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Suresh Lal - Ancient Naga / Avatar of the God of Desire Lotus Eater Boss [rp account for Ferox]
Last active 60 minutes ago
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naga-raja-suresh · 4 hours ago
Mardi Gras and all the weeks leading up to the actual day were the busiest season the Lotus Eaters. They were bound up with tourism, hedonism and all of the enjoyments that the Big Easy offered. And The Mardi Gras season was one big extended party. He had his arm wrapped around Versipellis' own arm, walking through the extremely crowded streets. It was magic that they were able to walk unimpeded, a small flex on Suresh's part to help people give them both just a touch of space. A soft suggestion projected outward. He could feel the crowd like a soft buzz. Hard candy stuck to his teeth. Suresh stopped to speak to anyone that wanted to say hello. Even just a greeting. He still made the effort. Remembering details of the locals or plucking the details out of their minds so make each small exchange more personable.
Suresh's fingers brushed the inside of Versi's palm. Turning his golden eyes over to the wolf and smiling slowly. "Maybe we can walk down to the French Market and pick out masks? Other than that I hadn't thought of much beyond doing whatever it is you wanted to do my wolf." He looked around the crowds again, "I am finding my enjoyment by feeling yours. Thank you for taking some time off, I know this is a busy time for ghost tours."
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for: suresh ( @naga-raja-suresh ) location: mardi gras
Versi was practically vibrating with excitement at attending Mardi Gras this year. Mardi Gras had always been one of Versi's favorite festivities in New Orleans and it was even better this year because he was attending it as someone's date. Not just anyone's date, but Suresh's date. It was one of the biggest honors the wolf has ever had bestowed upon him, to be someone's date. Even if he should've known that Rus was right, because Rus was typically right about a lot of things, Versi did not truly see Suresh's celebrity status in full play until this very evening.
How odd it felt to be seen by so many people, and respected. It seemed that was the case when he was around Suresh, Versi was treated like he was a someone in those moments. Mostly it was interesting to see how these people were all so fond of Suresh and it just made the wolf even more determined that Rus had nothing to worry about when it came to the man next to him. He looks over him as they walk, "What do you want to do tonight, Suresh? Bar, dancing, walking around?"
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naga-raja-suresh · 6 days ago
It wasn't Fior's apology that he wanted. But he also knew it was the only one that he'd be getting. Suresh said nothing just bringing his teacup up to his mouth, held delicately between his his fingers. Gold eyes looking over the edge of the cup. That had been the original explanation for when the Lightless and Lotus Eaters had been at war, balance. Suresh had too much control of the city. Balance. Where was all the talk of balance now? He put his cup down and leaned back in his chair, putting an arm casually over the back, "Time will tell. But I will not be the first to break my word."
The comment about a few more meetings over tea and Suresh smirked, lifting one hand to brush something completely invisible off his own lips. The smirk smoothing back out into a more neutral expression. But the Naga was pleased that the Emissary had appreciated his tease. There is just a momentary pause as their eyes meet, nothing much longer than a breath but he let's it happen. And sees the exhaustion. Suresh can only imagine how complicated it was.
Fior minimizing his own survival doesn't surprise Suresh. A man that was just waiting for Death to call him home to his wife and children. Of course he isn't concerned with what happens to him. But he nods because Suresh also cares about the well being of the city and his people. The chuckle was a surprise, a little treat that the Naga had not expected since the other was so taciturn. He smiled, looking down at the other's teacup as Fior said his name. "Can't be too serious over tea." Suresh shook his head, "Simplicity avoids misunderstanding." Suresh raised an eyebrow, "You want me to recite verbatim the previously written and agreed upon treaty? I know the Lightless have a copy and I want you to show it to your Leader, point out his signature on it while you're at it. I don't have it memorized but it is a mutual non-aggression pact with agreements for shared supplies and support between us in Mid-city against the Nameless. As well as the ability to move through Algiers and Treme without issue in service against the Nameless."
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A trap. If Suresh had voiced his thoughts, Fior would've told him that not knowing is what bothers him. Corvinus is playing with all of them, but for what purpose is unknown. He might have implied that Fior isn't of importance, but at the same time, simple Pawns can still be useful in the end.
He sighs. "You have my most sincere apologies for that then—" it was out of line to threaten you—is the part he keeps to himself, but the sentiment is there in his spoken words already. Their alliance with the Lotus Eaters is already on shaky grounds, Fior cannot let it be any more damaged. As strong as the Lightless are, going from neutral faction to being at odds, isn't good for them. Fior truly believes that they must remain neutral just as Death is and only intervene when the balance is truly jeopardized. "I can only hope this won't put any more strain on our alliance then." He cannot cully defend something he doesn't agree with.
"Give me a few more meetings like this and I should be fine." He replies. He's not smiling, but his eyes are filled with mirth. Though, Fior doesn't really grasp how his words could be interpreted.
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Fior hold his gaze; not out of disrespect, but showing that he's opened. The Lionfish leans back into his chair at the comment and lifts his cup to his lips. For a second, exhaustion passes through his eyes, but it's gone quickly. "Being in my position has been—complicated lately." He admits, 'cause there's no point pretending he has everything figured out, when he doesn't. "I'm not concerned with what happens to me, but the well-being of the city and our people." And then, he chuckles out of the blue. "And you are teasing me a lot today." The chuckles die down, but a warm smile remains for a few more seconds before it's gone. "Thank you for keeping the mood light, Suresh." The name is itself a way for Fior to pay his gratitude, before switching back to Leader Lal. "I don't need simplicity. Please, let me know what you want. Though, if you insist on simplicity, reinstates the agreements for me." Fior will make sure to tell—more like beg—Callum not to mess or threaten Suresh again. The Lightless cannot let themselves become a bigger problem than the Blood witch or the Nameless.
