#Conspiracy theory destroy Torah
yhebrew · 2 years
Three Days of Turkey Earthquakes hosts 153 to Cold Lukewarm Churches - The Plumbline of Torah is confirmed on Day Three.
Chemical Chernobyl in OH. Turkey churches violate The Torah and removed at Sixth Shemittah cycle latitudes (36-42_
February 8, 2023 – 17 Shevat 5783, An ‘encounter’ with ‘The Voice’. This voice was loud. It was determined to wake up other humans. It was 3:09 am when ‘The Trembling’ person woke up hearing the words, “You’re late!” Her husband came to her side as she had been forced to her knees telling her she was late to prayer. The force held her to the floor as the Holy Spirit’s presence weakened her human…
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
(1/2) In a story about an MC who rebels against a subjugating empire, forms a kingdom of her own, and then proceeds to go to war to liberate and form alliances with other subjugated kingdoms and peoples, I want to add a Jewish man to the supporting cast as a trusted advisor and friend who grounds her more aggressive political and military strategies. I realized as I wrote his inclusion into the plot, that I was assuming the Jewish people in this setting would be in a diaspora wanting to be...
(2/2) ...united again, since the unjust empire is inspired by the Roman one. What are some things that I, as a Latino Christian, should be aware of about modern Jewish thoughts and opinions on this time? Is this a story that you would want told, or would certain aspects of Jewish tradition/culture/religion make it an arc that I should avoid? If that's the case, what are some arcs that you would like to see this character go through? Would a deposed king reclaiming his throne be better?
Jewish advisor during a rebellion
I'm laughing at myself because I'm already attracted to your Jewish trusted advisor man character because I am predictable, oh no -- but anyway I really love this question. The main thing that jumps out at me, and it sounds like this is definitely already on your mind, is to make sure this man is part of the rest of us instead of being isolated with no other Jewish people in his life (after all, even someone who's the only Jewish person in the room has memories of their upbringing and/or opinions about Jewish celebrities and historical figures.) 
So if he has even one family member to go home to or another Jewish man that he plays a made-up board game with, that will contribute to making sure he's a fleshed-out character rather than "I needed someone to be smart and talking in a gentile leader's ear but who has nothing else going on in his own life" (which no matter how flattering of a portrayal you make it, has Grima Wormtongue overtones and it's probably best to veer away from that.)
Some things I can see happening to this character:
As a result of all the turmoil, he ends up taking care of a child or two who are Jewish and lost their family/families in the rebellion, providing them a safe place to feel nurtured and stay in the community
He's helping the (presumably gentile?) queen but also does stuff to make sure his own community is rebuilt like maybe if they weren't allowed to have a real synagogue under the empire, he helps organize getting one built finally. Or maybe if it was destroyed in the war, etc. etc. insert same.
I love this idea and all of Shira’s suggestions! Giving him a way to be part of the wider Jewish community would be perfect.
I agree the main trope to avoid would be string-pulling, i.e. the character covertly and self-interestedly controlling political outcomes. But I think this will be easy to avoid in the context of your story just by making sure his suggestions are a net positive for both Jewish and non-Jewish people.
There was another ask recently where I wrote (fangirled) about the history of Jewish social activists, so that might be relevant for you as well:
Writing a secret cult controlling the government without reminding the audience of antisemitic conspiracy theories
 Also, not sure what the others think but this character kind of reminds me of Mordechai from Megillat Esther? He was kind of an advisor to Queen Esther in stopping the genocide of the Jewish people, often by bringing her information which, as queen, she wouldn’t normally have had access to. I feel like this could potentially strike a similar chord if it’s hard for your MC to know what people on the street are really saying due to her being the literal leader of the revolution, so that’s someone for you to potentially look into (although I’m not sure what that means for your crush as Mordechai is about 100 in the story – sorry, Shira!).
Character Arc
I just noticed that you also asked about what arcs this character would go through. I think it’s really cool that you want your Jewish character to have an arc rather than simply be there in the background for the growth of your MC! Any arc that best fits your narrative and drives home your message would be fine. The only thing I can think to watch out for is an arc that could be construed as ‘finding Jesus,’ which is not what we need in any Jewish character. 
Obviously, an arc that involves him giving up Torah commandments or discovering that Christmas is what makes us human wouldn’t be ideal, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you were going for anyway! I’d say it is possible to give someone a Christian-centred arc more subtly and without meaning to. If he starts as someone who is fastidious and hard-line about obeying rules and ends on an ‘all you need is love’ note, that could also be read as a shift towards a Christian mindset – probably more so by anti-Semites than by Jewish people, who usually understand that there is plenty of love in our beliefs (fun fact: ‘Jesus replaced the Torah with the concept of love’ was an actual line from my high school Religious Studies textbook). 
If his arc involves a change in his understanding of anything remotely spiritual, such as death or why there are good and evil in the world, I would recommend doing research to ensure that that change is in line with his culture and religion. Christian ideas about these matters are so ubiquitous that it’s easy to think you’ve written from a neutral standpoint, when actually whoops – your character has found Jesus.
Good luck with your story 😊
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nightcoremoon · 6 years
theological conspiracy theory time
this is assuming that judeochristianity in the eyes of a post-baptist post-evangelical non-catholic non-unitarian modernist-methodist is true so I want jews and muslims to not jump on me because I don't know the first thing about the torah and quran and I want atheists and the "I'm not religious I'm spiritual" types to shut the fuck up for five seconds. please note that I'm a christopaganic unitarian with splashes of native american, buddhist, shinto, & luciferian belief. in fact, this might actually be the basis of some strained of luciferianism but I digress, let's go.
okay so we know that absolute power corrupts absolutely as lord john acton so eloquently put it a few hundred years ago, and writers like george orwell popularized a few decades ago. that much is true. we've all seen it happen. we also know the basics of god & satan, and how they were friends until satan betrayed god and became a fallen angel and blah blah blah ruler of hell blah blah blah appropriating shit from pan the satyr, hades and the underworld, oh yeah and dante aligheri's the divine comedy. [hot damn do christians steal a lot of shit] we also know all the things the bible allegedly call sins, how much of a EGOTISTICAL FUCKING ASSHOLE he was in the old testament, and of course the basics of christian dogma. with that in mind, let's now continue.
what if:
god in the old testament really was an asshole who hated women, the poor, the disabled, and minorities, a bully with a magnifying glass who burns ants for fun, who created this universe out of some sick perverted fantasy to make a race of people and fuck with them, torturing them for his sadistic pleasure. the angels he made to keep things running smoothly in place. they were fucking nightmarish monsters with faces entirely comprised of each component of a chimera, or 30 intersecting gyroscopic rings, or babies covered in pus-filled boils and other weird shit like that. what if he's cthulhu levels of evil and lucifer was like "uh hey god maybe you should quit being an evil motherfucker to these people" and god was just like "fuck you" because as the ultimately powerful being in the observable universe he could very well be the most evil entity as well? after all, we humans were allegedly made in his image and if we're all a bunch of evil assholes who murder and lie to and rape and oppress each other... plus if god made satan and god is infallible and makes no mistakes, that's kind of paradoxical. and in this hypothetical situation (as it is purely 100% hypothetical and does not accurately reflect my full beliefs), satan left god not because he was evil, but because he rejected the evil instead.
