#Corona Capital 2019
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byokinu · 1 year ago
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Buenas, espero que estén teniendo un grandioso domingo :D
Vuelvo con el segundo dibujo de la serie que dibujé en el 2019 y que trata sobre diferentes etapas de la historia de Argentina. Básicamente su nombre es muy simple: 2. Conquista y colonización española. La idea fue hacer un mapa antiguo de fondo con la cabecera del Virreinato del Rio de La Plata (actual Argentina) y el mundo dividido en dos. La corona está sobre su cabeza pero no lo corona, ya que solo se encuentra bajo su poder y por lo tanto no lo ejerce. Se encuentra descalzo porque la capital, Buenos Aires, no era precisamente la ciudad más glamorosa entre las ciudades coloniales (esa reputación la gana más tarde ya siendo independiente🤭). Se trataba más bien de una ciudad llena de barro en las calles y donde se andaba como podía. Las descripciones al respecto son bastante claras 😅. Estaba muy lejos de ser la ciudad de ahora. El elemento de la parte inferior izquierda representa las luchas por el territorio entre indígenas y europeos, atravesados ambos por la intervención, en sus distintas formas, de la religión católica.
Bueno, esa seria una breve explicación. Espero que terminen bien su finde ❣️
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csharchive · 2 years ago
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© David Zuriaga, 2019
Car Seat Headrest at Festival Corona Capital 2019
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remembertheplunge · 1 year ago
Only Dancing With It Will See Us Through
“There is no satisfaction. A blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive.”
Martha Graham to Agnes de Mille. From “Creating a life worth living, fly page 2/4/2020 Tuesday 5:46am
The above quote was written in a journal that I began on October 17, 2019. The last entry I made before I misplaced the journal was on February 5, 2020. The Covid 19 pandemic had not yet begun in California where I lived.  The following entry is the first in this journal after I relocated it and after the pandemic had roared into our lives:
“This journal was lost under a pile  of books until now. It emerges into a different world. The world of the last entry, 2/5/2020 is gone. Done. Shut. Over. The second geography ended 3/15/2020. The Corona Virus pilgrimage began the third geography. The second geography set was struck during the week of March 16-20, 2020. It’s now Sunday, April 26, 2020. It’s 6:11am. Everything now is radio active. Poisonous. To touch or to talk to closely with another is potentially fatal. We have become a party of one. The virus is invisible, silent. Relentless. It seeks donor bodies like a mosquito seeks blood. Second geography denial is music to the virus’s ears. To group is to die. Group oriented capitalism is a potentially fatal endeavor. The world has shrunk away to your house, your car , the store. Money and machines hold no sway in the virus’s relentless march. Orders and control also are useless in its path.
Only dancing with it will see us through.
End of entry
Agnes de Mille was an American dancer and choreographer Martha Graham was an American dancer and choreographer. 
I call the time after I quit drinking on February 21, 2011 the second geography. It was a land of working out in gyms, personal trainers, writing in coffee houses, seeing movies and plays.  All of this done alcohol free.  But, the advent of Covid 19 in March 2020 led to the third geography which to some extent still exists. I now, in 2024,  almost never go to coffee houses, movies or plays. I write and blog instead, which are solitary pursuits. The fear of the virus still pervades, but in a subdued form.
When a play's run is over, the play set is taken down. This is called "striking the set".
I actually love the quote by Martha Graham that begins this entry. I agree, there is no satisfaction. Even now as I write this, I feel anxious. But, the anxiousness propels the pen, or the fingers dancing on the computer keys. The pursuit of happiness is like chasing a ghost. Instead, turn dissatisfaction into gold via channeling it into a creative endeavor.
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viviendopraga · 4 months ago
Todos los Mercados Navideños de Praga 2024 te invitan a sumergirte en el espíritu navideño en uno de los destinos más mágicos de Europa. Durante la temporada de Adviento, Praga se transforma en un encantador cuento de hadas con sus luces brillantes, olores dulces y un ambiente festivo que inunda cada rincón. Desde la famosa Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja hasta las encantadoras calles de Malá Strana, la capital checa se llena de mercados navideños. Donde se pueden encontrar artesanías, regalos, y delicias tradicionales. Mercados Navideños en la Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja El Mercado Navideño de la Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja es el corazón de las festividades en Praga y uno de los más destacados de Europa. Este año abre sus puertas el 30 de noviembre de 2024 y se extenderá hasta el 6 de enero de 2025. Permitiéndote recibir el Año Nuevo en un ambiente lleno de magia y tradición. Con un imponente árbol de Navidad de la Ciudad Vieja de Praga en el centro, decorado con miles de luces y adornos, este mercado te transportará a un mundo de ensueño navideño. Árbol de Navidad de la Plaza Vieja de Praga del año 2019. Foto: ViviendoPraga Aquí, disfrutarás de la música de villancicos y el