#Crack | Doise
bashxdash · 2 months
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Tag Dump | The Doise
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alice-the-demon · 2 months
I know you're busy with Hell Tower, but consider:
Doise: Lapis
Peddito: Corrupt Jasper
The Doise that Noise encounters: Partially Corrupt Malachite, gems shuffled into a Spinnel shape
It's been years since I've seen the show, I don't know if this would work
Rather than a Lapis Lazuli I prefer to think that here he's a cracked Blue Spinel who is really jealous of the Yellow one or something. Peddito being a corrupted Jasper is neat though.
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pikansanok · 3 months
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The Pikansanoise is a Noise clone of the feminine kind. She's much more tired and much more artistic than the Noise. She is also one of the few Doise replacements that doesn't get killed at the end of the initial boss battle.
In her Doise replacement boss battle, her Phase 1 is exactly the same, except she throws crumpled paper instead of Noise Bombs or rocks.
After Phase 1, her mask will be cracked, and she'll go feral because she has to continue dealing with the Noise. She becomes erratic, violent, and really funny to watch, as she adds an extra move before stopping to become vulnerable.
After her phase 2, her mask fully comes off, revealing her to be a cat/human fusion. She decides that she has had enough and rides her pikanmobile back home, leaving behind her mask. Subsequent rematches just show her mask and that's it, meaning she won't return unless you taunt 3 times at her boss gate.
In the Pizzahead battle, she gets dragged without her mask. But she will refuse to battle the Noise, knowing she'll die trying, thus going straight to Fake Peppino. Either that, or Pizzahead just drags her lone mask in.
As a playable character, she controls slightly like the Noise, but she can wall-climb and has a higher jump, she also can only super-jump if she's in mid-air. She can also do an instant ground-pound.
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ntv-enterprises · 4 months
Maurice X Doise
that's all I have to say
What kind of crack do you buy, and who's your dealer?
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kotriyas-pizza-tower · 4 months
(Gonna redo this cause I sent that other ask when I was tired)
“It’s up to you, Peddito, but if you’d ask me.. maybe it’ll be better if you got it off your chest, dude. Though, it’s still your choice if you want to tell it or not.”
- Star Anon
"I... Suppose-a your right-a."
And commence the flashback, since I dont want to do that darn -a thing for the whole time explaining it!
(cracks my knuckles)
Peddito was doing what he typically did, cook pizzas and clean. It seemed like that day would be like any else-
Though, he did note that his frenemy, Doise- hadn't done his daily prank yet. Or perhaps he had, and he simply didnt notice.
The next few moments felt like years, yet seconds at the same time.
He smelled smoke. He was used to a smoky scent because of the wood oven, but this was different. It was stronger.
.. wait. He was in the kitchen currently. The oven seemed fine - that smoke was coming from the lobby!
He ran out quickly to see scarlet flames eating awsy at the place he had loved so dearly. He choked out a sob, and his sorrow was immediately met with rage. Who could have done this? Why would they do that?
He felt a flame touch his skin- it hurt like hell. He also now noticed that he was sweatting bullets. He rushed for the fire extinguisher and grabbed it, turning back to face the fire.
He screamed as he did the neccesary procedures to handling fire extinguishers, trying his damnedest to extinguish the beast that threatened to take his greatest accomplishment away.
But it wouldnt work. Before he knew it the extinugisher was empty. He cursed, throwing it against a wall.
He hurt. He hurt so badly. Not only on the outside from the horrible burns and suffocating smoke -but on the inside too. His mind was a swirling mess, a melting pot of despair and bitter rage. And god, so much fear. He was never this scared before- not since the war.
The flames had spread to the kitchen. They consumed everything around him... Everything except for outside.
Being torn out of his freezing agony, he ran for the door, pushing table and chairs aside- it hurt so much. He could hardly breathe- he felt himself getting weaker, but he needed to get out-
But his legs buckled beneath him, his pain caight up and threw him into more and more agony.
He was going to die here, wasnt he?
He would perish to the same flames that took his hopes and dreams- how awfully poetic.
He reached weakly for the door, spotting a familiar blue hremlin as his senses faded.
Doise did it.
He must have.
He would make sure Doise paid.
Pay for taking his life and his dream.
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Try me, fuckers. I have a gun and I know how to use it.
- orange anon
D: “Oh, you don’t wanna try it, bucko! Got a load of rocks right ‘ere!”
P: “…Why-a would you even have-a that—nevermind. The same applies to-a me.”
The Doise pulls out a loaded gun using rocks as bullets, and Peddito cracks his knuckles intimidatingly.
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bashxdash · 2 months
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"Dios mío!" (Draw a cross) "A LIBERAL!"
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bashxdash · 2 months
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Does Peddito like cuddles? If so.. Can I cuddle him?
P: “…Sure?”
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Peddito uncomfortably hugs you—trying his best not to crack your spine. (He’s already saving that for The Doise).
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*taunt sfx x3*
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This time while coming back, The Doise looked like he was roughed up pretty badly, yet the bootlegger gremlin was still forcing a smile nonetheless.
“Seems immortality’s not all it’s cracked up to be! Hehe… hehe…”
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The Doise now will be… actually, I’m not going to bother this time.
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