#Costa Rican general election 2018
cryptosecrets · 2 years
Nations fight back — Global Issues
Costa Rica is known for its strong democracy, pro-human rights stance, and deep respect of the rule of law, so it was a shock when the 2018 general elections ushered in an unprecedented polarization of Costa Rican society. Allegra Baiocchi, the UN resident coordinator in Costa Rica, witnessed the unprecedented polarization of society, and the strong advance of populist and conservative agendas,…
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cryptoking009 · 2 years
Nations fight back — Global Issues
Costa Rica is known for its strong democracy, pro-human rights stance, and deep respect of the rule of law, so it was a shock when the 2018 general elections ushered in an unprecedented polarization of Costa Rican society. Allegra Baiocchi, the UN resident coordinator in Costa Rica, witnessed the unprecedented polarization of society, and the strong advance of populist and conservative agendas,…
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gbwhtspro · 2 years
Nations fight back — Global Issues
Costa Rica is known for its strong democracy, pro-human rights stance, and deep respect of the rule of law, so it was a shock when the 2018 general elections ushered in an unprecedented polarization of Costa Rican society. Allegra Baiocchi, the UN resident coordinator in Costa Rica, witnessed the unprecedented polarization of society, and the strong advance of populist and conservative agendas,…
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gamegill · 2 years
Nations fight back — Global Issues
Costa Rica is known for its strong democracy, pro-human rights stance, and deep respect of the rule of law, so it was a shock when the 2018 general elections ushered in an unprecedented polarization of Costa Rican society. Allegra Baiocchi, the UN resident coordinator in Costa Rica, witnessed the unprecedented polarization of society, and the strong advance of populist and conservative agendas,…
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Nations fight back — Global Issues
Costa Rica is known for its strong democracy, pro-human rights stance, and deep respect of the rule of law, so it was a shock when the 2018 general elections ushered in an unprecedented polarization of Costa Rican society. Allegra Baiocchi, the UN resident coordinator in Costa Rica, witnessed the unprecedented polarization of society, and the strong advance of populist and conservative agendas,…
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Nations fight back — Global Issues
Costa Rica is known for its strong democracy, pro-human rights stance, and deep respect of the rule of law, so it was a shock when the 2018 general elections ushered in an unprecedented polarization of Costa Rican society. Allegra Baiocchi, the UN resident coordinator in Costa Rica, witnessed the unprecedented polarization of society, and the strong advance of populist and conservative agendas,…
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 40/??
Prince Felipe traveled to Costa Rica between May 7 and 8, 2014 to attend the inauguration of the President-elect, Luis Guillermo Solís
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Don Felipe, who traveled accompanied by the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and for Ibero-America, Jesús Gracia, and the General Director for Ibero-America, Pablo Gómez de Olea, was received upon arrival at the Juan Santamaría Airport in San José, Costa Rica by the Spanish ambassador to Costa Rica, Elena Madrazo; the first vice president of Costa Rica, Alfio Pira, and the administrative vice minister of Foreign Relations of Costa Rica, Luis Fernando Salazar.
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From the airport, His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias went to the Barceló San José Palacio Hotel, where he was received by the President-elect of the Republic of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solís; the First Lady, Mercedes Peñas, and their daughters Mónica, Cristina, Beatriz and Inés. Then, Don Felipe attended a breakfast offered by the President-elect, which was attended by the Spanish Ambassador of Spain to Costa Rica, the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and for Ibero-America, and the Director General for Ibero-America. On the Costa Rican side, the First Lady was present; the designated minister of Foreign Relations and Worship, Manuel González; the designated minister of the Presidency, Melvin Jiménez, and the designated minister of National Planning and Economic Policy, Olga Marta Sánchez.
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After the breakfast, His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias moved to the Presidential House, where he had a meeting with the outgoing President, Laura Chinchilla, and in which the Spanish ambassador to Costa Rica, the Secretary of State of International and Ibero-American Cooperation and the Director General for Ibero-America, together with the Costa Rican Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Worship and of Communication.
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At noon, Don Felipe attended a lunch at the Residence of the Spanish Ambassador in Costa Rica with prominent personalities in different areas of Costa Rican society, among whom were the director of the National Theater of Costa Rica, Adriana Collado; the poet and translator Luis Chaves; the executive director of the Business Association for Development, Silvia Lara; the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Fernando Ocampo; the economic journalist of the newspaper “El Financiero” Gilda González; the businessman in the food sector Marco Cercone; the Afro-Latin American policy of the Empsy Campbell Citizen Action Party; film director, producer and screenwriter Hilda Hidalgo; the legislative advisor and development consultant José Aguilar and the legislative adviser specialist in environmental law and designated vice minister of the Presidency, Ana Gabriel Zúñiga.
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In the afternoon, at the Barceló San José Palacio Hotel, His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias offered a reception to a representation of Spanish citizens residing in Costa Rica.
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The day ended with a cocktail offered by the outgoing President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, to the Heads of State and heads of delegation attending the inauguration, held at the National Museum - emblematic place of the abolition of the Army in Costa Rica by President Figueres; in 1948 it ceased to be a barracks to become a Mueso, today dedicated to pre-Columbian culture.
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His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias began the day on May 8, with a briefing with the Mexican delegation, attended by the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, José Antonio Meade Kuribreña; the undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean of Mexico, Vanessa Rubio Márquez; the Ibero-American Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan; the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and for Ibero-America, Jesús Gracia, and the general director for Ibero-America, Pablo Gómez de Olea. During the meeting, among other topics, the preparations for the next Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in the Mexican city of Veracruz, on December 8 and 9, 2014, were discussed.
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Subsequently, Don Felipe moved to the National Stadium, La Sabana Metropolitan Park, where he attended the Solemn Session of the Transmission of the Presidential command for the Constitutional Period 2014-2018.
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At noon, at the Cultural Center for Arts and Technology "La Aduana", a lunch was held by the President of Costa Rica and the First Lady to the Heads of State and heads of delegations attending the inauguration, at whose term Don Felipe undertook his return to Spain.
