#Creative topiaries
Guest PostEdward Scissorhands' Macabre Guide to Shrubs and Rebellion Against the HOA
Listen up, forlorn souls of the suburban abyss, Even Edward Scissorhands has occasional issues with his homeowner’s association. Edward Scissorhands, the dark connoisseur of melancholy, arises with a tale of pruning gone awry. Prepare to delve into the shadowy depths of my twisted wisdom as we navigate the eerie world of shrubs and the ghastly homeowners association that haunts our…
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tomarrybigbang · 11 months
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At long last, the SFW 2023 masterpost is here! 🎉
Please note that, due to tumblr post restrictions, the submissions for this year have been split into 2 posts. Please enjoy the culmination of all your incredible SFW creations under the cut below. Meanwhile the NSFW post can be found in a separate link here. 📚🖌️
Before diving into the works, it needs mentioning that this event wouldn't have been possible without all the writers' and artists' dedication, creativity, and unwavering support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making 2023 a resounding success! 🙌
And a special shout-out to our fantastic backup artists who generously offered their time and talent at the last minute to ensure this event's success. Your contribution is invaluable, and we're deeply grateful for your commitment. 🙏💞
1A • Master of Death and Magic's chosen by Lerya
Art by Hufflapute
1B • Meaningless by souein
Art by CloverWoodss
1C • heaven or hell, I'll be good for you by souein
Art by NV
1D • Your Resonating Light by Evaleon70
Art by CloverWoodss
1E • Fallen Angel by Hadrian
Art by Zadkiel
1F • Soul Beneficiary by tommarvoloriddlesdiary
Art by Yorumi
1G • I Will Speak of You With Love by ratzeebatz (Thom)
Art by tomriddleswearjar
1H • Topiary by RarissimaAvis
Art by Vonn
1I • Shadowfell by asterismal
Art by ujiin
1J • It's Never Too Latte by goldenzingy46
Art by orangemoustache
1K • A Bird-brained Mophead by Kekeč
Art by CloverWoodss
1L • don't offer it a soul by witchesthimbles
Art by Isalise
1M • Fractals by The_wig_is_a_metaphor
Art by Chiocchi
1N • Lovely Bitter Water by Skylanian_Writer
Art by orangemoustache
1O • Volatile by StrangeHarbor
Art by Fluffering
1P • Voldemort's the kinda guy to ask, "Is anyone gonna take this?" and not wait for an answer by ujiin
Art by leafiloaf
Please consider reblogging to support and share the efforts of our wonderful creators. 💚
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.72 The ambassador
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On our way to the Arboretum, I highlighted a few noteworthy features of the neighborhood, including a shameless plug for my yoga classes at the Celebration Center. Clear skies and warm sun made it the perfect day for this tour. Though, there was never a wrong time to visit San Sequoia. Every day was perfect.
"This is Gilbert Gardens," I said, vaguely gesturing around us. "It's my favorite place in San Sequoia because it has so much to do for all ages."
"I can't get over this weather. Is it always this nice?"
"Amazing, right? That's one of the best parts about San Sequoia."
The warm rays beamed down on us while a cool breeze whisked back and forth, ensuring we remained comfortable. Dub glanced around, shaking his head in disbelief at the gorgeous weather.
"Henford is usually covered in snow right about now," he said with a hint of snark.
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I chuckled at a memory that popped into my head.
"I've seen snow exactly twice in my life. It doesn't snow much in Willow Creek. That's where I've spent the most time."
"I think snow is overrated," Dub huffed, waving dismissively again.
"You might be right. I mean, it's super cold...you can't see if it's too thick...and you have to clean it up!"
He slapped my arm.
"See? I knew we were in sync."
"Playing in it looks fun, though."
"That's overrated too! I don't like my hands being cold. There's no fun in that!"
He was hilarious and I know he wasn't trying to be, but the fake outrage amused me.
"I might have to agree with you there," I said.
