#Cordoniansgonewild are so much fun to work with
mfackenthal · 5 years
MFackenthal Interviews Liam (from Cordonian’s Gone Wild)
Hello all!
I have been given the biggest honor from @cordoniansgonewild!  As they promote their newest AU, they thought to ask me to help by interviewing a few key Cordonian men.  Each of the men has been interviewed by yours truly and Duke Magazine is printing each of those interviews in separate magazines.  
You’ve all seen the cover of the first magazine by now - but in case not, here it is: 
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And now, without further ado, with a lot of help from @ao719 for this particular interview - here is the article: 
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King Liam strolls through the rose garden, a member of his security team trailing yards behind him. He’s just come from his photo shoot with Duke Magazine. He smiles cordially when he sees me. “Megs, as always, it is great to see you. Y’know, I wouldn’t do this interview with anyone else.” 
“It’s always good to see you too, King Liam. You flatter me, but I think the magazine might have known that.  I’m so sorry to hear about your father,” I say with a curtsey.  
“Megs, we’ve known each other long enough - the curtsey is not necessary,” Liam responds. “Thanks for your condolences. Constantine...tried his best, I suppose. I’ll admit to you and your many viewers - I’m not worried about the shoes I have to fill, however. Those shoes are...rather tight. I plan to be the King that my country and my people need me to be.”
“And you plan to do that through some changes to the social season? I ask.  
“I wanted to change the face of tradition. The other nobles attend the social season events and balls. I figured why not allow them to participate if they so choose to.”
“The more the merrier, huh?” I ask, giving him a light elbow in the ribs. We start walking the maze. “I have to tell you, King Liam, rumor is these changes were made official while most of those involved were drunk. Are you willing to comment on this rumor?”  
Liam rubs back of neck nervously. I’ve never seen Liam so nervous, honestly. “Seriously, just call me Liam, Megs. And…uh…may I ask when is this getting printed? Before or after the start of the social season?” 
“Oh Liam, y’know, you’re cute when you’re nervous. Just relax. Tell me, how do you envision this is going to work? Will you get first dibs on the eligible women who enter the season?” 
Liam gives me a funny look at the term “dibs.” Then he begins, “I guess it will be up to everyone as a whole. Whether or not they find a match and how they feel. There’s no rule saying they have to find someone at the end. My circumstances may be a little different than the others, but again, there’s no rule.” 
“Will you have a rose ceremony each week?” I ask with a wink. 
Liam laughs. “No. No rose ceremony. But they may receive roses just because…” He shrugs.  
“Awh, you really are a romantic at heart, Liam. Okay, well, let’s give my readers a heads up. What are you looking for in a spouse?” 
“I’ve always been raised to think of Cordonia first, that romance isn’t important...so I’ve never really thought much about what kind of woman I would want to actually marry for myself.” 
Liam pauses here and smiles. I almost start my next question but then he continues.
“I guess...obviously someone who is going to be the Queen that Cordonia needs. But maybe...I’m looking for more than just your typical political match marriage. Someone who is...challenging. Who keeps me on my toes. Who I enjoy and look forward to being with. Who makes me...happy.” 
“Liam, I know I speak for many when I say that you deserve that happiness,” I say. 
“Thanks, Megs,” Liam beams. “That means a lot to me.” 
“Okay, we’re getting too sentimental here. Let’s talk logistics. How will the ladies be selected to enter the social season?”
“Well I think the intent is that all the men hopefully find a match. So, each duchy can sponsor however many women they deem eligible.” 
“Will the ladies be allowed to say who they are most interested in?” I ask. 
“I hope they will so we know,” Liam laughs. “It would be a shame to attempt to court someone who’s not interested in you.”
“True, true. What if two or more of you fall for the same person?”
“Ugh, that would put us in rather an awkward spot, wouldn’t it?” Liam looked pensive for a moment before saying, “I guess it will be up to her to decide,” with a very confident smile on his face. 
“Okay, Casanova,” I said rolling my eyes at him. “Tell me, what are you looking forward to in this social season?” 