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thmnia · 7 years
Costa Rican General Election 2018
Costa Rican general election 2018 | Costa Rican general election 2018 Google Doodle
General elections will be held in Costa Rica on 4 February 2018 to elect both the President and Legislative Assembly.
The President of Costa Rica is elected using a modified two-round system in which a candidate must receive at least 40% of the vote to win in the first round; if no candidate wins in the first…
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thmnia01-blog · 7 years
Costa Rican General Election 2018
Costa Rican general election 2018 | Costa Rican general election 2018 Google Doodle
General elections will be held in Costa Rica on 4 February 2018 to elect both the President and Legislative Assembly.
The President of Costa Rica is elected using a modified two-round system in which a candidate must receive at least 40% of the vote to win in the first round; if no candidate wins in the first…
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
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On a warm sunday evening in Queens, New York, Joe Crowley stood before a group of about two dozen Democratic activists and made his case for why he should be returned to Congress for a 10th term. In his view, it was “destiny.”
“I was born for this role,” Crowley said at the May 20 meet-and-greet. Like President Donald Trump, he was born in Queens, though in entirely different circumstances. Trump came from great wealth and privilege, Crowley observed, while the congressperson was born to a family of Irish immigrants — the son of a police officer. Crowley is routinely floated as next in line to be the leader of the House Democrats if Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California steps aside or is ousted.  “He was trying to say that me being a guy from the same place [Trump] is from, I’m the guy to take him on,” said Andy Aujla, who hosted the event at his home.
To meet with that destiny, however, he has an obstacle to overcome: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — a Bronx-born millennial whose scrappy challenge from the left has generated excitement nationally and around the district, which encompasses parts of Queens and the Bronx.
If Crowley positions himself as a photo negative of the president, Ocasio-Cortez is a different medium altogether. A 28-year-old woman and daughter to a Puerto Rican mother and Bronx father, Ocasio-Cortez’s most notable novelty is arguably not her demographic profile, but her policy profile. She calls for the abolition of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, a federal jobs guarantee, and criminal justice reform “now.” “It doesn’t take 100 years to do this,” she intones in a viral campaign video. “It takes political courage.”
Crowley, though, when he talked about the campaign, shared his frustration over what he perceives to be an inordinate focus on ethnicity.
His opponent, he said, was trying to make the campaign “about race” — a strategy he called “unnecessarily divisive” at a time when the party needed to be “fighting Republicans, not other Democrats,” according to two people at the gathering.
“I can’t help that I was born white,” Crowley said. One of those who heard Crowley’s speech, Nick Haby, a Democratic activist who attended the meet-and-greet, agreed to speak on the record, while the second asked for anonymity given Crowley’s power in the Queens political machine.
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Vijay Chaudhuri, a spokesperson for the Crowley campaign who was at the event, said Crowley’s remarks had been inaccurately relayed in a manner intended to “tear down Joe and boost his primary opponent.”  
The Crowley campaign connected The Intercept with the host of the event, Aujla, to refute the claims being made, but Aujla said that while he didn’t hear Crowley opine on the political implications of his whiteness that evening, he had heard him make a version of that remark before. “I don’t remember him saying that directly, but I have heard him say at other places, ‘I can’t help the color of my skin or anything like that, but I am very diverse, I support very diverse people,’ or something to that extent,” said Aujla, adding that he was not offended by anything Crowley said that evening.
New York state Sen. Michael Gianaris, whom the Crowley campaign also recommended to The Intercept, was at the event as well. He said he did not hear Crowley’s comments about race, though he did hear his riff about being born in the same place as Trump.
City councilman Costa Constantinides said that he’s heard Crowley contrast himself with Trump at so many events he could recite that portion of the stump speech verbatim. “He feels like he was born for this moment; there couldn’t be two guys from Queens who are more different,” Constantinides, who has endorsed Crowley and was at the gathering, recounted.
He said he didn’t recall Crowley making any comments about his own race being a hinderance in the campaign. Constantinides explained that he wasn’t paying close attention to Crowley’s talk, that he was mostly chatting with constituents and eating baklava during the remarks. “I remember him saying he’s not running against Alexandria, but he’s running against a president that is wrong,” he said.
Haby said he came to the event with an open mind about Crowley, but he left leaning against him, even though he aligns with the Hillary Clinton wing of the party, whose agenda is most closely mirrored by Crowley’s. (Ocasio-Cortez is a former organizer for Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign and has been endorsed by Sanders-affiliated groups Our Revolution and People for Bernie Sanders, as well as the Democratic Socialists of America.)
Most of those at the event were white or white-presenting, Haby said, and he found Crowley’s defense that he couldn’t “help” being born white, coupled with his claims of being “destined” for leadership, odd and off-putting.
The source who originally tipped The Intercept off to Crowley’s alleged remarks in the days following the event was similarly troubled by Crowley’s comments on race. “It just felt really weird and not appropriate,” he explained.  
If Crowley’s comments seem odd, it may be because Crowley is relatively inexperienced at campaigning.
Crowley graduated from Queens College in 1985 while his uncle, Walter Crowley, was serving as a city councilor — a seat he had inherited from then-Queens party boss Tom Manton. Walter Crowley died in 1985, and according to subsequent New York Times reporting, Joe Crowley “set his eyes” on the seat, but was thwarted. “[W]hen Assemblyman Ralph Goldstein died in 1986, Mr. Crowley decided to run in the Democratic primary to succeed him. It was a crowded race with seven candidates. Mr. Crowley, then 24, won that race decisively,” the Times reported.
Crowley fended off a primary challenger in 1988, winning comfortably.
In 1999, when Manton, by then a member of Congress, retired, Crowley got a phone call from him. “On the last legal day to find a replacement, Mr. Manton convened a small meeting and telephoned Joseph Crowley, then an Assemblyman, to tell him he would be on the ballot in November [2000] as a congressional candidate,” the New York Sun reported.
He was effectively appointed to Congress by the party boss. Crowley also inherited Manton’s role as the new “king of Queens,” and has run the district machine since then. He had to defend his seat against primary challengers in 2002 and 2004 and each time won comfortably.
