#Covid-19 Causes Tinnitus
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darkmaga-returns · 6 days ago
by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
Yale University researchers detected the spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccine in the blood of at least one person 709 days after vaccination — a significantly longer time than previously measured.
The research team also found that many people thought to be experiencing long COVID may instead be suffering from post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) caused by the spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccines.
PVS symptoms, similar to those of long COVID, commonly include brain fog, dizziness and tinnitus.
Study participants who were never infected with the virus but who had PVS had “significantly higher” levels of spike protein circulating in their blood — with the protein detected between 26-709 days after they received a COVID-19 vaccine.
The study, co-authored by a team of scientists led by three Yale University researchers and published Tuesday on the medRxiv preprint server, also found that those who were vaccinated experienced autoimmune disorders, immune system exhaustion and other biological changes following vaccination.
In some cases, other viruses that were dormant in their bodies, such as Epstein-Barr, were reactivated.
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philosopherking1887 · 2 years ago
Apparently Madeline Miller, of Song of Achilles fame, also still has Long Covid 3 years after catching Covid-19 in early 2020. Her op-ed is copied below (mostly under a Keep Reading link) for those who can't get past WaPo's paywall.
In 2019, I was in high gear. I had two young children, a busy social life, a book tour and a novel in progress. I spent my days racing between airports, juggling to-do lists and child care. Yes, I felt tired, but I come from a family of high-energy women. I was proud to be keeping the sacred flame of Productivity burning. Then I got covid. I didn’t know it was covid at the time. This was early February 2020, before the government was acknowledging SARS-CoV-2’s spread in the United States. In the weeks after infection, my body went haywire. My ears rang. My heart would start galloping at random times. I developed violent new food allergies overnight. When I walked upstairs, I gasped alarmingly.
I reached out to doctors. One told me I was “deconditioned” and needed to exercise more. But my usual jog left me doubled over, and when I tried to lift weights, I ended up in the ER with chest pains and tachycardia. My tests were normal, which alarmed me further. How could they be normal? Every morning, I woke breathless, leaden, utterly depleted. Worst of all, I couldn’t concentrate enough to compose sentences. Writing had been my haven since I was 6. Now, it was my family’s livelihood. I kept looking through my pre-covid novel drafts, desperately trying to prod my sticky, limp brain forward. But I was too tired to answer email, let alone grapple with my book. When people asked how I was, I gave an airy answer. Inside, I was in a cold sweat. My whole future was dropping away. Looking at old photos, I was overwhelmed with grief and bitterness. I didn’t recognize myself. On my best days, I was 30 percent of that person. I turned to the internet and discovered others with similar experiences. In fact, my symptoms were textbook — a textbook being written in real time by “first wavers” like me, comparing notes and giving our condition a name: long covid.
In those communities, everyone had stories like mine — life-altering symptoms, demoralizing doctor visits, loss of jobs, loss of identity. The virus can produce a bewildering buffet of long-term conditions, including cognitive impairment and cardiac failure, tinnitus, loss of taste, immune dysfunction, migraines and stroke, any one of which could tank quality of life. For me, one of the worst was post-exertional malaise (PEM), a Victorian-sounding name for a very real and debilitating condition in which exertion causes your body to crash. In my new post-covid life, exertion could include washing dishes, carrying my children, even just talking with too much animation. Whenever I exceeded my invisible allowance, I would pay for it with hours, or days, of migraines and misery. There was no more worshiping productivity. I gave my best hours to my children, but it was crushing to realize just how few hours there were. Nothing was more painful than hearing my kids delightedly laughing and being too sick to join them. Doctors looked at me askance. They offered me antidepressants and pointed anecdotes about their friends who’d just had covid and were running marathons again. I didn’t say I’d love to be able to run. I didn’t say what really made me depressed was dragging myself to appointments to be patronized. I didn’t say that post-viral illness was nothing new, nor was PEM — which for decades had been documented by people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome — so if they didn’t know what I was talking about, they should stop sneering and get caught up. I was too sick for that, and too worried.
I began scouring medical journals the way I used to close-read ancient Greek poetry. I burned through horrifying amounts of money on vitamins and supplements. At night, my fears chased themselves. Would I ever get relief? Would I ever finish another book? Was long covid progressive? It was a bad moment when I realized that any answer to that last question would come from my own body. I was in the first cohort of an unwilling experiment. When vaccines rolled out, many people rushed back to “normal.” My world, already small, constricted further. Friends who invited me out to eat were surprised when I declined. I couldn’t risk reinfection, I said, and suggested a masked, outdoor stroll. Sure, they said, we’ll be in touch. Zoom events dried up. Masks began disappearing. I tried to warn the people I loved. Covid is airborne. Keep wearing an N95. Vaccines protect you but don’t stop transmission. Few wanted to listen. During the omicron wave, politicians tweeted about how quickly they’d recovered. I was glad for everyone who was fine, but a nasty implication hovered over those of us who weren’t: What’s your problem?
Friends who did struggle often seemed embarrassed by their symptoms. I’m just tired. My memory’s never been good. I gave them the resources I had, but there were few to give. There is no cure for long covid. Two of my friends went on to have strokes. A third developed diabetes, a fourth dementia. One died. I’ve watched in horror as our public institutions have turned their back on containment. The virus is still very much with us, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stopped reporting on cases. States have shut down testing. Corporations, rather than improving ventilation in their buildings, have pushed for shield laws indemnifying them against lawsuits. Despite the crystal-clear science on the damage covid-19 does to our bodies, medical settings have dropped mask requirements, so patients now gamble their health to receive care. Those of us who are high-risk or immunocompromised, or who just don’t want to roll the dice on death and misery, have not only been left behind — we’re being actively mocked and pathologized. I’ve personally been ridiculed, heckled and coughed on for wearing my N95. Acquaintances who were understanding in the beginning are now irritated, even offended. One demanded: How long are you going to do this? As if trying to avoid covid was an attack on her, rather than an attempt to keep myself from sliding further into an abyss that threatens to swallow my family.
