#Copyright (c) 2018
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sgiandubh · 17 days ago
It’s straight-up naive to think she’d agree to be part of that event if Sam was gonna be there!
Like, how do you not get that she can’t stand him and was just faking it during the promos ‘cause she’s a pro and it was in her contract?
She got confirmed last minute ‘cause she waited to make sure Sam wasn’t showing up—clear as day they don’t get along! 🤣🤣🤣
Dear Last Minute Anon,
Surely you did not want to display the colossal amount of contempt you just managed for your venerated C, right?
And surely you do also know these appearances are negotiated at least six months before the event itself?
Use your own side's logic to the rescue: why would C suddenly be so magnanimous towards fans she allegedly detests and a project she (also allegedly) 'cannot get quickly enough out of'? Didn't your people speak at length about her 'reluctance loathing of cons/'shilling', based on absolutely nothing?
It doesn't take for me to be Mrs. Graham to just know what type of consumer you are, in general. The perfectly gullible one, lover of coupons and last-minute offers, who thinks those are just Marketing & Sales' whims and/or attempts to fix a glitch on the market, not part of a firmly pre-established strategy. Same goes for your splendid display of a parasocial relationship with C. Hence your talking about her and on her behalf, with the crazy confidence of someone who honestly thinks they personally know her, just because they obsessively follow her.
I also think you should stop being so naive and uninformed yourself:
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The Land Con is touted and sold as an 'Outlander official convention'. This is presented the same exact way as the infamous 2018 Seacaucus, NJ Creation Entertainment OL convention (where S, along with C and many other cast members, canceled last minute, prompting Steve Himber's arrogant disclaimer, see here: https://www.creationent.com/cal/outlander_nj.htm):
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The difference between these events and the larger Comic Cons is obvious: these are events exclusively dedicated to the series and its cast, not part of a bigger, multi-show happening. The use of the OL copyright and/or trademark (both owned by Sony Picture TV) means this is a licensed event and denotes a contractual bond with SPTV - exactly as for Creation Entertainment's failed convention - clearly the partnership wasn't renewed, in their case:
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As such, it was included in the cast's contracts with *** , as part of promo appearance. Their choice to attend one or the other promo events available, but the number of appearances is regulated by their own contracts, for sure.
Finally, French fans and regular attendees of the Land Con know very well the organizers always announce the guest of honor last, as a sales strategy aiming to build momentum and fans' expectations. This is, make no mistake, a for profit event - I am sure of it and able to prove it with facts. Anytime, 🎃. Note to self: it would, perhaps, be useful to write something about the way fan events of this type are managed, organized and made profitable.
You were saying?
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oscconfessions · 5 months ago
i barely go here I have like one leg in here (used scratch in 2015-2018 where ojs was and afaia still is inescapable)(also have seen hfjone but that doesn't entirely count from what I've heard)(was good tho) but the iphone hostguy of ii having a corn dad named steve cobs is funny as shit that's like an illumination studios joke if comapny apple wasn't capital c Bold c itAlic c Copyrighted
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skzpixie · 1 year ago
Why Kai/Pixie is afraid of People (Live instances)
CW: People being gross towards Pixie when she is a minor, mentions of death, home invasion, fans being aggresive
Dividers cr: @cafekitsune
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
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2018 interview incident with a Male Fan (Knowing Brothers)
Px: (Laughing when Seungmin teased I.N on the stage)
Kb1: Pixie! We have some questions for you that the crowd would like to ask!
Px: (looks surprised) Really? Go ahead then (she smiles cutely, causing some of her members to coo at her. The crowd awed at her dimpled smile)
Kb2: (he smiles back and hands the microphone to an older, male fan)
MF: You're sixteen, correct? (He asks innocently)
Px: Yes, I am sixteen. I'm turning seventeen soon, though.
MF1: How long was your training period?
Px: Almost nine years. I was nine when I came to Korea (The audience cheered when she said that. She laughed at their enthusiasm)
MF1: Does that mean you're still inexperienced?
Px: (visibly confused) what do you mean?
MF1: You're not corrupted? Have you ever been touched?
Px: (eyes widened as she become uncomfortable.) I- uhm- hu-huh?
