#Costa Invest Blog
quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
The only IDW I’ve read is MTMTE/LL, and I want to read more, specifically about Optimus. I only know him from Prime, and there, he’s the Superman-like hero, can do no harm kind of guy; I was hoping to see a different take on him. Where do I start for comics that focus on him?
Hello! So glad to have this question! I looove IDW1 Optimus and it's my interest to spread that, lol. When it comes to IDW1 Optimus, many writers have different takes on him, but John Barber is really the one that defines the character, or at least it is if you're interested in OP because of my blog. So the short answer is to read the exRID and Optimus Prime ongoings.
That being said, MTMTE is a far more self-contained story than the rest of the entries in the continuity. Barber's stuff not only gets a lot of crossovers and side stories, but Barber is known for being continuity-obsessed (same), and his Optimus is very much written as a reconciliation of all the interpretations of the character in the comics, taking even the negative implications others ignored and dealing with them face-on. The reading is definitively enriched by context.... but also I'm not gonna ask you to read all of IDW1 because a lot of those comics are... boring at best tbh, and I understand reading comics just for lore is not everyone's idea of a good time, haha.
So I prepared for you a Optimus-focused reading order for IDW1 with little explanations for each entry. Because Optimus is such an important character, his path crosses with many plotlines, so I tried to make it so you would be able to get a full, mostly-coherent story, while also keeping the focus on him. Just keep the following in mind: I am biased. This skips most, if not all, of phase 1 (comics published from 2005 to 2011) because I personally judged it not worth it in an attempt to lower the number of comics (so many). This also skips all the series and crossovers where Optimus doesn't feature prominently (so none of the Windblade series or things like Revolutionaries) so you will lack context for some stuff but I think you should be able to pull through. Finally, there will be issues of exrid/OP where Optimus doesn't show up, but it's all part of the storyline, and also Barber writes about Optimus not only as a person but as an ideal, his influence speaks even in his abscence.
Stormbringer by Simon Furman
An ancient evil awakes, Optimus deals with it while remembering the events that led to Cybertron dying. Nothing to write home about, you can skip it, but it's a quick read and it will give you a taste of how Furman writes Optimus (I'm skipping everything else by Furman btw), which was a heavy influence on JRo (from Marvel) and Barber. You can skip it if you want.
The Transformers (2009 ongoing) by Mike Costa
This is a big jump, so for context: previously the Decepticons did a full scale invasion of Earth as well as almost wiping out the Autobots thanks to intel from a traitor. Eventually the Autobots managed to come on top and defeat the Decepticons. Now the Autobots are stranded on Earth, humans have a terrible opinion of Cybertronians and Optimus wants to make reparations. This series presents a lot of interesting stuff that Barber will expand on. Unfortunately, Costa was (by his own admission) not invested in writing Transformers and it shows, particulary, he doesn't understand Optimus' appeal enough to make something interesting with it, but it was still an influence on Barber. There is some good stuff, but I'm afraid to bore you before getting to the actual good stuff. So you can skip it or come back to read it later.
Chaos Theory by James Roberts
These are issues #22 and #23 from the Costa ongoing, in case you decide to skip it. This is the one thing in phase 1 that you must read. We get a more complex take on Optimus, a look into his relationship with Megatron and their past. It introduces JRo's not-at-all controversial idea of making Orion Pax a cop (if only there was a writer that would later deal with the implications of that).
Autocracy by Chris Metzen & Flint Dille
A radically different take on Orion from JRo, this series is set in the past and shows us a bitter Orion who sees no good sides anywhere in the events that lead to the fall of Zeta Prime. Look, I like this in retrospective, but I don't think it's good on its own, feels very edgy for edge's sake (I have a lot to say about this, actually). Still a dear friend likes it so maybe you will. Either way, Barber will later write an arc that feels like a direct response to this that's one of my favorite parts of OP's character so it's worth a read at some point.
The Death of Optimus Prime by James Robers & John Barber
A single issue that serves as a prologue for the sister ongoings. after using the matrix to save the day at the end of Costa's ongoing, Optimus awakens to a rejuvenated Cybertron. The neutrals come back home and Optimus wonders about his place in peacetime.
Robots in Disguise #1-9 by John Barber Robots in Disguise annual
We see how Bumblebee and co. try to deal with an unstable peace on Cybertron. OP only shows up in issue 6, but since you will eventually have to read all of exRID, may as well read the beginning. Also Arcee shows up, and she will be as important for the themes as Optimus himself, so again, might as well.
More Than Meets the Eye #9-11 by James Roberts More than Meets the Eye #36 Spotlight: Orion Pax
It will do good to revisit Mtmte's Shadowplay arc as we see more of Orion's backstory and his relationship with Senator Shockwave. It may be a long jump, but since we're not focused on Mtmte itself, might as well complete JRo's stuff and read issue #36, where Team Rodimus travels back in time, in that issue we see what Orion is doing after angering Sentinel with no Senator to protect him, now under the guide of Zeta. All of this important for OP's character and for Cybertron's political backstory. Then in Spotlight: Orion Pax, we see Orion working under Zeta-now-Prime and his perspective on current issues.
Monstrosity and Primacy by Chris Metzen & Flint Dille
Following Autocracy, these two series shows us Optimus struggling with his newly-adquired Primacy. Suffer from a lot of the same issues as Autocracy, but in my opinion they're less pointlessly edgy. They don't have as much relevance, however, so you can skip them if it feels like too much.
Robots in Disguise #10-22 by Jonh Barber
We're back to the main series. Again, Orion only shows up in issues #10 and #19, but the same as above applies. Also this will lead up to...
Dark Cybertron by John Barber and James Roberts
A crossover event between the two ongoings, which honestly fits much more better on exRID than it does on Mtmte. It consists of 12 issues, of which #1 and #12 were published on their own, and the rest were published as More than Meets the Eye and Robots in Disguise alternatively, but you can find it all compiled in one volume. Orion has some important moments here, including retaking the name Optimus Prime (but was that really such a good idea?).