The United States has always been a terrible place to be sick and disabled. Ableism is baked into our myths of bootstrapping and self-reliance, in which health is virtue and illness is degeneracy. It is long past time for a bedrock shift, for all of us. We desperately need access to informed care, new treatments, fast-tracked research, safe spaces and disability protections. We also need a basic grasp of the facts of long covid. How it can follow anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of infections. How infections accumulate risk. How it’s not anxiety or depression, though its punishing nature can contribute to both those things. How children can get it; a recent review puts it at 12 to 16 percent of cases. How long-haulers who are reinfected usually get worse. How as many as 23 million Americans have post-covid symptoms, with that number increasing daily. Over three years later, I still have long covid. I still give my best hours to my children, and I still wear my N95. Thanks to relentless experimentation with treatments, I can write again, but my fatigue is worse. I recognize how fortunate I am: to have a caring partner and community, health insurance, good doctors (at last), a job I can do from home, a supportive publishing team, and wonderful readers who recommend my books. I’m grateful to all those who have accepted the new me without making me beg.
Some days, long covid feels manageable. Others, it feels like a crushing mountain on my chest. I yearn for the casual spontaneity and scope of my old life. I miss the friends and family who have moved on. I grieve those lost forever. So how long am I going to do this? Until indoor air is safe for all, until vaccines prevent transmission, until there’s a cure for long covid. Until I’m not risking my family’s future on a grocery run. Because the truth is that however immortal we feel, we are all just one infection away from a new life.
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bobv48-blog · 2 years ago
Paul Hennessy/SOPA/Getty Images
June 14, 2023
Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system
Daniel Horowitz
Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!
You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:
508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events;
One-third of the AEs were classified as serious, well above the standard for safety signals usually pegged at 15%;
Women reported AEs at three times the rate of men;
60% of cases were reported with either “outcome unknown” or “not recovered,” so many of the injuries were not transient;
Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.
These numbers alone suggest that all COVID shots should be defunded and Congress must immediately remove liability protections from the manufacturers. But a more recent document released by the Europeans is even more devastating, because it breaks down the 1.6 million adverse events observed by Pfizer by category and subcategory of ailment and injury.
The 393-page confidential Pfizer document, dated Aug. 19, 2022, shows that Pfizer observed over 10,000 categories of diagnosis, many of them very severe and very rare. For example:
Pfizer was aware of 73,542 cases of 264 categories of vascular disorders from the shots. Many of them are rare conditions.
There were hundreds of categories of nervous system disorders, totaling 696,508 cases.
There were 61,518 AEs from well over 100 categories of eye disorders, which is unusual for a vaccine injury.
Likewise, there were over 47,000 ear disorders, including almost 16,000 cases of tinnitus, which even Mayo Clinic researchers observed as a common but often devastating side effect early on.
There were roughly 225,000 cases of skin and tissue disorders.
There were roughly 190,000 cases of respiratory disorders.
Disturbingly, there were over 178,000 cases of reproductive or breast disorders, including disorders you wouldn’t expect, such as 506 cases of erectile dysfunction in men.
Very disturbingly, there were over 77,000 psychiatric disorders observed following the shots, lending credence to Dr. Peter McCullough’s research observing case studies showing psychosis correlating with vaccination.
3,711 cases of tumors – benign and malignant
Of course, there were almost 127,000 cardiac disorders, running the gamut of about 270 categories of heart damage, including many rare disorders, in addition to myocarditis.
There were over 100,000 blood and lymphatic disorders, for both of which there’s a wealth of literature linking them to the spike protein.
When reading what Pfizer knew early on juxtaposed to independent studies, it’s clear that nobody could have mistaken most of these AEs for mere incidental ailments. Here is a list of 3,129 case studies chronicling vaccine injury in every organ system observed in this Pfizer document.
What is so jarring is that there are hundreds of very rare neurological disorders that reflect something so systemically wrong with the shots, a reality that was clearly of no concern to the manufacturers and regulators alike. One of the infamous cases of vaccine injury was Maddie de Garay, an Ohio teen who became disabled for life immediately after participating in the Pfizer clinical trial. Her story is chronicled in chapter 16 of my book. I checked this confidential document and found that they knew of 68 cases of her rare diagnosis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
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bllsbailey · 9 days ago
Yale Scientists Identify New Syndrome Linked To COVID-19 Vaccines, Showing 'Distinct Biological Changes' To One's Body
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(L) Dr. Anthony Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, arrives to testify before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic at the Rayburn House Office Building on June 03, 2024 in Washington, DC. / (R) Trees bloom on the campus of Yale University on April 16, 2008 in New Haven, Connecticut.
Yale University’s top experts have identified an extremely concerning condition associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines – which they say has been shown to alter the biology of your body.
The “post-vaccination syndrome” is a previously unidentified illness that seems to cause exercise intolerance or fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, and brain fog, among other issues.
Years after receiving the initial injection and boosters, patients can also exhibit noticeable biological alterations — such as variations in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood.
“From participants’ blood samples, the researchers looked for immune features that were different between the two groups. They found several differences in immune cell populations; those with PVS had lower levels of effector CD4+ T cells and higher levels of TNF-alpha+ CD8 T cells — both are types of white blood cells — among other differences,” according to Yale’s news outlet. “That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point,” Iwasaki added. “We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms, because there were other participants with PVS who didn’t have any measurable spike protein. But it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome.”
Additionally, the condition seems to reactivate Epstein-Barr, a virus that can cause flu-like symptoms, nerve issues, and swollen lymph nodes.
Nonetheless, the Yale scientists tried to reassure the public’s worries, maintaining that the findings “are still a work in progress,” and the finalized results of the study have not yet been published. However, the results from the reputable university indicate that additional study on post-vaccination syndrome is required, according to independent specialists.
Finding out who is most at risk and how common the illness is will be the next stage of the study.
“But this is giving us some hope that there may be something that we can use for diagnosis and treatment of PVS down the road.”
Between December 2022 and November 2023, Iwasaki’s team took blood samples from at least 42 individuals with post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) and 22 individuals without it for the new, non-peer-reviewed study.
“When they analyzed the patients’ immune systems, those with PVS had different proportions of some immune cells. It’s unclear what these differences might mean as the researchers couldn’t link them to specific symptoms,” Daily Mail reported.