Despite having been in elected office for more than 30 years, Crowley has faced just four primary contests, and won them all comfortably. He has not faced a challenger since 2004.
His seat is now being challenged by Ocasio-Cortez, who’s running with a grassroots army, national attention, and a popular campaign ad that celebrates her independence from the Queens machine — her freedom to mount a direct challenge to the throne.
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(Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walks at her neighborhood in Bronx, New York, on April 21, 2018.)
The irony that Crowley laments how he “can’t help” being white, while ignoring the political advantages he inherited, is not lost on Ocasio-Cortez. “The congressman could have helped that he accepted inheritance of his seat from a multigenerational political dynasty without a true primary — a process by which people of color are historically locked out of representation. The congressman could help that he voted to establish ICE. The congressman can help the fact that he accepts money from developers that are displacing our communities and the folks criminalizing our backyards,” she told The Intercept.
“Additionally, why is it that the congressman can proudly discuss his Irish heritage on the campaign trail, but I am somehow barred from mentioning my Puerto Rican family?”
(Continue Reading)
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia
Coffee in Armenia is like beer to Europeans. When you arrive, you’ll quickly learn that when a new friend invites you out for a drink, they don’t mean a pint of beer. It is almost always a coffee.
In homes, cafes, and restaurants, it is predominantly made with unfiltered, finely ground beans in a small pot, called a jezve or cezve. This is, of course, known as Turkish-style, though don’t say that to Armenians due to the historically tense relations between the two neighbors. Armenia, a small nation of three million, is also wedged between Georgia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. The people here see coffee as a staple of every meal. It comes dark and rich and, more often than not, sweet.
A landlocked country with a complex history, the country experienced a politically charged 2018. Sick of the deep-rooted corruption that had spread its roots through every part of society, people took to the streets in a bid to overthrow the long-ruling Republican Party. After a peaceful revolution, the protest leader, Nikol Pashinyan, became Prime Minister and has since seen his party win a landslide election. It is a time of optimism in this small, yet beautiful, former Soviet country.
The capital of Yerevan embodies this newfound optimism. Bright and bustling, one of the oldest cities in the world is a fusion of monolithic Soviet-era buildings, ad hoc balcony and roof extensions, and modern new-builds. Water fountains, parks, grand government buildings, and public squares are spread across the city. And with an increasingly demanding service industry, cafes have become Yerevan’s speciality. There are hundreds within the city centre.
  The Green Bean
Launched in 2012, The Green Bean was an attempt to carve out an environmental conscience in Armenia’s cafe industry. Owned for the last three years by Lilit Ishkhanian and her husband, The Green Bean claims to be the first in the city to be entirely non-smoking.
Its sustainability mindset combined with a craving for locally sourced produce can create issues at times, admits Ishkhanian, but they have led the charge with their eco-concept approach. The theme continues through the restaurant’s design, including messages of environmental caution sketched on the walls and a wide chipboard bar at the main cafe, which is just minutes from the Republic Square.
Another Green Bean cafe serves the students at the campus of the American University of Armenia, while a franchise outlet is located at the foot of the city’s grand Cascade stairway. All three sell a Costa Rican and Peruvian blend roasted at the main cafe. They began roasting five years ago and have seen locals join tourists in buying into the cafe’s coffee and concept—particularly during the Velvet Revolution, says Ishkhanian.
She recalls tables full of excited Armenians, desperately following the movement on laptops, tablets, and phones. And the subsequent political changes have left Ishkhanian excited for the future. “The country now needs an economic revolution,” she says when asked about any possible expansion.
The Green Bean has multiple locations around Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook.
Mirzoyan Library
An escape from busy city centre traffic, Mirzoyan Library is hidden just behind Yerevan’s impressive Republic Square. An arched entrance on a narrow side street opens into the grand 19th-century courtyard, which houses a small public library, a cafe, art gallery, and studio space. An ancient chestnut tree stands tall above the two-floor wooden terrace which is packed full of young tourists and locals throughout the year.
Named after its founder, Karen Mirzoyan, the cafe was opened in 2014 alongside the photobook library, which features donated books from across the world. The gallery also serves as a late-night venue with regular jazz and electronic music nights.
The coffee, Buon Gusto, comes from Bristot, and blends Arabica beans from Brazil, India, and Central America with Asian Robusta varieties. The rich body and intense aroma make it ideal for an intense espresso and there is nowhere better in Yerevan to enjoy it than overlooking Mirzoyan’s sunlit courtyard.
Mirzoyan Library is located at 10 Mher Mkrtchyan St, Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
One of Armenia’s largest cafe chains, Jazzve opened its first branch back in 2003 when Yerevan was a completely different city. The ubiquity of Yerevan’s cafes and restaurants had not yet appeared across a city that was still adjusting to independence from the Soviet Union, and Jazzve can take some credit for that industry’s subsequent success. Its name comes from the concept of combining cezve-made coffee and jazz music and has stretched to five outlets. Three of those lie within Yerevan’s small city-centre with the most popular on Abovyan Street, just meters from the Republic Square.
Despite a rebrand in 2018, the chain has kept true to its traditional method of coffee-making. Using cold water in a cezve pot filled with blends from Ethiopia, Honduras, Cameroon, and Guatemala, the coffee comes thick and rich. Around a year ago, Jazzve opted to introduce three “Armenian coffee” varieties to its customers as a tribute to one of the nation’s most beloved writers, Hovhannes Tumanyan. Named Gohar, Anush, and Tamar, characters from Tumanyan’s poems—the brand uses the term Armenian coffee loosely as it refers to the techniques of their process rather than the coffee being grown in the small, mountainous nation. All three are sold in shops across the country, with Anush, a 70-30% blend of Arabica and Robusta, this writer’s favorite choice.
