#Cordelia Diabolik lovers
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 4 months ago
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bitacoradeunadialover · 1 year ago
minutos antes de morir || Cordelia
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El horror absoluto en sus ojos tras darse cuenta de que las consecuencias de sus acciones y comportamiento —la falta del más mínimo amor maternal y el hecho de que había utilizado a su propia descendencia como una herramienta para su propio beneficio— la habían alcanzado y ya no podía hacer otra cosa más que huir.
Y el miedo paralizante cuando los hechos se hicieron muy claros: aquellos a quienes ella le había dado la vida serían quienes se la quitarían.
Pero en el fondo de su corazón retorcido fue plenamente consiente de que había obrado mal con sus propios hijos —sabía que lo merecía—, solo que incluso bajo esta situación seguía siendo ella: arrogante, egoísta y manipuladora. Todavía tenía la tonta idea de que aquello que la había puesto en este punto de no retorno le serviría de algún modo.
"Pero no", díjose cuando vio más allá de la falsa mirada de amor que Laito le estaba dando, "No me servirá de nada".
¿Lo más triste de todo? Fue que mientras caía no hubo de su parte arrepentimiento alguno. Lo último en lo que pudo pensar fue que hubiera preferido que Karlheinz le quitara la vida.
Esa fue la razón de sus últimas lágrimas: la noción del abandono, de que todo el horror y el dolor que había causado —todo lo que habría sido capaz de hacer para que Karlheinz la mirase y amase de vuelta— no habría servido de nada.
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askingdiabolikbois · 2 years ago
How would the boys react to another kid of Cordelia &Karlheinz who managed to inherit Burai’s vibora genes
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“I’m not really bothered about my current siblings, let alone another…whatever they’ve inherited from that women…means nothing to me. I hope she doesn’t become a problem…”
- He honestly can’t find it in himself to care
- He would hope she doesn’t cause problems like her mother did
- Also hopes she’s not like the triplets, they’re usually the loudest ones in the household who disrupt Shu from his sleep
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Reiji -
“Who are you? I see…I didn’t know that women had another child. You say your fathers child too?” *sigh* “Another troublesome sibling to look after…”
- If you’ve shown up out of the blue he will check you out to make sure your telling the truth
- Will honestly be annoyed that he has to deal with another sibling
- Never the less, it’s ordered from his father so he’ll begrudgingly take care of you like he does his brothers
- Will also hope your not like the triplets, as they seem to be the most troublesome for him
- Slightly intrigued how you managed to inherit those sort of genes, but ultimately doesn’t care as long as it isn’t a problem
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Ayato -
“Your lying! She really had another! You inherited that sort of power?! Regardless of who you are, and what species, you’ll never be Ore-sama! We don’t need a sister.”
- Insanely jealous
- He knows that Karlheinz chose Cordelia because of her demon blood, and would be annoyed he didn’t too, inherit it
- Would feel a little intimidated by her blood, but would have a sexist mind and think she couldn’t ever be king since she was female and doesn’t believe in vampire queens
- Wouldn’t let it show that it bothered him, and would push you away, and wouldn’t want you as part of the family
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Kanato -
“Mother never mentioned a daughter…I don’t like this teddy…this girl smells like her, and even looks like her…we do not like this at all!”
- Will be angry that they were kept in the dark about it
- Will despise his sister for existing
- Will hate how much he’s reminded of his mother looking at her
- He doesn’t care about your vibora blood
- He honestly wouldn’t mind a sister who he could dress up, boss around and have tea parties with…but a secret sister who resembles their mother so much will not do
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Laito -
“Y-your back..! Oh I thought you were someone else…Our sister? Hmm I see. I’m not surprised that women had more secrets.”