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naga-raja-suresh · 7 days ago
Suresh laughed, "No, sadly. We'll have to change our PCP date to something else." He shook his head still chuckling as he watched the necromancer shove the pill into his cigarettes and tuck it away again, "Mardi Gras is coming up and it's always a busy season for us. So many tourists looking for the most memorable experiences." His golden eyes drifted over the young necromancer. How someone took a compliment told a story all on it's own. The Naga shook his head, his smile shifting into a grin, "Only to the ones I like."
Suresh stood up from his seat, picking up a map of the city before he brought it over to where Chester was still seated. He opened it, smoothing it out with ringed fingers. "Don't cross the river with my drugs. These are the places you can sell. Lakeview, Downtown, The Quarter, Gentilly, Mid-city and Tremé are a bit more dangerous but still within bounds. You'll connect to one of my captains, they see you supplied on either a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Money goes back to them. You will get a commission based on what you move. Any product missing without money or a very good explanation you will pay for. High earners get special rewards." He paused and looked down at Chester, "Questions?"
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"Drugs don't work on you? Shame, I was hoping we could get together one time and take a shit-tonne of PCP one day," Everything out of Chester's mouth contained that teasing, almost musical lilt, a mind racing a mile a minute as his green eyes stared at the small pull in his hand. Taking out a half-crushed back of cigarettes, he placed it inside for safe keeping before shoving it back into one of his many pockets on the combat trousers he wore. Mardi Gras was coming up, never was there a better time to be tripping balls.
Then came the compliments, even with a scrawny build and thrifted clothing, such things gently stroked Chester's ego and made them purr like a kitten all the same. I have a sense about these things. "You're a real charmer, Suresh, I bet you say that to all the boys,"
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He downs the rest of his drink, smacking his lips together in a rather un-dignified manner afterwards. "I'll write down my findings, present them in an academic paper for you. Now, you gonna tell me where's best for me not to be, with pills on my person?"
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
These were the dark secrets that only his closest circle knew about. But sacrifices had been part of worship since the dawn of time. To get something you must give something. He didn't trust many people to find him someone suitable either. But he trusted Emiliano. As he'd gotten older he needed to truly eat less and less. But there was no true replacement for it when he needed to. Suresh laid in the bath, eyes closed, slowly drinking his glass of wine as he waited for his friend to bring him his meal. The sounds of laughter from downstairs made Suresh smile. Setting aside the mostly empty wine glass he turned over so he could watch the door. Head resting on his arms. His beautiful Emiliano spinning a pretty lie for the soul he'd found. Suresh listened quietly. The anticipation growing and making his mouth water. The prayer was a nice touch.
Suresh was still resting his chin on his arms, smiling as the door opened and the lovely creature that Em had brought him kissed his Advisor feverishly. The moment the human's eyes touched his he reached into them and held them still. He rose up out of the water and came towards the sacrifice. His eyes drifted to Em with a grateful smile and a nod. Suresh had his little ritual. And perhaps some people would find what he did cruel. As he slowly coiled around his meal, he whispered to them beautiful dreams and nightmares. Running them through extreme highs and lows, he drank their desire down first, until the only desire left was the strongest, the desire to live. Killing something that wanted to die was far less satisfying. He wrung out everything that they were, or everything that they could be before he consumed their physical body. And it all happened without a sound or a scream. Breath crushed out of lungs as their tears mixed with blood from their eyes. This was dark truth of desires endless hunger.
Suresh lay on the tiles of the bathroom for a while after. Enjoying the cool on his face for a few moments. He knew he needed to get up. Finally forcing himself up and drying himself off, hair still damp, his thick coils sliding along the floor, using his tail to close the door to the bathroom behind him. Suresh had a soft, lazy expression on his face, smiling at Em as he nodded. "Much better..." He looked at the tea and shook his head, "No, thank you. I'm so full. Come to bed with me?" This was part of the issue when Suresh had a full meal, everything about him moved slower, and he was so sleepy, his body swaying gently like the room had a soft breeze. He'd be back to himself in the morning. But right now, he was vulnerable. He moved to the bedroom and slipped onto it, under the covers, his lower half curling in on itself. His eyes barely able to stay open. "Tomorrow... We'll decide what to do about all of them..."
Em nodded at the request, bringing over a neatly poured glass of wine, “You won’t even notice I am gone.” And with that, he makes his exit. When it came to picking out people for Suresh to, well, eat Em was very particular about who to bring over when Suresh needed to eat. He even has a group of ‘disposable’ friends he kept around for emergencies, in case he could not make it out to scout people, all of them checked out to make sure that nobody would come snooping around for them. Maybe it was a bit much to do such a thing, heartless even, but Emiliano did not do anything half assed. He wanted to make sure Suresh was safe and satisfied at all times. It was, after all, what he felt his purpose in life was. But tonight he did not call upon one of his friends, rather he hunted down a soul. Someone who stood out amongst the rest, while also being able to keep them hidden in plain sight, and he chose that person to come over his place. They came because they were under the impression that they would be having a good night with Emiliano, but the night would end good for only one of them.