Jazzve has multiple locations around Yerevan. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Artbridge Bookstore Cafe
One of Yerevan’s oldest coffee spots, the Artbridge Bookstore Cafe in the city centre was the first to combine literature and coffee. The cafe was opened in 2001 by Shakeh Havan, who wanted to create a space where women felt comfortable to dine or drink alone. Its interior has changed little in the 18 years since, and includes a smoking room inspired by Armenian manuscripts and hieroglyphics. The ceiling’s exposed beams are decorated with painted copies of ancient documents while the walls host different artists every month. The back (non-smoking) room takes its inspiration from the Urartu Kingdom, or the Kingdom of Van, which was centered around Lake Van in the historic Armenian Highlands—now modern-day Turkey.
Customers in Artbridge can surreptitiously tuck themselves into the cafe’s corners. High-profile Armenian-Americans such as System Of A Down’s Serj Tankian and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian are often seen there during visits to Yerevan and it has also been a personal favorite eaterie of the current Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan over the years.
Artbridge buys its coffee from a local roastery, where it is blended into what they call their “secret Artbridge blend.” A combination of Costa Rican and Tanzanian beans, it is served in a French press and has a light, subtle sweetness. Those looking for a more authentic experience can order the small muddy Eastern coffee. Either way, the best bet would be to pair it with the cafe’s mouthwatering French toast.
Artbridge Bookstore Cafe is located at 20 Abovyan St, Yerevan. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
The ideal experience for a romantic late-evening coffee, Impresso is Yerevan’s tribute to the Italian cafe. It pairs modern lighting and tall ceilings with a number of vintage accessories, including a 1950s analogue TV that sits high on the bar. They only sell Caffé Mauro, which is bought directly from Italy and the cafe boasts that it is the “only place to get a real Italian espresso in Yerevan.” Almost the entire Caffé Mauro range is for sale though you’ll generally find yourself drinking from the original line, with its high-caffeine, spicy aroma, and strong flavors.
Aside from their coffee, Impresso also offers a broad menu ranging from a number of succulent pasta dishes to the intriguingly named pizza cones. The real eye-catching food items are found in the dessert menu, however, with homemade carrot cake and gato-chocolate among the choices.
Despite its long opening hours, the dark, classy interior and teardrop lighting make it more suitable for an evening outing. With piano music every night except Sunday, Impresso offers far more than just a great Italian espresso.
Impresso Coffee Shop is located at 5a Vardanants St, Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook.
Joe Nerssessian is a freelance journalist based in Armenia. This is Joe Nerssessian’s first feature for  Sprudge.
Photos supplied courtesy of each cafe.
Top image © Adobe Stock/Photoaliona
The post The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia appeared first on Sprudge.
The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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mrwilliamcharley · 5 years
The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia
Coffee in Armenia is like beer to Europeans. When you arrive, you’ll quickly learn that when a new friend invites you out for a drink, they don’t mean a pint of beer. It is almost always a coffee.
In homes, cafes, and restaurants, it is predominantly made with unfiltered, finely ground beans in a small pot, called a jezve or cezve. This is, of course, known as Turkish-style, though don’t say that to Armenians due to the historically tense relations between the two neighbors. Armenia, a small nation of three million, is also wedged between Georgia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. The people here see coffee as a staple of every meal. It comes dark and rich and, more often than not, sweet.
A landlocked country with a complex history, the country experienced a politically charged 2018. Sick of the deep-rooted corruption that had spread its roots through every part of society, people took to the streets in a bid to overthrow the long-ruling Republican Party. After a peaceful revolution, the protest leader, Nikol Pashinyan, became Prime Minister and has since seen his party win a landslide election. It is a time of optimism in this small, yet beautiful, former Soviet country.
The capital of Yerevan embodies this newfound optimism. Bright and bustling, one of the oldest cities in the world is a fusion of monolithic Soviet-era buildings, ad hoc balcony and roof extensions, and modern new-builds. Water fountains, parks, grand government buildings, and public squares are spread across the city. And with an increasingly demanding service industry, cafes have become Yerevan’s speciality. There are hundreds within the city centre.

  The Green Bean
Launched in 2012, The Green Bean was an attempt to carve out an environmental conscience in Armenia’s cafe industry. Owned for the last three years by Lilit Ishkhanian and her husband, The Green Bean claims to be the first in the city to be entirely non-smoking.
Its sustainability mindset combined with a craving for locally sourced produce can create issues at times, admits Ishkhanian, but they have led the charge with their eco-concept approach. The theme continues through the restaurant’s design, including messages of environmental caution sketched on the walls and a wide chipboard bar at the main cafe, which is just minutes from the Republic Square.
Another Green Bean cafe serves the students at the campus of the American University of Armenia, while a franchise outlet is located at the foot of the city’s grand Cascade stairway. All three sell a Costa Rican and Peruvian blend roasted at the main cafe. They began roasting five years ago and have seen locals join tourists in buying into the cafe’s coffee and concept—particularly during the Velvet Revolution, says Ishkhanian.
She recalls tables full of excited Armenians, desperately following the movement on laptops, tablets, and phones. And the subsequent political changes have left Ishkhanian excited for the future. “The country now needs an economic revolution,” she says when asked about any possible expansion.
The Green Bean has multiple locations around Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook.
Mirzoyan Library
An escape from busy city centre traffic, Mirzoyan Library is hidden just behind Yerevan’s impressive Republic Square. An arched entrance on a narrow side street opens into the grand 19th-century courtyard, which houses a small public library, a cafe, art gallery, and studio space. An ancient chestnut tree stands tall above the two-floor wooden terrace which is packed full of young tourists and locals throughout the year.
Named after its founder, Karen Mirzoyan, the cafe was opened in 2014 alongside the photobook library, which features donated books from across the world. The gallery also serves as a late-night venue with regular jazz and electronic music nights.
The coffee, Buon Gusto, comes from Bristot, and blends Arabica beans from Brazil, India, and Central America with Asian Robusta varieties. The rich body and intense aroma make it ideal for an intense espresso and there is nowhere better in Yerevan to enjoy it than overlooking Mirzoyan’s sunlit courtyard.
