#Cool Breeze! Jasper
bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Thirteen
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None except for a cuss word and some tooth-rotting fluff
Notes: Oops, I lied - New Moon timeline has been pushed to the right a bit, I got carried away with this chapter lol this one got me cheesin’ hard. I can’t even wait to post this until my regular time, so enjoy!! (Hopefully I didn’t fuck up the tags - thank you to everyone that’s used the google form!)
Word Count: 2701
Series Masterlist
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• March 21st, 2005 • Cullen’s Residence •
The soothing motion of Carlisle’s car came to a gentle stop that didn’t completely wake me up. But the cold arms reaching under me to lift me from the vehicle certainly did. As he began to lift me, Jasper made sure to secure the hem of my dress for my modesty causing me to smile sleepily at his thoughtfulness.
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” He asks quietly, speaking softly into my hairline.
“You.” I blush immediately at my whispered confession, keeping my eyes closed and face buried in his shoulder.
“Mmm, I think I like sleepy Y/n.” He says with a chuckle that rumbles through me.
I finally look up at our surroundings, noticing we’re at his house instead of mine.
“Your mom isn’t expecting us until tomorrow afternoon, normal people don’t make a twenty-four hour drive without sleeping.” Somehow he manages to open the front door without setting me down. “So, you’re going to get some rest while I go for a hunt.”
I blink up at him slowly as he continues his path through his house. I get another day with him? Well, however much is left once his hunger is satiated.
“My siblings are at school, Esme is redecorating with one of her clients, and Carlisle is at the hospital so the house is yours for most of the day.” Jasper explains, walking down the hallway and finally into his room before returning me gently back to solid ground.
His massive king bed is as immaculately made as the first time I saw it and just as inviting. The longer I admire the fluffy black duvet and mountain of pillows, the more aware I am of all the little aches and pains sleeping in the car caused. Not to mention the lingering tenderness of my healing ribs and the other broken parts of me.
Jasper turns me to face his black gaze, “Climb in and get some sleep, Esme stocked the kitchen for you and I’ll be back before you know it.” It comes out almost robotic, but I see that he’s trying - his hunger covers every inch of his face and keeps his body rigid.
“Take your time, I won’t leave without you.” I reassure him with a half smile, especially since I never made that exact promise in the hotel.
He leans in to plant a kiss to my temple before he’s gone with a small breeze and a lingering coolness on my skin as the only signs he was just there. Sighing, I slide the thick drapes closed to stop the morning sun from shining through the beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows.
I stop in the doorway to his closet before reaching the bed, contemplating snooping for something more comfortable to sleep in. Would stealing a shirt be too much? We aren’t even dating, but I do have permission to sleep in his bed… the dresser on the far wall tempts me forward. What’s one shirt to a vampire?
Sliding open the middle drawer in search of anything comfier than a dress, a small note card is waiting on top of his neatly folded shirts:
He doesn’t mind one bit.
- A
Christ, this woman thinks of everything. Grinning, I step out of my sundress and pick up a black short sleeve that’s a couple sizes too big. It hits the tops of my thighs, but since I’m home alone - I don’t think twice before climbing into his bed and situating myself for a much needed rest.
Inhaling the scent that’s so distinctly Jasper Hale, sleep finds me easily for the first time in a very long time.
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She’s in my shirt. In my bed. In my room. My sheets twisted around her legs. My pillows cradling her body. My scent mingling with hers and settling into the walls, the carpet, the bookshelves, the bed, my lungs.
I close my eyes and slowly retreat out of my room, shutting the door almost completely silent and resting my head on the wood.
“You good?” Emmett’s question almost startles me right out of my skin.
I sigh, “That hunt was almost for fucking nothing.” I turn my darkening eyes toward my brother to see surprise sweeping his face.
“You just got back!” He whisper yells with a wide-eyed look, knowing Y/n is asleep.
“She’s-” a low growl gets the better of me and I immediately tamp it down, closing my eyes in concentration.
A chuckle poorly contained slips from my brother and my eyes burst open to give him a deadly glare.
“You got it bad, brother.” He claps my shoulder with one of his massive hands and steers me down the hallway, putting distance between me and my greatest temptation. “You’ve got it so bad.”
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I wake with a yawn and a stretch, relishing in the softness of Jasper’s sheets.
My eyes snap open. Jasper’s sheets.
I’m in Jasper Hale’s bed, wearing his shirt and my underwear and nothing else.
Shooting up into a sitting position, I glance around wildly trying to determine what time it was, but my eyes stop in the corner of his room. Jasper, sitting in a chair reading a book by a dim lamp.
“It’s almost seven, you slept most of the day. How was your nap, darlin’?” Setting his book down on his lap, he meets my gaze with a sly grin before sliding his eyes down my legs. “I see you made yourself comfortable.”
I gasp, “I-I uh-” fumbling for an explanation as to why I’m half-naked in his bed and absolutely failing.
“Sweetheart, it’s alright. A very nice view to come home to, so I guess you could say it’s more than alright.” He stalks forward slowly, light brown eyes holding me in a trance.
I blush deeply at his words and pull the blankets up to my chest, wishing these sheets could swallow me up.
Just then, a knock at the door and Alice pokes her head inside, “Oh good - you’re up! Get decent, everyone is getting together in the living room for movie night!” She finishes with a wink and is gone as fast as she arrived.
Jasper disappears into his closet and re-emerges with a pair of black sweats, setting them in my lap and leaning forward to whisper in my ear, “Can’t have a lady walking around in just my shirt, huh darlin’?”
Watching him duck out of the room so that I can slip on the bottoms, I contemplate making a run for it to put an end to all this teasing. The blush on my cheeks might as well be permanent.
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Movie night, really? I direct the thought at Edward and watch him throw a bored, pointed look at our scheming sister before leaving.
Alice replies with a grin, tossing me a blanket presumably for Y/n, “Oh hush, I’m just doing my sisterly duty of moving things along.” She floats past us, preparing the rom-com she selected.
“Don’t even look at me.” Rose waves a hand in dismissal as I raise my eyebrows at her, “I want nothing to do with your human.”
“C’mon, babe-” Emmett whines, but stops at the murderous look in his mate’s eyes. He continues anyways with a semi-serious whisper, “It’s the first time in like, forever since he’s even come close to getting any-”
I cut his inappropriate sentence off with a pillow to the face just as Y/n turns the corner into the room.
“Vampires have pillow fights at night?” She asks playfully, scanning the couch for a spot to sit. My clothes are swarming her and it stirs something I thought was long dead in my chest.
“Vampires do a lot of things at-” Emmett teases her, but this time Rosalie is the one to stop him with a smack to his chest.
Shaking my head, I find a spot on the opposite end of the long sectional from Emmett so as to limit the teasing. Embarrassment and a little something else I can’t quite put my finger on flows from her, so I pat the empty space next to me and hold out my hand for her to take. Once she’s settled with her legs tucked against her chest, I turn to ask Alice to press play and find her already giving me a pointed look. I wrap my arm around Y/n and pull her closer to settle against me, my sister smiles self-satisfied before hopping to the couch and starting the movie.
“Relax, sweetheart.” I whisper in her hair and I’m immediately shushed by Rose.
Y/n finally releases the tension in her body about five minutes into the movie and ten minutes after that, her legs are in my lap with the blanket pulled up to her chin.
“Alice, Rose? Can I get your help with opinions for a client?” Esme calls as she walks through the doorway to the garage halfway into the movie. “And Emmett, mind picking up Carlisle after his shift, sweetheart? I took his car this morning.”
All three of my siblings leave the room, Alice tossing me the remote and Emmett not-so-subtly flashing me a wink. He disappears before Y/n could notice and I could throw another pillow.
I feel her nerves ramp up as the house quiets again, I attempt to ground her by sliding a hand around her ankle under the blanket and it immediately has the opposite effect. Turning to her, she’s already watching me with her mouth open ready to say something, but it’s stuck. So my eyes drift to her mouth, lips that have tempted me from day fucking one. I know she sees what I’m fixated on, because her breath hitches and I tighten my grip on her ankle minutely - not to be painful, but a warning.
“May I?” I ask zoned in on her lips, unable to even want to hold myself back anymore. A curious Icarus to her solar flame.
She nods in a daze as my fingers trail her chin, but it’s not enough. “Words, darlin’. I need you to-”
But she’s leaning forward with a whisper, “Yes, Jasper.”
I swear time stops as a buzzing drowns my ears. Breaths puff from her beautiful lips in short spurts, anticipation oozes from her. I have to take a few seconds to collect myself, my mind running rampant.
I slide my hand around to cradle the back of her head and tilt it backwards, the tv casting a warm glow on her face. A shiver wracks through her and I tense, “Do not move.” The request is more of an order and she obeys instantly.
Leaning forward, her warm breath fans across my face before it stops with a sharp inhale. The only sound is her pounding heart and I swear it stutters as I gently meet her lips with mine.
Burning. This burning feeling starts where my lips tangle with hers and it travels down my throat to grip my rock-solid heart in a painful squeeze. Her mouth is warm and pliant where mine is cold and unyielding. Her nose is pressed against mine like a puzzle piece I’ve been missing. It’s absolutely bliss, her lips molding to mine, better than any indulgence I could possibly think up. Her quickening heart rate reminds me to reluctantly retreat - humans and their need for air.
I separate just barely from her mouth and she sucks in a gasp that tears my soul from my chest making me want to dive right back in. Opening my eyes to make sure this is in fact reality, hers are still lightly shut, bliss emanating from every single pore.
How on earth do I go about my day now? Knowing this perfection exists? She’s human, I can’t very well spend eternity kissing her here on this couch.
My groan causes her eyes to flash open and I notice they’re completely dilated, a dangerous observation for my control.
“Are you? I-I mean, did you not-”
“Don’t even finish that sentence.” My voice comes out huskier than I’d like and instantly she relaxes in my grip.
I push back a single strand of hair that blew across her face as I let out a long breath, barely an inch of space between us still. My willpower is at an all time low as we continue to stare at each other in somewhat surprise.
“Yes, darlin’?” I’m utterly raptured by her, firmly ensnared by this gorgeous girl - even more so than the moment I met her.
“Can… Can I?” Her question is open and tentative, but I can tell exactly what she wants and I’ll be damned if I don’t give it to her.
“Anything you want, it’s yours sweetheart.” It’s my turn to hold still, to wait patiently for her to come to me.
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Holy fucking shit.
This without a doubt is what it’s like to have an addiction at first taste. Jasper Hale just kissed me and I’m about to kiss him, again.
I lean forward and smooth my hands up his chest to the base of his head, my fingers finding the short ringlets that hide under the bulk of his beautiful blonde hair. He’s deathly still with his eyes closed, allowing me to take the lead - but I also know this is a tricky situation with his control.
My nose bumps his as my eyes flutter closed and it’s his turn to elicit a sharp inhale. Nerves begin to flood my throat with cotton, but they’re gone almost as quickly, Jasper wiping them away with probably half a thought.
I closed the minuscule gap and my lips brush his a little deeper this time, relishing in the temperature difference. Kissing Jasper is in a category of its own, gone are the days I’ll ever settle for the warm mouth of any plain boy ever again.
Opening my lips enough to snake my tongue out for just a taste-
Suddenly there’s a couch-worth of separation between us and both of us are gasping for air like we’ve just run a marathon. His eyes are wide and wild, a darker brown than I distinctly remember a few moments ago.
“I-I’m so sorry,” his voice is strained and his hands are digging through his hair roughly, “Forgive me, darlin’-”
He fumbles at a loss for words, mouth opening and closing with no sound. Immediately I feel terrible because I pushed a boundary he wasn’t ready for.
“Jasper, please-I messed up and I’m so sorry.” I plead from my spot, scared to go and comfort him.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I should have my shit together-” but I stop his panicked apology.
“Look at me, please.” His eyes snap to mine at the request. I scoot closer to him slowly, stopping just within arms reach so as not to invade his personal space. “Can you close your eyes and just, feel with me?”
He takes half a second of hesitation before trusting me, his dark eyes snapping closed with a furrow in his brow. Taking a deep breath, I close my own and focus on exuding positive energy. Calm, content, tranquil - my mind running over any remotely helpful feeling to settle his inner turmoil. After a few moments of the impromptu meditation session, I open my eyes feeling much more relaxed. Staring back at me is the face of a much calmer, but shocked man.
“Did that work? I wasn’t sure, but-”
“You… No one has ever done something like that-darlin’.” Once again I’ve rendered him speechless and it brings a smile to my lips.
“Get used to it Hale, you’re stuck with me now.” I tell him, smug.
“Is that so?” He pulls me closer to him with a grin on his lips, the joy in my chest causing a laugh to burst from me as I toss my head back.
There isn’t a single place I’d rather be than his arms and I’m so glad he’s constantly opening pieces of himself up to let me worm my way inside.
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mywifeymax · 3 months
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT------💌🌲(Bellamy Blake X Femreader) Part One
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Y/n pov:
I never thought about going to the ground or really breathing in the air and feel the breeze on my face I never thought I would end up meeting 'Him'
*laying back I put my head against the wall shutting my eyes thinking about the crime I committed I opened my eyes as I saw guards come into my room*
"What the hell it's not my time yet I'm not even 18"I spoke to one of the guards and they said nothing
*They lead me out of the room as Abby approached me* "Abby what the hell is going on?"I asked "You're going down to the ground Y/n you and the 100"Abby said
*With that she stabbed a syringe into my neck and I felt my eyes goes shut and all I saw was black*
*Waking up I looked around as I was strapped to my seat I looked over and saw a guy with googles on* "Hey do you know what's going on?"I asked "We are being sent down to the ground this is sick isn't it?"Jasper asked "No this is serious"Another female voice said *I looked over seeing the one and only Clark Infront of me*
"But why isn't the ground toxic?"I asked I felt weird about this I felt like something was wrong about this whole thing but I kept that feeling to myself
*I watched as Clarke yelled at the people who got out of they're seats I leaned my head back against the seat shutting my eyes*
*The ship came to a stop as everyone got out of they're seats suddenly I heard Clarke and some guy getting into it and then I heard a girl shout*
"Bellamy!"The girl shouted
*I watched as she ran to the guy and hugged him and he hugged her back* "Hey baby sis"He said so they're siblings...how is that possible
*I sighed as I walked to the front* "Can we open the damn door it's stuffie in here?"I asked "Well aren't you quite the character"The guy name Bellamy said *I did my sarcastic grin* "Just open the damn door"I said
*With that the door opened and Bellamy's sister was the first one who got out and she smiled before shouting* "Were back bitches!"She yelled out *I sighed as I walked out of the ship I breathed in the air as the breeze hit my face* This was earth this was the ground
*leaving the ship I walked to the middle as I looked around at the trees and I smiled* "It's beautiful isn't it?"Bellamy's sister asked walking up to me "It's definitely one in a kind"I said "I'm Octavia"She said "I'm y/n"I said "You seem pretty cool you want to be friends?"She asked "I'm down"I said with a soft smile
"I am going to look some food who wants to come with me?"Clarke asked "I'll go"I said "Me too"Octavia said "Yeah no you're not"Bellamy said *I glanced at him* "Hey come on she be fine I'll look after her"I said "I don't even know you"Bellamy said "Well I'm y/n"I said *I watched as he stared me up and down* "Fine but if anything happens to her it's on you got it?"Bellamy said "Loud and clear captain"I said
"Sorry about my brother he can be a pain"Octavia said "No need to worry I get that he's over protective of you I mean I would do the same if I was in his position"I said "Well I'm happy to have a friend here"Octavia said "Yeah me too"I said
*Me and Octavia both ran over to the river and I looked at her and smiled before we both started to strip out of our clothing and jump in and we came to the surface* "Come on guys it be fun!"I yelled up at the others
*The other seen unsure at first but then pushed it away as both me and Octavia laughed* "I guess being on earth isn't going to be so bad after all"I said "I think you are right"Octavia said *I smiled and then we heard Jasper shout* "Guys get out of the water quickly!"Jasper yelled *Turning I saw something swimming towards us in the water and I quickly pushed Octavia out of the water and I feel something bite my leg and I let out a scream in pain* "Y/n!"Jasper yelled
*Suddenly he doved into the water and hit whatever it was that had me off me and helped me out of the water I felt heart beat suddenly* Was Jasper always this pretty..
