#Corwyn conspiracy
lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 53
Cw: grooming, murder, child abuse, fertility issues, magic, description of injuries, body horror, ableism
Gif by @daenerys-tarrgaryen
Taglist: @mercedesdecorazon @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @alexandria-millie @ewanmitchellcrumbs @darylandbethfanforever9
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Rhaena ---despite Jeyne putting her foot down saying it was too dangerous--- was packed along with her stepbrother and their dragons and escorted to her father by the army Jeyne promised father and her half-sister, Nettles.
Why, she isn’t sure, but Nettles thinks it’s to show off their dragons and make the Greens shit themselves.
“I do not like him.” Her eight and ten year old half-sister made her displeasure known after Ser Corwyn, a man of eight and twenty, helps her onto her horse.
“But I do, Nettie.” The girl said playing with the red ribbon he gave her back in the Eyrie. He was handsome, and great at jousting, and if Nettles was into boys, she’d find it very attractive when he takes off his tunic when he spars.
Rhaena had scarcely turned five and ten ---two weeks ago--- when the lords and knights in Lady Jeyne’s court begin to fight for her attention. She supposed it was her turn since everyone’s getting betrothed.
Baela is betrothed to the heir of House Rowan who Lady Jeyne claims is part of a conspiracy to kill Aegon and make Aemma queen. Aegon was led to believe by his councilors he had truly become loyal to him, and the Usurper believed them.
Joanna Westerling has sent a raven to father offering herself or his choice of her four daughters in exchange for ridding her of the Red Kraken. Father had ---according to Nettles--- chosen the widow as her bravery had him rooting for her despite her allegiance.
Rhaena has plenty of offers, but the choice is up to father, unfortunately.
Kermit Tully offers himself as a groom for Rhaena, as does three- and ten-year-old Bloody Benjicot Blackwood, Jason Lannister, Lord Manderley’s heir, Lord Tarly and Ser Corwyn Corbray.
Rhaena would gladly choose Ser Corwyn if it were up to her. It wasn’t fair mama married papa out of love, she tells her sister when she says he is too old for her.
“Your mother was two and twenty, and he killed the Sealord’s annoying son for her. If Ser Corwyn cares for you an ounce of what Daemon cared for his two late wives, he will wait until you are of age and know your own mind, little sister.” Nettles points out and changed the topic. “Do you think Vhagar knows Morning is hers?”
“Yes, when Aemond was Aemma’s hostage Vhagar would let her curl up beside her, she even let us get on her saddle. Unless you try to command your parent’s dragon, they don’t harm you. When Baela trained Moondancer for fighting, Vhagar refused to hurt her. Caraxes has no such problem, but that is because Caraxes is a jerk.” Rhaena explained wondering why she’d ask that.
Morning was as large as a colt now; the freedom of the mountain helped her grow as if she were a wild dragon like Nettles’ Sheepstealer. She was not a fighter, she needed training for it, but if she were to be around and hurt, Vhagar would have no other choice than to rescue her hatchling.
“Why does father want me there?”
“Baela’s escaping Kingslanding as we speak, Daemon wants Vhagar out of the fight and the only way to do it is if her hatchlings lead her away from the battle.”
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Prince Aenys suckles at Alys’ teat as if she hadn’t bound his life to hers. The babe would live as long as she did while he was still at her breast.
It served as insurance, and the only way the babe lives. Had he been handed off to an ordinary woman, the babe would have been blue by morning.
Alys had done this before. With Ida’s first boy, Simon’s eldest grandson and the housekeeper’s bastard girl. They all lived long and healthy lives, save for little Simon who she felt Daemon bring down Dark Sister on him.
Every dying child she nurses becomes tied to her.
She cannot give life, but she may nurture it. A small consolation for when your gods take away your chance to be an ordinary woman with an ordinary man and give birth to perfectly ordinary children.
Her husband had been killed by the same demon he sired on her; Larys’ horrible mama had been killed by the demon Alys gave birth to when she gave King Viserys her maidenhead.
She had prayed for a chance to get away from her stepmother who believed her to be the reason Larys was born the way he was.
The gods answered, just not the way she had hoped.
Her mother, a witch from Oldtown, had been proud, her father toyed with the valyrian steel link in his old chain as she tearfully explained her situation when three- and ten-year-old Harwin found her cradling Willam’s body in her bloody bed.
After that Alys honed her skills while father and Harwin helped erase any evidence of her …experiments out of love for her.
Her sisters remained blissfully unaware of it all, Larys loathed her for she knew his true nature, but Harwin adored her as all little brothers adore their big sisters.
As thanks for keeping her secrets, Alys kept the curse of Harren the Black at bay. The curse that plagued Harwin since Lady Beatrice Rowan gave birth to him on an unlucky day.
He had nightmares of fires, of being locked in his rooms and Larys laughing as he beats the door bloody until he burns alive.