Bc: (sees this and comes to sit beside her, he gave the guy a small glare) We don't have time for anymore questions, thank you.
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2018 solo V-Live
Px: I'm not going to dance to a Kesha song! (She leans in close to the camera, whispering to it) We'll get copyright striked (she snickered)
(Comments flew by)
Px: Do a backflip? Okay! (She stood up before realizing she had a skirt on. She scoffed at her choice of outfit and sat back down) Sorry guys, Can't. (She looks through a few more comments before one stood out)
C: Sure you can, make sure you give the camera a show 😜😉
Px: (she shifts uncomfortably, looking up towards her manager for help. He signals that she should stop) Sorry guys, I think that's all we have for the live today (she puts on her fake smile and says goodbye, ending the live.)
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2019 world tour concert in Chicago
Px: (sitting innocently near the edge while chatting with a security guard. She laughs at one of his jokes before standing up.)
FF1: (yells and tries to get on stage. The security guard stops her but it still spooked Pixie, who jumped)
Px: (awkwardly laughs, before quickly rejoining her group, Upset )
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2019 concert Random male MC
Px: (breathing heavily and laughs when Hyunjin makes fun of her breathing. She sits on the stool provided for them)
FSM: (brings out a blanket to cover her legs. She as wearing a tight leather skirt that came to her mid thigh)
Px: (thanks the female staff member)
MC: (makes a sound of disappointment.) Take that away. I'm sure the male fans would hate for her to be covered.
Px: (laughs dryly into the mic, looking visibly upset)
Han: (looks at the MC, baffled, before sitting on her lap for extra security)
Px: (laughs loudly, hugging Han close. Her members are giving the MC death glares)
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Live Incident in 2021, her being alone in the dorm
Px: Don't you DARE tell on me to Chan. He's not my mother! (She laughs after she did another unhinged thing. She stared intently at the comments)
C: Are you alone?
Px: I'm with you guys. How could I be alone? (She winks, smiling softly)
A few minutes go by
C: I can see you
Px: I sure hope you can (She made a finger heart, trying to ignore the hair standing up on the back of her neck)
Another few minutes
C: Your door is unlocked
Px: (She looks up, alarmed. She shifts uncomfortably before locking eyes with her manager) Stop joking like that (She tries to smile it off)
C: Cute bedspread ;)
Px: Okay, whoever is commenting that, please knock it off. (She frowns, rubbing her arm to try and quell the goosebumps) It's not funny anymore
A large bang sounded throughout the apartment, making her scream and drop the phone with the live on it. She rushed off frame, and an audible struggle ensued. The intruder was soon taken away when her manager called for security.
She's okay in the end, not visibly hurt. She is now never alone in the dorms, or else she will have a panic attack.
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2023 fanmeet
Px: (smiles softly at the female fan who sat in front of her)
Ff2: (shoves the other female fan out of the seat and sits down)
Px: (looks at the fan baffled, watching the girl put the sign down aggressively. Security quick took the fan away)
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Paris Lollapalooza incident
The crowd goes silent when the nine walk on stage, suddenly, a voice yells, directed at Kai
OT8 Fan: Parent killer!!
Px: (acts like she didn't hear them, but you could see she was trying to hold back tears)
(After finishing the performance, you could see Pixie being taken off stage as she started to cry. Thankfully, it was the last performance she needed to be a part of)
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lawrence-gowan-fanblog · 8 months ago
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I'm finally adding this artwork to my RB shop after 5+ years(with permission from the man himself, of course!) This may be a niche piece to add to it, but I felt that too much work went into it *not* to be there. (If that makes sense?)
This was done as promo for Lawrence Gowan's stateside solo show in Baltimore, MD, in late January 2019. I removed the titles and logos that were originally used, because copyright.
Done entirely on my phone in Dec 2018, as I didn't have my laptop/tablet til the following January.
