#Copper Branch Piping
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stardustandash · 2 months ago
I Have a Mouth But Cannot Scream
Febuwhump 2025 Day 1: Vocal Chords
Fandom: Linked Universe Words: 2023
Wild tried to shout over and over, even as he felt something tear in his throat and tasted copper in the back of his mouth. He had to try. Exploring with Wind in Four's Hyrule goes a little more sideways than expected. It's fine, Wild can deal with the pain to get Wind to safety.
Ao3 Link
While adventuring there were acceptable risks. Injury from fighting monsters, battling the elements over harsh terrain, death at the hands of an enemy. Exploring on the other hand did not convey the same level of risk. Getting lost, or accidentally touching a cursed artefact, or setting off a trap, mostly things that were annoying, not deadly. Which is why Wild equated his need to move around when they were camping to exploring. The nine of them were on an adventure with monsters and battles and whatever Hylia deemed necessary to place in their way. Going for a walk to see their surroundings was only exploring. How had such a simple thing gone so wrong.
Wild had been itching to keep moving after the group had pitched camp before the sun was within an hour of the horizon. They were in Four’s world, and while apparently they weren’t far from a village, they had at least a few hours of travel ahead of them. Time had made the decision that they should stop early and set out again in the morning. The others seemed to agree, happily pitching tents and unloading their gear. Yet Wild was still unused to the relaxed pace the others set on their adventure. They stopped every night to camp, even when their destination was so close. With nothing much to set up himself as he preferred soft grass to a bedroll and his gear was safely stored in the slate, Wild busied himself with making the campfire and pacing the camp.
When he could no longer stand the confines of their camp, Wild wandered to where Time was sitting on his bedroll. Time glanced up at him as he approached. He paused in his task of polishing the Biggorn sword but didn’t put it down as Wild came to a halt in front of him.
“I want to go on a walk,” signed Wild.
Time sighed. “It’ll be dark soon. None of us should be wandering too far from camp in a Hyrule that isn’t ours.”
Wild frowned at him and raised his hands to sign more when Four piped up from where he was shifting his bedroll closer to the fire.
“This area’s pretty safe. Not many monster nests or anything for him to walk into. It’s just forest, which gets pretty boring after a while,” said Four with a shrug.
Wild grinned at him and turned back to Time. “See, it’ll be fine.”
“Still, you shouldn’t go alone and the rest of us are tired from walking,” said Time diplomatically.
“Actually, I could go for a walk,” said Wind. “Nobody wants to play cards with me and it’s so boring here I could die.”
Time closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Wild resisted the urge to bounce on the balls of his feet as he watched Time weigh the decision in his mind. Eventually he opened his good eye again and fixed the two of them with a stern look.
“Alright. You can go, but don’t be out past nightfall. You are still in unfamiliar territory,” said Time.
“Yes!” cheered Wind. Wild gave him a lazy salute, and the two of them practically ran off into the trees.
The two of them did not slow until they were a ways from camp. Not too far that they couldn’t hear an alarm shout, but far enough that they felt out from under the careful watch of the others. The forest around them was thick with undergrowth and moss and seemed like it held a vast multitude of new things. Wild carefully examined each new bit of flora to see if it could be edible while Wind busied himself with making a wreath of branches. With the setting sun filtering golden light through the trees it was a perfect evening.
Then something scuttled through the grass in front of them.
“What in the seven hells was that!” cried Wind.
Wild didn’t pause to sign an answer, instead giving chase with Wind only a beat behind him. The creature zigzagged through the grass and undergrowth, never visible beyond the rustling of leaves and stems. Every time Wind or Wild would grow close the creature seemed to gain a burst of speed. Neither of them noticed they were growing closer to the edge of a steep ravine, hidden by the foliage and distracted as they were. They remained unaware of the danger until the ground shifted.
At first it was just a slight movement, causing both Wild and Wind to slow and rebalance. Then the earth beneath their feet shuddered and gave way. There was a moment of terror as the two met each other’s eyes and saw their fears reflected before they were both hurled down by gravity.
Wild had no time to brace himself and no space to pull out his paraglider. All he could do was curl into a tight ball as he bounced off the wall of dirt and stone. Roots pulled at his clothes and twisted his cape around on his neck. He closed his eyes, hoping it would be over soon. He never saw the boulder in his way.
With a sickening crack Wild slammed into the rock. His leg took the brunt of the impact and he didn’t have to see it to know it was broken. The pain was enough that he barely noticed the rest of the slide into the ravine, or when he came to a stop. He breathed sharp and fast through his nose, willing the pain to go away and clung to his bad leg. While the bone hadn’t pierced the skin he could feel the jagged edges just beneath.
For a moment Wild simply lay in the dirt and rode the waves of pain wracking his body. It hurt, but he’d had worse. Slowly he clawed his way back into reality and let himself take in his surroundings. The sky overhead was creeping towards the edge of darkness with the first of the evening stars shining through the dusky purple hue. On his left was the steep side of the ravine they’d fallen down, and there was an equally steep wall on his right. There was only a few feet of space between the two walls and where they met was littered with pebbles and branches and a few bigger stones.
Wild took it all in in a daze before he snapped to alertness. Wind. He’d been with Wind. He scrambled up to sitting and looked around. There, only a few feet away, lay Wind. He was facing away from Wild and on his side. There was a dark spot in his hair and Wild could tell even at this distance it wasn’t mud. It was far too red for that.
Wild dragged himself over to Wind’s side, uncaring how much it hurt as his leg jostled and bounced against the ground. With shaky hands he pressed his fingertips into the side of Wind’s neck. Thankfully his heart beat strong, if a little fast, against his fingers and Wild let out a sigh of relief. With a careful hand he gently shook Wind’s shoulder, trying not to jostle him too much. Yet Wind remained unconscious.
The slate. Wild cursed himself for taking so long to remember it. He unhooked it from his belt and slid through the menus until he found his inventory of elixirs. He bared his teeth in frustration as he took in the lack of hearty elixirs on the page. He only had a handful of stamina and cold-resistance potions left. Nothing that would help Wind.
Worry began to creep in. Wild knew that Time would send the others to look for them soon, but with night falling and the temperature dropping, Wind needed to be taken back to camp as soon as possible. And he had no way of contacting the others. His slate connected to Wind’s pendant, but that didn’t help either of them when he could see it peeking out of Wind’s shirt in front of him. One hand came up and brushed against the scars that wrapped thickly around his neck. He’d cursed his lack of speech before, but never had it felt so much of a hindrance.
Still, he had to try.
Wild opened his mouth, took a deep breath in, and tried to shout. He could feel his ruined vocal chords trying to work, could hear the hiss and small, inhuman guttural noises the air made as it raced back up his throat, but no shout came out. No noise for the others to hear and find them and help Wind. Wild tried to shout over and over, even as he felt something tear in his throat and tasted copper in the back of his mouth. He had to try.
When night wrapped itself around them completely he at last gave up, punching his fist into the ground in frustration. This would get them nowhere and he had to get Wind back to camp. Wild looked up at the wall of the ravine again. There were enough roots and rocks to serve as footholds sticking out of the dirt. He could make the climb easily, even trying to maneuver with an unconscious Wind.
His leg would prove a problem, however. Wild sat a moment trying to wrap his head around it. He had nothing to heal it, but he did have a rusted short sword he could bind to it as a makeshift splint. That would brace it enough to keep it from fully piercing through the skin of his shin. Or at least he hoped it would. He was no medic unlike Hyrule or Warriors. Then he’d need something to keep him going. Wild was well acquainted with how fast shock could take over and make him weak. But He had stamina potions. He could down those until he got Wind back to camp.