*Get out of his hold I put on my clothing and we continued to walk and see the Mount weather on the other side* "Come on we need to get over there"Finn said *He made something out of rope* "Who's first?"Finn asked "I'll go first"Jasper said "Hey be careful alright?"I said *He smiled at me* "Always"He said
*With that Jasper stepped up and swing his way over to the other side and he held up the sign yelling happily and I smiled seeing him smile and he smiled back at me my smile suddenly faded when I saw spear go into Jasper and I screamed out his name*
*Getting back to camp I looked at Finn and Clarke* "We have to go back out there for him!"I argued "He's as good as dead!"Finn argued "No he can't be!"I said
"Damn what happened to you?"Another voice said *I looked over seeing Bellamy standing there* "I don't have time for you right now"I snapped at him "Calm down Princess"Bellamy said "Calm down my friend he's still out there"I said "Look we can start looking for him but first we need to look at that wound on your leg"Clarke said "Fine whatever but hurry"I said
*With that clarked begin to examine my leg as I keep staring out at the woods after she finishes I got up* "So who's coming with us to get Jasper?"I asked "I'll go"Clarke said *I nodded and I watched she go to gather other people the only other people that came was Murphy and Bellamy and Clarke and wells*
*As we were approaching where Jasper got left at we stopped as Bellamy begin to tell us to take our wristbands off* "The only way I'm taking this wristband off is if I'm dead you here me"Clarke said *I sighed* "We don't have time for this right now we need to get Jasper"I said harshly "Well calm down lover girl"Bellamy said *I rolled my eyes* Bellamy was a real prick when he wanted to be
*As Clarke and Bellamy argued Finn came out of nowhere and told Bellamy to stop with the shit and we continued walking searching for Jasper*
-To be continued-
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pokedelights · 4 months
While I work towards making a proper page for each of the trainers, allow me to put a quick summary here!
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A journalist set on collecting the most exciting stories across the globe! Originally, she worked as a reporter for Jubilife TV but moved onto being an independent blogger in hopes of covering the stories she wants to cover.
Team: Krookodile / Murkrow / Pangoro / Obstagoon
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A high class trainer from Galar, Emily seeks to be a trainer that reaches a legendary status, to be a name known far and wide! She has been thoroughly humbled on her adventure several times, tempering her haughty and prissy attitude and showing her that she has to put work in if she really wants to succeed.
Team: Corviknight / Mawile / Metang / Empoleon / Pawniard / Doublade
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Isabella's sister, younger by a handful of minutes. Direct, driven, and determined, Wendy wants to put her and her sister on the world stage! Originally from the Orre region, she now attends Blueberry Academy, where she heightens her affinity for Normal-types and Double Battles. She's especially warm and extroverted.
Team: Snorlax/Bewear/Ursaluna/Farigiraf/Oranguru/Obstagoon
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Wendy's sister, older by a handful of minutes. While her sister is spontaneous and extroverted, Isabella can be described as quite the opposite. She's the invisible force that ensures Wendy's explosive and straightforward tactics follow through. She typically keeps to herself, letting Wendy manage the talking as she'd much rather observe people. While she doesn't share Wendy's drive to become world famous double battlers, she wants her sister to be achieve any and all her dreams.
Team: Skeledirge / Annihilape / Dusclops / Mimikyu / Gengar / Froslass
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A Doctor from the Unova region, Grant now travels the Pokemon World in order to uncover the secrets of those that have come before him. He's set on learning all that he can from each civilization and culture that he encounters, being especially interested in food and drink. He avoids talking about his past too much, preferring to focus on the world before him.
Team: Golurk / Sigilyph / Cradily / Runerigus / Rotom
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A Pokemon Agent that joined the force to give back to the community that nurtured her through life. With a strong sense of justice and responsibility, she built good rapport amongst her hometown. Unfortunately, Peyton was a little too good at her job, leading to her being promoted and recruited into a more global team. She still tries to focus on the "little guy" though.
Team: Houndoom / Arcanine / Boltund / Lycanrock (Dusk) / Herdier / Mightyena
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A Pokemon Gym Leader that has taken a hiatus in order to rediscover her muse. Being a Gym Leader has been a side job alongside her main passion of acting. She began as a child actress that garnered attention and praise from across her region as she was haled as a prodigy in the industry. A beauty as calm and cool as a morning breeze, Gale expertly hides her airheadness behind her stunning looks. Her specialty is Flying.
Team: Salamence/Skarmory/Gliscor/Bombirdier/Gyarados/Kilowattrel
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A trainer fresh out of the Academy, Azalea has begun her path towards becoming a Gym Leader by starting as a Jr. Leader. Her responsibilities revolve around acting like an intern at whatever gym she's stationed at for the day. However, she has a tendency to shirk her responsibilities in favor of riling up challengers or playing pranks on them. Her type of choice is Grass. Though, she happens to keep a Machamp around to carry the couch she lays on.
Team: Roserade/Tangrowth/Meowscarada/Hydrapple/Decidueye/Abomasnow
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A rookie just starting out on her journey after idolizing the League since her earliest memories. She doesn't have a lot of experience, but Xandra makes up for that in an excess of spunk and determination! She has the utmost faith in herself and her team, especially her first partner Wimpod. Together with them, she plans to take the world by storm!
Team: Wimpod / Tyrunt / Tepig
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The culinary hotshot and gourmand extraordinaire known for her exquisite handling of seasonings. It only makes sense that a Rock-type specialist would excel in the usage of salts and minerals. While she hopes to one day be a gym leader proper, she's put aside that aspiration for a greater dream of perfecting her cooking.
Team: Garganacl/Rhydon/Cradily/Dachsbun/Kabutops/Dondozo
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A rookie Jr. Leader fresh on the scene! While her lack of experience is palpable, her unwavering determination, grit, and conviction is always on full display. As the heiress to her family's dojo, she specializes in Fighting-types. But where many would emphasize to hone the body as far as possible, Athena believes the mind is equally as important.
Team: Lucario/Medicham/Hariyama/Annihilape/Machamp
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A retiree, former Gym Leader, and former CEO of Hipplowdon & CO. After striking it big in the farming and excavation tool industry and a successful run as a upper-level gym leader, Salem sought to retire from her work life early in hopes of fulfilling a promise made earlier in life to experience all that she put aside.
Team: Hippowdon / Steelix / Quagsire / Camerupt / Torterra / Excadrill
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piscesseer · 1 year
Harvest Blessings: Mabon 🍎🌾
On September 22, the harvest festival of Mabon is celebrated. As the leaves begin to change color and a cool breeze sweeps the air, we find ourselves on the cusp of Autumn, a season of transition and transformation.
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Mabon occurs on the Autumn Equinox, marking the beginning to fall here in the North where the days will eventually shorten. Mabon presents as an opportunity to reflect and embrace the coming darkness as a necessary part of the annual cycle. Mabon, also known as the Second Harvest or Witch’s Thanksgiving, is a time to be thankful for the bountiful harvest and to prepare for the dark months ahead.
On this day, the night and day are equal. This balance of light and dark is symbolic of the harmony and equilibrium that is found in nature. We are reminded that life is a constant cycle of change, and just as the seasons shift, so do our own lives. Mabon encourages us to reflect on the balance within ourselves and in our daily routines.
Symbols: basket, cornucopia, pinecone, seeds Colors: orange, red, yellow, brown, copper, dark yellow, dark green Foods: corn, beans, squash, apples, pumpkins, root vegetables, eggplant, pomegranate, grapes, wine, cider Herbs & Plants: yarrow, rosemary, sage, mugwort, rosehips, sunflowers, thistle, marigold Stones: amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine, sapphire, jasper Deities: Mabon, Green Man, Demeter, Persephone, Morgan, Pomona, Inanna Animals: owl, stag, blackbird, crow, salmon
One of the central themes of Mabon is gratitude for a bountiful harvest. Today, even if we aren't directly involved in farming, we can still embrace the spirit of Mabon by giving thanks for the abundance in our lives and giving due gratitude for the things we do have in our lives that have served us well.
Named after the ancient Welsh hero named ‘Mabon ap Modron’, meaning Son of Mother, Mabon is the second harvest festival (Lughnasadh being the first, and Samhain being the third). Mabon was said to be held hostage as a baby in the underworld, similar to the story of Persephone and Demeter. The Greek goddess Demeter is closely associated with the Autumn harvest, as it was her grief at losing her daughter, Persephone, that turned the earth from lush to barren cold. 
A celebration of not only the bountiful harvest that nature provides, but also the bounty and rewards of all that we have sown and also reaped over the past year. This is not just a time of harvest, but also a time to prepare the way so that new seeds will be able to grow in the future. The Equinox is a natural time in which to sow peace and gratitude. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy, both in our personal lives, as well as the world at large.
It is through gratitude that we can attune ourselves to the natural ebb and flow of this seasonal shift. And one way to do this is to create some sort of gratitude list. Begin with the things that we take for granted: clean air to breathe, water to drink, a safe place to sleep. Then move on to those things that you are particularly grateful for. Pay special attention to those people and things in your life that matter to you the most.
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Here are some ways to celebrate Mabon:
The easiest and most fun way to celebrate Mabon is to decorate your home, porch, entryway or altar for Autumn. You might set up your altar with symbols of the season, such as acorns, pinecones or cornucopias and candles with autumn colors, like red, orange and brown, can add a warm, cozy ambience to your space. Bring in fresh and dried flowers, if you’re lucky enough to be able to cut your own, even better. Find acorns and pinecones from outside. If you don’t have access to your own, visit a farmer’s market or take a short stroll to the woods.
Go on a nature walk and appreciate the beauty of the changing seasons. Autumn is a time of stunning natural beauty with vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow. Take a leisurely walk to observe any signs that the season is changing. Nature has a way of grounding us and encouraging introspection.
Celebrating Mabon often means indulging in delicious feasts made from the season’s bounty. Incorporate seasonal foods into your meals. Apples, pumpkin, squash, and corn are all traditional Mabon foods. Try crafting apple pie, roasted pumpkin or heat up soups. Spend time with loved ones and enjoy a feast of seasonal foods. Sharing dishes with loved ones can deepen our connection to the season and its blessings.
During your walk or time outside, reflect on the past year.  What goals have you achieved and what lessons have you learned? What do you want to release as you move into the darker, introspective months of the year? Consider writing these thoughts down. Write down what no longer serves you on a piece of paper and burn it to symbolize releasing those things.
Cleanse your house and release the negative and stagnant energies.
Light a candle and reflect on your blessings. Consider creating a gratitude journal where you can jot down the things you are thankful for. Create a gratitude list and share it with others. Acknowledging blessings can help connect with the essence of Mabon.
Mabon is a time to celebrate the beauty of the coming autumn season and the abundant harvest it brings. It is a time to let go of the old and embrace the new. It is a time to be grateful for all that we have and to look forward to all that is to come. Whether you choose to celebrate simply or do something bigger, the key is to embrace the essence of the season and the lessons it offers. As you celebrate, may you find harmony and contentment in the changing rhythms of life.
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June 19: Jasper/Monty, 16th Summer
Jasper/Monty in the Southern Gothic AU for @backpacktheory. Thanks for the request Tried my best with this one, though I kind of struggled with it.
~980 words, written in about 40 minutes
Their sixteenth summer, Raven teaches them how to drive, using her pickup truck and the flat, pale grassland in front of her house. Monty gets behind the wheel first. Raven rides shotgun, and Jasper stretches out in the bed in back, staring up at the sky sketched over with thin, pearly wisps of clouds across a shimmering blue, feeling the truck describe circles and awkward, bumpy squares as Monty practices shifting gears and making turns. He takes them up and down the rutted dirt driveway and then onto the paved road that leads eventually all the way back into town, and Jasper holds on tight to the edge of the truck bed, only the white grip of his pale fingers visible like a creature crawling itself free, when they take the first wide turn too wide. "What are you doing?" he yells. "Trying to throw me out? It's like I'm riding a bucking bronco here!"
He can make out the sound of Monty laughing through the glass of the back window, and Raven's hard-edged, clipped voice giving another command. The truck dips briefly off the shoulder, and then rights itself again.
The next day, they switch positions, and Jasper fumbles with the clutch as Monty sits in the back, yelling alternating jokes and encouragement, clapping and whooping when the old truck finally bumps forward. Its wheels crunch over the dead and flattened grass.
The seasons stretches still long and dry ahead of them, threatening fire in the underbrush.
Some days they spend right up through the late guttering of the evening at Raven's place, helping tend to her lawn, cooking dinner with her, for her, in the kitchen in the back of her house, the first of the slow-rising old mountains looking over them through the window above the sink. Bits of colored glass hanging there catch the hot and shimmering light. The air grows warmer and heavier still with the heat from the oven and the stove.
They get their licenses just in time for one summer road trip: a ritual to end the season, a pushing at the boundaries of things. Monty drives because he likes it more. Jasper sits next to him in the passenger's seat, cranks the window down and sings along to the radio, lets his hand ride along the waves of the cool breeze they create. Oh it's still devilish hot in late August, and barely any rain still for weeks. The stillness that everyone is trying to break, with their sprinklers, the hiss and click of them, and their standing fans whirring, and music through the open windows of their houses, the stillness comes with a sort of language of its own. Monty isn't bothered. When Jasper can't stand it, he comes over and lies on Monty's floor and picks up every quiet sound he can discern, bug noises in the garden, the creaking wooden frame of the old house.
They drive out to the next town over, which is bigger than Arkadia, and noisier, dusty gray sidewalks and sizzling pavement beneath their feet, wander into record stores and book shops and spend an hour in an antique store with a host of strange and byzantine, crowded rooms. In the narrow aisle between some creepy porcelain dolls and half-complete sets of old dishware, Jasper crowds against him, and Monty wraps an arm around him, and he thinks about the dishes they'll put in their kitchen when they're older and how far away and how close older seems, all at once.
On their way home, they pick up sandwiches, and picnic on the side of the road, just outside of town. The twin billboards loom large over them. Monty tips his head all the way back to stare at the closer one, how it intones to him The Devil Is Real in faded old text. A distant warning echoing through time. Jasper's hand is holding his, half-hidden in the grass.
Almost no breeze and almost no rain, but sometimes the air seems to ripple and breathe around them, and the grass bends lazily over itself, and the long highway stretches without a curve in sight. Only one car has passed them, this whole time. The sun shines unclouded and bright, skimming over the tops of the tallest trees, and the heat presses in, and he breathes deep and feels it heavy in his lungs.
The Devil.
He'd give everything to know what is real.
"It feels like you can see forever," Jasper says, all of a sudden, and Monty follow his gaze and sees that he is staring down the long road home. His eyes flicker then to the trees, and to the rounded mountain peaks, and then into the tall grass that whispers and rustle at the highway's edge. He can't see the billboards, because his back is to them. But Monty can feel, as if it were in his own chest, every hitch in Jasper's breath.
Sometimes they just feel it, like a pressure or another sense. The sense that they are not alone. If it's the Earth itself or another presence, if it's just the growing pains of learning and understanding, of feeling out the edges of this knowledge that, sometimes, it feels like only they in the whole history of the world have ever found, he doesn't know. It's a whisper on the skin. It's a dread feeling in the pit of his stomach, a sickness, a craving.
He holds on tighter to Jasper's hand.
Where Will You Be When He Comes Again? the other billboard asks, a warning, a taunt; the edge of it is ripped, where half a cross still stands, and through a hole in the corner, Monty can see straight through to the blazing hint of sunset on the other side. Where Will You Be?
Where is he now?
They pack up their stuff and head on home.
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authoravalonroselin · 2 years
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The first of what I'm sure will be many Ranger Name Generator posts (hence the 1). Ever wonder what your name would be if you were in the Alliance? Find out here! Choose one name from your favorite color scheme and one from your favorite flavor, swap the order until you find what fits. Example: I like Neutral colors and Sweet flavors, so a potential name for me is Appletrail!
Alt text under the cut.