The moment he could, Em brought them over. The entered his apartment with laughter, Em telling some made up story about how they could have breakfast in the morning. “You know what would really good right now?” Em asked, “If we dipped into my hot tub.” And the person he was with was more than excited to get that going, which made it easier for Em to guide them in the direction of the bathroom. Now he knew the moment that person walked into the bathroom it was over, and being the person he was, he turned that person around to give them a quick little prayer. “Don’t mind me, darling. Shall we?” He wasn’t expecting that person to just begin making out with him, but whatever that worked, he simply shifted his hand and opened the door so they both stumbled into the bathroom. He parts their lips so that he can get away from them, leaning against the door ever so casually so the person did not get any ideas. The person began to look around, until their sights landed on Suresh. Em’s gaze flickered to Suresh for a moment as a silent acknowledgment that he was leaving, before slipping outside the bathroom. He waited in the kitchen as he prepared a nice cup of lavender tea, humming softly to himself. He went to set up the bedroom for them, making it as comfortable as possible, knowing Suresh would be tired after everything. It was only when he saw Suresh reemerge from the bathroom that Em steps into his living room area, “How are you feeling, my friend? Care for some tea?”
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh nodded, "I work with another group that manufactures. But you don't need to worry about that. Bliss can only be sold here, in Club O. Everything else? Can be sold in any of my businesses or territories." He eyed the necromancer, "We can talk about what area you want in a little bit." The question about the type of death made him grin, "You'll have to tell me. Drugs don't work on me. But that would make some sense. One long orgasm in your brain."
"I rather like the way you present yourself. Caught my eye right away." Suresh smiled and nodded, "I knew you might be the right person for the job. I have a sense about these things." The quickness of the hand snatching the pill out of his hand made Suresh laugh. He watched curiously to see if Chest put it in their mouth just as fast. But when they paused Suresh smiled and gave a soft wave of his hand, "Take it. Save it. It's completely up to you. All I ask is that you call me after and tell me what it was like for you in your own words." He watched the necromancer carefully and said, "As a Lotus Eater Affiliate you'll also need to know a few places you should definitely not be caught with drugs on you."
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"Designer drugs?" The idea of them was interesting, leaning forwards slightly to further inspect the red pill in Suresh's palm - Bliss. Such a name conjured up wonderful images of how it would affect the taker, even Chester interested in such a thing. Psychoactive and causes euphoria...the best part of dying. "Like an orgasm then?" They blurted out suddenly, following it up with a quick; "Y' petite mort and all that,"
They knew what they meant, and that's all that mattered to them. "I'd be happy to sell for you. Despite my general...being," He motioned to himself, taking another sip of the drink. "I can be discreet in such matters," After all, the only reason he'd gone to jail was because somebody else had thrown him under the bus.
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A free sample? The witch all but snatched the red pill from his boss' grasp, holding it up to the light for a few precious seconds but...not taking it. "Mind if I save it for a rainy day? Or just like when I'm at Waffle House at 2am,"
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh could feel the necklace that Versipellis had given him warm against his skin as they kissed. That same warmth in the wolf's fingers and palms on his skin. And he could feel as his power filled the other. He could nearly see the same kaleidoscope the other seemed to have fallen into. But the single word of agreement was perfect. There would be some things to make sure were taken care of before the wolf left this evening. But right now he just wanted to be with the wolf. And his focus went all towards him. There was nothing else around them. He opened his mouth to the kiss and let himself get lost in the wolf, enjoying the other's enjoyment. Taking his time to deepen the kiss and then coax the wolf to taste him too.
The scent of desire slowly filled the room. A touch of the wild just under the surface of the other. He so loved the weres, they had tides inside of them. Powerful pulls. And Suresh wondered how much prodding it would take to help Versipellis let go of some of that control. Suresh's own sounds met the wolf's groans as he slowly began to move on the wolf's lap. Finally the kiss broke and he stopped moving, letting the wolf catch his breath. Suresh's fingers moved to the wolf's shirt. He slowly popped one button, and then another, but stopped when Versi spoke.
"So do you..." a gentle and reassuring whisper. His fingers drifted down to the third button. "May I?" He let his fingers slid against the wolf's hot skin. Suresh smiled at the question. And let his head lean gracefully to the side to give the wolf room. He nodded, "You can kiss me anywhere you like..." He groaned softly at the tease of the lips. Suresh's fingers went back into Versi's hair, massaging his scalp and encouraging him to explore, as his hips slowly began to move again on the wolf 's lap. He let his head lean back as he gasped out, "Go ahead and bite if you want. You can't hurt me love..."
Versipellis was thankful he was sitting right now because the feeling that Suresh just fed his soul had absolutely swept the wolf off his feet. HIs entire body shivers, goes weak, reawakens, then feels brand new as the sensation spreads through every part of him. In his mind images of different colors, shapes, beautiful images of the sun on a warm summer day, s sky full of stars, and so many other things mixed into one, quickly flashed. It was like his mind had momentarily turned into a kaleidoscope that was showing him everything that was good and beautiful all at once. He felt infinite and weightless despite the fact that he was still just sitting down. Everything swirled into one beautiful breathless sigh that escaped him, "Yours..." Versi's hand finds a place on Suresh's lower back, capturing Suresh's lips again, he gently pulls the other closer. Slowly he kissed the other, deeply, lost entirely in Suresh.
His body began to react in ways that he could not even begin to describe, in ways he had never imagined possible, and he had to constantly remind himself to be slow. It was almost as if this feeling was triggering the wolf that lived within Versi, the animal that was dying to get out, a side that had been craving to be fed for some time now. But he tried to keep it at bay, like he always he did with his wolf side. Soft groans of pleasure slip through his lips and slowly the hand that had been resting on Suresh's lower back carefully goes up to explore a bit. He only stops kissing the other when their kiss comes to a natural slow end, taking that second to catch his breath.
"You feel so nice..." his voice is soft, breathless, as he tries to catch his breath. His mind was scrambling for proper thoughts or words to say but it was not making sense of much right now. He felt like he had just taken the worlds strongest drug that was giving him the best high he had ever felt. The only high he had ever felt. "...Is it okay if I kiss you...." Versi leans in to press his lips to Suresh's neck, placing a soft kiss onto it, " a little too?"