Alys used all her arts to keep her brother alive, as long as she never left the castle it would not claim sweet Harwin who was so much more than just the Breakbones.
Then one night, Larys drugged her with sweetsleep and locked her in a cottage in the woods just outside the grounds to kill their father and brother.
Same brother Larys envied for being everything he wasn’t.
He wants her dead, now that he has lost everything for betting on the wrong horse. He killed his kin for a cursed castle, so she let it all fall on his frail shoulders.
Once he is dead, Ida’s sons with Lord Whent will inherit the title and lands that come with Harrenhal. Osbert Whent, a boy of four who would need a regent. Someone Ida knows would die and kill for him.
And that someone is his beloved auntie, Alys.
“The babe dies if I die.” She tells him as she continues to care for the baby prince.
“The babe is a bastard, he has as much value as you do, sweet sister.” Her brother said with a smile. “The little queen will have others. She doesn’t even love the babe, perhaps she may thank me for ridding her of it.”
“You do not know the rage of a mother, Larys. Even if she claims not to love her son, her blood will not let her rest until he is avenged.” The witch chided him for thinking all mothers were as cruel as his.
Lara Strong had made it loud and clear that she’d been disappointed in her son. She wanted a son better than Harwin who had always seemed uncannily perfect.
Larys, while loved by his father and siblings, loathed them for believing in the venom his mother raised him on. Hated them so much he became a kinslayer thinking he could fill that void in him with wealth and a title.
Nothing more terrible in this world than to live without ever knowing love.
“So you say, sweet sister, so you say.”
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“The Silent Sisters’ said it was beyond their ability to embalm her, the most they could was wrap her as tightly as they could.” He murmured squeezing his eye shut as if trying to will the memory of it away.
Usually, he is the one holding her, and tonight Aemma returns the favor. She braids his hair, helps him remove his false eye and when he asks her to comfort him in the way he had assumed, she turns him down as she has not fully recovered from the birth.
“I’m sorry you had to see it.” Aemma whispered tucking him under her chin as he is fond of doing with her.
Alicent’s death had been so gruesome she was wrapped in linen drenched in fragrant oils like a Valyrian instead of having her body embalmed as it was typical for Andal funerals. The spikes had torn through too much, even now some pieces of her clothes were stuck under the worst ones she fell on.
Whether she took her own life or was murdered was an entirely different beast. The only one in the room was Alys who swore on the Seven-pointed star she was burping Aenys on the other side of the nursery when it happened.
Not that they believed her, but they can’t change Aenys’ wetnurse without risking the babe becoming ill or worse, dying.
Even if grandfather’s and Aemond’s theory that she used her dark arts to kill her mother were true, they would have to postpone any trial and execution after Aenys has been weaned.
That would mean Daemon must wait another year to avenge her mother as he vowed that day she died.
“What are you thinking?” he asks turning so he could rest his head on her breast. If you saw him like this, you wouldn’t believe he was the same haughty prick you see in public.
“The same woman who killed your mother and mine is the same who nurses our son. We’ll have to wait until he is weaned to kill her.” She answered and he quietly chuckled.
“Aren’t you afraid she’ll kill him?”
A good question. One her grandfather and Baela and Jena and even Aegon had asked her since Alicent’s murder.
“No, self-preservation trumps all, she knows the moment anyone gets a whiff ---real or imagined--- of her mistreating the Prince of Dragonstone she is dragon food. Why do you think all your brother’s supporters are flocking to me now that the end is nigh, dear husband?”
Most courtiers had turned Green to keep themselves alive and with all their wealth, now they switch their cloaks for black to do the same. While Aemma will spare them, she will still punish them for their treachery.
They didn’t learn anything from when Jaehaerys spared their forefathers, this time Aemma intends to make the lesson stick.
They must learn the world cannot have a second Otto Hightower.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
How did rhaena end up marrying a hightower of all people?