We got halfway around the lake before I realized I hadn't shown him much. I made a terrible tour guide, but I think we both enjoyed the company more; I know I did.
"I teach at that spa over there sometimes," I said.
"What do you teach?"
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"Yoga. I also lead guided meditations."
"So, yoga videos and classes? You must really love it."
"I do."
His eyes squinted a bit, like he was processing my words or something. I hadn't said anything too deep. Was he one of those yogi haters?
"A good friend of mine just told me she's into it too," he said. "She says it's for therapeutic reasons."
"Good for her. I think everyone should be into yoga."
"Why do you say that?"
"It's great therapy. I think everyone should learn healthier ways to deal with stress. Sims turn to so many self-destructive ways of dealing with their problems, only to make it worse. Having a healthy body leads to a healthy mind."
"I'm sure Maia would agree. She made me promise to try it with her."
"I hope you do."
I hadn't heard of many men who had platonic relationships with women. Even I had some sort of physical attraction and a bit of lust for my female friends. What was his relationship with this friend?
"So...Maia, huh?"
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"Yeah, she's my friend I mentioned."
"I see... Well, I'm glad you'll try it. I think you'll find it helps a lot.
He didn't catch it that time, but I wouldn't let him miss it the next time, and there would be a next time. I was sure of it.
"Over there, you have the splash park. Mostly kids hang out there. We can swim in this lake."
"It's huge!"
"Tell me about it. My dad and I jogged around it once. I think I nearly killed him. There's all kinds of trails around here, but this is my favorite."
As we approached the trailhead, Dub looked around in awe, exactly like I did the first time I visited. The garden was what made it exceptionally beautiful. The way they expertly arranged the flowers and creatively teased the topiaries, it truly was a work of art.
"Woooow. I never would have seen all this back here."
"They call it the Arboretum. You ready to go?"
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We stretched, and I recommended we take it easy and pace ourselves, but Mr. Funny Man had other ideas. Good thing I was also athletic. I accepted the challenge, but of course, I had to flex on him a few times.
I asked about his family. The fact that he was the oldest of three boys amazed me. With no brotherly figure or close friends in my life, I found it difficult to imagine the dynamics of such a relationship. Would I enjoy little brothers? Would they annoy me? Maybe both because little sisters could be fun and annoying. Dub and his brothers grew up on a farm, and he hated it. Memories of the sights and smells of cleaning out chicken coops and milking cows disgusted him all over again. I would never laugh at anyone's pain, but he was so easily grossed out. I almost wanted to try it to see if it was really that bad.
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Naturally, he returned the same questions, and I told him about our family dynamics and how my sister and I bounced between Willow Creek and Evergreen Harbor our entire childhood. I kept it casual and didn't say anything emotional, but he remained silent. Maybe he was contemplating my situation just like I was considering farm life with a bunch of brothers.
We took a few breaks, and he guzzled his water as if he were on fire. I shook my head, secretly laughing at him for dashing off like it was a race. Eventually we arrived back at our starting point, winded but feeling like a million simoleons.
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"That was a good run," he said. "Maybe the longest I've done so far."
"Yeah, before I ran around the lake it was my longest too."
"And it was very scenic, like you said."
"You should see it in the summer! It's amazing."
I could tell by how golden the sky was, and the emptiness in my stomach, dinnertime was near. I had another idea I hoped he'd be keen on.
"I'm usually having dinner about now. If you have more time, you wanna go to the best restaurant in San Sequoia?"
"Yeah! Uhh, actually, let me check with Maia first."
See? I knew he'd bring her up again. This dude was in love and didn't even know it, and it was so fun to watch. Even the way he said her name had hearts all over it.
"Of course. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble or anything," I said in a cheeky way.
"Whatever, man!"
He may have sounded offended, but I did not forget that grin. One way or another, I'd get their story out of him. Ugh...I was unquestionably my mother's child.