The scientists also examined 134 “healthy” vaccination recipients and 134 individuals with “long COVID,” since symptoms of PVS overlap with it.
However, in March last year, Australian medical researchers at Queensland Health claimed that the term “long COVID” should be thrown out and not taken seriously. They argued that the symptoms of those who have said to be afflicted for at least a year were no different from those of any ordinary virus, like the flu.
Meanwhile, regarding Yale’s recent COVID-19 vaccine study, Epstein-Barr syndrome appeared to be reactivated in both PVS patients and those who noted symptoms of “long COVID.”
Epstein-Barr is an infection that is shared through bodily fluids like semen or saliva, and over 90% of adults are said to have had it at some point in their lives. The virus remains dormant in the body after symptoms like fever, rashes, and exhaustion go away — but it can also reactivate when the immune system is weak.
Additionally, COVID-19 spike protein levels were also much higher in PVS patients. Some of the long-term symptoms are believed to be caused by these persistent spike proteins, which tend to keep the body in an inflammatory state.
Dr. Iwasaki continued, expressing, “That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point… We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms, because there were other participants with PVS who didn’t have any measurable spike protein… But it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome.”
In addition, Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a co-senior study author, and Harold H. Hines, a junior professor of Medicine at Yale, commented on the concerning discovery in a joint statement as well.
“Our responsibility as scientists and clinicians is to listen to their experiences, rigorously investigate the underlying causes, and seek ways to help,” they said.
The National Library of Medicine website, which is run by the National Institutes of Health, has also since reported some alarming information in regard to myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
“We found the number of myocarditis reports in VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 was 223 times higher than the average of all vaccines combined for the past 30 years. This represented a 2500% increase in the absolute number of reports in the first year of the campaign when comparing historical values prior to 2021. Demographic data revealed that myocarditis occurred most in youths (50%) and males (69%). A total of 76% of cases resulted in emergency care and hospitalization. Of the total myocarditis reports, 92 individuals died (3%). Myocarditis was more likely after dose 2 (p < 0.00001) and individuals less than 30 years of age were more likely than individuals older than 30 to acquire myocarditis (p < 0.00001).”
Myocarditis can be fatal, and a percentage of those with myocarditis may end up needing a heart transplant.
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treatnow · 1 year ago
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy May Be the First, Only Clinically Effective Treatment for Long COVID
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February 26, 2024 Erin Hunter, Associate Editor https://www.pharmacytimes.com/ “I’m better than I was before I had long COVID, and in so many ways,” said a patient in an interview with Pharmacy Times." Key Takeaways Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) may be an effective treatment for long COVID, and it is the only therapy that has shown clinical effectiveness in a controlled clinical trial. The benefits of HBOT are durable, as it triggers neuroplasticity in the brain and may reverse brain damage caused by COVID infection. There are still many challenges in diagnosing and treating long COVID, as there are more than 200 symptoms associated with it (with most affecting the brain and nervous system), and many patients experience a delay in diagnosis or dismissal of symptoms. After suddenly developing a series of severely debilitating neurological and physical disorders, Lynette Milakovich, a yoga teacher currently living in The Villages, Florida, spent almost 2 years and $20,000-plus on doctors’ appointments and failed therapies to treat her symptoms. It took nearly this duration of time before she learned the cause of her illness was long COVID-19 (long COVID), she told Pharmacy Times in a recent interview. It was not until receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatment that she found lasting relief. HBOT is currently the only treatment protocol that has been proven clinically effective in the treatment of long COVID in a controlled clinical trial, according to Shai Efrati, MD, the co-founder and chairman of the Medical Advisory Board to Aviv Scientific, and director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine & Research at Shamir Medical Center, in an interview with Pharmacy Times. Additionally, there are findings from a new longitudinal study published in Scientific Reports —which evaluated patient outcomes after 1 year of finishing an HBOT intervention— that show that the benefits sustained from HBOT might be long-term. According to Efrati. HBOT can repair brain tissue damaged by COVID-19, and this can actually lead to permanent changes.1 “When we take care of the brain damage, it heals symptoms,” Efrati told Pharmacy Times. What Is Long COVID? There are estimates that more than 65 million people around the world have had long COVID, although this number is likely to be higher, according to investigators of a study published in Nature Reviews Microbiology.2 Long COVID (also referred to as post–COVID-19 condition) is a syndrome characterized by mild-to-severe symptoms of COVID-19 that can last for weeks, months, or years after overcoming initial COVID-19 infection.3 There are more than 200 symptoms associated with long COVID.3 Symptoms can be an extension of those experienced during acute infection, or they can appear as new symptoms altogether—and although symptoms can impact many different organ systems, they largely affect the brain and central nervous system (CNS).2,3 “We understand that COVID may penetrate the brain through blood vessels or the cribriform plate that is located above our nose and cause brain damage in the neurons,” Efrati said. “So, what we are dealing with is brain damage.” Milakovich had suffered from many symptoms related to dysregulation of the brain and CNS: total body neuropathy, tinnitus, postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), tachycardia, high blood pressure, tremors, convulsions, insomnia, and severe mental symptoms (cognitive decline, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations, apathy, and post-traumatic stress disorder). Long-Term Impact of HBOT for Patients With Long COVID The purpose of HBOT is to increase oxygen absorption into tissue, which can support brain injury recovery;1 it may be particularly effective for brain/CNS symptoms because it triggers brain neuroplasticity, or “the ability of the brain to repair itself,” Efrati explained. In essence, neuroplasticity enables the brain to reverse the damage and dysregulation caused by the virus. Previous studies affirm these neuroplastic benefits in patients with stroke and traumatic brain injury who had improved cognitive and motor function and quality of life measures following HBOT. Findings from previous studies also show that HBOT creates positive microstructural changes in the brain.1 However, no studies had evaluated the long-term clinical benefits associated with HBOT for patients with long COVID.In the present longitudinal study, 31 patients—having originally completed 40 sessions of HBOT the year prior at Aviv Clinics—filled out a series of questionnaires about quality of life, quality of sleep, and psychiatric and pain symptoms.1 Patients were treated with hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox (HHP), an HBOT protocol that exposes the patient to elevated atmospheric pressure (compression/decompression rate of 1.0 m/min) and fluctuating oxygen levels (100% oxygen for 90 minutes with intermittent breaks of medical-grade air with normal 21% oxygen levels). 