aroma de los dulces checos tradicionales mientras paseas entre los puestos, donde encontrarás adornos navideños, velas, castañas asadas y mucho más. No te pierdas el vino caliente, perfecto para calentar las manos y el corazón en las frías noches de invierno. Horarios Este mercado abre todos los días de 10:00 a 22:00, permitiéndote disfrutar de su encanto tanto de día como de noche. Mercado Navideño en la Plaza Wenceslao El Mercado Navideño en la Plaza Wenceslao es otra de las joyas navideñas de Praga, situada en el extremo inferior de la plaza, con vistas al hermoso Museo Nacional. Abre del 30 de noviembre de 2024 al 6 de enero de 2025. Aquí, la música y los colores de la Navidad envuelven a los visitantes en un ambiente único. Entre los productos que encontrarás en este mercado se incluyen artesanías, adornos y regalos que capturan la esencia de las fiestas. Además, podrás deleitarte con vino caliente, ponche y sabrosos platos checos. Este mercado también ofrece un programa cultural especial para animar tus visitas con actividades y entretenimiento navideño. Horarios Los puestos de la Plaza Wenceslao están abiertos de 10:00 a 22:00 cada día. Mercados Navideños en Náměstí Míru El Mercado Navideño en Náměstí Míru abre la temporada festiva en Praga el 20 de noviembre de 2024 y se extiende hasta el 24 de diciembre de 2024. Ubicado frente a la iglesia de Santa Ludmila, este mercado es uno de los más encantadores de la ciudad y el lugar perfecto para comenzar a disfrutar de la Navidad. Puesto en el mercado navideño de Náměstí Míru en Praga. Foto: TodaPraga Entre los puestos, encontrarás una gran variedad de productos navideños, desde coronas de Adviento y muérdago hasta velas y adornos tradicionales. Acompañado del aroma de las castañas asadas y las luces brillantes que decoran el mercado, es un lugar ideal para adquirir recuerdos especiales o simplemente disfrutar de una tarde navideña. Horarios Abierto todos los días de 10:00 a 19:00. Mercado Navideño en Tylovo náměstí A pocos pasos de Náměstí Míru, el Mercado Navideño en Tylovo náměstí es perfecto para quienes buscan una experiencia navideña más tranquila. Abre el 26 de noviembre y se mantiene hasta el 24 de diciembre de 2024. Este mercado, más íntimo, es ideal para pasear, disfrutar de una atmósfera relajada y encontrar productos típicos navideños. Productos Navideños Aquí podrás encontrar adornos, velas, coronas y dulces tradicionales. Los puestos de comida ofrecen también una selección de bocados navideños, perfectos para disfrutar mientras exploras este mercado tan acogedor. Mercado Navideño en Náměstí Republiky En Náměstí Republiky, cerca de la Aduana, se encuentra otro de los mercados navideños favoritos de Praga. Este mercado estará abierto
del 25 de noviembre al 24 de diciembre de 2024 y ofrece un sinfín de productos navideños y actividades festivas. Ideal para familias, cuenta con talleres navideños para los más pequeños y conciertos en vivo que aportan un ambiente cálido y acogedor. Horarios Los puestos de este mercado abren de 10:00 a 19:00 diariamente. Mercados en Jiřák (Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrady) El Mercado de Adviento en Jiřák, situado en Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrady, es una de las opciones más auténticas para quienes buscan experiencias locales en Praga. Este mercado abre del 1 de diciembre al 22 de diciembre de 2024 y ofrece una mezcla de productos navideños y diseños artesanales, perfectos para un regalo único. Cada domingo de Adviento, el mercado acoge una feria de diseño llamada “Muestra lo que puedes hacer”, en la que creadores y diseñadores checos exhiben sus productos. Si buscas un recuerdo especial o un regalo de calidad, este es el lugar perfecto. Horarios Este mercado está abierto de miércoles a sábado. Mercados Navideños en Anděl El Mercado Navideño en Anděl, en el animado barrio de Praga 5, se celebra del 24 de noviembre al 24 de diciembre de 2024 y ofrece una experiencia festiva en un ambiente diferente. Aquí encontrarás una variedad de productos artesanales, decoraciones, velas y dulces, junto con una selección de bebidas calientes perfectas para combatir el frío invernal. Horarios Este mercado abre de 10:00 a 20:00 todos los días. Otros Mercados Navideños de Praga Praga cuenta con varios mercados adicionales que ofrecen experiencias navideñas únicas en otros rincones de la ciudad: Malostranské Vánoce en Kampa: Este mercado, ubicado en el encantador área de Kampa en Malá Strana, abre el 3 de diciembre de 2024 y se extiende hasta el 1 de enero de 2025. Aquí podrás encontrar productos campesinos y artesanales en un ambiente acogedor y pintoresco. Mercado de Adviento en la Ciudad Nueva: Situado en la Novoměstská radnice, o Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad Nueva. Este mercado se celebra solo el 15 de diciembre de 2024 y cuenta con una selección de artesanías, juguetes y productos decorativos perfectos para el Adviento. Vive la Magia de la Navidad en Praga Los mercados navideños de Praga 2024 ofrecen un sinfín de momentos mágicos que harán que tu visita a la capital checa sea inolvidable. Y aunque no están todos los Mercados Navideños de Praga 2024, no importa si buscas regalos, artesanías, o simplemente disfrutar de un ambiente festivo, en Praga encontrarás el lugar perfecto para empaparte de la magia de la Navidad. Desde los mercados más grandes como el de la Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja. Hasta los más pequeños en Jiřák y Tylovo náměstí, cada mercado tiene su propio encanto y ofrece una experiencia única.