Wade Banks by @mysimsloveaffair
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ramonag-if · 2 years
To make up for my angsty ask I have a fluff one! ( Unless you already answered this one) but what would Ros favorite thing to do together with their and Mcs kid be?
No need to apologise for the angst 😋 I live for it 👀😅
This is so adorable! 💖 It makes me wish I could skip time so I can be done with the main game and just write domestic bliss scenes 😂
Irus: He'd really enjoy just spending family time with the MC and their child. If it means having a picnic in the gardens outside or just visit the city - as long as they're together, he'll be happy.
Elora: Elora would love doing anything creative - so maybe painting together or topiary with the MC and their child or planting a vegetable garden.
Oren: Oren would love doing something outdoors like exploring a forest or something simple like volunteer at the local soup kitchen to help the needy.
Anu: Anu would love to do something exciting like going to a fighting arena or more child-friendly, taming wild beasts together 😅
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tokofagkawa · 7 months
Okay but Syo getting into topiary is a funny thought cause she can still use her scissors but now to make bush sculptures of things she enjoys.
I bet half of them are either gruesome yet very creative sculptures and the other half is dedicated to Komaru.
"OKAY here's the plant sculpture I made of Saturn Devouring His Son and HERE'S Komaru because she is very beautiful (≧ڡ≦)"
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The Shining Axe Design with topiary maze background
Created with - Procreate + Creative Market brushes
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hazey-moonlight · 11 months
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Name: Fiora Rosenote
Gender: Mare
Age: Adult
Bio: Fiora Rosenote is an Earth pony who calls Ponyville home, renowned for her hot fuchsia coat and vibrant orange hair. From a young age, she has been a symbol of positivity and cheer in the Ponyville community, known for her radiant presence.
More about her undercut~
Cutie Mark: Fiora's cutie mark is a dandelion with its seeds caught in a gentle breeze, transforming into music notes as they scatter. This unique design perfectly represents her harmonious resonance abilities and her deep connection to nature and music. It showcases her nurturing and growth-inducing talents as well as her passion for creating harmonious melodies that resonate with the world around her.
Special Talent: Vibrational Resonance and Topiary Sculptor Fiora's extraordinary abilities combine her innate understanding of vibrations with her Earth pony heritage, creating a dynamic set of talents. She is sensitive to the vibrations in the earth, able to create harmonious frequencies, and possesses the unique ability to shape and sculpt living plants into intricate topiaries. Her talents also include accelerating plant growth, promoting healing, and offering emotional harmony to those around her.
Special Talent: Vibrational Resonance and Topiary Sculptor Fiora's extraordinary abilities combine her innate understanding of vibrations with her Earth pony heritage, creating a dynamic set of talents:
Sensitivity to Vibrations: Fiora has a heightened sensitivity to the vibrations and energies in the earth, allowing her to perceive and understand the natural rhythms and frequencies of the world around her.
Harmonious Frequencies: Her Earth pony heritage enhances her ability to create harmonious frequencies. She can generate these harmonious vibrations through her voice, hoofstomps, or specialized musical instruments, amplifying their potency.
Topiary Sculptor: Fiora's unique twist on her talents lies in her ability to use her vibrational resonance to shape and sculpt living plants into intricate topiaries. She can guide the growth of plants with precision, turning them into living works of art that reflect her artistic expression and deep bond with the plant world.
Accelerated Plant Growth: Fiora's harmonious frequencies stimulate the rapid growth of plants, making her an invaluable asset to local farmers and gardeners who seek her assistance in achieving bountiful harvests and flourishing gardens.
Healing and Structural Repair: Her vibrations can promote healing in injured or sick ponies, as well as mending damaged structures. By matching the resonant frequencies with the body or materials, she accelerates the healing process and reinforces the stability of structures.
Emotional Harmony: Fiora's harmonious abilities also extend to creating emotional calm and uplifting the spirits of those around her, providing comfort and harmony in times of distress.