expanding on this theory, we all know the dumb religious bullshit being spouted today. gays and trans people will go to hell, people who commit suicide will go to hell, people who don't accept jesus as their savior will go to hell, people who have premarital sex will go to hell, people who don't give enough money to the church will go to hell, women who so much as sneeze inside a church when they aren't given permission to do so will go to hell, yadda yadda yadda. basically hell will be full of people who don't deserve to be there. what if that's true? what if all of the people who can't make it into heaven's narrow field of acceptance do go somewhere else, to the realm of satan... but that's not a bad thing?
what if hell is a pretty cool place that satan made because, like, if god doesn't want the souls of the flesh heaps who didn't become mindless salivating slave golems who just sit and pray for 25 hours a day when they aren't too busy protesting soldier funerals and pride parades, satan could be like. "don't worry, my child, I'll take care of you. I'll take you with me. I'll love you. and if you come over here you'll see that there's plenty of others who are just like you." he'll walk through the afterlife and comb through the ones left behind and denied entrance to heaven and so doomed to walk the land of purgatory for eternity. all of the people born in countries not touched by the plague of missionaries and so would never have even had the opportunity to know god or jesus, all of the children who died tragically before they could be baptized, all of the women who were raped at six years old and abandoned by their family because she was no longer a virgin ready to be sold to a lecherous old bastard for a tidy dowry, all of the non-cishets, everybody who pundits declare unfit for joining their personal heaven, all embraced and accepted and redeemed in the eyes of lucifer.
what if satan quite literally faces god and walks backwards into hell with middle fingers in the air, taking the souls of those god rejects with him? if we turn around and also analyze many demons we see they're really not evil for any reason other than "because they're demons and god says that's evil". prince stolas the owl is just a dude who likes rocks, plants, and stars. meanwhile azrael the angel of death, made up of eyes and tongues and steals the souls of humans god commands him to take? THAT SOUNDS REEEEEALLY FUCKED UP MY DUDE. we know that angels and demons are both counted in legions, let's take this further and suggest that there's a war.
what if god wants to kill satan and then come in and destroy the souls of those he created but no longer wished to exist any more, purging them from existence, a fate an eternity worse than death. what if satan gathers up demons to PROTECT us? what if satan is the last bastion of protection from the greatest evil conceivable by man, the lone rebel against corruption, our true savior? god painting satan as evil through propaganda and lies would make perfect sense to destabilize his power on earth, making shit up as he goes along, generating people or even having angels masquerade as humans to cause things like goat skulls and dead baby fetuses to be associated with him, using fearmomgering to turn more and more people to the side of god rather than that of satan, and utilizing the ultimate form of propaganda, sending a piece of his own soul down pretending to be his son, going through the rigamarole of cricificion to, forgive the phrase, hammer in the final nail? what if jesus was a lie, a farce, used merely to turn yet more potential troops to his side away from satan's glowing, loving embrace?
what if god truly does hate those of us who refuse to conform to the hive mind mentality, and damns us to hell, not realizing that it's the best thing he could possibly do for us? putting all of the "sinners" together under one roof, oh yes, a lot of thought went into that plan.
but I digress.
that's merely what could be truthful. no doubt the theory is so full of holes it could pass as a religion under the moniker of Swisscheeseium because I am no expert on judeochristian faith. but i think it certainly seems like a cool concept to explore in the realms of fiction. definitely not something I'll devote my time to worshipping, however.
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ramrodd · 4 years
Who Wrote Hebrews? (With Dr. David Alan Black)
Theophilus wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. His signniture is Hebrews 13.:24
Greet all your leaders and all the saints. Those from Italy send you greetings. (https://biblehub.com/hebrews/13-24.htm).
This is in the format of a standard issue, by the numbrers Roman signals message. In the modern military bureaucracy I served in as a combat leader,, we continue to employ this method. It's not foolproof but it is a whole lot easier to use than passing around scrolls of vellum inscribed with hieroglyphics. This is the Roman MI5/MI6 talking to the rest of the clandestine Roman Christian cabal inside the Preaetorian Guards. The first sentence is what would head a military signal: Distribution and has the same purpose, this pattern of distribution, that Don Romsfeld's "Snow Flakes" and Trump's tweets, except that it security status was need to knon and the Distribution list probably contained within a modern spy network cell system: nor more than X number of people had a common source which evaporated upon reading. True MISSION: Impossible stuff, Le Carre and all the rest. That is WHY these 4 gospels exist: It's a military field manual for Christianity in the same way the Torah is a military field manual for social engineering. Trotsky said that trying to transform a culture is like trying to resurrect a cemetary. Well, Genesis, Exodus, and Numbes as the application of the social theory and Deuteronomy as the initial case study of the transformed culture.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are a case study in the recruitment, training and tuning of what amounts to a Green Beret "A" Team created to set a permanent transformation process in motion leading to humanity going boldy where there is no humanity at the moment, starting with the Moon. Apollo 11 is a direct result, epistemologically, of the relationship between the Cross and
John 15:1313Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. https://biblehub.com/john/15-13.htm
So, this is part of the internal communication of the Italian Cohort (AKA: The Centruion Cabal) that created the Holy Roman Church Hebrews is the manifesto for moving forward that the Italian Cohort distilled from all the data they had been compiling in Quelle to try and understand just what the fuck Resurrection was all about. The Romans didn't destroy Jerusalem: Judaism devoured itself. It learned the wrong lesson from Maccabbees and a millenium and a half of Karma from being bad neighbors since David collected 100 foreskins as a dowry came to a head in 70. 3 or four years after Hebrews was written.
The 13 epistles of Paul are, indeed, the 5th gospel and it would serve Christians for all Abrahamic traditions to accept that as, well, gospel. It is clear that Paul has at least read the current version of what has become The Gospel Accrording to Mark by the time he writes Galatians because of his use of εὐαγγελίου, which I propose is the Roman military signals protocol for STATUS. in
Galatians 2:5 οἷς οὐδὲ πρὸς ὥραν εἴξαμεν τῇ ὑποταγῇ, ἵνα ἡ ἀλήθεια τοῦ εὐαγγελίου διαμείνῃ πρὸς ὑμᾶς. https://biblehub.com/text/galatians/2-5.htm
Paul is extending the narrative of the Mishnah on what Jews consider a common messianic trajectory but turns out to be The Way. Because of Hillel, Judaism can rightly claim credit for the basic ethical basis of Christianity: That which is hateful to you do not to others. The problem with Hillel, as he reflects the soul of patience, is the introversion of Judaism, generally, The Golden Rule,
Matthew 12:7 In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets https://biblehub.com/matthew/7-12.htm
"For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets" is a recapitulation of Hillel's observation that "Everything else is commentary".
Christianity is Judaism transformed by the KISS principle. Judasim and Islam make the same mistake as the 18th Amendment: it is a tyranny of folly to legislate against human nature.
Paul is very rigorous to only use the Torah as the basis for his explication of the lements of Christianity embedded in the Torah. The Jesus Followers didn't know that The Way was supposed to go to Rome because Jesus never told them because I don't think Jesus, Himself, understood how it was going to work out, except that He needed to validate the God Hypothesis through a kama-kazi intervention. The wager He had with Satan was that He could take Christianity viral with Ted Talks, intellectual engagement. and a traveling medicine show like Cat Stevens and avoid all that messy drama and inconvenience of the cross.
