#Corruption in Punjab
kesarijournal · 5 months
The Curious Case of the Honorable Travel Agents and the Migration Mirage: A Tragicomedy from Punjab
Once upon a time, in the land of five rivers, where dreams of foreign lands flourish like the crops in its fertile fields, the Punjab Government (Akali Dal Badal) decided to sprinkle a bit of regulatory magic dust over the profession of travel agents. With a wave of their legislative wand, they declared, “Let there be order!” And thus, the travel agents were ushered under the watchful eyes of the…
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dbunicorn · 11 months
Killing of Sikh Leader Raises Fears in British Columbia - The New York Times
Since we are going to invoke Gandhi and free speech debates I thought I'd offer you a shiny picture that is more nuanced and balanced.
When I was in the Punjab just recently my distinct impression was that people were afraid to speak freely about politics. That Marxist streak lends itself well to democracy doesn't it?
I'm not a fan of Obama, or the corruption in silicon valley. 🙏
While I have issues with my own culture. I've watched my parents build a life for their kids as rule abiding, voting citizens to get bent over again and again. 26 million Sikhs are a minority. Yes violence is never an answer but neither is suppression. You'd think with all the money that flowed from silicon valley into BLM you'd get that.
Just like at the Portland courthouse. It's a fine line isn't it? Narratives are easily manipulated aren't they?
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livingindianews · 2 years
International Anti Corruption Day - Living India News
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brightpunjabexpress · 2 years
— INVESTIGATION TRANSFERRED TO VIGILANCE BUREAU, INFORMS PUNJAB POLICE SPOKESPERSON CHANDIGARH, September 14: Following the complaint filed by some MLAs of the state, Punjab Police on Wednesday registered a first information report (FIR) under section 8 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Sections 171-B and 120-B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Police Station State Crime, SAS…
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hindulivesmatter · 5 months
"modi is using it to appease votebanks" bitch when hasn't religion or basically anything was ever used to appease votebanks?
The unconstitutional, Waqf Act? Lol.
“give me vote I'll get ₹1000 to every woman's account” - AAP, Punjab
“give us vote we'll ban cow slaughter” - congress. Then proceeded to copy Jalianwallah Bagh massacre and massacred every pandit that were heading towards parliament to ask for what they were promised.
“Give us vote we'll make buses free” (while state is at major debt lol) - Telangana
I would call BJP stupid if they didn't use this. Congress got 21 lawyers to fight against the ram mandir case. How is that not appeasement?
Congress filed affidavit that Rama is just a myth and entire sanatan is mythical. How is that not interfering with religion? Who the fuck asked congress with their IQ of my little brothers shoes their opinion on my prabhu?
Recently Arvind Kejriwal was caught in corruption, he gave 101 crores I think, that's 1.01 BILLION rupees to Waqf Board how is that not appeasement?
Why are you guys acting so naive???? That's a POLITICAL PARTY they want voters lol and we'd rather prefer them than those who would give our tax money to the godforsaken waqf board.
Continuation of previous anon.
Fuck congress <3
Anon these people don't WANT to change their minds. They're comfortable with their hatred as they are.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Favorite End submissions (other than the finalists so we don't skew the results)? Most surprising contestant?
Also, did you know Inscryption before the End bracket?
Favorite out of all the submissions that didn't make it in, I think the one I really would have wanted to put in is Freddy Krueger, what with all the killing in dreams and sleep being the cousin of death and whatnot.
Favorite of the actual contenders in terms of how much I love them has to be Antigone. Love her. Absolute disaster goth. Second place goes to Bart, who is a disaster in a very different way.
Favorite in terms of who I think should have won is the Foretold. Mummy on the Orient Express is such a fucking banger of an episode. Second place goes to Tony, who I really wanted to win so I could put him up against the Substitute in the final poll for puppet-on-puppet violence.
Most Surprising
Most surprising... I have made my feelings about End Avatar Jonathan Harker known. Perhaps too forcefully. I do love my good friend and penpal Jonathan, I just think that the Hunt overtones are much much stronger with him. Also, the Doctor from Doctor Who got in a couple of times with all the 'Curse of a Time Lord' and 'Timeless Child' stuff, always dying and coming back and losing everyone eventually. Which is interesting, but I think the Foretold was still a better choice there. (That said, Eleven is definitely the most End-aligned Doctor, fight me.)
I can't really be surprised by what I chose to put on the bracket, but I am surprised that Ylfa made it as far as she did. She's a strong contender, but I did kinda expect Puss in Boots' Death to get more of the furry vote.
