#Countryhumans Roman Empire
sane-human · 5 months
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doodles I've done these two days while staring at the screen and wondering if to post stuff again
A small progression of the Christians through different lands and how languages changed, from Jewish , to greek, to latin!
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k1ng0k · 4 months
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zoetheflower006 · 1 year
hola xd puedes hacer a Roma
por cierto tu estilo de arte es precioso mereces mas de 1000 seguidores la paleta todo, sigue asi
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Hola aquí esta el daddy :3
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crunchyhummus · 9 months
Roman Empire: I'm searching the globe for my long lost son, and to be the good father I never wanted to be.
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We're learning about the Roman Empire in school so I tried to make some lineless Roman Empire countryhuman art lol
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germanfamily · 2 years
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cawthedwal · 6 days
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susanmeki · 10 months
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sane-human · 1 year
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San Marino no likey
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Holy Family reunion :D
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venturesomescout · 1 year
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sketchy design for Holy Roman Empire
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dragonliliy · 1 year
Ahh yes countryhumans
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ali1438 · 2 months
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Holy Roman Empire Eagle 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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toa-cracau · 2 years
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My first countryhumans drawing from my alternative history universe! This is the kingdom of papal Rome, in this universe the Roman Empire didn’t completely die, Rome was able to maintain some territories, and wile he still calls himself an empire, most of not all countries refer to him as a kingdom, the pope and the “emperor” both have power, the pope being the one to crown the emperor who is the one meant to execute “ god’s will “.
Even tho this Rome will keep itself isolated (by request of the papacy) it will focus itself on science and technology, but the emperor and the nationalists don’t like this fake greatness Rome has been forced into.
Hope you guys are gonna like this, I enjoyed getting back into countryhumans and I hope I can satisfy you all with my art!
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ah-xun · 3 months
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pastabeer · 10 months
Gore :)
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I always love it when I find drawings of HRE because we don’t get enough of him
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