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gonzalo-obes · 4 months ago
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Día Internacional contra el Cambio Climático, Día de las Naciones Unidas, Día Internacional de las Bibliotecas, Día Mundial de Información sobre el Desarrollo, Día Mundial contra la Polio, Día de Hetalia, Semana Internacional de Prevención de la Intoxicación por Plomo, Semana Europea para la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Semana Internacional del Acceso Abierto, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Antonio María Claret, Santa Duna y San Rafael.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2019
En el Valle de los Caídos (Madrid, España), después de 44 años y tras 16 meses de trámites administrativos y judiciales, el Gobierno exhuma los restos del dictador y los saca de la basílica para trasladarlo al cercano cementerio de Mingorrubio, en El Pardo. Es una victoria de la democracia. (Hace 5 años)
Las mujeres islandesas se declaran en huelga y paralizan el país para demostrar que su trabajo es indispensable para la economía y la sociedad de Islandia y para protestar por las discrepancias salariales y las prácticas laborales injustas. Islandia se convertirá en uno de los países con menor brecha de género. (Hace 49 años)
En Chile, tras las pasadas elecciones del 4 de septiembre en la que ningún candidato obtuvo la mayoría absoluta, se confirma en el Congreso a Salvador Allende, candidato por la Unidad Popular y el más votado de dichas elecciones, como presidente constitucional. (Hace 54 años)
En Budapest (Hungría), tras los disturbios del día anterior, las fuerzas policiales se refuerzan con el ingreso a la ciudad de tropas soviéticas provistas de tanques. Frente al edificio del Parlamento los tanques sofocan a sangre y fuego la insurrección de los patriotas, entre los que se contabilizan más de 1.000 víctimas. (Hace 68 años)
Entra en vigor la Carta de las Naciones Unidas con cuatro propósitos fundamentales: mantener la paz, fomentar la amistad entre los pueblos, impulsar la cooperación internacional y servir de centro de armonía para alcanzar esos nobles propósitos. (Hace 79 años)
El rey de Grecia Otón I, renuncia a la corona y huye del país en un buque de guerra británico, tras producirse un golpe de estado. Se refugia en Baviera (actual Alemania). (Hace 162 años)
En España, con tan sólo 3 años, es proclamada reina Isabel II. Al ser menor, su madre ejercerá la regencia hasta 1840. El infante Carlos María Isidro, basándose en la Ley Sálica promulgada en 1735, se niega a reconocerla como reina de España, lo que provocará la primera guerra Carlista. (Hace 191 años)
Al concertar Prusia, Rusia y Austria el tercer reparto de Polonia, ésta deja de existir. Polonia recuperará su independencia en 1918 bajo la forma de república, al final de la Primera Guerra Mundial. (Hace 229 años)
Un fuerte terremoto, que causa numerosas víctimas y daños materiales, sacude la ciudad de Lima, capital del virreinato español del Perú. (Hace 237 años)
Se pone fin a la Guerra de los Treinta Años. El emperador Fernando III firma el tratado de Westfalia entre los estados del imperio, Suecia y Francia. La paz de Westfalia consagrará el poder de Francia en Europa Central y el de Suecia en el Norte, a la vez que supondrá el adiós definitivo de las ambiciones de los Habsburgo de Viena y de los españoles. (Hace 376 años)
En Francia, en presencia del Rey Luis IX se consagra la fabulosa catedral gótica de Nuestra Señora de Chartres, cuyas obras se iniciaron en 1145 sobre la antigua catedral edificada por el obispo Fulberto de Chartres y destruida por un incendio en septiembre de 1020. Su construcción se hace con la ayuda y aportaciones dinerarias del pueblo. (Hace 764 años)
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moochilatv · 10 months ago
Kabusa Oriental Choir presents "Tshwala Bam"
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Listen in Spotify here:
This song is a choral version of the tiktok sensation- 'Tshwala Bam' . It's a banger!
Kabusa Oriental Choir is a Choir that hails from The Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria and is known for creating choir versions of popular songs.
The Choir was created by Austin Chinemezu Nwamara, the Choir Director, on the 11th of March 2019 when he published their first content which was a choir cover mashup of Kizz Daniel's song 'Yeba' and DJ Spinal’s song 'Baba'.
The cover went viral on the internet and launched the choir into limelight. Over the years, Kabusa Oriental Choir has evolved from just creating choir covers of popular songs to creating original songs; one of which is 'The Corona Song' written by Austin Chinemezu Nwamara to spread more information on the Corona Virus in the wake of the Pandemic in 2020. Also, in February 2020, Kabusa Oriental Choir released a song for Valentine's Day called 'Valentine is Coming' which shot them to global limelight and remains their biggest standing hit song. The song gained wide recognition especially in the United Kingdom where it was feature on BBC 1XTRA RADIO in 2019 during the Valentine week. The Choir has made it a tradition to release new verses to the song every year.
The choir released an album on August 2020 titled ‘Liturgy’ which is live and available on all platforms and all their official social media handles :
Twitter - @kabusaoriental1 - https://twitter.com/Kabusaoriental1 Instagram - @kabusaorientalchoir - https://www.instagram.com/kabusaorientalchoir/
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newstfionline · 11 months ago
Monday, April 8, 2024
Gazing Skyward, and Awaiting a Moment of Awe (NYT) On Monday, millions of people are hoping for a sun-powered experience of awe. A total solar eclipse will sweep across North America, from Mazatlán up through Indiana to Newfoundland. More than 30 million people live in the path of totality, where for a few brief minutes the moon will entirely block out the sun, and darkness will swallow the light of day. A halo will glow white behind the moon, the sun’s corona. The eclipse evokes for many a sort of mystical moment and childlike wonder, as awareness of the celestial encompasses the earth. It is a present reminder to everyone, on the same day, that life can be magical.
Travel Will Add a Record $11.1 Trillion to the Global Economy in 2024 (Bloomberg) The travel industry’s global economic impact continues to gain ground. This year, it’s expected to reach a record-breaking $11.1 trillion, surpassing its prior high of $10 trillion in 2019. In another decade, tourism is forecast to become a $16 trillion industry, at which point it would make up 11.4% of the global gross domestic product. Today, 1 in 10 people are employed in jobs that relate to tourism; by 2034, that will climb, with an estimated 12.2% of global jobs contributing to the sector. All this is part of the 2024 global Economic Impact Research released on Thursday by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).
Amid explosive demand, America is running out of power (Washington Post) Vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country, leaving utilities and regulators grasping for credible plans to expand the nation’s creaking power grid. In Georgia, demand for industrial power is surging to record highs, with the projection of new electricity use for the next decade now 17 times what it was only recently. Arizona Public Service, the largest utility in that state, is also struggling to keep up, projecting it will be out of transmission capacity before the end of the decade absent major upgrades. Northern Virginia needs the equivalent of several large nuclear power plants to serve all the new data centers planned and under construction. Texas, where electricity shortages are already routine on hot summer days, faces the same dilemma.
Mexico severs diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police storm its embassy to arrest politician (AP) Mexico’s government severed diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police broke into the Mexican Embassy to arrest a former Ecuadorian vice president, an extraordinary use of force that shocked and mystified regional leaders and diplomats. Ecuadorian police late Friday broke through the external doors of the embassy in the capital, Quito, to arrest Jorge Glas, who had been residing there since December. Glas sought political asylum at the embassy after being indicted on corruption charges. The raid prompted Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to announce the breaking off of diplomatic relations with Ecuador on Friday evening. Glas’ attorney, Sonia Vera, told The Associated Press that officers broke into his room and he resisted when they attempted to put his hands behind his back. She said the officers then “knocked him to the floor, kicked him in the head, in the spine, in the legs, the hands,” and when he “couldn’t walk, they dragged him out.”