rhaena spends the dance in the vale with lady jeyne. she marries ser corwyn corbray of the vale, a second son who bears the valyrian steel sword FORLORN (what a cool name) and whose brother is named protector of the realm. she suffers a miscarriage and her husband later dies @ runestone while dealing with lady jeyne's succession
her second husband, garmund, is, indeed, the younger brother of the lord of the high tower. rhaena is presented as the more conciliatory and gentle sister and the council of regents much prefer her to baela, when it comes to naming aegon iii's heir (he was still a child at this point)
it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they would consider someone from house hightower as a way to appease & unite former battlefield enemies. garmund & rhaena go on to have 6 daughters, but i wonder if the true reason they have so many children is because they are trying for a son (looking at their family tree)
his brother, lord lyonel (the ruling lord) was denied by the high septon to marry his stepmother, samantha tarly, and they kind of "lived in sin", producing 6 illegitimate children. that would have made garmund & rhaena's offspring next in line as head of house hightower, ergo the need for a son. however, the new high septon agrees to the marriage between lyonel and lady sam and they are able to get their children legitimized
i'm pulling the next part str8 from my a*se, but i'm wondering if they didn't push for a rhaena-garmund marriage so that they could gain control of morning, one of the last surviving dragons. it is not known when morning dies, although she will not have a long life for a dragon, since soon after the dance, dragons become extinct little by little. so, i'm guessing that The Plan was 1. for house hightower to gain control of morning in case the targaryen princelings manage to hatch other dragons and 2. when that didn't happen and they were fairly sure that dragons weren't a threat to westeros anymore, they could have, you know, 🔪🔪🔪🔪-ed morning as per THE MAESTER CONSPIRACY TM
you know how i feel abt the death of dragons being a good thing overall (here and here)
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pagebypagereviews · 3 months
In the realm of high fantasy, where the fate of worlds often hangs in the balance, a new tome has risen to command the attention of aficionados and casual readers alike: "The Shadow's Lament." This novel weaves a tapestry of magic, mystery, and political intrigue so intricate that it ensnares the imagination from the very first page. As a standout contribution to the genre, it is not merely another epic tale of heroes and villains; "The Shadow's Lament" delves into the murky depths of the human psyche, offering a profound exploration of loss, redemption, and the unbearable heaviness of secrets long buried. Author S. A. Corwyn invites us on a harrowing journey alongside an enigmatic protagonist whose sorrow is as deep as the world is vast, striking a chord with anyone who has ever grappled with the shadows of their past. What makes "The Shadow's Lament" particularly significant is its audacious subversion of traditional fantasy tropes, skilfully blending them with a rich psychological narrative that resonates with our own reality. Corwyn's masterful storytelling confronts the reader with thought-provoking moral dilemmas and the unforeseen consequences of personal sacrifice. This narrative alchemy does not merely solve the problem of predictability in high fantasy; it elevates the entire genre. Within its pages lies a reflection on power and the prices willing (and unwilling) characters pay to wield it, making "The Shadow's Lament" an essential read for anyone seeking a story where every choice comes with the weight of the world, and every whisper in the dark could be the difference between salvation and doom. Plot The Shadow's Lament is a gripping tale of intrigue and dark machinations, deeply entrenched in a world where shadows whisper and power is held by the subtlest of threads. The central narrative follows the character Varis, who is an assassin bound by a mysterious curse that compels him to slay marked individuals determined by an unknown force. As the story progresses, Varis finds himself embroiled in a conspiratorial web that spans the upper echelons of the society and the dank underworld he knows too well. Yet, Varis grapples with the moral implications of his actions and the unpredictable consequences they bring, especially as each kill reveals a deeper layer of the curse that holds him. The narrative structure is complex, unfolding through a non-linear timeline that requires the reader to piece together events from Varis's past and present. A pivotal point in the plot occurs when Varis encounters a resistance group fighting against the oppressive regime. This encounter forces a shift in Varis's perspective, challenging his role as the instrument of shadowy forces. Each chapter peels back the layers of the conspiracy, guiding the reader through a labyrinth of secrets and lies which lead to a crescendo of a climax where Varis must confront his own darkness and the true nature of the curse. Characters The characters in The Shadow's Lament are crafted with intricate detail and depth, each with distinctive motivations and backstories that weave together to form the fabric of the narrative. Varis, the protagonist, is depicted as a tormented soul, struggling to reconcile his actions with his burgeoning sense of morality. He is a nuanced character who evokes both sympathy and revulsion, encapsulating the dichotomy of his existence — both the killer and the unwilling puppet. Key secondary characters include Ayla, a member of the resistance whose fierce determination and quest for social justice challenge Varis's worldviews. Her interactions with Varis serve as a catalyst for his inner transformation. Another notable character is the enigmatic Silas, whose machinations and true intentions remain obscure until the very end, providing a constant thread of tension and uncertainty throughout the plot. Minor characters, too, are given attention and contribute to the rich tapestry of the story. From fellow assassins with their own