1 Based on the results, HBOT was found to be associated with persistent improvements in quality of life, quality of sleep, psychiatric and pain symptoms. There was a moderate magnitude of improvement in neuropsychiatric symptoms (ie, depression, anxiety) and sleep quality that lasted long term, along with a significant reduction in pain and significant increase in quality of life at the time of analysis.1 “ I still have a bit of tinnitus, the rest of the symptoms are gone,” says Milakovich. “I have full cognition and feeling back… no more tremors and convulsions, no more PoTS.” Prior to HBOT, Milakovich used various pharmacologic agents to try and treat symptoms individually: low-dose naltrexone for nerve pain/neuropathy, a nitric-oxide supplement (Cardio Miracle ) for PoTs and tachyardia, and temazepam (Restoril; Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals) for insomnia. Milakovich also found anecdotal evidence supporting the use of other supplements like nattokinase (Cardiokinase; Plamed), curcumin, and bromelain for long COVID. Efrati noted it may be worth trying different methods and treatments for long COVID, however, none offer evidence-based outcomes besides HBOT. In time, Efrati believes that HBOT clinics will begin to create a multi-strategy treatment protocol to treat patients more effectively. Additionally, Efrati explained that going forward, there will need to be more research on the specific minimum number of sessions required for recovery. Currently, Efrati and other HBOT practitioners have made it a practice to calibrate the number of treatments needed for patients based on their response. Long COVID and The Patient Perspective of Medical Gaslighting It's worth noting that long COVID can have many possible symptoms, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Moreover, there are no laboratory tests that can technically prove an individual is suffering from long COVID.4 Given the myriad of symptoms, continued knowledge gaps, diagnostic difficulty, and other factors, there have been reports that long COVID is being improperly diagnosed; as a result, patients have reported that they feel like they are experiencing medical gaslighting, according to findings from a qualitative study that aimed to understand the experience of patients with long COVID in seeking care in the United States.5 Investigators observed that patients thought that their providers dismissed symptoms, met patients with a lack of empathy, and some providers were reported to have disqualified the patient experience and their ability to report symptoms. This can make the patient feel as though they must “prove” that their illness is real, and it can ultimately prolong the time it takes to receive adequate care.5 According to 1 study participant, it took over a year to prove that their symptoms were not psychosomatic.5 In Milakovitch’s case, it took nearly 2 years and countless providers before receiving a proper diagnosis, and she cautions pharmacists and providers to not “make the patient believe it is all in their head.” “Patients need to be validated because long COVID is real,” Milakovich said. Conclusion Therapies like HBOT are an exciting innovation that can transform the treatment of long COVID. HBOT can provide long term improvements to neuroplasticity and reduce brain damage—it is the only therapy that has been proven safe and effective, improving psychological symptoms, pain symptoms, and quality of life in patients with long COVID.1 “I’m better than I was before I had long COVID,” Milakovich said. “And in so many ways, I have my life back!” REFERENCES Hadanny A, Zilberman-Itskovich S, Catalogna M, Elman-Shina K, et al. Long term outcomes of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in post covid condition: longitudinal follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Sci Rep 14, 3604 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41598-024-53091-3 Davis HE, McCorkell L, Vogel JM, Topol EJ. Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations. Nat Rev Microbiol 21, 133–146 (2023). Doi:10.1038/s41579-022-00846-2 COVID-19 and the Nervous System. NIH. Article. Last reviewed on January 30, 2024. Accessed on February 18, 2024. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/current-research/coronavirus-and-ninds/covid-19-and-nervous-system#:~:text=SinceCOVID19canaffect,twitchingorjerking(myoclonus). Katella K, What Happens When You Still Have Long COVID Symptoms? Yale Medicine. News Release. October 27, 2023. Accessed on February 26, 2024. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/long-covid-symptoms Au L, Capotescu C, Eyal G, Finestone G. SSM Qual Res Health. 2022 Dec; 2: 100167. Published online 2022 Sep 7. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100167 Read the full article
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art-of-manliness · 1 year ago
Odds & Ends: March 1, 2023
Fitness Trackers Find New Symptom of Depression — Body Temperature. Researchers using data from the Oura Ring fitness tracker to see if it could detect early symptoms of COVID-19 (it could), made another unexpected finding: a link between body temperature and depression. On days when people’s body temperature was higher, they reported more depressive symptoms. It isn’t clear if a hot body temperature causes depression or is correlated with it, but there has been other preliminary research linking body temperature, as well as inflammation, with the disorder. There has also been preliminary research showing that using a sauna can help with depression. The lead author of this study points out that sauna use surprisingly leads to longer-term cooling of body temperature than doing ice baths. For more on body temperature, depression, and sauna use, check out this past episode of the podcast.  The Warrior Monk Philosophy of Trainer Cus D’Amato: The 5 Strategic Principles That Turned Mike Tyson Into a World Champion. We published this short ebook several years ago. It’s a solid, inspiring read, if I do say so myself. You likely know about Mike Tyson, but you might not know about the cantankerous old trainer at a small boxing gym in the sleepy town of Catskill, New York who molded Tyson into one of the greatest boxers of all time: Cus D’Amato. We highlight the 5 principles that guided Cus’ training philosophy along with the books Cus gave Tyson to read and Tyson’s training routine. It’s available on Amazon Kindle or as a PDF from our online store.  Vibes High Fidelity Earplugs. Ever since tinnitus became a part of my life, I’ve taken extra precautions with my ear health, and that means wearing earplugs when I attend rock concerts. The problem with most earplugs is that they muffle all noise and reduce the sound quality of a music performance. Vibes High Fidelity Earplugs lower the decibel levels of a rock show while maintaining a quality listening experience. They also make it easier to hear when people are talking to you at a concert. I wore the Vibes to a show last week at the historic Cain’s Ballroom here in Tulsa, and they worked like a charm. Midland. A great country-rock band based out of Texas. Their sound can be described as traditional country combined with 1970s swagger. Their album On The Rocks is filled with bangers like “Make a Little” and “Burn Out.” Great to play when you’re cruising the open plains or desert.  Check out the Random Article Button on AoM. We’ve published 4,000+ posts on AoM in the past 16 years. If you’re looking for a way to randomly discover some of that content, check out the Random button we’ve added to the top of the site on the menu. In trying it out, I’ve even discovered some articles that I forgot we published! Quote of the Week Politeness is not always a sign of wisdom; but the want of it always leaves room for the suspicion of folly. —Walter S. Landor The post Odds & Ends: March 1, 2023 appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/T3Tx9W
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rediscoverhearing · 1 year ago
Ear Wax Removal Bulk Bill Perth
While most of the time, earwax is a natural, healthy part of the body’s self-cleaning process, sometimes it builds up to the point where it can block the ear canal or cause problems with hearing. When this occurs, a health professional can remove it safely with either irrigation or suction. The latter method involves a health professional (typically an otolaryngologist or a general practitioner) with an operating microscope and a suction tool that is inserted into the ear canal. The doctor may also use a variety of instruments to help loosen, lift and tease out the wax.