Honorable Mentions
A few other contenders who didn't quite make it.
Dios, from the Discworld novel Pyramids: Immortal priest in the Discworld's version of ancient Egypt, traveling in a time loop and ensuring that the established theocracy never changes. Also, uses pyramid power to keep himself alive and the souls of ancient kings trapped.
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, from A Christmas Carol. Reaper status was unclear.
Masque of the Red Death from Edgar Allan Poe. Reaper status unclear. Also, might be more Corruption aligned.
The Kotturuh from the Doctor Who episode Demons of the Punjab. Formerly a feared species of alien assassins, a pair returned home one night to find their planet destroyed. These final two became mourners, traveling the universe to witness the last moments of the dead and remember them.
Yeah, I knew a little about Inscryption.
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warningsine · 1 year
Violent clashes have broken out in Pakistan between security forces and supporters of former prime minister Imran Khan after he was arrested on Tuesday.
Protests are erupting nationwide, and at least one person has been killed in the city of Quetta.
The United States and UK have called for adherence to the "rule of law".
Mr Khan was arrested by security forces at the High Court in the capital, Islamabad.
Dramatic footage showed dozens of officers arriving and detaining the 70-year-old, who was bundled into a vehicle and driven away.
He was appearing in court on charges of corruption, which he says are politically motivated.
Mobile data services in the country were suspended on the instructions of the interior ministry on Friday as protests grew, many of them taking place in front of army compounds.
Pakistan's army plays a prominent role in politics, sometimes seizing power in military coups, and, on other occasions, pulling levers behind the scenes.
Many analysts believe Mr Khan's election win in 2018 happened with the help of the military. Now in opposition, he is one of its most vocal critics, and analysts say the army's popularity has fallen.
Footage from Lahore posted on Twitter appeared to show a crowd breaking into the military corps commander's house destroying furniture and belongings inside.
Speaking from Washington, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he wanted to make sure that "whatever happens in Pakistan is consistent with the rule of law, with the constitution".
UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, speaking alongside Blinken, noted that Britain enjoyed "a longstanding and close relationship" with Commonwealth member Pakistan, and wanted to "see the rule of law adhered to".
On Tuesday evening, supporters of Imran Khan gathered outside the Pakistan High Commission in London to protest against his arrest.
'Chaos and anarchy'
Mr Khan was ousted as PM in April last year and has been campaigning for early elections since then.
General elections are due to be held later this year.
Speaking to the BBC's Newshour, Mr Khan's spokesman, Raoof Hasan, said he expected "the worst" and that the arrest could plunge the country "into chaos and anarchy".
"We're facing multiple crises. There is an economic crisis, there is a political crisis, there is a cost of livelihood crisis and consequently this occasion will be a catharsis for them to step out and I fear a fair amount of violence is going to be back," he said.
A member of Mr Khan's legal team, Raja Mateen, said undue force had been used against him at the court.
"Mr Khan went into the biometric office for the biometrics. The rangers went there, they broke the windows, they hit Mr Khan on the head with a baton," said Mr Mateen.
Mr Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party called on its supporters to protest. In the hours after he was detained, violence was reported from cities including Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar.
On the streets of Islamabad, hundreds of protesters blocked one of the main highways in and out of the capital.
People pulled down street signs and parts of overpasses, lit fires and threw stones. During the hour or so that the BBC was there, no police or authorities were visible.
Protesters said they were angry about Imran Khan's arrest.
"This is absolutely the last straw," said Farida Roedad.
"Let there be anarchy, let there be chaos. If there is no Imran, there's nothing left in Pakistan. No one is there to take over."
Writing on social media, police in Islamabad said five police officers had been injured and 43 protesters arrested.
It said at least 10 people, including six police officers, had been injured in the south-western city of Quetta in clashes between Mr Khan's supporters and security forces - with one protester killed.
A statement from the inspector general of Punjab police said the arrest of Mr Khan had been ordered because he was accused of "corruption and corrupt practices".
The case involves allegations over the allotment of land in the so-called Al-Qadir Trust, which is owned by Mr Khan and his wife, Dawn newspaper reported.
Mr Khan, who is being held at an undisclosed location, denies breaking any law.
In a video message filmed as he travelled to Islamabad - and released by the PTI before his arrest - Mr Khan said he was ready for what lay ahead.
"Come to me with warrants, my lawyers will be there," he said. "If you want to send me to jail, I am prepared for it."
