#Consciousness: Physiological aspects
bormgans · 2 years
As with most of my non-fiction reviews, I’ll first give a general overview & appraisal of the book. After that there’s a lengthy section with quotes and paraphrases of stuff I want to keep on record, and those could be of interest to you too. What is the mind?It is the sound of the breezeThat passes through the pinesIn the Indian-ink picture. – Ikkyū Sōjun, 15th century The Evolution of the…
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ was physical representation of the crucifixion in the brain, this is a physiological and biological description of the teachings of The Bible.
"Jesus isn’t coming back a second time. The Christ is, and already has. What’s the difference? Jesus was the actual man (aka son of man) that lived 2000 years ago. Christ was the Consciousness (aka Son of God) that was expressing itself through Jesus telling people that “no one comes to the Father but through me” and “He who sees the Son sees the Father” when the masses thought he was referring to his body.
Now, how is the Christ coming back a second time or has already? The Christ is that aspect of the soul that some refer to as their Higher Self. It’s the part of you that’s a part of God (aka man is made in the image of God). God isn’t a man because He isn’t bound by any form. Yet it’s because He isn’t bound by form that gives Him the ability to assume ALL forms in creation. The Oneness that is God is expressing Himself through countless subjective experiences through each of His creation.
Since all of us have the Christ Consciousness laying dormant within all of us, in whom has it come back a second time, and how does all of humanity awaken it so it can express itself fully in all of mankind, rather than in just one person here and there?
Where/what is Christ in our body?
Jesus Christ was crucified at a place named “Calvary” which in the original Biblical language meant “skull”. In the human body there is a nerve known as “the tree of life”, it protrudes from the skull. It is this nerve, the Vagus Nerve, that “crucifies” meaning “Refines” or “Transforms the “Sacred Secretion” or “Christ Oil” into our Pineal gland, causing us to see God, face to face and receive the true anointing of the “Holy Spirit”.
Genesis 32:30
“Jacob named the place peneal(pineal)” because, he said “ I saw God face to face and lived to tell the story!”
This is a biological and physiological description of the journey made by Christ, the Christ Oil or Sacred Secretion throughout the body, and some practical instructions on how to honor it, raise it and exemplify it in order to be fully enlightened, just as God intended.
Christ was the living embodiment of Gods perfection, and Biblically, we are told that Christs Holy Spirit dwells Inside all of us, But what you may not know is how astoundingly literal Christ is inside our physical body. Colossians 1
“ This mystery had been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it is out in the open. God wanted everyone to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in Gods glory. Its that simple. That is the substance of our message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense, so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic, Christ! No more, no less, thats what I’m working so hard at, day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.”
The bible is clearly telling us of Gods glory and energy living in our body.
Lets apply Gods word to the science of our body.
1: The Claustrum
Inside the brain there is a thin, irregular sheet of neurons, that attach to the underside of the Neocortex in the center of the brain, known as the Claustrum.The Claustrum is the seat of all consciousness in the body. It is the physical bodies supply of “Life Energy” from God or Spirit. This “Life Energy” is referred to as many different things, “Esse” (Latin), “To Be” (English), “Luminiferous Aether”, “Source”, “Prana” etc. It is thought to be where the name “Santa Claus” originates from, because it brings life to the entire body.
2: The Secretion
Also known as Christ oil , Chrism, sacred Secretion.
As the orchestra of the brain, Cerebrum. The Claustrum signals the secretion of oil (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) into the Spine (Central Nervous System).
The New Testament tells us in John about this internal Christ oil or Sacred Secretion.
1 John
“As for you, the anointing (oil) which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you: but as his anointing teaches you about all things.”
3: Colossians
Colossians 1:26-29
“Know this glorious secret (from the word secrete) Inside and out.”
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
This is interestingly referring to the cell adhesion molecule known as “Laminin” which, if you look at the pictures it is literally the shape of a cross. The Bible is telling us to understand God inside and outside. This means understanding the physiology of the body and the holy oil or secretion.
4: Christ
The word Christ/kristos in ancient Greek means “anointed” or “smeared with oil”, and this “Christ oil” or “Sacred Secretion” is Inside us, Teaching us everything from the inside out”. We must fully honor God in all our ways, as the Bible teaches. Then will we receive Gods blessings like we have never known before.
1 John
“As for you, the anointing (oil) which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you: but as his anointing teaches you about all things, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in him.”
5: The Milk and the Honey
The biblical milk and honey are produced by the Pineal gland and the Pituitary gland.
Numbers 14:8
“If the lord is pleased with us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it to us a land which flows with Milk and Honey.”
I believe it is important to Note: the “if” in, “If the lord is pleased with us”, that means: We have to please the Lord by following Christs teachings, also meaning we need to preserve the Christ oil or Sacred Secretion if we want to truly know God and reap the benefits.
6: About the Pineal gland
Biblically the Pineal gland is referred to as the place where Jacob met God.
Genesis 32:30
“Jacob named the place Peniel (Pineal) because he said, “I saw God face to face and lived to tell the story!”
Mathew 6:22
“The light of the body is the eye: therefore if thine eye be single (Pineal), thy whole body shall be full of light.”
The Pineal gland produces NN-Dimethyltryptamine(DMT) and golden Melatonin honey. It has more blood flow per cubic volume than any other organ. It is located in the center of the brain, behind and above the Pituitary gland. It is surrounded or bathed in Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It is know for its male energy, Joseph. It i referred to as the “Yang” (of Yin and Yang). It is known as the Solar not lunar. It is the dominant source of the body’s “Melatonin”.
7: About Melatonin and DMT
It has a significant effect on mood, It effects the immune system, it effects Carcadian rhythms, quality and quantity of desired sleep, it is anti-aging and stress reducing because it suppresses Cortisol (the disease feeding stress hormone). It is a powerful antioxidant. DMT is a powerful psychedelic chemical which can produce vivid "projections" of mystical experiences involving euphoria and dynamic visual and auditory hallucinations. It is secreted by the body during high levels of excitement and Near-Death Experiences. It is also known as “The Spirit Molecule,” because people report feelings of separation from the body into spirit and loss of their ego. In the Bible these Secretions are called the living water.
“Streams of living water will flow within him.”
8: About the Pituitary gland
It Produces Oxytocin and Vasopressin which are white, Milk. It activates the Hypothalamus, which is know to aid the health and activation of the Pineal Gland. It is located Above the Sphenoid Sinus where CSF is secreted during high levels of excitement, and this sensation is linked to many spiritual experiences. It is known for its female energy, Mary. It is referred to as the “Yin” of Yin and Yang and it is known as the Lunar not Solar.
9: About Oxytocin and Vasopressin
They heighten feelings of trust, peace and empathy, Godlike feelings. They reduce feelings of fear, anxiety and aggression.
“The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to overlook an offense.”
10: The Solar Plexus
The Christ oil or Sacred Secretion travels towards the Sacrum via the Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus is where the Christ seed is born. This is known biblically as Bethlehem (house of breads). The Christ oil or Sacred Secretion enters the Solar Plexus, where it combines with the Holy Spirit (Esse, Source Energy, Luminiferous Aether or Prana etc), and that is how the seed is produced or born.
11: Getting the Christ Oil (seed) to the sacral pump without diminishing it.
It is important to know the Christ oil (seed) can be compromised, damaged and dissipated, if we do not preserve it and this is not what we want. In order to raise the Christ oil (seed), “Know God and see his face at Peniel (Pineal)”. We must “Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds.” To paraphrase Mathew 22:37 this means living for God and following his laws.