Ranger Name Generator 1
Favorite Color Scheme Warm Colors: Morning, Sun, Blaze, Fire, Burn, Scorch, Bright, Day Cool Colors: Night, Wave, Ocean, Wave, Tide, Shadow, Deep, Dark Neutral Colors: Dawn, Breeze, Wind, Flight, Umber, Dust, Trail Jewel Tones: Copper, Shimmer, Glint, Shine, Jasper, Stone, Dusk Vibrant Colors: Oriole, Eucalyptus, Mangrove, Maple, Dream, Star, Bird
Favorite Flavor Sweet: Peach, Apple, Petal, Dew, Snow, Berry, Drop, Leap Sour: Briar, Thorn, Claw, Reed, Hiss, Screech, Ant, Charge Bitter: Deep, Umber, Leaf, Mud, Whisper, Hawk, Bark, Sharp Salty: Crystal, Quartz, Sand, Fog, Beach, Squirrel, Rabbit, Fox Savory: Sage, Mint, Flower, Blossom, Falcon, Yew, Whisker, Red
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lovelyyy-luna · 9 months
sweet girl…
pairing: (dealer!Ellie Williams x fem!reader x abby anderson)
fandom: the last of us AU
pronouns: she/her
type: smut
warning: weed, drinking, making out, teasing, blow jobs (Ellie and Abby receiving), face fucking, eating out (reader receiving), pet names, strap using.
word count: 4505
a/n: this is fucking long post I apologize for the wordiness. tagging: @gold-dustwomxn @sky-is-the-limit
date: january 3, 2024
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You were in the kitchen with your headphones on swaying to the music you played making a grilled cheese.
You were oblivious to the eyes watching you. Ellie was standing there with her arms crossed smirking at you.
You and her weren’t friends. She disliked you for some reason. She and your brother were the best of friends.
You spin around and stop, looking at her you take off your headphones. “What do you want Ellie? Jasper’s upstairs.”
“I know. I’m just waiting for him. But please don’t stop on my account,” She smirks.
You roll your eyes and focus back on your grilled cheese placing your headphones back on your head.
Then you feel hands on your headphones taking them off you, it’s your brother, “Hey me and Els are gonna go to the park and then probably to a party to make some extra cash. Don’t wait up, okay?’
You nod and he kisses the side of your head.
You turn around and wave goodbye at your brother as he and Ellie walk out the door.
You then get a phone call from Abby, she was a new friend. You mainly started hanging out with her because you knew that she and Ellie hated each other. But over the couple weeks of talking you ended up with a slight crush on her.
“Hey Abs what’s up?”
“Hey, I was just calling to see if you wanted to go to a party.”
“A party?” Your heart skipped a beat, “Um yeah I'd love to go. Let me get ready.”
She chuckles, it sounded like honey. “Okay, I’m just around the corner.”
You discard the grilled cheese and rush up the stairs. You pick out something slutty but not overly whoreish, shorts, and a crop top.
Ellie and your brother were dealing at the park.
She turns to him, “I need more of those pre-rolls, the hybrid ones.”
Your brother was already stoned, “Oh sorry dude we're all out.”
“Fuck Jasper! Stop smoking all my shit!”
“Calm down dude there’s more in my room.”
She was frustrated, your brother always meant well but he was a little dumb sometimes.
The two of them go to the car and drive back to your house.
There was a knock at the front door, “I'll be right down Abs!” You put the finishing touches on your makeup and hair.
Ellie pulls up to the house and walks up the door disgusted to see Abby there.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Ellie asks snarkily.
“Picking up Y/N.”
“Why?” Ellie was confused.
“Why do you wanna know, Williams?”
“Oh, I just don’t think Y/N should go out with a bitch like you.”
Abby laughs, “Oh what you think you'd be better?”
“Honestly yeah.”
“Is that a challenge Ellie?”
Ellie wasn’t thinking, was she finally going to admit that she had some sort of feelings for you?
“Yeah, it is Abby. The first one to get her in bed wins,” Ellie holds her hand out for a shake, and Abby pauses.
“That seems too easy, how about the more things we do to or with her, the more points we get? In the end, we tally and one of us gets to score.”
Ellie was intrigued; she loved a competition.
You open the door, “Sorry I had to fix my… What are you doing here Ellie?”
“Your brother used up the last of my pre-rolls gotta get more.”
You shrug it off, “Okay just lock up.”
You walk away with Abby and she opens up the car door for you.
You smile and slide in the passenger seat. Abby walks around to the driver's side and looks at Ellie walking out of your front door.
When she finally came into the car you both smiled at each other and she started her car.
The drive was nice, you had the window rolled down and enjoyed the nice cool breeze. The music was good and you hummed along to some popular song that was on the radio.
You were zoned out until Abby put her right hand on your thigh causing you to look at her and smile.
“So Y/N can I ask you something?”
You nod. She was messing with something on her phone, little did you know she was calling Ellie because she knew Ellie had to hear this part of the conversation.
Ellie picked up, “What?”
“So what’s the deal with you and Ellie?” Abby asks you.
“Oh,” You were caught off guard by that. You didn’t understand why Abby was interested in that, “I’m not entirely sure why we don’t like each other. When she and my brother first became friends I thought she was super cool and I may have had a little crush on her but then for some reason, we never clicked. I was kinda heartbroken from it but I ignored it and started being mean back.”
“Oh shit I’m sorry about that. So you don’t like her anymore?”
You chuckle, “No! I mean I hope in the future she can grow up and we can at least be friends but I don’t see that happening.”
Abby signed under her breath,” Good.”
You didn’t hear her but Ellie did. And then she hung up.
Her grip on your thigh tightened and it gave you goosebumps, then the two of you got to the house and walked up to the front door.
She opened it up for you and you both walked in.
The atmosphere was thick, full of smoke, alcohol, and probably sex.
Abby took you by your hand and walked you over to the drink table.
“So pick your poison.”
“Oh um, Malibu and Sprite?”
“Good choice.”
She mixes your drink and hands you a red solo cup.
You take a sip and she takes a swig of her beer.
Then the two of you wandered over to the couch.
You were sitting on your knees talking her ear off about something, this was the first sign of you getting drunk, Chatty Kathy.
Ellie and your brother's group arrive at the house and Ellie is scanning for you.
She heard your laughter, that dumb laugh she’d heard millions of times through the thin walls of your room.
She walked into the living room and saw you and Abby on the couch.
Abby looked over and smiled slyly at Ellie, and decided to make a tracing circle on your knee.
That immediately got you flustered.
That got Ellie riled up and walked over to the two of you.
You did a double take, “Ellie what are you doing here?”
“Oh just here to sell some shit. And I wanted to give you a sample.” She hands you a joint.
“Really?” You ask softly and confused.
“Yeah, just thought you could use something to take the edge off,” She smiled quickly.
Abby rolled her eyes at her.
“Oh, thanks, Ellie.” You say taking the joint from Ellie.
Abby turns to you, “Why don’t you go upstairs? I'll be up there in a second.”
You nod and stand up passing by Ellie thanking her again for the joint.
Abby stands up in front of Ellie, “Okay so I’ve had her for around thirty minutes and got her pretty buzzed. I'll give you thirty and see how far you can get. Remember the more things you can do with her the more points you get.”
“Yeah, yeah I’ve got it,” Ellie mumbled.
Ellie walks up the stairs and finds you in an empty bedroom.
“Oh um, where’s Abby?” You ask Ellie confused.
“Oh, she had to do something. She asked me to keep you company.”
Now you were even more confused, “Abby asked you to keep me company?” You scoff.
“Yeah, she did. Here’s a light.”
She holds up the flame to the joint and lights it for you.
“Thanks,” you mumble, taking a long hit. “Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?”
“I realize that I’ve been a complete bitch to you over the years and I’m sorry about that. You're my best friend's sister and I shouldn't have treated you like that.”
Her apology sounded genuine, maybe it was you getting cross-faded but you were happy that she finally came to her senses.
You turn to her and give her a hug, “Apology accepted.”
“Really?” She asks, caught off guard by the hug.
“Mmmhmm. I knew there was a tiny bit of you that liked me, just a smidge.”
“Woah hold on. Just because I’m sorry for treating you like shit doesn’t mean that I like you.”
You rolled her eyes at her and were about to walk out of the room when she stopped you.
Ellie knew she messed up this stupid competition, “Wait Y/N sorry that’s not what I mean. Shit, I’m sorry can we start again?”
Her plea for a do-over was intriguing and out of character but you were invested
“Fine. Yeah, we can have a do-over.”
“Perfect. Another drink? Malibu and Sprite?”
You squint at her curiously and nod and she rushes back downstairs to the drink table and gets you another drink. She passes by Abby.
“Okay, how about we make it a rule that she can’t be completely wasted? I think consent should be key in this game,” Abby says.
Ellie nods and gives you a shot of Malibu and heavy sprite.
She walks back. And Abby shouts, “Ten more minutes Ellie!”
Ellie nods again and walks back up the stairs.
“Here you go,” she hands you the cup.
“Thanks,” you sip the drink and smile at her.
“So what do you even see in Abby?” Ellie asks
Her question caught you off guard, “I’m sorry?”
“Well, I’ve known Abby a little longer than you and she can be a complete bitch. So I don’t see why you would wanna be around her.”
You chuckle, “I’m surprised you both aren’t best of friends,” you say sarcastically.
Ellie smirks at you, “I’m just saying that you can do better.”
“Oh really like you?”
Ellie breathes in deep, “Yeah like me,” she leans over close to you, takes the joint from your hand, and takes in a deep hit.
“What are you saying, Ellie?” You watch as the smoke exhales from her mouth, you are staring at her lips, you never noticed how soft they looked.
“What I’m saying is that I think you wanna kiss me.”
You were taken aback by what she said.
You look back and forth from her eyes to her lips. You did want to kiss her
You nod.
She smiles, removes the joint from her lips, and kisses you exhaling some smoke into your mouth. You inhale, this was probably the hottest kiss you’ve ever had.
Her hand grazes up to your cheek pulling you in closer. Then you hear someone clear their throat. Ellie broke the kiss looking over at Abby standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.
You look over and seeing the way Abby was standing you felt like you were just caught.
“Oh um Abby, I um-” You didn’t know what to say.
Ellie gets up and walks over to Abby. They were talking quietly and then Ellie walked out of the room and you were just left with Abby.
“So you and Ellie?” She asked.
“We just kissed.”
“But you liked it?”
You nod slowly.
“Well let's see if I can change your mind.”
You were again confused and she bent down cupping your face and kissing you deeply. She almost knocks you down laying on the bed. She gets on top of you and your arms wrap around her neck pulling her closer to you.
One of her hands lets go from your face and slowly traces down your neck and then down your side. Then her hands go up your top and she grabs your tit
You moan at the sudden stimulation and you can feel her smile against your lips.
“You like that baby?” She asks cooing at you
You nod slowly and she gets another moan out of you when she pinches your nipple twisting it between her fingers.
You start to breathe heavily when she peppers kisses down your neck and your chest finally meeting her lips to the fingers that were pinching you.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Can you-” You were cut off when you saw Ellie now standing in the doorway.
“Oh please don’t stop on my account. What were you gonna ask her Y/N? You want her to touch you or fuck you?”
“I-um…’’ These girls knew how to make you speechless.
“What’s wrong Y/N cat got your tongue?” Ellie asks mockingly. Her doing that turned you on for some reason and they both noticed a shift in you.
“Oh. I see. You liked it when I was watching you. Do you want her to fuck you or do you want me to?”
You look at Abby and back at Ellie not sure of what to say.
Abby gets up removing her hand and lips from your tit which was now exposed but at this point, you didn’t care.
“Woah hold on there Ellie. I did way more so that means I won, meaning I got my prize.” Abby looks back at you with a devilish grin.
“What? Prize? What are you guys talking about?” You prop yourself up looking at them.
“Oh, we just had a little competition to see what we could do to you until we could finally get you in bed. And I guess technically Abby won.”
“So all this was just a game to get in my pants?” In some way, you were a little hurt
“Well yes but we do like you Y/N,” Abby says reassuring you.
“That’s pretty low even for you guys.” Your voice trails on.
They looked at each other, they didn’t think of the outcome of you finding out about their little game.
“But I gotta say I love the dedication and the attention. And I do suppose there is a way you both can make it up to me.”
They were intrigued.
You smile looking up at them, then stand up taking off your clothes leaving yourself in just your underwear.
“Both of you. Fuck me.”
They were taken aback by the assertiveness and they were loving it.
Ellie was the first one to make a move. Her lips crash into yours, her hands explore down to your ass gripping at it causing you to giggle. Ellie then moves down your neck and with your lips free Abby then kisses you.
Seeing Ellie kiss you awoke a fire inside of her and she gripped your hair pulling you away from her kiss.
“You like the way Ellie kisses you?”
You nod, she thought it was pathetic and cute the way you instantly fold just by kisses.
Ellie then squats down and pulls your panties down revealing how wet you truly were.
“Hey, Abby?” Ellie asks.
Abby was still looking into your eyes with a fist full of your hair in her hand, “Yeah El?”
“You gotta see how wet she is,” Ellie says, full of amazement looking up at Abby.
Abby releases you from her grip and squats down next to Ellie.
“Hmm I can't get a good look at it,” Abby sighs, “Lay back will you baby?”
She asks you so nicely your head is spinning with praise and you do what she asks. You lay down on the bed and slip out of the shorts and underwear.
You lay on the bed and looked up at the ceiling of whoever’s room you were in and your head was spinning from being crossfaded.
You were then brought back to reality when Abby and Ellie each took one of your legs and spread them apart.
You were dripping and glistening and the girls were in awe. They both look at each other and smile devilishly.
“Well winners first,” Ellie says to Abby, basically forcing her down between your heat.
You prop yourself up with your elbows looking down at Abby. She looked up at you and her eyes were sparkling and then she dove right in.
She licks up your slit and you throw your head back in pleasure. She’s using her tongue, darting in and out using her finger to rub your clit.
Ellie smirks from behind and walks over to your side. Your head was thrown back by the amount of pleasure she was giving you.
Ellie then kneels beside you, swiping away your hair that was matted to your face with sweat.
“Abby making you feel good? Huh, sweet girl?” Ellie coos at you.
You nod trying to hold back your moans.
“Oh Sweet girl I wanna hear how good she's treating you,” she says as her hands trace back down to your neck as she slowly wraps her hand around it.
“It fe-feels s’good Ellie,” you choke out.
“Oh no don’t tell me tell the one who’s making you feel good. The hand that was around your neck rises and grabs your chin forcing you to look at Abby eating you out.
The way her mouth latched to our clit, her tongue swirling around and her fingers pumping in and out of you. You then met with her eyes, her piercing blue eyes that practically glowed from the light coming from the salt lamp by the nightstand.
Ellie's grip tightens making your lips pucker, “Come on tell her Y/N…”
“Feels good Abs, s’good.”
Hearing your praise for her made her work harder. The speed of her fingers was inhuman, like a bat out of hell on a mission. And just like that she succeeded in that mission, her reward was all over her face.
All three of you were in shock, they were more shocked than you were embarrassed. You’d never done that before with anyone.
“Holy shit Y/N did peg you one for squirting,” Ellie said chuckling.
Abby was still squatting looking at the mess she helped create in awe, you lay there on the bed with your hands partially covering your face.
“Hey, Abs?” Ellie asked and Abby looked up at her, her face was glistening from your juices.
“You got something on your face.” Ellie bends down cupping Abby’s face and kisses it, sucking your juices off of her lips.
You notice the silence and remove your hands looking over at them. The slight of them got you even more wet. Even though Abby towered over Ellie, Ellie was the one in control. You could see Ellie sucking on Abby’s bottom lip and it ended with a ‘pop’ of Ellie letting go of the lip.
They could feel your eyes on them and they both looked at you.
“Oh is our sweet girl feeling left out?” Ellie coos walking over to you looking down.
You nod and she has that grin plastered back on her face. “You wanna taste?”
You smile and nod happily. she bends down and kisses you deeply. you could taste yourself and you tasted good. When she broke the kiss it left a string of saliva that connected the two of you. She then wrapped her two fingers around it, looping it and putting those fingers in your mouth.
you welcomed it with her fingers. They were slimmer than Abby’s and tasted slightly of weed. You were sucking on them like it was your oxygen.
Ellie was smiling and Abby stood next to Ellie watching you. She then removed her fingers causing you to pout.
“I think she’s ready, Abs.” Ellie smiled
“Ready for what?” You ask confused.
“Ready for us, sweet girl.”
They started to unbutton their pants, sliding them down slightly to reveal the hem of their boxers. You see them both whip out the straps they were both hiding.
You looked at them with your jaw slightly dropped, “you guys had those on the whole time?”