Plan set, Wild set about bracing his leg. It hurt as he pulled the sword tight around his leg but he needed to do this. He had to do this. For Wind.
With a deep breath Wild pulled his strongest stamina potion out of the slate and downed it in two big swallows. He could feel strength and energy spreading through his limbs and invigorating him. He just had to make the most of it. He stood slowly, testing out the strength of the brace. The pain was nearly blinding but his leg held. It took a few minutes to pull Wind’s limp body off the ground and get him situated on Wild’s back but he managed. He bound Wind’s hands together with a scrap of rope from the slate and set to work on scaling the ravine.
It was slow going, with only one working leg and Wind’s weight on his back, but Wild managed. He had to. He wasn’t about to let Wind fall or spend a minute more than he had to without proper care. Wild barely felt the pain or strain of climbing and barely paused at the top of the ravine before setting back off in the direction of camp. Wind was more important than any comfort he might need.
Even though the forest was dark, the moon and stars above gave enough light to see by, and after only a few minutes Wild could see the small light of the fire through the trees. Along with something else. He shifted, trying to get a better grip on his sword when Warriors resolved out of the shadows in front of them. Worry lined his face, the shadows enhancing the expression.
“Wild?” asked Warriors. “Wild is that you?”
Wild nodded and gestured towards Wind on his back. He could feel the potion wearing off and the fatigue catching up. He stumbled towards Warriors. Warriors would help Wind.
“I’ve found them! We need help over here!”
Wild heard the shout but it barely registered. His task was over. He’d brought Wind back safely. His knees buckled, and he fell towards Warriors. He only barely registered the soft brush of Warrior’s tunic as he finally gave in to the darkness.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 6 months ago
Seven Songs of Suffering: Control
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I'm bigger than my body / I'm colder than this home / I'm meaner than my demons / I'm bigger than these bones And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" / I can't help this awful energy / Goddamn right, you should be scared of me / Who is in control? - Halsey
Event Masterpost | Image Source
Summary: Karl Heisenberg struggles to remember who he truly is while transforming. I'm placing this somewhere in his past, before Ethan comes to the village. Maybe when he's in his early 20s. It's one of many fights he had with Mother Miranda.
CW: hurt/no-comfort, sensations of being beaten up in a mutated metal body, emotional repression, identity confusion, parent-child abuse kind of? (she's not really his mother but pretends to be so I'm tagging it)
It’s not that it hurts to transform. This is the way that his twisted body functions – it’s supposed to happen. It’s more complicated than pain. It’s that unsettling feeling, of the Cadau joining him with something that is not himself. Something enormous and abyssal that wants to swallow his mind and consume his body. The megamycete. It’s unsettling because he wants it, he craves it, he can’t stop. It corrupts even his desires until he can’t tell who he is.
It’s physical too. Something cold and unfeeling becoming a part of himself. The icy metal, a mere conductor coursing with dark energy. He can feel every scrap of aluminum, their internal filaments tingling like nerves. He’s bigger than his body. But never big enough. He needs more. More! He’s not safe yet. He’s not free yet. She still has him.
“Calm yourself, Heisenberg. You’re having a tantrum.”
“No! NO!!!! I will never let go of my hatred!!!” His voice vibrates through copper pipes pressed against his throat and steel shavings dancing like fireflies in the air, coming out magnified and strangled at the same time. This indignation is who he is, this is his last tie to his true self. He won’t accept the invasion that grips his every cell. NEVER. He will HATE.
Or is…or is that the Cadou? Is it his desire to lay down and be loved that is actually him? To please someone? A flash of a near-eradicated memory, hugging his mother’s calf as a toddler. His mother, his real mother, not Mother Miranda. The longing to please, to make her happy… Which part of him is real? Who is he?
NO! Miranda wants him to remember that!! Miranda wants him to fawn over her like that!!! He thrashes towards her, bringing down enormous metal fists – too late. She’s already gone again.
“I don’t appreciate been struck at by my son, Heisenberg. It seems you need a reminder that I am in charge of this household.”
Black wings, a storm of roots and talons. Dark branches engulf him, a briar twice the size of his own massive form. He can’t even see what’s happening.
She slams him into the ground and he shatters. The body mass of ten whole people is twisted and melted and pulverized and he can’t even feel it through the rage. He’s screaming so much. He’s screaming so he won’t cry. He’s strong. He’s brave. He’s better than her. Hold onto that. No pain. No wanting to be held. No longing for acceptance.
He’s laying on his back, the shell around him utterly broken and Miranda pouring rain over his fragile human form. But he still doesn’t let himself cry. Little does Miranda know how she’s courting her own downfall. He’ll get stronger. Even his real mother was useless. She was too weak to protect him. No one will ever protect him so he will have to protect himself. He doesn’t want a family, no. He doesn’t want to be there for anyone ever again.
Because no one has ever been there for him.
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writer-at-the-table · 3 months ago
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Unorthodox Menorah II by Joel Otterson, 1993, Mixed metal pipes, cast bronze, porcelain, and glass
"A key component of Joel Otterson's art is the relationship between an object's function and its symbolic purpose; this ideological stance makes Otterson an ideal candidate for creating Jewish ceremonial objects. But despite his interest in the symbolic, Otterson never made a ritual object until 1991, after he visited Israel and became aware of the power of the menorah form. Otterson discovered that this ancient form could be understood on many levels: it has deep religious meaning and is connected with the story of Hanukkah; it is a symbol of the State of Israel and an essential presence in many Israeli homes; and it is even a favorite souvenir for tourists. Touring the large and impressive collection of Hanukkah lamps in the Israel Museum inspired him to make a special Hanukkah lamp entitled Orthodox Menorah, which is in a private collection. The Jewish Museum commissioned this second version in 1993. Otterson's lamp builds on traditional forms but follows the artist's quirky style, which reclaims objects from their everyday existence and reuses them in visually arresting and innovative ways. One of the most striking elements of his lamp is the ornate armature of copper pipe fittings, which he welded together to form the menorah's branches. Copper pipes and soldering are a recurring theme in Otterson's work and recall the profession of both his father and brother, who were plumbers.
Otterson is a master of displacement-that is, juxtaposing unlikely elements to create surprising visual effects, such as the hypermasculine Hulk Hogan figure that crowns Unorthodox Menorah II. During his stay in Israel, Otterson noted that cartoon characters had invaded the realm of ceremonial objects. Bart Simpson, the Smurfs, and the Peanuts characters were regularly emblazoned on yarmulkes (skullcaps) worn by Jewish boys. The playfulness and charm of this idea inspired the artist to choose Hulk Hogan for this lamp. He reasoned, "If they can make a Bart Simpson yarmulke, I can make a Hulk Hogan menorah." The cast glass image of Hulk might at first seem completely incongruous, but traditional Hanukkah lamps often featured a victorious figure, such as the biblical Judith, to suggest the victory of the Jews over their oppressors. The artist updated this idea with an image of the famous television wrestler.
Along with its spreading copper arms and triumphant Hulk Hogan figure, Unorthodox Menorah II features what appears to be a vintage ceramic lamp as a decoration for the main shaft. The base is a cast creation that the artist made to suggest the garish flower-covered ceramic lamps popular in the 1940s and 50s. Otterson uses this object as if it were a precious memento or souvenir It is at once familiar and jarring but resonates with the story of an old lamp that kept on burning." (Berger, Maurice et al. MASTERWORKS OF THE JEWISH MUSEUM. New York: The Jewish Museum, 2004, p. 160.)
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seashellsandteacups · 11 months ago
A Brother Named Gethsemane
Naked blue boy put down your pipe. They found your shoes in the meadow. Mom’s and Dad’s hearts are overripe.
