighAnn ended up telling us later that they name all of the animals and the tarpon following us around was named Terry or Terrance and that he was the most consist for her. 
We paddled over some reefs and ended in a lagoon. Natalie spotted our first big animal, a brown stingray! We learned that this species of sting ray has the same skin as humans and will actually tan and get burnt just like humans. Getting sunburnt will actually kill them if severe. This sting ray was named Lasagna and was part of a whole family of sting rays in that bay. He is part of litter from his mom Ramona, and has a sibling named Ravioli. Another fun fact we learned was that if you step on or get stabbed by a sea urchin, you shouldn’t go to the hospital. In LeighAnn’s words, they will laugh at you and take your money. Apparently, sea urchins have a toxin that is uncomfortable to humans but it is not dangerous or poisonous. The toxin just makes humans uncomfortable. You also shouldn’t pull the spine out, as they are of a ceramic substance. Pulling the spine out could result in it shattering. The only thing you can do to assist with a sea urchin stab is to soak the body part in a ammonia based substance such as vinegar to aleviate the pain. We then paddled back over to the over side of the lagoon to look for turtles! LeighAnn educated us about sea turtles and their habits, and said they were multiple that lied in that area. While looking for the turtles, I spotted a beautiful, bright red conch shell. Around this time, LeaighAnn spotted our first and only turtle. He was a little guy about the size of your palm, and his name was Lewis Jr. He was so cute! He was the only turtle we saw and he was well worth it! After seeing our one and only baby turtle, we spotted Ramona’s baby pup! LeighAnn asked us if we had any name suggestions for the baby sting ray. I had 2 suggestions: Spaghetti and Meatball. We all agreed that Meatball was a cool name, so LeighAnn coined that his name! We ended our night kayaking with 1 more cool thing. We hung out in our boats by the pier and waiting fr the tarpon feeding frenzy. Apparently there are tons of bait fish by the pier and hanging out there with the LED light will cause them to accumulate. This causes the tarpon to go into a feeding frenzy. They have a learned behavior from the night kayaking tours. They will dart really fast at the LED light which will stun the fish, making them able to eat more fish! It was pretty wild watching the tarpon dodge really fast right at our boat. All the while, little Meatball sat under our kayak watching. This excursion was one of my favorites due to how unique the experience was and I felt like I learned alot. This pretty much concluded our day and we were now ready to see all of friends and family coming in on Wednesday!
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hipposfashion · 1 year
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Aston Villa FC Gucci Luxury Custom Name Crocband Crocs Shoes Price From: 79.99$ | | [Buy it now at] : https://hipposfashion.com/product/aston-villa-fc-gucci-luxury-custom-name-crocband-crocs-shoes/ https://www.facebook.com/HipposFashion/✅ https://twitter.com/hipposfashion✅ https://www.instagram.com/hipposfashionstore/✅ https://www.tumblr.com/hipposfashion✅ Introducing the Aston Villa FC Gucci Luxury Custom Name Crocband Crocs Shoes - a perfect blend of fashion and sports for all Aston Villa fans out there. These shoes are designed to make you stand out from the crowd with their unique custom name feature that can be personalized as per your liking. The signature crocband design by Crocs has been given a luxurious touch with exclusive collaboration...
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rsfannan5 · 1 year
Day Four: We Get Our First Taste of the Islands
An early wake up at 6:45 led us to breakfast at 7:00. The breakfast this morning was your usual buffet style where we met our dining companions for the first four day leg of our journey. We made quick friend with Magnus and Stephanie from Sweden and traded stories of family and travel. Snorkeling gear was given to us as we made our way to the Zodiacs to whisk us away to a secluded beach on San Cristobal, one of the 14 main islands of the Galapagos.
Our naturalist guide for our group (The Boobies, if you remember) is Alejandro Villa, a native Galapagonian, from a family of naturalist going back several generations. He is, in a word, perfect. He knows everything there is to know about his home and has a wit and manner about him that is quite endearing.
Greeting us on this pristine beach were several large groups of seal lions basking in the morning sun, most of them females nursing their young. Not at all perturbed by humans, they took little notice of us as we oohed and awwed at this beautiful setting. We strolled up and down the half mile beach as Alejandro told us all about the flora and fauna.
A note on the pristine aspect of the Galapagos. There are about 200 islands and islets in this volcanic chain. Only four of the 14 main islands are inhabited by humans. Since the first humans arrived in 1572, the islands have been visited by whalers, buccaneers and pirates, sugar planters, sealers, and the rest, all contributing to the devastation of native species and the introduction of invasive species like pigs, goats, cattle, horses, and of course rats and cats. It was not until 1959 that the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galápagos Islands was formed to preserve this unique ecosystem. There are tremendously strict rules that cover visitation to these islands. When hiking or enjoying the beaches, you cannot bring food of any kind. Only water. No snacks, no nothing. The result is that there is not one piece of paper, food waste, cigarette butt, beer can, or anything else associated with humans lying anywhere to be seen. Each beach is in a word, untouched. Food for thought.
We got back into our Zodiac for a quick sprint across the bay to a small islet for some really good snorkeling. Large schools of fish were basically everywhere to be seen. Water was warm. Quite delightful. Or at least, up until the time when I got stung twice by jellyfish on my ears. I had ne et experienced this before. Pretty painful, to tell you the truth. One of the stings (from a very small jelly, evidently) lasted several hours before finally going away. Annoying, to say the least.
Back on the ship for lunch and a little relaxation before we were off again to the other side of the island for a 2 1/2 hour hike over lava to see the marine iguanas and nesting seabirds. Not a stroll in the park, to be sure. You really had to watch each step over these sharp lava rocks. (One little girl, probably about 8 or nine years old was wearing Crocs. Parenting issue here). Upon starting this trek, I had imagined that we would see several iguanas if we were lucky. Boy, was I wrong. They were literally everywhere! Hundreds and hundreds littered the coastline, different species blending into the rocks, not at all concerned about the humans in their midst. Living alongside these iguanas were thousands upon thousands of pelicans, boobies, petrels, as well as many others nursing their young, some as young as a few days old. And, right there, alongside, dozens and dozens of sea lions (not seals, Alejandro was adamant to insist, “There are no seals in the Galapagos”) either lying in the sun, or frolicking in the waves. The pure numbers of wildlife was staggering. No shortage of insects either. Long sleeves, long pants, heavy socks, good shoes, a hat, and plenty of repellent were needed. As we headed back to our landing area for our short jaunt back to the ship, the sun was setting and all seemed right in the world.
Dinner conversation was, unsurprisingly, devoted to our wondrous outings. Diane and I were particularly lucky, I guess, as we each received no mosquito bites. Our new friend Magnus, not so much. His wife had counted his total. 50!
As our heads hit the pillow, there was only one thought. Pretty darned good first day.
More to come….
(The internet is truly horrible. I will try to be somewhat current, and add pictures and some video, but may have to wait to the return to civilization to post)
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finelinevogue · 2 years
the think that irritates me the most is that the black girls are always over looked, indiyah is the prettiest girl in that villa but none of the guys seem to care and she is stuck with that boring crocs dude
omg hun i was thinking the exact same thing tonight! me and my housemate were saying that the black islanders barely get any tv air time... like it's hard to believe in their love stories when we never see them :/
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