They both nod smiling. Your eyes wander down to look at the two pieces of silicone. It made your mouth water. You mindlessly get off the bed and onto your knees kneeling between them. You look up at them smiling and they look at each other excited.
You spat in both of your hands and started to jerk them off. As if they can feel you, they throw their heads back in pleasure. Then you move closer to Abby and take her in your mouth. Hers was around 6 inches and could almost wrap your hand around it.
You bob your head and then feel her hand grip your hair pushing her cock deeper into your mouth causing you to gag slightly.
You do this for a little bit and Ellie looks over at the two of you, jealous and impatient. She swats Abby’s hand away from your hair and pulls you by your hair over to her causing you to yelp but you didn’t mind the pain.
Ellie was more ruthless with you giving her head than Abby. You open your mouth wanting to take it slightly slow but Ellie wants you now. She faces fucked you. The tip of hers was hitting the back of your throat you were clawing at her pants to get her to slow down but with each thrust she gave it pushed against her clit in a pleasurable way.
Ellie then looks down and sees tears rolling down your cheeks. The mascara was ruined. She watched as the silicone slid out of your mouth. It was clear with green glitter in it, it was cute but with size was anything but, 8 inches and you could barely wrap your hand fully around it,
Her grunts and moans were like music to your ears. You look at her with tears in your eyes and see Abby whisper something over to Ellie and she abruptly stops.
The lack of something in your mouth and her harshly taking it out of your mouth made you cough and wipe the drool and tears off your face.
You slump on your knees and Abby goes in front of you and the silicone shadows above your head. You look up at her smiling weakly. Your lips hurt from Ellie but you didn’t mind it.
Abby smiles looking down and helps you to your feet and you sit on the bed.
Ellie and Abby stand in front of you, “You ready for us sweet girl?” Ellie asks.
You nod smiling.
Ellie moves in between your legs and teases your entrance. She gripped your knees with one hand and used her other to move the tip to lube herself up.
Then she slowly sank herself into you. You gasp at the feeling of her filling you up, grasping the sheets of the bed she waited for you to get used to and she went on a rampage.
Thrusting you hard, slamming the tip against the spongy part of your cervix
You moan loudly, and your hands scramble to feel the touch of somebody. Abby walks over to you caressing your face. You were trembling from the pleasure and she was comforting you.
“Ellie making you feel good honey?” Abby asks.
You nod and grab her face into a kiss. She chuckles at your actions and snakes her hand down your stomach and slowly rubs your clit.
You moan against her lips. The sensation of both of them was pushing you over the edge.
“Gonna-gonna cum…” you pant.
“Fuck… No not yet sweet girl,” Ellie says, flipping you away fromAbby onto your stomach while keeping her dick in you.
She puts her leg up on the bed to get a new angle for you and it drove you crazy. She then bent completely over you pushing your head into the mattress with her hand while the other hand tightly gripped your love handle.
“You. Better. Fucking. Squirt.” Ellie said between each thrust and harshly slapping your ass causing you to yelp.
Your head was spinning, you slowly looked up and saw Abby smiling at you, you then noticed her stroking herself and that made your mouth water. You prop yourself up and raise your head up more, opening your mouth like an invitation waiting for her to accept.
“You want me in your mouth honey?” She asks sweetly.
You nod and with your younger laid out flat she slid it in. She grabbed the sides of your head hard but slowly thrusting into your mouth.
Drool formed around and you kept moaning at Ellie slamming into you from behind.
You slowly started to lay flat on the bed and Ellie wasn’t having that. She grabbed you by the waist and put you on your knees with your ass up.
“Yeah sweet girl just like that…” Ellie moaned.
You weren’t going to last long… you were clenched around her dick. Each of those thrusts made you come undone.
Abby was wiping away your tears, “Oh honey you about to cum?”
You nod.
“Come on honey cum for Ellie. She’s making you feel good. Least you can do is squirt for her.”
Her words made you melt and you finally let yourself go. You squirt all over Ellie’s strap socking her.
Ellie exits you leaving behind a gaping hole. Abby leaves your mouth and goes behind you replacing Ellie. You look back.
“I-I don’t thin- I don’t think i can do another…” you get out slowly.
“Honey, I won't be rough. I promise. How about a new position?” Abby looks over at Ellie, “Help her lay on her side, lay her head on the pillows.”
Ellie helps you lay on your side and lays with you. She then slides her knee in between your legs to give Abby a better angle for getting into you.
Abby then uses your leftover juices to coat her cock and then she slowly slides into you. The feeling was different than Ellies. She fit into you nicely.
Her thrusts were more gentle, Ellie was in front of you kissing your face making you feel loved. It was different and you were going crazy for it.
Then Abby's pace quickened and she started to rub you.
Your breath quickened and you felt so euphoric. With all the praises and sensations going on you knew you weren't going to last long.
You were a whimpering mess and with them both praising you, you came.
Ellie smiled at you and Abby whispered that you did such a good job.
You laid on the bed and while they cleaned themselves off and then turned over to you. Ellie soaked a rag cleaning you lightly between the legs and Abby gathered your discarded clothes and helped you dress.
You lay back onto the bed and snuggle into the pillows.
Ellie and Abby look at each other and shrug. They both crawl into the bed with you wrapping their arms around you.
You smile as you feel their touch. It was strange, it was new, it was right.
♡please like comment and/or reblog♡
wanna be tagged? (X)
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twilight-rose-pokemon · 11 months
(//OOC off rotomblr interaction)
Jasper: *Jasper sits by their now burnt out fire tending to the sleeping twilight as a cool breeze enters the clearing rustling the golden leaves on the trees and bushes*
Aespar: *a woman enters the clearing and walks over to Jasper and Twilight, she says nothing just looks at the two of them with her intense stare*
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Jasper: Lady Aespar what brings you here?
Aespar: *she still says nothing just walks over to twilight and kneels down next to her and places her hand on her sternum. Only to pull it back a moment later with a blue glowing orb of light in her hand. She presses her own hands together which forms the light into an amulet.*
Jasper: Lady Aespar? What are you doing?
Aespar: this is a necessity... for her safety...
Jasper: what do you mean?
Aespar: it does not matter right now, I must take my leave, give this to her when she wakes up *she hands the glowing amulet to Them and disappears in a cloud of gold and silver leaves*
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nemesisvoid · 1 year
Chapter 2: Furby looking-ass
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Genevieve slowly opened the door to the studio and popped her head in to peek into the room hoping the space wasn't already filled with other students. The room was empty. Yet another victory for the day. She smiled happily and made her way to her favourite work table near the windows at the front of the room; she hated when the room was crowded with other students. She liked her classmates but working without distractions and just her music playing in her ears was so much more relaxing.
She glanced outside while she absently felt around in her bag for her headphones, a few brown leaves flew past the windows, carried by the cool breeze that blew through the trees to rustle their branches. It was chilly out and somehow gloomier than it usually was. She didn't mind this kind of weather though, it meant she could wear her cosiest sweatshirts and boots: her preferred type of outfit.
Just as she placed the headphones over her ears the door swung open. Jasper strode in smoothly his arms clasped behind his back, his demeanor stiff as always. Genevieve forced herself to not roll her eyes in his direction, "What was he doing here?" She muttered to herself softly very much disappointed. She had never seen him in the studio before and he didn't seem like the artsy type to begin with. If anything she almost rarely saw him roaming about the school. He only ever showed up to classes and disappeared after.
From the corner of her eye she watched him glide smoothly, a little too smoothly for a human being, past her and towards the back of the room, keeping his gaze forward almost ignoring her presence. It was just as well as she wasn't interested in forcing herself to partake in small talk. The mildly annoyed girl sighed as she heard the scrape of the chair's legs against the floor indicating that her schoolmate was indeed going to be sticking around.
Genevieve let out another small sigh of defeat, "There goes my alone time" she thought to herself. She shrugged and decided it would be best to ignore him and to continue on with what she had planned on doing. Soon enough she'd be too into what she was doing to remember he was there. Standing up she made her way to a series of small lockers at the front of the class that housed the project she was working on. The school was kind enough to provide small lockers that the students could rent out while they worked on their pieces without having to worry about them being touched, stolen or destroyed.
Punching in the code on the small keypad, she unlocked the small metal door. Genevieve swung it open to reveal a few carving tools and three pink rubber carving blocks. She grabbed the materials and seated herself comfortably once again still trying her best to pretend the boy who sat at the back of the room was not there. Looking down at the pink rubbery block she took a deep breath and tried her best to focus on the music blaring into her ears. She hunched over slightly to get a better grip on the pink block and began to slowly carve at the cluster of trees she had previously drawn onto the rubbery material.
A few minutes passed of complete silence, only the faint sounds of music coming from the girl's headphones. Without warning a soccer ball flew into the air and slammed into the closed window to the girl's left. She heard the muffled gasps of the students messing around outside realizing they have kicked the ball too far and too high. Genevieve jumped, startled, the carving tool she was gripping slipped off the pink rubber block and embedded itself into her left palm. "Shit, fucking hell..." she cursed pulling the sharp tool out of her hand and tossed it away discarding it onto her desk to inspect her hand. As the blood pooled out from the wound she heard the scrape of the chair Jasper sat in. No movement; she assumed he had probably just pushed back his chair to make himself comfortable.
Genevieve looked back down at her bleeding hand, it shook a little from the sudden injury; her heartbeat quickened as she looked to her bag hoping she had a small packet of tissues on hand. Jasper stood up from his seat but stayed at his table, umoving. Suddenly the green-eyed girl felt a strange wave of calm take her over, her mind cleared almost instantly of all anxiety and annoyance. She glanced back down her hand as it steadied again. Her heartbeat slowed to a normal pace. Her attention shifted causing her to turn her head in the direction of the sound once again as she heard Jasper's chair back up out of the way as the honey blonde-haired boy made his way to her table, his steps were light though quick to her table.
Suddenly feeling his presence on her right side she glanced up slowly, tucking her injured hand at her side hoping he was just there to ask her the time or some other stupid question and would go away quickly. Yet again without saying a word he held out a dark blue neatly folded handkerchief to her. Genevieve stared at the blue cloth thrusted out at her and back up at the ever stoic boy mildly confused at his actions. She hesitated, leaning back slightly away from him to create some distance between them, "Uh...no thanks, I'm okay".
She stood up quickly, mildly uncomfortable and definitely embarrassed and tried to shove her belongings into her bag hurriedly to leave the room. Blood tainted her forest green bag and she handled the bag with both hands, causing splotches of dark spots on the canvas material. Jasper stiffened suddenly taking a step back away, his fingers closing in tightly around the handkerchief. Genevieve glanced up at him sensing his sudden unease, seeing the tattered book he had clearly been reading tucked under his left arm. For a moment as she regarded her odd classmate and his extremely tense stance, an image flashed into her mind; the furby she had been drawing. She pressed her lips together, "he looks just like that damn furby, does he ever blink?!" She thought to herself trying to keep her demeanor unchanged. As laughter threatened to slip from her lips, she forced her gaze elsewhere quickly deciding she would amend her drawing later to reflect the boy who stood near her. His golden eyes glossed however and she realized he was staring at the blood on her bag.
"He must hate the sight of blood, maybe even more than I do", she mused quietly to herself. Before she could say anything to distract him he leaned forward and grasped her uninjured hand, his fingertips icy on her warm skin, and placed the blue folded cloth into her palm. "You need it", he muttered softly before taking a few steps back, turning on his heels and almost hurrying out the door. Genevieve blinked confused, the coldness of his fingers still lingering on her skin. "Thank you!" she yelled out after him unsure if he had heard her.
Slinging her bag onto her shoulder, she dug around in it with her good hand to retrieve her phone. She glanced at the time; 3:05 PM the screen read. A text popped up from her mother at the same time which she was very much expecting. She read it out loud, "Sweetheart I'm outside". Genevieve grinned, "Right on time as usual mother". She flung the phone back into her bag and hurried out of the art studio almost as quickly as Jasper did.
Her steps were short and quick as she made her way towards the shiny black car parked out in front of the school. A tall, short-haired woman in a cherry blossom pink tailored suit and black red-bottom pumps was leaning against the vehicle, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited. She smiled as she spotted her child and removed the dark sunglasses covering her eyes and propped the eyewear on top of her head. Genevieve smiled widely, "How do you always get here exactly on time?" She asked impressed as always with her mother's punctuality.
Sliding into the driver's side of the car Genevieve's mother grinned handing the girl a clear packaged round crustless sandwhich, "Don't worry about that. I brought you a snack though because god knows when your father will feed you...". The woman trailed off, her hands slipping off the steering wheel as she noticed the handkerchief clutched in her child's left hand. "GENEVIEVE!" She shouted startling the girl, "What did you do?!" The smaller girl paused for a moment before speaking considering what would be the best answer, "Um it was an accident. I was carving out a new stamp, it's nothing major and I'll disinfect it when I get to dad's". Her mother sighed the car vibrating softly as she started it up and pulled out of the spot, "Sometimes I don't know what to do with you".
Genevieve smiled shifting in her seat making herself comfortable, "It'll be fine. You know I always get hurt somehow". Her mother sighed again taking a corner sharply though smoothly at the same time, "Yes I know Genevieve. But can you at least try not to lose any limbs this weekend at your father's? I'd like to pick up my kid unharmed." The curly-haired girl glanced at her mother and stuck her tongue out playfully, "No promises. I might lose all of them, who knows!" Her mother turned, speeding up and pulled up into a driveway, slamming on the brakes aggressively causing them both to lurch foward. "GENEVIEVE!", her mother yelled exasperated. She giggled enjoying antagonizing her mother slightly though feeling mildly dizzy from the sudden maneuvers, "I'm kidding I'll be careful. Extra careful even!" The suit-clad woman turned off the car and slid smoothly out of the vehicle to open her daughter's door, holding out a hand to help her out. Genevieve stepped out clutching her bag and unopened sandwhich.
The dark brown door of the house they pulled up to opened slowly to reveal a dark-haired man clad in a black tank top and dark blue basketball shorts. He held a stripey kitten under one arm while his free hand clutched a glass bong. "Gen! Ex-wifey!" He called out, a grin spreading across his face as he used the glass bong to wave happily. The girl's mother rolled her eyes at her ex-husband before turning her attention back to her daughter, "he's an idiot. Please tell your annoying father to make sure you're fed properly". It was Genevieve's turn to roll her eyes, "Please don't walk me to the house. You're just gonna end up telling dad to go fuck himself and dad will just reply 'been there done that'. Also I can feed myself y'know. Dad means well anyway." Her mother planted a quick kiss on her cheek agreeing with her child's statement before making her way back into the car, "Have fun!"
Genevieve threw back an awkward wave at her mother as she hurried into the house and kicked off her boots to the side of the entranceway. Her father grinned and smoothed down her hair affectionately; a gesture that was half head pat, "I missed you all week Gen". He grinned and made his way back to the livingroom to settle himself at his computer. He called back to her as she headed up the stairs to her room, "I have burgers sitting covered on the stove I grilled a little while ago if you're hungry!" Genevieve called back bounding up the stairs, "Maybe later." Dropping her bag onto the floor in her room, she threw herself onto her bed laying face down exhausted from the day, her left hand still clutching the blue folded cloth.
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yo part 1 of musical mages au??? :0 no way!!!!
Also ima just have this on my main- it's easier than way XD
A cool, calm, ocean breeze. Grass swaying in the valleys. Snow glistening atop the peak of the Horizon Mountains. Cacti soaking up the beaming sun. A fish swims along the coast of the Rocky Plain. A light grey plume of smoke and volcanic gas seeping upwards into the clear blue sky, bright and cheery.
This was Jasper's home. At least, the Valley was.
Starwell was busy, as it always was. Monsters walking down the cobblestone roads, quickly passing by the shabbily put up stalls on the sides of the roads. Carts and carriages rolled along in the thun thun of wheels and clip clop of the maorse (mantis horse) buggies. Shouts of the newsboys waving paper pamphlets could be heard, as well as conversations in outdoor cafés and trading stalls that were aforementioned on the sides of the roads.
All of this could be faintly heard in Jasper's dark, cool bedroom.
It was a neat, organized bedroom; papers stacked and clipped neatly on a desk, pens and pencils in a opaque black tin, little wooden carvings and photos lined neatly atop a shelf above a clothes dresser, books tucked away in a bookshelf, and clothes hung up neatly on a rack in a shallow walk-in closet, with small boxes tucked neatly into corners inside that closet.
