#Corv: 002
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Suresh said nothing more of the Lightless leader. Or his paranoia. The man had his reasons for concern. And Suresh would not belittle them. If Suresh was something other than himself he would have much reason to be concerned about Corvinus' arrival. In the grand scheme of things Callum and Suresh had been able to eek out an uneasy alliance with each other. A vast improvement to the cold war the Lightless and Lotus Eaters had been engaged in. And the losses of his territory small bites at a time. The comments about both Callum and Mathias did elicit a grin from the Naga. He gave a graceful shrug that could mean anything. "Anything to do with Naga's is mine. Regardless of territory lines."
A soft, rich laugh trickled out of Suresh's mouth. He shook his head, highly amused, "I thought you were rather good. Maybe you've improved since all the murder attempts? Or maybe you were just trying to impress me..." His golden eyes were bright with humor, "Many people have tried to kill me over the centuries. The lovers usually waited until after I broke their hearts before they attempted murder. None ever made it very far."
"Yes, it has been very interesting to finally meet you, and to get to know you a little. There are so few of us in the world." But Suresh was ready to see the back of the Witch. They would have this meeting, Suresh would get what he wanted and then this immortal problem could continue on it's way. But he did find the witch truly fascinating. And the taste he'd had of the others mind, of his memories. He would love to lie with the other and speak about the past, the present, the future. To talk about power and to be able to have someone understand what he meant when he spoke of loss. He saw the hand coming and didn't move, even his eyes stayed on Corvinus' face. Now that first sentence tasted like actual truth. Something disconcertingly honest in it. But that comment about gratitude... Suresh's face shifted into something mischievous as he slid his snake half into the space between Corvinus' knees, coils spilling over his legs and onto his lap. Pushing to make him flinch or shove Suresh away. Or would be break and try and hurt Suresh again. Hands, still talonless, resting on Corvinus' shoulders. The space between them disappearing. His face close to the witch's. As he looked at his eyes and then his face, drifting to his lips. His voice was breathy and oddly gentle as he whispered, "Should I? Be grateful? If you were anything other than ripples... You would have met a very different version of me." He leaned back and began to slide himself out of Corvinus' lap and off the couch completely.
Of course he expected Callum to immediately begin running his mouth to anyone that would listen. But Corvinus should be so lucky that the elderly shifter was not so liked that anyone would just take him at his word. Paranoia had always been part of his brand. Fior hadn't tried to attack him or outright reject him, that was a good sign. And Suresh didn't seem any more worried about his arrival. The witch did have to wonder how the Deathrunners might feel if word had reached them yet. "Callum has always been paranoid. I'm sure he spent many years after attacking me looking over his shoulder, wondering when I might get revenge. He wasn't worth hunting down. As for the Deathrunner boy, pretty. Not likely to pursue again. Though I more expected that leader to come and request the blood, not for him to turn to you." The two groups must be closely aligned, something to make note of. And here he had been hoping they would be at one another's throats.
Attraction and passion were two very dangerous things. It required some level of trust, some level of danger. To be in such close proximity always had his defenses raised, no matter if it was an ancient being like the one beside him or a normal mortal far below his level. "I've had one too many lovers try to kill me immediately after. You'd be surprised how many sure you to bed only for you to find a knife in your chest right after. The seventeenth century was particularly nasty. I'd have quite the scar set if I were able to be hurt that way." Of course, he did have scars but that was long before. All of them fleeting interests, something to occupy his time. Then they realised what he was and reacted out of fear or some righteousness for the crimes he had committed.
He felt the hand on his knee, letting the other to allow his legs to uncross and press open slightly. Corvinus raised a brow, meeting the other's gaze once more. Even with the gestures, it was quite obvious the naga wanted him gone as quickly as possible. "As pleasant as this has been, having my fun, I would much rather be on a quick return journey back to my own country. Or whatever unfortunate place catches my attention next." He moved a hand up, gently running over Suresh's jawline, looking over every detail Flawless skin....meant it was hard to actually hurt. But there were always internal methods, as he had already shown. "It wasn't my choice to come here, rest assured. But I do have a habit of making waves wherever I go. You should be grateful it's mere ripples in this city."
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The Nameless are Faceless no more
Location: Neutral territory
Who: Suresh, Mathias (via proxy) @ascnsionismx, Callum @callumloughty, Corvinus @silveredlies
It wasn't often that the Gang Leaders gathered together for a summit. The building specially proofed against magical attacks. These types of meetings were always big to-dos for each of the gangs. Trying to figure out who was going as support and a show of strength. This was an even more delicate process due to the other two anticipated arrivals. Suresh had managed to convince both Callum and Mathias to agree to sit down together so that the three of them could finally put a name and face to the Leader of the Nameless and hopefully allow the Blood Witch to feel free to return to Ireland. Suresh eyed the corpse that Mathias wheeled in with a sense of bland amusement. "Thank you for coming. The other two will be here shortly. I didn't give the Witch the location until about twenty minutes ago."
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They were slow and thoughtful games. A new move, a new gambit. A dance that changed tempo. Suresh would use each and every gift in his inventory to come out on top. There was no shame in winning by any means necessary. But there was also not the same rush with the witch as with some of the others. Give something, get something, show something, discover something... Flattery and acknowledgements of a well put together scheme were just as important as actual attacks. A wink and a nod rather than a punch to the face. Listening to Corvinus speak about Mathias was amusing though. He couldn't wait to tell the young Leader how well he'd done. "Don't tell me that you're surprised that Callum told his people the moment you showed your face to him? The Deathrunners leader, like the Nameless', likes to keep themselves more anonymous." Suresh shrugged at Corvinus' mention of Mathias, "That one is just very young and untested." Complete truth. Because Corvinus wasn't the only one that knew how to use the truth to lie. "But he has a very pretty face."
At the feel of the other's power Suresh made a soft, calculated gasp. Because it cost him nothing to let the other know he could feel him. Aura's touching was a different type of intimacy. An invisible press of something. Rage... So much anger. Hate was a burning desire. Just like love. And even a small whisper of it was thick like tar on fingers. Suresh's eyes glittered eerily in the low light as they drew themselves back. "It's yours to keep..." He flashed a grin and laughed at the comment about the jacket coupled with the self-maiming statement, a touch of fang visible for only a moment. "I'll give it back. Don't worry, you won't need to open up a vein tonight. At least not on my account." When Corvinus didn't move away Suresh leaned forward a little , but kept his hands to himself for now. "Careful?" Suresh said with a grin, knew exactly why Corvinus had warned him, but he was going to push until he met real resistance. His tail gently and playfully tugging on the other's ankle. It came back to the fact that Suresh felt more secure the closer he was to others, either for the comfort or because he was lightening fast and strong enough that close gave him a distinct advantage, "I already promised I wouldn't harm you again tonight... I'll be hurt to hear you don't believe me. You know... Since we aren't lying to each other."
Suresh's focus was on the witch. The way the other leaned back, crossed his legs, Suresh let his tail slide off the ankle that moved. The Naga loved watching the ancient witch. Trying to pick apart each and every move. Layers and layers. Eyes moving away, fingers tapping. Impressions and the truth. The word grant caused one of Suresh's eyebrows to lift in curiosity. The two of them looking at each other again. And Suresh nodded. Plausible. Tasted the way everything tasted from the other. But the Nameless leader not being in the city made a great deal of sense. And put quite a few things into perspective. The sense of waiting. The facelessness. It also aligned with what Callum had spoken about, that Corvinus' had been hunting. It fit very neatly together. But it also didn't answer the question that Suresh had asked.
Suresh leaned forward slowly, placing his hands softly on Corvinus' knees. He coaxed the witch's legs back apart as he slid towards the witch. But didn't move his hands any farther than just above the other's knees. His strength and the length of his body letting him lean forward much farther than a human would be able to. "Yes, you've rather been like a rock in a pond... So many ripples..." The Naga hummed softly. "I'll see about the meeting. So we can get you on your way back to Ireland."
Half truths and lies of omission were where he worked best. To twist something poisoned and corrupt so that it resembled beauty to be offered was a skill all on its own. There was no need for spells to charm of hypnotize save for some here and there when he had the power of words at his fingertips. Gaining desired information, turning others against their closest allies, stirring up battles in times of conflicts, all for his own gain. It was always nice that his hard work was noticed rather than those that bought in to a beautiful lie. Fools only bored him in the end. There were no true games if there was no challenge or perhaps he had simply become jaded in more ways than he thought. As for play acting, "Fior was smart to play along, though I am a little disappointed he knew already. I put quite a bit of effort in to that one. The necromancer boy, though...all it took was a drink. The Deathrunners leave a lot to be desired if they make someone so foolish their Underboss. I felt bad for him, truly."
To be brought into a lie so easily, there had been a touch of guilt when Mathias had left. Just barely, he had certainly done far worse in his long life. But now likely, his games wouldn't work any longer save for perhaps the bottom of the barrel folks. The ones ranked so low that they wouldn't be brought in to conversations of the Blood Witch. A true shame. Seeing the games come to their conclusion was always a bit disappointing but there were things to do before he found out what a deity could do to an insubordinate blood witch.
