pikansanok · 3 months
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The Pikansanoise is a Noise clone of the feminine kind. She's much more tired and much more artistic than the Noise. She is also one of the few Doise replacements that doesn't get killed at the end of the initial boss battle.
In her Doise replacement boss battle, her Phase 1 is exactly the same, except she throws crumpled paper instead of Noise Bombs or rocks.
After Phase 1, her mask will be cracked, and she'll go feral because she has to continue dealing with the Noise. She becomes erratic, violent, and really funny to watch, as she adds an extra move before stopping to become vulnerable.
After her phase 2, her mask fully comes off, revealing her to be a cat/human fusion. She decides that she has had enough and rides her pikanmobile back home, leaving behind her mask. Subsequent rematches just show her mask and that's it, meaning she won't return unless you taunt 3 times at her boss gate.
In the Pizzahead battle, she gets dragged without her mask. But she will refuse to battle the Noise, knowing she'll die trying, thus going straight to Fake Peppino. Either that, or Pizzahead just drags her lone mask in.
As a playable character, she controls slightly like the Noise, but she can wall-climb and has a higher jump, she also can only super-jump if she's in mid-air. She can also do an instant ground-pound.
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pika-pikan · 2 years
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İnsanlar tarafından kullanılan ceviz ağaçlarının kökeni arkeolojik olarak 8.000 yıl öncesine kadar izlenebilir. Kaydedilen ilk ceviz ağacı tarihi, bir İspanyol kaşif tarafından 1500'ler civarındadır. Thomas Jefferson, ağacın ilk şampiyonlarından biriydi ve geniş bir meyve bahçesi dikti, daha sonra George Washington'a fidan verdi. 1700'lerin sonlarında ve 1800'lerin başlarında, cevizlerin tarihinin kazançlı bir ticaret mahsulüne dönüştüğünü gören bir endüstri doğdu.
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fidanistanbul · 2 years
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#fidanistanbul #ceviz #pikan #pikancevizi #meyve #ağaç (fidanistanbul.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci19cGDjnmq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lxvepup · 2 years
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Me...? Late for Gates To Infinity's birthday...? never. nope never
jokes aside.. happy belated birthday to GTI! really love this game tbh
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charmiespecs · 2 years
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Bean Pikachu eating a Pinkan Berry!
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garanna · 1 month
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Friendly meeting
You can see that my TV character, Mr. Mostra, has trouble getting along with SMG4's TV character, Mr. Puzzle. And Caine doesn't understand why. Twitter(X): FR(SFW): https://twitter.com/GarannaCelias EN(NSFW): https://twitter.com/GarannaNSFW DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/garanna Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinjty.net/pikanic/ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17642849 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/garanna_celias/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/garanna.bsky.social Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@Garanne
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kitty-box-101 · 4 months
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Happy birthday to Pikan!! 💉💕I love all her rights and wrongs <333
This was from a color challenge I did with a friend:D (check em out! And if you like her stuff check her twt fr) and below that is the color palette used)
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rockofeye · 24 days
Can you elaborate more on The Lougawou in Haitian culture? What Lwas are associated with it? And how it’s connected to Vodou adjacent groups and rites. Along with how people protect themselves from them in Haiti. Thank you love your blog.
So, lougawou are a bit different than what I think you are thinking about.
Lougawou are basically people who tranform into beasts, like a werewolf in Western culture. It's not something considered positive or normal in any way, it's really a curse or a punishment. Lougawou can be made by houngans/manbos who work both hands, which is the connection to other rites, or by bòkò who work that way. It's really dirty work that's done in a variety of ways, some including boiling the fat out of the body of a deceased infant or child removed from a a cemetary or worse. Bad stuff.
Folks will sometimes say Agaou makes lougawou or if you serve Agaou you are a lougawou, but this isn't true...it is the association with flying, as lougawou are known to fly and Agaou is one lwa who is well known to have wings. There aren't lwa that make lougawou, it is a people-made monstroisity.
The best way to protect against lougawou is to be mindful. It would be hard to stumble into something outside of Haiti that would give you problems, but not impossible. Don't get yourself involved in spiritual work that is aimed at giving you unnatural powers, like flying. If you are in Haiti, stay out of crossroads people are actively doing work in at night. If you see weird stuff at night, no you don't and mind your business and go in a different direction. Don't open the gates or doors at night to people you don't know or are not expecting.