UK lawmaker admits passing colleagues’ numbers to stranger met on dating app (Reuters) A senior member of Britain’s governing Conservative Party has admitted supplying the personal details of fellow lawmakers to someone he met online, saying he had felt compromised after he sent them intimate photos of himself. William Wragg told the Times newspaper he had handed over the phone numbers of colleagues to a man he met on a dating app, part of what is reported to be a wider operation targeting people working in the British parliament. The Times said those colleagues were then sent unsolicited flirtatious messages and two lawmakers had responded by sending explicit photographs of themselves. News outlet Politico said 12 men including a serving government minister were known to have been targeted in the suspected operation, receiving flirtatious messages and pictures from people who called themselves Abi or Charlie.
Christiania, Copenhagen’s hippie oasis, wants to rebuild without its illegal hashish market (AP) The now-aging hippies who took over a derelict naval base in Copenhagen more than 50 years ago and turned it into a freewheeling community known as Christiania want to boot out criminals who control the community’s lucrative market for hashish by ripping up the cobblestoned street where it openly changes hands. Over the years, there have been many attempts to halt the illegal hashish sales which have often ended in violent clashes between criminal gangs and police, with trading then quickly resuming. On Saturday, residents started digging up Pusher Street, after which they can receive government money earmarked for the area’s renovation. The plan is to create “a new Christiania without the criminal hashish market,” said Mette Prag, coordinator of a new public housing project in the enclave. Prag, who has lived in Christiania for 37 years, likened it to “a village.” “We don’t want the gangsters anymore,” said Hulda Mader, who has lived in Christiania for 40 years.
Farmers in India are hit hard by extreme weather. Some say expanding natural farming is the answer (AP) There’s a pungent odor on Ratna Raju’s farm that he says is protecting his crops from the unpredictable and extreme weather that’s become more frequent with human-caused climate change. The smell comes from a concoction of cow urine, an unrefined sugar known as jaggery, and other organic materials that act as fertilizers, pesticides and bad weather barriers for his corn, rice, leafy greens and other vegetables on his farm in Guntur in India’s southern Andhra Pradesh state. The region is frequently hit by cyclones and extreme heat, and farmers say that so-called natural farming protects their crops because the soil can hold more water, and their more robust roots help the plants withstand strong winds. Experts say these methods should be expanded across India’s vast agricultural lands as climate change and decreasing profits have led to multiple farmers’ protests this year. But fledgling government support across the country for these methods means most farmers still use chemical pesticides and fertilizers, making them more vulnerable when extreme weather hits.
New Zealand tightens visa rules amid near record migration (Reuters) New Zealand said on Sunday that it was making immediate changes to its employment visa program after a near record migration last year which it said was “unsustainable”. The changes include measures such as introducing English language requirement for low skilled jobs and setting a minimum skills and work experience threshold for most employer work visas. The maximum continuous stay for most low skilled roles will also be reduced to three years from five years. New Zealand, which has a population of about 5.1 million, has seen a rapid growth in its migrant numbers since the end of the pandemic, raising concerns last year that it was fanning inflation. Neighbouring Australia, which has also seen a big jump in migrants, has said it would halve its migrant intake over the next two years.
After six months of war, Israel’s isolation grows with no end in sight (AP) When Israel declared war against Hamas last October, it stood unified at home and enjoyed broad backing from around the world following an unprecedented attack by the Islamic militant group. Six months later, Israel finds itself in a far different place: bogged down in Gaza, divided domestically, isolated internationally and increasingly at odds with its closest ally. The risk of a broader regional war remains real. Despite Israel’s fierce military onslaught, Hamas is still standing, if significantly weakened. The offensive has pushed Gaza into a humanitarian crisis, displacing more than 80% of the population and leaving over 1 million people on the brink of starvation. Yet Israel hasn’t presented a postwar vision acceptable to its partners, and cease-fire talks remain at a standstill.
Rwanda’s Ruler Holds Tight Grip (NYT) Blood coursed through the streets of Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, in April 1994 as machete-wielding militiamen began a campaign of genocide that killed as many as 800,000 people, one of the great horrors of the late 20th century. Thirty years later, Kigali is the envy of Africa. Smooth streets curl past gleaming towers that hold banks, luxury hotels and tech startups. There is a Volkswagen car plant and an mRNA vaccine facility. A 10,000-seat arena hosts Africa’s biggest basketball league and concerts by stars like Kendrick Lamar, the American rapper, who performed there in December. Tourists fly in to visit Rwanda’s famed gorillas. Government officials from other African countries arrive for lessons in good governance. The electricity is reliable. Traffic cops do not solicit bribes. Violence is rare. The architect of this stunning transformation, President Paul Kagame, achieved it with harsh methods that would normally attract international condemnation. Rwanda’s tragic history makes it an “immensely special case,” Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, once said.
Zimbabwe introduces new currency as depreciation and rising inflation stoke economic turmoil (AP) Zimbabwe on Friday launched a new currency to replace its previous one that in recent months has been battered by depreciation, and in some instances rejection by the population. Authorities hope the new measure will halt a currency crisis underlining the country’s yearslong economic troubles. Since January, the Zimbabwe dollar lost over 70% of its value on the official market, and was plunging even further on the thriving but illegal black market. Inflation increased from 26.5% in December last year to 34.8% this January before spiking to 55.3% in March, according to official figures. Friday’s announcement is the latest of a cocktail of currency measures undertaken by the Zimbabwean government since the initial spectacular collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar in 2009. The period saw the country at one point issuing a 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollar banknote before the government was forced to temporarily scrap its currency and allow the U.S. dollar to be used as legal tender.
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earaercircular · 1 year ago
German car manufacturer E.GO is aiming for a breakthrough in city cars
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With an IPO on Nasdaq, German city car manufacturer E.GO, headquartered in Aachen, has raised almost 270 million euros of fresh capital to expand production.