- He’s very conflicted
- He is not happy about having someone around that looks like Cordelia, and smells like her…
- He wants that part of his life closed, only leaving memories
- However your really in front of him and reminding him so much of her, part of him has got to have you
- This would be one of the worst situations for Laito because he just can’t comprehend what to do… kill you, love you, fuck you, hate you…
- This situation will honestly drive him insane and to the edge
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Subaru -
“Huh? Why the hell should I care who you are, or what blood you have? Unless it’s delicious blood I��m not interested. If your going to be staying here don’t think I’m interested in sibling bonding so stay the hell out of my way!”
- Will not care who she is, or what blood she has
- Will honestly pity her being in such a family, every child of Karlheinz ends up broken one way or another
- Prefers to keep out of her way, and would like her to do the same as she seems to be troublesome
This was a fun ask, thanks for sending it in :)
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madamesungalaxathesecond · 17 days ago
The "cries cutely gene" is passed through generations. This peculiar type of gene, is more recurrent in purple people :
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Learned behavior? Conscious? Unconscious?!?Genetics??!!!? I don't know, but I'm sure that these are the things that make them mother-son without them even realizing it.
Cordelia, when doing this manipulation, wanted to do “fake cry” more realistic, but no tears came out. In Kanato's case, Oh boi, The Disciple surpassed the Master, and perfected this ✨art✨where not only tears, but even snot came out.
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la usurpadora🕳️
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yuikomorii · 3 months ago
// The fact he’s the only Diaboy who has never shed any tear in 7 games (unless you count a flashback), lol.
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tsubakimilktea · 6 months ago
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I was trying some brushes for the animation i ended up doing a little illustration (Cordelia’s tits are so distracting i blame them)
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equinox-86 · 10 months ago
(late) Mother's Day
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We got chibi moms before GTA 6 holy–
2 CGs in one post was the death of me, but nothing tops the one I made with Carla, Noctis, Azusa & Co. for DF 💀💀💀 THAT WAS A NIGHTMARE
Which wife would you marry?
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abottleofkarlheinz · 2 months ago
diabolik lovers as my favorite tweets pt5
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momoee300 · 7 months ago
I've noticed that there are people in the fandom who think Beatrix and Cordelia were super rivals and hated each other too much, but the reality is otherwise.
It used to happen a lot that Cordelia was annoyed that Beatrix was given a little more attention because she had the first child so she saw it as a threat to Beatrix but Beatrix couldn't care less.
Beatrix wanted Shu to be the heir but not to get KarlHeinz's love, instead Cordelia thought that if Ayato was better than Shu, KarlHeinz would love her more (he really manipulated her a lot).
Seeing things like this, Cordelia had more problems with Christa, because both longed for the love of KarlHeinz, Beatrix only wanted her son to be the heir without looking for anything else.
So in short, Cordelia sought to provoke and denigrate Beatrix who did not even flinch, but with Christa it was the eternal fight of who really was the only one who loved KarlHeinz.
(It is said that KarlHeinz only loved Christa, but personally I doubt that he did, at the end of the day they were all manipulated and used as tools for KarlHeinz's experiment).
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ask-cordelia-sakamaki · 29 days ago
Queen, we need your opinion!
What do you think of Yui’s new outfits from the Princess Collection line? 👀
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princeinei · 6 months ago
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uusercatt367 · 6 months ago
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Redesign to my Yui’s redesign lol
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bitacoradeunadialover · 2 years ago
En la piel de Richter || Richter x Cordelia
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Créditos a su respectivo artista
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Los momentos posteriores al éxtasis se sentían amargos; el adiós siempre resultaba doloroso.
Una daga en el corazón le hubiera dolido menos que la imagen ante sus ojos, la imagen de Cordelia yéndose de su abrazo apasionado para ir corriendo a hundirse en los brazos indiferentes de su hermano, que ni siquiera la apreciaba como debía.
Porque Cordelia lucía como la encarnación de la mismísima Afrodita: cada parte de su cuerpo y cada medida eran simétricamente correctos; su mirada poseía la misma intensidad, magnetismo y encanto que la luna llena.