Pluck that crimson orb rusted package from the branches mother’s arms our tree you’ve chopped away at for too long with your mouth-bright ax pretty-teethed boy. Chop chop-ping. No stopping this Lost-boy-of-our-wilting-garden. Peter Pan wannabe. Peter be wanna pan. Oh don’t grow up now. Don’t turn away from the gapings on Mama’s trunk. Watch them glow with us electric gashes wounds like hurt-lanterns you’ve lit. Sit Indian-legged under this moon. Hurtling shiny bullet. Hungry boy. Licking your ruby-crusted lips. Fingerpicking father’s red-swelled eyes from where he cowers. A beat bush smoldering with shame. Old men should be allowed to sob in privacy. Turn up the radio. Tune in to the border stations those pirate Mexican heroin melodies. We’ve got to got to got to get back to that stinking garden.
Flyblown figs shimmer at you my bug-eyed boy. The glitzy-bodied flies boogie-woogie to your static grin numbing you while sexy screwworms empty you like a black hole. Ecstasy that must look pretty from inside—to core not just an apple but the entire orchard the family even the dog. Leave the shells to the crows. A field of red lampshades in the dark Garden of Myiasis. This is no cultivated haven. This is the earth riddled with a brother. The furrows are mountains. Waves of sand and we are ships wrecked. What’s left of a fleet of one hundred shadows shattered and bleached. A crop gone to sticks. The honeysuckle sags with bright sour powder. We have followed the flames followed him here where all the black birds in the world have fallen like a shotgun blast to the faded ground. The vines have hardened to worms baking in the desert heat. We are at the gate shaking the gate climbing the gate clanging our cups against the gate. This is no garden. This is my brother and I need a shovel to love him.
From WHEN MY BROTHER WAS AN AZTEC (Copper Canyon Press, 2012)
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somediyprojects · 1 year ago
DIY Copper + Branch Floor Lamp
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Project by Kate Pruitt:
We have this very annoying tree right outside our apartment that blocks all light from our windows, thwarting the sun’s attempts to warm us with its golden rays of energy. Damn you, tree! Recently I begged our landlord to at least consider trimming it back, and he finally relented, which left me with both a modicum of precious sunlight and some great large branches to use for projects! One of the felled limbs was especially long and solid and had a wonderful, gentle arc that just seemed so lamplike; I couldn’t resist. “I’ve lost my purpose. Make me a light!” it cried. Not really.
With autumn upon us, I decided to pair the branch with rich, warm copper and used a lovely sap-green color on the base to complement the season. Personally, I like the wonky bare-bones style of this little lamp, but if you wanted to dress it up a bit (my boyfriend said the copper part looked like a shower head . . . not cool dude), you could easily make or buy a solid cylindrical shade to place over the bulb. Now, don’t go hacking down trees like I did, but if you happen upon a fallen branch, I hope you’ll try this simple lighting project. Happy crafting! — Kate
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large branch (Look for one that isn’t too perfectly straight or too twisty but has a slight arc to it and is at least 1.5″ thick at its base to ensure it’s sturdy enough.)
log stump slice (Mine is prop from a friend’s wedding, but you can ask around at lumber yards for these, or you could buy several thinner ones from craft stores like Michael’s and glue a stack together to make a thick base. If all else fails, try searching for firewood sellers on Craigslist, and ask if they have any stumps they could cut for you.)
4–6 small eye hooks (depending on the length/height of your branch)
15–20′ black lamp cord
chandelier socket kit
6″ copper pipe (1/2″ diameter — you can have this cut for you, or buy a standard length and use a pipe cutter to cut yourself)
90-degree copper elbow (1/2″ diameter)
1/2″ to 3/4″ copper coupling
3/4″ copper coupling (NOTE: All the copper pipe and pieces can be found at larger hardware stores like Ace, OSH, Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc., in the plumbing dept.)
high-gloss paint and foam paintbrush (any color you want, I chose sap green)
palm sander or sandpaper
drill with standard bit, 1.5″ boring bit (also known as a paddle bit) and a 1/2″ boring/paddle bit
25- to 40-watt chandelier-size lightbulb
1. Sand your wood stump slice and cut the bottom edge of your branch with a saw to make a flat surface. Hold the branch over your wood stump to determine placement. I decided to set mine off-center for looks and to offset the arc of the lamp, but you could also place it in the center. Trace the branch with a pencil to mark the spot.
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2. Use your 1.5″ boring bit to drill a circular hole in the center of where you traced the branch. Then switch to a small drill bit (1/8″ or smaller) to drill a small pilot hole directly through the center of the hole through the entire stump. This is the pilot hole for the screw or nail that you will embed from the bottom.
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3. Place a good amount of wood glue onto the bottom of your branch and into the hole you made, then put the branch in place. Put tape around the base to secure it in place and set aside for the glue to dry. You may need to prop the branch against a wall to hold it in place while the glue dries.
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4. Once the glue is dry, hammer a 2″ nail or screw a flathead screw into the base of the branch from the underside of the stump, using the pilot hole you pre-drilled. This is not necessarily needed, but I like to add it for extra stability on top of the glue.
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5. Assemble your copper fittings and pipe together as shown below, and hold it up to the branch to determine where you want the pipe to extend. Mark the place on the branch where the pipe will come out, and also mark on the pipe where it hits the back of the branch to determine the correct length to cut the pipe.
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6. Use your 1/2″ drill bit to drill straight through the branch. Drill slowly and carefully to avoid cracking the branch, and don’t go so far up the branch that the hole is almost the exact width of the branch; ideally, you want at least 1/4″ to 1/2″ clearance on the width. Use your pipe cutter to cut the pipe to length.
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7a. Prepare your copper parts for assembly by removing stickers and cleaning them. Use scissors to gently strip 1″ of the lamp cord to expose the copper wires. If you examine your lamp cord, you will see that one of the cords has ridges and one side is completely smooth. You will also notice on your chandelier socket that one screw is brass/gold and the other is silver. Wrap the copper wire of the cord with ridges to the silver side, and wrap the copper wire of the smooth cord to the gold side (see second image below). Then slide the protective cardboard sleeve back over the socket.
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7b. Now thread your 1/2″ to 3/4″ coupling onto the cord, with the larger side facing the socket, and slip it over the top of the socket. Slide your copper elbow onto the cord, as well, and fit the two copper pipes together. Then slide the last 3/4″ coupling over the cardboard sleeve so that the end of the copper coupling extends just a hair beyond the cardboard sleeve.
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8. Slide your cord through the hole until the pipe reaches the branch, then wedge the pipe into the branch until it hits the back of the hole but does not extend out (see first image below). Then attach your small eye hooks so that the cord will match the curves of the branch. Thread the cord through the eye hooks.
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9. Paint the top of your log with two to three even coats of high-gloss paint, allowing the paint to dry between coats. Tape up the cord during this process so it doesn’t get in the way.
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10. Install the plug on the end of the lamp cord, using the same wiring technique from Step 7: Remove the rubber on the last 1″ to reveal copper wires and twist the copper around the screws, pairing the ridged cord with the silver screw and the smooth cord with the gold screw.
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You’re done!
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phixwips · 2 years ago
Witch Woods
Chapter 2 Acquiring a Body
Killer let out a cackle as he settled into the embers. Watching on as his summoner slowly tabbed through pages of some dusty old book.
“What that old book of yours for?”
“Herbal remedies”
“How boring!”
“Do I need to spray you again?”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Killer let out a large crackle, shadows dancing across the walls. Night rolling his eyes before tossing in a branch of silver wood, watching as the little fire demon quickly snatched it up and proceeded to chew on it. Night letting out a sigh before returning to his book.