Until the Resurrection, Christianty, as an ethical social system, was totally an inside baseball agenda for the Romans. As Luke points out in Acts 24:22, the Roman military intelligence system in Palestine had a pretty clear picture of the anthropology of Palestine the Resurrection, which the existence of Quelle demonstrates. and Festus and Eelix inherited from Pilate (although Felix doesn't seem to me aware of Quelle nor whatever connection there is between Cornelius and Theophilus. As far as I can tell, the first Emperor who became aware of the Centurion Christian Cabal since Tiberius was Constantine, with the possible exception of Claudius. The fact is, it isn't entirely clear to me if an Prefect of the Praetorian Guard was aware of Quelle after Marcus Opellius Macrinus.committed suicide. The Centruion Cabal was spread throughout the Roman legions and they probably concealed their worship by combining elements of Caesar Worship with the fellowship of Mithra,
The fact that Hebrews exists reveals the larger Jesus conspiracy inside the core of the Roman empire. The Gospel of Mark is an abstract of Quelle as an intelligence archive of the activities of Jesus. Whereever the historic present shows up in the Greek, that is raw intelligence from the Roman spy networks, an eyewitness account. A lot of the narrative of The Gospel According to Mark comes from the debriefing Cornelius conducts with Peter described in Acts 10. Acts 10:34 - 43 is the core doctrine of the Christian ethic Cornelius transmits to Rome and, as Gary Habermas points out, this doctrine forms the basis of the Apostle's Creed and appears immediately as a result of Pentacost. As you know, this baptism of the spirit happens 4 times in Acts and is consistent with the numerology of the Bible that the Holy Spirit employs throughout scripture, beginning with Genesis, the word itself.
In addition to transforming Judaism with the KISS principle, Jesus is promoting the Holy Spirit as a an element of the ontology of The One as described in Revelation 4:2. A part of my personal commission is to promote the Holy Spirit as a capitalist tool. The Holy Spirit is a divine resource for dominion over the universe, stewardship in society and the fellowship of community. He has always exeisted, but nobody was paying any constructive attention to Him until Jesus came along and made it the only unforgivable sin to deny He's there.
I've had a relationship with the Holy Spirit since I was killed in 1954 and a working relationship with him since I abandoned a military career when Jesus said to me: "I have other plans for you than a military career. Follow me and in the fullness of time. you'll end up revealing the author of the Gospel According to Mark and some other stuff having to do with high performing systems in a Free Enterprise economic ecology of American and British constitutional capitalism".
And here I am, today.
The 4 gospels describe the creation of the tools of cultural transformation and Acts is the case study of the transformation process once it's set into motion. Jesus is a test-tube baby who must die and go to seed like a Dandelion. Unlike the Dandelion, Jesus is born-again while the Green Beret "A" Team He has been training becomes the seeds of the Sower and the rushing wind of the Spirit of God blows them all over the world.
Mark 14:72 and John 11:35 are both the result of the actions of the Holy Spirit. Josephus describes a similar action of the Holy Spirit in the life of Herod Agrippa with the appearance of the 2nd owl in his life before he is eaten by worms.
I had a similar experience in Vietnam and Jesus offered a way out. And here I am, today. Why 4 Gospels? Because the Holy Ghost wants you to discover that Cornelius is the author of The Gospel According to Mark and that there is a line of ethical transfer from the Cross to Nicea that runs straight as a laser through Hebrews and the XP on the shield of the Milvian Bridge by way of the Christian Amideh: the 4 Gospels, Acts and the 13 Epistles of Paul are fulfilled by the 19th element of the meditation, Hebrews,
In the numerology of the Bible, 7 base numerology is the organizing principle of the Mythos, when humanity first began to record its existence after cave drawings and before capitalism and pyramids , the 8 base numerology of Egypt the organizing principle of the Ethos, lwhen humanity began to record its existence with symbols and the 9 base numerology of Melcizedek is the organizing principle of the Logos, when humanity began to develop a God's Eye view of the universe. 19 is the Alpha and Omega of the mind of The One and Sura 74:30 is the clearest portrait of the mind of The One in literature.
In the Beginning was the Word, but, before the Word was, Number IS.
The reason why there are 4 gospels is to describe the qualitative difference between literature and history. Narrative proceeds beyond the horizon while history recedes as debris from the here and now. As Father James points out, the narratives of the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church have proceeded in parallel for one thousand years because of the Holy Spirit. The history of the Church, especially the Christian apologetics defending Solo Scriptura, reflects the post-modern deconstruction of academic historical methodogy employed more or less universally in PhD programs and is Marxist in aspect. The problem Christian apologetics has with dealing with critics like Richard Carrier and Ahmed Deedat is that you are all using variations on Dialectical Materialism, which is a very acute instrument, indeed. The Jesus Seminar is an extreme example of its analytical nature, but Thomas Jefferson was trying to do something similar by cutting out all references to God in the Bible: he was trying to get at natural law or what I call process theology, my profession.
The 4 gospels are material debris from the life of the Living God and Son of Man as recorded by people who smelled His farts. The number 4 refers to the material world, as in "Mind" and "Matter". The Gospels are what Ayn Rand would call "Man Made" in that they exist on paper and contain the Metaphysical evidence of "Mind" in operation. The reason why there are 4 Gospels is because that was how the Holy Spirit guided the narrative and the mundane numerology, the literal chpater and verse numberin added a millenium after they became canon is even more magical. The Holy Spirit fairly drips out of the narrative of the Gospels and Acts. but the history can't catch it because it's magic. Magic conveys in literature: it's, at best, a conjecture in Marxist historical analysis: vote a red bead, yeah, a black bead, nay, and the opinion of scholarship in pink and grey, in between.
It makes sense that Paul's gospel is the 5th Gospel. The number 5 has to do with man qua human, archetecture and the interior line, which has a military aspect to it. .Paul presents the strutures of Shammai, the Law of Moses as harsh reality, but with the embedded aspects of Christianity extrapolated and transformed for the military audience of the Praetorian Guard. Along with the Quelle archive in Palestine, the case studies of Jesus in the Gospels, the history of the Dandelion seeds of Pentacost in Acts and the Septuagent, the result is the finding of Hebrews that launched Acts 10:34 - 43 2000 years into the future.
The Epistles of Paul have the same relationship to Hebrews that the Federalist Papers have with the US Constitution: they represent the state of the art in social engineering at the time, but the resulting dynamics have characteristics totally unanticipated in the original intent. The 19th Amendment is just one example. And, the fact is, arriving at the 19th Amendment was the original intent of the Framers in the same way the US Constitution is the original intent of the Epistles to the Romans.
Like George Smiley in La Carre's MI6, Theophilus took all this data in and, digested it and arrived at Hebrews. The important loop he closes is with Melchizedek, the Maji in Matthew and the 7 Etruscan kings from which emerges the fushion of the democratic socialism of Athens with the SPQR and the subordinate republican socialism of Sparta in the Preaetorian Guards.