Irrigation of the ear is generally done first to soften up the wax before removal. It is commonly recommended that a person uses ear drops for several days prior to removal, and various liquids can be used including olive oil, hydrogen peroxide or mineral oil. It is important to remember that irrigating the ears without the aid of a health professional can lead to ear infections, particularly in children.
Some people find that using a store-bought earwax removal kit is effective. These kits usually include wax-softening drops and safe removal tools, such as a bulb syringe. Filling the syringe with water and squeezing it close to your ear opening, then tilting your head towards the ground, will help to flush out the earwax. This is a much less dangerous option than standard ear syringing, which can be very painful.
However, if the earwax is not removed and continues to build up, it can cause hearing loss or itchiness in the ear canal. Occasionally, it can even push against the eardrum and cause a blockage, which is known as an impacted earwax. This can cause tinnitus, dizziness or pain and can interfere with the function of hearing aids.
For the most serious cases of impacted earwax, you will need to have it removed by a health professional. Most GPs and some health professionals trained in the procedure, called micro-suction (or suction cleaning), will offer this service.
It is a more accurate and safer way to remove earwax than syringing, where the wax is removed blindly with a pressurised stream of water and up to 1 in 1000 patients experience major complications. Here at Herdsman Medical Centre, we have a highly experienced team of doctors and nurses who perform ear wax removal bulk bill Perth by microscope with microsuction.
We have a clinic room dedicated for this service and can bulk bill this service for patients who have a medicare card. This means that you only pay a small out of pocket fee on the day and we can process your medicare rebate electronically through Tyro using EFTPOS so it is immediately sent into your bank account. This is a great service for those who are not able to attend a GP clinic or who cannot wait for a scheduled appointment. Call us today to make an appointment. Covid 19 Vaccinations are also available at this practice, please ask the receptionist for further details.
Rediscover Hearing the Joy of Hearing with Your local & WA owned Independent Audiologists. Your local Hearing Aid and Tinnitus Specialists. Combined experience of 38 years.
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hopexhappiness · 2 years ago
Me in the middle of the night after bumping my head for the 3rd time in the same night: How many minor head injuries equals one concussion?
Me a week ago having bumped my head hard twice in the same spot while half a sleep and then forgetting about it until I saw evidence of it in the mirror the next day: Probably more than 5? It’s fine, don’t think about it.
Covid-19: You’ve got bigger problems. Don’t worry the brain fog is just cus of me.
Also Covid-19: Have fun with the tinnitus btw! I’m sure that definitely won’t cause you extreme distress as a musician!
Me: *almost swallows a bug, gets period for the first time in 6 months, develops back pain and bumps head about 4 more times*
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decentralvaccine · 2 years ago
Possible Link Between Tinnitus And Covid 19 Vaccines
Tinnitus is a condition which occurs when a person hears sounds that come from inside their bodies, rather than from an outside source, often described as a 'ringing in the ears'.
While there is no proof yet that the vaccines caused the hearing condition, theories have surfaced among researchers.
A Facebook group called "Tinnitus and Hearing Loss/Impairment after COVID vaccination" convinced researchers to look into the potential links.
The group, which currently has over 4,000 members, has said in its description that they are "pro-vaccine" and that the page is for people "who believe they have developed tinnitus or a worsening of tinnitus after receiving the COVID vaccination".
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publichealthcare99 · 4 years ago
Scientists Finally Admit that Covid-19 Causes Tinnitus
New Post has been published on https://thebestsolution4u.com/scientists-finally-admit-that-covid-19-causes-tinnitus/
Scientists Finally Admit that Covid-19 Causes Tinnitus
Scientists Finally Admit that Covid-19 Causes Tinnitus
The scientific community has made it clear: there’s something going on between tinnitus, hearing loss, and covid-19. Scientists have finally admitted that Covid 19 can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. My name is dr ben thompson. I’m here to share this statement that was recently released by the biggest professional organizations in the united states. Including the american academy of audiology the american speech language hearing association and the academy of doctors of audiology the three biggest professional organizations.
Scientists Finally Admit that Covid-19 Causes Tinnitus
That represent hearing doctors and represent individuals with hearing conditions this is a report from the end of april in 2021. It’s a report that was submitted to the house energy and commerce committee. A subcommittee for health and hearing called the long haul forging a path through the lingering effects of covid 19.
Read more: My message for the Pure Tinnitus community
Making this video to share with you my audience that professionals do care about the relationship between covid and hearing loss kovid and tinnitus. This opens a lot of questions right it opens a lot of questions let’s learn about what they were describing there’s a strong correlation between covid 19 hearing loss and vestibular problems. The emerging research suggests a strong link between covit 19 and hearing loss including tinnitus.