Art (c) Illia St. Onge 2018-2024
Get it on stuff here:
*Artist's Note: Originally, this was done as a commission, but since the person(*not* Mr. Gowan!) that commissioned me never actually paid me, this now goes in my shop to sorta compensate for that lol.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
This day in history
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#20yrsago Blockbuster prez calls for end to DVD region-coding https://web.archive.org/web/20060501151122/http://hometheater.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/home_video/brief_display.jsp%3Fvnu_content_id=2047010
#20yrsago LiveJournal demographics https://web.archive.org/web/20040212004957/https://www.livejournal.com/stats.bml
#20yrsago Verisign calls for Internet redesign, Minitel-style https://www.isen.com/blog/archives/2003_12_01_archive.html#107166720994279652
#15yrsago Henry Jenkins’s Neil Gaiman interview video http://henryjenkins.org/2008/12/from_neil_gaiman_to_j_michael.html
#15yrsago Steven Johnson’s “The Invention of Air” — how an eclectic minister/scientist/politician shows that history is a web https://memex.craphound.com/2008/12/17/steven-johnsons-the-invention-of-air-how-an-eclectic-minister-scientist-politician-shows-that-history-is-a-web/
#15yrsago Yahoo to anonymize logs after 90 days https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/12/yahoo-anonymize-logs-after-90-days-compared-google
#15yrsago HOWTO Make a DNS dead-drop https://landonf.org/code/security/DNS_Dead_Drop.20060128201048.26517.luxo.html
#15yrsago HOWTO build a Linux-based supercomputer out of Playstation 3s https://phys.org/news/2008-12-scientists-supercomputer-sony-playstation.html
#10yrsago CopyrightX: Harvard’s ground-breaking MOOC on copyright law https://web.archive.org/web/20131214032640/http://copyx.org/
#10yrsago Amnesty petition to release Chelsea Manning https://web.archive.org/web/20131221031616/http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?c=6oJCLQPAJiJUG&b=6645049&aid=520439
#10yrsago Arapahoe teacher on survival and resilience https://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2013/12/scar-tissue.html
#10yrsago 60 Minutes attains new journalistic low with NSA puff-piece https://www.techdirt.com/2013/12/16/cbs-airs-nsa-propaganda-informercial-masquerading-as-hard-hitting-60-minutes-journalism-reporter-with-massive-conflict-interest/
#10yrsago Edward Snowden’s open letter to the people of Brazil, offering help in rooting out NSA spying in exchange for asylum https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/17/edward-snowden-letter-brazilian-people
#5yrsago London cops are subjecting people in the centre of town to facial recognition today and tomorrow https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/12/londons-police-will-be-testing-facial-recognition-in-public-for-2-days/
#5yrsago Official UK investigation of $100 billion laundered through Scottish Limited Partnerships ignores all evidence https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2018/12/uks-reform-limited-partnership-law-dead-arrival.html
#5yrsago No peace in Hungary as thousands fill the streets, risking police violence, to protest slave labor law https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/16/europe/hungary-protests-intl/index.html
#5yrsago ISP that protested being ordered to block Sci-Hub by blocking Elsevier and government agencies now under threat for “Net Neutrality” violations https://torrentfreak.com/isp-faces-net-neutrality-investigation-for-pirate-site-blocking-retaliation-181217/
#5yrsago “Owning your data” will not save you from data capitalism https://memex.craphound.com/2018/12/17/owning-your-data-will-not-save-you-from-data-capitalism/
#5yrsago Science fiction writers on the future of work https://www.wired.com/story/future-of-work-sci-fi-issue/
#5yrsago Google’s secretive, data-hungry private city within Toronto will be much larger than previously disclosed https://rabble.ca/general/plan-re-image-torontos-waterfront-how-much-does-public-know-about-plan/
#5yrsago Internal sources say googler uprising has killed Google’s plans to launch a censored, spying Chinese search engine https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/google-china-censored-search-engine-2/
#5yrsago False Flag: my science fiction story about the future of copyright filters in an Article 13 Europe https://www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu/false-flag/
#5yrsago Arizona realtor surprised to find Canadian “white hat” hacker talking to him through his smart doorbell https://memex.craphound.com/2018/12/17/arizona-realtor-surprised-to-find-canadian-white-hat-hacker-talking-to-him-through-his-smart-doorbell/
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flowgninthgil · 1 year ago
I wasn't expecting watching madoka magica to make me remember all this time I spent watching animes.
100% forgot to keep my watched-anime's op/ed playlist up to date.
RIP deleted videos that were the only trace of whatever I watched after I lost that bloc-note text file that I used as a back-up some time after I started losing interest in anime and noticed some of the openings had been deleted.