Building three new factories in Europe and the United States. That is why Next.E.GO Mobile[1], as the company is officially called, went to the American technology stock market last Friday. The IPO took place with the help of a SPAC[2], an empty stock market shell that raises capital to finance an acquisition or merger. E.GO opted for a merger with the SPAC Athena Consumer Acquisition[3] and thus managed to raise 285 million dollars (almost 270 million euros) from the market. This values the merged company at $900 million. And this for a company that has so far produced barely 1,100 cars.
E.GO positions itself as a manufacturer of fully electric city cars and thus stays away from the bitter battle that Tesla is waging with the classic car brands. The latter are increasingly swearing off their cheaper and smaller models. The Aachen company hopes to fill part of that market with its electric city cars.
For example, E.GO currently produces the E.Wave.X, a modernly equipped mini SUV, which has a range of about 240 kilometres and costs just under 25,000 euros. With that price, the German company wants to compete with the Fiat 500 and the Renault Twingo E-Tech. To promote the car, the company already hired Brazilian star footballer Neymar Jr. last year. appointed as ambassador.
Almost bankrupt
Both the IPO and the signing of Neymar are remarkable in themselves. Because the German company was on the verge of bankruptcy a few years ago. Founded in 2015 by German engineer and businessman Günther Schuh, E.GO got off to a rocky start. Four years after its founding, the first small city cars (E.Go Life) rolled off the production line at the Aachen factory, which has a capacity of 15,000 cars. But in 2019, just 540 cars were built due to production teething troubles and delivery problems. A year later, 5,100 cars were planned, but corona hindered progress. E.GO was even forced to close the factory due to a lack of funding.
Bankruptcy was narrowly avoided thanks to a large financial injection from several investors and the ND Group,[4] a Dutch holding company that operates from Eindhoven and is controlled by Nazif Destani. This entrepreneur from North Macedonia amassed his wealth with his company Ecolog[5], which provides logistics support of military operations for, among others, the German, French and American armies.
Three factories
Under the leadership of CEO and chairman Ali Vezvaei, E.GO has worked hard to professionalize the company. With the IPO, the car manufacturer has secured the necessary resources to put itself on the map in the coming years. The company is considering plans to build three new European and American micro-factories so that it can expand the production of its budget cars, the CEO emphasized prior to the stock exchange listing.
In addition to the factory in Aachen, a factory in North Macedonia should open next year. In addition, Bulgaria and Greece are also eligible as a new location, in addition to a production facility in the US. There, E.GO wants to benefit from the subsidy provided by the American Inflation Reduction Act. An investment of $60 million is envisaged for each factory and 30,000 cars could roll off the production line annually at each of those factories.
Vague about orders
Whether E.GO will be such a success remains to be seen. Ali Vezvaei has remained vague in recent days about the number of orders for the mini SUV. He spoke of 'thousands and thousands of orders'. And emphasized that E.GO will continue to focus on those city cars and will not focus on the premium or luxury segment. “There is no need for us to try to test the water there,” the CEO emphasizes. “If you look at the urban segment we serve, it is underserved.”
Only time will tell whether E.GO will find a place in the highly competitive automotive sector. “We are not just another EV company trying to survive by going public,” says the CEO. 'Our focus is mainly on our unique production technology.' He boasts that E.GO can simplify the production process of a car thanks to AI and robotics, resulting in lower costs than a traditional car manufacturer.
Whether that will be enough to entice investors in the coming weeks and months remains to be seen. But the stock market debut was certainly not a direct hit. Because the share fell more than 45 percent to $ 1.41 per share on Friday.
Frank Dereymaeker, Duitse autobouwer E.GO mikt op doorbraak van stadswagens, in: De Tijd, 22-10-2023, https://www.tijd.be/ondernemen/auto/duitse-autobouwer-e-go-mikt-op-doorbraak-van-stadswagens/10501020.html
[1] e.GO. We are an independent German manufacturer of innovative electric vehicles and production solutions. Our philosophy is innovation with practicality and purpose. We have developed a unique battery electric vehicle platform (e.) as well as our Micro-Factories: a revolutionary production system which is a completely disruptive approach to producing electric vehicles. We are focused on providing holistic sustainability. It starts at with the choice of durable and reusable material in our products all the way to optimized energy and environmental footprint of our unique Micro-Factory. Leveraging our decentralized production technology, we help create local economic value add by engaging communities, developing talents and sourcing locally. Our unique products and services are designed to help cities and their people to change the way they move around for the better. https://e-go-mobile.com/en/about-e-go
[2] A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is a company without commercial operations and is formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) for the purpose of acquiring or merging with an existing company.
[3] Next.e.GO Mobile SE (“e.GO”) and Athena Consumer Acquisition Corp. (“Athena”) today announced the completion of their previously announced business combination (the “Business Combination”) among e.GO, Athena, Next.e.GO B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of e.GO to be converted into an N.V. at closing (“TopCo”), and Time is Now Merger Sub, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of TopCo (“Merger Sub”). The listed company following the Business Combination is TopCo, and its shares will commence trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) under the ticker symbol “EGOX,” on October 20, 2023. “Completing our business combination, despite global macro and market dynamics is an encouraging step forward for e.GO. Becoming a listed company and having access to the capital markets will further support our mission and help provide us with the opportunity to advance our growth strategy. ”
[4] ND Group was established in 2008 in Düsseldorf, Germany. As the portfolio and geographical footprint expanded, the group moved its HQ to the Netherlands in 2014 to enhance its interface as small P.E. with the international capital markets and investment focus in selected high growth sectors. https://www.nd.net/about
[5] Ecolog International is a multinational company that uses technology and supply chain management to provide services for a variety of industries including energy, construction, facility management and the environment. Ecolog is headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.[2][3] With local presence in 5 continents, the company has operations in more than 30 countries and over 150 locations worldwide.