Security was tight in the centre of the capital for the former PM's court appearance.
Dozens of cases have been brought against Mr Khan since he was ousted from power.
The security forces have tried to detain him on a number of previous occasions at his Lahore residence, but were blocked by his supporters, resulting in fierce clashes.
On Tuesday, police had blocked roads into Islamabad, so the number of supporters with Imran Khan was not as high as on previous occasions, making it easier to arrest him.
He was elected prime minister in 2018, but fell out with Pakistan's powerful army. After a series of defections, he lost his majority in parliament. He was ousted after he lost a confidence vote in April 2022, four years into his tenure.
Since then, he has been a vocal critic of the government and the country's army.
In October, he was disqualified from holding public office, accused of incorrectly declaring details of presents from foreign dignitaries and proceeds from their alleged sale.
The next month, he survived a gun attack on his convoy while holding a protest march.
On Monday, the military warned him against making "baseless allegations" after he again accused a senior officer of plotting to kill him.
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Religious Views
For a very long time, I have pounded over the meaning of religion and where I belong. I still found nothing at the end. For I am a Sikh without its knowledge of its descent imbibed by the western tradition of Christianity.  
For me as a whole god is nothing but one, god is what is in every little thing we do. God is present in every country regardless of church, kuil, mosque, temple, or a religious venue, god is still one that everyone prays nor worship for the bread and butter of every daily living.  
When I was a child I had been lost of the motherhood of my tongue, for some reason I have always spoken and thought in English without the genuine curiosity of my own religion as being ‘’Khalsa’’, warrior. I had always enjoyed the western culture since a young age.  
When I had grown to my adolescent years, I had become aware of a certain energy that made me stand out among the rest, where my face had the identity of a khalsa, but my voice had the essence of a typical white boy.
I had stood out among the rest, without a clue of where I belong or where I am even from.  
I am a Punjabi Indian descent that was born in multinational country where Muslim Chinese and Indian had a say on it. Muslim’s originated from the land itself and the Chinese empire took over to endure and establish multiple business and the Indians were brought along with the Britain's during the world war sequence.
They were natural aboriginals, Islam was introduced by the Persians during the 15th century along with Indian traders to establish a law of order for freedom and democracy, as they like to pronounce – MERDEKA, where in 1957 Malaysia received its independence against the colonisation of mining rubber metal and gold by the Britain.  
How do I know this ? Let's continue on the fact that I am a foreigner wherever I go, I am what they call a 3rd generation Indian. In simple terms, it is the lost touch of my own religious values as it I got more immune to the surrounding religions that I was raised in.  
This is where I hate to admit it, as I am a Punjabi from Punjab that was born in Malaysia and raised in New Zealand. I still do not know the laws behind, the most righteous religion of them all in my opinion is Sikhism. Judging by the history of my own, men came from a small village fighting rights against corruption against the Muslim and Hindus for generations but yet we don’t have a place we can call home, do we ? We are well spread, mostly lost, emotionally drained of the truth of when we as Khalsa’s will put down the sword and retired in independence with peacefulness across the nation or even one nation.   
That’s enough history lessons, let me explain my own. I am imbibed by the western society where I found love for Jesus Christ through relationships that made me and my life sour. I have always tried to learn about the bible as it is in English and a way for me to understand what god is telling me during my difficult moments. I found love for Christianity.  
Through my journey with Christ and learnings I have perceived the knowledge of common law and order place against churches, that creates gossip after one another for growth, or the worship that we pray to endure such energy, either way you can spit it out in the streets or at church, Christ lives inside us and is with us everywhere we go. Familiar? As I mentioned, god is one, and I am pretty sure you know that god lives inside us, and no matter what kind of what god it is. It is call GOD, the one who provides, that is the meaning of god. There are over 2,500 to 18,000 different kind of gods in this world and people worship for one reason and one reason only, is to be provided by the provider, where in any way you can have conversations about it, you will still end up calling that positive deity GOD.  
As being said and spoken of independence and world war, we live in a very old world. Where many have come and gone, struggled to worship and provide their families what was being provided to them by a certain provider, where It's still the three same letters god. So plenty of cosmologies, histories, myths that took place for it to be called a modern civilization. As they saw the younger generation being more lazy and less stressed about life and growth, religious views are a good strategy to keep the family focused on achieving their goals, hence to provide a better civilization with more production of work and mental growth for independence.  
I personally think it is the war of who came first and created it all and who stood out among the rest.