As he felt the small push towards himself, Corvinus wasted no time pushing back with his own aura of magic. Letting it seep through just slightly, pressing against the naga. But while the other radiated desire, his own was tainted with rage. Not towards Suresh, not right now, but often how his magic displayed itself. It was hatred and spite that allowed him to obtain his powers and still the powerful motivators that kept him going rather than secluding himself in his estate and watching the world fade away through the windows. But he was quick to pull his back and draw the small taste back into himself. They toyed with different weapons. "I think I'll just keep this one. Though it is adorable how keen you are to keep my jacket away. I'm not above self-maiming to get blood I need if pushed." Suresh had seen how quickly he had healed, there was no point pretending as if blood draw wasn't a tedious task. He felt the tail loosely wrap itself around his ankle though he didn't pull away. "Careful now," he gave a soft warning. The touch was fine so long as it didn't descend into violence and fighting again.
Still at the topic of the Nameless leader, Corvinus gave a sigh that was annoyed. As if it was a topic he didn't much care for. His lips pursed, leaning back into the couch with his arms stretched over the top and legs crossing. An image of openness and walls at the same time. His eyes moved to the windows, a long silence as he focused on the scenes down below. Fingers of one hand were tapping, dancing on the couch as though he were trying to come up with the perfect words. "...I'll grant you another trust," he finally spoke and attention rounding back to Suresh, "I said before you were the reason I came here. True in a way, but you weren't the one that initially drew my attention to the city. Just a happy perk." He thought about how far he should go, how careful to be. Whatever story he gave for the Nameless was a truth in a way considering where he was, so was the other. "I've been hunting while exploring the lovely city. The reason you haven't been able to reach the leader is because, well...he hasn't been here."
He'd been traveling, giving orders from afar, while gathering supplies and powers since his binding to the god. And trying to find a way to sever that same bond. "He came in to my country a few months ago. While I don't claim her lands, I ensure that my isles, my homeland, is safe. You wanted to know why I was here, I was drawn out. Forced into a game I had no intention of getting involved in to ensure me and my own are left alone. You want to know why I chose you three over the Nameless? You didn't interrupt my peace of mind. So I provoked, I taunted, all to create more noise to lure out what I wanted. Honestly, you lot did most of the work for me. And once I'm certain this is handled with the meeting, I will return home to my domain and continue my own works." Everything was stated so bluntly with that hint of annoyance on the topic. It was truths....though it was more the deity itself had lured and forced his involvement rather than any Leader in the shadows.
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Suresh had shaken his head, voice soft, "Becoming a vampire or undead would have been much simpler than whatever it was that you did to yourself. But then you would not have still been a witch." The prospect of immortality could be found in many shapes and sizes in the world based on what you had to pay for it. But Corvinus' flavour was unique and Suresh wondered what indeed he had paid for such a wonderous gift. The Naga chuckled tiredly at the comment about him being cooped up. The God of Desire required people. Solitude was never an option for Suresh. "We can be honest with each other tonight. It is not a rumor how long I have been here. My beautiful Big Easy cares for me as I care for it. And why would I need to leave my little empire when I have never lacked for new and interesting visitors?" He paused and said, "Though after you, they might seem a little humdrum."
Suresh too was waiting. The reason why the others called him complacent. His timeline was just so much longer than the Lightless or Deathrunners had been. Even now he moved faster than he would naturally for the sake of the other Lotus Eaters. He was spurred into action for the ones he loved. He nodded in agreement with the witch, "Silly isn't it? One thing I can say we learn over so many centuries. Even in seeming chaos, there is always someone behind the wheel."
Suresh's golden eyes stayed fixed on Corvinus. Soft, calm, relaxed. But not having his glamour so tight around him the room was already thick with the perfume and press of Suresh's magic. None of it aimed at the witch, just existing. But no promises had been made tonight. Hospitality had been offered and refused. He smiled at the redirection. The careful way the witch used his words to tell the truth. He let himself be surprised at the admission of meeting people he'd previous known. "Oh? I hope they were positive run ins." He finally closed his eyes at the last question and shook his head, "No. There never is." Drawing himself a little closer to the witch with a gentle sigh. He rested his head against the witches arm and the back of the couch, their knees bumping together. A picture of surrender and exhaustion. "Work is work. Tedious for someone like you I'm sure. A million small decisions required of me throughout any given day." He finally opened his eyes, fixing Corvinus with his gaze once again, "The news, was very disappointing... It was about you." As the word 'you' left his mouth several things happened at once: the power in the room exploded; the rest of Suresh's glamour ripping away as the full truth of his size and body filled the couch and spilled into the witches lap and the floor. The Naga's hand, now tipped with talons reached out and ripped the necklace off of Corvinus', ripping through shirt and undershirt as his tail and body coiled around the witch with a horrifying speed, holding Corvinus arms against his body as he squeezed him in a steel embrace, pressing him prone against the couch. The one taloned hand not holding the necklace was pressed against the witch's throat. Suresh's face hovered above the witch's, speaking through long, sharp fangs, his s's slightly distorted, "If you open your mouth to do anything other than answer me I will rip your throat out. Nod if you understand." Suresh's hypnotic gaze pulled down into Corvinus' and met resistance. The Naga had expected as much. He slowly tried to bore his way past the witch's defenses, an invisible hand pushing through through his mind. His voice was oddly gentle as it slipped through fangs and a forked tongue, "My spies tell me you have Naga blood. Something you neglected to share with me..." His coils twisted just a little tighter with each of Corvinus' exhales. But he would leave the witch enough breath to answer. "Explain why I shouldn't crush you into a sticky paste for being a filthy fucking poacher?"
A heartbeat was a wonderful thing, a sign of life and a telltale of one's emotions. His own beat steady in his chest and one of the few constant rhythms in his life. A reminder of his existence in the darkest of times. "It's still beating strong as ever. Don't worry, I'm very much alive. If becoming immortal required me to be undead, I would have never sought it." Instead it had been blood flowing like an ocean of crimson on a ritual site long since destroyed by his own hand so that no one could follow him into such a life. "As for special, well, of course you don't. Especially for you. You've been cooped up in this city for far too long based on the rumours I've heard about you." Corvinus simply couldn't imagine staying in one place for so long and around others. At least his own home in Ireland was well isolated on the brief period he did spend more than a decade within it.
Everyone was always in a rush, chasing every thing down in a hurry and it was never enough. Corvinus had times felt a little pity for the mortals and how they tried to make their lives meaningful so quickly only to so often come up short. He could bide his time for centuries, waiting in the wings. If he desired something, he could simply wait for whatever it was to be taken freely. An object, a spell, boundaries didn't last forever. The only reason he had come to New Orleans while it was still settled was on account of a certain pushy god. "And yet, they all think themselves above each other. That surely they'll be the ones to succeed in their endeavors while everyone else fails." Rushing never got anyone anywhere. Heaven forbid if the pyramids had been rushed, they would have long since crumbled into the sands.
Feeling the gentle touch, Corvinus' eyes never left Suresh. Such a fascinating creature. He almost didn't want to have to snuff him out at some point. "You've heard the tales of tourists a thousand times over.I've met interesting people, even run in to a couple I've known in the past but that happens. I daresay I'm far more interested in what this work you've been doing is or what news you heard that's put you in such a mood? No rest for the wicked, is there?"
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"I imagine he was still rather stuffy, even eighty years ago. Though an improvement over his predecessor." He listened and nodded, the reason why Callum as still alive was the one where their stories matched up the best. He survived simply because the Witch hadn't felt like killing him. But Corvinus' need to gloat was a delightful bit of petty that Suresh could understand. A sly smile breaking across his lips at the dog comment. However Suresh did have a healthy respect for Death, the Goddess and her chosen. Suresh didn't believe anyone, even Corvinus could outrun her indefinitely. Gold ophidian eyes drifted thoughtfully over the Witch's face. It was what he would do. Drop small seeds and hope the roots caused cracks... And the best doubts were plausible ones. Why would Callum lie about the reason behind the fight? What did it matter if he was following the charge of his Goddess? Suresh already knew how unhappy the Lightless Leader would be finding out how this exchange went between the Witch and him tonight.
The sly smile turned into a graciously amused grin, and the Naga shook his head. "Please. Take this as the compliment that it's meant to be. You are one of the most accomplished half-truth speaker I have ever met." Suresh shook his head, he was a prideful creature but he was careful and observant. Even while he played the total hedonist Suresh knew there was far more under the surface of Corvinus. He'd gotten a small peek behind the curtain and he had gotten a taste of how much was still hidden. Labyrinthian depths. "I heard you went play acting to a few others too... I hear everything... eventually."
Suresh relaxed a little, letting his body uncoil slightly. He had only glamoured his hands, not bothering with the rest of it. The talons were useful but they were just one small brutal piece of his arsenal. "The offer to replace the one I ruined is still there. But you do look nice in my shirt." His eyes drifted over his shoulder and chest, nodding, "I knew that one would fit you." Eternity was a long time to have to plan, to remember slightly, to hold grudges. Suresh slowly manipulated his little game board of the city, making moves that were designed to not pay off for a generation or longer. Position himself carefully in order to strike the quickest and best blow. The people that truly drew his ire he dismantled brick by brick. Methodical and cruel until all they desired was release from the misery. But it had been a long time since he'd felt the need to do that.
The feel of the warm hand in his own, electricity that he couldn't help jumping from skin to skin, it was just part of what he was, a soft pulse of desire. But nothing that couldn't be shrugged off by the Witch. Because yes, to touch someone that could ignore that soft current that drew people to him was lovely. Dangerous and alluring. His eyes watched as Corvinus brought Suresh's hand to his lips and kissed it. Terribly charming. And Suresh's eyes softened at the caress as he searched for the lie, for the flinch. The Naga wanted to tell him that he should fear them... but who was he to correct the other? A mischievous glint came into his eye as he drew his hand back. Letting them rest in his lap, golden nails tracing his own scales absently, "I have to confess, I haven't been that excited in ages..." He let his tail drift down and loosely curl itself around one of Corvinus' ankles. The Witch had accepted the hand, so why not push a little?