Robots in Disguise #28-34 by John Barber
After Dark Cybertron, Barber leaves most of the stuff on Cybertron to Mairghread Scott and takes us back to Earth. Optimus is now at the center on this series and will remain there. Here we start to see his struggles in trying to maintain peace, which will only get more complicated.
The Transformers #35-#38 (2014 ongoing, exRID) by John Barder
This is the same series as Robots in Disguise, expect they reduced the name to just The Transformers to avoid confusion with the comics for the Robots in Disguise 2015 cartoon. That's why we refer to the whole thing as exRID.
Punishment by John Barber
A miniseries where Optimus returns to Cybertron and tries to track down a Decepticon serial killer. Here Barber lays down some themes he will keep revisiting fot the rest of his work. Optimus faces some questions and we see how his self doubt is really taking a toll on him.
This is the first part of the Redemption of the Dinobots trilogy, followed by Redemption and Salvation set later in the continuity. Those two don't feature Optimus and so aren't on this list. However I want to say that they showcase the best of Barber's work when not restrained by editorial mandates, so I do recommend them.
Combiner Wars by John Barber & Mairghread Scott
A crossover similar to Dark Cybertron published across two series, this time between exRID and Windblade. Strascream schemes so Camminus will be indebted to him, Windblade and Optimus use OP's Prime clout to try to diminish his influence (this will surely not become an habit for OP). As questionable as that is, Prowl thinks is not enough and takes matters into his own hands. I think it does a good enough job depiste all the To Sell Toys mandates and either way, it will influence what's to come and we get to see the reason for Prowl and OP falling out
The Transformers #42-#55 (exRID) by John Barber
We continue with the Earth plot. Optimus keeps struggling with peace and makes more questionable decisions. Should he leave Earth alone or is he obligated to protect it? How do you protect that which doesn't want yout help?
Titans Return
A sort of crossover, it opens with a one-shot which is followed by exRID #56-57, and then Mtmte #56-57. For our purposes, you don't have to read the MTMTE chapters, but if you did while on your own MTMTE read you may want to revisit them now with context.
Revolution by John Barber and Cullen Bunn (+others)
Okay, this is where we start with the Hasbroverse crossovers. A six issue series (from 0 to 5) backed up by one shots from every individual series featured. This isn't impossible to follow, but it does drag because it features a buch of characters and plotlines a Transformers-only reader won't care about and the writing isn't great. It does feature some "WTF, Optimus" moments (as in, on purpose), Optimus learns humans are not so defenseless and it is kinda relevant, so you may still want to read it. If you do, make sure to also read the Till All Are One: Revolution one shot (and might as well add the The Transformers one because Thundercraker is in it and he's great, and again, the Mtmte one so you can read it with context this time).
Optimus Prime #1-8 by John Barber
We start phase 3 with an arc that's a favorite of mine. Optimus plays with fire to get Earth to join the Council of Worls for its own good. We also get flashbacks of Orion working under Zeta pre Autocracy and pre Spotlight. Barber recontextualizes Autocracy!Orion, deals with the cop thing in ways JRo didn't dare and explores why me made the choices he did without trying to wash his hands.
Transformers Annual 2017 by John Barber
I don't know why this isn't labeled as an Optimus Prime annual, but whatever, it takes place after issue #8. Optimus and Pyra Magna have talk.
Optimus Prime #9-10 by John Barber
We get what I think is one of the most touching issues followed by learning more about the history of Cybertron.
First Strike by Mairghread Scott and David A. Rodriguez (+others)
More crossover fun! I honestly can't tell you how easy this is to follow without having read Revolutionaries (not featured on this guide). Again it's kinda relevant, some of this is a consequence of Optimus actions, leads to Unicron being awoken, and it does have some key Optimus moments, this time by Scott rather than Barber, if you want to see what she does with him. It has the tie-in comics, Optimus Prime: First Strike and Transformers: First Strike by John Barber (the laters follow the former, despite having different names) which don't feature OP a lot.
Optimus Prime #11-14 by John Barber
We see what Optimus' followers get up to while OP is busy in First Strike and then what follows after that event.
Optimus Prime annual by John Barber
Thundercraker tries to make a movie about Starscream (who is in jail after confessing to all his crimes in the Till All Are One annual), it's great.
Optimus Prime #15-21 by John Barber
Barber starts to pay off things he has been building up since exRID as Unicron approaches.
This is the recommended order for what remains (all by Jonh Barber)
Unicron #0 Optimus Prime #22 Unicron #1-4 Optimus Prime #23-24 Unicron #5-#6 and finally Optimus Prime #25
Unicron is here to make Cybertronians face their legacy. Optimus arc comes to an end. OP #25 is my favorite comic issue. I hope you manage to get there, and if you do, let me know what you think!
I hope this was helpful. If you get confused by lacking context, it may help to check the continuity notes section of whatever issue you just read in TFWiki's page for it. And as always, feel free to as me more questions!
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icharchivist · 5 months
hii!! I was wondering, do you have any headcanons for FFVII? I'd love to hear them 🩷
I do have a lot of hc but i haven't thought about any of them in forever. I have some shipping hcs in general for clack/aerti/asg somewhere on my blog i think.
depends also on which type of hc as in like, "stuff i hc the character feels in canon" or "what if" hcs
On more general headcanons that i can think of... (and it's going to be very OG/CC/AC centric) (there will also be major spoilers)
-You can buy a villa in the Costa Del Sol. I like to imagine that the whole Avalanche crew goes there to recharge every once in a while, even after the events of the OG. Each of them have their specific room to rest up. After Aerith's death they left her room as it is and turned it more in a memorial. Once in a while they come back to put flowers in it. Cloud and Tifa have the hardest time coming back into the room for the longest time.