Being corrupted by greed is what torments this world, where money could build hospitals, but it can also burn down a family or church. For the oppressors to acquire control and pride in doing so to feel like a general leader for shellfish egotistic esteem they find in themselves. Leaves the poor poorer and the richer rich I guess.  
The moral of the story is that god is one all that provides is god, and it is one that provides, to remember that think of yourself as a one-year-old and your god are your parents, that provides and gave you such life to walk or stand. Regardless of any manners you were taught in school, respect is one I believe people should ponder their emotions about to avoid such corruption in civilization, heck I mean racism from one tone to another. Whole Different story in today's world, mate !
God is one, god is all, god provides, god is inside, it cannot be seen, it can only be felt, so what are your thoughts about what I just said??? God is only one right.  
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citruscloudsandmoon · 2 years
Imran Khan's win in Punjab literally proves who the common people stands with. Shehbaz Sharif's days are well and truly numbered now. We're back! 💚💚💚
I don't want to celebrate early because I really really can't trust the establishment or the corrupted goons who are currently here.
Once proper elections take place and Khan has won, only then I will celebrate.
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nijjhar · 3 days
Matt 8v18-22:- Let the old people buried in the dead letters of the Scri... Matt 8v18-22:- Let the old people buried in the dead letters of the Scrips bury themselves - John 3. https://youtu.be/iVMUIrW3fsU Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Saint Matthew 8,18-22. When Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side. A scribe approached and said to him, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head because he was the Second Adam and the Planet earth belonged to the First Adam or Jesus came “Floating” and took his body away as well." Another of (his) Labourers and not the disciples of the crook Messianic Jews who killed Jesus said to him, "  Corruption as in Jesus, we have One Father and we are His Sons, the Saints - Lord, let me go first and bury my father in dead letters." But Jesus answered him, "Join and not Follow as the spiritually blind do follow Pope, Priests, etc. me, and let the dead in the Jewish Leaven that finished with John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and so, the Bible, Script, is not allowed into the Royal Kingdom of God Above where the True Vine Christ Jesus is - bury their dead. Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have one God, our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “soul”, there should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Elder Brother and the Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second Coming of Jesus. Solid Proof; this Golden Temple is of the same size as the Holiest of the Holy that used to be in Jerusalem and its curtain held the secrets of the Oral Torah = His Word was rendered from the Top, the Temple High Priest, to the Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and thus, everyone makes a direct approach to God through His Word = Logo = Satgur Parsad. So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests and Mullahs, cannot give your account to God as the Rabbis used to give at the Passover. So, they are "Antichrists" that have a following of the spiritually blind Super Bastard fanatic devils - John 8v44 - Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, etc. outwardly of appearances, and not spiritually inwardly. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew and Christian, are never born like Christ, the title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah, Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. were born and they will die. Thus, Jesus was born and Jesus died on the cross and rose on the Third Day and not Christ, the title. Book:- One God One Faith:- www.gnosticGospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf Allah is NOOR and you cannot apply Sharia Laws that bind you on NOOR that sets you FREE. This Islam is not of Allah called INSHALLAH but of Mullahs called Inshmullah. Our Khokhar Jatt Chaudhry Saddam Hussein Khokhar Jatt was executed by the American Jews. JEWS THEMSELVES ARE ANTISEMITIC. www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm For the unlisted videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Unlisted.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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smqazi · 11 days
Pakistan is a federal parliamentary republic. On April 11, parliament elected Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz’s Shehbaz Sharif as prime minister and head of government. This parliamentary election, conducted in accordance with procedures in the constitution, followed a successful no-confidence vote in the National Assembly called by opposition parties, which replaced the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf administration by bringing to power a coalition government led by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz. In 2018, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party won the most National Assembly seats in the general elections, and the party’s leader, Imran Khan, became prime minister. 
While independent observers noted technical improvements in the Election Commission of Pakistan’s management of the polling process itself, observers, civil society organizations, and political parties raised concerns regarding pre-election interference by military and intelligence agencies that created an uneven electoral playing field. Some political parties also alleged significant polling day irregularities.
Police have primary domestic security responsibility for most of the country. Local police are under the jurisdiction of provincial governments. Paramilitary organizations, including the Frontier Corps that operates in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas, as well as the Rangers that operate in Sindh and Punjab, provide security services under the authority of the Ministry of Interior. 
The Frontier Corps’ primary mission is security of the border with Afghanistan, and the corps reports to the Ministry of Interior in peacetime and the army in times of conflict. The military plays a role in domestic security, including as the lead security agency in many areas of the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas. While military and intelligence services officially report to civilian authorities, they operate independently and without effective civilian oversight or control. There were reports that members of the security forces committed numerous abuses.