Here's the thing to understand about Marx and the limits of Dialectical Materialism. Marx wanted to remove all the contradictions in society he believed money and the profit motive created, so he devised a methodology for slicing the ideal away from matter. The problem is that the contradictions he proposes to eliminate are actually paradox and the dynamics required to sustain the paradox is what keeps society resilient and progressive. Supply Side economics is an example of a paradox being devolved to dilemma and a system based on a false choice devised that denies the synergies that make it socially valuabe, if not metaphysically necessary.
Paradox does not convey, historically, only the effects.
In constrast, paradox is the leading edge of narrative, which is what Father James points out to you in comparing the Coptic narrative to the Eastern Orthodox narrative. Hebrews captures the paradox contained in the Holy of Holies like the scolls in the Arc of the Covenant and delivers it, in the fullness of time, to mankind as the final gift of the Magi.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
The victims of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre are martyrs
By Danya Ruttenberg | Published October 28 at 7:00 AM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 28, 2019 |
Eleven people woke up Saturday morning and got dressed, drank their coffee or chatted with their spouses or read another chapter of that novel, and then made the decision to spend Shabbat — the Jewish Sabbath, our holy day of rest and community and connection and service to the divine — in synagogue.
Some were there to celebrate a brit milah — to welcome a new baby boy into the community. Perhaps some of them went primarily to be with friends, or to pour out their hearts in prayer. Maybe some were there for a combination of reasons. But they were all together in a sacred space, in holy time, when a gunman opened fire.
President Trump referred to the killing of those 11 people as “evil,” and he is correct. But it is not an evil devoid of context. We cannot understand this massacre when we try to treat it as an isolated incident. Like most tragedies, it has a lot of contexts.
This slaughter lives in the context of more than a thousand years of scapegoating Jews for the stresses and trials of society. The trope of the powerful Jew (which itself was born out of Christian oppression) has been deployed time and time again throughout history. It continues up to and through Trump’s ongoing attacks on George Soros and frequent use of the word “globalist,” — a well-known anti-Semitic dog-whistle — even Saturday, just after the slaughter at Tree of Life synagogue.
As educator April Rosenblum once noted, anti-Semitism is effective — and often invisible — because “it allows Jews success … because the point of anti-Jewish oppression is to keep a Jewish face in front, so that Jews, instead of ruling classes, become the target for peoples’ rage, it works even more smoothly when Jews are allowed some success, and can be perceived as the ones ‘in charge’ by other oppressed groups.” Anti-Semitism, in this way, functions differently from other forms of oppression. Although through most of history, Jews have had neither power or privilege in the societies in which they lived; the times and places when we have had success have served as both cause for hatred and proof, to the anti-Semitic mind, that the conspiracy theories are correct.
Indeed, suspect Robert D. Bowers, who reportedly shouted “All Jews must die!” as he allegedly opened fire in the synagogue, appears to have singled out HIAS, an important refugee resettlement and advocacy group, for bringing in “hostile invaders,” as though Jews have some sort of power over the patterns of migration that bring asylum seekers to America’s southern border. There, he was echoing the idea circulating fairly openly among right-wing media that Soros or some other nefarious hidden power is funding the caravan of asylum seekers walking its way through Mexico to the U.S. border. Bowers, reportedly, believes that Jewish influence is keeping Trump’s administration from going far enough in pursuit of draconian immigration policies.
As it happens, the Torah portion read on Saturday morning, in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, included the story of Sodom being destroyed. It was destroyed, the rabbis of the Talmud tell us, because of a lack of hospitality. The same portion shows Abraham welcoming strangers to his tent, serving as the model of hospitality. We care for strangers, the Torah tells us. We are implored to look after the immigrant, the refugee. It is our sacred obligation to work to protect the vulnerable — as HIAS indeed does.
But this atrocity is not only situated in a Jewish context. Tree of Life is now forever linked to the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, all the way back to and beyond to the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. — all attacks on houses of worship. Hate crimes in this country are not new. But they are on the rise: One recent study found that “hate crime totals for the 10 largest cities rose for four straight years to the highest level in a decade,” and another noted that online hate and harassment have amplified as well.
This attack is also situated in the context of mass shootings in America, linking Tree of Life to Pulse nightclub, to Las Vegas, to Parkland, to Sutherland Springs, to Sandy Hook, to every last one of recent mass shootings in the United States. It lives in the context of Congress’s refusal to pass comprehensive gun control — which could and should include rigorous background checks, an assault weapons ban, waiting periods, training and licensure, public health funding, and research. (Trump, of course, said Saturday that the real problem was that there weren’t enough guns in the synagogue.) The Jews gunned down in the midst of the Shabbat liturgy and Torah reading already had plenty of their own thoughts and prayers. What they actually needed was legislative action, and the political will to prioritize their lives and safety over the interests of the National Rifle Association.
Four times a year, Jews recite a memorial service that includes a prayer to remember all those who were “killed, exterminated, slaughtered, burned, drowned and asphyxiated for the sanctification of God’s name” — those who died as martyrs in the Crusades, in the Inquisition, in pogroms, in so many other slaughters over the centuries. Those who were butchered this Shabbat, too, sanctified God’s name. They chose to come to a Jewish space in a time of increasing anti-Jewish hatred, to mark Shabbat as a holy time when they could have made other choices. They are martyrs no less.
In Judaism, when someone dies, we often say, “May their memory be for a blessing.” This time, it is all of our obligation to make it so. We must mourn and lament and grieve for the lives stolen from the world. We must rage at the baseless hatred and reckless lack of protections that made these senseless killings possible in the first place. And we must honor the memories of those who were murdered by fighting for a world that values every life — refugee and citizen, of every race and religion — and that creates cultures and policies that reflect those values.
One year after the Tree of Life attack, anti-Semitism is still on the rise — and social media isn’t helping
By Jonathan Greenblatt | Published October 27 at 8:00 AM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 28, 2019 |
Jonathan A. Greenblatt is chief executive and national director of the Anti-Defamation League.
One year ago this week, a white supremacist stormed into the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and gunned down 11 worshipers. It was the single deadliest anti-Semitic attack in the history of the United States, a violent climax of months of anti-Semitic, racist and other hate incidents that had been building all around the nation.
I had hoped that this would be a turning point, a moment when the anti-Semitic fever broke and leaders from all sectors of society moved to condemn this ancient scourge and make clear that it — and other bigotry and hatreds — would not be tolerated in America.
But one year after Pittsburgh, that is not the case. From charging that Jewish money controls Washington to saying Jews aren’t truly loyal to America, the use of anti-Semitic slurs has continued across the political spectrum. Anti-Semitic incidents have not abated — nor have other incidents of virulent racism, a fact that is not unrelated.
Data released this week from the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism shows that the United States continues to experience record numbers of anti-Semitic incidents; preliminary reporting shows 780 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded in the first six months of 2019, almost mirroring the 785 incidents reported during the same period in 2018.
These acts are not just the work of right-wing extremists, nor are they limited to murderous occurrences. They include anti-Semitic taunts and graffiti, and harassment and assaults directed at religious Jews. In the first half of this year, there were 200 such incidents in New York City alone. They form an arc of extremism that is accelerating as hate is normalized and as individuals are radicalized with alarming ease, due in part to the growth and design of social media.
While platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have fostered global connections and reshaped society, they can also be a magnifier of and catalyst for anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of hate and discrimination. Spread and sustained by social media, white supremacy has mutated into a global epidemic. That’s why it is incumbent upon the companies that run these platforms to act now.
Twitter, Facebook and many of these businesses already have taken some steps, but with limited effect. Social media companies often attribute this to free speech and problems of scale. The latter is a fair point: There are hundreds of millions of posts worldwide every day, so even if the companies’ policies were 99.9 percent effective, that would still leave millions of posts and people impacted by them.
But the platform companies are not addressing how their business models allow bigotry to thrive. Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey, for example, has admitted that the company needs to do a better job removing hate on its platform, but has also inexplicably given a green light to some of the most hateful actors in the world, including Hamas and Hezbollah. And Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg refused to take action to stop politicians from spreading clear falsehoods on that platform, writing in an op-ed, “I don’t think it’s right for a private company to censor politicians or the news in a democracy.”
The tech chiefs also fail to acknowledge that private companies decide what content gets magnified or minimized through their actions and algorithms — thus essentially shaping the public conversation for billions of people. With this unprecedented scale, disinformation or other content incites bigotry, instability and violence.
But this can be stopped. Private companies are not government entities and are not constrained by the First Amendment. If you went into a cafe and started yelling “Die, Jews” or “Go back to Mexico” at the patrons, the owners would throw you out. Why should the online world be any different?
Facebook, Twitter, Google and bad actors such as Gab and 8chan should do the same if someone breaks their rules and spews hatred. What’s more, perpetrators of online hate often engage in completely unprotected activity: making criminal threats, stalking, harassment. Platforms can and should adopt policies that significantly decrease virulent and toxic hatred.
Of course, making these determinations when you have hundreds of millions of users is not easy; there is no quick fix. Still, these companies need to recognize their responsibility. They should make modifications to their core products complemented by regular, external audits. Transparency is vital to ensure the proper accountability that any entity operating at this scale with this much power must have.
Anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry predate the Internet. Cracking down on social media will not cure society of this hatred, nor will it end violence against Jews or other vulnerable communities. However, social media companies need to recognize how their extraordinary creations are emboldening extremists. They need to act far more responsibly than they have to date.
Pittsburgh Marks a Massacre’s Anniversary With Prayers and Projects
One year after an anti-Semitic gunman killed 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue, the city’s Jews and their neighbors commemorated the day with service and calls for change.
By Campbell Robertson | Published
October 27, 2019 | New York Times | Posted October 29, 2019 |
PITTSBURGH — It was a scene that would have infuriated the man who set off a whole year of pain and sorrow. Men and women, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, crowded elbow to elbow around tables at the Jewish Family and Community Services building, making blankets for refugees and packing bags of crayons and coloring books for the young and undocumented.
“We are here and we are not scared,” declared Laura Horowitz, a member of Dor Hadash, one of the three Jewish congregations that were attacked on Oct. 27, 2018, by an anti-Semitic gunman enraged about their welcoming of refugees.
Ms. Horowitz tied another knot in the fringe of a blanket, and then qualified her declaration. “Maybe we are scared,” she said. “But we’re here anyway.”
On Sunday, Pittsburgh marked one year since 11 worshipers of three congregations were killed at the Tree of Life-Or L’Simcha synagogue. It was a citywide commemoration, beginning with community service projects all around town, continuing in Torah study sessions at the city’s largest synagogue, and culminating with a solemn service at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, the site of a packed commemoration the day after the attack.
“I stood here one year ago still in shock over the brutal massacre in my synagogue, Tree of Life, not knowing what to say,” said Rabbi Jeffrey Myers in remarks on Sunday night.
The evening program was full of psalms and prayers, candle-lighting and poetry. A video was played showing family members of the 11 deceased, now known by name across the city: 97-year-old Rose Mallinger; the beloved Rosenthal brothers, David and Cecil; Richard Gottfried, a pillar of the New Light congregation. The governor and the mayor spoke briefly, but most of the time was given to leaders of the three congregations.
“Xenophobia is as ancient as humanity; anti-Semitic hatred is also nothing new,” said Anne-Marie Mizel Nelson, a daughter of founding members of Dor Hadash. “It has not defeated us yet. And it will not defeat us now.”
Since almost immediately after the attack, a discussion about how best to move forward has never been far removed from the grief of what was lost. It was not far on Sunday, either.
Apparently alluding to those who have urged a focus on policy changes like gun control in response to the attack, Rabbi Myers acknowledged that people had chided him “that my efforts would be better spent on more achievable goals.” He continued: “My tradition teaches us the following: It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task, but you are not absolved from trying.”
Immediately following him, Rabbi Jonathan Perlman of New Light Congregation drew a long standing ovation when he specifically called on politicians to pass gun control measures. He followed that with a criticism of the government for pushing toward a capital trial for the synagogue attacker rather than accepting a guilty plea for life in prison. A trial, the rabbi said, would “retraumatize our families.”
“Please,” he said. “Please, let us treat each other with great warmth and sympathy.”
Many in the three congregations had not especially been looking forward to Sunday, having already spent a year in grief. Some of those who had lost relatives in the attack simply left town. The day’s agenda, though, was created by family members, as well as others in the congregations and a host of Jewish service agencies across the city.
The morning’s community service projects were scattered all over the city, at the J.F.C.S. building, at food pantries, libraries and blood drives, and, with saws and clippers, at the vine-choked Shaare Torah cemetery in the city’s South Hills.
“People have asked me this year, ‘How do you move on?’” said Rabbi Daniel Wasserman at the cemetery, his work-gloved hands on his hips. “We’re not moving on,” he said sermonically. “We’re moving forward. There is a difference.”
Hacking through the brush on the hill in front of him were a couple of dozen volunteers, including two women who had driven that morning all the way from Baltimore and a 74-year-old Pittsburgh man who had just come across the grave of his great-grandfather.
As at all the volunteer events, some of the participants had close connections with the congregations that were attacked, and some had no ties at all. There was much talk about the need to do something to mark the day, of the particularly Jewish imperative of doing good in the world, and of how this was an essentially Pittsburgh impulse as well.
“Maybe it’s the influence of Mr. Rogers,” said Noah Jordan, 32, who had grown up in the Tree of Life congregation and on Sunday morning was among the volunteers making bags for immigrants. In the earliest hours after the shooting, he said, he thought of it as an attack on the Jewish community. “But then, everyone in Pittsburgh saw this as an attack on all of us.”
One-year commemoration of synagogue shooting marked
By Associated Press | Published October 27 at 10:34 PM ET | AP | Posted October 28, 2019 |
PITTSBURGH — The first anniversary of the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history was being marked around the world Sunday with community service projects, music and an online remembrance.
The shooting on Oct. 27, 2018, killed 11 worshippers and wounded seven at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood, where a steady stream of people stopped by Sunday. Lining the fence outside the closed Tree of Life building were 11 flowerpots, each one bearing the name of one of those killed. People also piled bouquets and crocheted hearts at the site and hung signs on the fence saying the city was “stronger than hate” and calling diversity its strength.
