#Councillor of the Veela Cambiare
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Xisuthros, Councillor of the Veela-Cambiare
Partner to Nincubura Ninkigal, standing Councillor of the Veela-Cambiare of Arṣatum, and Ambassador to the Veela, Xisuthros is from a long line of Veela-Cambiare, the distinct result of Veela and Cambiare having offspring together. As is common with Veela-Cambiare his build is in general more human - or, more accurately, Veela - than that of most Cambiare. Energetic and driven. Xisuthros is not well-suited to staying cooped up at his desk all day, but then, neither are the group he is Council Member for. Instead, he often spends time out and about with the Veela and Veela-Cambiare of Bīt-Ekleti, his Kneazlynx Praxidike at his side.
While much of his time is spent resolving conflicts amongst Veela-Cambiare and helping the few Veela of Arṣatum settle in well, this does not mean he takes no time for himself. In the past he spent a great deal of time with his daughter, Hymnoanassa, and as she has grown older and more independent he has returned to tending his garden - of fungi and Arṣatum-specific plants - when he wishes to relax, as well as weaving bootlaces into which he weaves spells. The spells woven into the bootlace-threads vary, but all serve a purpose - he and all his companions bear at least one of his bespelled bootlaces when they make the trek to the Surface, and most carry more. Xisuthros also gives these bootlaces to the Surface Veela as gifts, usually ones enchanted with protective spells.
Though often calm and caring, Xisuthros does have a temper, commonly attributed to his Veela ancestry - a fact he does not deny, but does not full accept either, pointing out that plenty of Cambiare can be illogically angry as well. When frustrated by impossible delegates and officials he may leave to let off steam, often with gardening, though he has sometimes been seen in the glass-forges the Veela-Cambiare of Bīt-Ekleti are famed for, wielding fire in his palms and twisting glass into shape. Above all, Xisuthros is not a man willing to simply and always stay still, preferring to remain active and busy - a trait which has passed to his daughter, who, even as she grows more independent and towards choosing her own path, is nonetheless active in spending time with both her parents.
Art is by the excellent @agarthanguide
(Read about this individuals name origin over Here. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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