Listening to the Witch again it had that taste of truth enough. Missing pieces. What was one witch? The sentence made Suresh reguard Corvinus' thoughtfully before he answered, "Depends on the Witch..." The comment about the not being considered a god made the Naga shrug. "One cultures monster is another's god. Who knows? Maybe in another five hundred years someone will make a shrine to the Immortal Blood Witch and burn effigies to you?" Suresh's mind drifted back to his Advisor and the Lightless Emissary. So many coincidences... "Something I am curious about, where did you find him? You might be a wonderful lure but you had to post up somewhere to get his attention... And we've been attempting to reach out for a long while now... I simply must know, where was it?"
It was up to Suresh if he would believe what was said. The term walking abomination was no surprise as he had been called a whole slew of things in the confrontation. It did earn an eyeroll and a sigh from Corvinus. "I'm certainly not surprised. But there was no dispute. Keep in mind, this was eighty years ago and he was much younger. Much more inexperienced. If I wanted to snuff him out to claim territory, I would have. It's never interested me and a shifter of all things would not stop me if it did. Honestly, the only interest I have in him now is gloating because he failed. Rub his nose in it, that's what you do with dogs, isn't it?" There wasn't anything else particularly interesting about him, shapeshifters were common enough. Dog ones especially. Had Callum not attacked him all those years ago, he likely wouldn't have approached him now. The Lightless was where he was least concerned. "And nagas may be perfectly natural, but he may not see it that way. He may not deem it natural or perhaps he considered one sinful. I'm merely suggesting you think about why he would lie. I wouldn't consider our little fight anything major."
Perhaps he could get away with planting a small seed of doubt between the two groups. Something that might fester and blossom into a toxic flower. Everything else he had said was true enough. He'd had no idea who Callum was until he had been approached. The shapeshifter could go around playing Hellhound all he liked, it wasn't of any consequence to Corvinus so long as his own plans weren't interfered with back then. "I may not offer information freely all the time but I don't think I've completely lied to you. Well...perhaps you would consider me pretending to be drunk but that was just in good fun." Lies of omission rather than outright dishonesty was how he often got by. Though he could play into either of them depending on what he wanted.
It wasn't as if Corvinus believed the talons were really gone, he knew the glamour well enough. Powerful stuff from the naga but he could sense the magic in the air. "Well, considering you've already ruined one shirt, I'd at least like to pretend you won't to another." Or anything that might give blood. He knew well how valuable blood was and certainly wouldn't be giving out any of his own. But he could wait the naga out. As long as it took and both acknowledged that. Perhaps a thorn in his side but why rush a fun time while he was allowed to have it? Seeing the hand, Corvinus reached his own out to take it. "Do you want to know the best part of being powerful in my own right? I don't crave or fear your powers. I have my own." There wasn't any real desire for them. A fascination but he found that often with others that challenged him. He turned Suresh's hand over, bring it closer to place a gentle kiss to the top of it.
A step in the right direction, luring them together for what he was sure would be an interesting night. So much excitement. He was sure Callum and Suresh would be furious. The leader of the Deathrunners, well, he hadn't had the honour just yet to know that reaction. "It's simple maths. I'd much rather have one witch pissed off at me than the three of you. I don't really feel fear but you three could be a great annoyance to me. What is one witch?" Downplay the abilities of the Nameless leader subtly, as if it wasn't enough to really both him. At the next words, Corvinus did laugh softly to himself. "I don't think I've ever been considered a god of all things. Monster, yes. But I prefer my privacy too much to let the world know about me to worship me. I already have an ego, let's not inflate it."
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Suresh's nose had fixed itself, there had been nothing to stop it from going back to what it was supposed to look like so it straightened itself without any further interference. The Naga grinned, "I was keeping you prone. You kicked me in the face. Slightly different... -what do the children say these days- Vibes? But you're right. Even is even." It wasn't something to stay on. He could move past it for the time being. He listened to the laugh. Interested in the sound. He knew that Callum hadn't been telling the whole truth but Suresh was not about to wholesale believe the witch. Not now, not ever. He simply nodded, "That is what he told me." Because it had been. He leaned his head on the couch and listened to whatever semblance of the truth poured from Corvinus' lips. The relationships with the Lightless was contentious at best but they had found a common ground until the man sitting across from him had appeared. Suresh nodded his head. The way Corvinus told it was a bit different than how the Hellhound had painted the circumstances. And somewhere in the middle was what had actually had happened. Suesh nodded again and said, "Yes, I believe he called you a walking abomination." But that was between Loughty and his god. His need to right the scales. True believers had their place in all orders. Suresh's golden talons clicked against each other as he folded his hand over his chest. At the string of mostly rhetorical questions Suresh shrugged, "Why do any of us hide anything? Because we do not trust." The comment about nagas and Callum made Suresh's eyes narrow and he shook his head, "Naga's are natural. Old or not. Just because no one knows what our life expectancy actually is... we are natural." Well, they were natural. Whatever he'd done to augment himself... that was something else.
Suresh considered what Corvinus thought would be the things that he would reject outright. He wasn't going to give Corvinus a blank check. The Naga let out a soft amused noise when the witch said he didn't mind getting his own hands dirty. Of course. "If you are disliked that is entirely up to you." But whatever the witch chose to do he would do. A favor that he could reject was fine with Suresh.
He glanced down at his hands. Looking at his talons. Then back back up at Corvinus. "The talons are what bother you? Really? Alright then." He cracked his neck and drew in a breath and a soft shimmer on his hands, talons gone like they had never been. "Standing in the rubble looking across at each other... No. There is no rush. Though the next time I think neither of us will be holding back like we were..." A soft acknowledgement that what had happened between them was a mere skirmish. "Most people that know what I can do either crave it or are repulsed by it. I'm not fond of either reaction." Suresh reached his right hand out across the space between them, palm up, offering it to the witch. "You don't have to pretend." He held it there waiting, just to see what he would do.
An elemental witch... It didn't feel right. But wanted a face to the Nameless. Something with no face and no real intentions were difficult to guard against. And there was always the possibility that the leader could be trapped and then killed. However Suresh was not in a rush to gather all the important people in the city into one spot for the Nameless to possibly act against. "I will reach out along the channels I am able to use. And give you a location when appropriate. But why offer him up? You could have given him one of us couldn't you?" Suresh agreed that others feared power. It's why he hid so much of his. His eyes drifted over Corvinus' face as he spoke about being erased from living and written memory. "We've seen our share of Ozymandias' I think. But for us, it goes in cycles. We are the gods and we are the monsters. It just depends on the age and who writes the histories. But we are the myths and legends. Things that the others can only hope to aspire to."
He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the mention of being slapped, as if they both hadn't taken their fair share of blows for the night. At least Corvinus had wrapped up his fairly quickly. Torture nonetheless but it had been fairly quick and not so...invasive. Or at least in his own eyes. "And you broke several of my bones. What's a little kick in the nose for that?" A nose could gush blood easily, that was true, but it allowed him a glimpse of the healing in Suresh as well. Not as quick, but effective either way. He did wonder if it would automatically set properly like his own body or if it would fuse into whatever position it was left in. But at the mention of Callum, oh, that earned a whole laugh. "A territory dispute? That's what he told you? Oh, he is quite the liar then. There was no territory dispute. Just because our countries aren't far from each other doesn't mean mean anything. I've never once claimed all of bloody Ireland and certainly not Scotland. I have an estate and property around it, that's all I ask others to not step into."
Clearly the man was trying to keep things under wraps, to hide his history from the others. Corvinus knew better, had come face to face with what the Lightless leader now tried to hide. It did make Corvinus all the more curious what else the renowned Hellhound was trying to keep hidden. What was one blood witch the others were aware of? Who else had he gone after. "I call him the cú sídhe. Hellhound, not too much of a thing to us Irish. I'd never even heard of him before but apparently he had a name amongst others. It just wasn't important enough to reach me so there couldn't have been any territory dispute to begin with. I was happily minding my own business at the time." Well, not exactly. He had been meddling around in political affairs at the time but that wasn't important. "He found me. He hunted me. All because my lifespan defies 'natural order' as he put it and I had blood on my hands. That's what he did. He sought out those that were alive for too long and snuffed them out, or if they committed any sort of egregious crime that justice had not been served. Judge, jury, executioner." Of course, Corvinus had learned all of that after the fact, when he had become aware of Callum and had temporarily been on his radar. Corvinus had simply gotten bored of tracking him across Europe and a few other continents.
Though a thought did occur to him. "It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Why hide it? What else has he killed for sins or for simply living longer than others?" He was staring into space for a moment, as if considering, before his gaze returned to Suresh. "What do you think he would do if another very old naga had crossed his path? Perhaps that's why he hid it from you."
The scale was a reach, he knew that. Especially after he had just been caught with naga blood; it meant it would most certainly not be used for mere decoration and would simply go into spellwork. Likely against Suresh himself. But he took the rejection in stride, giving only a small shrug though certainly a face of disappointment at the potential to deny a favour. "Oh, don't worry. I won't ask you to kill anyone or anything like that. Or any pieces of you. I have no issue getting my own hands dirty. Think of it as more insurance down the road. Especially if I'm so disliked within this city and want to enjoy my time here." Hopefully enough of a reassurance that whatever the favour was shouldn't be too gruesome though Corvinus couldn't say for sure. He merely liked the idea of being owed.