complex codes and loyalties to beleaguered common folk caught in the tides of change, each has a role in influencing the course of events and the decisions of the main characters. Writing Style The prose of The Shadow's Lament is a testament to the author’s love for language, characterized by its poetic and often lyrical quality. The writing style is immersive, deftly balancing elaborate descriptions with brisk, action-packed sequences. Literary devices such as foreshadowing, metaphor, and simile are employed to create a vividly imagined world filled with darkness and subtle terror. The dialogue within the book strikes a balance between period-appropriate diction and modern accessibility, giving each character a distinct voice without alienating the reader. Furthermore, the narrative employs unreliable narration at times, inviting the audience to question the truth presented by the characters and uncover the layers of deceit on their own. The pacing is deliberately measured, allowing the tension to build slowly and culminate in moments of intense action or profound revelation. This careful modulation ensures that the reader remains engaged, both emotionally and intellectually, with the unfolding plot. Setting The Shadow's Lament is set in a grim, quasi-medieval world, where shadowy lanes and ancient edifices loom over a society governed by strict hierarchy and oppressive political structures. The setting is almost a character in itself, with the architecture and atmosphere playing a crucial role in establishing the mood of the narrative. The city, often shrouded in fog and mystery, is teeming with secrets, and the stark contrast between the gilded halls of the ruling class and the squalid slums of the lower echelons serves as a powerful backdrop to the unfolding events. World-building is meticulous, with a clear understanding of the political, social, and economic dynamics that influence the character's lives. This backdrop is crucial for establishing the plausibility of the rebellion and the desperation that drives the protagonists. The blend of fantastical elements with realistic medieval conditions creates a domain where magic and stark reality collide, enhancing the narrative's sense of tension and unpredictability. Unique Aspects The Shadow's Lament distinguishes itself with several unique elements that contribute to its standout nature within the fantasy genre. Firstly, the book subverts traditional tropes by portraying the assassin not as a glorified antihero but as a deeply flawed individual trapped by forces beyond his control. The exploration of free will versus determinism is a recurring theme that propels the plot and adds philosophical depth to the narrative. Moreover, the novel's approach to magic is both understated and integral to the storyline. Rather than overt displays of power, magic in this universe is subtle, often tied to ancient curses, hidden lore, and the unseen realm of shadows that mirrors the tangible world. This interplay between light and darkness is mirrored in the moral ambiguity of the characters, who often operate in the grey areas of morality. Another distinct aspect is the book's engagement with social and political commentary. Through its fictional setting, The Shadow's Lament addresses real-world issues such as social stratification, abuse of power, and the fight for justice. These themes resonate with contemporary concerns, providing a connection between the reader’s world and the world within the book. Lastly, the inclusion of documents such as letters, diary entries, and official decrees within the text adds a layer of realism to the storytelling. These in-world artifacts allow the reader to piece together the history and motivations of the characters beyond the narrative, elevating the experience to an interactive investigation rather than a passive reading. Similar to The Shadow's Lament Below is an example of how you might format and style sections analyzing the pros or cons of "The Shadow's Lament" using HTML.
Here, we'll assume "The Shadow's Lament" is a fictional book, game or product: ```html table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; table, th, td border: 1px solid black; th, td padding: 10px; text-align: left; th background-color: #f2f2f2; Pros of The Shadow's Lament Compelling Storyline The narrative of The Shadow's Lament is engaging, rich in plot twists and well-developed characters that keep users intrigued and invested in the storyline. High Replay Value Multiple endings and branching story paths offer high replayability, encouraging users to experience various narrative outcomes based on their decisions. Stunning Visuals Visually impressive graphics and detailed environments enhance the immersion, making the users feel like they are a part of the world depicted in The Shadow's Lament. Cons of The Shadow's Lament High System Requirements The game requires a high-end system to run smoothly, which could be a barrier for users with low-spec hardware, thus limiting its accessibility. Steep Learning Curve New players may find the game's mechanics and controls difficult to master, possibly leading to frustration and a negative initial experience. Long Load Times Extended load times can disrupt gameplay flow and immersion, particularly on slower systems or consoles. ``` In this HTML example, each pro and con is presented within its own row in a designated table. The `border` and other styling applied to the table elements ensure that each element stands out and is clear for users to read. This structure emphasizes the item-by-item analysis without any need for introductory or concluding remarks. Each factor's impact on user experience is briefly explained in the corresponding table cell. Understand Your Reading Preferences Before venturing into the realm of 'The Shadow's Lament', it's crucial to assess your reading preferences. Are you drawn to dark fantasy, or do you prefer lighter themes? 'The Shadow's Lament' weaves complex narratives that not only entertain but also challenge the reader. Hence, it is important to consider if this matches your reading appetite. Additionally, the novel's tone, pacing, and level of world-building should resonate with your literary tastes in order for you to fully appreciate the journey it offers. Look at the Author's Previous Works Familiarizing yourself with the author's previous novels can provide valuable context and enhance your understanding of 'The Shadow’s Lament.' Analyzing how the author develops characters, shapes their worlds, and drives their plots forward can give you an indication of what to expect in this book. If this is your first encounter with the author's work, reading samples or shorter pieces can gauge his or her narrative style and thematic concerns. Evaluate the Book by its Genre 'The Shadow's Lament' may be categorized within a specific genre, but remember, genres can be broad and varied. Within fantasy, there are sub-genres like high fantasy, urban fantasy, or even dark fantasy. Considering the specific sub-genre will prepare you for the common tropes and storytelling techniques used within it. Additionally, understanding the characteristics of the genre can assist in setting the right expectations before indulging in the book. Consider the Reviews and Ratings While it's important to form your own opinion, reviews and ratings can serve as a barometer for the book's reception. Look for reviews from both professionals and regular readers to gather diverse perspectives. Pay close attention to what is consistently praised or criticized. However, be wary of reviews that give away too much of the plot or contain biases towards a certain genre or author. Analyze the Synopsis The synopsis of 'The Shadow's Lament' is a tool that helps you peek into the book's world without revealing too much. It should capture your interest and give you a sense of the story's direction. While it's designed to entice, it's also important to read between the lines for clues on the depth and complexity of the plot and characters.