12: Preserving the oil- Gods Laws (The basics)
1- Be healthy and not gluttonous.
1 corinthians
“For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are Gods.”
2- Dont be lustful.
“Ill not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do, i will have no part in it.”
3- Do not be greedy.
“A greedy and grasping person destroys community; those who refuse to exploit live and let live.”
4- Don’t be lazy.
“Through sloth the roof sinks in, and through indolence the house leaks.”
5- Don’t be quick to anger.
“Hot tempers start fights: A cool, calm spirit keeps the peace.”
6- Don’t be jealous or selfish.
“For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.”
7- Stop being prideful and boasting.
2 Chronicles
“His pride led to his downfall.”
13-14: About the Sacrum.
The Sacrum is a triangular bone in the lower back formed from fused vertebrae, and situated between the two hip bones of the pelvis. The english word “Sacrum” was introduced as a technical term in anatomy in the mid 18th century, As a shortening of the late Latin name Os Sacrum “sacred bone.” It is where surgeons perform a Lumbar puncture to extract samples of CSF. It is the location of the Sacral pump. The Sacral pump is a regular rhythmic motion between the Occipit in the throat and the Sacrum. It circulates CSF back up the Spinal Cord, through the Central Nervous System and into the brain. The Sacral pump is a key of the circulatory system, and its proper functioning is important for good physical, mental and emotional well-being.
15: 33 Vertebrae
From the Sacrum the Christ oil or Sacred Secretion/Aether, CSF and hormones starts its journey back up the Spinal Cord through the 33 Vertebrae. Lets look at the significance of the 33 Vertebrae in the Spinal Cord: Jesus Christ lived for 33 years. Jesus was crucified at 33 years of age. The divine name Elohim appears 33 times, in the book of Genesis. There are 33 Gods in the Vedic religion. 33 is a numerical representation of “The Star of David,” and also the numerical equivalent of AMEN:1+13+5+14+=33. An image of the virgin Mary from the 18th century, is know as “Virgin of the thirty-three” in Uruguay and it was consecrated by Pope John Paul 2 in the 1988. There are 33 degrees in freemasonry to achieve illumination And there are lots more.
16: Solar Plexus part 2
During the Christ oil or Sacred Secretions ascent up the Spinal Cord, the CSF goes back through the Solar Plexus. Solar Plexus is a complex network of nerves, located in the abdomen. It is emotionally linked with concerns over personal power, anger and distrust. It assist with the generation of metabolic energy and the Pancreas
“The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breasts, and its arms of silver, and its belly and its thighs of bronze.” NOTE: The Christ oil is in the bronze or least value when it is in the belly/solar plexus, therefore it must be raised, to become gold, the highest value.
17: Next,
the Christ oil or Sacred Secretion ascends to he vicinity of the Heart, Sternum or Cardiac Plexus.
“Above all else guard your Heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Excessive production of the stress hormones Cortisol and Epinephrine can cause brain damage, and problems in all other parts of the body, therefore it is scientifically paramount for mental and physical health, to be peaceful, calm and forgiving. Just as the Bible suggests. NOTE:the “Everything you do” counts towards following, knowing and loving Christ, which will preserve the Christ oil. The Cardiac Plexus is a plexus of nerves situated at the base of the Heart that
Innervates the Heart. The Cardiac Plexus is divided into a superficial part, which lies in the concavity of the Aortic Arch, and a deep part between the Aortic Arch and the Trachea. It is emotionally linked with love. It assists the Thymus Gland, the Thymus serves a vital role in the, training and development of T-Lymphocytes/T-Cells, an extremely important type of White Blood cell.
18: Raising the Christ Oil further.
The Christ oil then rises to the throat or more specifically the Vagus Nerve, also know as the Pneumo Vagus and the Pneumogastric Nerve. Here the Christ oil is crucified and put to death, but if we resist our low desires of carnal urges for 2.5 days (the same amount of time that Jesus was in the tomb, and the amount of time the moon stays in each sun sign) then the oil will be refined, transmuted and resurrected on the third day! This is when enlightenment, illumination and increase will engulf your Being, like nothing you have ever experienced before. You will have vision, power and insight, like you never knew possible. “There is something on the other side, of obedience that makes you say, why did i ever resist?”
19: About the Vagus Nerve
The Vagus Nerve is a Network of nerves, known as “The Tree of Life.” It descends from the Pineal and Pituitary glands. It is the 10th Cranial Nerve (CNX). It is the longest nerve of the Autonomic Involuntary Nervous System, in the human body.
“And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
NOTE: Fight every man made temptation that exists, while the Christ oil is being refined in the Vagus Nerve.
20: About the 2.5 days
It is the amount of time that Jesus was in the tomb, before being resurrected or increased in power. Jesus’s Holy Ghost went from being in one persons body, To being in every persons body. It is the amount of time the moon stays in each sun sign. The first day the Christ oil secretes, and this happens 12 times per year. The Optic Thalamus is 2.5 centimeters across.
“For those I’m absent in the flesh, yet am i with you in the Spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.”
21: The Resurrection
After 2.5 days the oil ascends to the “Pons”
The Pons is besides the Medulla Oblongata. The Pons is a major structure in the upper part of your Brainstem. It is involved in the control of breathing, communication between different parts of the brain, and sensations such as hearing, taste and balance. “Pons” means bridge in Latin. The Pons or bridge raises the preserved, refined and transmuted oil into the Optic Thalamus. Where new blood is produced, and dormant brain cells are reactivated and awakened in what is called “illumination.”
22: The significance of 7 in the Optic Thalamus
There are 7 stars in the Optic Thalamus, dimmed by the 7 deadly sins
“Seek him that maketh the 7 stars and Orion, and turn the shadow of death into morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and pour them out upon the face of the earth: (The Lord Light) is his name.”
People say that Astrology is an evil from the devil. How can this be true when the Bible literally tells us to follow the stars.
“And let the stars be for signs.”
ELOHIM(God) is another word for 7
“As above, So below.”
There are seven refractors of light. There are seven original senses in the ancient text: seeing, hearing, taste, feeling, smelling, intuition and telepathy. The Solar Plexus is the organ of intuition (Gut Feeling), Brain or Thalamus is the organ of Telepathy.
“Seventy times seven” means unlimited forgiveness.
23: Enlightenment or the Baptizing of the Holy Spirit
The Greeks called the Thalamus the “Light of the World.” The word “Lord” also means light of the world. The Thalamus has two hemispheres just like the earth.
“As above so below.”
The Thalamus is the Arc of the Covenant. Just see Google images.
When the Christ oil reaches the Optic Thalamus you will have vision, you will know what your purpose is, you will know what matters, you will feel incredible, Gods Christ Oil will give you enthusiasm, motivation, direction, focus, power, intuition, decisiveness, imagination, knowledge, understanding, peace, healing, acceptance and Love. The benefits are Divine beyond measure.
I encourage you all in raising your own Christ oil, and to reject low carnal urges so that you too can receive Gods true anointing and blessings. A world of awakened Christs is what this Planet needs for Salvation. The Anti-Christs regime will no longer be able to hold back the truth, as we collectively ascend to a higher state of consciousness. The chains of the past and false paradigm of the physical world will be lifted so that everyone can see the true nature of consciousness.