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings by the government or its agents; forced disappearance by the government or its agents; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by the government or its agents; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary detention; political prisoners; transnational repression against individuals in another country; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; serious restrictions on free expression and media, including violence against journalists, unjustified arrests and disappearances of journalists, censorship, and criminal defamation laws, and laws against blasphemy; serious restrictions on internet freedom; substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, including overly restrictive laws for the operation of nongovernmental organizations and civil society organizations; severe restrictions of religious freedom; restrictions on freedom of movement; serious government corruption; lack of investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting members of racial and ethnic minorities; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex persons; the existence or use of laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual conduct between adults; restrictions on workers’ freedom of association; and existence of the worst forms of child labor.
There was a lack of government accountability, and abuses, including corruption and misconduct by security services, often went unpunished, fostering a culture of impunity among perpetrators. Authorities seldom investigated or punished government officials for reported human rights abuses or acts of corruption.
Violence, abuse, and social and religious intolerance by militant organizations and other nonstate actors, both local and foreign, contributed to a culture of lawlessness. Terrorist violence and human rights abuses by nonstate actors contributed to human rights problems, with terrorist violence exceeding that of the prior year. Terrorist and cross-border militant attacks against civilians, soldiers, and police caused hundreds of casualties. Military, police, and other law enforcement agencies continued to carry out significant campaigns against militant and terrorist groups.
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indiaepost · 27 days
"Rode College" Hits Cinemas Today: A Powerful Tale of Student Leaders and Corruption
Chandigarh:  A gripping new film, “Rode College,” directed by Happy Rode, has arrived in cinemas today. Featuring stellar performances by Manav Vij, Yograj Singh, and Isha Rikhi, the movie is a compelling drama inspired by true events that took place at Rode College in the Moga district of Punjab. “Rode College” delves into the important topic of how student leaders and their ambitions are…
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harsh003 · 1 month
Reimagining the Future of South Asia Amidst Historical Divisions.
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One became the mother of democracy in India, where the rape of women is still not fully investigated, corruption is high, and law and order is bought with money to this day. Any woman even in modern India today probably scared to report her rape.
“This part of the world was considered as wealthy as Europe as back as 1500’s. We were a good host to Mugal invaders and then followed by the British East India company.
Millions of people died to obtain the birth of a divided India on the 15th of August 1947.
Millions more died trying to leave what was a home for a new home under a new sky.
MThis was India Sky, Pakistani Sky and later to become Bangladesh Sky. Yet we have forgotten that Sky is only one and it cannot be divided.
We left the horrible occupation for freedom for which we were ill-prepared.
The birth of India and Pakistan was built on the bodies of immigrants.
One became the mother of democracy in India, where the rape of women is still not fully investigated, corruption is high, and law and order is bought with money to this day. Any woman even in modern India today probably scared to report her rape. She knows too well that she will be interrogated by a Police 10, Police Senior, DCP, Press, and lawyers. She will be virtually ripped apart so she probably thinks no point in reporting.
Mother of democracy but really we are not as we are divided on caste, regional biases, language bias, religion, and yes we are independent. Many argue with me that at least we ar in control of our own destiny. I don’t agree with this destiny which takes us to an unknown path.
India is known for thousands of years as the land of learned people, peace-loving, law-abiding people.
How is corruption rampant in India? How will anyone get justice? Not possible unless you have money and connections.
We have achieved some economic progress due to some of our policies instigated in 1970 and 1980.
Pakistani where shall I start, it is quite close to being labeled as a failed state. It was formed yet again by two people Mohammed Allam Iqbal and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. It was supposed to be a Muslim household and a democratic one. Democracy in Pakistan never flourished and the institution of the army always had an upper hand in all things
In the beautiful fields of Punjab, the Deseret of Sind was never allowed to belong to the workers.
Landowners controlled the masses and hence wealth did not move much to the workers.
Pakistan means Pure Land but it’s politics is filthy. It was a dreamland for the immigrants but in 1960 it suffered the Bengal massacre which lead to the division of the country. An independent election won by Bengalis was not accepted and led to the birth of yet another country under another Sky!!!
The land of pure is often finding it hard to control its 4 provinces. Lovely people of Punjab are made to fight Sindhis and etc.
Economical it has also not prospered due to lack of education, misunderstanding of the Teachings of Islam, early marriages, etc.