“Getting to know the suitors and being able to enjoy this new social season as a whole with the others. It gives me a chance as King to see things from a different perspective, I guess you can say. Also...making it through without my friends plotting my demise.”
“Good luck with that, Your Highness,” I said with a laugh. “I’ll be the first to tell you how your friends are handling the pressures of this upcoming season. Is there anything you’re hoping to avoid in this social season?”
“Too much competition?” He says. “Oh Megs, I brought this competition on myself and I’m already not looking forward to hearing that I brought it on myself from people like Drake.” 
I pat Liam on the shoulder as he hangs his head.  “Speaking of other people, has anyone or any organization tried to influence how you will choose a spouse?”  
“You mean has anyone given their opinion of who should be queen? Yes, I’ve already had my fair share of phone calls and conversations trying to...push my choice in a certain direction. But I know I need to be fair to everyone and I’m not allowing anyone to sway me. I’ll wait until the season starts and go from there.”
I nod my head at just how even and fair King Liam is being. “I have two more questions and then one final, most important question.” 
“Hit me with them, Megs.” 
Ticking them off with my fingers, I ask, “will the social season end with multiple weddings?” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Liam says as he shakes his head no. “Even with a typical social season there is time after, but since this is not your typical social season, I have even more reason to say no. Not unless the matches choose to do so between themselves.  There’s no pressure to get married.” 
“Two, soOoo can the MFackenthal Show have exclusive rights to publicize the social season? I believe I can give the people what they want and allow each of the suitors involved some privacy.” 
Liam gently laughs. “You have me sold, Megs. As long as my council agrees, I don’t see why not.” 
“Okay, here is the final and most important question…Do you happen to know if Bastien is single?” I ask.  
“Y’know, Megs, he’s right behind us, you can ask him yourself,” Liam says as he laughs and looks back at Bas.  
I have to tell you, dear readers, in all the time I have known Bas, I have never known him to blush.  However, unless Bas was just really sunburnt, I believe I saw him blush just then. I may have been blushing a little myself. He happens to be single, I learned. But this article isn’t really about me.  
You’ve read it here first. King Liam’s social season will be more than just about King Liam finding a Queen.  The season will be about King Liam and other eligible men using the social season to find…well, at least a date, I guess. With any luck - I’ll be there to help show you all how things pan out. I wish Liam and all the men involved the best of luck! 
And now for the tags.  I’m going to tag those of you who have asked to be tagged in my interviews and a few who specifically asked to be tagged for THESE interviews.  @cordoniansgonewild will reblog this with the tags for their fans.  As always - just let me know if you want on or off this list.  
@eileendannie, @hopefulmoonobject @queen-among-writers, @hopelessromantic1352, @lilyofchoices, 
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
A Very Merry Birthday? (4)
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Author's note: This chapter took an unexpected turn, I blame it on the wine. 😏🍷
I haven't participated in Wacky Drabbles forever and missed playing along, so I cut this part short so I could squeeze in the prompt for week #77.
Rated PG: suggestive language, angst, little bit of fluff
Word count: a tiny 1,109
@wackydrabbles @emceesynonymroll
12 days of fictmas Writer tags: @texaskitten30 @emichelle @leelee10898   @zaffrenotes @alj4890 @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 @darley1101 @msjr0119 @annekebbphotography @god-save-the-keen @plumeriavibes
@ofpixelsandscribbles @camillemontespan  @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow
Reader tags:: @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @fluffyfirewhiskey @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @kingliam2019
In the Edgar Restaurant at Ravenhurst Castle Hotel, Drake and Kate sit quietly while they wait for their bill. Drake kept looking toward the door, anxious to leave. He'd had about enough of being in public for one day, and after the events of the evening he felt like everyone was watching and waiting for the entertainment to continue. No doubt word had spread amongst the employees and guests, and any anonymity he had hoped to hide them behind was gone. It was almost like Coronation night all over again. Unfortunately they no longer had Preston to protect them either.
 He didn't know how Kate could look so calm and composed across the table from him, while he felt like bolting for the door. Show's over folks, now let us get outta here.