-It's such a trope from the Old Days but i love the idea of Cloud learning some mechanic knowledge from Cid. Like he'd need something to focus his mind on to forget the horrors and Cid would give him some tips while they work on cars or bike together. That way, Cloud customized Fenrir fully thanks to everything Cid taught him. I feel like he would have his own garage in the back of the new Seventh Heaven, but once in a while he'd drop by Cid just to work on some things together. And when they do work they don't really talk much which really help Cloud out.
-In one of the post-canon book, Vincent and Nanaki make each other a promise that, due to Vincent's immortality and Nanaki's lifespan being much longer than anyone else in the cast, they will meet every year when everyone is gone and it's only the two of them remaining, that way they can remember the old days. It's not really a HC but this is something i hold very, very dear to my heart. I like to imagine the two of them constantly coming back to the places they used to go to, Vincent being made emotionally unstable by the amount of loss he went through but Nanaki being a rock to be able to support him through it as they try to make those grieving memories good memories. It means everything to me.
-The remake more or less confirmed it but i love the idea of Barret being genuinely invested in the planet on a academical level. Like he actually read everything he could find to figure out why things went wrong in Corel and how to stop it from happening again elsewhere.
-Also liking to think about the time Tifa and Barret met each other. Nibelheim and Corel's tragedies happened around the same time and i could imagine the two of them meeting before they even reached Midgar, while they're still both major messes from what happened. They would bond easily over their shared trauma and i feel like, both of them working together to raise Marlene was the major motivation for the two of them to sort themselves back together, because even if they're miserable, they need to give Marlene the best of the best. I kinda see Barret and Tifa's friendship like Edgin and Holga from the D&D movie, if that rings any bell. I also think they're each other's rocks more than anything else. Like they may have lost everything again with the Sector 7's collapse, but they have each other so they can get through it. If either of them had died i feel like neither would have managed to move forward from it, regardless of if Cloud and/or Marlene were motivator for them to hold it together.
-I imagine the girls (Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie) would regularly take time off from the group just to have "girl time" together. Aerith would joke like once about how Cloud could join them for having been an honorary girl and Yuffie tries to get all the details and it's Tifa who had to hold the conversation back. Aerith would clarify it's then just a joke and they'd have fun together in town. Post Game, Tifa and Yuffie still see each other and have fun together, but thinking about the old times too much really sour the mood.
-When Reeve is running on 5 all nighters post-game when he's busy trying to organize WRO, he casually slips into himself having a very thick scottish accent. If he does so in front of any Avalanche members they mostly give him a look and don't comment on it, but Yuffie would totally make fun of him for going back to his kitty's habits. Cloud eventually drops a bad "he can do whatever he wants, he knows the cat is out of the bag" pun once and Reeve now just tries really hard not to slip again.
-Speaking of Reeve, based on On Your Way To A Smile - Denzel episode, i think Reeve would drop by regularly at the new Seventh Heaven just to chat up with Denzel, and by extension with Marlene. His mother died to take care of Denzel all while she was talking about how her son didn't have time for her anymore, so i feel like Reeve would therefore try to be there for Denzel to make it up to his mother on that level. I feel like he'd be awkward around Marlene at first considering what he has done, but she wouldn't leave Denzel alone so he had to get used to it.
-Not /my/ headcanons per se but i'm obsessed with a fanart i once saw of Zack as a child holding a toad in his hands, knowing that around Gongaga is where you meet the toads who can change you into one. I like to think Zack used to get into all sort of troubles training to be a hero when he was a child that he'd often come back home with toads in his hands. His parents would have to gently tell him to please stop picking up dangerous toads every few days, but he always gets so excited he forgets about it. Also i like to HC that the fact Zack never gets affected by the toad debuff isn't just because of CC's limitations but just because he's from Gongaga so he's Just Like That. too used to frog to be debuffed.
-Also definitely thinking that it's failing to save Zack that had Tseng being even harder on the rules by the time of the OG. He softened a lot around Zack and he put his own job on the line to try to save him and he couldn't, and i truly think it's what hardened him as badly as he does in the OG.
-HCish? but i think Sephiroth really wanted to be Zack's friend in the way back. Like Angeal would always be complaining about him but with clear affection in his voice that Sephiroth would really want to get to know Zack, but he would be awkward at first except when training him. Like Zack is the "normal" friend of the group. When Angeal and Genesis left i feel like Sephiroth wanted to rely on Zack more, but after he passed on to Zack the mission Angeal ended up dying in, Zack just couldn't take Sephiroth's way to show attempts at friendships. Like he knew it's not something he could hold against Sephiroth but it's something Zack was bitter enough about that he set distances with Sephiroth at the time. And that is why he didn't pick up any of the cues Sephiroth was going mad in Nibelheim because he was still reeling from what happened to Angeal.
-Also linked to that i like to imagine Sephiroth as some sort of spite added to all the other reasons about the way Cloud took over Zack's sword and stuff, and it's why he broke him the way he did as well (like, on top of just regular Cloud obsession reasons). esp since Zack's sword was also Angeal's, i feel like this would add so much spite to everything Cloud is doing.
-Also thinking indulging Yuffie when she was sending him emails to trick him is probably what got Zack to really understand the weight of his actions with Wutai, and that he let her ask him more and more outstanding things mostly because the guilt was taking him over. I read a fic about it once and it still hasn't left my mind.
-Still on the Zack train but i think about the months in the run Zack and Cloud had to be in and think about how Zack probably was really damaging his health by really trying to be hypervigilent and careful about Cloud. Like he'd make sure to have Cloud sleep between him and his sword, and he himself would be half awake most of the time to be hyperaware of his surroundings. Or when looking for food, Zack would ration his parts to make sure Cloud himself get to eat something, even though Cloud is barely responding. So not really in the healthiest state of being.