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diarioelpepazo · 2 years ago
Los 100 metros no tienen un dominador desde la retirada del jamaicano en 2017 TOMÁS CAMPOS Quitando el atípico año 2020, marcado por la pandemia y la cancelación de numerosas competiciones, hay que remontarse a 2004 para encontrar un año más lento en la velocidad masculina que este 2023. Por ahora, la mejor marca del año -con viento regular- la tiene el británico Zharnel Hughes con 9.83 (1.3). Aquel 2004, Justin Gatlin encabezó el ranking mundial con los 9.85 (0.6) logrados en la final de los Juegos de Atenas. La consecuencia más inmediata es que esta temporada tenemos hasta 19 atletas en una décima -entre 9-83 y 9.93- y 12 de ellos estarán en Budapest para reclamar la corona de la velocidad mundial. Un honor que desde la retirada de Usain Bolt -ocho oros olímpicos y 11 mundiales entre 2008 y 2016- en los Mundiales de Londres de 2017 ha ido pasando de una cabeza a otra en las grandes competiciones. En Doha 2019, Christian Coleman confirmó su supuesta condición de heredero con un triunfo inapelable en la final de aquel Mundial. Coleman se impuso con un crono de 9.76 (0.6), 13 centésimas más rápido que el veterano Justin Gatlin, que defendía el oro de Londres 2017. Aquel breve 'reinado' lo truncó una sanción por saltarse tres controles antidopaje, lo que impidió su presencia en los Juegos de Tokio, un campeonato que encumbró al italiano Marcell Jacobs de forma un tanto sorpresiva para resquemor de la velocidad estadounidense. Jacobs acudiría un año después a Eugene a refrendar su título olímpico en el Mundial pero una lesión muscular le frenó en seco cuando se disponía a disputar las semifinales del hectómetro. Kerley y el reto de repetir Aquel nuevo giro del destino propició un festival estadounidense encabezado por Fred Kerley, plata un año atrás en Tokio, que se impuso por delante de sus compatriotas Marvin Bracy y Trayvon Bromell. Así llegamos a 2023, con un escenario completamente incierto. Y es que desde la retirada de Bolt hace ya seis años, ningún atleta se ha acercado ni por asomo a esos 9.58 que el 'Relámpago' mantiene como tope mundial desde los Mundiales de Berlín 2009. Coleman (2019), Bromell (2021) y Kerley (2022) han corrido en 9.76 pero nadie lo ha hecho más rápido con viento regular. Veremos si Kerley es capaz de repetir título en la capital magiar aunque más que medallas, lo que la velocidad mundial espera es a un 'mesías' que sea capaz de romper la baraja con un crono por debajo de 9.70. De momento, habrá que conformarse con la emoción de la incertidumbre. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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venushka002-nibm221-adam · 2 years ago
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Promoting racism for political gain.
Racism, as an unfortunate reality in societies around the world, has historically been exploited by politicians for their own political agendas. By fueling racial divisions and capitalizing on the resultant social tensions, politicians aim to secure and consolidate their power. This research examines the various strategies employed by politicians to exploit racism, shedding light on their motivations and the consequences for society.
1. Making statements that incite fear toward different races.
One of the key tactics politicians use to exploit racism is making statements that incite fear toward different races.. By stoking fear and resentment against certain racial or ethnic groups, politicians can tap into pre-existing prejudices and amplify them for their own benefit. They often employ scapegoating, blaming specific racial or ethnic communities for societal problems and insecurities, thereby diverting attention from other issues that require scrutiny. This approach is effective in mobilizing supporters who may feel threatened by perceived "others."
For example, during the 2016 United States presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump utilized divisive rhetoric regarding immigrants, specifically targeting Mexican immigrants. He referred to them as criminals, rapists, and drug dealers, thereby exploiting pre-existing fears and biases within certain segments of the population.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump 
2. Dog-Whistle Politics:
Dog-whistle politics is another strategy employed by politicians to exploit racism while maintaining plausible deniability. It involves using coded language and symbols that have racially charged undertones, allowing politicians to communicate with specific segments of their base without overtly promoting racism. This enables them to avoid direct accusations while subtly appealing to prejudiced sentiments.
Dog-Whistle Politics:An example of dog-whistle politics is the controversy surrounding the use of the term "welfare queens" in the 1980s by politicians such as Ronald Reagan. While the term did not explicitly mention race, it conjured up racial stereotypes associated with Black women receiving public assistance, perpetuating negative racial biases and dividing society along racial lines.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_queen
3. Exploiting Economic Insecurity:
Politicians often exploit economic insecurities within society, leveraging racial divisions to redirect blame onto specific racial or ethnic groups. By framing economic issues in racial terms, politicians can effectively exploit racism for their political gain. They foster a narrative that suggests racial or ethnic minorities are responsible for job losses, wage stagnation, or other economic challenges faced by certain communities.
After the end of the thirty years War in Sri Lanka, a Buddhist extremist organization called 'Bodu Bala Sena' was established by the political machinery in power to further maintain the public's fear regarding national security and take advantage of it. By declaring that the economy is getting into the Islamic society's hands and because of that, the control of the country is likely to be in the hands of the Islamists, they worked to spread an unnecessary fear among the public.
Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-21840600 
4. Divisive Policies and Legislation:
Politicians can exploit racism through the implementation of divisive policies and legislation. By promoting discriminatory laws or policies that target specific racial or ethnic groups, they cater to the prejudices of certain segments of the population, further polarizing society. These policies often result in unequal treatment, perpetuating systemic racism and exacerbating societal divisions.
During the Corona epidemic, a law was imposed that contradicted their tradition that the bodies of dead Muslims should be cremated without burial.
Source: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/issue-of-corona-cremations-mr-president-please-respect-the-wishes-of-muslims/ 
A politician representing the Tamil people issued a statement that in order to get rid of the economic crisis that Sri Lanka faced in 2022, the Tamil diaspora can be given enough money to cover the entire foreign debt of Sri Lanka, and for that they need to prepare the necessary rules and regulations to create a separate administrative area in the north.
Source: https://www.ft.lk/front-page/Tamil-Diaspora-says-will-help-SL-pay-off-foreign-debt-of-52-b-if-SL-agrees-to-amicable-separation/44-735738#:~:text=NEW%20YORK%2C%20UNITED%20STATES%2FEINPresswire,for%20Sri%20Lanka's%20economic%20crisis. 