A well-crafted synopsis should hint at the intrigue and conflicts within the pages. Book Format and Edition One often overlooked consideration is the format of the book. 'The Shadow’s Lament' might be available in hardcover, paperback, or digital editions. Think about which format suits your reading habits better. If you enjoy the tactile sensation of turning pages, a physical copy may be preferable. Conversely, if convenience and portability are top priorities, then an e-book could be the best option. Additionally, consider whether the book is a part of a series and if you’re acquiring the correct edition in the sequence. Price vs. Quality When considering the addition of 'The Shadow’s Lament' to your library, take into account the price relative to the quality and longevity of the product. While it's tempting to seek out the cheapest option available, investing in a well-made edition can enhance your reading experience and ensure the book lasts. Compare prices across retailers, but also consider the binding, paper quality, and the presence of additional features like artwork and maps that may enrich the reading experience. Check for Additional Content Lastly, look for editions of 'The Shadow’s Lament' that may include additional content such as author interviews, illustrations, or bonus stories. Extra content can provide a deeper dive into the universe and give context to the storyline. Exclusive content may be available in special editions or first printings, which could be of interest to collectors or those wishing to gain further insights into the author’s creative process. This additional content can sometimes justify a higher price point and enhance the overall value of the book. ```html FAQ for The Shadow's Lament What genre is The Shadow's Lament? The Shadow's Lament is typically classified as a dark fantasy novel, incorporating elements of suspense and supernatural themes throughout the story. Is The Shadow's Lament part of a series? Yes, The Shadow's Lament is the first book in a planned trilogy, with subsequent novels continuing the narrative and exploring further depths of the characters and the world they inhabit. Who is the author of The Shadow's Lament? The Shadow's Lament is written by an acclaimed author known for their work in the fantasy genre. For the most current information on the author, please refer to the book's details page or the author's official website. Can The Shadow's Lament be read as a standalone novel? While The Shadow's Lament sets the stage for the rest of the trilogy, it can also be enjoyed as a standalone novel with a conclusive ending that satisfies the immediate story arc. What is the recommended reading age for The Shadow's Lament? The recommended reading age for The Shadow's Lament is 16 and above, due to mature themes, complex moral quandaries, and some graphic content. Is there a content warning for The Shadow's Lament? Yes, there may be content within The Shadow's Lament that some readers could find disturbing, such as violence, dark themes, and mature subject matter. User discretion is advised. Where can I purchase The Shadow's Lament? The Shadow's Lament is available for purchase in both physical and digital formats at most major book retailers, including online stores and local bookshops. Are there any reviews available for The Shadow's Lament? Yes, a number of reviews for The Shadow's Lament by both professional critics and readers can be found on various literary websites, book retailer platforms, and discussion forums. Has The Shadow's Lament been adapted into other media? As of the latest updates, there are no official announcements regarding the adaptation of The Shadow's Lament into other media such as films or television series. Where can I find a discussion group for The Shadow's Lactments? Discussion groups for The Shadow's Lament can be found on social media platforms, reading forums, and community sites dedicated to literature and genre-specific discussions. ``` In
conclusion, "The Shadow's Lament" offers an insightful and compelling journey through its pages, offering readers a profound experience that goes beyond mere entertainment. This book is indeed a valuable addition to any bibliophile's collection as it artfully weaves a narrative that is both emotionally resonant and intellectually stimulating. Its ability to explore the darker corners of the human experience while providing a sense of catharsis is a testament to the author's narrative prowess. For those who seek depth in their literature, "The Shadow's Lament" provides rich, multi-layered characters and themes that invite reflection on life, loss, and redemption. The book elegantly tackles complex emotions, drawing readers into a world where the delineation between right and wrong becomes blurred by human frailty. Moreover, the book benefits readers by offering a chance to explore the power of resilience and the human capacity for change, making it a standout choice for anyone interested in the transformative power of storytelling. Readers of "The Shadow's Lament" will not only be entertained but will also gain a greater understanding of the human spirit. It is a fine example of how literature can enlighten and educate while providing a gripping narrative. If you are contemplating your next reading choice, consider delving into the depths of "The Shadow's Lament"—a book that promises to linger in your thoughts long after the final page is turned. Other The Shadow's Lament buying options
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aristocraticvision · 4 years
Chapter 90: All Is Revealed (Part 1)
“Good morning, your royal highness,” Sam said, standing.
“Good morning, Sam,” Stephen said, nodding. “Agent Fiennes.”