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh would be the first to admit if he was orchestrating these meet ups but the truth was that it seemed to be the universe rather than any direct influence from him that continually seemed to bring him and the Lightless Emissary into contact with each other. "My mistake then. I assumed you needed to communicate to the families of the deceased fairly regularly." It wasn't like Suresh spent much time in funeral homes. He nodded thinking about what it was like to grieve while also constantly being surrounded by reminders of how fragile life was. At the question Suresh smiled in the dark water, the soft bioluminescence catching a touch of the expression. "Death is just a natural part of the cycle. There are ways to avoid her. But in the end everyone will meet her. It's just a matter of time."
It's not that Suresh has become a constant in his life, but it's that he constantly shows up at times Fior needs someone whether good or bad. Though, his mind is far from that discovery—it lingers in the air and out of reach for now even though is unconscious has spotted it.
"Both are unattended." He doesn't sound fatalistic, but aware of the situation. Fior's self-awareness of his current situation is as striking as his drowning grief. "Ah. Morticians don't really talk to the living. I do talk to some people, but it's rarer than you think. I prefer to remind the living that death isn't as ugly as they think." He's seen so many people smile through their tears at seeing a family member look more alive dead than during their last days on Earth. Many people think Death is unfair, but she's always kind to the suffering. "What do you think of Death?" He asks. The curiosity is faint like always, but as strong as when Fior asks the naga to talk about himself.
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh shook his head, still smiling as he looked down at the ring, "Oh nothing? How very generous. We will make everyone sick around us, attempting to out spoil each other." He let the other feel lighter around him, happy to play pretend for a moment to pull the young necromancer out of the darkness of his thoughts earlier. This was where Suresh grew his most fruitful seeds. He gathered the love of those around him, those in power in the Deathrunners, binding himself tighter to them. But he did have a genuine affection for the love-sick boys that ran the Deathrunners. Suresh hummed, "I do know how to make you blush... It's one of my gifts. But Ricardo, you are too young and too beautiful to be so down."
Suresh looked down at those big brown eyes and smiled gently. He nodded his head, "Of course I can help. This is what I do." He could feel it inside the other, the threatening crash of worries. And he let his magic slowly sink into Ric's body, slipping through blood streams into his mind. Soft gentle whispers of assurance. That it was alright to want. That it was alright to give in. The Naga was still holding the other gently against him, looking down. And he nodded again. His words were velvet and honey, "Everything is okay while you're here... You are far from useless. So much weight on your shoulders. Put it down and rest with me awhile... Everything will feel different after." He listened to the words, this thing buried inside of the other and Suresh felt the hand on his own. He moved his hands up to cup Ricardo's face and bent down. "Just close your eyes and give it all to me..." He kissed the young necromancer softly, and drew in a soft breath, feeding as he used his powers. Shadowy fingers sliding into the others mind as his power pushed through Ric flooding him with happiness, bliss and ecstasy. He broke the kiss and whispered, "How do you feel now?"
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” Luckily for you, I always said I would spoil my spouse. Nothing you ask of me could be too much, amor mío.” Ricardo teased again, returning the grin. It was nice to be able to be like this with Suresh. In a way, it made him feel normal. Like just two old friends shooting the shit or something. Ricardo didn’t see his relationship with Suresh to be anything less than a good thing, something that needed to be watered every so often because, he wanted it to blossom in every way. And in the future, a very distant future, if a world existed in which he no longer was part of the Deathrunners there was a part of him that hoped they shared a genuine friendship by then. He smiled when the other said it looked good on him, the gifted necklace, “Thank you, sweetheart. You make this grumpy ass know just how to blush.”
He let the other run gentle fingers through his hair, his curls bouncing back gently after they ran through them and selfishly let himself be comforted. It’s not like he knew who to even turn to right now anyway, and Suresh was so good at making him feel weightless. He looks up to the other when his head is tilted up, softly sighing as Suresh’s fingers ran through his hair, feeling the worries he had slowly start to lift. It’s not selfish to want…it’s nature. Ricardo let those words plant themselves in his head, the brushes of Suresh’s fingertips being the water that helped him blossom. “You can help…?” Of course he could, Ricardo wasn’t even sure why he was asking. The offer made him gently smile, “Oh, Suresh. You already do so much for me.” For a moment all those fears and worries tried to creep back up and he got flashes of Kazimir, Maddox, and Mathias. And a part of him did worry that being here with Suresh, without a single one of them knowing, was maybe not the best of ideas. Yet…there was that little voice in his head that told him this was okay, and he let Suresh’s words come back to him. When did he ever let himself have what he wanted? He always put things first, drew lines, or made excuses as to why he didn’t deserve said things. He wanted to have it all taken away, that’s what he currently desired, but he was so worried. “Are you sure, Suresh? Is it really okay? Because…I should like for it to go away. I’m so tired of feeling useless. Mostly I am tired of feeling like a failure to my own people.” His brows furrow in confusion, “I feel as if there is something in my core that is getting ready to become unleashed. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how to describe it. I just feel it.” He reaches up to place a hand over Suresh’s, “What do I have to do go make it stop?”
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Hearing her decision about the night Suresh smiled and nodded his head gently from where he was still resting his cheek on her hair. "Just us. And a lot of alcohol it is." He would give her whatever she wanted. He was often overly generous to that very select handful of people in his world that he considered friends. If it was within his power to give them something he would and spare no expense. It also meant that they could both just be themselves for the rest of the evening. Something that he was greatly looking forward to.