A lot of the protective work done in Haiti involves mounting protective work in the yard or the house to keep lougawou from coming around. There's a particular oil that they hate the smell off that can be kept at the door. Folks like to put a pikan foufou, which is similar to a pufferfish, at the door and there is work that can be with a sour orange and some other stuff. If someone has a real lougawou problem like being stalked by one, a gad could be put in place to address the issue or work could be done to send it back where it came from. Protective work for children is common, too.
I've seen a lougawou once or maybe twice when I have been out at night in Haiti. Once when we were on foot, the folks I was with saw something ahead they didn't like and I got hustled off and was told later that it was someone doing work to make a lougawou. Another time I was in a car very late at night in a pretty quiet area and there was a fire in a crossroads and I would swear I saw a person changing shape. I don't know...Haiti is a special place.
Hope this helps, let me know if I can be of more assistance!
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chacolachao · 2 years
can you tell us a bit about that oc you got a commission of?? they look cool!!!!
eheheh oh yes of course!! This is the baby, his name is The Little Lord (or Mars) and he lives on a lovely little island with little crabs, a dock, and a small village nearby.
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One afternoon a strange figure is seen floating above the waters, lit by the sunset. They seem strange and stay motionless even when LL calls to ask if they need help.
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Suddenly, mysterious inky creatures burst out of sea and start engulfing the island and the village in the substance. LL, not knowing how to stop it, jumps and grabs the strange figure. They struggle and just as the stranger zooms through a portal to launch across the ocean, LL cracks the gem on their chest causing them to lose control and plummet into the ocean.
They eventually wake up on a strange coast, both dripping in ink as if losing their form in the salt waters. Eventually they both seem good as new, but utterly lost. LL must then try to get home while the stranger (Pikane) must rely on him to return to their mistress, as they are unable to fly anymore. Their mistress is this tall lady:
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Also apparently LL is a prototype version of Pikane that was lost somewhere but he doesnt remember that haha He can also do this so that's cool:
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My baby boi is lovely and I may have been watching too many Kingdom Hearts amvs at the time
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r3mlato · 1 year
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az utobbi idoben nem nagyon volt kajaposzt, ez egyresz annak koszonheto, hogy koltoztunk es kb mostanra razodott ossze a konyha, masreszt cimbikkel csinaltunk discord szervert ahova mindenki kirakja mit fozott epp aznap, igy jol tudunk orvendezni egymas foztjenek es emellett remek csatorna otleteket meriteni ha epp nem tudja az ember fia/lanya epp mit fozzon. azert az elmult ket honapban is volt par uj etel ami megerdemli, hogy megemlitsem, sult oldalas vilagbajnok jalapenos cornbread-del es zeller remuladdal (tulkepp egy coleslaw zellerrel), kakaos csiga amin van meg mit javitani, steak and sali amikor nincs kedvunk fozni, stromboli amihez kell talalnom egy uj tesztateceptet mert az utolso ketto nem sikerult valami jol, volt megint spanish lomo, vegre van pince a curing chambernek meg kert a fustolonek, mar csak ido es energia kene neki allni valami ujnak, mondjuk egy teliszalaminak vagy sopresattanak. volt meg tavaszi fritatta, maradekmento quesadilla, szinte hetente ramen, thai husgolyok pikans mogyoroszosszal, talaltunk iszonyi jo es egyszeru tom kha receptet meg husvetra csinaltunk sonkat hazi tormaval.
csak ne szeretnenk ennyire fozni es enni.
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dailycharacteroption · 6 months
Class Feature Friday: Fate Patron/Spinner of Threads Patron (Pathfinder 2nd Edition Witch Patron and Remastered Version)
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(art by Asfodelo on DeviantArt)
Today we have another First on the blog, this one being a case where a class feature got renamed and altered slightly with the Pathfinder 2E Remaster that has now come out. With that in mind I’ll probably do a special at some point featuring any changes that came to 2E features that have notable changes which I’ve already covered.
In any case, today we’re looking at another witch patron, namely those that govern fate, though they are also known as Spinners of Fate in the remaster.
Fate is a fickle thing, and one that is utterly unknowable for most mortals aside from a few glimpses here and there and educated guesses.
It’s only natural, then, that there would be those who seek knowledge of the future and that which is beyond the mortal ken, either for oneself or to help others either achieve their destiny or avoid it (or at least mitigate the worst of a dark fate).