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Energy Explained in Other Systems
There is a lack of measurable evidence because any person that has worked with energies have had different experiences but were able to understand and manipulate energies according to their own will.
Energy has been used in many ways within culture and religion and have set beliefs depending on the system being practiced.
Next, are some given definitions defining energies within diverse philosophies.
Hindu = Prana
Chinese = Qi /Chi
Japanese =Ki
Greek = Pneuma
Hawaiian = Mana
Tibetan Buddhism = Lung
Hindu Philosophy
A Sanskrit word for "life force" or "vital principle" is often referred to as Prana. It is described as first coming down from the Sun and connecting all elements of the Universe. It has been invoked within the Hindu scriptures of the Vedas and Upanishads.
Prana is the belief of vitality surrounding all living beings. This energy is responsible for all bodily functions. There are five types of pranas, collectively known as the five vāyus.
1. Prāṇa:              Beating of the heart and breathing. Prana enters the body through the breath and is sent to every cell through the circulatory system.
2. Apāna:             Elimination of waste products from the body through the lungs and excretory systems.
3.Uḍāna:              Sound production through the vocal apparatus. It represents the conscious energy required to produce the vocal sounds corresponding to the intent.
4. Samāna:          Food digestions, repair or manufacture of new cells and growth, and heat regulations throughout the body.
5. Vyāna:             The energy that is needed for the body to have proper circulation, and the functions for the voluntary muscular system in which there is expansion and contraction processes throughout the body.
Chinese Philosophy
The earliest texts in which Qi or Chi is described was in 'Analects of Confucius' where it could mean "breath" and was combined with the Chinese word for blood.
Xue-qi, "blood and breath."
Living beings are born because of an accumulation of qi, and as the beings live out their lives the qi declines eventually resulting in death. This indicates that xue-qi referred to all living things, but it is believed that qi or chi exists within all things tangible.
For example, the wind is the qi or chi to the Earth, and the cosmic concepts of yin and yang are "the greatest of qi"
Yin and Yang which means "bright-dark," and "positive-negative" are the opposing forces needed in order to complement the concept of balance. There are thoughts that this duality symbolizes contradicting energy forces which manifest as light and dark, fire and water, expansion, and contraction. With this said, Chinese medicine states that the balance of negative and positive forms in the body are believed to be essential for overall satisfactory health.
Japanese Mythology
During the sixth and seventh centuries the Chinese word qi (or chi) was written using the same kanji script for their interpretation for energy being "Ki"
However, the meanings are a tad different.
While the Chinese use chi or qi to describe that energy exists in all things, animate and inanimate objects, the Japanese believe it is the creative flow and expressions used within our daily lives, martial arts, and symbolizes aspects of nature, and thusly the spirits. It is the transfer from living, animate beings in to inanimate which can change and manifest into various forms. It is the necessary intentions one wields.
Greek Mythology
Pneuma, "The breath of life" or "vital spirit" is composed of kinetic energies within the vessel, while Ignis is composed of thermal energies. All human beings need both kinetic and thermal energies in order to properly function.
In Greek medicine, pneuma is the form of circulation throughout the body's vital organs. Due to this the role, pneuma plays within the body to sustain consciousness. Some physiological theories suggest that the pneuma mediates between the heart, and the heart is regarded as the seat of the mind, and the brain.
In similar, Stoic philosophy, pneuma is the active and generative principles that are organized between the individual and the cosmos. The highest forms are the Gods, and the human soul. The human soul is believed to be fragments of the gods given life force in order to be born and given a vessel upon the physical plane. This exists within all animate and inanimate objects as energy transfers and changes.
Hawaiian Mythology
Mana, the spiritual energy of power and strength. This energy exists within places and people; however, it is said that mana is both external and internal concepts.
The Hawaiian people believe that individuals can gain mana or lose it depending on one's actions in everything that they do.
In mythology there were two ways to gain mana, and this was either done sexually or through violence.
To sexually gain mana one must invoke the god, Lono, deity of peace and fertility.
To gain mana through violence one must invoke the god Ku, deity of war and politics.
Tibetan Buddhism
Lung means the wind or breath. Exists as a key concept in Vajrayana traditions. Generally, it's concept relates to the understanding of the subtle body, and Three Vajras. Those three are the body, speech, and mind. Lung relates to the subtle flow of energy and the five elements. (Fire, Water, Earth, Space, and Air) Lung is mostly closely connected to the Air Element.
Lung has also been used to describe the winds or prana being used in conjunction with the subtle body during a time of exercise, but also more importantly everyday functions of the body and its own senses. There are five psychic winds which manifest into mahabhuta. These five relate to the lifeforce that animate the body-mind (namarupa) of all sentient beings.
The Five Root or Major Winds
The root winds support an element and is responsible for a function of the human body.
    The 'life-supporting wind' (Tib. སྲོག་འཛིན་རླུང་, sok dzin lung; Wyl. srog 'dzin rlung). Located in the brain, this lung regulates functions such as swallowing, inhalation, and concentration.
    The 'upward-moving wind' (Tib. གྱེན་རྒྱུ་རླུང་, gyengyu lung; Wyl. gyen rgyu rlung). Located in the chest and thorax, this lung regulates, among other things, speech, the body's energy and vitality, memory, mental endeavour and diligence.
    The 'all-pervading wind' (Tib. ཁྱབ་བྱེད་རླུང་, khyap ché lung; Wyl. khyab byed rlung). Residing in the heart, this lung controls all the motor activities of the body.
    The 'fire-accompanying wind' (Tib. མེ་མཉམ་གནས་རླུང་, me nyam né lung; Wyl. me mnyam gnas rlung). Found in the stomach and abdomen area, the fire-accompanying wind regulates digestion and metabolism.
    The 'downward-clearing wind' (Tib. ཐུར་སེལ་རླུང་, thursel lung; Wyl. thur sel rlung). Located in the rectum, bowels and perineal region, this lung's function is to expel faeces, urine, semen, and menstrual blood. It also regulates uterine contractions during labour.
The Five Branch Winds
The five branch winds enable the senses to operate.
    The naga wind (Tib.ཀླུའི་རླུང་, lu'i lung; Wyl. klu'i rlung). This lung connects with the eyes and sight.
    The tortoise wind (Tib. རུ་སྦལ་གྱི་་རླུང་, rubal gyi lung; Wyl. ru sbal gyi rlung). This wind connects with the heart and the sense of hearing.
    The lizard wind (Tib.རྩངས་པའི་རླུང་, tsangpé lung; Wyl. rtsangs pa'i rlung) associated with the nose and the sense of smell.
    The devadatta wind (Tib.ལྷས་བྱིན་གྱི་རླུང་, lhéjin gyi lung; Wyl. lhas byin gyi rlung) related to the sense of taste.
    The 'king of wealth deities' wind (Tib. ནོར་ལྷ་རྒྱལ་གྱི་རླུང་, nor lha gyal gyi lung; Wyl. nor lha rgyal gyi rlung). This wind connects with the body and the sense of touch.
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crownmemes · 2 months
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Alien Sentences
(Sentences for and about alien interactions. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I still prefer my physiological structure to yours."
"I don't care if you are from another planet; if you come here, you should respect our rules."
"What touched this place cannot be quantified or understood by human science."
"I've never got quite this reading from a human before..."
"So, when you say ship, you mean... Spaceship?"
"There are many aspects of human irrationality I do not yet comprehend."
"It's definitely a spaceship."
"They do tests. Psychological, medical. They look inside your head, and they insert a tracking device inside your brain sometimes. You wouldn't like that."