Big up to Black Bullet for making me discover nightcore and me thinking people were just going too far to avoid copyright.
C³ too, for making me love bloody lolis, and having this banger of an OP
Akame Ga Kill for being among the last animes I watched in that "phase" but probably one that I loved the most.
Lucky Star, because it's a crime how late I discovered it. (like 2018-2019)
Kubikiri Cycle, I keep remembering it everytime I get into one of those rememberance moments.
I'd need to take a day or two on a anime website and search one by one every anime that came out before 2017 at the very most, but right now I'm marking it all here:
because it's easier to find things there than on a youtube playlist that's half deleted/private videos.
I hope some people will find something to watch because so many of them were soooo good in my mind.
Also, considering what anime I remember and the theme I was going for, I don't know why the heck it took me so long to find the queer community.
And since I've yet to put it there, my most fav anime ever is Harmony, a movie from the Project Itoh.
Best Movie I've ever watched.
Damn, this thing went from "This anime made me remember a part of my past I forgot about" to "I really liked those animes, even did this in the past, what it'd become?" to "Please, those times were awesome, I wanna share it again"
May whomever read this have a great day/night
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sundial-girl · 2 years ago
*crying* who is zhiyu moke and what has he done to hurt u 😭
NOOOO HE HASN'T HURT ME (well ok sort of a lie he's a bitch to work w/ but that's an aside) i love he.
he's a vocaloid! part of the vsinger group of chinese vocaloids, and made to sing in mandarin chinese (though like with all vocas you can tweak and make him sing in other languages but that's another aside)
he has... a lot going on
he has a pet bird 🥰
"Even though he always wears an innocent and warming smile, he is actually the most Otaku of all Otaku"
can play the piano
168 iq 🤯
terrible fashion sense 😭😭 that or they just happen to do him very dirty w/ his outfits in official art. some of em are cute but others... my guy
has his own signature shade of blue
150 cm/about 4'9 ft?? short lmao
sagittarius; bday is december 10 (though he was released in august 2018)
good at street dance
afraid of loneliness and wishes to be useful to the other vsingers 🥺
yanhe, another vocaloid, actually got the voice that was originally meant for him. he got delayed and his copyright taken away b/c the funds that were supposed to be used for producing him and some of the other vsingers was spent on prostitutes. no i'm not kidding abt this. the voicebank he ultimately did receive was kinda rushed and he's not as high quality as some of the other vsingers and is kind of difficult to use as a result but he is slated for an ace virtual singer update at some point soon so.
tldr; he is just a silly little nerd guy... he's funny.
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this is a cover but its one of my fave uses of him. this original song of his is good too. if u wanna look into him and the other chinese vocas i highly recommend tho if u also dont wanna its cool lolol
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fazidoart · 9 days ago
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Performance of the old cars.
Polkowice 2018
Copyright ( c) Adam krępinski
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atplblog · 2 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] ⭐ 【Latest Data】 The replacement part number for the Navigation SD card is 86271-0E075, which covers all the latest map data for the US and Canada from 2022-2023. This SD card latest update is for the year prior to May 2022, it was only released as a 2023 update, the data always lags behind the actual calendar year, as you will see, the copyright notice does say 2023. ⭐ 【Accurate Aavigation】 A small SD card carries information on hundreds of millions of roads and buildings. Whether you go to tourism, hotels, gas stations, towns, villages, pet store, barber shops and other places, or face the complicated traffic lights and road conditions, it can provide you with a powerful and accurate data flow to help you quickly reach your destination. ⭐ 【Premium Chip】 The car GPS navigation system SD card is made of premium chips and 8 pins. It has 32GB of memory and high-speed data processing ability, which is not easily burned or damaged during use. It only supports vehicles using micro SD card for navigation. Before purchasing, please confirm that your navigation system comes with this slot. ⭐ 【Compatible Models】 This GPS navigation SD card is compatible with Toyota 2014-2018 4Runner, 2015-2018 Avalon, 2015-2018 Avalon Hybrid, 2014-2017 Camry, 2015-2017 Sienna, 2014-2018 Tacoma, 2014-2018 Tundra, 2014-2018 Corolla, 2014-2018 Highlander, 2016 -2018 Prius, 2015-2017 Prius v, 2014-2018 Prius c and more. Please refer to the product description page for detailed compatibility models. ⭐ 【Installation Steps】 First turn off your car, then open the map microcard cover on the radio panel, remove the original navigation SD card from the slot, insert our new SD card into the slot, then close the map microcard cover on the radio panel, and finally turn on your car, then the installation program will start automatically. [ad_2]