And so, some witches seek out, or are contacted by patrons of fate. Such beings might be beings known for their power over prophecy, such as norns, or they might be minor divinities or the servants of higher divinities that govern fate and prophecy, such as Pharasma, Grandmother Spider, Shyka the Many, Madgh, and so on.
Such witches might be fortune-tellers using their power to ply their trade, or they might seek to be advisors of powerful leaders of allies, or venture off on their own in search of their own destiny!
As one might expect, these witches and their patrons favor the divination side of things, gathering information as well as those lovely luck buffs and even unluck debuffs on enemies, so they certainly have a lot of potential to fulfill their destinies.
Naturally, their focus on the secrets of fate and fortune means that these patrons offer magic of the occult discipline, which does offer a lot of divination magic and fortune effects.
The basic hex taught by these patrons allows the mage to subtly nudge fate, turning a failure on the edge of a knife into a success.
Their other spell in their baseline arsenal lets them see into the immediate future and strike true against foes.
The Revised version of the patron also grants an additional ability as the familiar itself gains an auspicious mark which either looks lucky or like an ill omen depending on the situation, bolstering allies when you cast helpful hexes, or making foes more vulnerable to your hostile hexes.
The following witch feats could prove useful to a fate witch: Cackle, Counterspell, Basic Lesson (Lesson of Calamity), Chaotic Spell, Spirit Familiar, Major Lesson (Renewal), Familiar’s Eyes, Siphon Power, and Patron’s Truth, though obviously, others might appeal to you.
Like all patron, this option is fairly basic, relying on you to fill out the rest to fit the theme or diverge from it. However, this theme is great for those that seek to debuff the heck out of foes with misfortune effects and buff themselves and allies with fortune.
I’ve mentioned this a lot before, but how your character views the concepts of fate and fortune go a long way towards describing their relationship with their patron and how they view the world. Do they believe everything is ordained and seeing the future only helps one achieve it, or do they believe things can be changed?
It’s easy to assume an ifrit kobold would be some sort of pyromancer, but Pikan instead uses his understanding of flame as a focus for divination magics, under the tutelage of a spirit he calls the Branching Candle. He doesn’t, however, speak of how he forged a pact with such a being.
Recent reports speak of a group of warriors that adorn their armor in bones and waylay travelers through the valley. Further investigation reveals that they revere death and severed threads of fate, and that their leader is some sort of witch that delights in ruining the destinies of others through death and destitution.
Balan has always been lucky, and has become something of a living good luck charm for the caravan he calls home. However, it seems that something has taken notice of him, as a strange owl has been following their wagons and staring at him at night, whispering an offer for great magic, but does the patron this familiar represents wish to cultivate his gifts, or exploit them?
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pika-pikan · 2 years
Pikan Cevizi Hk.
İnsanlar tarafından kullanılan ceviz ağaçlarının kökeni arkeolojik olarak 8.000 yıl öncesine kadar izlenebilir. Kaydedilen ilk ceviz ağacı tarihi, bir İspanyol kaşif tarafından 1500'ler civarındadır. Thomas Jefferson, ağacın ilk şampiyonlarından biriydi ve geniş bir meyve bahçesi dikti, daha sonra George Washington'a fidan verdi. 1700'lerin sonlarında ve 1800'lerin başlarında, cevizlerin tarihinin kazançlı bir ticaret mahsulüne dönüştüğünü gören bir endüstri doğdu.
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chacolacereal · 1 year
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Gonna make a version with Pikane as well so they can both finally be next to each other
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 year
caribbean herirage month hc day 9 yall aint ready‼️‼️
hc that the shepards mom when she was pregnant w tim and then eventually curly and angela did this thing in haiti called prend pikan where like a mother or someone like that wraps this fabric around a mother and her belly while she’s pregnant to basically protect her and the baby all throughout the pregnancy and the delivery so the shepards moms mother did that for her🙏🏽🙏🏽
and now look at em, safely delivered and kinda thrivin
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dawnsleif · 2 years
pikane -> dawnsleif
did it on impulse 🐧
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garanna · 5 months
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Princess Peach Mermaid
I waited until Mermaid Month (Mermay) to make this fanart of Peach, the mermaid version of Princess Peach Showtime.
Twitter(X): FR(SFW): https://twitter.com/GarannaCelias EN(NSFW): https://twitter.com/GarannaNSFW DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/garanna Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinjty.net/pikanic/ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17642849 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/garanna_celias/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/garanna.bsky.social Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@Garanne
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