"Sometimes, I think I'm from a different planet."
"I'm flesh and blood, but not human."
"I knew eventually humans would come searching for me!"
"I think human consciousness was a tragic mistake in evolution."
"Being human is overrated."
"You're not human, so it's not murder."
"At times, you seem quite human."
"Human logic doesn't apply to me."
"You'll find your weapons no longer work."
"I suspect you're becoming more and more human all the time."
"You're funny, and very attractive for a human."
"What could you possibly be looking for by probing up there?"
"Don't act like a human being. It might just confuse people, you know."
"Look! It's a spaceship!"
"I don't know what you are, but I do know you. You make my blood run cold."
"I've always suspected that you were a little more human than you let on."
"You know, for a minute there you actually made me believe that you were human."
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aurora-313 · 30 days
Wait , you also ship IR , right ? Why do you ship IR ? Ha , and for the sake of asking it - why do you not ship IH ?
I ship IchiRuki, yes.
Because I find their dynamic fundamentally more fascinating and enriching to the characters and as a reader.
Bluntly put, for all her professed love for Ichigo, Orihime fundamentally misunderstand who Ichigo is as a person and does not trust him. She's placed him on a pedastal that he can't possibly hope to match, and then gets sad when he fails to meet expectation
Orihime's supposedly love is replete with constant doubt and a lack of faith.
Orihime doubted he would swoop into Hueco Mundo and save her like he did Rukia.
She doubted he save her in Hueco Mundo. Period.
She doubted him when he wore his hollow mask and is fighting FOR her (A doubt later confirmed by Ichigo himself when he admits out loud Orihime was an excuse to settle a score with Grimmjow)
She's scared of him for having a damned Hollow, despite the fact that's an aspect of his physiology and soul he had absolutely no control over. Its like being scared of him because he has blue eyes instead of brown.
She and Chad both doubt Ichigo when the Quincy invade, thinking he'd run at the first opportunity and Urahara has to defend him from their scrutiny, all but declaring 'how dare you'.
Orihime doubted Ichigo during the final battle against Yhwach, constantly interrupting his flow had thought he'd simply lost his mind.
She doubted him when he'd finally unleashed his Horn of Salvation and he had to pause the fight to reassure her, showing that lack of faith is completely mutual. (this is not a healthy couple)
Orihime's regard for Ichigo is an obsession with her delusion that she's modelled after him. She's never taken the time to truly understand, never taken the time to just sit down and talk with him. Everything she knows about him, about his pain, misery and insecurities, she pried out of third parties.
If the genders were reversed, Orihime be called out as the biggest creepiest stalker in the story.
The most damning part of all: It didn't have to be this way!
The Vasto Lorde incident at the top of Hueco Mundo should've been a wake-up call for Orihime. A prompt to confront those delusions. When Ichigo regained consciousness, he didn't give a single care about Orihime personally beyond a cursory glance, his care was for Uryuu who had Tensa Zangetsu through his guts and Ulquiorra who was dying because Ichigo won 'dishonorably' (we'll ignore the sudden weird boy scout moment).
Instead of confronting that horrific event, coming to terms with what Ichigo truly is, processing that and finally mustering up the courage to meet him at the middle as a mature person would, to engage with him as a deeply flawed and traumatized person - Orihime doubles down on the childish delusion. She never grows up, she regresses more and more until all that's left is this overly coddled infant that's all boobs and no brains.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 3 months
A Love Story on "Savanasa,"
a posture of rest and integration where you lie on your back while fully relaxed as much as possible and extend your arms and legs out to the side.
In yoga, savasana is always the last posture in the class or practice.
Ancient yogis say that savasana is the most important and difficult posture in yoga because it requires the student or practitioner to empty out and completely let go of their physical and mental tension in the moment. Deeply difficult to do because “being empty” and "letting go" are hardest acts for human physiology and psychology.
We are conditioned to keep and hold onto for dear life and live afraid of change, of fully letting go, living in the unknown, becoming new. We were programmed to stuff our bodies with information, to cross-check and research facts in the internet, to be addicted to thinking and talking all the damn time, and distrusting of our intuitive bodies and divine gifts. We were trained to live as AI instead of human, less female and divine and more synthetic and superficial.
I too have lived all jacked and stuffed up in my brain for many years. I had deprogram myself and meet my deepest shadows and sorrows that inhibited me from lightening up, emptying out, and letting go and would have made me rush through savasana had I been practicing yoga while getting my university degrees.
After experiencing so many deaths in my family and feeling deeply alone in this world, I desired to know the feminine, to embody mature feminine energy. Because the inability to "let go" is a deep fear of the feminine and I could no longer be afraid of my primordial self. And one of the most important aspects of authentic feminine energy (which isn't about makeup or high heels) is embodying the strength and softness to be able to let go. Disengage. Empty.
So that you can be FILLED up with the light of the universe. Because a full vessel has no space to receive, Ma! Full with conditioning, programming, statistics, too much religious dogma, patriarchal thought, gender wars, race consciousness, unconscious war and colonialism, malnutrition ways of eating, and even femininst thought. Everything you have ever learned in this 3D reality has be vetted and examined, combed through with fine-tooth comb without attachment. You may then decide to keep some of what you were taught but most of it will probably have to be thrown away into the river. Now you are empty and ready for the love story of savasana.
Out of 20-something people in my Bikram hot yoga class this morning, I was the last person to get up from savasana.
But I am always the last person, or next to last, to wake up from this very important posture of receiving. I do imagine it is because I love to let go. I love to lighten up, to lighten my heart. I love to sweat out and leave everything that is not serving my tissues and organs on the mat to be cleaned away. I am sensitive that I can go very deep in my body during relaxation which is also incredible for lover archetypes to master or to get better than average at. Deep relaxation.
Savasana, in my opinion, should last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Usually I feel integrated and ready to get up around the 15-20 minute mark.
If you practice yoga and want to accelerate the benefits, do not rush your savasana. Instead be gentle and more surrendered, and allow your body (temple) to fully integrate new information. Deeply feminine.
Do not rush to leave the room or try to skip out on savasana. Please do not be one of those people who shoot up off their mat like a rocket as soon as the teacher says "namaste" or "thank you." Receive the benefits you rightfully deserve from taking time to practice yoga. Even if you only have time to lay for 60 seconds, be deliberate. Permit your body to let go and gracefully receive new intelligence. Then rise slowly like a lover from ancient times, leaning to the right side and using your left arm to help prop your upper body up with ease off your mat. Now that your divine energy is in tact with your human form, go bask in the afterglow. --India Ame'ye, Author
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edwad · 7 months
sorry, 2 questions. 1 what do you mean it’s possible for use value to be abolished? use value isn’t just one side of the dual character of commodities, it pre-exists the commodity form altogether, surely this is uncontroversial. objects have been useful since the dawn of anything remotely recognizable as humanity. 2 are you arguing in favor of marginalism? why all this fuss about marx if the marginalists basically got economcis right
1. the title of the first section of ch1 before the parentheses is "the two factors of the commodity: use-value and value", so this is in fact how he introduces use-value. after this, he moves on to "the dual character of the labor [represented] in commodities", taking a step away from the commodity's double-aspect to then focus on the same/determinate division of the commodity-producing labor. so, although he points to the mere usability of articles as being a transhistorical quality (although their specific uses are generally not transhistorical, as his opening paragraphs demonstrate, as well as the rest of capital really), the appareance and importance of "use-value" in the text is in its immanence to the commodity-form, as the economic cell-form of bourgeois society.
sure, he makes transhistorical claims about the use-values of things, but im also admitting to reading this against marx's own explicit comments. he similarly transhistoricizes abstract labor into mere physiological expenditure, so i feel that i am a bit justified in suggesting that marxs own employment of the categories isn't as tightly immanent as they perhaps ought to be. unless of course you simply interpret all of that differently, in which case this discussion would need to happen at a different level. regardless, abolishing the commodity-form would necessarily abolish this element of the commodity-form along with it, but not the actual usability of the articles themselves. you're right that your view is fairly uncontroversial, but i am trying to make the case for a different reading based on the historical specificity of marx's categorial critique, a la heinrich, postone, etc.