It was an hour or so past time when Dream would normally have arrived home from gathering herbs, or at least that’s what the clock said. Night finally moving from his armchair and retrieved a old copper kettle, hanging it above the hearth
“Killer, heat that up will you,”
“Heh as you wish”
What an odd fire demon he was. Night shaking his head before wondering into the small pantry, digging around before locating a tin of lavander rose cookies. The perfect treat to have with tea.
Jumping slightly when the door of their home was slammed open followed by heavy footsteps and then a loud thud of something heavy being dropped.
Night curiously poking his head out of the pantry, seeing his brother and a body haphazardly thrown on the floor.
Wait a minute.
A body?
“Dreeeeeeam? Whacha got there?”
“Hm? O some roots, snow berries, some newts, ya know the normal stuff.”
“And your friend?”
Dream a quiet for a moment, a if he was trying to remember something. The sound of bells mingling in his laughter before he caught himself
“Ah right, I think I’m gonna call him Roots.”
Night taking a step to look at the person, watching as Dream maneuvered it to lean against the wall and removed its hood. A skeleton monster like them. But no life left in it?
“So where did you find Roots?”
“On my way back I stumbled over him, he was almost dust so I put a preservation charm on him. I was thinking we could dress him up and stuff em with hay, he’d make a good scarecrow down cha think?”
Night shaking his head, what an odd thing to do. Only Dream would think of something like that.
Gently nealing down at the side of the empty skeleton, running a stream of his own magic through it. Yup, nothing inside.
Dream stepping away to put away his cloak, listening as his bones popped as he stretched. A moment passing before Dream spoke, well more barked
“Killer! Heat up some water, I’m taking a bath,”
“O come on! First the kettle now a whole bath!”
“I will drown you, you know”
“Ugggggg!! Your so cruel to me!”
The sound of pipes raddled as water was pushed through them. Well at least it didn’t end like last time when Dream carried Killer all the way to the pond to prove his point.
Taking his attention back to the skeleton, it was still in perfect condition. Glancing to Killer who was sulking.
He wondered, would it be possible for Killer to inhabit this body?
He would have to talk with Dream later about it.
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quick-drawn · 2 years ago
starter. ↪ @colecassiidy
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It's a one-hundred year old farm house — the floorboards bend and warp with the weather, branches from century-old oaks prod at shingles and scratch at siding with each gust of WIND, outdated copper pipe whines under the pressure of modern appliances — it's OLD. There's gonna be weird creaks and shadows in the middle of the night.
THIS, however, was not any of that. He was sure of it.
The unnatural clink of METAL clattering to the floor is what initially woke him from his sleep, Colton unable to ignore the odd domino-effect of clamor that followed. Something, or someone, had made it into the house — and he wasn't gonna wait around upstairs for them to find him first.
Peacekeeper is instinctively grabbed from his nightstand, held in clammy hands as he slowly made his way through the house. Each step down the two story staircase was a gamble whether or not it'd expose his approach with an ill timed SQUEAK. They hadn't been here long enough for him to learn such details of the old farm house — hardly long enough for them to even receive the first utility bill. Him and his mother, besides the house, they had nothing. He couldn't imagine what they were here looking for — what would be worth making so much of a ruckus over,
— worth risking your life over, his finger settling liberally over the trigger as he made it off the last step.
Drawers shuffled open and closed, still unpacked cardboard boxes slid across hardwood floors — though he grew closer to the intruder, the sound seemed to grow DISTANT, the pounding in his chest moving up to his ears until all he could hear was his own shallow, shaky breaths. He didn't want to do this — but he doesn't give himself enough time to back down.
Turning the corner with revolver leveled, the click of the hammer should be enough to get their attention, but he can't make out a face in the dark of the night. "Don't fuckin' move." said loud enough for the trespasser to hear, but hopefully quiet enough to not wake his mother upstairs. He'd rather resolve this PEACEFULLY — and without anymore blood to stain his hands...
" — 'fraid you've got th'wrong house." He takes one more step closer, just enough to see their hands over the counter — just enough to pull his stomach into an anxious knot...
"Whatever you're lookin' for AIN'T HERE. Stand up."
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blueknightmage · 1 month ago
Always reblog, because you never know when this can literally save someone.
Now, for the advice tips, I applied a lot of these myself, but some of the ones I'll mention might sound downright outlandish and might even include a trigger warning or two, so I sincerely apologize if I don't identify them as such. Also, not to shift the conversation, but this is specially helpful for neurodivergents and the LGBT+ community and can also be applied if you want to hide your own beliefs. Do so quietly and responsibly as best as you can.
1.- become an expert at controlled hyper vigilance. It's easy to become hypervigilant 24/7 in the danger zone, but it's equally important to not raise your stress levels to a degree you can't come back down from. True, you can be observant and ready for anything and anywhere and anytime, but learn to identify your safe times and zones. Constant, conscious, and willed hypervigilance tends to affect your brain on a level that'll make your brain be undistinguishable from that of a PTSD black ops veteran, yeah, that bad.
2.- learn ninjutsu. Yes, the art of ninja combat. I am adamantly not kidding on this one. I have been diagnosed with ADHD since 5 years old, and only a few months ago with level 1 autism. Why do I say that? Dispraxia, the disconnection of bodily movements in relation to the environment, aka clumsiness, is a part of ADHD. What does that mean for this? If I was hungry or had to move to a different part of the room so I would not get a surprise beating at night, I would crawl but honestly forget a pencil box in my backpack and it would ring as loud as a prison alarm. So, ninjutsu helped me to count and take into account everything.
Example from a real-life experience: it's 2am, I want to go to the bathroom. Tile floor, but heavy wooden door that creaks? Lift it first, then twist slowly the doorknob, wait to listen for any sounds that might betray you, now open the door just enough for you to squeeze through without dropping the door, then bring back the door and let it slowly down to rest against the doorframe without the lock clicking it to place so that from afar it looks like it's still close with you inside the room, turn slowly around on your heels to face away from the door. Now, for the walking part, (look down at your feet right now and see the outer edges? That's what you place down first on the ground to the place the rest of your foot, never walk on the balls of your feet or heels, the risk of losing balance or missteps increase by an order of magnitude you do not want to risk it.) place your feet as aforementioned, and slowly release the rest of your foot down, wait and the repeat over and over, until you go to the bathroom or wherever, and repeat the same process with the door until you are safe and sound back in your room.
Now ninjutsu helps out with more than just body movements and coordination, it'll teach you to weaponize anything in a pinch and also how to survive if you find yourself outside. To be fair, by weaponize, I do not just mean for attack mode, but also for defensive purposes. Someone comes into your room to make your head ring like a bell? Grab a pillow and a chair or stool or your backpack from school and that'll take the heavier part of whatever they're swinging your way. Need to get a baton but can't afford one? Cheap discarded copper or PVC pipes can be glued to make one that can be filled with silicone or grout filling or sand or whatever to give you some leverage, or find a tree branch than can form a Y or T-section to use as one. If you can, get a small sling bag that can fit close to your body under any shirt or hoodie or jacket, and try to keep some emergency essentials there, such as a few flattened bills tucked inside a small piece of cardboard with important phones and/or addresses, an extra charger and cable, dry fruit, a small magnifying glass to both read out stuff and start a fire, etc, anything survivalist that can help you. If you get kicked out of the house but can't walk or bike away to another house, dig up a hole carefully under a bush or shrub, and use the removed dirt to create a rim that can block out the wind or cold. Stick stuff around the house with either duct tape or electrical tape so it can be easily stored away. Be aware of any and all nooks and crannies, both inside and outside to hide stuff by taping it or pressing it or stuffing it somewhere, such as air ducts or below furniture or between the base of tree branches, while also taking measures to hide it. All of this boils down to safety of 1, yourself, 2, your belongings and items that ensure and facilitate your life and success in life as well, and 3, the concepts and activities and notions and beliefs that make you be you that can protect you until you no longer have a worry about your safety or future.