"We should practice your aim on land then..." Suresh replied with a very gentle tease not realizing her mind had already moved through that thought process. He enjoyed the easy familiarity in the touches. Touch was an essential part of how he experienced others and how he used his powers. A small handful had the privilege to touch him freely. For most it was dangerous, but there was that special handful of his confidantes that seemed to be granted a type of immunity from his passive gifts. Liliana had become one of that small group a while back. Even if she couldn't see his face he still made one when she said she had thought about walking out last week. "I'm glad you changed your mind. And I'm sorry you were so upset that the idea even crossed your mind, my darling. I would have been very distressed." He would have been far more than just distressed. But he did hope she knew that. He was deeply fond of Liliana, even the headaches she caused him were at least entertaining.
He shifted to make sure she could be as close as she wanted. He enjoyed walking in general. But with the current state of affairs in the city it was better for Suresh to not advertise who his favorite people were to the outside world. When she moved he lifted his head, looking down at the princess. He hummed at her question, "How my lovely?" But seeing the expression he had an pretty good idea of what she was going to ask for. When it came he chuckled and smiling placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Ah, Well then..." He moved a little and so he could put his arms softly around her and said, "I adore you immensely. In thousands of years I have had very few people who I adore as much as you and none more than you. A balm to my weary soul." His eyes glittered with a small secret smile as he laid on the compliments thick. Whether it was true or not didn't matter, she wanted to hear him say it and he would never tell her no for something like this, "Am I your favorite? Such shameless flattery. But you are my absolutely my favorite. My fierce, Arctic princess." The car pulled to a stop in the back of the club. "Come on. Let's go make a night of it by ourselves."
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Her nose gave a small wrinkle with the permission to invite others. As much as she was a party girl that enjoyed the company of many, she also knew when to indulge in a little one on one. When she was the sole focus of attention and Suresh knew every little button to push. Liliana knew that, and yet she never minded, allowing him to get his way so long as she got hers as well. "I'm not in the mood for entertaining. Just us. And a lot of alcohol." It didn't matter if she was on the clock or not, she was always trying to 'entertain' others, to lure them in. It was a simple habit built up for over a century. Friends, lovers, strangers, it was all a show and she was the star of it all in those moments.
She should have been able to handle it, should have been able to take care of things on her own. "I think the perfume bottle would get the point across if I hadn't missed." She has a lot of talents but clearly aiming wasn't one of them or, at least, not on land. A mermaid crossing waters with a target in mind was a whole other monster entirely but Liliana tried to keep up the image of sweet innocence despite her chosen career. Suresh didn't need the grizzly details. Lips thinned as she let out another sigh and let a moment of silence draw out. One of her hands on his arm mimicked his behaviour, nails gently dancing along his skin as if she were the one soothing him. "I considered just walking out last week. If it wasn't for the fact I like you so much, I would have." The former princess certainly wouldn't tolerate just anything for anyone but she'd grown attached to him.
The car moving made her cling to him just a little bit more; while she could tolerate cars, they weren't exactly her favourite method. Why drive when you could walk? But this was quicker. Liliana lifted her head slightly, only to turn it to put her chin on Suresh's shoulder to see his face. "You want to know how to make it up to me?" Her eyes were a little wider, eyebrows drawn up in the inner corners and a soft smile on her lips; from temptress to the face of an innocent angel. "You could tell me how much you adore me. That I'm your favourite. Because you're certainly mine considering I stayed just for you."
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh smiled as she ordered, "Old fashioned." He never judged someone on their drink order. All that mattered is that they kept having fun. But his focus was on her as she told him all kinds of interesting information. New in town, enjoyed dancing. He smiled, "Me? Yes, rather often. I own it." He handed her, the drink she ordered from the bar and took his own, "What's your name? I'll make sure to put you on the list for the next time you come here."
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⸻ Liesl has no idea what she wants, but decide go on… ❛ Aperol Spritz. ❜ No exactly a night drink, who cares? It had been a while since she tasted it anyway. The nights are her new days. ❛ What's your poison for today, then? ❜ Keeping on small talk. ❛ No, it is my first time here. I love dance. I moved here kind of recently, not recently in days but. ❜ She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. ❛ How about you? Come to this place often? ❜
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Nothing short of death would have caused Leto's father to leave Suresh's side. Something Leto had done for what he called 'love'. Over 2000 years Leto's father had been his friend and confidant. There had been room for love too. There was no way to explain to someone what it had been like to lose him. No way for Suresh to ever quantify the loss. It had been like losing a limb, something so much apart of himself suddenly ripped away. And having to learn how to live without. It wasn't something he talked about. How could he? Suresh nodded, coming back to the conversation. He knew his son would be safe.
"Never stopped anyone that truly wanted to make money." Suresh enjoyed the idea of altruism, and felt like he practiced his own version of it. Give back to his City in the ways he could. Protecting it was protecting his own interests. He feels the excitement before he sees it on Leto's face. He shook his head, "I have not seen it." He blinked at the idea of swimming in a tank. "A tank? What's wrong with Pontchartrain?"
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If only Suresh how much Leto tried to be someone that his second father would be proud of. He already knows he'll never be able to surpass a man such a Topiltzin, or Alejandro Herrera for anyone else than Suresh, his wife and his son Leto. Over 2000 years at Suresh's side. Losing his first father at 16 had shattered Leto, utterly destroyed his mother who'd known him for centuries, but what of Suresh? The naga had known him the longest. But today ain't the day to think about that, especially not when the thought of losing his father rattles him so much.
"I believe you. I'll make sure my staff is warned about him then." It'd mostly be about acting normal, but making sure Leto was called first. As small as ripples are, they're still a disturbance.