There was a study in england published in the international journal of audiology which reviewed evidence from 24 different studies on the link between covid 19 and hearing problems. Based on the systematic review scientists estimate that seven percent of people infected with covid 19 experience hearing loss. Again seven percent of people infected with kova 19 experience hearing loss or changes to hearing 15 suffer tinnitus and 7 reported vertigo this brings up a lot of questions for me being a tinnitus audiologist tinnitus specialist.
The authors of the study also identified an urgent need for more research of long-term effects of covet on the auditory system. I want to highlight some other important aspects of this for you that there was a lot of media and publicity around kent taylor. Who was founder and ceo of texas roadhouse in the united states who unfortunately very sadly took his own life after suffering from postcovid related symptoms.
One of them being severe ringing in the ears tinnitus and a statement issued by the family said that mr taylor fought the condition. But the suffering that greatly intensified in recent days became unbearable mr taylor had recently committed to funding a clinical study to help members of the military.
Who also suffer from tinnitus the report goes on to share that audiologists are the professionals who diagnose and treat hearing loss auditory processing disorders tinnitus. Other auditory disorders this was signed to bring awareness to the community of individuals who have synonymous and this committee came together to leverage the existing research and studies.
That were completed for tinnitus as an effect of coven 19. And raise awareness about it now me personally through pure tinnitus. I’ve worked with patients who have developed tinnitus as a result of covid19. I’ve also worked with patients who have developed tinnitus as a result of the cova-19 vaccine. There’s something about this virus that’s affecting the ear. Is it an inflammatory response that’s causing neural inflammation of the auditory system is it some sort of neurological infection.
That’s affecting the eighth cranial nerve which impacts hearing dizziness vertigo tinnitus those kinds of questions will be pursued further by researchers. If you’re watching this and maybe your tinnitus or your hearing has changed as a result of coping 19 there are resources out there for you feel free to leave a comment.
We’ll do our best to help you there are professionals who can help there is support for you if your hearing has changed significantly. I’m sorry we’re sorry that happened there are things we can do technology support professional guidance go seek help get the help that’s out there. If your tinnitus has changed as a result of kofi 19 what works for most people who develop tinnitus don’t force it don’t try to fight it use the videos on this channel as a reference.
I’m dr ben thompson audiologist founder of pure tinnitus i’m making this video to raise awareness about kova 19 and tinnitus so thank you for watching please like this video.
Read more: Silencil Natural Remedies For Tinnitus
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didanawisgi · 3 years ago
Ramsay Hunt syndrome following COVID-19 vaccination
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused profound social and economic upheaval. COVID-19 vaccines promise to prevent infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, due to their expedited approval, these vaccines need to be vigilantly monitored for their safety. Cases of Bell’s palsy have also been reported after COVID-19 vaccine injection. In two phase III trials of COVID-19 vaccines involving around 38 000 patients, there were seven cases of Bell’s palsy after vaccine compared with one case after receiving placebo.1 2 As the p value was 0.07 and this was a post hoc analysis, no definite association could be inferred.
We recently diagnosed Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) in a 37-year-old previously healthy man. Two days after his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine, he noticed fever and a pain in the right ear. Vesicles were then developed in his right ear and canal, together with vertigo, tinnitus and loss of hearing. He complained of facial palsy, tongue numbness and dysgeusia. On examination, he had grade 4 right facial nerve palsy of the lower motor neuron type with right sensorineural hearing loss (figure 1A). There were no other neurological deficits. Vesicles with serous discharge were found over the right concha and external auditory canal (figure 1B). A swab of the exudate was positive for varicella-zoster DNA on PCR, while throat saliva was negative for SARS-COV-2. A CT scan of the brain was normal. The diagnosis was RHS leading to peripheral facial nerve palsy, vestibulocochlear neuropathy and glossopharyngeal somatic sensory neuropathy. As his symptoms developed 2 days after vaccination, we suspected the vaccination triggered RHS. This would be the first reported case of RHS after COVID-19 vaccination.
Bell’s palsy is the most common cause of an acute onset peripheral facial palsy. Some cases were attributed to the reactivation of herpes-simplex virus (HSV) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The former is always underdiagnosed. However, the blisters of herpes zoster (HZ) allow a diagnosis to be made clinically. Reactivation of the VZV at the facial nerve leads to RHS type 2 (herpes-zoster oticus). However, there are also cases where RHS may manifest without the skin lesions such that it cannot be differentiated from Bell’s palsy without PCR or antibody titre testing.3
HZ is associated with COVID-19 vaccination. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reported 232 HZ-related adverse events among COVID-19 vaccines among 1653 reports of vaccine-related complications since July 1990. All reported cases so far affected other dermatomes.4 VZV-specific CD8 cells may be temporarily incapable of controlling the VZV after the massive shift of naive CD8+ cells to produce vaccine-targeting CD8+ cells.4 The vaccine may also dampen the innate immunity responsible for controlling VZV.5 Therefore, vaccine-related immunomodulation may be responsible for the RHS after vaccination.
RHS is rare for patients under 60 years old with no previous history of HZ. Therefore, COVID-19 vaccination was likely to be the stress causing reactivation of VZV. What we have described is rare, and may be the missing link between COVID-19 vaccination and Bell’s palsy, providing a plausible explanation for the facial palsy.
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darkmaga-returns · 9 days ago
Pucker up, pandemic of the vaccinated confirmed. Late last year there were rumblings about a significant study from Yale University on COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects which apparently found products from the jab in vaccinees’ bodies up to 2 years later. The pre-print is now up and it’s a doozy. Source. It even got a mention in the mainstream media, the same lot that told us to take the jab. Source.
First, an issue that means so much to me, since they basically lied to us about the jab and its products only being in the body for a few days, staying at the injection site, and doing no harm. The researchers found that in people with PVS, post-vaccination syndrome, there was an unasked for long-term relationship. Detectable “S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein” was “found in participants’ plasma ranging from 26 to 709 days from the most recent known exposure”. Two years! Just like when it was confirmed the stuff was there months later, I say we wait for a longer study… They also noted the “similarities between PVS and long COVID symptoms” so it looks like having jabs built around the spike protein was not such a good idea, and perhaps most people with ‘long COVID’ actually have ‘long jab’. But wait, there’s more. Looks like the jab also causes “symptoms such as exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness, brain fog, neuropathy, insomnia, palpitations, myalgia, tinnitus or humming in ears, headache, burning sensations, and dizziness”.