El sueño de cualquier retratista del Mundo de los Demonios. La perfección hecha mujer.
Y, sin embargo, cada vez que llegaba la amarga despedida —la caída tras un vuelo de ensueño—, Richter se daba cuenta de que Cordelia jamás sería completamente suya, que ella jamás lo amaría de la misma manera en la que él lo hacía.
Y siempre, ante tal realización, terminaba sintiéndose usado y estúpido, así como también terminaba con una lágrima igualmente amarga, rodando y cayendo salvaje por su mejilla.
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Porque para mí Richter luce como Aneurin Barnard en su interpretación de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart en la película Interlude in Prague lol
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menacinmasochist · 4 months ago
What I think the DL characters should be for Halloween:
Shu- awake
Reiji- a maid.
Ayato- bugs bunny
Kanato- Cheshire Cat
Laito: Jesus Christ
Subaru: a car..
Ruki: Gordan Ramsey
Kou: Lady Gaga
Yuma: Slenderman
Azusa: an emo girl
Carla: Julius Caesar
Shin: a werewolf
Kino: an Among us character
Yui: Lola Bunny (Ayato made her do that)
Karl Heinz: a ketchup bottle
Cordelia: loved.
Beatrix: alive.
Christa: Good mental health.
Richter: leftovers
Seiji: a good dad…
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reisprettytestsubject · 1 year ago
DL Master List |Hcs Pt.3
Updated: 06/01/24
Sakamaki | Mukami | Tsukinami + others
♥️School/Studying/Class with the S bros + K
♥️School/Studying/Class w the M & T bros
♥️Gardening w Yuma (Bf hcs)
♥️Yuma's Dream Girl
♥️The Diaboys react to Megan
♥️Mukami Boys Family + Household hcs
♥️Sakamaki & Tsukinami brothers Family + Household hcs
♥️Shin's Wolf Form (Bf hcs)
♥️Mukami's as single parents
♥️Academic Rivals to lovers w Reiji
♥️Where they like do it
♥️Subaru's girl smoking
♥️Reiji Teasing his lover
♥️Ruki and Reiji like the same woman
♥️reaction to a girly gf
♥️can I stack donuts on it reaction
♥️online dating reaction
Dark Content/Realistic Hcs up ahead ♥️Their Italian names
♥️What happens to the Diaboys after Yui/Mc dies?
♥️The diaboy's handwriting
♥️Their age (more info)
♥️Shu irl hcs (has some crack pieces)
♥️Christa Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Cordelia Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Beatrix Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Reiji's temper (not hcs)
♥️Karl having a relationship ship with his daughter
♥️ Who is capable of loving their S bride/how much do they value her?
♥️ Kanato Sakamaki NSFW Alphabet
♥️Azusa Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Yuma Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Sakamaki Mansion irl
♥️Reiji and Ruki realize they are in love w a girl
Collab posts with @/mikalara-dracula
♥️The boys as children irl
♥️Extended Vampire Ball Alphabet + Additional Hcs [Shu's Vers.]
♥️Nicknames they would give their s/o
♥️Diaboys having a wet dream
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Other DL Links;;
♥️DL General Questions Master List
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 1
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 2
♥️DL Aesthetic + Hcs Master List
♥️DL Stories
♥️Who's your boyfriend quiz?
Main/request at: @liannelara-dracula
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graceraindrops-blog · 1 year ago
How much of a terrible mom was Cordelia? A full explanation.
It's a shame that the first post of my blog is dedicated to a rather ''interesting'' take @yuikomorii showed me, but taking into account that I've done my research involving the mothers, I find it a perfect opportunity to make a full explanation of Cordelia's abusive behavior.
Before I start, I would like to talk about why Cordelia acted the way she did (I AM NOT JUSTIFYING HER ACTIONS).
We know that Cordelia's father was neglectful towards her after the death of her mother which made her lack the ability to understand love.