4.- any important information that can be used against you or is too valuable to be risked needs to be encrypted in some sort or manner, and the more layers of protection, the better for you. Example: you got something to hide, encode it in Willow script, but also write it from bottom to top, and write it in mirror mode. Obviously, start slowly, and get comfortable in one layer of encoding before moving on to adding another layer.
5.- now, this point is more for the religious aspects that still warrant being highly careful. All of this can be applied as well if you follow a different religion or spiritual path from your family for which you can be ostracized or ridiculed or beaten or kicked out or all of the above. Sew an extra layer of cloth into your backpack that can only be accessed from the inside bottom part to hide a small portable altar. Buy a pocket-sized notebook to keep your spell work and rituals close at hand. Download an app that can have a pin placed, like an e-diary or a journal app so you can safely store your writings and personal stuff as privately as possible. Also, depending on the OS of your phone, I've heard that some systems have apps that can change app icons to something else.
If you need any help or tips or such, let me know by DM.
May the odds be ever in your favor,
till there are no odds against you.
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak
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instrumxxusa · 2 months ago
Strong Connections Using Ferrule Pipe Fittings
In the world of industrial instrumentation and piping, ensuring sturdy and leak-proof connections is of intense importance. Among the numerous answers available, ferrule fittings have emerged as a dependable and green choice for accomplishing steady connections. These fittings are the backbone of instrumentation systems, imparting power, precision, and durability. This blog explores the importance of ferrule pipe fittings, their particular capabilities, and why they may be critical in commercial enterprise packages.
What Are Ferrule Fittings?
Ferrule fittings, also referred to as compression fittings, are additives designed to attach pipes or tubes in a manner that ensures a leak-evidence seal. They encompass 3 key components:
Body: The essential housing consists of the ferrule and nut.
Ferrule: A ring-usual issue that compresses onto the pipe or tube while tightened.
Nut: Used to regularize the ferrule in place and tighten the relationship.
These fittings work on the concept of compression. When the nut is tightened, the ferrule compresses in opposition to the pipe or tube, creating a first-rate seal. The beauty of ferrule pipe fittings lies in their capacity to offer steady connections without the need for welding, soldering, or distinct, complicated tactics.
Why Choose Ferrule Pipe Fittings?
1. Leak-Proof Connections
The number one advantage of ferrule fittings is their capability to create leak-evidence seals. This guarantees that even under excessive-pressure conditions, the system remains stable. For industries managing vital fluids or gases, this option is beneficial.
2. Durability
Manufactured with the use of fantastic materials together with stainless steel, brass, and unique alloys, ferrule pipe fittings are rather durable. They resist corrosion, abrasion, and put-on, making them suitable for harsh commercial enterprise environments.
3. Ease of Installation
One of the standout functions of ferrule fittings is their truthful setup process. With no requirement for unique equipment or information, the ones fittings are a go-to choice for brief and green connections.
4. Versatility
Ferrule fittings are nicely matched with plenty of pipes and tubes, inclusive of stainless steel, copper, and plastic. This versatility makes them suitable for diverse packages in industries like oil and fuel, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food processing.
5. Reusability
Another advantage of ferrule fittings is their reusability. Once set up, they may be disassembled and reused, making them a price-powerful solution over the years.
Applications of Ferrule Pipe Fittings
The versatility of ferrule fittings extends to a huge variety of packages:
Instrumentation Systems: Ferrule pipe fittings are broadly utilized in instrumentation setups for specific control and dimensions.
Oil and Gas Industry: These fittings are crucial for transporting moderate-pressure gases and fluids.
Chemical Processing: With their ability to withstand corrosive materials, ferrule fittings ensure protection in chemical processing plants.
Water Treatment: In systems where leak-evidence connections are essential, ferrule fittings play a key role.
Aerospace and Automotive: Their precision and reliability make them best for critical programs in the aerospace and car industries.
Types of Ferrule Pipe Fittings
Ferrule fittings are available in several configurations to cater to unique piping necessities. Common sorts encompass:
Union Fittings: Used to attach two pipes or tubes, ensuring a steady and leak-evidence joint.
Elbow Fittings: Designed for changing the route of fluid flow at a ninety-degree or 45-degree angle.
Tee Fittings: Used to branch out fluid flow into three directions.
Reducer Fittings: Allow the connection of pipes or tubes of various sizes.
Bulkhead Fittings: Provide steady connections via partitions or panels.
Each kind of ferrule pipe is meticulously engineered to ensure reliability and overall performance in its unique software.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Ferrule Pipe Fittings
To make the maximum of ferrule fittings, it's vital to don't forget the following factors:
Material: Choose fittings crafted from materials that form the working environment. For instance, stainless steel ferrule fittings are best for corrosive environments.
Size: Ensure compatibility with the pipes or tubes being associated.
Pressure Rating: Verify that the fittings can withstand the device's running pressure.
Brand Reputation: Opt for relied-upon manufacturers like Instrumxx Industries, which prioritize fine and endurance.
Delivering Xtra Quality and Xtra Endurance
Instrumxx Industries, set up in 2021, has swiftly obtained recognition as a depended-on call inside the production of fittings, valves, condensate pots, air headers, and allied instrumentation hardware products. The business organization operates under the esteemed brand name 'IXX', with an assignment to deliver Xtra Quality and Xtra Endurance to its customers.
As an ISO-certified company, Instrumxx Industries ensures that each product meets stringent, great standards. Their sort of ferrule pipe fittings stand proud for their precision engineering, durability, and unmatched common overall performance. Whether you want fittings for high-stress programs or vital instrumentation systems, IXX products offer a reliable solution.
Our dedication to innovation and patron pleasure has positioned it as a one-prevent procurement vacation spot for instrumentation products. By leveraging superior production techniques, the enterprise organization gives fittings that meet the numerous desires of industries internationally.
The IXX Advantage in Ferrule Fittings
Instrumxx Industries takes pride in its ferrule fittings, which encompass the corporation's ethos of pleasantness and endurance. Here's what sets IXX fittings aside:
Precision Engineering: Designed to offer leak-evidence connections, ensuring the protection and performance of your structures.
Wide Range: From union fittings to reducers, IXX offers an extensive range of ferrule pipe fittings for every requirement.
Superior Materials: Manufactured using high-grade stainless steel and other durable materials.
Reliability: Backed through ISO certification, each product undergoes rigorous attempting to ensure top-notch overall performance.
Ferrule pipe fittings have revolutionised the manner in which industries benefit from sturdy and dependable connections. Their leak-proof layout, sturdiness, and flexibility motivate them to an essential issue in several packages. When it comes to sourcing top-notch fittings, valves, and instrumentation hardware, Instrumxx Industries remains a name to trust.
With their determination to Xtra Quality and Xtra Endurance, we keep to steer the way in delivering dependable solutions for commercial piping and instrumentation desires. Explore their variety of ferrule fittings and enjoy the unequalled advantage of strolling with a relied-on producer.
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acharyabhairavi · 2 months ago
Simplify Your Business with 22/7 Enterprise Refjoint
Feeling bogged down by complex refrigerant management systems in your business? 22/7 Enterprise Refjoint can help! We are a leading manufacturer of VRF and refrigerant copper components, offering a wide range of products designed to streamline your operations and increase efficiency. Our high-quality branch pipes, fittings, and joints are meticulously crafted to ensure seamless integration and reliable performance within your refrigerant systems. Contact us now!
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onestophandymanservicenj · 2 months ago
What Are the Best Materials for Pipe Repairs in West Long Branch?