How quick the other was to retreat. He rose an eyebrow, gaze drifting down the other's long form and eyes particularly on the talons. Those were his main concerns for the moment. "Put the claws away and I certainly wouldn't mind if you did. The thing with us ancient beings is...we don't have to rush to kill each other. I could wait another thousand years and still have every chance to come back and end you if I wanted. The mortals, their lives are so fleeting. If they don't kill now, they may not have another chance. There have been surprisingly few that have upset me enough to warrant me murdering them right away." Though those that did...well, he always went beyond simply attacking them and killing them. Even killing was a game. Wipe out the family, leave them for last, let them know they were being hunted and let them live in fear of it.
At least he was getting somewhere, one step closer into settling in officially as the leader of the Nameless. An order here and there didn't mean much while he was still pulling the strings from the shadows. There was clearly a dislike for the actions so far, but no real admiration for how far he could get just yet. That would come with the meeting. "An elemental, I believe. He didn't want to talk too much about his powers." But he would invite the others. Gather them all. There was a brief though it would be the perfect setting to destroy them at once but that was hardly any fun and would only descend into chaos so quickly. "Simply tell me where to be and I'll make sure he's there. You finally get the meeting he's been avoiding and thankfully I'm quite good at luring. As for being so disliked....people just don't appreciate power. They fear it instead. But it's better than damnatio memoriae." Something he'd ensured for his predecessors.
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"Is that what I did? Interesting..." He'd never done such a thing before. Hadn't known he could do such a thing. Suresh knew that it was more than that. The whispers of his god's influence filling the whole space and what could have happened. But he wasn't going to fill in the pieces that the witch didn't seem to know. "More surprised than afraid I think. That was a nasty little bit of blood magic... I can't remember the last time someone caused me that much pain." At least physically. His tone of voice held a certain amount of admiration for the other. No point in hiding it. Suresh nodded when Corvinus said he didn't mind staying until dawn. Suresh gave a small shrug, "What can I say? Everyone wants to talk to me. But do you want to be instantly recognizable to every Lotus Eater in the city?"
He blinked, pulling more of his tail up to tuck under himself on the sofa, but still leaving the end trailing on the floor. "Very generous of you. I'll make sure his Boss knows you aren't going to be declaring war on the Deathrunners. The boy was just doing what he thought was right. It's a death sentence to be a witch in my city and be found owning a piece of a Naga. I wouldn't expect you to know that unless you've been chatting with the local witches. But you were busy doing other things it seems." He shrugged again, "That wedge only exists for you. I won't take it personally if you don't want me to touch you ever again. But I have half a mind to slap you the moment I get the chance. That kick was very rude. As far as Callum goes... I believe he said it was a territory dispute? Which sounded very vague. I was curious about that."
The moment Corvinus suggested a scale Suresh laughed. His face brightening with amusement at the sheer audacity of the suggestion. Suresh looked at his body, his scales shimmering in the low light. Golden talons running over his scales for a moment. Suresh shook his head, "Two very bold suggestions. I will have to turn down giving you a piece of me. I don't do that for anyone. Owed favours are also vague. I can owe you one favor, but if you will not tell me what it is. I reserve the right to deny any request that I deem unsuitable. And you will have to ask me for something else." He let out a soft sigh of enjoyment as he leaned his head on the couch, watching Corvinus with bright golden eyes and a soft smile, "If I listened to everyone else I should be most concerned about you." He paused, "I'm going to get an earful when they find out I let you go."
The moment the foot brushed him his whole lower body reacted, pulling his tail up under him. His snake half tightly curled around and under himself on the couch cushion. He lifted one finger up and wagged it at the witch, "Ah-ah. No touching unless I'm allowed to touch too." His eyes narrowed at the statement. "Is he a witch then?" He let out a long sigh, "If only I thought you were actually suggesting that because you are worried for me..." He shook his head, "I can invite the other gang leaders. But it will be up to them to come or not. Especially if you are going to be in attendance too." Suresh curled a finger aimlessly through his dark hair, "You are quickly becoming persona non grata."
Someone was quite popular. Corvinus hadn't even flinched as their private interaction was interrupted, merely throwing a glance to security. Then to the phone. The magic he had felt clicked into place and Corvinus gave a small chuckle as it did. "You sent out a beacon. My, were you that afraid of what I was going to do? I was just making my point clear." There wasn't any concern as Suresh settled near him, as they resumed their position of simply two elders speaking. His gaze followed Suresh's, seeing the people down below and he gave a shrug. "I don't mind staying until dawn though I believe I've already become quite famous. I speak to the Deathrunners boy, the Deathrunners boy speaks to you. I speak to Callum and he's clearly spoken to you too." It was the little words chosen, the fact he knew about the naga blood that gave Corvinus that insight. He had no intention to retaliate against them for merely speaking, of course they would with the concerns presented. "Though I am curious, what did Callum tell you of our initial meeting? I don't believe he's been the most forthcoming. Also for the Deathrunners boy, don't worry. I don't have any interest hunting him down for telling you. Though I am disappointed that he put a wedge in what I was sure would have been a beautiful thing between us."
Corvinus had wanted many things throughout his long life. Power, recognition, fame or infamy, knowledge, it all depended on the century as his goals were under constant flux. In this moment, he was merely having fun with it all. At least he and Suresh had reached an understanding that neither one of them were to be trifled with. Boundaries were drawn, clear cut, though at some point they would both cross those lines again. Corvinus had never been the type to play within boundaries anyways.
"I suppose it depends how generous you want to be," he replied, his attention returning to Suresh. "Perhaps a scale? They do shine most beautifully. Or we could simply say you owe me a favour, but that could mean anything in the future. How concerned are you about me?" At least he still had something to offer. Knowledge was powerful and Corvinus had that. It was why he spent so long in the shadows. Watching. Waiting. Drawing the information he could simply to play the cards right when the time came. The loss of one vial was a mere setback.
Revealing the truth to just Suresh would be quite a boring ordeal and he hated boring. There it would be, all laid out, and likely with the most bland reaction possible. He turned a little more towards Suresh, his foot gently brushing along the tail in a deliberate move. "Though I'm also hesitant to bring the leader to your doorstep. As much as I'm beginning to enjoy you, I have no intention of intervening if he strikes you. So gather the leaders and I'll bring the Nameless there. And I'll be nothing more than a witness to it. That way you'll have allies to defend you if need be."
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This was part of the issue with two creatures like them in too close of quarters for too long. Suresh would not apologize for what he'd done. He would do it again, except next time he would bite that fucking witch and show him what pain really was. Suresh presented as a creature of pleasure, a business minded hedonist. But what lurked under the surface was an eldritch monster. Feeling vulnerable was an uncommon occurrence to the Naga. And it made an impression, the same impression he'd made on Corvinus. This was far more informative than their first encounter. Suresh had a taste of the witch's mind and soul... And now also his power.
The kick to the face had been unexpected. His nose cracked as his head snapped back, the taste of his own blood running down the back of his throat. The hand gripping the table keeping him from falling backwards. But the magic was gone and Suresh drew in a deep breath as the hand that had been on the table, reached for his chest. His own magic snapping shut. His expression was just as dark as Corvinus' when he looked at the witch. His nose was already healed when he got back up. A small trickle of blood running down it the only way to know. Suresh looked at Corvinus' as he brought his hand to his own face and scooping the blood off his skin he licked it off his fingers. Leaving no trace of blood drops. "Mostly..." The Naga repeated with a deep calm coolness as if nothing had just happened. Suresh left the coat on the floor, curling his tail around it to keep it there.
The door behind him beeped unlocked and five security guards of different supernatural types fanned in. Suresh turned his head looking at them in profile and said, "I'm fine. Get out." They paused, looking from Suresh to Corvinus and back to Suresh. The leader of the security gave a small nod and ushered them back out the door. With a soft "We're just outside sir..." Suresh nodded and waited to hear the click of the lock. Before he looked back to Corvinus' on the sofa. Suresh's phone on the table was vibrating and buzzing at the myriad of calls and texts asking if he was alright. Golden, alien eyes watched the witch settle. And Suresh lifted a finger and picked up his phone. Responding to the messages. "Hold on for a just a moment, please, Corvinus. Unless you want to be interrupted again? You quite literally kicked a hornet's nest." If he knew anything the headquarters was going to be crawling with his people soon. He picked up the phone and spoke softly into it. "It's me. I'm fine. No. Keep them outside. All of them." He hung up the phone and put it back on the table. "If you walk outside anytime before dawn. You're going to be rather famous."
Suresh moved closer to the witch. Not particularly worrying any longer if his proximity gave the other any disquiet. Suresh sat on the sofa again, the same spot he'd occupied at the start of the night. But he was not touching the witch now. His hands were folded in his lap. Tail draped over the sofa and spilling onto the floor, slowly moving the way snakes always seemed to be. He listened quietly before he spoke. An eyebrow arching up at the question of what was Corvinus getting. Suresh had no intention of replacing the Naga blood... It hadn't belonged to Corvinus as far as he was concerned. Suresh shrugged when the witch said he would have given the information freely before. A small derisive snort as he retorted, "If you say so. Forgive my lack of belief. You've just been so generously forthcoming so far..." He turned his head and looked out at the club, there were dozens of people looking up at the windows. Even though they couldn't see inside. Statues in a sea of unconcerned dancers. Suresh tapped a talon on the thick soundproof glass, "I am a creature of my word. I said we could be friends. In exchange for the blood. If you want to be." He looked back at the witch, "I am actually quite generous to my friends..." He tilted his head, "So I'm curious... What do you want?"