“Today we remember those we lost and come together as a commonwealth to stand united as neighbors,” said a Twitter message from Governor Tom Wolf, who attended a memorial service in Pittsburgh on Sunday evening.
Pittsburgh’s sports teams joined other organizations in honoring the victims. Steelers president Art Rooney II said Sunday that fans will be asked at Monday night’s game to stand for a moment of silence for the victims and their families. The Pittsburgh Penguins said “Hatred and discrimination have no place in Pittsburgh or anywhere else,” and the Pittsburgh Pirates echoed that sentiment, saying the memory of the victims “will always be a reminder that hatred has no place in our world.”
The synagogue’s three congregations now worship at two nearby synagogues. Last week, Tree of Life leaders unveiled their vision for the damaged building: a rebuilt space for places of worship; memorial, education and social events; and classrooms and exhibitions.
The commemoration’s theme was “Remember. Repair. Together.” It included a private Jewish service, studying the portion of the Torah that was read when the shooting happened, opportunities to do community service, and a public memorial service.
Several hundred people had registered to volunteer at various community organizations on Sunday. In Germany, the Clarion Quartet, comprised of Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra musicians, was to perform at a special event in Berlin.
Thousands were expected to participate in Sunday’s remembrance through Pause With Pittsburgh, a virtual memorial event created by the Jewish Federations of North America.
Authorities charged Robert Bowers, 47, a truck driver from Baldwin, Pennsylvania, in the massacre. Investigators say he used an AR-15 rifle and other weapons, and posted criticism of an immigrant aid society on social media before the attack, claiming the Jewish charity “likes to bring invaders that kill our people.”
Federal prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.
Want to fight anti-Semitism, a year after Pittsburgh? Here’s one easy way.
By April Rosenblum | Published October 27 at 6:00 AM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 28, 2019 |
One year ago, a gunman spouting anti-Semitic rhetoric walked into a sacred Jewish space, Tree of Life synagogue, and took the lives of 11 treasured members of Pittsburgh’s Jewish community.
In the weeks that followed, a tremor passed through Jewish organizations, homes, dorm rooms and Facebook feeds. American Jews were in a state of collective shock and mourning, and it wasn’t just for the compassionate men and women who were taken that day in Pittsburgh. For many of us, Pittsburgh marked the end of an assumption that had comforted our families for generations: that in America, Jews were safe.
For me, the event landed a bit differently: I felt all mourning and no shock. That’s because in 2005, fresh out of college, I took on a research project that changed my life. I was a student activist facing what felt like an insurmountable task — to offer a mirror to leftist social justice movements about the tricky, highly sensitive question of how to recognize and respond to anti-Semitism in our ranks.
When I started my research, charges of anti-Semitism were already so politicized in campus debates over Israel and Palestine that leftist activists tended to suspect the sincerity of anyone who raised it. To complicate matters, they tended to have a clearer understanding of oppression that limited people’s opportunities, like racism and classism. From this perspective, anti-Semitism, as terrible as it was, seemed like a thing of the past. If so many Jews in the United States today were white and financially stable, could they really be a group that needed advocacy? Hoping to help the left integrate a better understanding of anti-Semitism, I set out to understand it better myself: not just how it played out in history, but also what it looked like in the present, here and abroad, and across the political spectrum.
What I learned left me sobered. Anti-Semitism thrives under conditions of social discontent and instability. It paints an imagined picture of Jews — whether it’s the Jewish people as a whole, a nefarious Jewish figure, a shadowy cabal or the Jewish state — as holding unique power, able to influence world events more than normal people can. Although modern anti-Semitism as we know it today grew out of right-wing movements, it has a knack for flexibility. Because it looks less like victim-blaming than like a critique of power, it can make its way into unexpected conversations and coalitions, and out of the mouths of well-meaning people.
Anti-Semitism finds a niche across the political spectrum because of the explanatory power it carries. In periods of social upheaval — when inequality no longer feels tolerable, or when groups of people who once felt safe from inequality worry that they are losing their grip — people ask what is causing their problems. Anti-Semitism offers an answer: It’s the Jews.
For the accused shooter in Pittsburgh, this apparently took the form of one particular conspiracy theory: the one in which the Jews are conspiring to undermine white society. Tree of Life members had spent a recent Shabbat promoting compassion for refugees. Anti-Semitism meant their killer couldn’t picture Jews as regular people — people who remembered the powerlessness of being refugees and wanted no one else to have to suffer that way. Instead, the accused shooter was sure Jews were plotting behind the scenes, subverting borders and using immigrants to pose a genocidal threat to white people.
Over the years, this particular variant of anti-Semitism has taken many forms, like the idea that the civil rights movement was secretly directed by Jews — an idea that, of course, depends on deeply rooted denial of black intellect and resistance. But it’s only one of many conspiracies attributed to Jews. Whether it’s controlling banks, wars or the media, the core of modern anti-Semitism is the conspiracy itself.
This customizable conspiracy theory makes anti-Semitism useful for propping up unjust power structures. After all, when “the Jews” explain any lack of power that ordinary people feel, those people are less likely to unite to change the power structure itself. While the first reason that social justice movements should stand up against anti-Semitism is that Jews deserve to live free of fear, the second reason is this: As long as there’s a decoy explanation for what ails society, any social movement will have a hard time organizing to win real change.
* * *
During the 2016 presidential campaign, I wasn’t one of those who saw a Hillary Clinton win as a safe bet. White voters on the right were expressing clear anxiety about challenges to their traditional position of power. The thing about whiteness that makes losing it so unbearable is that it has insulated white people from the full brunt of inequality. In our world, very few people’s lives count for as much as profit does. But whiteness has helped white people — including many Jewish people in the postwar United States — to avoid facing that reality. Whiteness doesn’t just give people physical protection from the daily violence and exploitation against black, brown and indigenous people; it gives white people a way to believe that they have value, even in an economy where that is less and less true.
As I watched white voters gear up for 2016, I didn’t like the odds of what was coming. I feared for the physical safety of my black, Muslim and immigrant friends, and I was pretty sure that Jews would also become a target. My research had prepared me for the rise in brutal anti-Semitic rhetoric that the campaign and election unleashed and for the violence I knew would follow. With a heavy heart, I had been expecting an event like Pittsburgh long before it finally came.
Today, white nationalist violence is speeding up toward so many of us. Like black communities in Charleston and Jeffersontown, Muslims in Quebec City and Christchurch, and Mexican Americans in El Paso, Jews are grappling with how to achieve safety. What would legislation look like? How can we safeguard our spaces — as Jews in Halle, Germany, had to — without turning to security forces that could put Jews and allies of color at risk?
Two things are clear to me. First, we can only get through this together. Jews can only survive this with our many allies from other targeted groups fighting at our sides — and we need to realize that anyone who targets our allies is no real friend of ours. Second, no top-down solution will be enough to fix this. Anti-Semitism is a decentralized ideology, freely available online to all. So are untraceable guns and the online communities where recruits learn to point them at us.
Luckily, one of the best ways to fight anti-Semitism is also free and accessible to all. It’s one of the simplest tools we have, and it can preempt attacks: We need to talk openly about how inequality works.