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phonaesthemes · 4 years ago
Each day, interpreter Nicole Gagnon wakes up and heads to work worried she'll experience further loss of hearing — a sense even more vital to her livelihood than for many workers.
Gagnon says she and other federally employed interpreters are suffering from injuries that range from tinnitus, which causes ringing in the ears, to headaches, nausea and "acoustic shock" after nine months of interpreting parliamentarians online via fuzzy laptop mics and poor internet connections.
"I definitely am more tired. There's excessive fatigue involved," said Gagnon, who has worked as an interpreter for 35 years, seven of them freelancing on Parliament Hill.
More than 60 per cent of respondents to a new survey have experienced auditory issues that forced them to go on leave for recovery, according to the association representing some 70 accredited interpreters who orally translate English into French and vice versa at federal government proceedings.
Parliamentary interpreters have reported injuries more than 100 times since April, more than triple the number of injury reports filed during the previous 20 months, says the Canadian chapter of the International Association of Conference Interpreters.
The problem persists as MPs prepare to return virtually to the House of Commons next week, and senators to the upper chamber in early February. Roughly 15 per cent of staff interpreters remain on leave. A growing number of freelance interpreters are also taking time off from work.
The strain of Zoom-based proceedings has also prompted shorter shifts and more requests for transfer to non-virtual assignments during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a shrinking pool of available interpreters.
"As more and more of the staff interpreters sustained injuries in those early days, they began calling more and more on the freelance interpreters such as myself. But we are now suffering the same injuries because of the work involved," said Gagnon.
"The systems were not meant for interpretation."
A constant stream of low-quality sound and loud feedback loops create what the interpreters' association calls "toxic sound."
Many Canadians grapple with the frustrations of daily video conferencing, but Gagnon says the clash of speaking constantly overtop audio from high-decibel MPs adds a level of physical strain and mental stress that has pushed some interpreters to the breaking point.
"If you have to make an extra effort to try to make out what's being said — not to mention the stress you feel when you lose the sound midway or when the image freezes — all that breaks your focus. So you have to concentrate more, and that concentration provokes excessive fatigue," she said.
Periodic lags between video and audio and the lack of non-verbal communication are also taxing.
"Over Zoom or if people are wearing masks then there's a lot less visual cues that help with communication, especially if the video is turned off," said Arran McAfee, an audiologist at the Ottawa Hospital.
"There again it contributes to a large increase in listening effort for the interpreter. And that fatigue perhaps is contributing towards headaches and nausea."
The federal interpretation bureau did not respond immediately to requests for comment on calls for better sound quality and fewer working hours.
A study last fall found Canada ranked 13th out of 81 countries in the number of acoustic shock incidents suffered by interpreters, with six in 10 Canadian respondents having reported symptoms typical of the trauma.
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kayla1993-world · 3 years ago
Bilingualism in Parliament threatened by unaccredited, off-site hires: translators
Parliament Hill translators are crying foul over a House of Commons move to stave off "massive" worker shortages by hiring unaccredited, off-site interpreters.
The quality of bilingual interpretation is under major threat, says an international group that represents the translators — and Conservatives are raising concerns over the security of confidential meetings.
But government House leader Mark Holland maintains that there are enormous gaps in service, and bringing in outside help is crucial to keeping parliamentary business on track.
A six-month pilot project kicked off in June to test out remote translation services amid what Public Services and Procurement Canada called a worldwide shortage of interpreters.
At the end of that month, the department's translation bureau told the International Association of Conference Interpreters, which represents parliamentary interpreters, that it was seeking "external resources." The move is expected to affect those translating English and French.
That's when the alarm bells went off for the organization's advocacy lead, Nicole Gagnon. Gagnon said she was told that "external" meant "non-accredited" — an "unprecedented" shift that makes the group "very concerned" about the quality of bilingualism across the federal government.
"The parliamentarians count on the quality of our services," Gagnon said in an interview. "There's a relationship of trust there. They know when they speak in English, their words will be interpreted faithfully in French and vice versa."
Opposition House leader John Brassard said there could be security risks of moving interpretation off-site and questioned whether third-party interpreters are being vetted thoroughly enough.
Brassard said if an interpreter without proper security clearance attended a meeting that moved in camera, those confidential discussions may not be secure.
He also said the pandemic-era hybrid Parliament has caused interpreters to sustain workplace injuries, making worker shortages even worse.
Translators have reported suffering from injuries that ranges from tinnitus, which causes ringing in the ears, to headaches, nausea and "acoustic shock'' after months of translating parliamentarians online via fuzzy laptop mics and poor internet connections.
But Holland said the translator shortage predates COVID-19. "As the number of committees expand, as a work of the House expands, that is becoming a very significant inhibitor to the House doing its business," he said.
The board of internal economy, an all-party governing committee of House leaders and other MPs that makes financial and administrative decisions about the House of Commons, consulted with staff about how to fix the problem, Holland said.
Alexandra Maheux, a spokeswoman for Holland, did not address the security issue raised by Brassard. She noted Brassard is also a member of the board of the internal economy. Brassard took part in the May 19 meeting where the board approved the pilot project, according to the publicly available minutes, although discussions took place behind closed doors.
Since early in the pandemic, the House of Commons adapted its schedule so committee meetings could take place over the full work week (rather than over four days), a spokesperson for the House administration said.
The administration has also addressed sound issues proactively or when they arise, and has conducted testing of remote audio quality to ensure it meets "current industry best practices," the spokesperson added.
But with the federal government unable to meet translation demand with "current resources," it landed on the pilot program to bring in outside help.
The House spokesperson said it is asking other interpretation service providers for "fully qualified" interpreters, with requisite "accreditation, qualifications and experience," to support existing staff.
The May 19 meeting minutes also show the board of internal economy agreed that the House administration should still prefer translation bureau employees or freelancers, when they are available, over outside or remote interpretation services.
Still, Gagnon worries that the existing accreditation process could be broken or diluted if those workers are not held to the same standard.