"Considering how expensive everything else is, it would've been a dick move to make people pay for the model. We have three sea turtles with the harness, but six in total. Though, we'll release two of those that are just with us till they're healed." There's a pause, before Leto looks quite excited again. "You have not seen the marine tank. I'm hoping we'll be able to swim in it one day." He'd made sure it'd be big enough for his father to swim comfortably in it.
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh said nothing more of the Lightless leader. Or his paranoia. The man had his reasons for concern. And Suresh would not belittle them. If Suresh was something other than himself he would have much reason to be concerned about Corvinus' arrival. In the grand scheme of things Callum and Suresh had been able to eek out an uneasy alliance with each other. A vast improvement to the cold war the Lightless and Lotus Eaters had been engaged in. And the losses of his territory small bites at a time. The comments about both Callum and Mathias did elicit a grin from the Naga. He gave a graceful shrug that could mean anything. "Anything to do with Naga's is mine. Regardless of territory lines."
A soft, rich laugh trickled out of Suresh's mouth. He shook his head, highly amused, "I thought you were rather good. Maybe you've improved since all the murder attempts? Or maybe you were just trying to impress me..." His golden eyes were bright with humor, "Many people have tried to kill me over the centuries. The lovers usually waited until after I broke their hearts before they attempted murder. None ever made it very far."
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"Yes, it has been very interesting to finally meet you, and to get to know you a little. There are so few of us in the world." But Suresh was ready to see the back of the Witch. They would have this meeting, Suresh would get what he wanted and then this immortal problem could continue on it's way. But he did find the witch truly fascinating. And the taste he'd had of the others mind, of his memories. He would love to lie with the other and speak about the past, the present, the future. To talk about power and to be able to have someone understand what he meant when he spoke of loss. He saw the hand coming and didn't move, even his eyes stayed on Corvinus' face. Now that first sentence tasted like actual truth. Something disconcertingly honest in it. But that comment about gratitude... Suresh's face shifted into something mischievous as he slid his snake half into the space between Corvinus' knees, coils spilling over his legs and onto his lap. Pushing to make him flinch or shove Suresh away. Or would be break and try and hurt Suresh again. Hands, still talonless, resting on Corvinus' shoulders. The space between them disappearing. His face close to the witch's. As he looked at his eyes and then his face, drifting to his lips. His voice was breathy and oddly gentle as he whispered, "Should I? Be grateful? If you were anything other than ripples... You would have met a very different version of me." He leaned back and began to slide himself out of Corvinus' lap and off the couch completely.
Of course he expected Callum to immediately begin running his mouth to anyone that would listen. But Corvinus should be so lucky that the elderly shifter was not so liked that anyone would just take him at his word. Paranoia had always been part of his brand. Fior hadn't tried to attack him or outright reject him, that was a good sign. And Suresh didn't seem any more worried about his arrival. The witch did have to wonder how the Deathrunners might feel if word had reached them yet. "Callum has always been paranoid. I'm sure he spent many years after attacking me looking over his shoulder, wondering when I might get revenge. He wasn't worth hunting down. As for the Deathrunner boy, pretty. Not likely to pursue again. Though I more expected that leader to come and request the blood, not for him to turn to you." The two groups must be closely aligned, something to make note of. And here he had been hoping they would be at one another's throats.
Attraction and passion were two very dangerous things. It required some level of trust, some level of danger. To be in such close proximity always had his defenses raised, no matter if it was an ancient being like the one beside him or a normal mortal far below his level. "I've had one too many lovers try to kill me immediately after. You'd be surprised how many sure you to bed only for you to find a knife in your chest right after. The seventeenth century was particularly nasty. I'd have quite the scar set if I were able to be hurt that way." Of course, he did have scars but that was long before. All of them fleeting interests, something to occupy his time. Then they realised what he was and reacted out of fear or some righteousness for the crimes he had committed.
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He felt the hand on his knee, letting the other to allow his legs to uncross and press open slightly. Corvinus raised a brow, meeting the other's gaze once more. Even with the gestures, it was quite obvious the naga wanted him gone as quickly as possible. "As pleasant as this has been, having my fun, I would much rather be on a quick return journey back to my own country. Or whatever unfortunate place catches my attention next." He moved a hand up, gently running over Suresh's jawline, looking over every detail Flawless skin....meant it was hard to actually hurt. But there were always internal methods, as he had already shown. "It wasn't my choice to come here, rest assured. But I do have a habit of making waves wherever I go. You should be grateful it's mere ripples in this city."
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
The comment about it being a trap didn't cause Suresh to react. Which in itself was a reaction. For him it was always a little bit of a thought that everything could be a trap. But with the blood witch it was hard to tell who or what the trap was for. Which made it more difficult to defend against. He had however recognized in the other ancient that deep enjoyment of the deception, a desire to see how far one could take something before they were revealed.
Suresh was quiet, he didn't need to be told what emotions were powerful or dangerous. He was very intimately aware of what emotions could make someone do. It was something he used and banked on. Anger was always a cover for the true feelings hidden underneath. But he let the Emissary speak, if only to listen to the sound of the man's voice. It was rather pleasant. A twitch of a smile at the comment about the Lightless meaning well. He hummed, "You don't have to justify it to me. I don't take the snipping personally. But I have learned that if someone is scared enough to threaten me or our agreed upon alliance. I will take it seriously."
Suresh shook his head, "You already have my agreement to your request to speak openly. You don't need to keep asking. Habit or not. I know you can adjust."