Personality: Fiora is a beacon of positivity and cheer, known for her exuberance, optimism, and genuine love for beauty and vibrancy. Her outgoing nature and radiant personality make her a beloved figure in Ponyville. She can be overenthusiastic at times, leading to impulsive decision-making, but she always approaches life with trust and an open heart.
Friendship with Applejack: Fiora's connection with the earth and her passion for farming and agriculture naturally drew her to Applejack, a hardworking and down-to-earth pony. Their friendship blossomed through their shared love for the land and a mutual appreciation for the beauty that can be found in both nature and hard work. Together, they embark on various farming and gardening projects, ensuring that Ponyville remains a vibrant and fruitful place for all.
Additional Personality Traits: Fiora is known for her generosity and her willingness to lend a helping hoof to those in need. She's an excellent problem solver, using her harmonious frequencies and topiary skills to tackle challenges creatively. Her love for music and the beauty of the natural world often inspires her to organize garden parties and outdoor musical events for the community.
Fiora Radiancebloom Rosenote's harmonious nature, vibrational resonance talents, and topiary artistry make her a cherished and invaluable member of the Ponyville community. She brings beauty and positivity to the world around her while embracing her earth pony roots as a caretaker of the land and a creator of living art.
base lambrotbases
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carnocus · 2 years
last line tag
thanks @thatndginger for the tag!
this is from a short story I'm working on in creative writing rn:
You never went far away like he did; you were caged in the topiary and sparkling fountains of the mansion, watching the white from the peaks spread and retreat as you waited for him.
tagging @euphoniouspandemonium @maximillian-rex @theboarsbride and anyone else who wants to join. no pressure ofc.
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napkinscrawls · 1 year
.Crush. ."I made this for you".
Primo/OC | 674 words | Ghoul oc | Ghouls are inhuman
Primo's ghoul is a creative soul. AO3
Primo stares at the line of what were theoretically tiny human sculptures on the raised bed of his lavender. They were lined up neatly & with clear purpose, but the shapes themselves eluded him. He settles in full onto the low stool beneath him, a small huff through his nose.
He knows green eyes were studying him as he in turn studied their owner's latest work.
"The influences of Giacometti are apparent." Primo states.
A giggle from amongst the bluebells as the eyes dart away.
"Though the subject matter is unmistakably profane."
The giggle ends in a bark of laughter.
Primo turns with a raised chin to see the garden ghoul's tail whip around. "Clearly from the mind of a tortured soul." his voice still deadpan but receives the rattle of delight from the ghoul he wanted nonetheless.
Muck's chest flutters under the shake of her stifled laughter. Her upper lip bitten by metallic fangs in an attempt to feign ignorance. A game the two play, their own ritual, freed from service as he now was.
Gardening continues as Primo is careful to work around the slowly drying mud sculptures. Letting them bake in the sun.
After a few hours a sibling emerges to deliver lunch, the sun high in the sky & barely blocked by the overhanging trees. Primo was resigned to the timid prodding of the young attendant, clearly having been tasked with the usual warnings of keeping an eye on this old man's health. As if he didn't know his limits by now. Still, he listens to the same list of reminders with minimal grunting as he relocates to the shade. The same green eyes as before now locked onto the sibling, no sound of a moving tail, only the sharp clips of tiny shears at work.
Once the sibling was satisfied Primo shooed them away, aware of the slowly increasing gaps between snips that grew harsher on each return. Like an approaching step. Deaf to the warning, the sibling hesitates on the path, as they begin to turn back to the retired Papa they register the grey body standing dangerously close to their side.
They flinch at the blank stare & stumble over a greeting to rush out an excuse, & quickly dash down the path they'd arrived through. Leaves swaying as they retreated. The sibling left behind Muck, stood taught & still grasping the shears at her side. She tilts her head at the retreating human. A rustle of fabric behind her has her ear twitch, she didn't need to turn to know it was the movement of Primo's beckoning hand. Muck loafs up the steps to him, an innocent smile on her face & the shears now dangle loosely on a claw.