-Random? but i like to think Kunsel has a big facial scar under his helmet and it's why he's never seen without it (what? could it be because of CC's limited graphisms? perish the thought, obviously--)
-When Angeal disappeared, Zack tried to take care of his plants for a while, but failed pretty hard, not having a green hand at all. He tried to get tips from Aerith but he was totally hopeless. Eventually he brought Angeal's plants to Aerith and she took care of it herself.
that's all that's coming to my mind right now but i know i have more stuff. just nothing comes to mind right now.
Hope it was a fun read! ;) take care!
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thesunisouttoplay · 1 month
Best Tustin Kitchen Remodelin
Tustin Kitchen Remodeling: A quick guide to Transforming Your Space Introduction Thinking not quite giving your kitchen a fresh look? You're not alone! Kitchen remodeling is one of the most well-liked house progress projects, and for fine reason. Whether you desire to deposit your Tustin home's value, adjoin functionality, or helpfully refresh the look and atmosphere of your space, remodeling your kitchen can be a game-changer. Lets dive into why kitchen remodeling is fittingly impactful and how you can acquire started upon your own project. Why Remodel Your Tustin Kitchen? So, why should you decide remodeling your kitchen? Kitchens are often the heart of the homea area where families gather, meals are prepared, and memories are made. beyond time, however, your kitchen might begin to atmosphere outdated, less functional, or just not suited to your style anymore. Whether youre looking to modernize, deposit your homes value, or make your kitchen more efficient, a reorganize can dwelling all these issues and more. Increasing house Value Did you know that kitchen remodeling can significantly deposit the value of your home? A well-done kitchen can be a major selling tapering off if you ever decide to move. Buyers are often delightful to pay more for a house next a modern, updated kitchen, fittingly think of your reorganize as an investment in your future. Enhancing Functionality Beyond just aesthetics, a kitchen reorganize can greatly adjoin how your kitchen functions. Whether its adjunct more storage, upgrading appliances, or creating a more retrieve layout, remodeling can make your kitchen more customary to use all day. Planning Your Remodel Before you begin tearing next to walls and picking out countertops, its crucial to scheme your kitchen reorganize carefully. From atmosphere a budget to choosing a design style, having a definite scheme will make the process smoother and less stressful. Budgeting Your first step should be atmosphere a doable budget. Kitchen remodels can correct widely in cost, depending upon the scope of the project and the materials used. Its important to decide in the future upon how much youre delightful to spend and stick to it to avoid any financial surprises next to the line. Design Inspiration Once your budget is set, its period to acquire inspired! look through house progress magazines, Pinterest boards, and design blogs to locate a style that speaks to you. Are you into the smooth lines of a ahead of its time kitchen, or get you select the cozy warm feeling of a rustic design? Anaheim Professional Kitchen Remodel Guys Expert Mission Viejo Kitchen Remodeling Local Costa Mesa Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Huntington Beach Professional Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Orange County California ADU Expert Builders Best Newport Beach Kitchen Remodeling Contractors City of Orange Kitchen Remodel Experts Excellent Long Beach Kitchen Remodel Contractors Orange County California ADU Builders https://besttustinkitchenremodelingco901.blogspot.com/2024/08/best-tustin-kitchen-remodeling.html Best Tustin Kitchen Remodeling https://sportschiropractic77.blogspot.com/2024/08/implant-dentist-near-me-encinitas.html https://www.tumblr.com/juliannacastroverde/758988235457347584 https://termitecontrolnearmevista458.blogspot.com/2024/08/classes-gymnastics-near-me-bel-air.html https://autobodyrepairshopakronoh556.blogspot.com/ https://www.tumblr.com/jessica-harlowe/752508417022754816
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puravidadrilling1 · 2 months
Unveiling the Wonders of Water Wells in Costa Rica
Costa Rica, known for its stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity, is a country that values sustainability and environmental conservation. One crucial aspect of sustainability is access to clean water, which is where water wells in Costa Rica come into play. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of water wells in Costa Rica and how they contribute to the well-being of its people and the environment.
The Importance of Water Wells in Costa Rica
Water wells in Costa Rica play a vital role in providing access to clean and safe drinking water, especially in rural areas where traditional water supply systems may be limited or unreliable. With a growing population and increasing demand for water, water wells have become a sustainable solution to ensure a stable water supply for communities across the country.
One company that stands out in the field of water well drilling in Costa Rica is Pura Vida Drilling. With their expertise and commitment to quality service, they have been instrumental in helping communities access clean water through the drilling of water wells.
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The Process of Water Well Drilling
When it comes to water wells Costa Rica, the process of drilling a well is intricate and requires expertise. At Pura Vida Drilling, we follow a systematic approach to ensure the success of each drilling project. From conducting site assessments to selecting the right drilling equipment, our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality water well solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients.
Sustainable Water Solutions
At Pura Vida Drilling, we understand the significance of sustainable water solutions in Costa Rica. Our water well drilling services are designed to provide communities with reliable access to clean water while minimizing environmental impact. By utilizing advanced drilling techniques and technologies, we can drill deep into the earth to access fresh groundwater reserves.
Challenges in Implementing Water Wells in Costa Rica
Despite the benefits of water wells in Costa Rica, there are several challenges that need to be addressed to ensure their successful implementation. One of the key challenges is the lack of proper infrastructure and resources for drilling and maintaining water wells. Many communities, especially in rural areas, struggle to access the necessary equipment and expertise to construct and manage water wells effectively.
Additionally, the overexploitation of groundwater resources poses a significant threat to the sustainability of water wells in Costa Rica. Without proper management
Are you dreaming of owning a piece of paradise in Costa Rica? Imagine waking up to the sounds of nature, surrounded by lush greenery and stunning landscapes. Now, picture having access to your own private water well, providing you with a sustainable source of clean and fresh water. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it?