2. i am not arguing in favor of marginalism, im arguing against intellectually lazy defenses of marx/ism based on a total non-engagement with marginalism and what it signified as a shift in economic thinking, especially when the marginalists are consciously engaged in their own critique of political economy which, in some ways, catches marx in the net as well (often deliberately). my point here is that marxists aren't justified in their sense of superiority. reading some bukharin or hilferding and calling it a day doesn't really cut it, especially when many of the marginalists wading into the calculation debate arguably had better understandings of the price mechanism and what it meant for our social order than the marxists did who were stuck trying to emulate it in the name of socialism.
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republicsecurity · 7 months
Are you Ready?
With the positive stimuli reverberating through their consciousness, the recruits marched in disciplined unison towards the classroom.
The recruits, guided by their HUDs, marched in unison toward the classroom, the rhythmic clatter of their armored boots echoing through the sterile corridors. The HUDs deliberately introduced disorientation, recalibrating the recruits' sense of direction and spatial awareness. As they navigated the labyrinthine facility, the digital overlays on their visors flickered with dynamic arrows, constantly changing the perceived layout.
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The recruits found themselves relying entirely on the visual cues provided by the HUD, each step a calculated response to the shifting information. The facility's architecture became an abstract puzzle, the familiar transformed into an enigmatic landscape. The instructors, observing from a distance, monitored the recruits' adaptability to the controlled disorientation, a subtle test of their reliance on the technology that bound them.
The recruits, their armored boots echoing in the clinical corridors, found themselves trapped in a seemingly endless loop of sterile hallways. The HUD, their guiding light, played tricks on their perception, leading them in circles, past familiar points that should have long been left behind.
The architectural monotony of the facility became a psychological challenge, a test of patience and adaptability. A five-minute walk stretched into an elongated 30-minute march, disorienting and perplexing the recruits. The instructors, hidden behind the scenes, observed the recruits' responses through the suit telemetry and AI reports.
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The recruits entered the classroom, their armored boots echoing in unison as they marched to their assigned armrest chairs. Each chair, a sophisticated piece of technology, featured docking ports designed to seamlessly connect with the waste management system of the suits. The chairs, resembling a fusion of ergonomic design and utilitarian efficiency, were the recruits' designated stations for both comfort and maintenance.
As the recruits settled into their chairs, there was a symphony of clicks and hisses as the docking clamps engaged, securing the suits in place. The connection initiated a dual process – the waste management system efficiently extracted bodily waste from the recruits, ensuring hygiene and convenience, while simultaneously replenishing the suits with necessary resources.
The recruits, confined to their armrest chairs, received the subtle yet unmistakable message in their HUD. A glyph, an enigmatic symbol on their visors, indicated that their motor control had been disabled. They found themselves in a state of temporary immobility, unable to stand or move their bodies.
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The instructors entered the room, their armored presence casting an imposing shadow over the recruits. The recruits, though physically restricted, could still move their heads and arms within the confines of their chairs. It was a deliberate imposition, a strategic choice made by the instructors to emphasize control and dependency.
Instructor KO10T addressed the recruits with a measured tone, "Today marks a pivotal moment in your training, as we delve into the intricacies of employing lethal force. This matter was broached prior to your Basic Medical Training, and it warrants reiteration now. By the tenets of the prevailing legal framework, you possess the prerogative to raise objections to this facet of your instruction. The law, in its unwavering language, affords you the right to dissent."
The recruits, their heads slightly turned within their armored restraints, absorbed the words. Instructor 6DG05, stationed nearby, scrutinized the telemetry data, monitoring the recruits' physiological responses to the legal discourse.
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KO10T continued, the atmosphere in the room tense and charged with the weight of the impending instruction.
KO10T: "By law, you retain the right to voice your objection to this particular aspect of your training. However, understand that this objection may impact the both your individual development and your standing within the paramedic corps."
Instructor KO10T continued, acknowledging the unique status of the recruits as conscripts, "Let it be known that, as conscripts, you are safeguarded by the provision that precludes compelling individuals to act against the dictates of their conscience. The machinery of the law respects this fundamental tenet. If any among you harbors objections based on conscientious grounds, now is the moment to articulate them."
Instructor KO10T's voice resonated through the helmets, a blend of authority and a peculiar sort of empathy.
"We'll initiate a playback now, a stark reminder of the gravity of the path you tread. This is no casual matter. Once the video concludes, each of you will have a designated interval to reflect on your choice. This decision, my dear recruits, is the compass that will guide your actions in the field. It is not to be taken lightly."
The HUD flickered, and the recruits were immersed in a grim visual narrative, an unsettling portrayal of the use of deadly force in the line of duty. As the scenes unfolded, each recruit grappled with the weight of their imminent decision, aware that the path ahead demanded a conscious commitment to actions that could not be undone.
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6DG05 monitored the recruits' physiological responses, assessing the impact of the video on their emotional and mental states. The telemetry data displayed a spectrum of reactions — heightened heart rates, increased perspiration, and various neural responses.
"KO10T," 6DG05 called out, "I'm observing diverse reactions. Some are displaying expected stress responses, while others seem more composed. It's intriguing to witness the distinct ways in which their minds grapple with the ethical complexities."
H2U8M's visor dimmed to black, cutting off the visual stimuli, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the voice of Instructor KO10T echoing in his helmet.
"In this designated interval, you are urged to reflect on your choice," KO10T's voice resonated through the confined space of the helmet, creating an intimate connection between the instructor's words and H2U8M's consciousness.
As the silence enveloped him, H2U8M's mind raced through the moral labyrinth that the video had presented. The weight of the decision pressed against the walls of his consciousness. In the solitude within the suit, he grappled with the ethical considerations of employing deadly force.
The distant hum of machinery and the rhythmic sound of his own breath became the backdrop for his contemplation. The stark reality of his role as a tactical paramedic unfolded in his mind — the responsibility to protect, the obligation to save lives, and the potential necessity to wield force.
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The minutes passed, each tick of the clock echoing in the stillness of his thoughts. The neural conditioning, the sensory isolation, and the weight of the decision all converged within the confines of the suit.
Finally, as the designated interval drew to a close, KO10T's voice returned, breaking the silence that had enveloped H2U8M's consciousness. The visor slowly illuminated, revealing the training room once again.
"In front of you is a menu," KO10T's voice accompanied the digital interface. "This is your opportunity to express your consent or objection. Navigate through the options and make your choice."
The menu presented a series of questions and statements, seeking H2U8M's affirmation or dissent. The cursor responded to his mental commands as he moved through the selections. Each click of the cursor felt like a weighted decision, an acknowledgment of the path he was willing to tread in his role as a tactical paramedic.