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Attention, homeowners and property managers in West Long Branch! If you're dealing with leaky or damaged pipes, it's crucial to choose the right materials for effective and long-lasting repairs. Pipe repairs can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and materials, you can ensure a seamless and cost-effective solution.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best materials for pipe repairs in West Long Branch, taking into account factors such as durability, cost, and ease of installation. So, let's dive in and uncover the secrets to successful pipe repairs.
I. Understanding Pipe Materials
Before we delve into the best materials for repairs, it's essential to understand the different types of pipes commonly used in residential and commercial settings. Here are some of the most prevalent pipe materials:
Copper Pipes: Copper pipes are known for their durability, resistance to corrosion, and ability to withstand high water pressure. They are commonly used for water supply lines and are relatively easy to repair.
PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Pipes: PVC pipes are lightweight, affordable, and resistant to chemicals and corrosion. They are widely used for drain lines, vent pipes, and irrigation systems.
PEX (Cross-linked Polyethylene) Pipes: PEX pipes are flexible, durable, and resistant to freeze-thaw cycles. They are often used for water supply lines and radiant heating systems.
Cast Iron Pipes: Cast iron pipes are sturdy and long-lasting but can be susceptible to corrosion over time. They are commonly found in older buildings and are used for drainage and waste systems.
Galvanized Steel Pipes: Galvanized steel pipes are coated with zinc to prevent corrosion. They are durable and suitable for water supply lines but can corrode over time, especially in areas with hard water.
II. Best Materials for Pipe Repairs in West Long Branch
Now that you're familiar with the different pipe materials, let's explore the best options for repairs in West Long Branch:
Epoxy Pipe Repair Systems: Epoxy pipe repair systems are an excellent choice for repairing leaks and cracks in various types of pipes, including copper, PVC, and cast iron. These systems involve applying a specialized epoxy compound to the damaged area, creating a strong and durable seal. Epoxy repairs are cost-effective, long-lasting, and can be applied without disrupting the entire pipe system.
Pipe Repair Clamps: Pipe repair clamps, also known as pipe repair couplings or sleeves, are versatile and effective for repairing leaks and cracks in pipes. These clamps are made of stainless steel or other durable materials and are designed to fit snugly around the damaged area, creating a secure seal. Pipe repair clamps are available in various sizes to accommodate different pipe diameters and are suitable for various pipe materials, including copper, PVC, and cast iron.
PEX Pipe Repair Fittings: For repairs on PEX pipes, specialized PEX pipe repair fittings are the way to go. These fittings are designed to create a secure and leak-proof connection between PEX pipes and other pipe materials, such as copper or PVC. PEX pipe repair fittings are easy to install and provide a reliable and long-lasting solution.
Pipe Relining Systems: In cases where the pipe damage is extensive or difficult to access, pipe relining systems can be a viable option. These systems involve inserting a flexible, resin-impregnated liner into the existing pipe, which is then cured in place, creating a new, seamless pipe within the old one. Pipe relining is a trenchless solution that minimizes disruption and is suitable for various pipe materials, including cast iron and clay.
III. Factors to Consider When Choosing Pipe Repair Materials
When selecting the best materials for pipe repairs in West Long Branch, it's essential to consider the following factors:
Pipe Material: The type of pipe material you're working with will determine the most suitable repair material. Different pipe materials have varying compatibility with repair products, so it's crucial to choose a repair solution designed specifically for your pipe type.
Extent of Damage: The severity and location of the pipe damage will influence the repair method and materials required. Minor leaks or cracks may be addressed with epoxy or clamps, while more extensive damage may necessitate pipe relining or replacement.
Accessibility: Consider the accessibility of the damaged pipe area. Some repair methods, such as pipe relining, may be more suitable for hard-to-reach or concealed pipes, as they minimize the need for extensive excavation or demolition.
Cost and Durability: While cost is always a consideration, it's essential to balance it with the durability and longevity of the repair solution. Investing in high-quality, long-lasting materials can save you from frequent and costly repairs in the future.
Environmental Impact: In today's eco-conscious world, it's important to consider the environmental impact of the repair materials you choose. Option for materials that are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and have a minimal carbon footprint.
IV. Professional Assistance from One Stop Handyman
While some pipe repairs can be tackled as DIY projects, it's always advisable to seek professional assistance, especially for more complex or extensive repairs. One Stop Handyman, a reputable and experienced handyman service in West Long Branch, offers comprehensive pipe repair solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Their team of skilled professionals can assess the damage, recommend the most suitable repair materials, and execute the repairs with precision and efficiency. By partnering with One Stop Handyman, you can rest assured that your pipe repairs will be completed to the highest standards, ensuring long-lasting and reliable results.
Choosing the right materials for pipe repairs in West Long Branch is crucial for ensuring a successful and long-lasting solution. Whether you opt for epoxy repair systems, pipe repair clamps, PEX fittings, or pipe relining, it's essential to consider factors like pipe material, extent of damage, accessibility, cost, durability, and environmental impact.
Remember, while some pipe repairs can be tackled as DIY projects, it's always advisable to seek professional assistance from experienced handyman services like One Stop Handyman for more complex or extensive repairs. Their expertise and quality workmanship will ensure that your pipe repair project is completed efficiently and effectively, providing you with peace of mind and a reliable plumbing system for years to come.
If you're in need of professional pipe repair services in West Long Branch, don't hesitate to contact One Stop Handyman. Their team of skilled professionals is ready to assist you with all your pipe repair needs, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.
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nirbobharvey · 2 months ago
Atlanta Commercial Roofing
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Protect your Atlanta commercial property from severe weather, leaks, and indefinite closure. Understanding available commercial roof types and which roofing company can meet your commercial structure’s needs will help preserve your business operation and property value.
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New Image Roofing Atlanta gathered information about commercial roofing systems, why commercial roofs leak, signs your roof needs to be replaced, commercial roof maintenance programs, and why New Image Roofing Atlanta should be your roofer.
Commercial Roofing System Types
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Commercial roofs come in various materials and designs, each suited to specific building needs. New Image Roofing Atlanta specializes in multiple commercial roofing systems, including:
1. TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) – TPO is a popular choice due to its energy efficiency, durability, and UV ray resistance. Its heat-welded seams provide superior waterproofing, making it an excellent choice for flat and low-slope roofs.
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2. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) – PVC is known for its chemical resistance and durability. It’s an ideal option for restaurants or manufacturing facilities where exposure to grease or chemicals is a concern.
3. EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) – This rubber roofing material is resistant to weathering and an economical choice for flat roofs. It is lightweight and flexible – suitable for various building sizes.
4. Built-Up Roofing (BUR) – Built-up roofing consists of multiple layers of asphalt and fabric, topped with a protective coating. It offers excellent durability and is a time-tested solution for flat roofs.
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5. Metal Roofing – Metal roofs are lightweight, durable, and environmentally friendly. They are available in materials like aluminum, steel, and copper, with long-term reliability and aesthetics.
6. Torch-Down Roofing – Torch-down roofing is made from modified bitumen and applied using a torch. This material is waterproof and resistant to extreme weather, making it a reliable option for flat or low-slope roofs.
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Note: Only a few roofing companies are qualified in torch-down roofing. New Image Roofing Atlanta’s installation crews are fully trained and licensed to install and maintain torch-down roofing systems.
Why Commercial Roofs Leak
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Even the best commercial roofs can develop problems over time due to various factors. Here are common reasons for commercial roof leaks:
1. Age – Roofing materials degrade over time. As a roof ages, it becomes less effective at protecting the building, making leaks more likely.
2. Bad Flashing – Flashing seals the edges of roof penetrations like vents and chimneys. Improper installation or deterioration can create entry points for water.