There was a part of Corvinus that enjoyed seeing the other in such a state. Vulnerable. On the ground. he would never claim to be a good man and there was an eternal darkness that lingered just below the surface with a rage that would consume like fire. The charm was often a mask meant to put others at ease, to manipulate to gain what he wanted without the need for violence. But Suresh had crossed the line and he would make his point clear. He wasn't a witch to be dismissed, that he hadn't spent the over thousand years alive in comfort and without growing over the millennia. If the naga wanted to play games then Corvinus was all too happy to oblige him. Let him see, let him know just who he was dealing with and that things wouldn't go unpunished.
He stared down at Suresh, felt the rush of magic flow around him, seeping in to the walls but that wasn't his immediate concern. He took pleasure in the current sight, standing just before the fallen naga. A thousand different options raced through his head of what he could do in that moment, what he could get away with. But he had always lived by the rules of an eye for an eye, though he had a tendency to redeliver tenfold. The blood magic was solely for the intrusion of his mind. The broken bones, however....Corvinus aimed a kick straight at Suresh's face and aiming for the nose before he finally lowered his hand and released the spell cast, his magic dissipating into the air and the aura around him pulled back under his control once more.
"Good. We're even then. Well, mostly." He set back to smoothing out the shirt, stepping away from the male to sit back down on the sofa. The darkness in his gaze had faded away almost entirely and relaxation found its way back into his shoulders as he leaned back. "Little tit for tat. You get your blows, I get mine. But you got the blood. I have access to the Nameless leader. I can lead him straight to you. Tell me, what am I getting out of this exchange?" He was back to business as though nothing had even happened since he had entered the room though the promise of most any form of passion was gone. His faint smile had even returned to his lips. "I was going to offer up the information freely but now I'm at quite the loss and that's not a place I enjoy being at. So surely you can find something to give me or to at least make up for the precious blood I've lost from my collection." It was only fair and Corvinus was all too ready to at least pretend to be allies for the moment, even if they had quite literally just been at each other's throats.
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There was always a possibility that it would turn into an actual fight. The reason why Suresh hadn't shown the full extent of his powers. Things he hadn't even tried to use. But he hoped that he'd also been right about what he suspected the ancient witch was. He could feel it, the rage, that deep dark need to attack. Temptation was the purview of Suresh's God and desire for revenge was a desire still. Things that Suresh could feel and taste. But then it calmed. A soft flinch. So much anger. And Suresh did wonder if he had underestimated Corvinus' pride?
Suresh had spoken of those two shadowy memories deliberately. To try and find something that Corvinus would care enough about to throw caution to the wind over. The small scent of blood made Suresh's head whip up, out of the chair in a blink but the magic hit him and he gripped the table as he dropped to the floor, if he had been human it would have been his knees. His eyes were wide as his talons bit into the table, unable to breathe, the pain bright and surprising as his elemental magic of metal and water pushed his blood through his veins at a sluggish pace, fighting against the surprisingly powerful magic. Just enough to keep his heart beating a painful single pump per minute. But he was not a blood witch and his magic couldn't over power Corvinus' spell. Suresh's talons scrapped long furrows in the table as his other hand, still holding the jacket and blood, pressed against the floor. His body shaking with the effort. There was not enough breath to respond, he could listen but he wouldn't waste energy replying. It had been a long time since someone successfully caused him harm. The spell probably could have been fatal. If Suresh was something other than what he was, but it was excruciating.
His brain was screaming as he watched Corvinus step closer. Words about his children. Agonizingly slow words. And Suresh couldn't help it, he smiled, a twisted pained movement of lips. Because the Witch was making his point for him. This was the level of rage he'd felt at the blood. His body convulsed as it continued to writhe. Suresh couldn't answer the question and he didn't think Corvinus' cared what answer he gave anyway. Suresh's talons broke through the table as he got himself off the floor. His back rounded in agony. Magic began to leak out of him, but it moved past Corvinus. It was a secret that he could not just feed from a crowd but influence en mass. He hadn't done it on purpose, an automatic protection from his god, a press and call to save Suresh, a need for the Naga to be protected. Suresh knew that if this continued they'd have a club full of screaming mentally influenced drones along with his Lotus Eaters pouring up the stairs to protect him and rip apart anyone they thought was hurting him. Hundreds of people trying to claw their way into the room. He forced the words out, "Yes. Stop... If I pass out... I can't stop it..."
There was a part of him that wanted to lash out, to use the full extent of his powers to tear the naga apart. Piece by piece, bit by bit. And then do the same to all of his pathetic followers. It certainly wouldn't be the first mass murder he had been a part of, the first war he had perhaps nudged along when he needed copious amounts of blood in one place. He imagined the streets of the city would flow with crimson of all sorts of different creatures, a supply that any blood witch could only dream of. It was a temptation of the highest order in that moment, a desire to wreak havoc for having his own mind invaded. But then came the sharp pain in his head and Corvinus gave a subtle flinch at the sting. Now wasn't the time nor the desired way of a certain deity; there was no point ruling over total ashes and corpses.
Of course he wouldn't run for it, he wasn't afraid of the naga. He was angry, a darkness that always lingered in his heart that Suresh had managed to unlock. His eyes began to follow every movement the other made, staying seated until he moved away from the shirt. It was only then that Corvinus rose and moved to it. His back to Suresh, sliding off the ruined dress shirt but still he kept the undershirt on; like hell there would be any show of the scars. Or at least not more than had already been seen. The black shirt was fitting, a contrast to the white one he had come in and a nice fit. He let Suresh carry on with the things he could have done, not saying a word to keep his anger in check while hands moved to button the shirt up carefully. There was a tremble in his hands but it was from suppressed rage rather than any sort of fear.
Oh, but then he had to mention the children. The flashes of images he had seen coming up so soon. It made Corvinus stop suddenly as he weighed his options. Too much and he'd have holy hell reigning down on him from a certain god, maybe even two. But some things simply couldn't go unanswered. His straightened up, eyes darkening but it went unseen from the angle. He finished up the buttons, carefully unscrewing the vial as he went so as not to draw attention. "Do you want to know something interesting?" The words were calm as he tipped the vial some, just enough to get some drops on his fingertips. He still had spells at work around him, ones made before arriving as insurance in case anything went wrong. He finally turned, the hand with the blood stretched out towards Suresh and, in an instant, halting the blood flow within the naga. The lifeforce of all beings, now frozen in place. "It takes nine minutes without fresh blood for the average mortal to become braindead. Ten minutes and the odds of surviving decrease drastically with every second. Now, I haven't the faintest idea as to how that feels but I imagine it can't be comfortable."
Corvinus took slow and steady steps towards the naga, his hand still raised and keeping the blood at a standstill from within. "Allow me to make something very clear." The words were slow, intentional to prolong the suffering, and eerily quiet despite every line in his face deepened with anger, "You will never mention my children. Not in any context, not in any setting. You lost any privilege of that. You will never ask of them, never speak of them, never utter a word of them to anyone. Do you understand?" Of course he didn't expect an answer but his point would be made clear. He had no right to know of his family, of his former life. The only being Suresh should know was the one standing before him and not the man he had been. Not the man he could have been. "Now, I don't 'have to let you go'. But I will. If you're ready to talk like the fucking ancient beings we are and not mortals preparing for a war over disagreements."
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The tension in the room spiked as Corvinus came back to himself. Anger. An imprecise emotion. Pervasive. Now that Corvinus was holding one of his vials Suresh figured he would feel more secure. Even if Suresh was holding the coat with the other two. And so the threat came. The threat itself wasn't unexpected. Silly. But unexpected. An eyebrow arched up at the vitriol in the witch's voice. He didn't have to imagine how horrible it must have been, to be at someone's mercy for the first time in who knows how long. And now Corvinus knew that Suresh could break into his mind and emotions... well, he knew some of it. There were things Suresh had not shown the witch. Let him guess how much more was hidden. "Vivid imagery." Suresh replied coolly. He could tell that Corvinus would absolutely try and do it. "I hope I don't ever have to do that again."
He'd seen them, just as glimpse but he saw the scars. It hadn't been his original intention but the necklace had to be removed. And Suresh thought about the red hair, the two children, and how they hadn't been enough to stop him from his quest for immortality. And what was immortality than power? He hadn't expected to come out of this with more empathy for the witch. He had been prepared to make sure that the witch couldn't walk away. But if Suresh didn't feel something for this man, who would? Who could even come close to understanding what it costs? He smirked at the curse. He liked this rougher, angrier version of the witch. It was closer to the bone. Truth. Suresh pointed through the door to the room Corvinus' had been in the last time they were together. "I do. And I know it will fit you. Can I get it for you without worrying about you bolting for the door?"