Kate can see the frown of impatience creasing his brow and the way he held his mouth in a grim line. His head was practically on a swivel the way he kept turning to look for Eric. Every now and then his line of sight would fall on her, as if he was making sure she was still there. She offered him a small smile as reassurance, but it didn't seem to be helping. If they were sitting closer she'd reach up and lay her hand on his cheek to distract him, and soften up his tense mouth with a kiss to calm him down. As he turned in his seat again to look back toward the bar, she knew that she had to intervene now before his anxiousness escalated to anger. Drake was many things, but a patient man was not one of them.
Reaching across the table she holds her hand out to him, speaking quietly and calmly so his hyperactive senses wouldn't be overwhelmed, "Drake, Honey?"
His head snaps around at the softness of her voice, and he's mesmerized by the gentleness of her expression, "Huh? yes, what is it?"
Kate beckons her fingers and he shifts over in his seat to fold his hand around them, he blinks and smiles as she smiles back and caresses his thumb with her's. "Despite the snow storm, and what happened with Preston, I did enjoy my birthday. Thank-you."
Leaning forward in his seat, Drake lifts their joined hands and gently kisses the top of her knuckles. He smiles, keeping his voice low, "You're welcome, but there's still plenty of birthday left for us both to enjoy."
Kate blushes and pulls her hand back as she sees Eric approaching to settle their bill. "Then it's a good thing we're about to leave."
Drake sighs as he puts his credit card back in his wallet then tucks it away. "For a dinner date, it sure cost a lot for what little we actually ate."
Kate quirks an eyebrow at him and then goes back to putting the contents of the Charcuterie board into a takeaway container. "Well you didn't have to buy the whole bottle of wine."
Drake shrugs then answers defensively, "Hey, I was going for romantic ambience. And I think it worked quite well."
Kate closes the container and then slides out of the booth, holding onto the seatback as she sways a little on her feet. "Well if you working toward getting me intoxicated, then Bravo sir."
Drake steps over to wrap his arm around Kate to steady her. "You know I wouldn't do that on purpose. I'm not that kind of guy. You could have ordered a more substantial appetizer, or drank less of the wine."
Kate turns toward him, smoothing her palms down the lapels of his jacket and tipping her head back to look up at him. "You know how unpredictable Drunk Kate can be. She tends to blurt out stuff she doesn't mean."
Drake grins down at her, reaching up to comb his fingers through her hair, dislodging a piece of cracker from their food fight. "That's okay, I like Drunk Kate, she's fun."
Kate slaps him playfully on the chest and laughs. "Oh my gosh, you liar. You were trying to get me drunk afterall. Some date you are, getting me drunk so I'd be more fun."
People exiting the restaurant turn their heads and look as they catch Kate's outburst. They whisper amongst themselves as they turn away to leave. 
Drake grabs the takeaway box and quickly escorts Kate back toward the bar, and the other exit. When he's sure they're alone he mutters at her angrily, "I think we've heard enough from Drunk Kate, now zip it."
Stepping away, folding her arms defiantly across her chest she counters back. "Excuse me? How dare you tell me to 'zip it' like I'm some disobedient child?"
Drake checks around them, hoping nobody is watching. His hushed tone of voice comes out more like a hiss, "Do you hear yourself?! You totally twisted my words and made me look like some asshole who was trying to take advantage of you."
A deep sense of shame and regret washes over Kate, but it's the disappointment on his face that brings tears to her eyes. "Oh shit, Drake, I'm sorry. You know I wasn't serious. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Yes, I know. But it's too late to tell that to everyone who overheard you. We had quite an audience during our date. And it's a pretty safe bet that we were recognized by somebody."
Kate wipes her eyes, the thought of being part of scandal gossip again sobering her up quickly. "Okay, now what?"
"I need to get us back to our room without being stopped or stared at. Preston would be handy right now for crowd control."
