#Cristiano Ronaldo biography
footballkonnect · 9 months
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dreamsgoalchannel · 2 years
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margindata · 2 years
Margin Reward : Happy birthday Cristiano Ronaldo! Here’s Interesting facts about Cristiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo is the most-followed person on Instagram (534 million followers), most followed athlete on Twitter (107 million followers), and most followed athlete on Facebook (161 followers) The star footballer has a museum dedicated to his trophies which is located in his birthplace, the city of Funchal on the Portuguese island of Madeira. The museum was established nine years ago on 15th December…
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all-about-cr7 · 2 years
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#OnThisDay in 2002 17-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo scored his first professional goal. Unforgettable. As of today, he has scores 816 goals. Incredible.
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thrivetrend · 5 months
Cristiano Ronaldo The GOAT Of Football
Cristiano Ronaldo, also known as CR7, is renowned as one of football's greatest players. Born in Portugal, his journey from local clubs to international stardom is a testament to his exceptional skill and determination.
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biographieslife · 1 year
Cristiano Ronaldo Biography, Career, Achievements, Family, Net Worth & Many More
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mkunews · 1 year
Biography of Cristiano Ronaldo and some things related to his game
Biography of Cristiano Ronaldo and some things related to his game   Come, today we talk about Cristiano who is related to football. Ronaldo is a famous football player in the world. Ronaldo’s full name is Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo is from a very poor family. Ronaldo started playing football at a young age, due to which he was selected in the international football team only at the age of 18.…
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starscorners · 1 year
Cristiano Ronaldo Net Worth and Earnings: Exploring His Fortune and Potential Salary at Al-Nassr
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internetadmedia · 2 years
Cristiano Ronaldo: biography, lifestyle, history, sports, awards and more
Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese professional soccer player, considered one of the greatest of all time. He was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. He started playing soccer at a young age and joined the local club, Nacional, before joining the Sporting CP academy. He signed his first professional contract with Sporting CP at the age of 16. Image Source:…
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newbiographys-blog · 2 years
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what-if-imagine · 2 months
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Voici le système d'ASPIRATIONS (comme les Sims, oui, oui) ; attention, ce ne sont pas les groupes ! Votre aspiration peut être modifiée à tout moment de l'évolution de votre personnage.
*Les métiers cités sont non exhaustifs. Vous n'avez pas besoin de correspondre à TOUS les critères d'une aspiration pour y prétendre.
Tu veux être reconnu et aimé. Tu veux que ton nom soit sur toutes les bouches, sur toutes les affiches de cinéma, sur tous les réseaux sociaux. Tu veux ta propre page Wikipedia ; ta propre biographie. Les abonnements, les followers, les chiffres : tout ça t'importe. Ton objectif de rêve serait de dépasser Cristiano Ronaldo et Ariana Grande sur Instagram. En bref, et avec plus d'humilité, tu veux simplement être célèbre. Qu'à ton échelle, même minime, on t'accorde l'attention que tu mérites. Ce peut être pour n'importe quoi. Il n'y a pas besoin d'avoir de talent particulier pour faire le buzz.
Si tu penses que l'argent fait EFFECTIVEMMENT le bonheur. Tous les moyens sont bons pour se graisser ! Tu n'hésiteras pas à frauder si ça peut faire grimper ton compte en banque, et, par-dessus tout, tu es prêt à faire même les actes les plus vils. Ta dignité coûte cinquante dollars. Bien sûr, tu es le premier à dire « cap » contre un billet pour lécher le sol. Ce serait cliché de dire que tu aspires forcément à être banquier. Tu peux aussi avoir monté ton entreprise, vendu des photos de tes pieds sur Onlyfans, participé à des défis bidons…
De toutes les aspirations confondues, c'est celle qui convient le mieux aux intellectuels de service comme toi (qu'on appelle aussi lèche-culs, poltrons, binoclards, intellos...), et qui souhaitent emmagasiner le maximum de savoir. Tu es propice à beaucoup lire, écrire... Peu importe le sujet. Tu peux avoir une préférence pour la politique, la littérature, les sciences, l'histoire, la psychologie : peu importe ! Tu t'informes vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre. Tu écoutes des podcasts, tu regardes des documents Arte. Tu lis le journal. Tu dis « CHUUUUT » quand les gens parlent trop fort à la bibliothèque. Toutes ces connaissances te servent, en outre, à les utiliser pour aider (chercheur), pour partager (enseignant), ou bien, pour manipuler (politicien/hacker).