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dunkun-laama · 2 months ago
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cybertitojj · 3 months ago
Christmas 2024 in Penang Diocesan Museum Here's the Christmas vibe in Penang Diocesan Museum at Georgetown, Penang. The Penang Diocesan Museum was opened January 2, 2018. It is the first of its kind in Penang. It showcases artifacts and collections related to the practice of Roman Catholic faith in Malaysia. Have you been there? Comment down a photo of your inside or outside the Penang Diocesan Museum. #Attractions #Museums #Malaysia CYBERTITO – the uncle who loves information technology. From tech tips, web tutorials, poems, OFW life, BPO work, travels, and Catholicism, there's always something new. Explore with CYBERTITO! Subscribe for more videos about Art, Life, Tutorial, Travel, and Catholicism! https://bit.ly/CYBERTITOYouTubeChannel Follow CYBERTITO on social media Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/cybertitojj Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/JosephRaymundEvangelistaEnriquez TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cybertitojj Visit CYBERTITO website https://cybertito.com/ Copyright (C) CYBERTITO – All Rights Reserved.
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forefrontliangcaixin · 10 months ago
Industry Forefront post 1:
The impact of AI on current concept design methods and the response of concept artists.
In the past three years, machine learning-based image generators have proliferated, significantly impacting the field of game art design. However, this rapid development has sparked widespread controversy among digital artists.
Generative AI can quickly produce images through prompts, greatly enhancing design efficiency. With a market value of approximately $43.87 billion in 2023, generative AI is expected to grow to $967.65 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate of 39.6%.
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Grand View Research (2018 - 2022) Generative AI Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report. Available at: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/generative-ai-market-report
(Accessed on 19. 05. 24 ).
Despite these advancements, many artists view generative AI as a threat to their creative freedom and copyright. Prominent digital artists like Kan Liu and Philipp A. Urlich have voiced concerns over unauthorized use of their work by AI, leading to infringement on their rights. Urlich, for instance, believes that AI is undermining an industry built on "lifelong learning, passion, and a love for creation." In response, many artists have protested on platforms like ArtStation, but these platforms' responses have often been seen as inadequate in protecting artists' rights.
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Silva, J. (2022) 'The creativity of artists protesting is so beautiful.', Twitter, 14 December.
Available at: https://twitter.com/joysilvart/status/1603138150028775424
 (Accessed on 19. 05. 24 ).
In contrast, some image service companies like Shutterstock and Getty Images have banned the sale of AI-generated images due to copyright concerns. The worries of artists extend beyond mere style imitation; there is also the fear that generative AI could be used to create harmful content, further damaging their reputation and rights.
The use of generative AI in game art design has increased efficiency but has also sparked widespread debates over copyright, creative freedom, and industry ethics. Addressing these issues will require more industry regulations and policy support to balance technological progress with the protection of artists' rights.
Perez-Liebana. D, Samothrakis.S, Togelius.J, Schaul.T, & Lucas, S. (2016). General Video Game AI: Competition, Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30(1).
Available at: https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v30i1.9869
[Accessed on 03.05.24]
Harry H. J, Lauren B, Jessica C, Mehtab K, Abhishek G, Deja W, Alex H, Johnathan Fl, and Timnit G. (2023). AI Art and its Impact on Artists. (pp.363-374).In Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1145/3600211.3604681 [Accessed on 03.05.24]
Philipp A.U. (2023). Portfolio [Digital Art]. ArtStation.
Available at: https://www.artstation.com/somartist
[Accessed on 10.05.24]
Kan Liu(2023). To friends on Artstation [Announcement]. ArtStation.
Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Qn1Z2x
[Accessed on 18.05.24]
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thepostcardskolektiv · 8 months ago
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26 November 2018
From Dorothy
Hi Christian,

Nice to meet you in Postcard United! How are you? Do you enjoy playing cards? Let me send you the painting of it by Paul Cezanne. Hope you like it!