Primo pats the bench next to him; a cool stone, carved into shape to nestle against the thick tree behind it. Earning a chitter & swift obedience from the ghoul. She nestles into place beside him & eyes the food in his lap.
Another ritual. Muck watches Primo eat with her endless fascination & patience. In between bites he starts, "Is mostriciattola satisfied with her work?"
The question is wide enough to give her pause. She blinks her pupil-less green eyes. His ever levelled voice now gives her no clue as to his intentions.
"Luce dei miei occhi?" Muck croons, twisting her tail in anxiety "Do you not enjoy your peace? A small paradise in the long day?"
Primo hums around another bite, looking out at the gardens designed to hide many alcoves & protect inhabitants from outside intervention. It was once manicured & ostentatious; sharp lines of perfect topiaries to fit with the predecessors of his father's taste. A sight only changed when he inherited the Papa name & even then it was slow progress, he had to obfuscate each climbing vine & wildflower. Until his kingdom of green stood unchallenged.
His old bones feel the pull to the ground as a deep sense of accomplishment washes over him. A chin rests softly on his relaxing shoulder.
"I made this for you." She whispers.
A garden of pleasure.
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novembarskojutro · 1 year
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notesonartistry · 2 years
Can we talk about how quirky and imaginative Taylor is? Because for me watching Lavender Haze music video is like being in her Nashville apartment like the quirkiness of it all. Like in this old interview talking about she has a pond, a bird cage, telescope, ceiling painted as night sky. In other old interview she also said she has a massive topiary rabbit and chimney all inside her Nashville apartment. I also would say to her face WHAT A MIND! 😂
She's a quirky girl! Her Nashville apartment sounds amazing and I'd love to explore it. I think her kitchen is my favourite - all the unique designs on the units and the bright colours.
What a mind indeed! If she hadn't become a megastar, there's no doubt in my mind she'd still be doing something quirky and creative. Hers would probably be the adverts/marketing concepts that went viral and won dozens of awards!
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Creative Entrance Decor Ideas to Impress Your Guests
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When it comes to wedding decoration, the entrance sets the tone for the entire celebration. A beautifully decorated entrance not only impresses your guests but also reflects the theme and style of your special day. Here are some creative entrance decor ideas to inspire you and make your wedding unforgettable.
To add even more magic and unforgettable elements to your wedding celebration, pick a theme from Take Rent Pe, an online source of rental decorating settings. Select from the over 100+ alternatives for décor sets and delegate all event planning to the professionals.
1. Floral Arches Floral arches are a classic and elegant choice for decoration. They can be customized to match your wedding theme and colors. Imagine a stunning archway adorned with roses, lilies, and greenery, welcoming your guests with a fragrant and picturesque entry. This timeless decor piece is sure to leave a lasting impression.
2. Draped Fabric Draped fabric can add a touch of romance and sophistication to your wedding entrance. Choose soft, flowing fabrics in colors that complement your wedding palette. You can create a dreamy canopy or drape the fabric along the entrance pathway. This simple yet elegant wedding decor idea creates a sense of intimacy and charm.
3. Lanterns and Candles For a warm and inviting entrance, consider using lanterns and candles. Place lanterns along the pathway and scatter candles around the entrance to create a magical ambiance. This wedding decoration idea is perfect for evening weddings, adding a cozy and enchanting glow to your event.
4. Rustic Wooden Doors If you’re planning a rustic or vintage-themed wedding, wooden doors can be a unique entrance decor element. You can decorate the doors with flowers, vines, or even personalized signs. This wedding decor idea adds a charming and nostalgic touch, making your entrance stand out.
5. Balloon Arches Balloon arches are a fun and playful option for wedding decoration. Choose balloons in your wedding colors and arrange them in an archway at the entrance. This vibrant and cheerful decor idea is sure to bring a smile to your guests' faces and create a festive atmosphere.