Anti-Semitism has staying power because it offers an explanation of why the world is so broken. It says the roots of inequality are hidden, and suggests they can be found. This is so attractive because a lot of inequality doesn’t get spoken about. Sometimes that’s by design — like when tax havens cover up massive private wealth, depriving our societies of more robust social services. Sometimes that’s out of social convention, since many of us, especially people with wealth, are raised to think of money and how we get it as a personal subject, impolite to discuss.
That’s why some of the best tools I’ve seen to fight anti-Semitism weren’t about Jews at all. They were movies, podcasts and face-to-face conversations that brought these questions out in the open. They spoke in simple terms about how our economy and other systems of inequality really work — which meant listeners who felt frustrated, angry or without power didn’t have to go looking for a secret cause.
I know that many of my gentile friends have asked themselves, “Would I have spoken up during the Holocaust?” — just as Jews like me have grown up looking at gentile friends in our lives and asking ourselves, “Would they have hidden me?”
Speaking up inside a fascist state carries unthinkable risk. We are more fortunate. We live in a time when all of us can stand in the way of anti-Semitism, just by educating ourselves about economics and power, and by taking the time, patience and humility to share what we learn with people in our families and communities.
On the day of the Tree of Life killings, my first feeling was wildly irrational. Because I had been expecting the worst for some time, I felt a gratitude no human being should ever have to feel: that the men and women whose lives were cut short at Tree of Life had been able to live relatively long, full years; that they had had a chance, if too short, to experience joys which many of our people throughout history did not survive to experience. When reports circulated that the shooting had interrupted a baby naming, I imagined a baby shielded by Jewish elders, being gifted with a possibility to live on and make it to a future where things like this don’t happen anymore. These are thoughts no person should have to have; mental silver linings to which the mind could only contort in an obscenely tarnished world.
Pittsburgh leaves us all thinking about how we can oppose anti-Semitism. But anti-Semitism doesn’t just come from hatred or ignorance — it’s a predictable effect of structural inequality. If we want to save lives, we need to stop pretending that this teetering structure can keep balancing like this forever. For all of our safety, let’s start having real conversations about what’s broken, and what it will take to make the world whole.
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ascendingmatrix · 7 years
Posted by stevew | Feb 1, 2018 | 2018, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog
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January 30, 2018
Rabbi Marvin Antelman  (193?-2014) deserves credit for revealing that the Illuminati originated in a “heretical”  Cabalist Jewish movement — the Sabbatean Frankists — named after its progenitors Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) This mostly Jewish movement, which garbs itself in Gentile Freemasonry,  assumes the identity of the target population and subverts it from within. A Jewish authority, Gershom Scholem, describes them as “demonically possessed.” These are the Satanists behind Communism, Nazism, Zionism and the NWO. Trump no doubt is one. So is Obama, Soros and the satanic secret society behind Hillary Clinton.
They are behind the destruction of Christianity, the attack on gender, and the general spiritual malaise afflicting the West.
(Editor’s Note: I realize we have been over this territory before. But a lot of new people are realizing that the conspiracy is not a theory. I see my role as keeping this vital knowledge alive and current.)
“The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World”
by Thomas Muller
One of the most hidden aspects of the history of the last 350 years is the impact of the Shabbetian Messianic movement. It was led by Shabbetai Tzvi starting June 6, 1666 (6666). Tzvi convinced, perhaps, half of the world’s Jewry at its peak that he was the true Messiah. A vast Sabbatian movement promoted the Messianic ambitions of Tzvi, who only recognized the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar and rejected the Torah and Talmud.
The Sabbatian Luciferian phenomenon was kept alive through the centuries with great help. In the 18th century, Jacob Frank reintroduced Sabbatianism to Europe en route to America and Palestine. Although Jewish scholars have dissected Sabbatianism and Frankism, little of it is known to the outside world. Rabbi Marvin Antelman believes the movement lives on at least in spirit and refers to today’s believers as “satanic Sabbatian Frankists.” The article that follows uses Antelman’s book, “To Eliminate the Opiate,” as the primary source to document these events.
Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem attempts to answer this question of why Sabbatianism has been swept under the rug in his book “Holiness of Sin,” as follows:
Secularist historians, on the other hand, have been at pains to de-emphasize the role of Sabbatianism for a different reason. Not only did most of the families once associated with the Sabbatian movement in Western and Central Europe continue to remain afterward within the Jewish fold, but many of their descendants, particularly in Austria, rose to positions of importance during the 19th century as prominent intellectuals, great financiers, and men of high political connections.
“Sabbatian cults are well documented in the ‘Encyclopedia Judaica’ and in the writings of Israeli academics, including the late professor Y. Tishbi, Yehuda Liebes and Yaacov Katz.
In a nutshell, these groups sexually practiced incest, pedophilia, adultery and homosexuality and were otherwise depraved. The Talmud states that the Messiah will come only in an age that is completely guilty or completely innocent (Sanhedrin 98a). From this epigram, the Frankists would declare, “Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners.”
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One has to wonder what insanity was inside the minds of Jews that would cause so many to buy into this nihilist cult. In addition, Sabbatians and Frankists practiced inbreeding which surely didn’t help with any tendency towards psychosis and neurosis. In his day, over a million Jews from every walk of life proclaimed and hailed Tzvi as their deliverer. …
After a forced conversion to Islam by the Sultan, the cult died down. Then, Jacob Frank, one of history’s nastiest men, encountered the Sabbatian Dönmeh while he was a traveling salesman in Turkey in 1750. He refined the concept of the Messiah, declared himself so, and urged members of the movement to sin as the means to salvation. It was called the “cult of the all-seeing eye.”
The Frankist “believer” had an inverted, deceptive belief system. One must not appear to be as they really are. The last belief justified its followers’ pursuit of the double lives they led. One could appear to be a religious Jew on the outside and, in reality, be a Frankist. The Dönmeh officially converted to Islam but remained (hidden) crypto-Jews. Similarly so, the many Frankists who officially converted to Catholicism.
The great majority of Frankists who outwardly appeared to embrace Judaism integrated themselves into the Jewish community. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, they still cherished as their goal “the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief,” and they dreamed “of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt.”
For the Frankist, anarchic destruction represented all the Luciferian radiance, and “great is a sin committed for its own sake.” The Frankists taught that their Four Godheads represented the major religions that needed to be destroyed: Elijah represents the ultimate Messiah, which is reached by starting with Judaism, represented by Jonathan Eibeschutz; going on to Islam represented by Shabbetai Tzvi; the last portal represented by Frank in Christianity. After the revolution comes Big Brother, who rules the earth.
The Frankists enticed women to leave their husbands and to join their orgies. Families were broken up by the hundreds. This is even more amazing considering the strong family life that characterized the Jews in the communities of Podolia, Moravia, Poland, Hungary and Romania at that time.
The Encyclopedia Judaica states that Frank’s considerable wealth and income “was a constant source of wonder and speculation, and the matter was never resolved.”
In 1752, Frank married a Bulgarian Jewish woman named Channa. She was very beautiful, and he utilized her, as was the custom among members of his sect, to ensnare hundreds of men who had licentious affairs with her to build up the strength of his sect.
In 1755, Frank returned to Poland, where he associated with the Sabbatian leaders of Podolia and visited and expanded Jewish communities that had been known for their heretical leanings since the beginning of the 18th century.