Kate thought about Preston, and how he had just pulled her onto his lap with such ease. His arm had felt so strong as it had wrapped around her. Sure Drake had done the same thing so many times, but it had been a long time since she'd been grabbed that way so forcefully by another man. It was all planned and fake, but it had felt real enough. She wondered what else he would have done if she hadn't cut him off with that slap…
Drake noticed Kate's far off look when he mentioned Preston, "Uh..earth to Kate? Where'd you just go?"
Kate blinks, "I was thinking about Preston."
Drake frowns, "Thinking about him how?"
"I know we've already put him out of commission.."
With a cough, Drake clears his throat, "We?"
"Ok, I did that. But you mentioned paying him extra for his trouble."
"Yeah, and?"
"How much extra are you willing to pay him?"
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emichelle · 5 years
This was for a request to have Bertrand, Cadence, Maxwell and Erin bonding. lol
As always, the only characters I own would be Erin and Cadence, unfortunately PB owns Maxwell. This is set in @cordoniansgonewild​ universe. A collaboration between @ao719​ @cocomaxley​ @leelee10898​ and @speedyoperarascalparty​ .
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"You wanna go get some ice cream Cade? We can go down to Cone Sweet Cone by the water, it's so nice out today." Erin asked as she pulled her young daughters hair back into a ponytail. 
"Oh, can we ask uncle Bert! He has to be all lonely with Bartie and aunt Sanannah gone to Texas." Five year old Cadence asks, although can't quite master some sounds yet.
"Sure little miss, I'm sure he'd love to go." Maxwell shares a look with Erin, "I'll just go ask him ok?"
"Ok daddy" she smiles, skipping off to pick her shoes for the outing.
"B your niece wants you to go, she said she doesn't want you to be lonely."
"But I am not lonely, I'm actually quite content to stay home and enjoy the peace. I have some paperwork to get done and.."
"UNCLE BERT!!!" Cadence comes running into Bertrand's office, leaping at him as he barely manages to catch her. "Are you ready to go get ice cream? Momma said we could go to my favorite place." She beams at him and Bertrand knows there's no way he's telling his niece no.
"Of course I'm ready, don't I look ready for ice cream?" He uses the arm that isn't holding her to gesture to his outfit as Cadence giggles.
"You look like you're ready for work, you don't wear suits to get ice cream silly!" She wriggles in his hold until he sets her down, turning to make her patterned dress twirl out and show off her peacock rain boots. "See, comfy."
Bertrand internally cringes at them letting her wear that out of the house, but he smiles anyway. "You're right, of course. But this is comfy for me. Come now, let's get going."
The group sat at a table overlooking the harbor as they enjoyed their ice cream, Cadence seated between her dad and her uncle. As Bertrand delicately scooped his pistachio gelato his eyes kept glancing to his niece in hopes that her ice cream, that he was pretty sure was only making it onto her face, didn't get on his freshly tailored suit.
"So Bertrand, are you excited that Savannah and Bartie will be home in a few days?" Erin asked, scooping a bite of her orange sherbet.
Bertrand places his spoon onto a napkin, dabbing the corners of his mouth with another before he spoke. "Indeed, I have missed them but I am sure they have had an enjoyable enough time."
"I bet not as much fun as we're having, right uncle Bert!" Cadence asked, holding her sticky hand up for a high five which Bertrand stared at in horror.
Maxwell slapped her five while shooting his brother a look, "Of course, he's having the best time out with us, right Uncle Bert."
"Oh uh, yes of course" he stammered.
"I like playing jokes" Cadence started to sing "love my rubber duck, I like bubblegum! Yes I do! Uncle Bert will you sing with me?"
"Maybe we should comport ourselves a little better since we are in public after all, how about I sing with you when we get back to the estate? OUCH!" Erin swiftly kicked him in the shin under the table.
"I think it's time for us to go anyway, sweetie let daddy take you to wash up ok?"
"Ok momma!" She grabbed her dad's hand with her sticky one and pulled him off towards the bathroom.
"That is your niece you know. You don't always have to act like you have a stick up your ass."
"I beg your pardon!"
"She's five Bertrand, FIVE. Can she please enjoy her life? I'd like my daughter to grow up as carefree and happy as her father, and as down to earth as me, not thinking she's the best thing since sliced bread and can't be bothered with trivial things...like fun...and laughter." She stared deadpan at him.