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Fiennes nodded his reply as Stephen took his seat at the end of the table. It had been nearly 24 hours since they had returned from San Rios, and, while Stephen had managed to rest, Sam and his team had been busy investigating to see who was behind Elizabeth’s abduction. Unfortunately, the team knew little more now than they had on the trip home. However, even that information was going to be surprising to their sovereign.
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Taking their seats, Sam and Fiennes sat quietly for a moment before Sam finally began.
“I know how frustrating all of this has been for you, your royal highness, so I want to thank you for your patience,” Sam said. “I felt that it would be important to confirm some of our initial findings before bringing them to you, which is why I wanted to wait until today to brief you.”
Stephen looked at his security chief questioningly.
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“Do you mean you knew some of what you’re going to tell me prior to today?” he asked.
“Yes, your royal highness,” Sam replied. “But I think that, once you have heard what we have to report, you’ll understand why we wanted confirmation.”
“Very well, then,” Stephen said. “Let’s have it.”
Sam turned to Fiennes, who placed briefing packets before each of them.
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“As you’ll see here, Castellano’s financial assets were distributed over more than a dozen financial institutions around the globe,” Fiennes said. “This is common for men in his line of work, of course, and it usually complicates the task of tracking down payments a great deal. In Castellano’s case, however, we were fortunate that Interpol had been tracking Castellano for quite some time and had put together a pretty comprehensive case. It’s likely they would have moved in on him within a matter of weeks had we not intervened.”
“So we know who paid Castellano?” Stephen asked.
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“Not specifically,” Sam said. “But there are some details we’ve become aware of that point toward the players.”
“Yes, your royal highness,” Fiennes said. “For instance, the last deposit into Castellano’s account in the Cayman Islands came from a numbered account we traced to a bank in Corwyn.”
Stephen was dumbstruck.
“Corwyn?” Stephen repeated. “But no indication of who specifically might be responsible.”
Sam shifted in his seat.
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“Well, that’s actually where it gets a little complicated,” he said. “So bear with us.”
Fiennes continued.
“We were also able to trace Castellano’s phone records,” he said. “While the phone we found on his body was a burner phone, having the phone in hand simplified things considerably. In tracing the last few calls he had made and received, most were to be expected – travel arrangements, rental of the house in San Rios, etcetera. But there were two incoming calls that were of particular interest.”
“From?” Stephen asked.
“The first was from a land line in Corwyn that we traced to Rookwood, a crown estate that reportedly is being used to house James Wellesley and his mother, Cora,” Sam said. “The second was from a personal cell phone registered to James Wellesley,” Sam replied.
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Stephen stood and walked to the window.
“Wellesley!” he spat, angrily. “I knew he was angry, but I had no idea he would go so far to avenge his father’s death. And to think I considered pardoning him so that he could return to Weston.”
Fiennes broke the silence that followed.
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“There is another … wrinkle … that you should be aware of, your royal highness,” Fiennes said quietly.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn
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aristocraticvision · 3 years
Chapter 147: Special Report
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“Good evening, Weston. I’m Scott Dearborn.”
“And I’m Rebecca Nash, and this is your WBN Evening Update.”
“In a shocking turn of events, a Weston court dropped the state’s kidnapping and conspiracy charges against James Wellesley earlier today at the request of Prince Stephen III."
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"Wellesley, found to be the mastermind behind the plot to kidnap and murder Princess Elizabeth of Weston, was officially pardoned and released by royal authority immediately after the session ended. He now has 30 days to leave Weston, as he remains banished for life for his crimes.”
“The decision sent shockwaves across Weston, where Wellesley is widely reviled for his involvement in the plot against the nation’s popular new princess. We sent WBN correspondent Caroline Baskin onto the street to talk to average folks about their reactions. Caroline?”
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“As news of James Wellesley’s pardon began to penetrate the collective consciousness of Weston, reactions have ranged from outrage at his release to praise of Prince Stephen’s mercy in the face of grave personal assault.”
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“I want to know what Princess Elizabeth thinks of all this! It’s one thing for her husband to let Wellesley go, but he’s not the one who was kidnapped. He was going to have her killed, for God’s sake! It’s easy for Prince Stephen to act all merciful, but I think we deserve to know how his wife feels about it. She’s the victim here!”
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“I’m shocked, actually. After everything that happened with his father, and now with young James, it just seems surreal that they’re just letting him go. Of course, now the real work begins. Because if Wellesley thinks it will be easy to find a nation willing to give him sanctuary, he’s mistaken. Most countries will hesitate before granting asylum to a known traitor, that I can promise you.”
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“Naturally, it’s disappointing that Wellesley won’t face the punishment he so richly deserves. But it does speak volumes about Prince Stephen and Princess Elizabeth that they want to grant him mercy and bring a sense of closure to this horrible business. It makes me proud to be Westonian, and gives me a lot of hope for the future of our nation.”