"I don't feel like I misunderstood. I just continued along my line of thought." Suresh said, golden eyes fixed on the Emissary's face like he could peer into the other's soul. "You seem more defensive today." He paused a light teasing note to his voice, "Well, less defensive and more eager to make sure you clarify yourself. Don't worry, I'm not going to jump down your throat over tea. Or make any grand sweeping decisions about my alliances." He knew evoking his son would cause a reaction in the other. A little cheap on Suresh's part but effective. "No? Funny. That is the way it sounded." That touch of curiosity surfaced through Fior's sadness. And then the question came. At the question Suresh smiled and he shook his head, "Many things. But for the sake of simplicity. And for just the promise of help. I only require the Lightless to hold true to their previous agreements. And not threaten me with them."
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"I suppose time will make me understand your point—if I ever move out of New Orleans." Fior knows the naga has millennia over him of experience, so there's no point arguing. The Lionfish doesn't like lies in general; white lies and half truth can pass, but not blatant lies. At the question, his next words come out without hesitation. "A trap." Honey on one side and fear mongering on the other. Everyone is looking out for their own ass and best interests; it's nothing new, but this really feel like they're all missing something. He hates it. The game they've been playing has changed and none of them knows the new rules. He's unsettled.
That got a chuckle out of him, before he clears his throat. "Fear and anger are a powerful and dangerous emotions. Everyone changes when controlled by either. But the Lightless meant well." Fior takes another sip. "What a positive way of seeing things." But at what price? There it is again, that spark of sadness. The Emissary runs his hand through his hair.
"You'll have to forgive me Leader Lal—you're well aware of my struggle with using first names, this is the same; force of habit." There's the ghost of a smile at the corner of his lips.
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"I think there was a misunderstanding; I made that comment in response to what you said about you reacting similarly if told what to do. Or is this because of the angry men comment I made? Then my comment was more targeted at Attano than Leader Loughty." He keeps it at that. It's hard to tell these days if Callum's anger or annoyance when they talk is at him or a general feeling. All he knows is that how he feels about the bigger picture isn't a sentiment many feels the same about. "I understand your worries about your son. Though, I don't think you fighting on your own is what the Lightless expect." There's a pause then, 'cause Fior can talk about Tremé and Mid-City, but instead, he goes at it differently. "And what would you ask of the Lightless for just a promise to help us?" He asks genuinely and feels that spark of curiosity he's starting to see he only has around the naga. If needed, Fior will lay down his life to get rid of a threat to New Orleans, but he'd meant what he'd said; he wants to know Corvinus' motives first before doing anything. The Lionfish just wants for everyone to be ready for the worst.
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
Suresh sat himself back down in his chair, groups of chairs spread around with small cocktail tables. He'd always liked the River boat theme of Oshun. It reminded him of years ago when the Mississippi was full of the iconic boats. You could see the lights and hear the music floating across the water. The Naga closed his eyes for a moment as the siren began to sing. This was the reason why Mingi knew that Suresh would take him back.
There was magic in his voice. Even when he tried not to have it. Suresh could feel it in the sound. The gratitude and the happiness. Not just the way people could feel music. It was a living breathing emotion that crawled along skin. Suresh's hand lifted just barely off the seat, his fingers moving subtly in the air to touch that gentle manipulation. Suresh was smiling as the song finished. Opening his eyes to look at the other. "That was lovely... But when you come back. Happy songs yes? Makes people want spend more money."
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naga-raja-suresh · 8 days ago
"You know, I grew up in the middle of nowhere too." He'd grown up before there had been a somewhere. At least that's what he assumed. But there had always been centers of civilization. Groups pooling their resources together to increase the chances of survival. Rural living these days was still far more secure than it had ever been in history. He nodded, "I do like it. I enjoy having people around me. Even when I'm in the mood to be alone." More like his god prefered it that way. His golden eyes drifted over her face for a moment. Before he nodded, "A little of both. But I have a lot of experience. It's not very noticeable." When she seemed amenable to the question Suresh leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table. "One, How would you feel making me an artifact of protection against someone trying to harm me magically? And two, could you? Make something for me that would make me a little more resistant to the magic of other witches?"
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" I still think I could never... Growing up in the middle of nowhere and nature all around, even the city seems odd to me, sometimes. But do you like it?" She asked as she took a seat across from him and looked over to him once more as he questioned her. " Oh... You can sense it? Smell it?" She wondered, if he could smell the magic on her, what more could others smell or feel about her, she wondered. " Shoot." Meg said with confidence.
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naga-raja-suresh · 10 days ago
Neon Medusa - Solo
When: Directly after Nameless with a Name
The rain was pouring down outside, bands of water hitting the roofs of downtown. Lightning aching through the ominous black sky, blue and purple scars ripping through the clouds followed by claps of thunder. Suresh's face and mood were reflected in the storm outside. Em hadn't spoken much during the ride back to the Club. Suresh himself had nothing to say at the moment. Golden eyes staring out into the middle distance as his mind flipped through every interaction, every word, every look, every touch. His golden talons clicking against each other as his right hand moved repetitively, fingers brushing and making the noise. Liar. He should have just crushed him when he had the chance. Should have kept digging through the witch's brain.
Lies Suresh could live with. Everyone lied. It was the public humiliation that stuck in Suresh's throat like a needle. The rage he felt at the embarrassment was a living thing inside of his chest. No one had put him in such a position in ages. Slipping into a dark spiral as he drifted through thoughts that perhaps he had been going soft. That at another time this Witch would not have been able to complete such an elaborate trick. Corvinus had stolen from him. The Nameless had stolen from him. Suresh felt the tension in his shoulders and rolled them, tilting his head until it cracked audibly. And perhaps all of these things wouldn't have bothered him so much if it hadn't been for the fact that Suresh had felt a genuine connection to the Witch as two incredibly ancient creatures. A comradery that he knew he'd felt reflected in the other. An understanding he hadn't even known he'd been missing until the witch had appeared. Sentimental and silly. He remembered the feel of Corvinus' hand on the back of his chair. Like Suresh needed to be defended. It made his lip curl and his face darkened again, another crash of lightning and thunder. Suresh knew that he held a lot of power in that little room. He'd brought them to attention and without him it had fallen apart almost immediately. He was the wrong person to piss off. And the Lotus Eaters still wielded power in the city. His city.