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After Frankists burned copies of the Talmud and accused Jews of ritual murders, the rabbis had seen enough. In 1756 in the city of Satinow, rabbis formally excommunicated Frank and all of his followers. They prohibited intermarriage with any members of the sect. Rabbi Jacob Emden (1697- 1776) wrote in a letter that it was forbidden for anyone to have mercy on them.
Divorced from traditional Judaism, a group of Frankists in Europe converted to Catholicism in 1759. But a year later, Frank was accused of heresy and was thrown into the Citadel of Czenstokova. Frank lived comfortably at the monastery for 13 years.
[The term] Frankism was coined in early 19th century and was initially a slur directed at the descendants of Frank’s followers who converted to Roman Catholicism and attempted to conceal their background.
According to contemporary accounts, the Warsaw Frankists were at 6,000. It was put at 24,000 in the whole of Poland. The cultists were said to monopolize certain trades and professions, including lending, brothels and alcohol. This factor led to many conflicts between Polish burghers and the Frankists. In Polish brochures and pamphlets published in Warsaw in the 1790s, the Frankists were portrayed as neither Jewish nor Christian (religious chameleons) and were characterized as managing to escape the control of both Jewish and Polish authorities.
After the rabbis succeeded in reducing the sect some Frankists turn up in Moravia and Vienna. There was already an influential clan in Prague that pre-dated Jacob Frank. For reasons not adequately explained by Rabbi Antelman in his book, many of the Frankist families at this time were wealthy elites. Our theory is that their low morals and evil intent allowed them to move aggressively into the lucrative vice trades which more traditionally religious peoples avoided.
Additionally, because many were now “officially” Catholic, they were able to join or form Masonic lodges where they liked to plot and conspire. In particular, the elite Frankist inbred families operated out of the Mason Order of Asiatic Brethren in Vienna. More lodges were opened in Hamburg and Berlin. Even gentile Masonic lodges were very amenable to Jewish converts to Christianity, especially among men of means (crypto-Jew Frankists) who could grease palms and provide sexual favors. This led to a path of infiltration and of course compromising control.
After his release from the citadel, Frank moved to Brno, Moravia, to hang out with his brother, who was the head of the large Dobrushka family. Jacob Frank even adopted that name. They were Frankist loyalists. The family included eight sons. Two who changed their name to Frey were leading Jacobins in the French Revolution and were guillotined when the Jacobins were removed. Frank resided for 13 years in Brno. His brother Solomon (1715-1774) held both the lucrative potash and the tobacco monopolies in Moravia.
Though they had a tendency to inter-marry and inbreed within their own group, the elite Luciferian Frankists had no problem strategically assimilating with select wealthy Catholic families. Indeed, by all accounts, they were gold diggers and seductresses who also had money in their own right. Frank’s own daughter Eva slept with Crown Prince and future Emperor Joseph II in Vienna, where for a time Frank was welcome within the court. Besides the sexual servicing of Joseph II, the Hapsburgs thought he could be useful in converting and assimilating Jews.
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Frankists also freely held both Jewish, Catholic or Islamic names. Sabbatians and Frankists epitomize the term “crypto-Jew.” As time went on, Frankism became more of a predatory psychopathic belief system and excuse to sin and indulge than anything else.
Eight Dobruskas “officially” converted to Christianity and six were ennobled. One of Solomon’s granddaughters, Francesca Dobrushka, married into the Hoenig family, later ennobled as the von Hoenigsbergs. The Hoenigsberg family acquired most of its wealth as descendants of Loebel Hoenig who, during the Austrian secession of 1740-1748 and the Seven Year War of 1756-1763, accumulated a fantastic fortune as a supplier of the Austrian army. Loebel’s eldest son, Israel Hoenig (1724-1808), achieved control of the Austrian tobacco monopoly.
Other prominent Sabbeatians were the Wehles family of Prague. One, Gottlieb Wehle, came to the United States with a large constituency of Frankists from Bohemia and Moravia after the Revolution of 1848. One member of this clan was Louis Brandeis (1856-1941), the Supreme Court Justice and ardent Zionist who was instrumental in promoting the Federal Reserve Bank. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank’s portrait from his mother, a descendant of a Prague Frankist family.
Isaac Daniel Itzig of Berlin also had Frankist familial connections. He ran the Press of the Jewish Free School, which in 1796 changed its name to the Oriental Printing Office, considered to be a powerful instrument of “cultural reform” and intellectual precursor to the Frankfurt School. Rabbi Antelman labels Itzig as an earlier Communist. In fact, Antelman documents a theory that holds that proto-Frankists were the vanguards of the Marxist-Communist philosophy.
Itzig’s father Daniel aka Daniel Yoffe was financial adviser to King Frederick William II of Prussia who, when he was crown prince, was a member of the Berlin llluminati. Itzig (1750-1806) was a purveyor of silver to the Royal Prussian mint. Along with banker-merchant H. Ephraim during the Seven-Year War, he issued debased coinage that not only contributed to inflation but helped the Prussian government fight the war. These two powerful Frankist families were later joined in marriage.
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Frankist Mayer Arnstein married Theresa Wertheimer, granddaughter of banker and chief rabbi Samson Wertheimer of Austria. Rabbi Wertheimer (1658-1724) was considered to be the wealthiest Jew in Europe between 1694 and 1704. He was a financial administrator for emperors Leopold I, Joseph I and Charles VI and supervised their diplomatic missions. This earned him the nickname Judenkaiser or Jewish Emperor. Arnstein in turn financed the Tyrolese peasant revolt against France and Bavaria.
The same pattern continuously emerges. Brilliant, wealthy Luciferians addicted to power, anxious to superficially assimilate, to destroy religions, to indulge in radicalism, shady ethics and to live cryptic, two-faced lives, sometimes posing as religious Jews, Catholics, Protestants or Muslims but indulging their revolutionary radicalism in secret. Even as Frankism itself diminished, at least on the surface, as a large and organized sect, its belief system received a strong toehold even within the Catholic faith through Frankist “conversions.”
Near the end of his life, Frank lived in Offenbach, just outside Frankfurt. He lived in regal style and maintained a militia. He died in Offenbach on August 10, 1791, having settled there in 1786.
When the Frankists established themselves in 1786 in the Frankfurt suburb of Offenbach, they were patronized by “unidentified philanthropists” of the Frankfurt community. But during the Frankfurt Masonic Lodge’s formative years, the three most active members of the Frankfurt Judenloge were Frankist-influenced: Sigmund Geisenheimer, Michael Hess (1782-1860) and Justus Hiller, who were also leaders in the liberal Jewish Reformist movement. Michael Hess was hired by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) as a tutor for his children. Geisenheimer was Mayer Rothschild’s head clerk. Thus the spirit and mentality of Frankism received a large boost from the richest family in Europe. Incidentally, 29 of 58 of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren married first or second cousins.
Thanks to Clifford Shack for sending this.
Related: Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists
The Sabbatean Frankist Origins of the Illuminati
The Satanic Cult that Rules the World
Jews’ “Worst Enemy” Now Ours
Gershon Scholem- Background on Sabbatean Frankists Benjamin Netanyahu’s Fantasy World by Rabbi Michael Lerner
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