KO10T's voice guided the process, a constant reminder that this was more than a mere formality. It was a pivotal moment, an assertion of his personal stance in the face of the moral challenges inherent in their line of work.
With each selection, H2U8M felt a sense of agency, a reaffirmation of his autonomy within the confines of the suit. The act of navigating the menu was more than a technical procedure; it was a declaration of his willingness to engage with the complexities of his duty.
As he confirmed his choices, the menu dissolved, and the HUD returned to its standard display.
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The HUD blinked into emptiness, leaving H2U8M in a momentary void. The digital canvas that had been filled with choices and reflections now reverted to a stark blankness. In the absence of prompts, he was left alone with his thoughts, the residue of his decisions lingering in the virtual silence.
Meanwhile, 6DG05 diligently monitored the recruits' responses, the streams of data converging into a comprehensive analysis. As the feedback reached him, he relayed the information to KO10T, the exchange a seamless coordination between instructor and overseer. The report confirmed what they had anticipated – no fundamental rejections, no dissent that would impede the progression of the training.
"KO10T," 6DG05's voice echoed through the communication channels. "All recruits have navigated the menu without fundamental objections. We can proceed with the next phase of training."
The confirmation was met with a measured nod from KO10T. The recruits, their HUDs now darkened, awaited the next set of instructions.
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he HUD burst into life once more, a canvas of digital information painting the next phase of their training. Lessons unfurled across the recruits' visors, delving into the intricacies of the standard rifle used within the paramedic corps. The virtual display detailed the specifications, components, and maintenance protocols of the small arms that would become an extension of their tactical paramedic identity.
In the dimly lit classroom, the recruits were ensconced in the glow of their HUDs, absorbing the wealth of information transmitted directly into their field of vision. The instructor's voice, modulated by the AI to convey a perfect blend of authority and guidance, accompanied the visual feast of knowledge. Each nugget of information etched itself into their minds, forming a mental arsenal to complement the physicality of the suits they wore.
The lesson on small arms unfolded like a meticulously crafted narrative, where the line between weapon and tool blurred in the context of their duties.
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cdd-swag-bracket · 8 months
Explanation of the various CDDs
(NOTE: This is not meant to be complete definitions of all presentations of these disorders. Do not use this as a diagnostic tool. This is only for the purposes of helping decide what disorder you headcanon characters as having)
A paraphrase version of DSM 5 Criteria for DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Criteria A: Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct alters, which, may in some cultures as an experience of possession. The alters fronting involves marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by related alterations in mood, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and/or sensory-motor functioning.
Criteria B. Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.
Criteria C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Criteria D and E. The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice. The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or another medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures)
C-DID or Polyfrag DID (Complex Dissociative Identity Disorder or Polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Note sometimes C-DID and Polyfrag DID are used to refer to similar but slightly different presentation, sometime they are used to refer to the exact same prescriptions. For the sake of this bracket they will be used interchangeably.
Refers to a subtype of DID, there are several different definitions used both clinically and by the system community.
A DID system that has a high number of alters and fragments. Usually 100 or over, however some clinicians put the number as low as 26+.
A DID system that splits fragments very easily, often times making some the system has more fragments than full alters
A DID system that have a complex internal structure. For example many subsystems, or an innerworld with layers. These internal structures often have strong memory and/or communication barriers between them.
Often times definitions include multiple of the above mentioned.
OSDD-1, refers to disorders very similar to DID that do not meet either Criteria A or B.
It's worth mentioning the the "A" and "B" are not actually used clinically, but will be used here.
OSDD-1A (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder)
Refers to DID like symptoms without fully meeting Criteria A. OSDD-1A system do still have identity alterations, however they are less intense than that of DID or 1B. Usually version of the same person or similar people. Alters in OSDD-1A systems are sometimes called aspects
We've seen it described as, in OSDD-1A systems alters are more likely to be described as "me but not me", "other/also me", "sorta me", or "me but different". Whereas in DID or 1B alters are more likely to be described as "nothing like me" or "someone else"
It is a spectrum though of course.
The memory gaps in OSDD-1A are like those in DID
OSDD-1B (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder)
Refers to DID like symptoms without fully meeting Criteria B. Meaning there are not substantial memory gaps of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events. Some OSDD-1B do report less complete memory problems, such as emotional amnesia.
The alters in OSDD-1B systems are like those in DID
P-DID (Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder) paraphrased from the ICD-11
Partial dissociative identity disorder is characterised by disruption of identity in which there are two or more alters associated with marked discontinuities in the sense of self and agency. Each alter has its own pattern of experiencing, perceiving, conceiving, and relating to self, the body, and the environment.
One alter is dominant and normally functions in daily life, but is intruded upon by non-dominant alters (dissociative intrusions). These intrusions may be cognitive, mood, perceptual, motor, or behavioral. They are experienced as interfering with the functioning of the dominant alter and are typically aversive. The non-dominant alters do not recurrently take executive control of the body's consciousness and functioning, but there may be occasional, limited and transient episodes in which a distinct alters assumes executive control to engage in circumscribed behaviors, such as in response to extreme emotional states or the reenactment of traumatic memories.
The symptoms are not better explained by another mental, behavioral, or neurodevelopmental disorder. Are not due to the direct effects of a substance or medication on the central nervous system, including withdrawal effects. Are not due to a disease of the nervous system or a sleep-wake disorder. The symptoms result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
U(S)DD (Unspecified Dissociative Disorder) in the DSM 5 is described as
"This category applies to presentations in which symptoms characteristic of a dissociative disorder that cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning predominate but do not meet the full criteria for any of the disorders in the dissociative disorders diagnostic class.
The unspecified dissociative disorder category is used in situations in which the clinician chooses not to specify the reason that the criteria are not met for a specific dissociative disorder, and includes presentations for which there is insufficient information to make a more specific diagnosis (e.g., in emergency room settings)"
U(S)DD does not inherently make someone part of a system, however sometimes it does
In this bracket it will also be used for characters where you are not sure what they have.
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zilabee · 1 year
and when I'm down, real sanpaku, and I don't know what to do, aisumasen, aisumasen Yoko san
- Aisumasen (I'm Sorry), by John Lennon
"You," Yoko told him one day after gazing into his eyes, "are sanpaku." And thus began his life-long involvement with the philosophy of macrobiotics. Sanpaku, she explained patiently, was a Japanese term meaning literally 'three whites'. If a person was sanpaku it meant that the irises of their eyes were turned upwards so that white could be seen on three sides. The condition had been recognised for centuries in oriental countries where it was considered to signify poor physical and psychological health - caused primarily by an unwholesome diet. Worse, people who were sanpaku were prone to meet with violent accidents or death. "Look," she had said, showing him photographs. "President Kennedy was not sanpaku in his younger, dynamic years. But shortly before his assassination he became sanpaku. Hitler too was sanpaku before his death." History showed that Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln and dozens more had become sanpaku towards the end of their lives. The two of them had together pored over photographs of the Beatles and realise that, though none of them had been sanpaku in their early days, now they all were. John was not surprised.
- All They Needed Was Love, John Blake, 1981
For thousands of years, people of the Far East have been looking into each other's eyes for signs of this dreaded condition. Any sign of sanpaku meant that a man's entire system — physical, physiological and spiritual — was out of balance. He had committed sins against the order of the universe and he was therefore sick, unhappy, insane, what the West has come to call "accident prone". The condition of sanpaku is a warning, a sign from nature, that one's life is threatened by an early and tragic end.