Karlheinz manipulated Cordelia into marrying him and giving him children FORCEFULLY (because Cordelia did not want to have children). He also convinced Cordelia that it was okay for her to have many lovers and to have sexual relationships with FAMILY members
Cordelia's abusive behavior towards the triplets also comes over the fact of her jealousy and obsession with Karlheinz and surpassing Beatrix and Christa.
Getting this out of the way I will now start explaining why Cordelia was NOT a good mother despite her traumas.
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It's not strange to view Cordelia negatively if she's one of the antagonists of the franchise. NEVER did Diabolik lovers ever paint Cordelia as a good person and constantly tell us about how shitty she was towards her children and how much it affected them.
2. I'm not denying the fact that around those times parenting was more strict, however, you're forgetting that Cordelia didn't just slap, ground, or yell at her children, she put intense waves of pressure on Ayato, and drowned him, she sexually abused Laito, manipulated him and groomed him when he was a KID, forced Kanato to sing until he bled and made him watch her have intercourse with other men. This was the abuse the triplets went through until they finally had enough and attempted to kill Cordelia, which they succeeded.
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3. Yes, it's true that Beatrix wouldn't give the triplets much attention or love, she would probably neglect them due to not being her biological children and belonging to her rival, however, Beatrix WOULD NEVER do the messed up stuff Cordelia did. Yes, she was a terrible mother to Shu and Reiji, yet she would've never stepped down at Cordelia's level.
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4. A normal mother doesn't drown and threaten her child due to personal issues, A normal mother doesn't sexually abuse her child and grooms him to make him depend on her, and a normal mother doesn't force her child to watch her have sex with men and doesn't use his singing voice to get horny. If she was an affectionate mother ayato wouldn't have found the need to HIDE himself from her and the triplets wouldn't have considered killing her.
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5. I would also like to add, that no matter how badly influenced Cordelia was, and no matter how much childhood trauma she went through, that would never be a justification for the way she treated her children. This does not only apply to Cordelia, this applies to every character and to real people as well. It's a reason why they behave that way, but never a justification. Also, Cordelia doing the bare minimum and behaving like an actual mother for a few moments does not mean she cares about her children. I don't think this is explicitly told, but I believe in those particular scenes she's grooming Kanato to become dependent on her like she did with Laito and Ayato.
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6. ''She never spoke that way to her children'' I'm sorry but I have to laugh?? I would've understood if you were an anime only (not really) but taking into account that you do know about the games this is really really wrong lol. I don't why it's difficult to understand that Cordelia didn't love her children. Cordelia is such a bad mother that when she was resurrected in Ayato's DF route, she didn't even apologize to him or to his siblings, and yet he still forgave her! She even told Ayato to APOLOGIZE to her and continued to insult him
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(Credits to @dialovers-translations)
I understand (I think everyone in the fandom does) that Cordelia had her reasons to behave this way (childhood trauma and manipulation) but that doesn't excuse her actions. I don't agree with people hating on Cordelia and loving Karlheinz but I also don't agree with people defending Cordelia and saying she did nothing wrong when she did.
Cordelia isn't a black-and-white character and she's not a bad character either, she's very well-written for her purpose (an antagonist) but she's not a good person or mother. She never regretted what she did and if she was still alive during HDB she would've still been abusive to the triplets.
This is my problem with morally grey characters/Evil characters. They can't exist in media if people ignore their wrongdoings and actions and try to justify said actions. I'm not saying that they shouldn't exist but I'm tired of people painting them as good people or justifying their actions when their whole purpose as a character is to show that they're not good people and their actions are/were wrong.
To finish off the post I would like to say that I love Cordelia's character and I consider her to be one of the best-written characters in Diabolik Lovers. In my opinion, I would've liked to know more about her in further games but even if I feel this way about her I don't justify her actions and that's something we should all do. I'm glad the fandom no longer justifies the actions of the characters (with some obvious exceptions). And even if I like Cordelia as a character I don't shame others for not liking her, at the end of the day she was a horrible person lol.
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