6. Welcome Signs Personalized welcome signs can make your guests feel special as they arrive. Use chalkboards, wooden plaques, or mirrors to display a warm welcome message. This simple wedding event management idea adds a personal touch and sets the tone for the celebration ahead.
7. Greenery and Topiaries For a fresh and natural look, incorporate greenery and topiaries into your entrance decor. Use potted plants, ivy, and ferns to create a lush, garden-like atmosphere. This decoration idea is perfect for outdoor weddings and adds a touch of nature to your celebration.
8. Red Carpet Entrance Make your guests feel like VIPs with a red carpet entrance. This glamorous decoration idea adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. You can line the carpet with flowers, candles, or even rope barriers to enhance the luxurious feel.
9. Vintage Furniture Incorporate vintage furniture pieces such as antique chairs, tables, or suitcases at the entrance. Decorate them with flowers, candles, and other accessories to create a charming and unique wedding event management. This idea is perfect for vintage or shabby-chic themed weddings.
10. Hanging Decorations Hanging decorations like paper lanterns, pom-poms, or floral chandeliers can add a whimsical touch to your entrance. Suspend them from trees, arches, or structures to create a magical floating effect. This wedding decor idea adds a playful and enchanting element to your entrance.
Conclusion When planning your wedding, the entrance decor is a key element that sets the stage for your event. By incorporating these creative ideas, you can ensure that your wedding decoration impresses your guests and creates a memorable experience. Whether you’re working with wedding planners or handling the wedding event management yourself, these entrance decor ideas will help you create a stunning and welcoming entry for your special day. Remember, the entrance is the first impression your guests will have, so make it count with beautiful and thoughtful decoration.
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kavyaorganicfarm · 5 months
Buxus sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’: A Versatile Evergreen Shrub for UK Gardens
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Title: Buxus sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’: A Versatile Evergreen Shrub for UK Gardens
Introduction: In the realm of garden design, the evergreen shrub holds a special place. Providing year-round structure, color, and texture, these plants are essential for creating a visually appealing landscape. Among the plethora of options available, Buxus sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’ stands out as a versatile and dependable choice, particularly well-suited for UK gardens. In this article, we’ll delve into the characteristics, care, and creative uses of this remarkable shrub.
Characteristics: Buxus sempervirens, commonly known as boxwood, is cherished for its dense foliage and compact growth habit. ‘Green Mountain’ is a cultivar renowned for its upright, pyramidal shape, which sets it apart from other varieties of boxwood. Its glossy, dark green leaves provide an elegant backdrop to any garden, maintaining their color throughout the year. With a moderate growth rate, ‘Green Mountain’ can reach a height of up to 5 feet and a width of 2 to 3 feet, making it ideal for hedges, borders, or as a standalone specimen.
Care: One of the reasons for the popularity of Buxus sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’ is its low-maintenance nature. However, a few key care practices ensure its health and vitality:
Sunlight and Soil: ‘Green Mountain’ thrives in partial to full sunlight, though it can tolerate some shade. It prefers well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Ensure proper drainage to prevent root rot, especially in areas with heavy clay soil.
Watering: While established plants are drought-tolerant, regular watering is essential, especially during dry spells or in containers. Avoid waterlogged conditions, as excessive moisture can lead to fungal diseases.
Pruning: Pruning is crucial to maintaining the desired shape and density of ‘Green Mountain’. Early spring is the ideal time for pruning, before new growth emerges. Trim lightly to encourage branching and a compact form, but avoid severe pruning, as it may take longer for the plant to recover its shape.
Fertilization: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in spring to provide essential nutrients for healthy growth. Avoid over-fertilization, as it can lead to excessive foliage at the expense of density.