Water wells in Costa Rica are not just a practical necessity but also a symbol of self-sufficiency and environmental stewardship. With the increasing demand for water in this beautiful country, having your own water well can ensure a reliable supply of water for your everyday needs, without putting a strain on the local water resources.
At Pura Vida Drilling, we understand the importance of access to clean water, especially in a place as ecologically diverse as Costa Rica. Our water well drilling services are designed to provide you with a reliable and efficient solution for your water needs. Whether you are building a new home, starting a farm, or simply looking to upgrade your existing water system, we have the expertise and equipment to help you every step of the way.
By choosing Pura Vida Drilling for your water well drilling needs, you are not only investing in the sustainability of your property but also contributing to the conservation of Costa Rica's precious water resources. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to assess your water needs, determine the best location for drilling, and ensure that the Whether for drinking, agriculture, or daily household use, water wells remain a cornerstone of Costa Rica’s commitment to sustainable and equitable water resources.
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leandror · 3 months
Blog Entry #6
Among the three bonds chosen for analysis are:
- NVIDIA Corp. DL-Notes 2020(20/40): These bonds have a maturity date of April 1, 2040, offering a coupon rate of 3.50% and a current yield of approximately 4.95%. Currently, NVIDIA is a leading technology company with solid finances and a promising future in areas such as artificial intelligence and gaming, as it produces a large number of microchips that support the majority of global platforms. Additionally, the long-term maturity date provides a stable income stream, making it an attractive option for a safe and profitable investment.
- Microsoft Corp. DL-Notes 2021(21/52): With a maturity date of March 17, 2052, these bonds offer a coupon rate of 2.92% and a current yield of approximately 4.97%. Microsoft, in turn, is known for its solid credit rating and consistent revenue growth, making it a reliable investment. These long-term bonds are ideal for an investment strategy seeking stable returns over time.
- Amazon.com Inc. DL-Notes 2021(21/28): With a maturity date of May 12, 2028, these bonds offer a coupon rate of 1.65% and a current yield of approximately 4.69%. Amazon, with its dominant market position and solid financial performance, provides confidence in its ability to meet its debt obligations. This bond, having an earlier maturity date compared to the other bonds, helps diversify the investment portfolio.
On the other hand, Eurobonds can be a valuable tool for Costa Rica to diversify its funding sources and potentially reduce borrowing costs. However, careful management is essential to mitigate currency risks and ensure that additional debt does not compromise financial stability. Given the current economic conditions, Eurobonds could help Costa Rica secure the necessary funds for development and economic growth projects, as long as the risks are well-managed.
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jorgesoto22 · 3 months
Blog Entry #6
Bonds to invest
To invest in bonds, in my opinion, it is important to ask yourself two questions before investing in bonds. The first question is: are you a patient or impatient person? The second question is: are you risk-loving or risk-averse? In my position, I am patient, but not too much, so I would buy bonds with a maturity of no more than 5 years.. Additionally, I am risk-averse, so I would invest in bonds with not very high yields, as these bonds are safer and there is not much risk of losing money. Upon exploring a bit, I was attracted to corporate bonds, primarily from technology and aviation companies. The first bond I would invest in would be in HP Inc., as it is a technology company with a long track record. The second bond would be in American Airlines, as it is the largest airline in the USA. And finally, in Boeing Co., an aerospace company from the USA. The yields on these three bonds range between 5% - 10%, which are good and safe yields. Additionally, these are quite large and reliable companies.
Eurobonds are foreign debt instruments issued by the Ministry of Finance with the objective of raising funds from international creditors. In my opinion, I would resort to Eurobonds as a last resort, when the necessary funds cannot be raised internally. Eurobonds are usually sold at higher interest rates because the bond has to be competitive for foreign creditors to be willing to buy it. This means that the government will have a more expensive external debt than the debts it can obtain within the country. However, since Costa Rica's Eurobonds are long-term, this allows the country to restructure and optimize its domestic debt and secure resources for long-term development projects. As a last aspect, obtaining these Eurobonds shows that international investors have confidence in Costa Rica. In conclusion, Eurobonds are good for the economy as a last resort, because they provide money and resources to the country to adjust the internal debt and carry out new projects. But it will be necessary to be more orderly in order to be able to pay the high debt.
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santiagocastillo-blog · 3 months
Blog #7 This blog is a special shout out for the incredible work that The Central Bank of Costa Rica have been giving since his creation. The Central Bank of Costa Rica plays a crucial role in the country's economic stability and development. Established to oversee monetary policy and ensure financial stability. I’m going to explain some history and background of the Central Bank of Costa Rica was established in 1950, a few years after the end of the Costa Rican Civil War. Its creation marked a significant shift in the country's economic management, moving towards a more centralized and regulated approach. Before the establishment of the BCCR, Costa Rica's monetary policy was managed by private banks, which often led to instability and inflation. Also, the idea of a Central Bank was not originally from Costa Rica, many other countries already have this kind of entity. The main goals of the Central Bank at its inception were to control inflation, stabilize the currency, and promote economic growth. Over the decades, the BCCR has evolved, adapting its policies to meet the changing economic landscape of both Costa Rica and the global economy. Also, is responsible of much research that help to understand phenomena in the economy, a fun fact is that many professors here in the UCR work in that department (another shout out for Jonathan Garita, my macroeconomics professor). The Central Bank of Costa Rica is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy to control inflation and ensure economic stability. This includes setting interest rates and regulating the money supply. Over the years, the Central Bank of Costa Rica has implemented various policies to navigate economic challenges. One significant challenge has been controlling inflation. In the past, Costa Rica experienced high inflation rates, but through effective monetary policy, the BCCR has managed to bring inflation under control, promoting economic stability. Another critical policy area has been the management of foreign exchange. By maintaining a stable exchange rate, the BCCR has helped foster a predictable environment for trade and investment. This stability is crucial for a small, open economy like Costa Rica's, which is heavily reliant on exports and foreign investment. The Central Bank has also been proactive in adopting modern financial practices (like sinpe movil, i love sinpe movil). In my opinion the Central Bank of Costa Rica has played a pivotal role in shaping the country's economic landscape, because all the responsibility that it has. Through careful management of monetary policy, currency issuance, and financial stability, the BCCR has helped maintain economic stability and foster growth, this since his creation and for excellence performance of the professionals that work there (mostly UCR graduates!!). As the global economy evolves, the Central Bank will continue to adapt its policies to meet new challenges and support the country's development goals and we need to support their decisions for a better future.