Scales moved silently on the carpet. He got the black button down and hung it on the door frame, moving back to the chair. Giving the witch lots of space. What he'd done would have consequences. Suresh knew that. It's why most people that he used his powers on he either altered their memories enough for them to not remember or he killed them. Suresh listened as the witch took control back over his body and his emotions. But the Naga would not forget what he'd seen. The room was silent but it was not still for Suresh. He could still feel the witch. Darkness in the eyes that wasn't there before as Corvinus finally looked at him again. Suresh's smiled sadly at the comment about Corvinus' body. But let it pass. The bell could not be unrung. "I would have liked that. But yes, I do believe that I have ruined that for us..." He kept his distance from the witch, pulling out the chair he was holding and sat, his tail curled around it. The witch's coat folded on his lap. "Let us be ourselves with each other then. Something I think neither of us often is fully with anyone. A few things... I didn't have to let you go. But I did. I was told about your healing so if I had really wanted to be cruel I could have bitten you... But I didn't." He opened the hand that was holding the vial of Naga blood, holding it between two taloned fingers delicately before closing his hand around it again. He looked at the witch, "I understand that you are upset about the violation, just as I was upset about you having this blood, a different type of violation. I don't expect you to understand it but the closest thing I can think of is asking what would you do to someone who had taken the blood or bones of your children. And maybe you can see that my response was actually rather measured all things considered." Golden eyes stayed on Corvinus, "How many people have you let go when you didn't have to?"
He would equate it more like choking, that desperation he could feel that was, for once, not his own. It was a spot he was familiar with, though he had never turned to any deity for their aid and always took matters in to his own hands. Brief glimpses of others he didn't recognise, a mind too clouded to truly realise what he was seeing. That would come later when he had time to process the events of the night. For now, he could truly care less about the images as a part of him tried to claw its way back to the surface rather than feeling drowned in the memories of another, of a bygone era even he had not been a part of.
And then he was snapping back to reality, the pressure off his body as the tail unwound from around him. He startled slightly as he came crashing back down with a soft gasp and a slight feeling of nausea from it all. World spinning, his first thought back to his own vial of blood that had been discarded. Eyes found it, thankfully unbroken on the floor and with a wave of his hand, it found itself back in his grasp. Safe and secure, his own weapon in the moment if need be. And with how tightly his fingers curled around the glass, he was clearly all too prepared to shatter it to access the blood inside if any moves were made. Corvinus may as well be holding a grenade with how it sat in his hand. "If you do that ever again...I will rip you apart and hang every bloody organ of yours on display like an art museum," he hissed between his teeth and vengeance so tempting in the aftermath. Invading his own mind, his own feelings...that was a line crossed.
There wasn't a mark on him though as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, he also didn't move like a man that had likely just had multiple bones frozen. No bruising from the skin visible though the movement to lean forward was a deliberate on to cast his chest more in shadow. To hide the deep scars that peeked through the gaps due to those fucking talons. To be so perfectly frozen in time also meant the scars of his past lingered. Unhealing, a constant reminder of a once mortal man. Corvinus didn't even respond to the eyes taking in his form, still trying to shake off the last webs in his head that still felt entangled. "And unless you have a shirt right fucking now to replace it, it won't do me any good, will it?"
Deep breaths; now was not the time to become unraveled. That would come later. He lifted up his free hand to momentarily cover his face as he forced himself to relax. There was a deafening silence in the room as he put himself back together. Piece by piece, correcting his image into that charming man rather than the vengeful blood witch he could turn into with ease. He still had another vial, still held the cards, still touted knowledge of the Nameless. The game wasn't over just yet and he'd be fool to fold so early. Slowly, his hand ran down his face before falling away once more and the anger was gone from his face though the amusement had yet to return. In his eyes, it was a violation of any sort of trust that could be built. Just because he had his own secrets didn't mean he'd force his way into someone's mind so deliberately, so directly.
His eyes found Suresh, taking in his own form now that it wasn't crushing him. A thousand times prettier than the near-corpse he had found or the one that fled and he barely had a look at. "A mutilated body like this is hardly extraordinary," he said dismissively though it was a subtle compliment towards the other's form. Pushing aside his own, he just was no longer in the mood for charm. And no point in pretending his scarring hadn't been on display though still mostly covered, thankfully. A sigh as he looked around the room. "And to think I came here to enjoy a night with you and give you information you probably wanted. And here I was playing nice. I guess that's out the window."
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The joke did more to calm the Naga than anything else the witch could have said. It showed his strength, his truth and Suresh found himself softening to that piece. It changed nothing but it was enough to make Suresh chuckle and say, "Terrible of me. Apologies..." Even as he slowly dug his metaphorical claws into the witch's brain. It was difficult, but his victory was inevitable. And the Naga felt a sense of pride and gratitude to his god. Even this formidable witch he could subdue. He would never have this opportunity again. But if there was a next time. It would be fangs and Suresh would be far less caring about the mental damage he did. And he would have the blood and remove that avenue from the witch as well.
The problem with having a connection so wide open to the witch meant that Suresh felt what Corvinus felt. He'd thrown off the stops to dig his way in but things could pass through the holes he'd made in those defenses both ways. And Suresh suddenly found himself plunged into memories. Red hair. Children laughing. Earth and air. Love. Death. Loss. Stale blank spaces and bitterness. A need to hide from reminders. To hide away the aching emptiness at losses that could never been filled. He'd gotten what he desired and lost everything he'd had. Roads not taken. -so very long ago.-
Buried. Forgotten. Fill the void. A deep shiver of revulsion from the intensity of the familiar loneliness. Like looking into a mirror in the dark. "That's always the price isn't it?"
Suresh had forgotten too. Flashes of his own losses, some still had names, some still had faces... A long parade of loss. A gnawing need. Pain. Pain. A sacrifice not understood until it was too late. An ancient, hungry thing that had accepted Suresh's pleas for help. Help him save the people he loved and himself. The heat of a jungle and the smell of stones and blood. An endlessly hungry emptiness. Suresh's breath caught on a pained gasp. And then something ripped inside of the Naga's mind and a darkness spilled out, covering everything like oil. Snuffing out the pictures into that blank and empty void. A ripcord to stop whatever was happening. And he surfaced out of the thick oil back into his body, which had gone on moving and speaking, away from whatever shared liminal place he'd been in with Corvinus.
Suresh heard the witch speak and nearly snorted at the cockiness of bringing the blood to this meeting. But it made sense why he'd removed his coat now. The comment about the coat made him chuckle, "Of course. I'm not a monster..." The last words meant to to be ironic. Suresh released them both, moving in that liquid like speed as he unwound himself. Snapping the connection shut as he removed his hands. Between one breath and the next his whole body was off the couch and back at the table. He held the jacket, body between Corvinus and the door more on accident than on purpose, his fingers finding the tear and fishing out the vial, he opened it just to be sure. And it was. He held it tightly in his palm and nodded his head. Good.
He didn't bother with his glamour. What was their to hide now? Instead he looked at Corvinus curiously. Holding the witches coat slung over one forearm, his other hand holding the back of a chair nonchalantly. His tail and body slowly coiling in around himself. Gold eyes took in the witch slowly. Clothing a little rumpled. But only the ripped shirts, where he'd torn the necklace off, tattered strips where his talons had cut through, showed that anything had happened to the witch at all. Suresh couldn't help but whisper, "Extraordinary..." The next words were back to normal, "I'll be happy to replace the shirts I ruined." Like he'd accidentally spilled a drink on them. It hadn't been more than twenty minutes since Corvinus had first stepped into the room. As time reoriented itself to this new shared reality. What had Suresh said they would be... friends?
Ill omens, as if Corvinus believed any of that shit. No, that was Callum and his fucking forms and his fucking beliefs. Corvinus had never been one to be afraid of superstitions or the taboo; if he was, he certainly never would have gained the immortality he now held. "Don't confuse the Irish and Scottish now. Practically an...practically an insult." The words were getting harder to say, slurring with every subtle push. There was a thought that perhaps most would have buckled under the weight of the powers by now but Corvinus had thankfully built up some resistance after centuries alive. That, and likely the blood of the naga helped a bit as well, but one could only hold out so much under the influence of a literal deity, even someone like Corvinus.
What did he pay? He still had dreams of them, the past coming to haunt him in his most vulnerable moments. He could recall walking behind her, her red hair bouncing with ever step, their fingers intertwined even as she insisted she move first. The scent of flowers and freshly tilled soil, laughter ringing in the air. He could recall standing on the front steps of that little cottage, seeing the two young children playing in the gardens full of magical herbs they had planted. The two crouched down, the dark haired boy holding up some frog he had found to his red-haired younger sister. The spitting image of both parents. Yet he never saw their faces, not anymore. If he were honest with himself, it was likely because the memory of their faces had faded away into nothing, any paintings locked away in his manor to avoid being reminded. There was a bitter smile on his face, eyes glazed over with the memories. "Everything," he replied in a whisper as the smile died away. "The payment was...everything. I lost it all." For a moment, he had been a better man. He had been content to give up his status, to settle down in obscurity and live a normal life. There had even been a period he had sought mortality again.
But that was so long ago, a different life entirely lived by a man of another name that Corvinus had long since forgotten. It wasn't anything he sought any longer, a hope crushed and a mere flicker of joy in a life spent trying to fill a void with more and more power. "But that was...so very long ago." His own story, locked away and somewhat of a sobering one at that.
He was only vaguely listening to Suresh at that point, his mind still entangled on red curls and the sound of children laughing. But then the mention of blood and Corvinus forced the smile on his face again. He wanted one of the vials...Corvinus's head turned, eyes finding the jacket he had discarded earlier. "There's a rip in the seam of the inner lining. Just around the edge. It's in there. I soaked the bottle in perfume to hide the scent." Cocky in all ways, dipping back into his own ego despite the drunken haze of the power pressing into his mind. "Di, um....Do be careful not to tear it further. It's quite...expensive to fix."