Creative Uses: The versatility of Buxus sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’ makes it a valuable asset in various garden settings:
Formal Hedges: The dense foliage and neat, upright growth habit of ‘Green Mountain’ make it an excellent choice for formal hedges. Plant them in a row with consistent spacing to create a defined boundary or to outline pathways and garden beds.
Topiary: With its compact form and responsive growth, ‘Green Mountain’ lends itself well to topiary designs. Sculpt it into geometric shapes, spirals, or traditional boxwood balls to add architectural interest to the garden.
Container Planting: Due to its manageable size and slow growth rate, ‘Green Mountain’ thrives in containers. Use it to frame entryways, adorn patios, or as a focal point on balconies and terraces. Ensure proper drainage and regular watering to prevent stress.
Mixed Borders: Pair ‘Green Mountain’ with flowering perennials, ornamental grasses, or other evergreen shrubs to create dynamic mixed borders. Its dark green foliage provides an elegant backdrop that enhances the colors and textures of companion plants.
Conclusion: Buxus sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’ is a versatile evergreen shrub that brings year-round beauty to UK gardens. With its compact, pyramidal form, glossy foliage, and low-maintenance nature, it's an ideal choice for hedges, topiary, containers, and mixed borders. By providing the right care and creative placement, gardeners can harness the timeless charm of this remarkable plant to enhance their outdoor spaces for years to come.
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midnight-time00 · 5 months
Flowery Delivery And Arrangement Techniques That Work
All you need to visit site here know about flower delivery and the creative techniques used for making special arrangements.
Flowers are used everyday by different people for different reason. From spicing up a romantic relationship, showing appreciation and just showing respects, they are readily available as a means of delivering those messages whatever they are.
But the way the flowers are arranged and delivered is also almost as important as the reason for their use in the first place. As a result, service providers have come up with very innovative ways of arranging your flowers without blurring but rather enhancing the theme of the message or occasion it is intended for.
Here are a few of the creative ways of arranging them to deliver the beauty of the flowers.
Basket: This is one of the most common flower arrangements known. Whether it is a cane basket or made from other materials, it is an ideal way of arranging your flowers to bring out their full beauty. The flowers herein arranged could either be of different or the same color.
Bucket-Tied: Here the flowers are arranged in a bucket, thereby forming what may appear to be like a pot. The size and color of the bucket would depend wholly on your own needs and eye for color.
Table Tops: These are ideal for more formal occasions like conferences, meetings and others. They are used in decorating the tables to be used by the guests.
Cottage Gardens: In this case, flowers of different colors but all appealing are put together in various forms and styles, thereby enhancing their already beautiful colors.
Topiaries: This is a flower arrangement that is used both for gifting purposes and for beautifying the home. The bigger flowers then form what looks like a crown.
The Bouquet: This is a flower arrangement style where flowers are randomly placed together. It is used for both informal and official occasions. It is one of the most popular flower delivery styles used.
The Bunch: This is an informal way of arranging flowers and is quite popular. This one precedes the use of the bouquet. You may also want to go a step further by tying up the bunches with laces and/or decorative ribbons.
The Wreath: This is a form of delivering flowers is not as pleasant as the others. It is mostly used for paying tributes to the dead and for funeral ceremonies. It is signifies grief.
The bottom line is whatever flower delivery method you choose, make sure that you choose the right one that suits that special occasion and compliments it.
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shadeityourway · 5 months
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Mythical Topiary
30 pages of stunning illustrations that showcases a wide range of beautiful mythical creature shaped topiary! The grayscale format adds depth and dimension to the images, allowing coloring enthusiasts to bring these captivating scenes to life with their own vibrant colors. Whether you’re an experienced colorist or new to the world of coloring, Mythical Topiary is sure to provide hours of creative enjoyment!