Mirzoyan Library is located at 10 Mher Mkrtchyan St, Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
One of Armenia’s largest cafe chains, Jazzve opened its first branch back in 2003 when Yerevan was a completely different city. The ubiquity of Yerevan’s cafes and restaurants had not yet appeared across a city that was still adjusting to independence from the Soviet Union, and Jazzve can take some credit for that industry’s subsequent success. Its name comes from the concept of combining cezve-made coffee and jazz music and has stretched to five outlets. Three of those lie within Yerevan’s small city-centre with the most popular on Abovyan Street, just meters from the Republic Square.
Despite a rebrand in 2018, the chain has kept true to its traditional method of coffee-making. Using cold water in a cezve pot filled with blends from Ethiopia, Honduras, Cameroon, and Guatemala, the coffee comes thick and rich. Around a year ago, Jazzve opted to introduce three “Armenian coffee” varieties to its customers as a tribute to one of the nation’s most beloved writers, Hovhannes Tumanyan. Named Gohar, Anush, and Tamar, characters from Tumanyan’s poems—the brand uses the term Armenian coffee loosely as it refers to the techniques of their process rather than the coffee being grown in the small, mountainous nation. All three are sold in shops across the country, with Anush, a 70-30% blend of Arabica and Robusta, this writer’s favorite choice.
Jazzve has multiple locations around Yerevan. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Artbridge Bookstore Cafe
One of Yerevan’s oldest coffee spots, the Artbridge Bookstore Cafe in the city centre was the first to combine literature and coffee. The cafe was opened in 2001 by Shakeh Havan, who wanted to create a space where women felt comfortable to dine or drink alone. Its interior has changed little in the 18 years since, and includes a smoking room inspired by Armenian manuscripts and hieroglyphics. The ceiling’s exposed beams are decorated with painted copies of ancient documents while the walls host different artists every month. The back (non-smoking) room takes its inspiration from the Urartu Kingdom, or the Kingdom of Van, which was centered around Lake Van in the historic Armenian Highlands—now modern-day Turkey.
Customers in Artbridge can surreptitiously tuck themselves into the cafe’s corners. High-profile Armenian-Americans such as System Of A Down’s Serj Tankian and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian are often seen there during visits to Yerevan and it has also been a personal favorite eaterie of the current Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan over the years.
Artbridge buys its coffee from a local roastery, where it is blended into what they call their “secret Artbridge blend.” A combination of Costa Rican and Tanzanian beans, it is served in a French press and has a light, subtle sweetness. Those looking for a more authentic experience can order the small muddy Eastern coffee. Either way, the best bet would be to pair it with the cafe’s mouthwatering French toast.
Artbridge Bookstore Cafe is located at 20 Abovyan St, Yerevan. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
The ideal experience for a romantic late-evening coffee, Impresso is Yerevan’s tribute to the Italian cafe. It pairs modern lighting and tall ceilings with a number of vintage accessories, including a 1950s analogue TV that sits high on the bar. They only sell Caffé Mauro, which is bought directly from Italy and the cafe boasts that it is the “only place to get a real Italian espresso in Yerevan.” Almost the entire Caffé Mauro range is for sale though you’ll generally find yourself drinking from the original line, with its high-caffeine, spicy aroma, and strong flavors.
Aside from their coffee, Impresso also offers a broad menu ranging from a number of succulent pasta dishes to the intriguingly named pizza cones. The real eye-catching food items are found in the dessert menu, however, with homemade carrot cake and gato-chocolate among the choices.
Despite its long opening hours, the dark, classy interior and teardrop lighting make it more suitable for an evening outing. With piano music every night except Sunday, Impresso offers far more than just a great Italian espresso.
Impresso Coffee Shop is located at 5a Vardanants St, Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook.
Joe Nerssessian is a freelance journalist based in Armenia. This is Joe Nerssessian’s first feature for  Sprudge.
Photos supplied courtesy of each cafe.
Top image © Adobe Stock/Photoaliona
The post The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge http://bit.ly/2UNiLHh
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia
Coffee in Armenia is like beer to Europeans. When you arrive, you’ll quickly learn that when a new friend invites you out for a drink, they don’t mean a pint of beer. It is almost always a coffee.
In homes, cafes, and restaurants, it is predominantly made with unfiltered, finely ground beans in a small pot, called a jezve or cezve. This is, of course, known as Turkish-style, though don’t say that to Armenians due to the historically tense relations between the two neighbors. Armenia, a small nation of three million, is also wedged between Georgia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. The people here see coffee as a staple of every meal. It comes dark and rich and, more often than not, sweet.
A landlocked country with a complex history, the country experienced a politically charged 2018. Sick of the deep-rooted corruption that had spread its roots through every part of society, people took to the streets in a bid to overthrow the long-ruling Republican Party. After a peaceful revolution, the protest leader, Nikol Pashinyan, became Prime Minister and has since seen his party win a landslide election. It is a time of optimism in this small, yet beautiful, former Soviet country.
The capital of Yerevan embodies this newfound optimism. Bright and bustling, one of the oldest cities in the world is a fusion of monolithic Soviet-era buildings, ad hoc balcony and roof extensions, and modern new-builds. Water fountains, parks, grand government buildings, and public squares are spread across the city. And with an increasingly demanding service industry, cafes have become Yerevan’s speciality. There are hundreds within the city centre.

  The Green Bean
Launched in 2012, The Green Bean was an attempt to carve out an environmental conscience in Armenia’s cafe industry. Owned for the last three years by Lilit Ishkhanian and her husband, The Green Bean claims to be the first in the city to be entirely non-smoking.
Its sustainability mindset combined with a craving for locally sourced produce can create issues at times, admits Ishkhanian, but they have led the charge with their eco-concept approach. The theme continues through the restaurant’s design, including messages of environmental caution sketched on the walls and a wide chipboard bar at the main cafe, which is just minutes from the Republic Square.
Another Green Bean cafe serves the students at the campus of the American University of Armenia, while a franchise outlet is located at the foot of the city’s grand Cascade stairway. All three sell a Costa Rican and Peruvian blend roasted at the main cafe. They began roasting five years ago and have seen locals join tourists in buying into the cafe’s coffee and concept—particularly during the Velvet Revolution, says Ishkhanian.