So, in the end, we are worse off than what we were once and worse led by foreigners. We must continue the search for a United India and strengthen the hands of the ordinary people.
We can be the biggest economic market if we still believe in
Breakfast in Dhaka
Lunch in Delhi
Dinner in Lahore
we will have no choice but eventually to come and find a way forward.
In the heart of bustling Mumbai, a vision for a just and equitable world is coming to life through the tireless efforts of Dr. Ahmed Haque, a renowned philanthropist, peace activist, and beacon of hope for many. Founding the Just World Order Federation (JWOF), Dr. Haque is not just dreaming of a better future; he is actively laying the groundwork for it. This initiative, deeply rooted in the principles of justice, equality, and peace, seeks to empower the voiceless, support the powerless, and challenge the injustices that mar our society. Contact Us for more details.
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jccrmun24khalistan · 1 month
Shival Swarup must step down.
23 August 1987, Hello India
"I call for the suspension and prosecution of Shival Swarup who were in charge of the police officers who assaulted and beat Mr Gyattrat Singh. It is unacceptable that the punishment for a passionate farmer who passed the curfer is to be beaten alive. This is a farmer of Punjab, whom we, regardless if you are a Sikh or Hindu, who has been unfairly treated by the central government. Furthermore, a corrupt government who is willing even to assault a holy site such as the Golden Temple, can continue to invade and attack those of Hindus as well. This corrupt central government is a problem for all of us, the Punjab population. Rest assured, the Akali Dal and Khalistan movement is not an extremist one. We count on the unity of both Sikhs and Hindus, and your support to sound out the injustices of the government and to call for more transparency within the police force. I applaud the efforts of those who are fighting for justice already, and call for the unity within Punjab of Sikhs and Hindus, to stand up against this government. Fear not, for I will join you in your protests, and will constantly negotiate with the Border forces and Police force to allow for peaceful protests which every religion and movement has a right to. Let us stand together in the fight for justice and transparency"
-Parkash Singh Badal
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jccrmun24central · 1 month
Shival Swarup must step down.
23 August 1987, Hello India
"I call for the suspension and prosecution of Shival Swarup who were in charge of the police officers who assaulted and beat Mr Gyattrat Singh. It is unacceptable that the punishment for a passionate farmer who passed the curfer is to be beaten alive. This is a farmer of Punjab, whom we, regardless if you are a Sikh or Hindu, who has been unfairly treated by the central government. Furthermore, a corrupt government who is willing even to assault a holy site such as the Golden Temple, can continue to invade and attack those of Hindus as well. This corrupt central government is a problem for all of us, the Punjab population. Rest assured, the Akali Dal and Khalistan movement is not an extremist one. We count on the unity of both Sikhs and Hindus, and your support to sound out the injustices of the government and to call for more transparency within the police force. I applaud the efforts of those who are fighting for justice already, and call for the unity within Punjab of Sikhs and Hindus, to stand up against this government. Fear not, for I will join you in your protests, and will constantly negotiate with the Border forces and Police force to allow for peaceful protests which every religion and movement has a right to. Let us stand together in the fight for justice and transparency"
-Parkash Singh Badal
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pressfreedomday · 2 months
PAKISTAN - Roundtable on Safety of Journalists Working in Hostile Environment in Rural Pakistan.
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Journalists working in small towns and rural areas of Pakistan facing threats from politicians,feudal leaders,extremists ,corrupt government officials. Many also suffering with difficulties with the police, fake cases registered against them and being forced to pay fines and bribes.The prevailing situation is alarming as four journalists have been killed in Pakistan from Jan 2023 to 9th April 2024 all hail from rural areas. There is no comprehensive system to act when a rural journalist is attacked, kidnapped or tortured. No one is aware of any hotline for assistance,rural journalists have no contact with the journalist bodies active in big cities.To cope this alarming situation, Rural Media Network Pakistan in collaboration with Daily Nawa-I-AhmedpurSharqia is organizing a round-table entitled " Safety of Journalists Working in Hostile Environment in Rural Pakistan" in the premises of Punjab College Ahmedpur East. Different press clubs and journalists unions president,academics and press freedom advocates will attend it. The RMNP will also present its annual Sadiq Press Freedom Cash Award category B to TV journalist Muhammad Akmal Abbasi who was kidnapped, tortured and detained by an influential kiln owner of the area against whom the journalist had aired a story on the charge of the violation of environmental law. He has also beem implicated in a fake case of heinous crime.
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