"Perhaps...I have been a bit...stiff." he began.
"That's putting it lightly." She scoffed.
"But this is new to me...Savannah tended to Bartie when he was small, and now he's with nannies and I'm just not sure what to do with small children."
"You love them, that's all you have to do. Love them and have fun. It's ok to look stupid sometimes if it makes them smile."
"As much as we don't see eye to eye...I do love all three of you very much. You make my brother very happy, and Cadence Elizabeth is a spitting image of having her father running around when we were younger. He even called me Bert." He laughed, as Erin smiled back at him.
"We love you too B, you just gotta loosen up sometimes! Go with the flow." She stood, patting him on the shoulder and heading to meet Max and Cadence to head back.
Bertrand walked up, holding a hand out to Cadence and she happily took it. He smiled to himself as he began to sing..
"I like paperclips."
"Paperclips?" Cadence's eyes lit up as she joined in.
"Paperclips. I like bottlecaps!"
"Bottlecaps. I love pigeons, yeah!"
"Love pigeons, oh yes I do!"
"Well uncle Bert you know, I don't really like aaaany of thooose things, but I like YOU!"
Here's the song, not that anyone is looking for it. lol
Bert and Ernie - I Like You
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stopforamoment · 5 years
Pernicious Passion: Part Five
Please check out the Pernicious Passion MASTERLIST for the complete list of writers and artists who inspired this series!    Bastien Lykel belongs to Pixelberry, and Kara is a real-life talented PB writer. Events in this fic are purely fictional because this is just a fun spoof!
Author’s Note and Summary: Thank you to @strangerofbraidwood for the crack fic edit that she created for my birthday! In this chapter Bastien and Kara get into a fight, and she doesn’t fight fair. Some of the Tumblr fan fic writers get thrown under the bus . . .  Shameless plug for @strangerofbraidwood who is a talented wlw fanfic writer. She is in the process of writing fan fics that include EVERY female LI in the Choices universe (and female characters who should have been LI!). Please check out her MASTERLIST. You won’t regret it! 💕  
Cordonians Gone Wild is the creation of @ao719 @cocomaxley @leelee10898  and @speedyoperarascalparty   
There are links to other artists and their works within this chapter. Thank you everyone for being a part of this!
Part Five (1,270 Words)
  Bastien was naked when she walked into the room.
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Edit created by the hilarious and talented @strangerofbraidwood
No one had ever seen a pixelated character without underwear before, and the bright light blinded her. She heard rumors from fan fics like @jovialyouthmusic Protect and Serve series and @bobasheebaby NSFW ABC list that Bastien was well-endowed. Dammit! Why do the fan fic writers have control over the size of his penis and I can’t even see it? Go figure @strangerofbraidwood a wlw writer, would have the guts to create this edit. She doesn’t even like dicks, yet she did this for other members of the fandom. My god, how many other readers have I ignored and offended? “Apple Cobbler, my eyes are up here.” Kara’s face was already flushed, but her cheeks grew even warmer when she realized Bas caught her staring. “I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re so . . . amazing.” “But Kara. That’s just it. I’m not amazing. At least not the way Pixelberry portrays me. It’s the fandom who made me amazing. I owe it all to them, and I owe it to them to make sure I’m in more scenes. Even if it’s just to give them a little backstory of Jackson training me. A flashback to me eating dinner with the Walker family. Hell, @stopforamoment made it clear that she would pay over 100 diamonds just for a brief flashback of me eating chocolate chip cookies with Drake and Savannah while they watch TV.” “But Bas, demographics show that our younger readers aren’t interested in older men.” “Really, Kara? Tell that to @mfackenthal. She’s president of my fan club. And believe me. In the Tumblr world, she has clout. In fact, I think I’m going to DM her now to request an interview on the Mfackenthal Show.” Kara lunged for the phone. “Bas, no! Please! Give me time to fix this! You’re right. You are developing a strong following. More people are coming around. But it’s not enough.” Bastien sighed. “Kara, you’ve