The only unorganized item in the room was the bed - roughly queen sized, maybe a bit larger. The blankets were sideways and hanging off the bed, and underneath those blankets was a slumbering, snoring Jasper.
A fist from downstairs banged on the wall.
"Jasper! Wake up, it's breakfast!" A female voice called.
"Hnnnnmmh... five more minutes..." he turned over.
A few moments of silence. A fist banged on the wall again, with more assertiveness this time.
"I'm coming!"
With some reluctance, Jasper turned back over to roll out of bed, his feet hitting the floor with a thump. He wasn't exactly graceful, you see, being the giant he is.
He opened the window and light flooded the room. A brilliant blue-violet, with remnants of pink-orange along the horizon. It was early morning, sure, but monsters were walking about. He definitely had slept in a little too much, he was usually up at sunrise.
Maybe it had to do with some late night wood carving the previous night.
Jasper got day clothes, now with a small sense of urgency, and got himself together.
His routine was usually something like this: wake up, get clothes. Brush hair and teeth, get dressed, head downstairs. From then, eat breakfast and help open shop.
He did just that, just with more urgency.
Jasper was a big and handsome guy- he had a broad chest, like a barrel, and was tall. His arms and legs were thick all the way around, and his hands about the size of small melons. And, of course, he had small green horns protruding from the top of his head, with even more vibrant green curling around his horns and face. A goatee of the same shade of green provided the only pop of color on his grey-hued skin, aside from his brilliant violet-grey eyes.
Jasper hurried down the stairs, buttoning the last few buttons on his white shirt, turning the corner to see his family in the middle of eating breakfast.
"Ah, there you are!" A slightly tall female smiled at him, welcoming him to the room. "I was starting to worry you fell back asleep."
The female was his mother, Carlee Rhondischite. She was smaller in build, but still tall. Her light green hair was pulled tightly back in a knot. Her small gemstone green horns glittered a little bit as she moved her head and they caught the light.
She sat at the far side of the table, right next to Jasper's father, Falspar, who was sitting at the head of the table. His food was mostly eaten, and he was reading the day's paper. On the other side of Carlee was Jasper's brother Howie. Howie was a year younger than Jasper, and they too were so similar in appearance, one could've mistaken them for twins. They even had similar personalities (Howie was more bold and outspoken than Jasper, somewhat rebellious too. But they got along perfectly).
Next to Howie (on his right) was Peridot, one of Jasper's sisters. She was 2 years younger than Howie, making her three years younger than Jasper. Peri was a quiet, reserved monster, not really talking much. Her hair was long and silky, similar in color to her dad's deep emerald hair.
On Peri's right was the next sister Juliette, 2 years younger than Peri (5 years younger than Jasper). Juli was the complete opposite of Peri; talkative, social, and bubbly. When Jasper was coming down the stairs, he could hear Juli talking about something that she did in school a few days prior with friends. And Juli being Juli, she had a lot of friends.
Across from Juli was the youngest brother, Rudy (a year younger than Juli, 6 years from Jasper). He's always getting in trouble, and he's broken horn proves it. Rudy's right horn was snapped clean in half during some stunt that involved a maorse cart, some pumpkin puree, and a soapy water puddle. Rudy turned out fine, but that horn isn't gonna grow much more when he turns 18 (He's 15 currently).
Next to her, on her right, was an empty seat- Jasper's seat. And a plate of warm breakfast was awaiting Jasper's arrival.
"How come you didn't wake me sooner?" Jasper asked as he took a seat.
"Figured you needed the sleep," his dad answered. "I mean, between all the work you put in-" Falspar stares at Jasper in the eyes "and all that late night carving you do."
Jasper exhaled a laugh out of his nose, blushing a little at the comment. How embarrassing! He was supposed to be the example for his siblings, and staying up late is not great exemplary action.
"He's just trying to impress that one chick that comes by every now and then," Howie chimed, giving a mischievous grin. "What was her name again? Valeria?"
"Minevera," Jasper answered, "and were just acquaintances. Not even friends. Acquaintances."
"And? Doesn't mean that you don't want to pull her."
"Howie!" Their mother hissed. Jasper flushed with embarrassment and some frustration. He bent his head down and shoveled his food in.
"Whaaat? I was joking! It was a joke," Howie turned back to Jasper, hiding his somewhat obvious pink face. "I know you two only mean business."
Without a comment, Jasper stood and left the table, his plate empty.
The younger siblings were busy chatting away about whatever they chatted about nowadays. Jasper and his dad left to open shop.
The Rhondischite house was a three story home. The shop was the first floor, the main floor. The second floor was the kitchen, the living room, the primary bedroom where the parents slept, and a secondary bedroom where Juliette and Amethyst slept. A bathroom was also on the second floor. The third floor consisted of three rooms (which are bedrooms- Jasper's, Peri's and Howie and Rudy's shared bedroom). Another bathroom was on the third floor, along with a study room.
It wasn't really huge, but only seemed so because of its three floors.
So Jasper and Falspar headed downstairs, prepping the wares for the day's customers. For the most part, everything was in place. It was just dusting everything off, getting the old register a check for functionality, and setting put any new wares that needed a display... such as the wooden carvings that Jasper had spent the last couple of nights doing.
The Rhondischite General Store was just another practical wares store. They sold all sorts of home practical equipment and furnishes, from furniture frames to thread. It was, in the most basic sense, a home crafts store (although Falspar didn't particularly liked that term).
Jasper was nearly done with his wooden arts display when Falspar unlocked the front door and flipped the sign hanging on said door from "Sorry! We're CLOSED" to "Welcome! We're OPEN"
"Ready for another day?" Falspar asked his eldest son enthusiastically, rubbing his melon-sized hands together.
"Always," Jasper responded, stepping away from the display he was attending to, giving it a satisfied nod.
"Perfect!" Falspar headed back upstairs. "I left some paperwork upstairs, I'll be right back.
"Alright," Jasper headed to the register, sorting through drawers filled with already unorganized paperwork. It needed to be organized, and the first customers usually didn't walk in til 20 minutes after the shop opens.
Jasper took out the endless paper stacks from the drawers. He never really realized that there were so many- why would they have that many stacks of papers?
Probably bills and business stuff.
Jasper looked up from what he was doing and saw a petite figure walk through the door.
A regular.
She was small in stature, and a little short. Her extremely curly brown hair was kept back by a natural headband of crystal shards, like a crown almost. Similar crown-style crystals wrapped around her wrists, like natural bracelets. Said crystals were a coral pink (or orange? Jasper honestly couldn't tell), which complemented the terracotta tones of her skin. Her eyes were a dazzling green-blue, like gemstones.
She visited the shop often, and Jasper got to know her as Minevera the seamstress/tailor. No surprise she was the first customer
"Mornin' Minnie," Jasper smiled at her.
"Good morning, Jasper," She returned the smile, walking towards the sewing and fabric section of the shop.
Minnie was not just any regular customer or seamstress; she was a nobleman's daughter who got commissioned by the duchesses in the castle to craft their dresses. Her shop is small, but it works on a job-by-job basis, so often it's closed (whether she'd be at home or working in the castle). And with all the commission work she does in the castle, and with all the satisfied duchesses after the fact, her work has gotten quite reputable.
Which is a long, winded way of saying Minnie is out of place at the Rhondischite shop.
You'd expect a higher class monster to go to a high-end shop for their goods, especially if you're a seamstress looking for high quality thread and such. Yes, the wares at Rhondischite's is good, but what nobleman in their right mind would want their clothes made of "poor man's wool"?
Apparently Minnie's clients.
"How's the shop?" Japser asked, trying for a casual conversation.
"Same as always," Minnie picked out a few fabrics and plenty of thread, "on the inside its vacant, but I'm still runnin' around town. Sewing and such."
"Does it ever get tiring? Running around and making dresses?"
"Not particularly." Minnie walked over to the counter with the goods in her arms. Fabric and thread, and a whole lot of it. A couple square yards at least.
Jasper knew this routine like his own palmprint, and starting tallying the total. Somewhere around 600 gold coins.
Then Minnie noticed the display next to her.
"Ooooo, what's this?" She focused her attention on the intricate wooden carvings displayed neatly before her.
Jasper felt his face warm up at the cheeks.
"Oh, uh, those are my wood carvings," Jasper rubbed the back of his next nervously. Minnie, though familiar, was the first non-family monster to look at his carvings.
Minnie picked one up - a carving of a majestic Strombonin - and observed every last detail of it.
It was a beautiful carving, made of Everblue wood. Every last scale, every last brush of fur was included. The expression was flawlessly expressive, the proportions very close to perfect. Clearly, Jasper had spent a while carving this piece exactly right.
"You made these?" Minnie looked back at Jasper in slight disbelief. "You're VERY talented."
"Not really," Jasper gave a nervous smile. "They're kinda just what I do on the side."
"You should sell more of these, they're beautiful," Minnie went back at looking at the wooden Strombonin.
"I think I'll get one of these, too."
Jasper blushed even more. His first carving sale!
"Aw, are you embarrassed?" Minnie laughed a bit.
"Maybe," Jasper couldn't hide his happiness behind his smile. If anything, he was overjoyed. Slightly nervous, but overjoyed.
"Adorable," Minnie placed the carving on the counter. "This is all I'll get for today."
"650 coins is your total," Jasper announced, placing the items in a cloth bag.
Minnie searched her pocket for two seconds before retrieving a bag of coins. She placed it on the counter.
"Keep it. Whatever's in there, keep it," Minnie grabbed the bag, and started for the door. "Invest in some better wood. Maybe better tools, who knows."
She smiled one last time at him before leaving the store.
Jasper stared at the door for a long time, trying to remember Minnie's warm smile. Howie's words came back to him.
"He's just trying to impress that one chick that comes by every now and then..."
Jasper shook off the thought, disgusted with himself. They barely knew each other! Why would Jasper want to impress her?
"Um, excuse me sir," a voice interrupted Jasper's thought. An older gentleman, and from his snow-white curly hair and stronger build, Jasper guessed the man was a Mammott sort. He was on the other side of the room, looking at wood samples.
"How may I help you?" Jasper walked over to the man, grateful that his thought was interrupted. He couldn't be thinking like that, especially towards an upper class monster.
No matter.
"Ah, yes, I need your professional advice on these wood samples," the Mammott gave a shy smile, then looked back to the samples.
"Well, what are you looking for?"
"I just need to know the difference between this Walnut wood and the Everblue wood..."
The Mammott rambled about how he didn't know which one had better attributes to his fence project, and how he knew he wanted a dark wood, but didn't know which kind of wood to get. The usual "He's my situation, now you tell me what is best."
"Erm, let me go get my boss, he's more of an expert on these things," Jasper headed towards the stairs at the back of the shop. "I'll be right back."
"Excuse me sir!" Another customer. Younger, a female, seemed to be of a Ethereal kind. A Whisp, Jasper thought.
"One moment, please!"
He ran up the stairs, wondering why his father was taking so long. By the time he was at the top of the stairs, Falspar was about to head down, carrying a stack of papers in his arm.
"There's a customer- a Mammott- that needs some tips on which wood he needs," Jasper explained in a slight rush.
His father nodded and the two went back down the stairs. Falspar set down his papers and headed to the Mammott gentleman, while Jasper headed to the Whisp lady.
By then, the shop was busy. Jasper hoped Howie would be back soon- he was busy walking the younglings to the school. Their mother already gone to work at the bakery (she worked part time there).
"How may I help you, miss?" Jasper greeted the Whisp with a smile.
And she explained why she called Jasper over, he could already see a line forming at the register. Not a long one yet, but still. Goes to show that today's gonna be a busy day.
A very busy day.
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can-of-pringles · 1 year
I know you're working on a lot of different things right now so absolutely no pressure to write this one!!
But that being said, turnabout is fair play so here's a Practically Prompt if you're interested.
Kyle and Jasper
Sentence starter: "Would you stop that? I'm telling you, they're a good band!"
Bonus points if you play with Jasper's emotion-sensing a little bit
Don't have a toyhouse but I'm happy to answer any questions!
It's done! I really hope you like this. I tried to keep Jasper in character from what I've read. I slightly went off tangent with the prompt lol.
"Would you stop that? I'm telling you, it's good!" Kyle defended, though his tone was light.
"You just said Fireflies by Owl City is amazing... really?" Jasper said, crossing their arms against their chest.
"Okay, sure, it's a little overplayed... but I think it's fun! But I know it doesn't fit your usual music taste." He shrugged.
Jasper placed their hand on Kyle's, smiling at him. "I'm glad you like it, and it's nice to listen to just on the radio I guess..."
They could feel the usual sweet happiness from Kyle. It rose in their chest to their heart; reminding Jasper of sunlight.
"Just on the radio? I think more than that." He teased.
"It's definitely on brand for you," they added.
"What do you mean by that?" Kyle genuinely asked, slightly tilting his head.
"Well... you're like a ray of sunshine. And that's the vibes that song gives, at least that's what I think." They complimented.
The feelings they sensed grew more, like a nice summer day. One that was the perfect balance of sun and a cool summer breeze.
"I'm sure being blond helps," he joked, pointing to his hair.
Jasper chuckled. "Actually, do you have a favorite Owl City song?"
"Hmm... are you looking for recs?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because Owl City goes perfectly with Muse and everything else in your music." Kyle joked.
They laughed. "Maybe I just want to know my boyfriend's favorite Owl City song." They brushed off the question.
"Oh! You're up to something, I know it! Does it have to do with a surprise? A gift perhaps...?" His face lit up.
"If it's a surprise, why would I tell you?" They fought to keep a smile off their face, which they knew wasn't selling it. But Jasper couldn't help it, feeling the joy radiating off Kyle was hard to ignore.
"I knew it! You are planning something! I guess I have to wait until a birthday or Christmas..." Kyle grinned.
"My lips are sealed." They held their hands up in mock defense.
"Oh, alright..." He pretended to sigh dramatically, getting another chuckle out of them. "Wouldn't want to ruin the secret. Would you at least accept a kiss? Mx...? Mx 'my lips are sealed'?" He finished the sentence after getting a quick nod from Jasper over the title.
Jasper blushed, feeling the sweet rushing emotions inside. "Yes, I'll make an exception for that," they replied.
Jasper welcomed the kiss, feeling his warmth against themself and wishing it would last forever. Finally, the two parted and shared a hug.
"I'm still excited though, about whatever you're planning." He mentioned.
"Oh, I have a feeling." Jasper smiled. "But no more questions."
"No more questions mean I can play more Fireflies instead."
"Where did I say that?" That got a giggle out of them.
"Oh, you know, it's totally in the rules that I just made up." Kyle kidded.
"Oh, yes, of course. Makes perfect sense." They went along with it.
"See, I knew you'd get it. This is how I secretly turn you over to the Owl City side." He continued.
Jasper laughed, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Yeah... no. Nice try though."
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-I have lived- short story
Ok so my first tumblr post wow
i wrote this story as a narrative for my ELA final but I’m so proud of this piece and I think it needs to be shared!
WARNINGS: sad, mentions of death, mentions of sickness, mentions of spirituality
The smell of flowers gently fills my lungs as I look to my bedside table, a wilting bouquet of lilacs rests in a dark blue vase.
Lilacs were always my favorite, the sweet smell softening the various sounds coming from the machines hooked to my body, the steady stream of medicine bound to my wrist.
Looking at the gentle rain pattering on the window adjacent to my bed I remember when this all started.
1 year ago i collapsed in my kitchen during Thanksgiving, i woke up in the hospital to my daughter Esther standing next to my bed, head buried in the blanket with misty eyes when the doctor told me about the tumor in my lungs.
That day everything changed, slowly i used the wheelchair more and more. Slowly my legs descended me further into the sheets of my bed, months of rest forming an indent in the mattress, and slowly my daughter left her home to help me. Esther tried, she tried so hard, but i knew i was too far gone, and the hardest part was seeing my daughter cry for me, her husband, and my family crowding around the hospital bed during treatment. My daughter tried to help me, thousands of dollars for the machine next to my bed, and the steady stream of medicine hooked to my wrist.