Due to various natural reasons, people are strongly inclined towards religious and other beliefs. This inclination towards such beliefs exists in traditional and mainstream religions, as well as in other modern forms. This natural fact in human society is heavily exploited by politicians in their propaganda campaigns. They have used the religious beliefs and cultural issues of each group as a medium to force their election campaigns into the people's mind. To make people believe strongly in something through religious or cultural factors, people should be limited to one or the same religious beliefs and cultural factors.The main obstacle to doing that is the coexistence between nations. Respecting all nations. Because of this, politicians are using racism as a tool to break it. Racism is now a widely used campaign tactic around the world. They do this by strategically breaking the rules that have been put in place for that. All civil wars around the world have been caused by racism manipulated by the political machinery.
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3gnoticias · 2 years ago
Dorados busca remontar en casa en la gran Final
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Chihuahua en desventaja 0-2 ante Toros Laguna en la lucha por el título de LBE Chihuahua, Chih.- Con la encomienda por regresar en la serie final de la Liga LBE Mexbet 2023, Dorados de Chihuahua afrontará los compromisos en la capital ante Toros Laguna con desventaja de 0-2, al mejor de cuatro en siete posibles duelos. Los capitalinos albergarán los Juegos 3 y 4 en el Gimnasio Manuel Bernardo Aguirre (MBA), además en caso de ser necesario el quinto encuentro también se disputará en Chihuahua. El tercer cotejo de la serie final está programado este jueves 27 de abril a las 20:00 horas. El Juego 4 se disputará el sábado 29 a las 18:00 horas. En caso de extenderse la serie, el quinto partido está proyectado el domingo 30 de abril a las 16:00 horas. Dorados de Chihuahua comandos por el sudamericano Sebastián Sucarrat intentarán aprovechar su condición de local y evitar situarse cuesta arriba, por lo que los elementos de la quinteta están enfocados en ir duelo por duelo. El actual campeón de LBE ya ha remontado en anteriores ediciones, recordando los campeonatos en 2019 y 2021 cuando ante Pioneros de Delicias y Soles de Ojinaga respectivamente, regresando de un 0-2 para reclamar el título. En este sentido, uno de los jugadores que fue parte de ambas estrellas, el ala-pívot Marco Ramos, recordó que es una serie larga, priorizando el juego del jueves. “No es la posición que queremos estar abajo en esta serie, pero no es algo que nos quite la intensidad, tenemos estos partidos en casa, el primero más importante el del jueves todo es posible, nosotros ya lo logramos con Dorados, con Ojinaga, también cuando le ganamos a Delicias, son cosas que pasan, no nos gusta estar en estos lugares pero hace que te enfoques más y que saques el extra”, indicó Ramos.Por su parte, Toros Laguna que se impuso 113-99 al abrir la final, aunado al triunfo 109-103 en el Auditorio Municipal de Torreón el pasado domingo, ha vencido en cuatro ocasiones a Dorados en la actual campaña. Los dirigidos por el argentino Facundo Murias podrían ser el primer representativo fuera del estado grande en coronarse en la LBE. No obstante, Dorados defenderá la corona como el máximo ganador con seis campeonatos, aunado a la experiencia en Finales. Serie Final Juego 1 Dorados de Chihuahua 99-113 Toros Juego 2 Dorados de Chihuahua 103-109 Toros Laguna Juego 3 Dorados de Chihuahua vs Toros LagunaJueves 27 de abril20:00 horasGimnasio Manuel Bernardo Aguirre Juego 4 Dorados de Chihuahua vs Toros LagunaSábado 29 de abril18:00 horasGimnasio Manuel Bernardo Aguirre Juego 5 * Dorados de Chihuahua vs Toros LagunaDomingo 30 de abril16:00 horasGimnasio Manuel Bernardo Aguirre Juego 6 * Dorados de Chihuahua en Toros Laguna20:00 horasSábado 6 de mayoAuditorio Municipal Torreón Juego 7 * Dorados de Chihuahua en Toros Laguna19:00 horasDomingo 7 de mayoAuditorio Municipal Torreón * En caso de ser necesario
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csharchive · 2 years ago
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© David Zuriaga, 2019
Car Seat Headrest at Festival Corona Capital 2019
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rlxtechoff · 2 years ago
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keldamuzik-weartamz · 2 years ago
The Top 8 Hip-Hop Artists To Watch in 2023
Last year, due to the effect of the corona pandemic on the world, most sectors thrived and struggled through the progress of getting back on their feet. And none has thrived more than the music sector. During the waves of the pandemic, we were forced to quarantine and stay inside and out of sight. While the pandemic separated us from our family and loved ones, we had to turn to music and other forms of entertainment to keep us busy. And hip-hop have done nothing but give us countless artists to listen to and update our playlist. The pandemic helped upcoming artists eager to break through give their shot at the public and did nothing but surpass most expectations.
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In 2023, things are returning to normal, and a new set of young rookies and seasoned veterans are setting the waves and increasing the bar of hip-hop music. Below is a list of 8 artists to expect more from in 2023:
To no surprise, Keldamuzik is at the top of this list, as she has announced her upcoming projects, which are excitingly going to blow your mind. With her projects and achievements, she has proved and will prove the fact that she's here to stay. Hailing from the Bay area of California, a special place for the most unique, innovative, and open-minded individuals, Keldamuzik is no less. The latest release of her latest music video, "Mind Sex," is currently setting the waves in the music industry. She shows no sign of stopping anytime soon with her upcoming projects and events.
After her exciting debut in 2019, she continued to soar high and make her country proud. With her initial hit "try me" in 2019, she began to draw international attention to her sights. With her way of blending R&B and Afrobeats, she has successfully appeared on high-profile tracks like Wizkid’s "essence," which got Tems, her first top 10 billboard hit, and Future's single hit "wait for you," which topped the US billboard in 2022. Born in the capital city of Lagos to a British father and Nigerian mother, she has nurtured her talent and made her country proud.