been using me. Controlling me. Keeping me tucked away for yourself. But that isn’t fair to the fandom. Even if people aren’t romantically interested in me, they want to know more about how things were like at the palace when Drake, Liam, and Olivia were growing up there. They want to know more about Queen Eleanor. If it’s true I had a crush on her . . . or even more.” “But Bas, where will you go if Pixelberry doesn’t want you anymore? Stay with me. I’ll keep you safe. I’m the only one who truly loves you.” Bastien shook his head. “No, Kara. This isn’t love. It’s infatuation. As crazy as the Tumblr fans get with their in-fighting over pixelated characters, and the glitches with suspended accounts and tags not working, it’s the only place where my character can truly grow. You’ve stunted me, Kara. And I think it’s time I work with @mfackental to get the best exposure for my character. I’m so sorry Kara. I wish it didn’t have to end like this.” “Bas, the Tumblr world isn’t sunshine and roses. There’s anon hate and pornbots. Legit accounts that get suspended while the writer waits MONTHS for resolution from the Tumblr team. It’s brutal--even for your character. Do you know that @cordoniansgonewild have you chasing after four strong, amazing women? No one can outsmart them, Bas. Not you. Not even their husbands. Queen Anitah has stolen the royal jet from right under your nose. They’ve drugged you and drawn penises on your face while you were unconscious. They’re ruthless, Bas. Please.” Bastien shook his head. “It’s all in good fun, and the focus is on the women. I’m fine with that because I love strong women.” Kara caught the faraway look in his eyes and she felt her stomach clench. “You’re thinking of Oliva, aren’t you?” Dammit @bobasheebaby and @stopforamoment for starting the whole Baslivia movement! The bright light between Bastien’s legs was getting noticeably brighter as he thought about his favorite Baslivia fan fic moments. @tornbetween2loves for giving him those steamy scenes with Olivia in her Shifting Focus series. When they were playing pool and she distracted him by slipping off her red thong, purposely bending over to give him a show. And then she used the thong to pull back her hair. The scent was intoxicating. And that time when she showed up wearing a trench coat and fedora. Fuck. @stopforamoment still can’t get that picture out of her head, it was so hot. And those fucking backseam stockings Olivia was wearing. He thought the bright light between his legs would explode with a show of fireworks. Kara’s eyes narrowed. “What about @emceesynonymroll and her Finding Riley series? You had a sex dream about your Queen right in front of her, and you had to play it off as a nightmare. Then you quickly rolled over, hoping you wouldn’t need a manual release.” The light between Bastien’s legs started to dim. “Kara, you aren’t fighting fair.” But Kara was only getting started. “And @stopforamoment and that slow burn from hell with over 96 chapters before you even got a real kiss on the lips? How many times did you have to masturbate because Rinda was so clueless about your feelings for her, or how sexually attracted you were to her.” Bastien’s jaw twitched. “Tria was worth it.” “What about @bobasheebaby?” Now a warm smile played across his lips. “Yes. She’s one of my favorites. She has so many series about me, and I’m allowed to explore my full potential with her. My sexual orientation. Multiple partners. My kinks. And I am more than just a guard with her. I can also be a mobster. A father. She understands me better than anyone else, and she’s sacrificed so much for me as she argues with her evil muse.”
Kara scoffed. “Really, Bas? Do you know what her Mistress of Evil muse has been up to?”
Bastien shook his head slowly. The ending of When Fairytales Break almost broke him. “No, Kara. It’s how that story needed to end. But I have so many other happy moments with Olivia. Olivia and Caleb. Harlow. Beth. Liza. Even Christy. And that Bastien NSFW ABC list she created with some help from @stopforamoment? They went through so many pairs of panties as they wrote it for me and the fandom.” The light between his legs began flashing uncontrollably as he thought of those panties.
It was a blinding strobe light, and Kara knew she needed to control it before she had an epileptic seizure. “But what about her latest Evil Liam series Be Careful What You Wish For?”