I know my time is nearing an end, but i do not cry for this, for i do not fear death, i feel my body slowly begin to fade, for she serves me no longer. I do not cry, for I have lived 64 long years, countless seconds, adventures, and moments I remember in my final moments. With a warm sense of joy and nostalgia, i think back to my time as a girl.
i remember kneeling in the cool water of the creek, mud crusted onto my shoes and fingertips as i cupped my hands in the water, watching tiny tadpoles scurry in between the gaps of my fingers.
I remember my best friend, Jasper, how every day we would meet at the muddy creek that ran behind our apartment building, his gap-toothed smile and curly brown hair move through my memories, the adventures we had, the small moments we shared by the creek, in the forest, and sprawled out on his frayed multicolored carpet with comic books we saved all of our allowances to buy.
I remember the sense of wonder I felt in my life, the beauty of the life around me. Feeling the warm sheets under my fingertips, and the cool breeze flowing in from the window. So many days, so many memories, so many experiences I had, and as I pass on, these memories leave with me, faded into the soil, where flowers will be planted next spring.
So much pain, so much joy, the scars of my life painting my soul with a bittersweet embrace. I remember meeting my husband George, how if I hadn't taken a shift that day, we never would have met, the small decisions I thought nothing of, I wonder how it could have gone differently, but I do not resent these days, these sweet days, these painful days.
  Do I have regrets? Plenty, I have suffered, I have laughed, I have lived.
I smile at our time together, the days I got to share with him. And the day I met my daughter, how I was so excited to see who she would turn into, how lucky I was to see her grow, how we lost George when she barely got to know him. The beauty of the cycle, of my consciousness, and how i slowly feel it begin to slip.
so let my mind be at peace, let my body rest, to become one with the grass and the worms, to let my bones be fertilizer for the flowers to grow next spring, i have served my time, my sentence, my life.
 I have existed, and this is not the end, my body will die, and my memories live on with my children and their children's children. I will be here, I will still exist, I will be at peace, and I will live again. I have scars, pain, and regrets, but they do not serve me anymore. At last, I am ready, not to forget my life, but to grow into another. I never achieved greatness, but I achieved prosperity. I appreciated the air I breathed, the ground beneath my feet, the blood running through my veins.
Slowly I turn back to the window as the rain clears away, washing away yesterday, and making room for tomorrow
Finally, i close my eyes and see darkness all around me 
I am at peace.
Before i open my eyes again, i see a blinding light, and cry
I am reborn.
this was inspired by my nana, when I was little she had severe dementia and came to live with us in her late nineties. Sadly she ended up dying in her sleep when I was about 7, the few memories i have of her are good, and my dad tells me that she would have moments of clarity whenever I was with her, she ment a lot to my dad and I wish I could have known her longer, known her when she was really herself.
i wanted this piece to convey the theme of death not being the end of your existance, and that thoose who have died are still with us.
Anyways i hope y��all enjoyed! I’m open to feedback and constructive criticism, but please be kind :D
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nekohana65 · 2 years
Air Correspondences
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Direction: East
Time of day: dawn
Season: Spring
Colors: yellow, white, gold, grey
Senses: smell, hearing
Chakras: heart, throat
Tools: censor, besom
Tarot: swords, kings
Creatures: sylphs
Gemstones/crystals: citrine, topaz, aventurine, amber, jasper, fluorite, agate, opalite
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Energies: Mind, communication, movement, law, intangible, without permanence, new beginnings
Metals: tin, copper
Plants: clover, dandelion, lavender, pine
Warm & moist
I think of: clouds, music, incense, fragrance, cool breezes, butterflies, dragonflies, birds, fairies, feathers
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tmema · 2 years
11, 17, 39 & kind of a toughie but,,, in the best most well meaning way: 25 <3 KEESES MWAH love u jo hope ur night is going a bit better <3333
11.) what is one song that’s able to bring you to tears? my dearest friend and enemy by tamino is the newst addition to the list. but overall you and me and the 10,000 wars by the indigo girls is my go-to when i need a good cry. i have most definitely mentioned it before but it feels so much like home and being homesick and warm and safe and faraway... love it <3
17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel? as per usual it's impossible for me to pick just one but i've narrowed it down to my top 2 (my no. 1 + hon. mention tbh)
Jusepe de Ribera, Maria Maddalena in Meditazione - easily one of the most formative paintings i have ever seen. i can't remember when i first saw it, but if you made me pick one painting it would probably be this one. the way mary magdelene gazes down at the skull, holding it in her hand, holding it up to her as if it can gaze back... i think the painting is meant to be sad (haven't revisited any biblical texts since for almost a decade so idk) and there is grief there but most of all i think this is a quiet and tender painting. on a personal note, i have a generally positive association with skull imagery and am fond of them, so i guess the feeling i get from this painting...is a very quiet, tender love. even if it's the kind that's only in passing that you feel for someone you've never met, never could have met, but have encountered at this moment in some way nonetheless.
Vincent van Gogh, Wheat Fields after the Rain - if someone asked me what painting most reminds me of home, i would definitely say this. it's not the *closest* approximation to the area i grew up in looks like but if i would want someone to see my home through my eyes it would be this painting. it's just so... peaceful, warm with a cool breeze that makes you shiver if you linger in the shade a touch too long. like late spring or early summer with the slight variation in colors and sky brushed with clouds. it's what i want summer to be. it's the parts of the warmer seasons i look forward to. before the smothering heat and the smoke from forest fires that chokes out the air even if it has to wait til august to do so, there are cool nights and it's not too hot to stand under the sun and there's a promise of a thunderstorm a few days away <3 it’s green the lilacs are in bloom and it’s just lovely <3 this is what home feels like TO ME. if i could live in a painting it would be this.
39.) what is your favorite gemstone? why? oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh m- first of all FANTASTIC question. second... it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to choose but i would have to say... AGATE followed closely (usually tied!) with JADE... agate is just. wikipedia refers to it as "common" which means there is a lot of it in the world and i love that :) there are multiple types that can be found all over but they are all so beautiful and unique on their own (as are ALL rocks ehehe) (ex: 1, 2, 3) tbh i love agate and carnelian and jade and quartz and turqouise and jasper and and and BUT currently. my favorite is agate because its vibes are 10/10 and it never fails to amaze me just how VIBRANT nature can be :) also i think its cool that the earth made like a million different kinds of rocks and then made different types of THOSE rocks <3
25.) if you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose? HDAKSDKDJKADASJDHSAJSADHASDHJDHJDASHD OMGGGG this is SUCH a good question because what i immediately think of "what am i least likely to get sick of" and i would have to say. pho. if i could ONLY eat pho for the restofmylife. you would never hear me complain. best broth on planet earth lovely greens yummy meat great noodles not to mention adding limes and bean sprouts and the sauces and such <3 so much you can do with it and put in it and it's always warm and YUMMY <3
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
Little Homeworld Life chapter 8: The Krav Maga Gem (originally published on October 3, 2022)
AN: We're getting pretty close to the end of the season here, everyone. Time flew by so fast now that I think about it. Guess that's what happens when you're a twenty-one-year-old college boy who feels like time keeps moving way too fast for his taste. And in addition, consider this a spiritual tie-in to the ever amazing Cobra Kai, and by extension The Karate Kid. Only this is about Krav Maga instead of karate, and there's no rival dojos to contend with, only just one rival that Teal Zircon accidentally gets way in over her head against. Now, if we have nothing else to discuss, let the challenge begin!
Synopsis: Vice-president Theresa Maxwell teaches Krav Maga to Teal Zircon.
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Wendie Malick as Theresa Maxwell
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Lin-Manuel Miranda as Eduardo Suarez
GZA as Wade Grant
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Featuring Ralph Macchio as Master Dan
Sean Schemmel as Jotaro Kaminashi
Christopher Sabat as Seto Itadori
Stephanie Sheh as Ujibe
Tony Oliver as Spiker
Kaiji Tang as Larry
Hilary Swank as Young Theresa Maxwell
And William Zabka as Tourist
"You cannot defeat me, Jotaro Kaminashi!" the Iron Blazer Seto Itadori exclaimed as he and his rival Jotaro Kaminashi faced off in an epic martial arts tournament. "My weather magic level is over 9000!"
"It's true, you may have great power, but none compared to the power of friendship!" Jotaro replied bravely. "If it weren't for all of my friends that helped me get to this point, like Ujibe, Spiker, and Larry, I wouldn't be standing here today as your fierce opponent!"
"We love you, Jotaro!" Jotaro's primary female companion and love interest Ujibe cried out, her assets jiggling a little too much in her skimpy outfit.
"We're with you all the way!" Jotaro's childhood best friend Spiker added.
"You got this." Jotaro's incredibly manly mentor Larry said tersely with a thumbs up.
"Their love for me shall give me my strength!" Jotaro cried happily as he was bathed in a golden-brown aura. "Behold, my ultimate technique!"
"Is that so?" Seto smirked arrogantly as he powered up with an emerald-green aura. "Then check out my technique!"
"AUTUMN LEAVES BREATHING STYLE: RAKE FLECHETTE!" Jotaro screamed as the two rivals charged at each other before Jotaro launched a barrage of light construct knives.
"SPRING BREEZE OVERDRIVE: BUTTERFLY METAMORPHOSIS!" Seto bellowed as he formed a barrier around himself like a cocoon that broke apart to give him radiant butterfly wings.
"And yeah, that's Divine Fighters of Mother Nature." Lapis said as she introduced Teal Zircon to anime. "Which anime do you want me to show you next? Planet Chasers: Starlight Excellent is so addicting, you could watch it all day, every day."
"No, I wanna keep watching this!" Teal exclaimed as she became enraptured by the rivalry between Jotaro and Seto. "Man, this show is so exciting! The animation looks amazing, the music is killer, all the characters are so lovable in their own ways, and the fights! The fights!"
"Yeah, there's a reason why so many people call this one of the best shonen anime." Lapis smiled at Teal. "Glad to see you like it. Who's your favorite character?"
"I think I like Seto the most; he's just so cool!" Teal replied eagerly. "I want someone like him to be my rival! I want to become a butt-kicking fighter too!"
"You want a rival?" Lapis asked. "I'd like to see you last against one." Just then, her phone began ringing, and Lapis pulled it out to see the message she got. "Sorry, but I must go. The president is visiting today and wants to see all the Crystal Gems."
"Okay then, this arc is almost done anyways." Teal replied as she turned her attention back to the anime. "We're almost at the episode where the main villain Kurengo reveals himself to have been organizing the tournament this whole time! Oops, spoilers!"
"Naw, I've already seen this arc." Lapis responded. "No need to worry about spoiling." Before she could leave, however, the water Gem gave a foreboding warning to Teal. "Though I wouldn't get too attached to that cute referee girl if I were you."
"Somehow, I feel like that might be a bad thing." Teal nervously replied before turning back to the show.
"So then, I said, why the long face?" White Topaz joked to Jasper as they sat on a bench at Little Homeworld. "You get it, because horses have long faces?"
"You know, that honestly makes me think more about the anatomy of these horses." Jasper responded to her girlfriend's joke. "Why do they have such long faces? Is there some kind of evolutionary reason to it or something?"
"I don't think you're getting the joke." White Topaz bluntly declared before they heard a rustle in the bushes. "Hey, did you hear that?"
"Let me check." Jasper said before beginning to investigate the bush where the couple had heard rustling. To her surprise, there was nothing there. "Hmph, guess it must've been the wind or something." She muttered in realization before turning away. "So anyways-"
"HYAAAHH!" Teal Zircon let out a loud Kiai as she leaped out of the trees while dressed as a ninja in garish colors. "Jasper, I have come to challenge you!"
"Uh, can I help you, Teal?" Jasper asked, completely taken aback by the Zircon's change in personality.
"Nice getup, TZ!" White Topaz complemented Teal's goofy attire.
"Weren't you going to break our bond?! Jasper?!" Teal theatrically asked Jasper, making the latter even more confused.
"I feel like I'm missing something here," Jasper wondered. "But judging by your attire, I assume you wish to challenge me."
"Yes, I must defeat you, for you are my rival and the one thing keeping me from becoming the president of the ninjas!" Teal exclaimed as she produced a kunai from her sleeve. "Now come and face me, and let us decide if our insurmountable tension means we're actually in love with each other!"
"Have you been watching anime with Lapis lately?" Paz asked Teal. "I feel like some of those shonens are getting to your head."
"The only thing in my head is the drive to win!" Teal exclaimed as she pulled out an MP3 player to play a poorly dubbed anime opening for her fight with Jasper.
"DRIVE TO WIN! DRIVE TO WIN!" the player yelled as Teal struck a pose and beckoned Jasper to bring it on. "THE ONLY THING IN MY HEAD IS THE DRIVE TO WIN!"
"This should be good for a laugh." Jasper rolled her eyes and charged at Teal. "RAAAARGH!"
"I have been training all my life, yes, all my life! All that time I spent was for the purpose to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" Teal's player continued singing in a ridiculous accent as Jasper started running circles around her opponent, not even bothering to land a real hit on Teal as a way of humoring the Zircon. "If you want power, say it with me now! All you gotta do is eat RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT! Always have a good meal three times a day; that will give you the DRIVE TO WIN!"
"Do you even wanna fight?!" Teal yelled as she tried to keep Jasper on her toes, despite the quartz's lack of interest in their battle. "It's like you don't even care that the fate of the planet is at stake!"
"You've been watching too much TV." Jasper smirked in response. "But if you want to fight, then allow me to give it my all."
"About time, too!" Teal smirked and conjured up an energy ball in her hand. "FAMILY JEWEL FLASH!" Unfortunately, Jasper punched her square in the face before she could launch the attack and sent her flying to the ground. "I have seen raccoons and oysters dancing in the head of a pin with the angels." TZ babbled in a daze. "They are laughing!"
"Geez, Jasp, you didn't need to hit her that hard." White Topaz said as she helped Teal up.
"Hard? I was going easy on her!" Jasper exclaimed as she marched over to TZ. "Look, Teal, you may think I was being harsh, but your spirit and determination honestly made me think you have potential." She said to her fallen opponent. "The only problem is that you're way over your head way too often. Try and fix that, and we'll have a rematch, okay?"
"You're right!" Teal declared. "I need proper training; I need a training arc!" That was when she got an idea. "I need to find the Gems! Lapis said they were meeting with the president, right?"
"Yeah, I think I heard they were gathering at the temple in Beach City." Jasper answered, but she didn't even have time to finish before Teal raced towards the local Warp Pad to the beach house. "Hey, if you want a rematch later, you know where to find me!" she hollered at the Zircon.
"Now, you may wonder why we have brought you together today." President Eduardo Suarez said to the Crystal Gems as he, his vice president Theresa Maxwell, and the major general Wade Grant sat down with the Gems at the beach house. "Well, it's to discuss your celebrity status."
"Despite all the good you've done and the praise we've showered you with, it seems you got yourselves a few detractors that believe Black Rutile was actually innocent and deserves better." Theresa said while pulling out her phone to show the Crystal Gems the various uses of #BlackRutileWasRight on social media. "Though thankfully, it's mostly used by incels, conservatives, homophobes, skinheads, conspiracy theorists, users utilizing the tag to fantasize about their favorite Korean boy bands, etc."
"Oh yeah, I think I've seen one of those incels before." Amethyst said. "Some misogynist loser named Andre Kate who's been making a name for himself for his videos about how much he hates women."
"Honestly, how can anyone take him seriously?" Pearl sighed in disgust at the man Amethyst had just described.
"I think we should be more concerned about this." Garnet forebodingly proclaimed.
"No need to worry, Garnet." Wade assured the fusion while gently stroking both Cat Steven and Lion. "At the moment, they don't mean any long-term harm, just cancel culture at work here. I mean, it's not like they're going to form an army against you, right?"
"We already have to deal with Black Rutile and the Gems who agreed with her." Bismuth responded. "But humans who agree with her?! That's a whole different ballpark entirely!"
"I'm gonna have to agree with Bismuth on this one." Lapis added. "Who knows what these mindless sheep can do when they're all brought together?!"
"Probably some obnoxious complaining." Peridot smirked deviously. "Let's be real, it's the Internet! They'll always submit to whoever has the most amount of followers."
"You are indeed correct." Eduardo agreed with the little green Gem just as the Warp Pad hummed, and from the beam of light came a panicky Teal Zircon.
"Oh, Teal, what brings you here?" Lapis asked Teal.