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Suresh could feel the snap of bones shifting back into their rightful spots as he gave them room to fix themselves. An astonishing healing ability. Not simply accelerated since they were moving back to their correct positions rather than healing in the wrong ones. Almost a need to move back to statis. Suresh wondered if there would be any bruising once he let go. Curiosity filled the Naga for the unique witch and the limits to this gift of his. But still, Suresh held Corvinus fast.
His magic seeped into the witch, slow spread, he could have pushed harder but there was a cruel streak in the Naga that wanted Corvinus to feel what was happening to him. And the two of them were long past subtly now. Suresh smiled softly at the drunken laugh, "Europeans and your ill omens." He'd tried to tell Callum that the tide of the world could be seen. And places of upcoming tragedies or great events had their own pull and signs if you knew what to look for. "Is he?" Suresh could feel the slowing down, the break down of the witch's defenses. His voice a soft whisper, "What did you pay?"
Ah, so it was a him. That was useful to know. Suresh wondered about the kind of magic needed to hide from all three of the gangs and yet let Corvinus find the Leader of the Nameless. He slowed his influence down just a little, a soft creep through Corvinus' mind like a silence, steady fog bank, "Why wouldn't you just run to him for protection?" Suresh chuckled again at being told what he had to do. His cool, dry fingers still holding Corvinus' face, "What I'm doing? This is just a taste of it... Would you like to know a secret?" Suresh closed his eyes, breaking the gaze but leaving his god's power pressing gently through Corvinus' mind. He tilted his head to the side and whispered, "I don't have to look at you or touch you to do it either... I can make you feel anything I want... I can make you want anything I say..." Not exactly true but how was Corvinus going to know that? He let out a soft sigh and looked at the witch again, but his eyes were only his eyes. "Let's start small shall we? Bring me your vial of naga blood. As a show of good faith... If you don't I'll know you're a liar and if I can't kill you I will run you out of my city or make you wish you were dead. If you do, we will be friends. And then we can discuss you delivering the Leader of the Nameless to me... Say yes and I'll let you go just like you ask, body and soul." And Suresh would, he was many things but he was a creature of his word.
As the grip around his body began to loosen, it allowed just enough room for bones to snap back into place. Painfully with several cracks from where they had been crushed. But pain was a powerful wake up call, just enough to keep him barely hanging on, reaching for that single thread of his true self, of his goals. Each bone pushing back into place, bruising, then healing in the matter of seconds but it was all he needed to keep hold of some form of clarity despite how sluggish his mind had become. Still holding on to that thread so desperately as the words to rest pushed in to his mind. His rest had been over a thousand years ago and a time long since passed. No rest for the wicked.
An ill omen, he recognised those words. It was enough to make him laugh though it sounded breathy and more like the laugh of a drunken man. "A stain on this world, an ill omen that brings nothing but death for the sake of bloodshed and gain...I would say a hound is more of an omen, no?" Who else would tell Suresh to bury him in a box, to know enough to give warning? Who else knew of his history to show up before major bloodshed? Not that it was hard to know, Corvinus merely kept up with the news to know when tensions were growing too high in an area. "He's...he's paranoid. Said I should pay for my sins. But I already did. Long, long...long ago." The words were getting so hard to say now.
But he caught his attention. Good. As interesting as it was to be the one left vulnerable for once, it wasn't a role he preferred to take on. "I could get him to you. Lure him in...bring him straight to you..." It was getting harder to focus, he had to keep that hold over his own mind despite the situation. "But...you have to let me go. Right now. With your tail and....whatever the hell you're doing." He recalled briefly their first encounter, when Suresh had let a small glimpse of his powers show before Corvinus had immediately halted him. So this was the might of the naga, nothing in comparison to the one he had stumbled across. The one that had been hunted by fucking pathetic poachers.
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There were few things that could rile up the ancient Naga. Suresh prized and valued the unique and the rare. The world was so full now. So much more full than it had ever been but he had watched the destruction of the truly rare. Paved over, cut into pieces and forgotten. Corvinus was one of these things. Sui generis. The pull was strong to just exist with another that could maybe understand just a little. The tragedy of it was that before Mathias had told him about the blood Suresh had every intention of just enjoying the time spent with the witch, and keeping an eye on him. But the blood needed to be answered for.
The air was thick with magic, taste of metal, the smell of rain and lightning. Even displayed completely he hadn't called on any of the powers of his god. Not yet. It was Naga business and a Naga would see it done. Not the avatar of the god of desire. He could feel the witch's body pinned tightly in his coils. What he was, had been enough to drive human's into gibbering states of terror or religious ecstasy. But not with this immortal witch. His own face a mask of anger staring down into one of.... fascination. Even here, when was the last time someone had reacted in such a way to him? But Suresh could recognize that Corvinus had not been afraid in a very, very long time. One forgets how to be afraid after a while.
The laugh was unexpected and did nothing to relax the Naga's anger. Sneering Suresh tightened his coils until he felt something pop and crack in the witch's chest, a few ribs probably. With the witches response it was Suresh's turn to smile and chuckle, "And you thought they would keep it shut? When you met them in one of my clubs? Adorable." Let the witch think anything of that encounter.
Then the explanation came and Suresh's face morphed back into one of anger. All humor gone. But the didn't tear the witch's throat out. Taloned fingers twitched against the bobbing adam's apple. "You are hoping that telling me that you are what? Not a poacher just an opportunistic thief of the dying is going to calm me down?" Suresh jaw stretched open, a little too far and a drop of venom dripped down next to Corvinus' face. "No, I didn't ask and you didn't offer. You kept it to yourself. Strategic. But a mistake." He squeezed a little tighter feeling bones and veins strain under the pressure he exerted. Pain. "Mercy? Do you want me to thank you for mercifully snuffing out a fifth or fourth of my entire species?" Suresh tightened his vice millimeters at a time, wanting to cause pain, cause it to be difficult to breathe, to slow the flow of blood through his body. His golden eyes fixed on Corvinus and a flicker of something like sadness flitted across his face, "You really don't think you did anything wrong... It tastes like the truth. But you withhold too much. Lies of omission. Careful half-truths. I have heard so many things about you... And honestly, they make me like you more... But I wish I had heard them from you."
The resistance Suresh felt to his sight was frustrating. A soft but strong wall against his influence. But just as his body held the witch so did Suresh's gaze hold Corvinus eyes. Suresh listened to the soft words and again it caused a strange deep chuckle from the Naga. "Such a generous offer from the trapped man. Adults?" The soft laugh rippling through his fangs, "Speaking to me like I have ever been human..." His voice drew down like his gaze, soft words suddenly full of honey, "Yes, I can feel you fighting it... Let me in..." Suresh moved his hands, tossing the necklace away so he could cradle Corvinus' head, the hand on the witch's throat lifted, keeping their gazes uninterrupted as he cradled the witches face in now both of his hands, the physical contact adding to their connection as his mesmeric gaze bored into the other. A soft exhale as Suresh finally let go and used the power his god had given him, reaching into the witch and finding that fascination he'd seen Suresh pressed into it and increased it, molding it into infatuation. Feeding that small spark into something bigger, something that could be manipulated and break down the resistance from the inside while he continued to push from the outside. "Let me in Corvinus...It'll all be alright... We could still be friends... Wouldn't you like that? Think of all the things I could give you... All you have to do is let me in..." The words breathed into the witch's mind, rubbing the inside of his skull like velvet. Suresh was committed now, and they would see what the witch could give him.
One moment, there was calm. A peaceful serenity stretching into the room. If he were honest, it wasn't something he got to experience often. There was always some game, some plot to be had. He hadn't intended on arriving for any sort of underhandedness. The mere interest and pull towards someone that might actually understand what it was like to live so long. A deep breath, his muscles uncoiling slightly...up until all hell broke loose. The sudden rush of magic in the air caused him to visibly flinch, a hand raising to his head to try and soothe the sudden pounding; he'd always been sensitive to the power of others. But his hand didn't even make it that far as he felt it pulled back to pin to his side. The leather cord ripped off his neck and talons at his throat. His eyes finally found Suresh's face, seeing the beauty of the Naga in all its glory. There wasn't terror in his eyes but a fascination. There wasn't that much that he feared anymore and to see a creature in all its terror, well, that was a rarity he found delight in. For a moment, his eyes moved away from Suresh's face, instead down the form of the other. Blue scales shining, the talons on his fingers. It wasn't a sight often seen so he would revel in it that much more and take it all in while he had the chance.
Blood. Poacher. Now that caused a laugh from him as his gaze returned to meet Suresh's. It wasn't the smartest thing to do by far but is that really what Suresh believed? That he was just some ordinary poacher? "Your spies told you that? If I recall, there's only one person I've told." The boy, the fucking pathetic mortal. But that wasn't what Suresh was interested in. "I'm not a poacher. I told you as much. I came across a naga that was dying. Unfortunately, healing isn't in my capability." When one is immortal, they don't often bother learning the art of healing. It never interested him save for one time but it was far too late by then to learn. "You never asked if I collected anything. I made sure the death was quicker than what they would have left it as but yes, I took a bit. They were dying already and nothing could be done." Better than letting it suffer further. Better than letting it go to waste. "I gave them mercy. Would you rather I leave them to die slowly? Painfully? And people would think that I'm the cruel one."
He wouldn't lie and deny it. He had even made sure to use some of it before arriving to gain some resistance and he could feel the Naga now. Pushing against him, an almost inviting feeling that was so tempting to give in. But he could resist. "I can feel you, you know. Honestly, if you wanted to tie me up, there are better ways to go about it. How about you put the talons away and we talk like adults? I promise not to retaliate."