Bastien’s face paled and his strobe muted to weak flare ups. “That fic focuses on MC Rebecca’s love for Drake, and how Liam is getting in the way of their happiness.”
“Yes, but . . .”  Kara’s voice lowered as she prepared to deliver the fatal blow.
“No! No plot spoilers, Kara! I haven’t finished the most recent chapter yet!”
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mfackenthal · 4 years
The MFackenthal Show with Special Guest Star @hopefulmoonobject!
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banner by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Megs:  Hello Hello Hello!  And welcome to the first episode of The MFackenthal Show - Covid19 edition.  Today we are going to air footage from an interview that was originally recorded back in late 2019.  So while you will see Megs and her wonderful special guest interacting and sitting within six feet of each other at the beginning of the footage, after the pre-recorded tape, we’ll check in with our special guest via zoom.  
The screen gets all blurry for a second before we see … 
Megs:  Hello Hello Hello! Please help me welcome to the stage our guest star for today, @hopefulmoonobject​. 
Nesha:  Gently smiles and gives a small wave as she walks on stage.  
She and Megs hug before they both sit down. 
Megs:  Nesha, I am so glad you are here!  I have loved your work for so long now.  It feels like forever ago that I was binging A Royal Mate/Finding the One. 
Nesha:  I think you read it all in less than a week.  It was impressive. 
Megs:  Quickly stands and gives a little bow.  I am a fanfic addict.  I have a problem but I do not want a cure.  Especially now that you’re wowing the world with Atelophobia; teaching us psychological terms and giving us great content.  I know that we are all happy to see Liam and Z get married. 
Nesha:  Don’t worry, there is still fun in store!
Megs:  Oh, I’m not worried.  BUT I have definitely jumped ahead.  Sorry, I just couldn’t wait to shower you with complements.  But, let’s back up.  Tell us all how you came to tumblr and how you created your tumblr handle. 
Nesha: Well, let’s see, I joined the fandom some time at the end of Oct  2017.  I was strictly a reader at the time.  My tumblr handle was tumblr generated - but it was perfect because I used to collect anything that was sun, moon, or stars related.  I didn’t really know how this tumblr thing worked and I didn’t comment on everything I read, but I did like them.  It was actually a little intimidating to start talking to people. 
Megs:  A lot of people feel intimidated talking to people.  That’s why this show exists.  People will see you and know that they can talk to you! Thanks for coming on the show, by the way!
Nesha: Of course, Megs!  I’m honored to be here. 
Megs:  What brought you to the fandom? 
Nesha:  I stumbled onto choices and played for about 3 months before I found tumblr. I started reading then interacting with others that were just as obsessed with this game as I was. There is some amazing talent in this fandom. 
I even just started binging Supernatural because of some of the fics that have been popping up. I haven’t finished it yet though. 
Megs:  I love Supernatural!  I know there are others out there who love it too!  There are a lot of seasons though!  Laughs  Anyways, what do you love about the fandom? 
Nesha:  I love that people all over the globe can come together over a game. I have met some wonderful people because of this fandom and Choices. It was some of these people that gave me the courage to write my first fic. I used to write mostly poetry when I was younger, but I hadn’t written in years and then after a Camp NaNoWriMo, I became a writer.  
Megs:  That is amazing!  Tell us about what you have written!
Nesha: Oh gosh … well, I must say that I am very proud of Finding the One AU. It was my first series, and very dear to my heart.
I also loved the series that I was co-writing with Alex, but just with everything and living on two different continents, it is hard to find the time at this juncture. There is still a chapter I wrote with a very talented writer named Meg, that I still need to finish and post.
Megs:  You flatter me!  But I did have a great time writing with you! And as anyone who has talked to me knows, I will do almost anything to get myself into a fic.  So, Camp NaNoWriMo graduate, what advice do you have for other writers? Especially other fanfic writers? 
Nesha:  Write what you feel, but I would ask that you are mindful of stereotypes. Also, don’t let anyone chase you away.  I know what it feels like not getting a lot of comments, that did stress me out, then I had to remember why I was writing in the first place. Yes, it is nice to have people like and comment on your work (I am bad at it, sorry) I can only keep up with a handful of series then I go back and find the others to read them too. 