"Calm down, Teal, it'll be okay." Garnet settled the Zircon's anxieties with just a hand on her shoulder as TZ gazed into Garnet's visor. "If you'd like, I can give you a few instructions on how to fight."
"No need, Garnet." Theresa laughed with a snort as she got up and put a hand on Teal's shoulder. "What's your name, junior, Teal? Nice name. It really fits your color. Well, allow me to be your combat instructor!"
"You, my master?" Teal tilted her head in confusion. "But you look like a cool, funny businesslady, not a fighter."
"That's where you're wrong!" Theresa smirked with pride. "I'm not just a vice president of the United States; I'm also a black belt in Krav Maga from my years studying abroad when I was but a wee spunky college girl."
"That reminds me, you still owe me a sparring match!" Amethyst replied to Theresa.
"Oh, don't worry, little grape, you'll get your chance soon." Theresa smirked at the overcooked Gem with doe eyes before turning back to Teal. "So, whaddya say? Wanna come with me back to my place in DC to train with me?"
"Are you kidding me?! I'm in!" Teal replied eagerly at the prospect of training with an experienced fighter. "When do we start?!"
"Now, Teal, promise us that you'll behave yourself with Ms. Maxwell." Garnet ordered Teal. "She's the vice president and your mentor, so it's best to treat her as she would treat you."
"Yeah, you're lucky!" Amethyst added.
"Have fun, you two!" Pearl agreed. "And Theresa, try to keep an eye on Teal too. She can get very excitable and a little easily distracted."
"Oh, stuff and nonsense!" Teal scoffed at Pearl. "I have an excellent-" She was then interrupted by a wayward fly buzzing around her face. "Oh, look at that."
Once the meeting between the president and the Gems concluded, Teal Zircon was on her way to Number One Observatory Circle in Washington DC, where Theresa lived as part of her duties as vice president of the USA. It is also where Teal would be living as part of her Krav Maga training. Needless to say, Teal was absolutely excited to come along.
"So, do you live here all by yourself?" Teal asked as Theresa welcomed the Gem into her home. "I thought most vice presidents were married."
"Eh, didn't have enough time to get hitched, kid." Theresa answered. "Which means I get this whole house to myself! Aside from my own staff to keep the place running, of course."
"Lucky you!" Teal replied while bouncing up and down. "So when do we start training?"
"Just give me some time to freshen up and change before we begin." Theresa answered as she undid her hair and walked away. "Make yourself at home in the meantime."
"Okay!" Teal obeyed and sat down at a nearby chair, looking for something to do. All around her were various memorabilia dedicated to Theresa's achievements throughout her life, both before and after she became vice president. Spelling bee trophies, high school and college diplomas, world records broken, modeling for magazine covers, it seemed to Teal that her new mentor had enough stories to tell to last her ages.
"Alright, kiddo, I'm back." Theresa announced while walking back to her new pupil; her pantsuit now exchanged for a standard Krav Maga uniform. "Now, a few ground rules for Krav Maga. This martial art is about being aggressive, efficient, and above all else, being the last one standing. In Layman's terms, strike first, strike hard, no mercy, as a wise man once said."
"So this isn't anything like karate or kung-fu, then?" Teal asked.
"Far from it, starry eyes!" Theresa exclaimed. "Heck, some of the moves you'd learn would get you kicked out of an average martial arts contest! You said you wanted to be cool? Well, this will make you cool!"
"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Teal cheered impatiently. "Let's hit each other!"
"If you say so." Theresa declared and spread out her arms. "Hit me." Teal did just that and punched her in the chest. "Ooh, really strong! Hit me again!" The Zircon did as she was told by hitting Theresa in the chest again. "Okay, one more time!"
"I'm getting pumped up already!" Teal excitedly said as she kept punching Theresa. "What do I do next, master?!"
"Good to see you're getting into the swing of things, kiddo!" Theresa grinned before handing the Zircon a sponge, a bucket of water, and some wax. "Gonna need you to wax the car for me. You can't miss it; it's the fancy one out front!"
"She's a Buick!" TZ complimented the vice president's maroon-red automobile.
"A Bel-Air Prince 1990, actually." Theresa responded. "Won it at an auction against Will Smith back in 2014. Yes, that Will Smith."
Moments later, TZ was working hard on waxing the Bel-Air Prince, still wearing her Krav Maga uniform while Theresa changed into a casual T-shirt and shorts and was drinking some pop.
"Keep it coming, squirt!" Theresa urged TZ to keep working while taking another sip of soda. "And remember, wax on, wax off!"
"Is this part of my training?" Teal asked her mentor. "Will this help me with strength and muscle memory?"
"That's for you to decide." Theresa replied grinningly. "That reminds me, I've got some more things for you to do."
The next task Teal was ordered to do was to help Theresa with her laundry for the day, sticking various suits, shirts, pants, and other assorted clothing items into the many washing machines lined the basement walls.
"Hey, has anyone ever stuffed themselves into one of these before?" Teal asked after loading some clothes into one of the washers and closing the door. "Bet you a dollar that you can do it!"
"Oh please, I'm not that stupid!" Theresa scoffed with a snort. "Plus, I'm way too big to fit in one of those. But I bet you can, though!"
"Oh, you're on!" Teal dared as she shoved herself into a nearby machine. "Now wash me up, sista!" Theresa grinned as she turned the machine on, taking the Gem for a sopping wet ride as she was sent tumbling around the washer. "WHOOOO!"
"Just tell me when to stop, Teal; we got more work to do." Theresa called from outside as Teal continued tumbling and started getting wet.
"Ooh, I bet it's more training disguised as chores!" Teal exclaimed, though Theresa could barely hear her from outside the machine since it was starting to fill up with water. "I wonder what I'll do next!"
Soon after, Teal and Theresa were hitting the pool after the fun they had in the laundry room came to an unfortunate end. While Theresa was catching some rays in a yellow designer bikini that revealed her amazing curves, Teal, on the other hand, was turned into a makeshift pool-Gem who scooped debris out of the water.
"So what's this for, hand-eye coordination?" TZ asked as she fished out leaves, sticks, dead bugs, and other gross things from the ordinarily pristine pool. "Because I'm not sure if I like this. Everything in here is so grody!"
"Hey, gotta make tough choices for good reasons!" Vice President Maxwell replied as she took a sip of her drink. "Maybe later. Can you be a doll and give me some sunscreen? Summer's winding to a close, and I want to get every bit of sun I can still absorb!" Teal frowned in resignation as she started getting suspicious of her mentor's true motives.
Eventually, the afternoon turned into evening, which meant it was time for dinner at Washington. And of course, Teal was tasked with making the night's meal for her and Theresa to eat. While chopping up vegetables, Teal was greeted by more vegetables being tossed at her, and she cut them up with extreme precision. "Nice throw there, but what was that for?"
"If you can dodge a tomato, you can dodge a big, orange Amazon!" Theresa declared as she prepared another veggie to throw. "So, how's that Greek salad coming along?"
"I'm not even sure what I'm doing here." TZ replied, gazing down at her attempt at dinner, which looked like stuff she haphazardly threw together and nearly burnt to a crisp. "Uh, you want something microwaved instead?"
"Eh, accidents happen, buddy." Theresa remarked at Teal's failed Greek salad. "You up for frozen mac and cheese?"
"Oh, heck yeah!" Teal answered excitedly, glad to sit down to dinner at last with her master.
Once dinner wrapped up, Theresa felt like taking a shower and invited Teal to join her. Under the belief that she would do more chores for the vice president, Teal readily accepted and was positively enamored with how opulent she discovered the bathroom to be.
"Zoo-wee-mama, this place is huge!" TZ gasped in awe as Theresa stepped into the shower. "You must be super lucky to have a place like this!"
"Why, thank you." Theresa smirked as she peeked her head out of the shower. "Now, would you be a doll and help me in here? I got some parts on my back that I just can't reach. My old lady arms can only stretch so far."
"You got it, hoss!" Teal willingly complied with a stuck-out tongue and quickly joined her teacher in the shower to help wash her back. "So what's this for, knowing which weak points to exploit on your enemy?"
"Uh, sure? Why not?" Theresa laughed nervously as she scrubbed her hair with shampoo, making Teal more suspicious as she continued with the vice president's back.
The following day, there were more chores for Teal Zircon to do, which she still assumed to be part of her Krav Maga training, though now she was slowly starting to get wise to the fact that Theresa was possibly using her. This time, she was told to tend to the garden room by watering flowers, throwing out dead flowers that have long since worn out their welcome, and helping new ones grow in the proper conditions.
"Ooh, these are some pretty rare ones you got here." Teal complimented Theresa's assortment of flowers. "Ooh, are these blue puyas you got here?!"
"Yeah, actually had to go out to Chile to find these bad boys." Theresa replied. "How do you know about these?"
"I take horticulture classes with Peridot. It comes with the territory." TZ answered while watering the blue puyas, noticing some jade vines hanging nearby. "And those have got to be jade vines! You're quite the explorer, aren't you?"
"Thanks for noticing, sport!" Theresa accepted the compliment with a smile. "I'm a real Poison Ivy here. Not the plant, in case you're wondering."
"Thank the stars." Teal began laughing at Theresa's declaration, but despite her reverie, she knew at some point she needed to ask the master she's had since yesterday about her motives.
Though Teal had fun spending time with Theresa and doing chores together, there had to come to a point where she needed to put her foot down and demand some real Krav Maga training, which came in the form of being told to take out the garbage.
"Wait, you want me to throw out HOW MUCH?!" Teal yelled as she gazed upon the massive amounts of trash piled up before her and Theresa.
"Come on, Teal, you Gems are strong; you can take it!" Theresa replied, unaware that it was time for Teal to stop playing along and say her peace.
"Okay, I think I've just about had enough time before I wanted to ask this." Teal declared as she turned to Theresa. "Are you sure this is real Krav Maga training, or are you just forcing me to do all your chores for you?"
"Took you long enough to ask that, huh?" Theresa frowned with a cross of her arms. "Well, to be honest, yeah. I was training you this whole time, but I also needed someone to do all the heavy lifting since I gave the staff time off for a bit and somebody had to fill in. And coincidentally, you were just the one to do it!"
"So all this time, I was never training to fire giant lasers from my hands, stretch my body like rubber, summon a ghost to do my fighting for me, turn into a living weapon, and all that cool anime stuff?" Teal asked, utterly disappointed by the answer she got when Theresa put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"You still think martial arts is all cool anime stuff?" Theresa wondered soothingly. "It's adorable how people keep thinking everything they see on TV is real. But no, martial arts is more about learning to fight back, feeling more confident in yourself, and gaining some self-discipline too." She then started to get a little nostalgic. "In fact, you kinda remind me of me when I first started training."
"Ooh, are you going to tell me a backstory?!" Teal asked excitedly.
"You bet, and it's a long and awesome story too." Theresa responded as she began to tell her tale. "Got any gum? Anyways, it all started when I was a rowdy college kid a few decades ago."
Many years ago, during the 1990s, future vice president Theresa Maxwell was a spunky, tomboyish college student from Empire City studying at Empire State University who decided to travel abroad for the first semester of her senior year. She chose to study in Israel for her political science major and lived with a friendly nuclear Jewish family during her time there, but a trip to the market would soon change Maxwell's life forever.
"Thank you for your time, miss." A shopkeeper thanked Theresa as she walked away with some bread she had purchased from him.
"You're welcome!" the young college girl responded as she moved her way through tons of shopping Jews and Muslims crowded around her, restricting her free range of movement. "Hey, uh, can you all please move out of the way? I have to get home to my host family." Just then, however, she saw a pack of thugs menacing an old man nearby, and she felt it necessary to stand up for the senior citizen. "Hey, get away from him, you guys! You should respect your elders!"
"Hey, who gave you the right to boss us around, white girl?!" the leader of a bunch of snobby tourists yelled at Theresa. "I mean, it's not like you're the president, and it's now illegal for us to ask for directions!"
"Actually, I'm majoring in political science, so maybe I could become president." The future vice president smirked. "And I don't care if you were just asking for directions; there's no need to gang up on the elderly like that!"
The leader of the muggers smirked. "Okay, you asked for it." He snapped his fingers, cuing his two cronies to start ganging up on the college student, who had now just realized she had made a huge mistake.
"Uh, I surrender?" Theresa squeaked and pretended to wave a white flag before the two muggers started beating her up, giving the girl no chance to try and fight back.
"Wait, leave her alone!" the old man exclaimed before the leading tourist stopped him.
"We only wanted to ask for directions to the nearest church!" the tourist yelled at the geezer. "This all could've been avoided if you just listened to us!"
"Okay, it's down the street, and to your right, just let her go!" the old man hurriedly exclaimed, and with another snap of the tourist's fingers, his two cronies stopped torturing Theresa.
"Thank you for your time, good sir." The lead tourist grinned as he and his followers left the old man and the unconscious Theresa behind. "Friggin' foreigners."
"Oy gevalt, tourists." The old man shook his head in disgust before looking down at the comatose political science major at his feet. "Come, young lady, you need to rest." Scooping the girl in his arms, the elder carried her away from the market back to his home.
"Mmm, Day of Unity, Raine, human junk." Theresa muttered about an hour later as she rolled around before jolting awake. "Whoa, girls, you would not believe the dream I had!" she exclaimed like she was talking to her dormmates back in America. "I was a witch in this hellhole of an alternate dimension with a human apprentice, a bratty little demon son, and a crush on this cute band geek; I had a sister who cursed me to turn into a monster, and this creepy fascist Puritan wanted to kill us all!" As Theresa regained consciousness, she realized she wasn't in her dorm room with her three female roommates anymore. "Wait, this isn't Empire State."
"Hey you, you're finally awake." The old man from earlier said as he made his guest a light meal to recuperate with. "First of all, thank you for trying to help me out against those tourists. Americans, am I right?" Theresa just glared at him. "Oh, my mistake. And second, welcome to my home. What's your name, my dear?"
"Theresa Maxwell." Theresa introduced herself as she got off the bed the old man had placed her unconscious body on and received her meal. "I'm an Empire State University student studying political science and visiting here for the semester. I got three roommates back in the USA waiting for me named Carolyn, Victoria, and Lilith. What's your name, stranger?"
"My name is of no importance, Theresa." The old man answered. "But if you want, you can call me Dan."
"Okay, Dan." Theresa responded as she sat down to eat. "Why did you save me back there? I mean, I'm just as basic a college girl as you can get."
"Because regardless of your status, I can see you have a good heart and a desire to protect others." Dan responded while tracing a heart shape on Theresa's chest. "However, you can sometimes get in over your head and get yourself into trouble. However, some say that the path to peace begins with a friendly ear. You said you're studying political science, right? Do you intend to use that knowledge to help the less fortunate?"
"You bet I do!" Theresa exclaimed while slamming her hands on the table. "I dream of working for the government not because I'm some power-hungry lunatic who'll make the world worse than it already is, but because I want to make people feel good. And seeing everyone feel good just makes me feel good too!"
"There's that good heart I noticed." Dan beamed warmly. "Perhaps I can help you learn how to defend others and especially yourself better. Have you ever heard of Krav Maga?"
"What is that, some kind of weapon?" Theresa asked curiously.
"No, it is a form of martial art that I learned from my days in the Suez Crisis." Dan explained. "It is all about being aggressive, efficient, and above all else, being the last one standing. Or as I put it, strike first, strike hard, no mercy."
"Hey, just like in that movie!" Theresa's eyes lit up in awe upon hearing of Krav Maga for the first time. "You know, you're starting to remind me of that handyman guy."
"Is that so?" Dan smirked as he got up. "Well, let me show you how that handyman pales compared to me." He suddenly leaped into the air and dove down to grab Theresa by the neck, forcing her into a chokehold. "This is exactly what I spoke of! Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!"
"I see your point!" Theresa gasped for air while trying to free herself from the old master's grasp. "So, you gonna train me or what?!"
"Of course." Dan smiled and finally let his new student go.
For the remainder of Theresa's semester in Israel, she balanced her studying and spending time with her host family with rigorous Krav Maga training under Master Dan. He had set some decently high expectations for his new pupil. Theresa worked diligently to meet those expectations, but no matter how much she tried, there were many obstacles that she kept stumbling over.
"Theresa, quit laying around and get back to work!" Dan yelled and whapped Theresa with a stick. "I swear, I expected better from you, young lady!"