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sukiatravel · 10 months
Exploring Costa Rica's Untamed Beauty: A Wildlife Adventure
Are you prepared for an adventure deep among Costa Rica's natural beauties? Should your wanderlust drive you to seek out stunning scenery and a wide variety of species? If yes, then Drake Bay tours and Corcovado National Park tours should definitely be on your fantasy list. In this blog, we will delve into the amazing, thrilling experiences you can gather for a lifetime by investing in a Costa Rica adventure tour, and later on, we will discuss all the things you can explore at Drake Bay Tours. 
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So, let's begin the adventure! 
Corcovado National Park Tours: Where Nature Reigns Supreme
The Corcovado National Park is a journey into the heart of biodiversity, where ears feel soothed with the melodies of exotic birds and leaves with a mild breeze. Imagine wild beaches, thick rainforests, and a wide variety of species. For you, that would be Corcovado National Park tours. One of the planet's most biologically dense areas, this refuge is home to a staggering variety of bird species, tapirs and jaguars. Here, guided tours provide an in-depth look at this amazing ecological feat. So, if you are a fan of greenery and peaceful environments, then this one is for you. Moving forward, let's throw some light on Drake Bay Tours -  
Drake Bay Tours: Coastal Charms and Marine Marvels  
“Drake Bay, where the Pacific's blue waves meet a verdant jungle”
Drake Bay is a seaside paradise that is conveniently close to Corcovado. It is a popular destination for travelers looking for adrenaline-filled yet peaceful Costa Rica adventure tours. Exhilarating land and marine thrills are promised on these tours. Drake Bay Tours has it all, from diving into the deep to see the fascinating underwater world to visiting mangrove swamps filled with species. So, get ready as you enter into the world of aquatic adventure. Next up is the wildlife tour in Costa Rica - 
Costa Rica Wildlife Tour: A Paradise for Nature Enthusiasts
Costa Rica is a paradise that combines adventure and wilderness, and it encourages you to create the ideal vacation. Every type of adventurer can find something they like, from guided tours that reveal the secrets of Corcovado's flora and wildlife to heart-pounding adventures in Drake Bay. Take a Costa Rica wildlife tour to explore a region teeming with life. See sloths idly perching on branches, howler monkeys swinging through the trees, and vibrant toucans flying around. Every trip reveals a different side of Costa Rica. 
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Costa Rica Adventure Tours: Thrills Amidst Natural Splendor
Costa Rica adventure tours are a dream come true for thrill-seekers. Hike up volcanic summits for breathtaking views, whitewater raft down raging rivers, or zip line through the canopy. The varied topography of the nation provides countless chances for exhilarating adventures in breathtaking surroundings.
Exploring Costa Rica: Where Nature Meets Adventure
“Costa Rica is an adventure waiting to happen, not just a place to visit.”
To really engage oneself in the natural splendor of Costa Rica, organise your trip with a variety of experiences. For a comprehensive adventure, combine exhilarating activities in Drake Bay with a guided visit to Corcovado National Park. It is a haven for both nature lovers and adventure seekers due to its unmatched beauty and abundance of activities. Costa Rica has everything you would love to pay for, whether your interests are in seeing most beautiful forests and wildlife, getting an adrenaline high, or just spending time in unspoiled environments.
Closing Thoughts
Put on your hiking boots, pack your bags, and get ready to discover Costa Rica's hidden gems. You may look forward to heart-pounding misadventures, wildlife encounters, excursions to Corcovado National Park, and adventures in Drake Bay. So, if you have made up your mind to tick mark this bucket list option, then you can check out Sukia Travel - a renowned tour and travel company that offers budget-friendly tour packages. Visit our website to explore more. That's Costa Rica calling!
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astuteanalyticablog · 11 months
The Best Spectacle Lens Manufactures in the World
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Spectacle lens described as the simplest form of contact or spectacle lens is a single vision lens that can be convex or concave. This means that the lens is made to a single prescription to fix a particular vision deficiency either short or long-sightedness.
The growing demand for trendy eyeglasses among consumers is a critical factor pushing the development of the global spectacle lens market. With rising disposable income, consumers are buying eyeglasses with blue light or UV protection, which is not limited to serving the purpose of vision correction but also makes it look stylish. In addition to this, according to the research report of Astute Analytica, the global Spectacle Lens Market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2031.
Best Spectacle Lens Manufacturers
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. 
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. is a multinational company that delivers eye health services and products. The product portfolio of the company includes lenses, sunglasses, ophthalmic frames, and disposable contact lenses. It also delivers a wide range of contact lenses like multifocal, daily disposable, monthly disposable, and toric lenses for astigmatism. Similarly, the company also delivers different services, like fitting contact lenses, patient education and support, and after-sales support. 
Carl Zeiss 
A well-known German lens manufacturer, Carl Zeiss still leads the field of glass prescription lens manufacturers. If people need the thinnest possible lens, the Zeiss glass lenses ensure to deliver the best possible appearance for those with very high prescriptions. 
Safilo Group S.p.A.
An Italian company, Safilo Group S.p.A. produces and designs eyewear under different licensed and proprietary brands like Carrera, Polaroid, Smith, and Blenders. The organization concentrates on designing, distributing, and manufacturing sunglasses, outdoor eyewear, goggles, prescription frames, and helmets. 