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It still seemed like a fuck ton of blood even for someone whose blood regenerates a lot quicker than his own but he wasn't going to push too hard and question it to close. Saying that Corvinus was secretive was an understatement so Rus was getting a bit used to feeling that he was only seeing just a corner of whatever the picture was. At the pause Rus thought about Corvinus opening his arm with a blade of some kind. That sounded way messier. So Rus just nodded, "Less messy. I'm sure this is better for housekeeping too..."
Rus didn't really think this whole grand reveal was a great idea. But no one had asked his opinion either. They had been making gains in the territories they had gotten footholds in. Part of the advantage was that they most of them had been faceless, nameless. Rus leaned against the closest wall, folding his arms. He shrugged, "You can come slum it with the rest of us whenever you feel like it. It's your call. And sure, maybe it will keep them calm if they can keep tabs on you. But do you really think someone won't try and grab you?"
Rus listened and shook his head, not really making him feel better about leaving Corvinus like a sitting duck afterwards. "A guy that's tried to kill you once, the ancient snake guy that tried to kill you once and the Deathrunners leader. And these are the people you're gonna have a sit down with by yourself and tell them who you are?" Rus sighed, he knew Corvinus was powerful but this still didn't seem like a great plan. "So why'd Callum do it? Attack you I mean? Just for shits and giggles?"
He didn't put much thought into it, filling the blood. Centuries of blood draws, this was far easier than the olden days. How far modern medicine and its tools had come. He spared only a glance at the bag before giving a small shrug. "My blood regenerates at a quicker rate than yours. I was low on stock. And this is an easier option than..." He cut himself off. In the early days, it had taken multiple cuts, deep ones, to get the blood he needed. Healing too quick, too soon for any ritual that required a good amount or even for a simple spell. But Rus wasn't entirely aware of that just yet. So he put on a smile and finally turned his eyes to Rus. "Well...easier than alternative methods." And all he needed to say for the moment.
The meeting was just on the horizon and Corvinus wasn't exactly anticipating a warm welcome once he did reveal the truth. Callum would certainly be upset. Suresh...well, he wouldn't appreciate the lies. And then there was the mysterious Deathrunner's leader. Soon, everything was about to change. No more hiding in the shadows, at least not for him. "I could always venture to the Westbank when needed. Have our meetings there. Besides, it may be best to stay in a place where I'm so heavily monitored." It might keep the others calm, thinking he couldn't plot with constant supervision.
"You know, Callum and I met once. Bloody dog attacked me out of nowhere. And now he's going around telling people it was a territory dispute. If that's all it took, I would have kicked your arse out of Ireland the minute you step foot and there wouldn't be other covens around." He scoffed at the idea. Callum hadn't even been so much as a blip on his radar until that moment.
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Corvinus tasted different tonight. Something that felt like actual care and a little breath of true want. Suresh could not read thoughts his type of awareness was far more imprecise. But it was a skill that he honed carefully. With someone so ancient though it was most likely that what was offered was not the whole truth. The powerful and the very skilled could keep Suresh from knowing what they felt. But that would have been an antagonistic thing to do in Suresh's home. Only liars hid their desires from him.
Suresh smiled as Corvinus' fingers wrapped around his wrist once again. Golden eyes bright with amusement, "Of course I'm still curious. But no, I just wanted to touch you and feel your heartbeat." And see about that necklace he had noticed before. The witch had generously removed his coat without Suresh's prompting two vials that were going to be very much out of reach. And again he made no show of any of the supernatural strength he had, letting the witch move him. His eyes glued to Corvinus' lips and where they pressed to Suresh's wrist. Oh so very, very charming. He let his hand fall with a soft chime of bracelets, metal and glass. He lifted his drink and took a sip, grinning slyly over the rim at the remarks about flings. He let out a soft sound of incredulity, "Bah, replace you." Suresh reached up and ran a finger along Corvinus' jaw but removed his hand, "You don't need me to tell you that you're special." But he also didn't respond to more flings or trysts. Of course he did. But that wasn't for Corvinus to know the details of.
When the offer was refused, Suresh let out a long, disappointed sigh, "You make being a good host very difficult. It doesn't have to be alcoholic. We have just about anything you could want..." Suresh turned his head artfully downing the rest of his drink, before he put the glass down on the table at let Corvinus guide him back towards the couch. "I got some disappointing news. That's all." Truth. Suresh looked down at Corvinus on the couch, the witch gesturing like it was Suresh who was the guest. He stood arms and hand folded elegantly across his open shirt, delicate fingers holding opposite elbows. And Corvinus was right. Their timeline was different. "Everything is always so pressing for them isn't it? Everything has to be so immediate." The them clearly meaning everyone not in this room. He finally sank down gracefully onto the couch beside the witch, arms uncrossing as he looked at the witch and reached a hand out to brush along Corvinus' wrist and arm. His voice taking on a dreamy tone but unable to hide a little of the surprise he felt, "You would do it too. Try and make me comfortable." He smiled and nodded, "Slow is actually my favorite type of seduction. The soft unravelling of a soul, one thread at a time." His fingers brushing along Corvinus' knuckles as he spoke, "Tell me about your time so far. Experiencing my city through the eyes of tourist is always a balm. I'd tell you about what I've been doing but it's nothing but work... You'd think I would have been smart enough to retire to somewhere like Capri ages ago."
His lips pulled upwards into a smile that was more gentle this time. Before, he had been hunting prey, the Naga just a target to sneak into and wrap around his finger. This time was different; he wasn't there for and deity but for himself, giving in to that desire that radiated off Suresh in addicting waves but it was a conscious desire rather than being lured in. Corvinus liked to believe that he was smarter than to fall for a trap. Seeing him now, knowing there was another on his level...well, he had met plenty of other old beings before but not like this. None that he would take caution with. In fact, some had met their demise due to Corvinus. Suresh would not be so easy to deal with and part of him didn't want to.
A hand wrapped around Suresh's wrist, pulling it away from his chest with a soft grip. "You're not still curious about that, are you? You're missing nothing." Rather than release the hand right away, he brought it up, placing his lips on Suresh's wrist for a lingering moment before letting go. "Don't tell me you've found another fling to replace me with already. And here I thought I was a special one. I can't imagine any other reason you wouldn't miss me."
At the offer of a drink, Corvinus shook his head, still determined to keep his wits about him. Instead, he gestured to the couch Suresh had been on moments before, his hand finding the small of Suresh's back to guide him back to it. "I don't think I'm the one that needs to relax tonight. Something's clearly disturbed you." Corvinus moved his hand away again, instead taking his own seat and gesturing beside him. "We don't have to rush into things, darling. I'm all about my lover's comforts and we're immortals. It means we have all the time in the world to play. Perhaps you'd like a massage? Something more calm than...well, what we did before?"
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This was the piece that Suresh had tried to explain to both Mathias and Callum, and even Fior. But there was no way for any of them to truly comprehend the pull of a shared understanding that existed between the truly ancient and functionally immortal. The beauty and the horror of being in the presence of someone where you truly didn't know who would come out on top in a fight. Exhilarating in a way that was impossible to describe. Suresh knew about draw and desire. And that was why he'd known it was just a matter of time before Corvinus found his way back, if only once more.
Whatever the two others did. Whatever the Nameless would do. As soon as Suresh got the call from security Suresh knew what he would do. He would get his answers, hell or high water. Let them call him complacent, a whore, old. Suresh was the chosen of his god. Blessed by Desire and imbued with powers that even after two thousand years he did not know the limits of. One of the last remaining Nagas; semi-divine water spirits and guardians of treasure with immense magical powers. "Bring him up. And then leave us alone." The simple reply.
Suresh sat on a low couch, black slacks, an open green silk shirt, his arms resting on oversized pillows covered in bracelets, holding a drink. The picture of what he was, besides the still human legs. But he hadn't bothered with making his glamour as tight as he usually wore it. Letting his magic leak gently through the space. His golden eyes focused on Corvinus the moment that he entered the room. The other's frown spoke of an awareness that impressed Suresh. The soft sound of the door clicking closed as he smiled and stood up to greet his guest, the bracelets making a soft chiming sound as he glided toward the other. He laughed at the question and shook his head, "No, not at all." A lie. Because a part of him had missed this little taste of something neither of them often got. He let Corvinus take off his jacket and placed his hand on the witches chest. "She is very fascinating. You sound like you've been busy." His eyes drifted over the witch's face, "Will you let me make you a drink this time?"
Of course he had to come back at some point. With the others, he didn't have much care to return, at least not yet. But with so few of their kind in the world, it was something that drew him in. Someone that could relate, someone that could understand. And the most fun part being someone that could actually likely injure him. That was the most thrilling aspect. Perhaps he was pushing his luck, it would simply be better to fade away once again until the time was right to strike. But where was the fun in that? Corvinus often lived his life based on where he might gain powers...or where he might have the most enjoyment. Right now, Suresh provided both of those options.
He had given his name as Suresh as told him, led back into that familiar room. Past the crowds of people, back int the solitude where he could just be himself. Not the weakling little blood witch and with a familiar face. And yet, when he entered, there was a strange feeling in the room. Something...different. Something off. His brows furrowed as the door shut behind him, eyes finding the Naga with ease as he started to shrug off his jacket just for comfort.
"Did you miss me?" he asked, choosing for the moment to dismiss the strange sensation in the area, folding the jacket to set over the edge of a chair. "You know, this city is quite fascinating. So many people, so many sights..."
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