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thechesapeakeinn11 · 6 months
Outside the Box: Creative and Quirky Wedding Venues in Maryland
Planning a wedding is an exciting endeavor, and one of the most important decisions couples make is choosing the perfect venue. While traditional venues like ballrooms and banquet halls offer elegance and sophistication, some couples seek something a little more unique wedding venues in maryland and unconventional for their special day. Maryland, with its diverse landscapes and vibrant culture, offers a plethora of creative and quirky wedding venues that cater to couples looking to think outside the box. From historic theaters and art galleries to botanical gardens and breweries, Maryland has something to suit every couple's personality and style. In this guide, we'll explore some of the most creative and quirky wedding venues in Maryland, ensuring that your big day is as unique and memorable as you are.
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Historic Theaters: Stage Your Love Story
For couples who love the drama and romance of the stage, Maryland's historic theaters provide a unique and memorable setting for exchanging vows. These venues offer the grandeur and elegance of a bygone era, with ornate architecture and plush seating that create a truly magical atmosphere for saying "I do."
One such venue is the historic Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore. Dating back to 1914, this majestic theater boasts stunning Beaux-Arts architecture, soaring ceilings, and intricate detailing that transport guests back in time. Imagine walking down the aisle under the soft glow of the theater's chandeliers, with the stage as your backdrop and the audience as your witnesses—it's a wedding day worthy of a standing ovation.
Art Galleries: Where Love Meets Creativity
For couples with a passion for art and culture, Maryland's art galleries offer a one-of-a-kind setting for a wedding celebration. These venues showcase a diverse array of artwork, from contemporary paintings and sculptures to avant-garde installations, providing a vibrant and inspiring backdrop for your special day.
One standout venue is the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore. Home to one of the oldest and most prestigious art schools in the country, MICA boasts a stunning collection of galleries and exhibition spaces that can be transformed into unique wedding venues. Imagine saying your vows surrounded by thought-provoking artwork, with the creative energy of the gallery infusing every moment of your wedding celebration.
Botanical Gardens: Love Blooms in Nature
For couples who adore the beauty and serenity of nature, Maryland's botanical gardens offer a picturesque setting for a wedding ceremony surrounded by lush greenery and colorful blooms. These venues provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, allowing couples to exchange vows amidst the natural splendor of their surroundings.
One such venue is the Ladew Topiary Gardens in Monkton. Spanning 22 acres of meticulously landscaped gardens, this enchanting estate features a variety of themed gardens, including a rose garden, a Japanese garden, and a topiary garden. Imagine walking down the aisle beneath a canopy of flowering trees, with the scent of roses filling the air and the sound of birdsong as your soundtrack—it's a wedding day straight out of a fairy tale.
Breweries: Cheers to Love and Hoppiness
For couples who share a love of craft beer and good times, Maryland's breweries offer a laid-back and festive atmosphere for a wedding celebration that's as fun as it is memorable. These venues provide a unique opportunity to toast your love surrounded by stainless steel tanks and oak barrels, with an endless supply of delicious beer to keep the party going all night long.
One standout venue is the Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick. Known for its innovative brews and quirky branding, Flying Dog Brewery offers a cool and eclectic setting for a wedding celebration with a twist. Imagine saying your vows in the brewery's taproom, with colorful murals adorning the walls and the aroma of hops filling the air—it's a wedding day that's as unique and flavorful as the beer itself.
In conclusion, Maryland offers a wealth of creative and quirky wedding venues for couples who want to think outside the box and celebrate their love in a truly unique and memorable way. Whether you're exchanging vows on the stage of a historic theater, surrounded by artwork in an art gallery, amidst the natural beauty of a botanical garden, or toasting your love in a brewery, these venues provide the perfect backdrop for a wedding celebration that reflects your personality and style. So, if you're ready to break free from tradition and embrace the unconventional, consider one of these creative and quirky wedding venues in Maryland for an unforgettable wedding day experience.explain in 1500 words with unique content conclusion and headings bold without any company name and section division and also give helpful and plagarism free content"Seaside Serenity: Enchanting Wedding Venues in Chesapeake
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