Alcon Vision LLC
Alcon Vision LLC is a global eye care device company with a complementary business in vision care and surgery. It delivers a complete range of products like eye drops, surgical equipment, and contact lenses. Also, the main focus of the company is to develop cutting-edge innovations and technologies to treat eye conditions and diseases. 
Luxottica Group S.p.A.
An Italy-based eyewear manufacturer, Luxottica Group S.p.A. creates luxury, fashion, and sports eyewear under brand names like Ray-Ban, Oliver Peoples, Presol, Oakley, Costa del Mar, and Arnette. The product range of the company contains sunglasses, frames, eyeglasses, and lenses. This company is heavily investing in research and development (R&D) activities and also, holds patents for many innovations, like Prizm Lens technology, which improves contrast and color for specific environments.  
Nikon not only produces the best camera lenses but also the same technology, years of proven optical design experience, and highest-quality materials have allowed it to extend their range of high-quality spectacle lenses. 
Essilor International SAS 
Essilor International SAS is an eyewear company that manufactures, designs, and also, distributes ophthalmic lenses, eyewear equipment, and frames. The company is concentrated on product innovations and has expanded photochromic lens technology that automatically adapts to changing light conditions. Also, this company holds a patent for a developed lens coating technology known as Crizal, which delivers anti-reflective properties, scratch resistance, and ultraviolet (UV) protection.
Content Source: The Best Spectacle Lens Manufactures in the World
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Condos for Sale in Costa Rica: Everything You Need to Know
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Costa Rica is a beautiful and vibrant country with a lot to offer to property buyers. Condos are a popular option for investors and residents, as they offer a variety of advantages, such as location, security, and community. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about condos for sale in Costa Rica. We will cover the pros and cons of this investment option, as well as the factors you should consider when buying a condo. Pros of Buying a Condo in Costa Rica: - Location: Costa Rica is a country with a wide variety of landscapes, from tropical beaches to lush rainforests. Condos can be found in all regions of the country, allowing you to find the perfect location for your needs. - Security: Condos typically have 24/7 security, providing a higher level of security than single-family homes. - Community: Condos often have a strong sense of community, as residents share amenities and services. Cons of Buying a Condo in Costa Rica: - Cost: Condos are typically more expensive than single-family homes. - HOA: Condos have monthly maintenance fees, which can be costly. - Limitations: Condo residents may be subject to restrictions on what they can do with their property. Factors to Consider When Buying a Condo in Costa Rica: - Location: Where do you want to live in Costa Rica? Do you want to be near the beach, the mountains, or the city? - Price: How much are you willing to spend? - Size: How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? - Amenities: What amenities are available in the condo or community? - HOA: How much do the maintenance fees cost? Conclusion: Condos are an attractive option for property buyers in Costa Rica. They offer a variety of advantages, such as location, security, and community. However, there are also some factors to consider, such as cost, maintenance fees, and restrictions. Read the full article
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propertyinmalaga · 1 year
🌞🌊✨ Discover Sotogrande: The Jewel of Costa del Sol ✨🌊🌞
Looking for your next dream destination or a perfect place to buy a property? Look no further! Sotogrande, a hidden gem on the Costa del Sol, is a must-visit and an ideal spot to invest. From luxurious villas to world-class golf courses and pristine beaches, it has everything you could wish for.
🏡 Check out our latest blog article, where we delve deep into what makes Sotogrande so special, and why it's a top choice for property buyers at "Property in Malaga".
👉 https://www.propertyinmalaga.com/discover-sotogrande/
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#Sotogrande #SotograndeProperty SotograndeGolf #SotograndeTennis #SotograndePort #CostaDelSol #PropertyInMalaga #DreamDestination #PropertyInvestment
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Discover Your Dream Property: Real Estate in Costa Rica - Homes and Commercial Properties for Sale
Costa Rica, with its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, has become a sought-after destination for real estate investments. Whether you're seeking a tranquil tropical home or a profitable commercial property, this blog unveils the allure of real estate in Costa Rica and the range of options available for both residential and commercial buyers.
Costa Rica's diverse landscapes, from lush rainforests to pristine beaches, make it a paradise for real estate enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for a serene beachfront retreat, a mountain hideaway, or a bustling commercial property, Real Estate in Costa Rica offers a wealth of opportunities.
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Real Estate in Costa Rica cater to various lifestyles and budgets, attracting retirees, expatriates, investors, and nature lovers alike. With a stable economy and a welcoming atmosphere, the country has become a favorite destination for those seeking a tranquil yet dynamic place to call home.
Costa Rica Homes for Sale offer an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Pura Vida, the country's famous motto, encapsulates the laid-back and contented lifestyle embraced by locals and expatriates alike. From beachfront villas to mountain cabins, Costa Rica homes are designed to harmonize with the natural beauty of the surroundings.
Owning a home in Costa Rica provides access to an abundance of outdoor activities, from surfing on pristine beaches to hiking in tropical rainforests. The country's commitment to sustainability and ecotourism ensures that residents can enjoy a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle.
For investors seeking commercial opportunities, Costa Rica's thriving tourism industry and growing economy present an attractive landscape. Commercial Property for Sale Costa Rica offer various options, including hotels, resorts, retail spaces, and office buildings.
With its strategic location and welcoming business environment, Costa Rica is a prime destination for entrepreneurs looking to expand their ventures. The country's growing reputation as a hub for eco-tourism, medical tourism, and technology startups makes it an alluring choice for commercial investment.
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"Why a 200 Hour Yoga Training Certification is the Ultimate Investment in Yourself"
Are you interested in deepening your yoga practice and sharing your knowledge with others? Then a 200-hour yoga teacher training certification may be just what you need. In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about 200-hour yoga teacher training certification, including its benefits, requirements, and how to choose the best program for you.