She recalls tables full of excited Armenians, desperately following the movement on laptops, tablets, and phones. And the subsequent political changes have left Ishkhanian excited for the future. “The country now needs an economic revolution,” she says when asked about any possible expansion.
The Green Bean has multiple locations around Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook.
Mirzoyan Library
An escape from busy city centre traffic, Mirzoyan Library is hidden just behind Yerevan’s impressive Republic Square. An arched entrance on a narrow side street opens into the grand 19th-century courtyard, which houses a small public library, a cafe, art gallery, and studio space. An ancient chestnut tree stands tall above the two-floor wooden terrace which is packed full of young tourists and locals throughout the year.
Named after its founder, Karen Mirzoyan, the cafe was opened in 2014 alongside the photobook library, which features donated books from across the world. The gallery also serves as a late-night venue with regular jazz and electronic music nights.
The coffee, Buon Gusto, comes from Bristot, and blends Arabica beans from Brazil, India, and Central America with Asian Robusta varieties. The rich body and intense aroma make it ideal for an intense espresso and there is nowhere better in Yerevan to enjoy it than overlooking Mirzoyan’s sunlit courtyard.
Mirzoyan Library is located at 10 Mher Mkrtchyan St, Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
One of Armenia’s largest cafe chains, Jazzve opened its first branch back in 2003 when Yerevan was a completely different city. The ubiquity of Yerevan’s cafes and restaurants had not yet appeared across a city that was still adjusting to independence from the Soviet Union, and Jazzve can take some credit for that industry’s subsequent success. Its name comes from the concept of combining cezve-made coffee and jazz music and has stretched to five outlets. Three of those lie within Yerevan’s small city-centre with the most popular on Abovyan Street, just meters from the Republic Square.
Despite a rebrand in 2018, the chain has kept true to its traditional method of coffee-making. Using cold water in a cezve pot filled with blends from Ethiopia, Honduras, Cameroon, and Guatemala, the coffee comes thick and rich. Around a year ago, Jazzve opted to introduce three “Armenian coffee” varieties to its customers as a tribute to one of the nation’s most beloved writers, Hovhannes Tumanyan. Named Gohar, Anush, and Tamar, characters from Tumanyan’s poems—the brand uses the term Armenian coffee loosely as it refers to the techniques of their process rather than the coffee being grown in the small, mountainous nation. All three are sold in shops across the country, with Anush, a 70-30% blend of Arabica and Robusta, this writer’s favorite choice.
Jazzve has multiple locations around Yerevan. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
  Artbridge Bookstore Cafe
One of Yerevan’s oldest coffee spots, the Artbridge Bookstore Cafe in the city centre was the first to combine literature and coffee. The cafe was opened in 2001 by Shakeh Havan, who wanted to create a space where women felt comfortable to dine or drink alone. Its interior has changed little in the 18 years since, and includes a smoking room inspired by Armenian manuscripts and hieroglyphics. The ceiling’s exposed beams are decorated with painted copies of ancient documents while the walls host different artists every month. The back (non-smoking) room takes its inspiration from the Urartu Kingdom, or the Kingdom of Van, which was centered around Lake Van in the historic Armenian Highlands—now modern-day Turkey.
Customers in Artbridge can surreptitiously tuck themselves into the cafe’s corners. High-profile Armenian-Americans such as System Of A Down’s Serj Tankian and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian are often seen there during visits to Yerevan and it has also been a personal favorite eaterie of the current Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan over the years.
Artbridge buys its coffee from a local roastery, where it is blended into what they call their “secret Artbridge blend.” A combination of Costa Rican and Tanzanian beans, it is served in a French press and has a light, subtle sweetness. Those looking for a more authentic experience can order the small muddy Eastern coffee. Either way, the best bet would be to pair it with the cafe’s mouthwatering French toast.
Artbridge Bookstore Cafe is located at 20 Abovyan St, Yerevan. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
The ideal experience for a romantic late-evening coffee, Impresso is Yerevan’s tribute to the Italian cafe. It pairs modern lighting and tall ceilings with a number of vintage accessories, including a 1950s analogue TV that sits high on the bar. They only sell Caffé Mauro, which is bought directly from Italy and the cafe boasts that it is the “only place to get a real Italian espresso in Yerevan.” Almost the entire Caffé Mauro range is for sale though you’ll generally find yourself drinking from the original line, with its high-caffeine, spicy aroma, and strong flavors.
Aside from their coffee, Impresso also offers a broad menu ranging from a number of succulent pasta dishes to the intriguingly named pizza cones. The real eye-catching food items are found in the dessert menu, however, with homemade carrot cake and gato-chocolate among the choices.
Despite its long opening hours, the dark, classy interior and teardrop lighting make it more suitable for an evening outing. With piano music every night except Sunday, Impresso offers far more than just a great Italian espresso.
Impresso Coffee Shop is located at 5a Vardanants St, Yerevan. Follow them on Facebook.
Joe Nerssessian is a freelance journalist based in Armenia. This is Joe Nerssessian’s first feature for  Sprudge.
Photos supplied courtesy of each cafe.
Top image © Adobe Stock/Photoaliona
The post The Sprudge Guide To Yerevan, Armenia appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge http://bit.ly/2UNiLHh
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years
Gopher Technology Now Deployed On WISE Blockchain Platform Other OTC:GOPH
Gopher Technology Now Deployed On WISE Blockchain Platform Other OTC:GOPH
WISE Has Successfully Created Its Smart Contract
SAN DIEGO, CA, Dec. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE – Gopher Protocol Inc. (OTCQB: GOPH) (“Gopher”), a company specializing in the development of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence enabled mobile technologies, including a global mesh network technology platform for both mobile and fixed solutions, announced today its technology has been successfully deployed by its licensee WISE Network S.A (“WISE”), which has created its smart contract on the Blockchain platform.