C'est bon, on a compris, tu veux travailler à l'UNICEF et monter des fonds caritatifs. C'est par dépit parce que t'étais nul à l'école, ou par véritable volonté de faire le bien ? Tes parents ne t'ont pas assez choyé, alors tu compenses ? T'as un complexe de white savior ? Bon, cela, ce n'est pas de notre ressort, mais sache que la première consultation chez le psychiatre est gratuite. Néanmoins, si tu es ici, c'est que tu as l'âme d'un bienfaiteur. Tu veux aider les gens, quoiqu'il en coûte, à tes risques et périls. Tu es peut-être médecin, pompier, avocat, bénévole, militaire… Ou juste un glandeur de première. Mais voilà, tu as choisi le camp du bien, le camp de la paix. Peut-être que tu es aussi un profond humaniste, militant, bien-pensant, qui partage ses opinions dont tout le monde se fout sur Twitter. On te gardera au chaud, ne t'en fais pas.
Tu as sûrement vu la série Narcos, et maintenant, pour te faire respecter parce que tu te faisais victimiser au collège, tu veux te confronter à la face coriace du monde. Tu veux monter ton empire et pour cela, tu devras te frotter aux criminels. Ça peut prendre plusieurs formes. La plus radicale : monter un cartel, vendre des armes, de la drogue dure… Etre chef de gang ou simple adepte, tout comme le dealer crasseux du coin de la rue. La plus douce : caresser les bornes de l'illégal, être un représentant véreux, un manipulateur méprisable… La citation « tous les moyens sont bons pour parvenir à ses fins » est, pour toi, un euphémisme qui veut dire que tu pourrais engager des tueurs à gage pour éliminer tes opposants. Le tout dans la discrétion et la perfidité. En gros : tu magouilles. Tu as un besoin d'asservir, d'acquérir le pouvoir, parce que tu souffres d'un complexe d'infériorité, c'est très probable.
L'attention, tu la recherches, tout le temps, toutes les secondes de toutes les minutes de toutes les heures. Tu es l'AW par excellence. Tu vis à travers le regard des autres. Tu existes pour être vu mais tu es la plupart du temps incompris. Tu as besoin des gens pour vivre et sans eux, tu ne sais pas ce que tu deviendrais. Que ce soit tes amis, ta famille, ton partenaire, tes amants ou ton chien de compagnie : tu as besoin d'eux. C'est ton énergie, ton besoin vital. Ils sont ta plus grande préoccupation et ton centre d'attention, ton centre du monde. Niveau sexe, tu aimes te perdre dans la chair des autres, même pour une nuit. En clair : t'es en chien. Tu es sensible et si tu étais un colis, on tamponnerait l'étiquette « FRAGILE » sur toi. Félicitations. Peut-être que tu veux travailler dans le social, ou dans quelque chose en rapport avec le contact humain, voire l'art ou les médias.
Toute ta personnalité se base sur une seule et unique chose : ta passion. Soit tu es fan des BTS (ce qui est très louable), soit tu veux devenir scénariste de cinéma, écrivain de romans policiers, concepteur de trains, créateur de contenus sur la toile, sportif professionnel, pré-mâcheur de nourriture pour bébés oiseaux, etc, etc. Ta passion n'a pas besoin d'être lucrative et source d'admirations de ton entourage. Le métier le plus bas de l'échelon comme le plus haut est permis. Tu te fiches de la réussite, ce n'est qu'un précepte. Toi, tu ne cherches que le bonheur. Tu vis pour faire ce que tu aimes, à plein temps, et tu es prêt à faire des sacrifices pour y parvenir. En bref, tu n'as pas de personnalité.
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dreamsgoalchannel · 2 years
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margindata · 2 years
Margin Reward : Happy birthday Cristiano Ronaldo! Here's Inspiring story of Cristiano Ronaldo
Before becoming one of the greatest soccer players of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo faced many challenges and obstacles. Born on the island of Madeira, Portugal in 1985, Ronaldo grew up in a poor family and had a difficult childhood. He faced several health problems, including a racing heart condition that required surgery when he was just 15 years old. Despite these setbacks, Ronaldo was…
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yuri-for-businesswomen · 10 months
hello! im sending this to a few blogs so i can get as many resources as possible. i hope you dont mind.
i wanted to ask if you had any sources and/or receipts of famous men assaulting/raping women and getting away with it/or not
i wanted to compile this into a doc so i can stop consuming media and work of theirs.