Baby Keem
An American rapper and record producer who gained significant recognition following the release of his single "Orange Soda" in 2019 and later collaborated with Kanye West on the song "praise God," which peaked in the top 20 in the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, and was certified platinum in April 2022. He has accomplished spicy songs, including collaborating with Kendrick Lamar on "Family Ties."
Lady London
Having shown interest in poetry at the age of 11, Lady London has always had a talent for creative writing.. after discovering her passion for music, she went further and learned her style of music and released her first rap song at graduate school. With her debut in 2021, after she released "never," she has proved that her wordplay is one of her best attributes and is in its best form. It's only a matter of time before she drags her way into the mainstream media.
After closing 2021 with a self-released EP, "Cortlandt Baby," with six unique tracks, B-Lovee has flexed one of his talents to the public. With an ear for implementing nostalgic samples and hit, he separated himself from the pack and went further to grabbing melodic elements and creating hits out of them. Born in Maryland, b-Lovee is an American rapper who got popular through his participation in the "IYKYK viral hit. He later went from "my Everything" to appearing on songs with prominent rappers such as Digga D and A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie.
Ayra Starr
Another Nigerian female singer-songwriter has captivated her fans and other artists with her blend of Afropop and R&B melodies lined with her stunning vocals. Along with Terms, this Nigerian star is leading a new class of Women, singing about preserving their power, preserving and protecting peace, and providing awareness for them at large. After being signed to one of Nigeria's leading labels, "Mavin," she released her global charting single "Bloody Samaritan."
A rapper from Bronx, New York, has worked her fame into rap stardom. She started her rap journey in college and has seen it through. DreamDoll has worked different jobs to meet ends meet, including a bartender at starlets of New York, where she was discovered and signed to Warner Records. 
Nardo Wick
Another rapper slowly grinded his way to success in 2021 after releasing his breakout hit "Who Wants Smoke?" in January 2021. Initially, the track didn't crack mainstream media until G Herbo, Lil Durk, and 21 Savage induced the track with rap reinforcements and added their grim tales and style to the official remix in October. His hit "Who Wants Smoke?" later cracked the Hot 100's top 20 and earned him his first glorious platinum single.
In conclusion, I recommend that you look forward to their upcoming performances. Artists like Keldamuzik are sure to keep bringing top-notch performances to our screens.
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viviendopraga · 2 years ago
Los turistas que llegan a la capital checa se piensan que es una ciudad barata, pero sin embargo los hoteles de Praga cada vez son más caros. En los últimos tiempos, Praga ha demostrado un marcado aumento en los precios de sus habitaciones de hotel, llegando a niveles equiparables a destinos históricamente más costosos de Europa occidental, como Berlín y Viena. Este cambio es notable, ya que el porcentaje de aumento en los precios supera las expectativas. Datos y Tendencias del Mercado Hotelero en Praga En el mes de junio, los precios de las habitaciones de hotel en Praga experimentaron un asombroso incremento interanual del 19%, alcanzando un promedio de 126 euros (aproximadamente 3.000 coronas checas). Según la portavoz de Turismo de la Ciudad de Praga, basándose en los datos más recientes de Smith Travel Research, confirmó este fenómeno. PCT, una entidad dedicada al turismo en la metrópolis, destaca que más de tres millones de viajeros eligieron Praga como destino en la primera mitad de este año. Este meteórico ascenso ha llevado a Praga a situarse en un nivel de precios por habitación de hotel similar al de las icónicas ciudades europeas conocidas por su alta tarifa, mientras que al mismo tiempo se distanció de sus contrapartes orientales como Bratislava y Varsovia. A manera de ejemplo, mientras en Praga los visitantes pagan un promedio de 126 euros por habitación, en Berlín y Viena los precios rondan los 140 euros (equivalente a unas 3.400 coronas checas). En las mencionadas ciudades de Bratislava y Varsovia, los costos son de 100 euros (aproximadamente 2.430 CZK) y 108 euros (cerca de 2.624 CZK) respectivamente. Perspectivas y Desarrollo Futuro El teniente de alcalde de Praga subraya la importancia de mantener esta tendencia positiva. El objetivo es deshacerse gradualmente de la percepción de Praga como un destino de fiesta económico y competir en pie de igualdad con metrópolis de renombre como Berlín o Viena. Además enfatiza que no se debe comprometer la calidad por precios más bajos, sino que se debe seguir invirtiendo en el desarrollo del turismo a largo plazo. En junio, aunque ciudades como Berlín y Viena superaron a Praga en el aumento interanual del precio medio por habitación, el crecimiento en Praga fue excepcional, llegando al 19.4%. En comparación, Berlín experimentó un incremento del 14% y Viena del 13.4%. El presidente de la junta directiva del PCT, señala que este cambio en la naturaleza del turismo en Praga está generando resultados, pero subraya la necesidad de un enfoque sistemático y a largo plazo. Los datos actuales indican que Praga está dejando atrás su etiqueta de destino económico y se está consolidando como un lugar de calidad. Perfil de los Visitantes y Perspectivas Futuras La primera mitad de este año atrajo a más de 3,3 millones de viajeros a Praga, incluyendo 776.823 turistas nacionales. Alemania lidera como el país emisor con mayor número de visitantes extranjeros, registrando 472.583 llegadas. Le siguen en importancia Gran Bretaña y Eslovaquia. Tras la pandemia de COVID-19, los turistas asiáticos, especialmente de Corea del Sur, están regresando gradualmente, aportando a la recuperación turística de la ciudad. Los visitantes nacionales representan el 23.5% del total de visitantes, con un aumento del 31% comparación con el año anterior a la pandemia en 2019. Pero no solo los hoteles de Praga cada vez son más caros, el resto de productos y servicios no paran de crecer. Incluso los precios son superiores a países vecinos como Alemania y Austria. Mientras que además los checos casi no pueden pagar un alquiler por las casas en las que viven.
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ollywears · 4 years ago
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Olly Alexander wearing Carne Bollente t-shirt at the Corona Capital Festival gig in Mexico (November 17, 2019).
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