As announced in late November, Gopher and WISE collaborated on the implementation of Gopher’s licensed technology. WISE has now successfully created its smart contract built on the Ethereum Blockchain, based on the ERC20 standard. The repo link to GitHub where the smart contract can be scrutinized by any developer in the world is https://ift.tt/2LkrNbR.
This means that WISE now has completed the token infrastructure and is ready to be launch six months before WISE’s anticipated ICO takes place. The WISE smart contract was developed and completed using private funds to build confidence and trust in WISE’s Blockchain programming abilities as well as its corporate responsibility towards future token holders in advance – https://youtu.be/eLeBC_aC_RQ.
This early launch proves WISE’s commitment to its roadmap, which will soon be part of WISE’s new site https://wise.cr.
Doug Davis, Gopher’s Interim CEO, stated: “We are proud to see implementation of our technology platform into the Blockchain space in partnership with WISE. While Gopher is not a cryptocurrency or Blockchain company, it is a leading supplier of Asset Tracking IoT and Global Mesh Network technology platforms that licensees such as WISE can use to enhance their Blockchain-based offerings.”
About Gopher Protocol Inc.
Gopher Protocol Inc. (OTCQB: GOPH) (“Gopher”) (https://ift.tt/1o2w1s0) is a development-stage company which considers itself a native IoT creator, developing Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled mobile technology platforms.  Gopher has a portfolio of Intellectual Property that, when commercialized, will include smart microchips, mobile and security applications and protocols, and supporting cloud software.  Gopher’s system envisions the creation of a global mesh network.  The core of the system will be its advanced microchip technology that can be installed in any mobile or fixed device worldwide. Gopher envisions this system as a low-cost, secure, private mesh network between any enabled devices, providing shared processing, advanced mobile database management/sharing and enhanced mobile features as an alternative to traditional carrier services.
About WISE
WISE Network S.A. (“WISE”) is a Costa Rican corporation that has created the WISE Platform (http://www.wise.cr/). This Platform will be using the newly created WISE Token, for which WISE will also be conducting an ICO. WISE will have powered its Enigma Chip, based on Gopher’s licensed technology, which will be designed to deploy a radio wave based Blockchain system, enabling distributed ledger, robust security, and real-time, vast data handling for IoT and mobile domains. The chip hardware is accompanied with embedded software, and is designed to work through its private, secured network protocol. Enigma IC can use Wi-Fi or Cellular networks to communicate with other Enigma ICs. In addition, the microchip can communicate via its own radio waves in a wide variety of frequencies, in locations where there are no cellular or Wi-Fi services, thereby expanding IoT tracking of Blockchain-based assets globally. It is expected that this feature opens an entire world of IoT and network possibilities for remote locations. The Enigma microchip includes Gopher’s Avant! AI for Blockchain management and security.
A demonstration is available via an educational video released by Gopher and WISE — https://youtu.be/3z0avXbYZoc
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements”.  Forward-looking statements provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions and include any statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors as disclosed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission located at their website (http://www.sec.gov).  In addition to these factors, actual future performance, outcomes, and results may differ materially because of more general factors including (without limitation) general industry and market conditions and growth rates, economic conditions, governmental and public policy changes, the Company’s ability to raise capital on acceptable terms, if at all, the Company’s successful development of its products and the integration into its existing products and the commercial acceptance of the Company’s products.  The forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the Company’s views as of the date of this press release and these views could change.  However, while the Company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.  These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of the press release.
Contact: Douglas Davies, Interim CEO Gopher Protocol Inc. VM Only 888-685-7336 Media: [email protected]
Source link https://ift.tt/2LqpOCU
0 notes
vanessawestwcrtr5 · 6 years
Gopher Technology Now Deployed On WISE Blockchain Platform Other OTC:GOPH
Gopher Technology Now Deployed On WISE Blockchain Platform Other OTC:GOPH
WISE Has Successfully Created Its Smart Contract
SAN DIEGO, CA, Dec. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE – Gopher Protocol Inc. (OTCQB: GOPH) (“Gopher”), a company specializing in the development of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence enabled mobile technologies, including a global mesh network technology platform for both mobile and fixed solutions, announced today its technology has been successfully deployed by its licensee WISE Network S.A (“WISE”), which has created its smart contract on the Blockchain platform.
As announced in late November, Gopher and WISE collaborated on the implementation of Gopher’s licensed technology. WISE has now successfully created its smart contract built on the Ethereum Blockchain, based on the ERC20 standard. The repo link to GitHub where the smart contract can be scrutinized by any developer in the world is https://ift.tt/2LkrNbR.
This means that WISE now has completed the token infrastructure and is ready to be launch six months before WISE’s anticipated ICO takes place. The WISE smart contract was developed and completed using private funds to build confidence and trust in WISE’s Blockchain programming abilities as well as its corporate responsibility towards future token holders in advance – https://youtu.be/eLeBC_aC_RQ.
This early launch proves WISE’s commitment to its roadmap, which will soon be part of WISE’s new site https://wise.cr.
Doug Davis, Gopher’s Interim CEO, stated: “We are proud to see implementation of our technology platform into the Blockchain space in partnership with WISE. While Gopher is not a cryptocurrency or Blockchain company, it is a leading supplier of Asset Tracking IoT and Global Mesh Network technology platforms that licensees such as WISE can use to enhance their Blockchain-based offerings.”
About Gopher Protocol Inc.
Gopher Protocol Inc. (OTCQB: GOPH) (“Gopher”) (https://ift.tt/1o2w1s0) is a development-stage company which considers itself a native IoT creator, developing Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled mobile technology platforms.  Gopher has a portfolio of Intellectual Property that, when commercialized, will include smart microchips, mobile and security applications and protocols, and supporting cloud software.  Gopher’s system envisions the creation of a global mesh network.  The core of the system will be its advanced microchip technology that can be installed in any mobile or fixed device worldwide. Gopher envisions this system as a low-cost, secure, private mesh network between any enabled devices, providing shared processing, advanced mobile database management/sharing and enhanced mobile features as an alternative to traditional carrier services.