some people i know of: russell brand, danny masterson, cristiano ronaldo (ik these are not even a fraction, but ones i could name off the top of my head)
also, if i could get solid sources cementing the accusations, it would really help, because whenever i discuss this with someone, they always say i dont have solid proof, and i cant find any legit ones online so they say he didnt do it. (example of ronaldo. he raped a woman and paid her out of court to settle it, but the news and his people said he never really did it)
i hope you can help me out, if you cant, its also ok! thank u!
hey! okay so from the top of my head obviously harvey weinstein, r kelly, roman polanski, mike tyson, … you can find sources with a quick google search on these guys. i think apart from that, one issue is that there are many, many accusations but not many convictions. sexual offenses are notoriously hard to prove and celebrities have all the power to put victims under pressure. and for example, i read that a famous rocknroll singer (don’t remember who right now im sorry) basically described sexual assault in an interview or his biography or something and thats how we know. i think especially in hollywood there are a lot of open secrets, like who is a rapist or a pedophile (everyone knew about jeffrey epstein, for example) but nobody tells. and cases like wilmer valderrama who was dating an underage lindsay lohan, or woody allen who is highly suspected to be a pedophile because he is now dating his stepdaughter. lots of stuff like that. kevin spacey and michael jackson who have been accused by many of child sexual abuse but never convicted. snoop dogg, donald trump, who got away or settled outside court which is also very common among the rich and wealthy.
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thesportsocean · 1 year
Once upon a time, in the picturesque town of Bryne, Norway, a young prodigy named Erling Haaland emerged onto the football scene. With a twinkle in his eye and a burning desire to conquer the sport, Erling embarked on a remarkable journey that would capture the hearts of fans worldwide.
As a child, Erling's love for football knew no bounds. He spent endless hours kicking a worn-out ball against the walls of his backyard, dreaming of one day gracing the world's biggest stadiums. His raw talent was undeniable, and soon word of his incredible skills spread like wildfire through the close-knit community.
News of Erling's remarkable abilities eventually reached the scouts of top clubs across Europe. One day, while scrolling through an article on his laptop, Erling stumbled upon an insightful piece about his idol, Cristiano Ronaldo. Intrigued, he clicked on the link to read more about the legendary player's lifestyle and the dedication that fueled his success.
Inspired by Ronaldo's story, Erling channeled his passion into his training and focused on developing not only his football skills but also his physical and mental well-being. He recognized the importance of a balanced lifestyle, understanding that success on the field was intertwined with his personal growth off the field.
As Erling's career soared to new heights, his dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle became even more crucial. A chance encounter with an article on The Sports Ocean website shed light on the various aspects of his daily routine, from his rigorous training sessions to his carefully curated diet. Intrigued, Erling absorbed the information like a sponge, incorporating valuable insights into his own regimen.
The Sports Ocean article highlighted the importance of discipline, perseverance, and a positive mindset—lessons that resonated deeply with Erling. He embraced the challenges that came his way, viewing each setback as an opportunity for growth. Erling's unwavering determination and the guidance of his coaches and mentors propelled him forward, setting him apart from his peers.
With every goal he scored and every record he shattered, Erling's star continued to rise. He remained grounded, though, never forgetting his roots and the support of his family and friends. His story became a testament to the power of hard work, sacrifice, and the impact of a healthy lifestyle.
As Erling's fame grew, journalists and fans alike were captivated by his journey. They chronicled his rise to stardom, celebrating his achievements and examining the factors that contributed to his success. One such article on The Sports Ocean provided a unique perspective on Erling's lifestyle, shedding light on the meticulous attention he paid to every aspect of his career.
Through the highs and lows, Erling's story inspired countless aspiring footballers around the world. His relentless pursuit of excellence, combined with the insights he gleaned from articles like the one on The Sports Ocean, shaped him into a true sporting icon. Erling's legacy extended far beyond the pitch, serving as a beacon of hope and motivation for those striving to reach their own goals.
And so, as the final whistle blew on Erling's remarkable journey, his story became etched in the annals of football history. His dedication, coupled with the invaluable lessons he absorbed from articles like the one on The Sports Ocean, left an indelible mark on the sport and the hearts of millions. Erling Haaland had become a legend, a true embodiment of the power of a relentless spirit and a healthy lifestyle.
[You can read more about Erling Haaland's lifestyle and journey here:
you also see more Detail of players on
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