Best wishes. 
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
I’ve been there once, it’s HUGE!

Paul Cézanne, French, 1839-1906
Oil on canvas, 25 3/4 × 32 1/4 in., 1890-92
Bequest of Stephen C. Clark, 1960 61.101.1
Copyright © 2013 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
www.metmuseum.org Printed in China

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yhwhrulz · 8 months ago
Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, July 16, 2024
After he [Jesus] had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. Then the tempter approached him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." He answered, "It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."1
In February 2018, the Oxford English Dictionary officially added a new entry into its pages — the word "HANGRY", which is defined as "bad tempered or irritable as a result of hunger". At some point or another I think we have all experienced this! That feeling of hunger that makes you grumpy and sometimes even a little unwise. During this time of physical, and even spiritual, weakness are moments when the enemy, the devil, tries to plant those lies into your mind. Those lies and bad thoughts might be about your worth as a person, your lack of success, and even question your relationship with God.
Fortunately for us, we have Jesus' example to follow! In Matthew chapter 4, we come across The Temptation of Jesus. After having fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus was very hungry. As He walked through the wilderness, along came the devil, ready and waiting to throw his daggers of temptation at Jesus. As he challenged the Lord, with thoughts of food, power, and worth, Jesus called on God's name and resisted the devil with a straightforward and direct, "Go away, Satan!" (Mt. 4:10 CSB). The devil had no choice but to leave because God's name is the Light and the devil, in his darkness, has no place there. Jesus provided us with ways to counteract the schemes of the devil by giving us His Word. God has unending love for us that is always reaching toward us.
When temptation causes us to be weak and crumble, God gives us Himself through the Holy Spirit which becomes living and active inside of us. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to fight and in those moments of weakness when the devil whispers that we aren't enough, we can shout as Jesus did, "go away, Satan! in Jesus' name!" and he has to flee. Jesus felt hunger but did not allow himself to be hangry. He drew his strength from God's Word and His promises. "Man must not live on bread alone", says God's Word, "But on every Word that comes from the mouth of God." Don't allow yourself to fall into the tempting lies of the devil but rather resist that hanger with the bread that is God's Word!
Suggested Prayer: Thank you, Father, for allowing your Son to go through trials here on earth that I could relate to. Thank you for allowing Him to teach us the way to fight temptations and the weakness that comes with our physical needs, wants, and desires. Help me to call on Your name first because You will always provide my way of escape. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Matthew 4:2-4 (CSB).
Today's Encounter was written by: Veronica B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
ACTS International P.O. Box 73545 San Clemente, California 92673-0119 U.S.A.
Phone: 949-940-9050 http://www.actsweb.org
Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International.
When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2005-2023 ACTS International
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 years ago
This day in history
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On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. That night, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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#20yrsago Fed cop slams Verisign https://web.archive.org/web/20030923083005/http://dnm.sieve.net/tdw/2003_09_01_entry.html
#15yrsago Cybersquatters register domains for potential bank-mergers https://www.theguardian.com/business/2008/sep/21/technology.banking
#10yrsago Implementing a Turing machine in Excel https://www.felienne.com/archives/2974
#10yrsago Ryanair vows to reduce fewer customers to tears https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-24171384
#10yrsago Jungle Boat skipper gives a tour of the wall around the construction site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DakW1GtyTVA
#10yrsago Terms and Conditions May Apply: documentary about abusive license terms, privacy and surveillance https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/sep/19/data-digital-identity-cullen-hoback
#5yrsago Defunct Vancouver tech retailer’s servers sold off, containing credit cards and other customer details https://www.eteknix.com/ncix-database-servers-sold-craigslist-without-wiped/
#5yrsago California farm lobby’s sellout to John Deere will cost its members their right to repair https://www.wired.com/story/john-deere-farmers-right-to-repair/
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digitalstudios · 1 year ago
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Reputation Management & Defamation Expert Lawyer
Online Content Protection
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Your digital footprint significantly impacts your reputation, impacting online popularity, revenue, and corporate relationships. Effective management is crucial for stakeholders, especially those monetizing content. In the UK, GDPR provides protection for personal information, while legal avenues like copyright and defamation laws help safeguard reputations.