About WISE
WISE Network S.A. (“WISE”) is a Costa Rican corporation that has created the WISE Platform (http://www.wise.cr/). This Platform will be using the newly created WISE Token, for which WISE will also be conducting an ICO. WISE will have powered its Enigma Chip, based on Gopher’s licensed technology, which will be designed to deploy a radio wave based Blockchain system, enabling distributed ledger, robust security, and real-time, vast data handling for IoT and mobile domains. The chip hardware is accompanied with embedded software, and is designed to work through its private, secured network protocol. Enigma IC can use Wi-Fi or Cellular networks to communicate with other Enigma ICs. In addition, the microchip can communicate via its own radio waves in a wide variety of frequencies, in locations where there are no cellular or Wi-Fi services, thereby expanding IoT tracking of Blockchain-based assets globally. It is expected that this feature opens an entire world of IoT and network possibilities for remote locations. The Enigma microchip includes Gopher’s Avant! AI for Blockchain management and security.
A demonstration is available via an educational video released by Gopher and WISE — https://youtu.be/3z0avXbYZoc
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements”.  Forward-looking statements provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions and include any statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors as disclosed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission located at their website (http://www.sec.gov).  In addition to these factors, actual future performance, outcomes, and results may differ materially because of more general factors including (without limitation) general industry and market conditions and growth rates, economic conditions, governmental and public policy changes, the Company’s ability to raise capital on acceptable terms, if at all, the Company’s successful development of its products and the integration into its existing products and the commercial acceptance of the Company’s products.  The forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the Company’s views as of the date of this press release and these views could change.  However, while the Company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.  These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of the press release.
Contact: Douglas Davies, Interim CEO Gopher Protocol Inc. VM Only 888-685-7336 Media: [email protected]
Source link https://ift.tt/2LqpOCU
0 notes
Gopher Technology Now Deployed On WISE Blockchain Platform Other OTC:GOPH
Gopher Technology Now Deployed On WISE Blockchain Platform Other OTC:GOPH
WISE Has Successfully Created Its Smart Contract
SAN DIEGO, CA, Dec. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NEWMEDIAWIRE – Gopher Protocol Inc. (OTCQB: GOPH) (“Gopher”), a company specializing in the development of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence enabled mobile technologies, including a global mesh network technology platform for both mobile and fixed solutions, announced today its technology has been successfully deployed by its licensee WISE Network S.A (“WISE”), which has created its smart contract on the Blockchain platform.
As announced in late November, Gopher and WISE collaborated on the implementation of Gopher’s licensed technology. WISE has now successfully created its smart contract built on the Ethereum Blockchain, based on the ERC20 standard. The repo link to GitHub where the smart contract can be scrutinized by any developer in the world is https://ift.tt/2LkrNbR.
This means that WISE now has completed the token infrastructure and is ready to be launch six months before WISE’s anticipated ICO takes place. The WISE smart contract was developed and completed using private funds to build confidence and trust in WISE’s Blockchain programming abilities as well as its corporate responsibility towards future token holders in advance – https://youtu.be/eLeBC_aC_RQ.
This early launch proves WISE’s commitment to its roadmap, which will soon be part of WISE’s new site https://wise.cr.
Doug Davis, Gopher’s Interim CEO, stated: “We are proud to see implementation of our technology platform into the Blockchain space in partnership with WISE. While Gopher is not a cryptocurrency or Blockchain company, it is a leading supplier of Asset Tracking IoT and Global Mesh Network technology platforms that licensees such as WISE can use to enhance their Blockchain-based offerings.”
About Gopher Protocol Inc.
Gopher Protocol Inc. (OTCQB: GOPH) (“Gopher”) (https://ift.tt/1o2w1s0) is a development-stage company which considers itself a native IoT creator, developing Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled mobile technology platforms.  Gopher has a portfolio of Intellectual Property that, when commercialized, will include smart microchips, mobile and security applications and protocols, and supporting cloud software.  Gopher’s system envisions the creation of a global mesh network.  The core of the system will be its advanced microchip technology that can be installed in any mobile or fixed device worldwide. Gopher envisions this system as a low-cost, secure, private mesh network between any enabled devices, providing shared processing, advanced mobile database management/sharing and enhanced mobile features as an alternative to traditional carrier services.
About WISE
WISE Network S.A. (“WISE”) is a Costa Rican corporation that has created the WISE Platform (http://www.wise.cr/). This Platform will be using the newly created WISE Token, for which WISE will also be conducting an ICO. WISE will have powered its Enigma Chip, based on Gopher’s licensed technology, which will be designed to deploy a radio wave based Blockchain system, enabling distributed ledger, robust security, and real-time, vast data handling for IoT and mobile domains. The chip hardware is accompanied with embedded software, and is designed to work through its private, secured network protocol. Enigma IC can use Wi-Fi or Cellular networks to communicate with other Enigma ICs. In addition, the microchip can communicate via its own radio waves in a wide variety of frequencies, in locations where there are no cellular or Wi-Fi services, thereby expanding IoT tracking of Blockchain-based assets globally. It is expected that this feature opens an entire world of IoT and network possibilities for remote locations. The Enigma microchip includes Gopher’s Avant! AI for Blockchain management and security.
A demonstration is available via an educational video released by Gopher and WISE — https://youtu.be/3z0avXbYZoc
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements”.  Forward-looking statements provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions and include any statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors as disclosed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission located at their website (http://www.sec.gov).  In addition to these factors, actual future performance, outcomes, and results may differ materially because of more general factors including (without limitation) general industry and market conditions and growth rates, economic conditions, governmental and public policy changes, the Company’s ability to raise capital on acceptable terms, if at all, the Company’s successful development of its products and the integration into its existing products and the commercial acceptance of the Company’s products.  The forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the Company’s views as of the date of this press release and these views could change.  However, while the Company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so.  These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of the press release.
Contact: Douglas Davies, Interim CEO Gopher Protocol Inc. VM Only 888-685-7336 Media: [email protected]
Source link https://ift.tt/2LqpOCU
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