Megs:  Oh gosh, it’s impossible to read everything!  It’s almost impossible to read everything by just one amazing author, let alone the entire fandom!  I used to think crazy things like, “could people just take a day off from writing so I could catch up!!!  Please?!”  laughs But more seriously, What’s your writing process? 
Nesha:  Just sit in front of a keyboard and let it flow.  I have plots that I have thought of in the beginning, but by the second or third chapters the characters kinda take over.  It is like that for my latest story Atelophobia.  Some of the chapters had taken on a very different route than I had originally planned. But I am loving it.
Megs:  That’s such great advice.  I think it’s Stephen King in his book about writing called  “On Writing” who says that one should write every day.  He mentions having some days where he just throws everything that he writes away.  Okay, now tell me, it’s obvious that you love Liam.  What about Liam seems to inspire you so much? 
Nesha:  I mean who doesn’t like a man who is educated, intelligent, doesn’t take you for granted, your happiness is important to them, as well as your thoughts?  They want more than just a pretty face. and treats you like a Goddess in and out of the bedroom. 
Megs:  Nope, can’t argue with that logic!
Now, Nesha … I have a little bit of a surprise for you.  Megs reaches behind the couch and pulls out a stuffed animal in the shape of a skunk. She passes it over to Nesha. 
Nesha:  Hugs the skunk and starts laughing.  Megs, I love it.  How did you know!?  Oh my gosh, I know it’s weird, but I like the smell a skunk makes! No, I don’t want a direct blast, but I don’t mind it.  I blame the fact that I moved into a dorm with no air conditioning and lived on the first floor.  Some thought it was funny to shoot a skunk with a slingshot, and wildlife had to come out and put it out of its misery, right under my window.  Lived with that smell for weeks.  I will cherish “Tulip” the skunk forever. 
The screen blurs out and we see Megs all by herself again. 
Megs:  It’s such a good thing we had this older footage, otherwise, I don’t know how we would be able to air this show during social distancing!  I thought my producers were crazy when they wanted to film ahead like that.  I really have to hand it to them.  Now, let’s check in with Nesha!  
Megs calls Nesha on her phone and soon we hear Nesha say hi, but it’s Tulip sitting in a chair that we can see on the TV screen that is paired to the phone. 
Megs:  busts out laughing  Well, hello Tulip!  How are you?  I haven’t seen you in so long.  Is Nesha treating you well? 
Nesha: using a cute child voice  Oh yes, Megs, Nesha is treating me very well.  I get all the food I want and I get to help her write more stories of Liam.  I am a very lucky skunk.  
Megs:  That’s great, Tulip!  I’m so glad to hear that.  Any chance Nesha is around? 
Nesha: pops into the screen, moving Tulip to be sitting in her lap as she takes Tulip’s chair  Hey Megs!  It’s great to see you! How are you liking your own show?  How are you holding up with all the craziness going around about COVID-19?  
Megs:  I am loving the show!  Each episode is unique.  Some are crazy ridiculous (cough @cordoniansgonewild) others are more innocent and sweet.  Sometimes I lack the motivation to write them, but when I take your advice and just let it flow, it always does.  COVID-19 has actually been quite a joy for me personally.  I’m working from home and loving it!  I do feel awful for those who have lost their jobs or are truly terrified to leave their houses.  If any of you are feeling down or depressed, please know that I’m always available to talk.  
And that’s today’s show! Thank you all for tuning in!  I can’t wait to see you all again soon! Byee all!!!
Nesha:  waves to everyone Stay safe everyone.
Oh, and in case you missed some of the references to @hopefulmoonobjects work, check it out here.
And now for the tags.  I’m only tagging people who have specifically mentioned an interest in The MFackenthal Show.  If you want to be added to the tag list for these or removed, please let me know!
@hopefulmoonobject​​ @queen-among-writers​​, @hopelessromantic1352​​, @lilyofchoices​​, @msjpuddleduck​​, @theroyalweisme​​, @loveellamae​
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