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“While Wellesley’s location is unknown at this time, we must assume that his task of finding a host nation to grant him asylum has begun. And, as has been pointed out, that may prove difficult, given the high-profile nature of his crimes.”
“That’s true, Scott. And with hashtags like #justice4elizabeth and #death2wellesley continuing to trend, Wellesley may ultimately have been better off – and possibly even safer, remaining in custody.”
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“I don’t know, Rebecca – seeing that Wellesley appeared in court looking as if he’d been beaten, I don’t know that we could guarantee his safety in prison, either.”
“In other news, unemployment in Grenville Bay has fallen to its lowest in more than 22 years, thanks to continued fulfillment of Prince Stephen’s economic plan for that community. We’ll have more on the story in just a moment.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 4 years
Chapter 107: A Family Meeting (Pt. 2)
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“I wish I could change things,” William said, finally moving to rise.
“There’s nothing you could have done,” Anne replied.
“Could someone please explain to me what’s happening?” Grace asked, looking from one to the other.
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“God you’re insipid,” Caroline snapped. “Mother is being forced to abdicate in our dear brother’s favor!”
Anne rose and walked to the window.
“Thanks to you,” Grace said.
“Fine, it’s all my fault,” Caroline said.
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“NO!” Anne said loudly, turning. Everyone fell silent. “It’s my fault. It’s my fault that I didn’t send the Wellesleys packing when they arrived. Everyone told me they were toxic, but I wouldn’t believe them.”
“Mother ….” William started.
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“It’s my fault that I spoiled my daughters to the point that one doesn’t have an ounce of sense in her head and the other is simply poisonous!”
“Poisonous?” Caroline said, angrily.
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“Shut up, Caroline!” Anne said, rounding on her angrily. “I warned you what would happen if you lied to me about this. I made a promise – and I intend to keep it.”
“You wouldn’t,” Caroline said. “Besides, I’ll be leaving for Torenth soon to marry Edward. They wouldn’t dare try to prosecute a future empress!
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“Dear god, Caroline,” William said, laughing grimly. “Do you not understand the situation at all? Once this becomes public, Edward won’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. His family won’t even admit they were considering you as a potential bridge. You’re a criminal!”
Caroline’s eyes took on the look of a caged animal as she realized all of her hopes and dreams had suddenly vanished.
“Now go sit down and shut up, Caroline,” Anne added. “Or I’ll find someplace even worse to send you, I swear!”
Caroline sat down, fuming but defeated.
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“I don’t know what you had in mind, mother, but the prime minister suggested that we get Caroline out of sight as soon as possible – and as permanently as possible. Prince Stephen has agreed to let her role in the plot remain unknown so long as she is punished.”
“That’s very good of him,” Anne replied, shooting Caroline a threatening glance as the princess prepared to comment. “And don’t worry. I have the perfect place in mind,”
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“But what about mother and I?” Grace cried. “And what about James?”
“Forget James, Grace,” William said, turning to Grace in irritation. “James is a lost cause. He will be extradited to Weston to face accessory charges for the abduction and conspiracy charges for the plot to kill Princess Elizabeth. He’ll likely be executed for his crimes.”
“No!” Grace cried, tears flowing now. “But he’s the father of my child!”
“And no one will ever know,” William said, glancing at his mother. She nodded in agreement, and moved to her daughter’s side.
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“What do you mean?” Grace asked, sobbing.
“You will join mother at the family’s estate at Ridgeton Hall” William said. “Mother will retain her title as Duchess of Armisil, and the two of you will keep a low profile until the baby is born. No one will know of it, and the child will be given up for fosterage immediately.”
“NO!” Grace cried. “Mother, no! Please! You can’t take my child from me! He’s all I have left of James!”
“I’m afraid it’s no longer up to me, Grace,” Anne said. “But I agree with your brother’s decision. No child deserves to live under the shadow of a traitorous father. Better that he be raised by a family that will give him the love and care that ours seems so incapable of giving.”
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“So you’re getting rid of all of us, then,” Caroline said, hatred showing clearly in her eyes.
“No,” William said, looking at his sister in disgust. “Only you. Mother and Grace will be out of the public eye, but they will be free. You on the other hand …”
Caroline sneered, but a sharp glance from her mother caused her to hold her tongue.
He turned and looked into his mother’s eyes.
“I am truly sorry it had to be this way, mother,” he said.
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“I know, son,” she replied. “But I am so proud of you. Today, you have proven to me that you can make the hard choices it takes to be a king.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth
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aristocraticvision · 4 years
Chapter 102: Public Shame
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Good afternoon. I’m Taylor Hayes, bringing you a live special report on the continuing crisis surrounding James Wellesley’s arrest on conspiracy and attempted murder charges.