3. Faulty Penetration Boots – Rubber boots used to seal around pipes or other penetrations can crack or wear down, leading to water infiltration.
4. Branch, Debris, or Foot-Traffic Damage – Branches and debris can puncture roofing membranes, and excessive foot traffic can wear down materials, compromising the roof’s integrity.
5. Mold Damage – Mold and algae thrive in Atlanta’s humid climate. Over time, they can weaken roofing materials and lead to leaks.
6. Damaged Membrane – The membrane of a flat roof is its primary barrier against water. Tears, punctures, or wear in the membrane can result in leaks.
7. Drain and Gutter Issues – Clogged drains and gutters can cause water to pool on the roof, leading to leaks and structural damage.
Commercial Roof Replacement Signs
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Knowing when to replace a commercial roof is crucial to avoid costly repairs and prevent damage to your property. Here are signs that indicate it may be time for a replacement:
Frequent Repairs: A complete replacement may be more cost-effective when a roof requires frequent maintenance.
Visible Damage: Cracks, tears, or punctures in the roofing material suggest that it’s nearing the end of its lifespan.
Water Stains and Leaks: Persistent water stains on ceilings or walls often indicate significant roof damage.
Sagging Roof Sections: Structural issues like sagging indicate that the roof’s integrity is compromised.
Old Age: Most commercial roofs have a lifespan of 15–30 years, depending on the material.
The Fast Process at New Image Roofing Atlanta
New Image Roofing Atlanta understands that time is money for businesses, which is why they’ve streamlined their process to deliver fast, efficient service without sacrificing quality:
1. Comprehensive Inspection: Their team conducts a thorough assessment using advanced technology to pinpoint issues.
2. Detailed Recommendations: You’ll receive a precise, no-obligation estimate outlining the best solutions for your roof.
3. Swift Action: Whether a minor repair or a complete replacement, their experienced team gets the job done quickly and efficiently.
4. Minimal Disruption: They work around your schedule to minimize interruptions to your business operations.
Roof Maintenance Program Benefits
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Preventative maintenance is one of the best ways to extend the life of your roof and avoid costly repairs. Here’s why investing in a roof maintenance program is essential:
1. Early Problem Detection – Routine inspections help identify minor issues before they escalate into significant problems.
2. Extended Lifespan – Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and resealing, preserves the roof’s materials and delays replacement.
3. Improved Energy Efficiency – A well-maintained roof provides better insulation, reducing energy costs for heating and cooling.
4. Warranty Compliance – Many manufacturers require routine maintenance to keep warranties valid.
5. Cost Savings – Preventative care is far more affordable than emergency repairs or premature roof replacements.
Why Choose New Image Roofing Atlanta?
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A reliable and high-quality roofing system is essential to protect commercial properties in Atlanta. Businesses need durable roofing solutions capable of withstanding Georgia’s unpredictable weather conditions. New Image Roofing Atlanta has built a strong reputation for delivering exceptional commercial roofing services with unmatched efficiency and professionalism. Trusted by companies like Delta, Piggly Wiggly, Norfolk Southern, Mavis Tires and Brakes, Krispy Kreme, and Volvo, the company has become a go-to resource for businesses across the city. Consider the following:
Expertise with Significant Clients – Serving clients like Delta, Piggly Wiggly, and Norfolk Southern, New Image Roofing Atlanta has proven its ability to handle large-scale commercial projects efficiently.
Commitment to Quality – The company uses only premium materials and follows industry best practices, ensuring long-lasting results.
Customer-Centric Approach – New Image Roofing Atlanta prides itself on transparency, clear communication, and exceptional customer service.
Environmentally Responsible – They prioritize sustainability by recycling old roofing materials whenever possible.
BBB Accredited Business – New Image Roofing Atlanta is an accredited – A+ Rated – roofing contractor.
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Commercial Roofing Atlanta
In this article, you discovered crucial information about commercial roofing systems, why they leak, signs your roof needs to be replaced, commercial roof maintenance programs, and why you need New Image Roofing Atlanta to be your roofer.
A reliable roof is an essential investment for Atlanta-based businesses. New Image Roofing Atlanta provides top-tier commercial roofing services, including installations, repairs, replacements, and maintenance programs, ensuring long-term performance. With a fast, efficient process and a proven track record with major clients, New Image Roofing Atlanta is the trusted choice for commercial roofing solutions in Georgia.
Ignoring your commercial roofing system’s condition, maintenance, and needs will cause premature leaks, potential business closure, and significant revenue loss.
Sources: gsa.gov/real-estate/historic-preservation/historic-preservation-policy-tools/preservation-tools-resources/technical-procedures/types-of-flat-roofing-and-factors-affecting-its-deterioration energy.gov/energysaver/cool-roofs
New Image Roofing Atlanta
2020 Howell Mill Rd NW Suite 232 Atlanta, GA30318 (404) 680-0041
To see the original version of this article, visit https://www.newimageroofingatlanta.com/atlanta-commercial-roofing/
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skmetals74 · 2 months ago
Are you looking for Copper Tee
SK Metals is the best supplier of Copper Tee . SK Metals is a leading supplier of premium-quality copper tees, designed to provide reliable and efficient solutions for various piping and plumbing applications. Copper tees are essential for creating T-shaped pipe connections, allowing for the branching of fluid flow in systems. SK Metals offers copper tees that ensure seamless connections, making them ideal for use in plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications. Crafted from high-grade copper, these tees are durable, corrosion-resistant, and long-lasting. They are available in a variety of sizes and configurations to suit different types of piping systems. Whether you need a 45°, 90°, or 180° tee, SK Metals ensures that each product is manufactured with precision, adhering to the highest industry standards. The copper tees from SK Metals are easy to install, providing leak-proof connections that enhance the overall performance of the system. They are designed to withstand high pressures and extreme conditions, making them ideal for both residential and commercial projects. SK Metals is committed to offering top-quality copper fittings at competitive prices, ensuring customer satisfaction. With a focus on reliability and efficiency, SK Metals is the trusted supplier for all your copper tee needs, providing durable products that ensure the smooth operation of your piping systems.
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mcneilinstruments · 5 months ago
Leading Instrumentation Flare End Fittings Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters in India - Mcneil Instruments Inc
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Mcneil Instruments Inc provides high-quality instrumentation flare end fittings, ensuring reliable, leak-proof connections for various applications. Our product range includes Swivel Adjustable Branch Tee, Swivel Adjustable Elbow, Swivel Union, Swivel Pipe Adapter, Collar, Flare Male Connector, Flare Female Elbow, Flare Bulkhead Union, Flare Union Tee, Flare Union Cross, and more. These flare fittings, made from durable materials like brass, copper, and steel, are ideal for high-pressure and high-temperature environments such as gas transport, refrigeration, and hydraulic systems.
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cyans-ocverse-of-madness · 6 months ago
The Beginning
words - 799
No tw/cw
Next part is going to be Initiation :))))
The Being didn't remember anything from before that day. That one strange, beautiful day when she had woken up and become a Speaker. 
She was dozing peacefully when she felt a sharp poke in her side.
“Hrhgh?” The Being mumbled at the sudden pain.
“Is it dead?”
She peeked upwards from her place on the grass and squinted in the bright light.
“Oh! Look. It's eyes opened!”
There were three figures standing around her. Each was wearing loose clothes of varying orange and brown shades. The one poking her with a stick had rock-like skin and pure white hair. She was pretty sure this one had been the one asking if “it” was dead.
The second figure was ginger, had a rosy complexion and teal spikes all over her head and shoulders. The same teal was glowing from her right eye while her left was a fiery orange. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
The third person reached out to give The Being a hand up. She blinked slowly.
“Yeah… I think?” The Being responded. 