She said her organization is failing to get traction on other proposed solutions, such as an electronic calendar that would allow fully accredited freelancers to share their availability, or further widening the window during which committee meetings can be held.
The House administration is expected to provide the board of an internal economy with an interim report on the pilot project in September.
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publichealthcare99 · 4 years ago
Tinnitus & Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects
New Post has been published on https://thebestsolution4u.com/tinnitus-covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/
Tinnitus & Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects
Tinnitus, Covid-19, & Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects
COVID and Tinnitus. I’m going share my thoughts on how both COVID and the COVID vaccines might impact the severity of tinnitus. So, question number one. Can COVID, can having Coronavirus cause tinnitus. There is an article called Changes in Tinnitus Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Tinnitus, Covid-19, & Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects
This is from frontiers in public health. This was released in 2020 and this article surveyed 3,100 people and 237 of the respondents reported that they had suffered Coronavirus symptoms and among that smaller group who had suffered Coronavirus symptoms, about 40% said that their symptoms of Tinnitus had worsened.
So, there seems to be some relationship with having the experience of COVID getting Coronavirus, the symptoms that come with that and then how that can change the perception of tinnitus. So, that has been noted in the medical research. and why is that?
Well COVID itself Coronavirus can potentially cause infection of the nerves of our nervous system that connect the senses into the spine, the senses into the brain. So, COVID itself can potentially cause infection of the nerves, autoimmune damage.
Read more: Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Coronavirus
The function of our autoimmune system can be damaged and then potentially blood clots changes to the cardiovascular system. I’m sure from your research, you’ve learned that tinnitus as a symptom is quite sensitive, meaning that changes to our psychology, changes to our body, getting sick, it can trigger tinnitus, it can even bring it from I never heard tinnitus or barely heard it at all to this is a dominating force in my life.
Additionally, getting sick or having some other change in life can bring on an increase in loudness of tinnitus. So, the findings from that study where they surveyed thousands of people and out of those who had COVID they realized that about 40% said that their symptoms of tinnitus had worsened. Meaning they already had it and it temporarily changed. Did not stay permanently changed, but it did change.
So, those findings were preliminary and they relied mainly on patient questionnaires so, there’s possibly some overestimates. Other viral infections, measles, CMV, other similar viral infections they can cause hearing problems.
So, there is some link between certain viruses and how that can affect the hearing system particularly the cochlea, the hearing organ and the hearing nerve. It’s rather complicated. It’s rather sophisticated as an audiologist.
What I need to know is, okay these potential viruses can affect hearing and that might cause temporary changes in tinnitus or that might change hearing in a more permanent level. Other factors that are important to discuss here are that, think about what are the symptoms of getting COVID?
well, fever, congestion, headache, stress, a significant amount of anxiety for in fear of losing our life or the life of our loved ones. Now, if COVID causes those symptoms and those side effects then is the tinnitus caused by those symptoms?
Or is the tinnitus caused by the virus directly? Very hard to say. In some cases we won’t be able to know directly but it’s certainly evident that having a fever, getting sick, being congested, having a headache, being under high periods of stress and high periods of anxiety, that can change the tinnitus perception of either making it louder if we already had it. Some people would call that a tinnitus spike or it can potentially create tinnitus where previously you didn’t hear it at all, or maybe slightly here and there, but then suddenly it’s a symptom.
It’s a sound that’s constantly in our experience. And maybe some of you who are watching this can relate to that. The second sub-question about COVID is the COVID vaccine. This is quite interesting how tinnitus as a health condition, as a symptom, the virus itself can affect tinnitus and the vaccine which prevents the virus can also affect tinnitus.
It’s pretty unique in that regard. So, can the COVID vaccine cause tinnitus or make it worse? There was a study in the United Kingdom, in England that looked at the side effects from vaccine for the Pfizer and the AstraZeneca vaccines.
So, 20 million doses of those vaccines were administered during this period, and they have a system called the Yellow Card reporting system, where individuals can report their side effects and they’re encouraged to report side effects whatever side effects come from these vaccines Because these vaccines are so new, there’s been no vaccine in history that’s been released to the public so quickly, about one year, less than a year it’s been, created, tested, produced, manufactured, released.
So, in a way we’re all part of this clinical trial because this process much more expedited than typical vaccines, as you are probably aware of. So, 20 million doses were administered in England during this time period and a total of 116,000 Yellow Card reporting adverse effects were reported to the group.
And out of those, a total of 780 individuals reported tinnitus. Whether they had tinnitus as a side-effect or their tinnitus change significantly as a side effect. So, from that research, from that article, from the government of England, they’re saying which is the equivalent of our CDC, we’ll call it, in the US that fewer than one in 32,000 people are reporting tinnitus as a side effect of those major vaccines for COVID. So, that classifies the side effect as very rare.
That’s a good sign, Many people with tinnitus tell me, as I work via Zoom sessions with telehealth patients with tinnitus, they tell me all the time that , the last thing they can imagine is how are they going to live if their tinnitus gets worse? And I feel like that’s a common fear of, someone gets tinnitus they start to do everything in their power to help them or they’re thinking everything they’re doing in their power is to help their condition because they can’t live with it getting any worse.
Read more: Extremely Powerful Tinnitus Sound Therapy
They, they don’t want to be in that state. And of course, of course you don’t deserve to be in that state. No one does. So, rest assured the major vaccines have tinnitus as a side effect is a very rare phenomenon. Now, you may say, well this system relies on people reporting side effects. And that there could be many people who just didn’t choose to report the side effect. And that’s a very true point.
This is not perfect. In fact, none of us are perfect. I strive to do my best this research strives to do their best and so do you in getting better with tinnitus. So, this is the best information we have and hopefully this gives you some confidence that if you’re considering the pros and cons of getting the COVID vaccine, if tinnitus is a make or break, if you’re scared of getting the vaccine because it might affect your tinnitus that’s very low chance.
So, statistically, it’s very rare for that to happen to you. Feels good I was glad to learn that result. Yes, I do try to follow the research and stay evidence-based so, it’s even better when the evidence is actually helpful in saying that we don’t have to worry about that.
Read more: Silencil Natural Remedies For Tinnitus
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