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Wellesley, who is engaged to Her Majesty Queen Anne’s youngest daughter, Princess Grace, was arrested earlier today at King Robert III International Airport here in Varenna while in the company of his fiancé, Princess Grace. He was allegedly involved in the recent kidnapping and attempted murder of Lady Elizabeth Howes – now Princess Elizabeth of Weston after her marriage to Prince Stephen III this morning.
While the kidnapper was killed during the rescue of Princess Elizabeth, evidence found at the scene implicated Wellesley as the individual who hired international assassin Federico Castellano. His arrest has ignited a constitutional crisis, since investigators also suspect a link between his actions and the royal family of Corwyn. Queen Anne’s popularity, already at an all-time low, has plummeted, and several members of parliament are already calling for the abolishment of the monarchy altogether.
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We now go live to Corwyn’s Parliament Hall, where Prime Minister Wendell Oliver is about to publicly announce the results of an initial government investigation into these allegations.
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“Good afternoon,” Oliver said. “The kidnapping and planned murder of Princess Elizabeth of Weston was a shocking development for us all. Evidence found by Westonian security forces at the scene of the crime seemed to indicate that James Wellesley, a Westonian expatriate and fiancé to our own Princess Grace of Corwyn, was involved in financing the attempt on Princess Elizabeth’s life.
“After presenting its evidence, along with a formal request for the extradition of James Wellesley back to Weston for trial, additional information came to light which required further investigation by Corwynese authorities.
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“A thorough investigation of the Wellesley family’s assets found insufficient funds to have bankrolled the plot on his own, and no major withdrawals that would indicate his involvement. Unfortunately, given the close alignment of the Wellesley family and Corwyn’s own royal family, we felt we had no choice but to expand our investigation to determine whether one or more members of Corwyn’s own royal family was involved.
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“At the suggestion of Corwynese law enforcement and security forces, and with the full knowledge and endorsement of Her Majesty, Queen Anne, investigators reviewed all crown expenditures for the past six months, and, among several small irregularities, found a five-million-solari transaction that aligns time-wise with the deposit made into assassin Federico Castellano’s bank account. While it has so far proven impossible to link that expenditure to Castellano’s account directly, due to the complexity of Castellano’s criminal finances, we believe that the money may have part of the payment the assassin was to receive for abducting and taking the life of Princess Elizabeth of Corwyn.
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“While we do not anticipate making any additional arrests at this time, we will continue our investigation to determine whether the involvement of any member or members of House Wallis was intentional or a product of fraudulent action by James Wellesley.
“We will continue to provide updates as the investigation progresses, but encourage members of the public to remember that, so far, there is no direct evidence implicating any member of the royal family of Corwyn in the plot, and would ask them to withhold judgement until such a time when details become clearer. Thank you.”
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 “It doesn’t seem that the prime minister will accept any questions at this time, but again, there may be – and I stress – may be – evidence that one or more members of the royal family of Corwyn may have financial involvement in the contract to abduct and murder Princess Elizabeth of Weston.
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“We’ll be back after these messages to discuss the implications of the prime minister’s announcement in just a moment. Until then, I’m Taylor Hayes for CNS News, Varenna.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth
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aristocraticvision · 4 years
Chapter 100: An Arresting Development
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“I can’t believe mother made us fly commercial,” Princess Grace said as she and her fiancé, James Wellesley, walked down the gangway toward the airport terminal.
“I’m sure there was a good reason, my dear,” James replied. “Besides, we did have a lovely time in San Reyalle. Let’s not spoil it.”
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“You’re right, of course,” Grace said as the couple emerged into the terminal, stopping as flashes and a huge crowd surrounded them. She could see police officers pushing them back.
A man approached.
“James Wellesley?” he asked.
“Yes?” James replied. “Is something wrong? Is my mother all right?”
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“I am Inspector Hugh Torrance of the Corwyn Department of Justice,” the man said, flashing a badge. “James Wellesley, you are under arrest for conspiracy, accessory to kidnapping and attempted murder. Please step this way.”
James paled.
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“What is the meaning of this?” Grace cried. “Do you know who we are – who I am?”
“Yes, your highness, I do, and I would urge you not to interfere,” Inspector Torrance said, nodding to the police officers behind him.
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“Not interfere?” Grace said loudly. “This is my fiancé, and soon to be a member of the royal family! I don’t know who gave the order for this arrest, but I assure you there’s been some kind of mistake!”
“There is no mistake, ma’am,” Torrance said, then nodded to his men. “Cuff him.”
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As they handcuffed James, Grace tried to push through to reach him, but was held back by members of the royal security detail.
“Your highness, we are under orders to take you to the palace immediately,” one of them said.
“But James!” she cried.
“Don’t worry, darling,” James shouted over the din of reporters asking questions. “We’ll work this out, I’m sure.”
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As he was led away, James heard one of the reporters mention Princess Elizabeth of Weston, and finally understanding what was happening.
“James!” Grace cried, tears flowing down her cheeks.
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“This way, your highness,” the guard said, quietly. “We have a car waiting for you.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth
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