- You Are All Sanpaku, by George Ohsawa, 1963.
Whatever dent the sanpaku concept has made in the Western consciousness is largely the doing of [Japanese author] George Ohsawa. He poached the concept from old Asian diagnostic traditions of facial reading, in which different features were thought to reflect aspects of your physical or spiritual health. In his writings Ohsawa claimed that three-whites was a particularly nasty characteristic, indicative of someone “suspicious, fearful, insecure, quick to misunderstand, and passive.” Furthermore, “his heart, sexual organs, liver, kidney, and lungs are very sick,” and so forth, and the condition can only be treated with a macrobiotic diet.
- Washington City Paper [x]
Oshawa pointed to individuals with sanpaku eyes that ranged from Martin Luther King Jr. to Abraham Lincoln—which, of course, implies that their untimely deaths had nothing to do with radicals upset about, oh, the Civil War or the Civil Rights Movement. [...] while a Japanese writer helped popularize the notion of sanpaku eyes in the West, it doesn't seem to be much of a superstition in Japan—especially compared to other Japanese superstitions, such as people's blood types. [...] If you do have sanpaku eyes, don't take much stock in these superstitions. As with most superstitions, this isn't hard science. It's not even soft science!
- Kotaku East [x]
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zerogate · 2 years
The term ‘mystical’ has long been applied to a relatively narrow set of experiences characterized as ‘religious’ by Western scholars. Scholarship since Hofmann’s inadvertent discovery of the psychotropic effects of LSD-25 reveals that mystical experiences are of a piece with a wide range of exceptional experience, facilitated not only by a variety of plant materials and synthetic chemicals, but also by religious and behavioural practices.
Modern anthropology has discovered psychedelic substance use by stone age tribes. It has also revealed that such cultures used other practices such as drumming, dancing and chanting to facilitate exceptional experiences. Practices less compatible with modern sensibilities are Mayan bloodletting and the American indigenous peoples’ Plains Culture Sun Dance. It involves young men painfully dancing around a pole to which they are fastened by ‘rawhide thongs pegged through the skin of their chests’. Self-flagellation is still practiced by some Shiite Muslims on Ashura. Living burial is practiced in the initiation of the Dagara of Burkina Faso and Ghan.
Practices and exceptional experience have been thoroughly interwoven throughout history. Mystical experiences also occur spontaneously, however, without any identifiable physiological or behavioural antecedent. But the recently enabled ready availability of manufactured psychedelics has made possible the more methodological, experimental investigation of exceptional experience. This possibility has been furthered by William James’s identification of certain drug-induced states as mystical.
Although spontaneous exceptional experience cannot be prevented, the development of powerful psychiatric medications in the twentieth century can act as powerful suppressants for the sort of exceptional experience that Stanislav Grof has characterized as ‘spiritual emergency’. For mainstream modern psychiatry, spiritual emergency is rarely differentiated from mental illness. Grof calls this into question:
From ecstatic trances of shamans, or medicine men and women, to revelations of the founders of the great religions, prophets, saints, and spiritual teachers, such experiences have been sources of religious enthusiasm, remarkable healing, and artistic inspiration. All ancient and preindustrial cultures placed high value on nonordinary states of consciousness as an important means of learning about the hidden aspects of the world and of connecting with the spiritual dimensions of existence.
The disconnection of Western people from their own past cultures of mystical practice pointedly began with the conversion of Roman culture to Christianity in the fourth century. It was complicated by the conflict of Hebraic monotheism with the pluralistic polytheism of ancient Greece and Rome. Philosophy began in ancient Greece as a quest for the meaning of life. The Christian Church replaced the quest with the single goal of salvation. Mysticism was relegated to hermits on the margin of the Church or held in check by the regulated life of monasteries; the Mystery religions were ostracized and their temples destroyed. Access to transcendence was available to lay persons only through the mediation of the priests, governed by the bishops. The plural opportunities for ecstatic practice available to the ancient Greeks and Romans became progressively attenuated by medieval Christianity.
Rationality became the ultimate measure of all things, rapidly replacing spirituality and religious beliefs. In the course of the Scientific revolution in the West, everything even remotely related to mysticism was disqualified as left over from the Dark Ages. Visionary states were no longer seen as important complements of ordinary states of consciousness that can provide valuable information about the self and reality, but as pathological distortions of mental activity. This judgement has been reflected in the fact that modern psychiatry tries to suppress these conditions instead of supporting them and allowing them to take their natural course.
-- Christine Hauskeller (ed.), Philosophy and Psychedelics 
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inkintheinternet · 6 months
The Dark Street of Psychosis and Schizophrenia
By Arjuwan Lakkdawala
Ink in the Internet
Recently I did extensive research on the Internet about one particular subject, it was because I could see its tsunami like effect rippling through the entire world. The subject is 'Mental Health or Psychology.'
The results of the search were most disheartening. Official statistics from the World Health Organization to every other scientific institute were saying the same thing: "worldwide rise in mental health crisis." What this translates into is that the world is collectively going crazy.
The questions that arise from such statistics, is what is causing this alarming mental decline or disturbance? How should we deal with sufferers or treat them? And what are the risks of us devoloping a mental disorder or our children, and how can we protect our sanity?
Now to have the best understanding about the human psyche, so that we can have acute awareness, and make informed beneficial decisions, should we have to deal with the mental health crisis in anyway.
We have to go back in the history of psychology.
We know this much that Neanderthals and Denisovans were innovative thinkers from the primitive tools they made to the cave paintings.
Discoveries have revealed that we are still learning about the cognitive abilities of pre-historic humans, for example a new book 'The Language Puzzle' by archealogist Dr. Steven Mithen, states that language may have been developed 8 times sooner than was previously thought. That is 1.6 million years ago, rather than 200,000 years ago.
The point of this is that we can be certain man was always cognitive and not an ape.
So now let's fastforward from pre-historic times to the time when philosophy was first recorded in ancient Greece.
Greek philosophy is said to be the very early prototype of mental wanderings that were not based on needs of the day.
In the 17th century the idea of dualism was introduced by French Philosopher Rene Descartes, it is significant as it separates the behavior and actions of a person based on stimulations from the body or environment, from the thinking of the mind that stems from consciousness.
These two aspects are the toughest challenge of psychology to this day. Because of how the effects of environment and society could influence a person's thinking as opposed to internal biological causes. Which is causing the mental disorder, and which has a greater affect on the patient's psyche at any given phase.
In the centuries that followed and even after psychology had emerged as a science apart from physiology and philosophy in the mid-1800s.
There was debate about what constituted a mental disorder, what was the pathogenesis (origin of the mental problem)
What form of treatment would be effective, and how to avoid causing the patient unnecessary suffering by trial and error.
It turns out and not surprisingly that the "pathogenesis - Greek: patho 'suffering' genesis 'origin'" of mental health disorders are one of the most elusive to trace, and hence, the proper treatment very difficult to define.
The first time that a mental condition was recorded to have a biological pathogenesis, was in the curious case of the "general paralysis of the insane." The 1897 discovery was made by the neurologist Richard von Kraftt-Ebing and his assistant Josef Adolf Hirschl.
The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal in 1885 had reported a great surge in the insane. It is said that so much as 1 in 5 patients entering asylums had "general paralysis of the insane."
What the neurologist and his assistant had discovered was that this was the later stages of syphilis. A biological ailment that could manifest in dementia and delusions as untreated syphilis can damage the brain.