For comprehensive management of your digital reputation, consider leveraging content removal services provided by companies like Rsquare Media. These services are tailored to help individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of digital presence, ensuring a positive online image and mitigating the impact of harmful content
Which Online Content can we Help you Remove?
1.     Private personal data that may lead to identity theft
The Google Service Agreement protects the personal data of every user. Personal data includes information such as signatures, bank account details and credit card information. False information that damages the reputation of a business or a person can also be removed, as can publications that constitute harassment in that they misuse private information or cause distress.
2.     Information falling under the right to erasure
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Under Article 17 of the UKGDPR, every person has a right to have their information 'forgotten'. One can make an oral or written request for the enforcement of this right. Even so, this right is not absolute. It applies under certain circumstances, including when:
a) an individual withdraws their consent to the use or processing of data; or
b) the original purpose of the data collection has lapsed; or
c) the data related to services offered to a child.
In 2018, UK courts established the limits of the Right To Be Forgotten in NT1 & (2) NT2 v Google LLC [2018] EWHC 799. The High Court ordered Google to erase NT2's conviction information, while NT1's conviction information was essential to his business, and denied his request.
From these cases, it is evident that the right to erasure may, therefore, be limited when the published information is of p
ublic interest.
3.     Sexually explicit information
Sexually explicit information includes audio and visual content that relates to or describes sexual conduct. In fact, any communication, language or material referring to sexual intercourse, sexual abuse, the genitals or pubic area of a person is sexual explicit information. It includes private nude content which was mistakenly made public, sexual content involving minors, or non-consensual publicised sexual content.
Damaging information may include personal posts or third-party information posted on another party's website. In both instances, it is essential to work swiftly to get the content removed.
At Pail solicitors, we help clients manage their online reputation by removing damaging online content and effectively updating their data and rebuilding their online presence.
Where it is impossible to remove damaging online content, we offer support through our partners within our digital ecosystem by suppressing negative information.
Where there has been a gross violation of your right to privacy, our legal team can also help you seek legal recourse, including seeking an injunction order to de-index the hosting websites.
How to Remove Damaging Online Content
Our multi-disciplinary network of experts applies different methodologies to help our clients in online content removal. The methods used depend on the specific circumstances and facts of the case. Our techniques include:
1.     Deleting Information at the Source
Deleting the information at the source is a simple process of elimination. It works effectively when the wrongdoer posts the online content from their own controlled site. Where the wrongdoer posts harmful content on a third party site, it is more complicated. Removal is subject to the terms and conditions and the third party, and their cooperation is required, especially where the wrongdoer's identity is withheld. Consequentially pre-action disclosure or US District Court Subpoena applications are often required.
2.     Getting Court Orders
Court orders are the most effective way of ring-fencing the offender's activities because they can be applied to the person and not just the content so they can't repost on new sites.
We are experts in digital reputation management, data protection, defamation and harassment and Intellectual property law. We use our expertise in the practice areas aforementioned to bring relevant claims, including injunction orders.
3.     Cease and desist letters
Cease and desist letters are formal demand letters that request the party violating your rights to take down the harmful content. When drafted well, it is a quick means of resolving disputes relating to digital data.
The cease and desist letter details that civil action will follow if the other party fails to comply with the demand to remove the content. During the removal of online content, an ineffective cease and desist letter can lead to the Streisand Effect, as such, it is essential to contract the services of legal specialists.
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4.     DMCA Notice and Takedowns
Pail assists digital content creators globally in protecting their copyright through DMCA procedures, based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). DMCA notices remove copyrighted information without consent or knowledge, effective on major sites like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and E-bay. Claims for infringement involve identifying breaches, highlighting evidence, and filing a complaint.
Where a DMCA notice has been issued or a YouTube takedown complaint is made against your YouTube Channel, we can help you file YouTube counter-notices.
5.     Submitting Content Removal Requests and Flagging the Terms of Service
Online content removal experts aim to protect users in online spaces by combining data deletion and recovery methods, as well as initiating legal action to ensure the protection of users from underage nudity, sexual abuse, or violations of Google terms of service.
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