A burning desire to break something filled him. His anger pulsed off his skin. He made sure to alert the Lotus Eaters that they were having a meeting tonight. Pulling everyone in. Something he rarely did. But needs must. Club O was closed for the night. He knew his son would be waiting for him. He'd explained to both Leto and Em that he needed a few minutes alone. Slithering up into his private rooms, no glamour. He stood in the middle of the Moroccan room where he entertained privately. Looking at the bed. The couch. The lamps. Silence pulling in until all he could hear was his heart beat. Closing his eyes, he drew in a deep breath and he screamed. A hideous inhuman sound. And tore the room apart. Nothing was left. Mattress shredded, couch ripped apart, glass and metal lodged in the ceiling and walls from the force of his throws. It only took him a few moments to completely devastate the room. Left in the middle of the wreckage. Breathing heavily. Small cuts already healed. Suresh took a deep calming breath and slid further back into his private bedroom and curled up on his bed. He'd rest. And then he would meet downstairs and make sure every member of the Lotus Eaters were aware of what the Blood Witch was, of what they were allowed to do to any Nameless found in their neighborhoods. And that while the Witch was not to be attacked directly he was anathema in their territories, in their businesses. Corvinus was blacklisted until Suresh lifted it. He knew he'd need to talk to Mathias and Callum soon. That he would probably need to speak with the other immortal eventually. But if there was anything Corvinus could understand was just how long creatures like them could hold a grudge. And Suresh's ego had been terribly bruised.
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naga-raja-suresh · 17 days ago
Suresh said nothing, his face stoney as he ignored the witch's attempts to engage him in direct speech. Not even the word darling broke through. Mathias sat, Callum sat, Corvinus sat, that was enough for the Naga. The only thing he did do was again, reach up and run the backs of his taloned fingers along a wing of the crow on his shoulder. Soothing to the both of them. He looked at Mathias, the rot coming off of him and the absolute trash that was coming out of his mouth to both Callum and Corvinus. But he was the only leader in the room that Suresh didn't want to crush into a sticky pulp at the moment. He gave a small smile of gratitude to the youngest of their number. One man's betrayal was loyalty to another.
Suresh wasn't uninterested in the details. But he was also not currently interested in speaking to the witch. But his golden eyes watched Callum carefully, "I find your refusal curious Loughty. None of us here have clean hands. So why refuse the Nameless' request to clarify your past relationship and tell the truth? However, it is not the most pressing concern at this table at this time."
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Suresh was aware of the other's movements but he did not look at the witch. Fairly truthful. Very much so. Truth was very malleable to the witch. Twisted and pounded into any shape he could think of, but made of the same material. Suresh admired the talent. Admired the strategy and the masterful use of knowledge gained. But he was too angry to acknowledge it. Months. More friendly. Suresh grew more and more annoyed the longer Corvinus' spoke. Came as a friend. Suresh rose from his chair, resting his splayed fingers on the table, looking at the table as he spoke to the room, "Threat exists. No matter what it might dress itself up as. My request is simple. The Nameless will remove themselves from Tremé and the Mid-city. And the Lotus Eaters will leave them alone in their current territory boundaries. It will either be done by next week or the state of contention that exists between the Lotus Eaters and the Nameless' hoard will continue. That is all I have to say at this meeting." He gave Callum and Mathias a bow, "Gentleman. If you will excuse me. I have said what I came to say to the Nameless Leader. And I believe I have seen and heard enough." He finally turned and looked at Corvinus speaking to the room and not the man even though his eyes were fixed on the other, "Yes, more than enough." And with that Suresh finally did what he'd wanted to do from the very first moment. He walked out the door.
He was at least given the mercy of a warning from Suresh to remove his hand, which he quickly did with a smile. "I don't recall you being so touchy about touch before, but very well, darling." He would give the other that much space. At least he wasn't having too much bad blood with the Deathrunners leader. As he sat down, a small chuckle left him and a glance thrown the way of Mathias. "And I might have taken you up on that offer if you hadn't betrayed me, but alas. You'll have to settle for activities that keep our clothes on." If the naga blood hadn't been taken from his possession, then perhaps he might have been a bit more open but that trust was gone for the time being.
And clearly Callum was as much of a stick in the mud as ever. Lashing out at his allies in his frustrated state, straight into business. If anything, it only made the Lightless leader look worse and something Corvinus could press on just a bit. "Well, for anyone interested, I do have a small journal on him from back in the day. Not my best work at notes, but what can I say?" What had been his gaze flicking between Suresh and Mathias settled on the shapeshifter, allowing just a moment of silence before he continued with the humour quickly dying out of his tone, "He wasn't worth more than twenty pages."
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But better to move on before he was on the receiving end of a scolding for his behaviour. His games, his little fun with each of them and all while hiding behind the guise of a tourist. The playful light in his eyes faded and he corrected his posture just a little more. "You sought a connection with the Nameless leader. Now, I've been traveling so I was a bit occupied elsewhere until recently. When I did arrive, I took a few months to get my bearings, learn what I could before I approached. I simply thought it would be best to become something more friendly is all. That way you didn't see me as just a wicked witch. You've all had your glimpses of me and I was fairly truthful. I came to you as a friend rather than an enemy. Would you rather I had come to you as a stranger, a potential threat? You would have wrote me off right away. I had hoped we could continue those bonds. My persona wasn't founded on lies."
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