"I'm sorry, sir, I expected better of myself as well!" Theresa replied with a nervous bow. "It's just so draining to try being perfect all the time, but I can't stop making mistakes."
"Then make as many mistakes as you'd like." Dan advised. "For they are opportunities to learn. For example, you keep making the mistake of slacking off, yet that could also be a lesson about learning to be attentive to your surroundings."
That day, Theresa took those words to heart for the rest of her training with Dan, using them to master her reflexes and timing when it comes to disarming opponents at the flick of the wrist. However, like most things, her training had to come to an end when the semester ended, and she had to return to the States.
"Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Apu. Thank you for taking me in." Theresa began saying goodbye to her host family at the airport. "Goodbye, Iman and Kam. You were like the little brother and sister I never had."
"Uh, Theresa, I think there's someone else here to see you." Mr. Apu said as he noticed Master Dan approaching Theresa.
"He's standing right behind me, right?" Theresa asked rhetorically.
"Actually, I'm right next to you." Dan chuckled sneakily as he made Theresa jump in surprise. "Though it's a shame our time ran short, and you have to return to America, I will always remember the time we spent together, my girl. Good luck with your major, and be sure to remember me when you become president or something."
"Actually, I'm thinking more vice president, but yeah, me too." Theresa smiled sweetly as she gave her Krav Maga master one last hug goodbye. "Man, I can't wait to tell the girls back home about my time here!"
"Oh, and one more thing." Dan said before he reached behind his back and presented his student with a yellow Krav Maga belt. "For you, as a reminder of how far you've come. Maybe someday you can even become a black belt."
"You can bet on that." Theresa snorted as she stashed the belt in her backpack before remembering the time. "Oh, cheese and crackers, my flight's almost ready to take off! Gotta run!" She immediately raced off to catch her flight in time, hurriedly waving goodbye to her Israelian friends as she ran.
"Okay, this is a pretty nice story, but what does this have to do with my training?" Teal asked as Theresa finished her story.
"Well, to be frank, I just felt like telling that story, hoping I'd pass old Dan's lessons onto someone else." Theresa proclaimed. "But my point stands. I was a lot like you when I started my training. I thought I could talk big when I just got in way over my head. Maybe after hearing all that, we could start some real training."
"Finally!" Teal cheered. "Hey, can we do a few rounds on the trash first since we still have that to do?"
"Sure, go ahead." Theresa agreed, and the two got into a fighting stance to take on the massive amounts of trash together. It was here where Teal got the proper Krav Maga training she wanted all along, utilizing what she did in the chores Theresa made her do and mixing them with what Theresa was teaching her now. Before Teal knew it, she felt like she was ready to face Jasper in an epic rematch.
"You feel ready for this, Teal?" Theresa asked Teal Zircon as the two were driven back to Little Homeworld in a presidential limousine. "You sure you don't wanna go back and do a few more warmups?"
"No, I'm ready. No need to worry so much." Teal answered resolutely as the limo got closer to Little Homeworld. "All I need is all you've trained me to do and my drive to win."
"Miss Maxwell, we have arrived." The driver announced as Teal looked around the car windows to discover numerous Gems gathering around the vehicle in awe. "And Miss Zircon, happy fighting."
"Well, this is it." Teal smiled at her master as she prepared to get out of the car. "Wish me luck."
"You got this, sweetheart." Theresa smiled back as Teal stepped out of the limo and immediately made herself known.
"JASPER! I AM HERE!" Teal roared for her rival, taking the crowd aback. "JASPER, FACE ME!"
"Is that Teal?" Pearl whispered to the other Crystal Gems. "What has she been up to with Theresa?"
"I like this new Teal!" Amethyst exclaimed in delight.
"Hopefully, this won't end up like last time." Garnet responded.
"Jasper, do you fear me?!" Teal kept asking Jasper to show herself, but she still got no answer.
"Is Jasper keeping us waiting for dramatic effect, or is she just not going to show up?" Lapis wondered as the Gems got more and more impatient.
"Come on! Somebody throw a punch already!" Peridot yelled before they noticed a shadow flying overhead.
"Hey, is that-" Bismuth began when White Topaz cut her off.
"It is!" White Topaz exclaimed before Jasper landed on the ground, creating a small crater beneath her feet.
"I am here!" Jasper boomed as she prepared for her long-awaited rematch. "Took you long enough to come crawling back. And I hear you got a little training in too."
"Just like you wanted, you big orange Amazon." Teal responded while clenching her fists and putting up her dukes. "It's clobbering time!"
"Now we're talking." Jasper beckoned Teal to come and get her as the epic showdown began.
"Round one, begin!" Theresa's driver yelled to commence the battle. Teal made the first move, pouncing straight at Jasper and clawing at her face. Jasper retaliated by snatching Teal by the waist and smashing her to the ground, surprising their audience.
"Whoa, right off the bat, neither of them is showing a shred of mercy!" Amethyst commentated on the match. "But it looks like Teal might have a bit of an edge on her!"
"Goongala, goongala!" Teal chanted as she got up and pulled on Jasper's hair before spinning her around. "GOONGALA!" She then threw Jasper into the air, causing the quartz to crash into the whirly-bird tower, but Jasper managed to bounce back and tackle Teal to the ground, sealing her victory.
"Round one, Jasper wins!" the driver yelled. "Now, round two! Begin!"
"Don't get too cocky!" Teal declared before she gave Jasper a mean headbutt that rendered her temporarily incapacitated, allowing the Zircon enough time to regain her bearings as Jasper shook her head. "Come at me, bro!"
"I have to admit; we certainly are evenly matched." Jasper grimaced. "But you just trained with a human for only a day. I, on the other hand, have been fighting since the day I was created, and I've forever known what you fail to understand! STRENGTH ALWAYS PREVAILS!"
"Teal, look out!" Theresa yelled for Teal, but she was too late. Jasper summoned her crash helmet and rammed straight into the Zircon from behind. One wrong move, and Teal would've been poofed on the spot. Instead, Jasper merely smashed her to the ground again.
"Round two, Jasper wins!" the driver yelled again. "Final round, begin!"
"So, are you ready to give up yet, TZ?" Jasper growled while grabbing Teal by her collar. "Or do you still have that drive to win, as you call it?" Teal did not answer, instead wearily looking towards the worried Theresa Maxwell and giving her a soft grin. "WIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE!"
"Someone, play my song." Teal croaked out a request. White Topaz's eyebrows perked up, and she immediately pulled out her phone, somehow knowing just which song the Zircon her girlfriend was fighting wanted.
"Wait, is that-" Jasper wondered before she was grabbed by the neck, and her face soon wiped the ground.
"Wax on, wax off!" Teal yelled as the song continued. "Wash cycle!" She then hoisted Jasper into the air and started spinning her in the air.
"I have been training all my life, yes, all my life! All that time I spent was for the purpose to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" the phone kept singing as Teal started jabbing Jasper in the eyes while crying out "POOL BOY!"
"Where did this come from?!" Jasper yelled at the sheer ridiculousness of the names for Teal's moves as she was chopped in the face, followed by being stomped in the back.
"She's really learned." Theresa beamed with pride as Teal went for the finishing blow.
"If you want power, say it with me now! All you gotta do is eat RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT! Always have a good meal three times a day, that will give you the DRIVE TO WIN!" The song finished just as Teal tossed Jasper into the air, grabbed her mid-descent, and spun around while slamming Jasper facefirst into the ground.
"ROUND THREE, TEAL ZIRCON WINS!" the driver declared, sealing Teal's victory as the other Gems celebrated their friend's victory.
"I have to admit; you really were unpredictable in that last round." Jasper coughed while getting up and brushing herself clean. "Maybe you are a good fighter after all."
"Hey, you weren't so bad yourself, y'know." Teal responded as the two bowed with respect to each other.
"Hm, for someone so simple-minded, she's quite strong and charismatic." Black Rutile mused to herself as she blended in with the jubilant Gems. "That Zircon could be very useful to have on my side." Without anyone else noticing, Black Rutile seemingly vanished into thin air.
Later that day, as the celebrations finally ended and everyone returned to their regular routines, it was time for Theresa to leave her student behind so she could return to Washington. "I have to admit, kid, you really took me by surprise there."
"You said it." Jasper smirked at the vice president. "Who knew humans could be so skilled?"
"It was very nice of you to take Teal in so she can learn to defend herself better." Garnet thanked Theresa. "While she was pretty capable on the battlefield in the Rebellion, it was mostly thanks to her illusions that she was able to keep herself from getting shattered."
"Wait, illusions?" Theresa asked. "How come I never knew about that? And how is that possible?"
"Oh, it's just something I can use thanks to this bracelet I keep hidden under my sleeve." Teal stated as she pulled back her sleeve to reveal a dark green-colored bracelet with a blue gem decorating it. "Wanna see what it can do?" With a press on the gem, Teal conjured up a horse head that landed in Theresa's hands. "Pretty cool, huh?"
"Yeah, that's great." Theresa nervously said as she dropped the fake horse head and spread her arms out for a hug. "You really made me proud. Now, how about a hug, sweetie?" Teal immediately took up the offer, and the two women squeezed each other tight for what felt like ages for them.
"Aw, she's made a new friend." Pearl cooed at the adorable sight before the two let go, and Theresa prepared to return to the limo, but one thing was still missing.
"HEY!" Amethyst yelled at Theresa from behind, making the vice president turn around to face the little purple Gem. "You still owe me a little one-on-one!"
"Well, I'm a woman of my word." Theresa smirked at Amethyst as she took off her suit jacket and took a fighting stance. "Just gotta warn you, these designer heels aren't just made for walking!"
"Oh, it is on!" Amethyst replied as she shapeshifted into a stereotypical martial artist with a sleeveless black gi, a white headband, and a matching-colored belt. "Don't expect a flawless victory for you!"
"You're in for a real fatality yourself." Theresa smiled as the two women charged at each other, ready for a fight.
I think this might be my favorite chapter of Little Homeworld Life to write yet. Being able to write more of Teal Zircon is one thing, but giving her a wholesome student-teacher bond with the vice-president of all people is another! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, because next time, I'm pretty sure we can get much higher. And by higher, I mean my spin on human Gems. See you later!
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The Thing That Should Not Be || Mark and Adramelech || Self Para
Adramelech mused to himself as he stared across his domain, stroking his chin with a shit-eating grin painted across his lips. Things were moving along just as he knew they should, the antichrist was now maturing nicely as needed, other signs had come to fruition that showed a turning more towards a win for Hell. And it would have continued even with Moloch and his 'grand plans', but the demon was just too cocky and wouldn't respect Adramelech's power. This pissed the archdemon off so greatly that the only way to move forward was to remove the king of hell from their throne- indefinitely. It was a plan that Lucifer would approve, he knew.
But to do this and ensure the demon wouldn't be able to come back, especially with the demon tied to Death, Adramelech had to move the king to a place where his power wouldn't work. This also meant killing a god. This was too easy, and moved Armageddon forward as was needed. And now, with the god of the dead out of the way and Moloch trapped in Pluto's domain, it was time to keep watch of the fallen--- and continue to make sure they stayed fallen.
Standing from his throne, Adramelech's wings spread out behind himself, shimmering brightly in the nothingness of the void. Like a sheet blowing gently behind himself, his peacock-like feathers flowed with each step the archdemon made.
Within an instant, Adramelech was taking his next steps on the roof of Never Blessed, time nearly paused as he paced curiously near the figure brooding at the edge. Taking a few minutes like this, Adramelech stopped and chuckled to himself at this vision of the Harbringer.
Time continued, and Mark's remaining feathers bristled at the presence of the Archdemon. He didn't need to see him, he didn't need to hear him. The power alone was enough to let Mark know what danger loomed only feet from him.
“You know... you never did thank me.”
A smokey cool breeze whispered through the silence that falled after that statement. Mark had nothing to say to Adramelech, and ultimately he wanted to be alone to his thoughts.
Adramelech stood there, allowing the silence to continue as he stared at the Harbringer with no real emotion in the moment. His wings gently moved in the breeze and he kept his cool.
Still, the Harbringer stayed quiet as he looked over the grounds, hugging himself just a little tighter at the mention of his name.
A soft sigh escaped the Archdemons nose, he didn't like being ignored even if this wasn't being ignored. “You're free, Mark. Go... I don't know... go fly across the country. Go see what's left of Canada. Maybe go get margaritas in Mexico. Fuck-- join a cartel. You're not bound to the asylum anymore.”
Mark closed his eyes softly. And silence continued.
Adramelech watched him another moment before stepping closer, slowly, “It's over. You failed your mission and your stupid fucking Wrath King is fucking dead and gone forever. Mark, just fucking leave. There's no reason for you to even be here anymore. Aren't you /bored/?!”
“Shut up,” the harbringer barely whispered as his wings creaked lightly.
Cupping his hand to his ear, Adramelech asked crassly, “Excuse me? What was that?”
He didn't say anything but his powers heightened around himself as he stood still.
Smirking to himself, Mark stopped just behind the Harbringer. He could feel the radiation of the decay pouring off the Harbringer, but it barely effected him at the moment. “I don't get it.” The Archdemon began pacing slowly back and forth as he spoke, “Jasper, right? No one's seen the prick. He's not here, not in Hell....doubt the fucker is with Dad... I don't even think he actually exists anymore.” He looked thoughtful as he tried to think out loud about this, “That's not even your mission anymore. In fact, I don't think you /have/ a mission. Too much has changed, Mark. It's changed so much that by default you and your harbringers just... fucking failed!”
Mark stayed silent still, eyes closed but his powers became faint with every word.
“And failing, “Adramelech said with amusement as he turned to face the harbringer once more, “means you're ticket to Dad has been revoked. That's right.... Mark.... you're talking to the only one who can confirm what you already know is true. Here I am, Adramelech, the Watcher of The Fallen, to lead you to Heaven where you should go. But... there's no redemption here for you.” His voice became solemn, almost mockingly, “Mark... It's over. You have failed completely. Dad has turned his back on you and the others, “he started to chuckle, “and here you are, still acting like you have a purpose.”
Mark eyes remained closed as he seemed to hold himself limply now, a quiet tear rolled down his cheeks. Adramelech was right, he was truly fallen and redemption was only a memory now. And Moloch was gone. This should have been a blessing, but something inside felt empty without the Godking.
The archdemon watched Mark with a slight grin, knowing the harbringer was broken and beyond redemption. He got so much pleasure seeing such a strong instrument of Heaven cut from grace, knowing this was a huge loss to the other team. “Mark...” he said softly, “What's on your mind, huh? Talk to me....”
Mark hated this, he hated demons, he hated Adramelech and he hated Moloch. Everything was ruined and it all started with Moloch. If it wasn't for the Wrath King, Mark would still be able to be redeemed. But now, that all was lost. Adramelech wasn't lying about this, he physically couldn't, and Mark understood this. And it made Mark hate Adramelech even more.
Mark's breath shook quietly as he managed to slowly stand and open his eyes, turning to face the Archdemon with disdain in his cold expression.
Adramelech eyed him over slowly, his eyes stopping on the harbringer's face and meeting Mark's gaze. The archdemon gave a pout, mockingly, as he continued, “Come on. Let it out.”
The archdemon's head snapped to the side suddenly as Mark landed a heavy blow to Adramelech's face.
And the archdemon didn't move for a moment, a little shocked but also thinking he should have seen that coming. Slowly, Adramelech's hand went to his own lips, wiping fresh blood from the wound. “....Wow....” he looked back at the harbringer, “I was trying to help you, you didn't need to be a dick--”
Another punch, Adamelech's head snapping to the other side, lip busted and fresh blood dotting along the ground. But he wasn't exactly phased. In fact, he was amused by all of this. Chuckling, he managed to turn back to look to Mark, “Even without your goddamned self-proclaimed 'godking', you still manage to act like an idiotic child throwing a fucking temper tantrum.” He quickly extended his hand, a blast of Hell's power blasting Mark at point blank range, throwing Mark off the building with a dull thud from below. Adramelech wiped the remaining blood from his lip on the back of his hand before strolling over to the edge of the roof. Looking down, he could see the harbringer lying motionless, wings spread and twisted feathers blowing lightly like falling leaves from a tree. The structure of Mark's wings were much more apparent now, like that of a bat or dragon, skeletal and dark. Adramelech glared down at the motionless figure below, feeling good overall about what he just witnessed.
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