What is a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification?
A 200-hour yoga teacher training certification is a course that provides you with the knowledge and skills to become a certified yoga teacher. The Yoga Alliance, a nonprofit organization that sets standards for yoga teacher training programs, requires that all certified teachers have at least 200 hours of training.
The 200-hour yoga teacher training certification covers a wide range of topics, including yoga philosophy, anatomy and physiology, teaching methodology, and yoga practice. You’ll learn how to teach a safe and effective yoga class, how to modify poses for different levels and abilities, and how to create a sequence that flows smoothly.
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Benefits of a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification
There are many benefits to completing a 200-hour yoga teacher training certification, including:
1)Deepen your practice: A teacher training program allows you to delve deeper into your yoga practice, improving your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
2)Share your passion: With a teacher training certification, you can share your love of yoga with others, helping them improve their health and wellbeing.
3)Enhance your career: A yoga teacher training certification can open up new career opportunities, including teaching at studios, gyms, and retreat centers.
4)Join a community: A teacher training program provides you with a supportive community of fellow yogis and teachers, who will encourage and inspire you throughout your journey.
Requirements for a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification
To earn a 200-hour yoga teacher training certification, you must complete a program that meets the Yoga Alliance’s standards. These standards include:
1)A minimum of 200 hours of training, including at least 100 hours of contact hours with a certified yoga teacher.
2)A curriculum that covers the following five categories: techniques, teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy, and practicum.
3)A qualified teaching faculty, with at least one lead teacher who has at least 500 hours of teaching experience.
4)A program that adheres to ethical and professional standards.
Choosing the Best 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program for You
There are many 200-hour yoga teacher training programs available, so it’s important to choose the one that best meets your needs and goals. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a program:
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1)Location: Do you want to study locally or abroad? Consider the location of the program and whether it’s feasible for you to attend.
2)Teaching style: Different programs may focus on different styles of yoga, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, or Ashtanga. Choose a program that aligns with your personal practice and teaching goals.
3)Curriculum: Look for a program that covers all the necessary topics required by the Yoga Alliance, but also provides additional training in areas that interest you.
4)Accreditation: Choose a program that is accredited by the Yoga Alliance, which ensures that the program meets the organization’s standards.
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A 200-hour yoga teacher training certification is an excellent way to deepen your practice, share your passion for yoga, and enhance your career opportunities. By choosing a program that meets the Yoga Alliance’s standards and your personal needs and goals, you’ll be on your way to becoming a knowledgeable and confident yoga teacher.
Check out the website of “The Sanctuary At Two Rivers”, which offers this course for 200 Hour Yoga Training Certification Costa Rica  and is "Yoga Alliance certified” and you can also look at all the excellent services they offer.
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nkonson · 1 year
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Gisele Bundchen Flaunts Supermodel Body While Surfing In Costa Rica
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marcianoeconomista · 1 year
Blog entry #6
Mortality in children of black mothers in the United States and poverty in Costa Rica are two important topics that were touched upon during the presentation that I think are important to highlight due to their implications for equity and the well-being of the affected communities.
Poverty in Costa Rica is influenced by multiple factors, such as the lack of formal employment, low productivity, gender inequality, limited access to quality education, and lack of investment in social infrastructure. To combat poverty effectively, a comprehensive approach is required that combines social protection policies, promotion of decent employment, improvement of education, and strengthening of financial inclusion.
It is essential that the government, institutions and society as a whole work together to address these problems. This implies effective public policies, sustainable development programs, investment in human capital and empowerment of the most vulnerable communities.
babies born to black mothers have higher infant mortality rates compared to babies born to white mothers. This raises fundamental questions about racial inequality and inequity in access to quality health care, socioeconomic resources, and other social determinants of health. In addition, racial discrimination may systemic and cumulative stress contribute to disparities in maternal and child health outcomes.
To address this issue, it is crucial to take an intersectional approach and address both underlying health factors and social determinants. This involves improving access to quality healthcare, promoting equal economic and educational opportunity, and addressing racial discrimination and structural racism in the healthcare system and in society at large.
In summary, both the mortality in children of black mothers in the United States and poverty in Costa Rica are challenges that require continuous attention and collective action.
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jorgesoto22 · 3 months
Blog Entry #7
History of the Central Bank of Costa Rica:
Before the creation of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, there was the Departamente Emisor del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica. This department was in charge of the country's monetary policy and was the only one authorized to issue currency. Due to the growth of economic activity in Costa Rica, the need arose to create a Central Bank with greater autonomy. For this reason, Law 1130 was enacted in 1950, which established the Central Bank of Costa Rica as an independent body and governing body of the country's economic, monetary and credit policy.
Role of the Central Bank of Costa Rica
The main functions of the Central Bank of Costa Rica are:
• Maintaining the external value and conversion of the national currency.
• Custody and administration of the nation's International Monetary Reserves.
• Defining and managing monetary and exchange rate policy.
• Promoting favorable conditions for the strengthening, liquidity, solvency and proper functioning of the National Financial System.
Policies implemented:
The Central Bank aims to have an annual inflation of 3%. To achieve low and stable inflation, the Central Bank uses the monetary policy rate, which is the interest rate at which the bank lends to other banks. Having low and stable inflation is beneficial for investors because returns will not be affected by changes in prices. This encourages investment and economic development. In addition, it has a positive effect on consumers because it encourages private savings and they do not lose purchasing power.
In recent years, the Central Bank in the area of ​​the exchange rate, opted to have a managed floating exchange rate. Where the exchange rate is determined by supply and demand. This has had positive effects on consumers. Since the exchange rate has been low, this has helped people who have debts in dollars since they require fewer colones to pay the debt. In addition, consumers can increase their imports since the colon has more purchasing power abroad. However, it has affected the export sector because national products are becoming more expensive on the world market, reducing exports.
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