This person was a short masculine figure with horns, goat-like eyes, and dark red hair.
“I'm Zelbu. Who are you?” The Being hesitated.
“I… I’m… I don't know. Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you guys?”
She tried to get a grasp of her surroundings as her hand reached up to grab his. 
Zelbu's skin looked ashy compared to The Being's. He had brown skin, yet he also looked like he had not been in the sun for a very long time. The Being's hand was a rich copper that glowed in the tree-dappled sunlight.
The one with the spikes puffed out her chest proudly. She put a fist over her heart and grinned with a mouth full of fangs.
“We are the newly promoted Junior Explorers of the Locust Speaker branch. I am Dryope, and this is Hestia-" she pointed to the grey skinned one “-and Zelbu.” 
She turned to her companions and lowered her voice, “Maybe if we bring back a new recruit, we can get ordained early. I sure don't want to wait another two years.”
Hestia frowned. “What's a deerborn gonna do for our higher ups? Plus, this one looks barely more than 12 years old. We're only 14 and we're on the young side of recruiting.” 
“Pleeeeaaaaase?” Dryope whined.
The Being reached upwards, and her hand brushed something hard. An antler protruded from each side of her head.
“I'm not sure what's going on. Would you be able to help me figure out why I'm here? And why can't I remember anything?”
Zelbu looked startled. “Did you hit your head? Oh no, did we find someone with brain damage?”
“No, I think I'm fine. My mind is just blank? I don't know.” She shrugged.
Hestia crossed their arms angrily but Zelbu and Dryope shared an understanding glance.
Dryope spoke first. “You'll come with us on one condition. You have to join The Speakers.”
“The what?”
“The Speakers? One of the great branches? People of the lava and the truth?” Hestia piped up.
The Being thought for a moment. She thought this sounded like a cult, but wasn't going to comment on these teenager's beliefs if they could get her help.
“Why not! I'll come with you.”
It was that simple. That one conversation between brainwashed foot soldiers and an unknowing child caused so much to happen, even if they didn't know it then.
As soon as The Being entered the fortress, she knew she had made a mistake. The walls pressed in around her,  making her jumpy. All sorts of people passed her in the hall. Dryope had gone into some room and told her to wait outside. The other two had wandered off somewhere, probably getting back to their duties. 
The door opened and Dryope stepped out. “Welcome to Locust.” She grinned and held out a pile of robes for The Being to try on. These were probably the uniform. 
“Hold on, I never agreed to-” Dryope placed a finger on The Being's lips. 
“It's for your own good. Now, let's go to the dorms and get you a place to sleep.”
The Being was left alone in a long room full of sleeping mats. The heat was oppressive, so she began undressing to get into the new uniform. She reached into her pant pockets, just to check them before disposing of the dirty fabric. Inside was a cool, golden medallion.
On one side it read “||𝙹⚍  ᔑ∷ᒷ  ||𝙹⚍∷  ⍑𝙹ᒲᒷ” [you are your home] in standard galactic. Somehow, The Being could read it no problem. She turned it over. This side had small butterflies made of a purple crystal and the word “Esper”.
“That's me, isn't it?”
Esper had found her name and her new home.
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metalforgeindia · 6 months ago
Stainless Steel 904L Pipe Fitting Tee manufacturer in Turkey | Metalforgeindia In the vicinity of industrial programs, the selection of pipe fittings plays an important characteristic in ensuring overall performance, durability, and typical performance. Among the numerous substances available, Stainless Steel 904L stands proud as a top-class desire for its excellent homes. As a major Stainless Steel 904L pipe fitting tee manufacturer in Turkey, Metal Forge India makes a specialty of turning in excellent products designed to satisfy the desires of numerous industries.
Understanding Stainless Steel 904L
Stainless Steel 904L is a low-carbon austenitic stainless-steel alloy that includes immoderate levels of chromium, nickel, and molybdenum. This particular composition gives 904L its first-rate corrosion resistance, making it remarkable for environments that incorporate excessive concentrations of chlorides, which incorporate chemical processing, marine packages, and wastewater remedies. The addition of copper moreover complements its resistance to sulfuric acid, a not unusual corrosive agent in severa industrial techniques.
Key Properties of Stainless Steel 904L
Outstanding Corrosion Resistance The high nickel and molybdenum content fabric cloth in 904L affords great resistance to localized corrosion, pitting, and crevice corrosion. This makes it a suitable preference for applications uncovered to aggressive chemical substances, which encompass acids and chlorides.
High Strength and Toughness 904L continues its electricity even at multiplied temperatures, ensuring that additives live robustly underneath difficult conditions. Its splendid sturdiness is likewise crucial in applications that require immoderate effect resistance.
Weldability and Fabrication Stainless Steel 904L is without issues weldable and may be fabricated into complicated shapes without losing its mechanical homes. This flexibility is vital for producers wanting custom-designed solutions.
Low Magnetic Permeability As a non-magnetic alloy, 904L is appropriate for programs in which magnetic interference may additionally want to pose a hassle, collectively with inside the electronics and telecommunications industries.
Why Choose SS 904L Buttweld Pipe Fitting Flanges?
Among the numerous pipe fittings to be had, SS 904L buttweld pipe turning into flanges are particularly super for numerous motives:
1. Secure Connections
Buttweld flanges offer a robust and eternal connection, it is critical in excessive-pressure packages. The seamless layout minimizes the risk of leaks and guarantees a reliable in shape.
2. Versatility
SS 904L buttweld pipe fitting flanges may be applied in a large form of applications, from chemical processing to oil and fuel industries. Their versatility makes them a favored choice for masses engineers and task managers.
3. Resistance to High Temperatures
The functionality of 904L to face as much as excessive temperatures without losing its structural integrity makes it ideal for packages wherein warmth publicity is a problem.
4. Cost-Effectiveness
While the preliminary investment in stainless-steel 904L may be higher than that of large substances, the lengthy-term monetary savings because of decreased upkeep and alternative charges often make it a extra within your manner desire.
Metal Forge India: Your Trusted Manufacturer in Turkey
We're devoted to offering tremendous satisfactory Stainless Steel 904L pipe turning into tee and buttweld flanges to our clients in Turkey and past. Our modern-day day manufacturing centers lease superior strategies and stringent great manipulate measures to make sure that our products meet worldwide necessities.
Our Product Range
As an remarkable producer, we offer a big variety of stainless steel fittings, which includes:
Buttweld Pipe Fitting Tees: Perfect for branching pipelines, our 904L tees provide constant and leak-evidence connections.
Buttweld Flanges: Our flanges are designed for durability and reliability, ensuring that your piping structures carry out optimally.
Elbows and Reducers: Essential for converting the course or diameter of piping structures, our 904L elbows and reducers keep excessive requirements of exceptional.
Commitment to Quality
Quality is our top precedence at our organization. Each product undergoes rigorous locating out to make certain it meets the stringent requirements of industries together with oil and gas, petrochemical, and marine. Our professional group works diligently to ensure that all products are synthetic to perfection, making sure reliability and performance in each software.
Choosing the right substances in your commercial enterprise packages is vital for ensuring sturdiness, overall performance, and protection. Stainless Steel 904L pipe turning into tees and SS 904L buttweld pipe fitting flanges from Metal Forge India offer the perfect aggregate of power, corrosion resistance, and versatility. As a major producer in Turkey, we're dedicated to delivering superb products that meet the right wishes of our clients.
Whether you're worried in chemical processing, oil and gas, or any enterprise requiring sturdy and dependable piping solutions, we are your trusted associate. Explore our fashion of chrome steel fittings these days and enjoy the pleasant and knowledge that devices us apart. Contact us to investigate more approximately our offerings and the way we allow you to in attaining your mission desires.
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