While this was a formidable stamp on the connection of a mental disorder and a biological cause. It was generally misleading, as it solidified to a great extent the belief that a mental ailment would be the result of physical defects in the brain. Many scientists of the time would examine brains in autopsies and search for imprints of the mental problem the deceased had, but there were none in most of the cases.
As I explained from ancient times up to the mid-1800s scientists were still having so much difficulty in fully distinguishing consciousness from the physical brain. Needless to say this had delayed the progress in the field of psychology.
Sigmund Freud founded the theory of psychoanalysis. Freud and his colleague Pierre Janet were studying patients with hysteria, seizures, and other physical symptoms with mental disorders.
Psychoanalysis was considered the first major step towards the complex study of the human consciousness and as Freud pioneered the 'unconsciousness.' He theorised that the unconsciousness could manifest into dreams and mental disorders, and was the root cause of conscious psychological problems, the dilemmas in the unconscious mind would have to be brought to the conscious mind in order to treat the patient.
In 1904 Sigmund Freud published 'The Psychopathology of Everyday Life' exploring minuscule details of human behavior, which he thought were symptoms of the workings of the psyche.
While this may have been true, but not every detail could be the result of an unhealthy mental condition.
Sigmund Freud's theory had established the study of psychology as a whole new branch of science. We would think brain autopsies and procedures would be considered irrelevant after such dramatic progress in psychology.
It wasn't.
Unfortunately mental disorder patients were going to face their worst era of great torture and downright mutilation of the brain.
The lobotomy was introduced in the late 1800s and picked up pace in 1935 up to the start of the 1950s. It is a grotesque procedure were nerves in parts of the brain believed to be carrying the thoughts causing the mental disorder are severed.
The intention of the procedure was not to restore sanity, but to put patients in a state of calm. Patients that were violent or had symptoms of schizophrenia were the ones mostly subjected to lobotomy.
It had mixed results with some patients becoming calm, but losing interest in life or having any energy. To other patients dying or relapsing.
An invasive approach is still taken in the case of patients with severe mental disorders, and where other treatments failed. The procedure is called 'Psychosurgery'.
Electric Shock Therapy or Electric Convulsive Therapy (ECT) was first developed in the late 1930s, like the lobotomy it was a severe approach to vulnerable patients who had lost their sanity partially or completely. ECT causes an induced controlled seizure.
I read reports that there were cases where ECT was administered to patients without their consent because they were considered unable to give consent.
Prior to ECT induced seizures for treating mental disorders were caused by oral administration of medication.
Scientists don't know exactly how ECT works, but it is believed to give relief to patients suffering from psychosis, mania, catatonia, schizophrenia, and is still in practice.
A new study published on 27 March in the Nature journal, states that a very strong electrical current in the brain hits the cells and their DNA snaps, and is then repaired, this according to the study is observed when long term memories are made. It could be that when the DNA are repaired, the process encodes information about the electrical current and this forms the memory.
So perhaps the ECT causes relief by damaging DNA in the brain that stores the memory responsible for the mental disorder.
As researchers made discoveries scientists learned about brain chemistry, and then medications were developed to treat mental disorders by pharmaceuticals
There is talk therapy which is what psychologists are qualified for, and then there is psychiatry in which medication could be prescribed. Prevention is better than cure in either case.
We as adults that have had a good, cultured, ethical, and educational upbringing usually are mentally stable, even if we suffer emotional distress or anxiety.
The risks could be to adolescents and teenagers who are still developing and get exposed to negative influence or traumatic experiences at home, school, or social media. OCD (impulsive-compulsive disorder) and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) along with intrusive thoughts could be the lethal triggers of psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (maniac depression.)
Intrusive thoughts are common and happen almost to everyone. People who don't have mental disorders know to dismiss these thoughts and not focuse on them. Sufferers of OCD and PTSD or patients with dementia, Parkinson's disease, or Alzheimer's may not be able to avoid the Intrusive thoughts that could amplify their trauma, anxiety, fears, phobias, eventually leading to complete detachment from reality and the various severe manifestations of mental disorders. In cases like these talk therapy would probably fail, and medication, ECT, and invasive treatments like psychsurgery could be required.
So the influence the next generation gets could entirely define their mental health and their future. The news and statistics I'm reading are not encouraging as mental crisis is on the rise like never before.
I have a podcast Mind Supply, if you liked this article then you might like the podcasts as I talk about social issues.
Copyright ©️ Arjuwan Lakkdawala 2024
Arjuwan Lakkdawala is an author and independent science researcher.
Twitter-X/Instagram: Spellrainia Email: [email protected]
Verywellmind: The Origins of Psychology
From Philosophical Beginnings to the Modern Day
Kendra Cherry, MSEd 
Updated on November 29, 2022
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Adah Chung
The New Yorker: The Troubled History of Psychiatry
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Medical News Today: What is electroshock therapy?
Mass General Brigham McLean: ECT Treatment: A History of Helping Patients
Medically reviewed by Heidi Moawad, M.D. — By Lauren Martin on June 30, 2021
Nature.com - Memories are made by breaking DNA — and fixing it
Nerve cells form long-term memories with the help of an inflammatory response, study in mice finds.
Max Kozlov
National Institute of Mental Health: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Healthline: Intrusive Thoughts: Why We Have Them and How to Stop Them
Medically reviewed by Bethany Juby, PsyD — By Kimberly Holland — Updated on May 20, 2022
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Britannica: Sigmund Freud
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Martin Evan Jay
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Britannica: lobotomy
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Chapter 19 of Psychosis, Trauma, and Dissociation: Dissociative Psychosis - Clinical and Theoretical Aspects
Although not currently recognized as a diagnostic category, specialists in trauma-related dissociation have argued that treating Dissociative Psychosis as such has clinical value. It was originally called 'hysterical psychosis'; it is a syndrome that has been documented in a wide variety of disorders from PTSD to DID. It's proposed that for something to be Dissociative Psychosis, it has to be trauma related and embedded in a structural dissociation of the personality. Goal-directed actions that the person cannot control should be present in the psychosis, along with dissociative symptoms.
The acceptability of dissociative psychosis as a term hinges on the fact that 'psychosis' is so broadly defined. For example, according to Jackson (2001), psychosis is "a broad category of mental disorders that are characterized by severe abnormalities of thought process. These are associated with disturbance of the sense of reality and often with delusions, hallucinations, and disruptions in the sense of personal identity". When a diagnosis of dissociative psychosis is in order, the person's /hierarchy of degrees of reality/ is severely compromised. Normally, the orientation of place, time, and identity has the highest 'degree of reality', but when threatening inner voices, or dissociative parts of the personality re-experiencing traumatizing events, or related terrifying fantasies are accorded to a higher 'degree of reality' (experienced as more real) than the present environment, the diagnosis of a dissociative psychotic episode may be appropriate.
This will first present Pierre Janet's original analysis of hysterical psychosis' dissociative nature, then a description of Dissociative Psychosis in terms of the modern theory of structural dissociation of the personality. It then presents a number of forms of dissociative psychosis, and discusses clinical applications.
Janet (1907) defined hysteria as a malady of /personal synthesis/, 'a form of mental depression characterized by the retraction of the field of consciousness and a tendency to the dissociation and emancipation of ideas and functions that constitute personality.' Although he wasn't always explicit about it, Janet thought that the dissociative 'systems of ideas and functions' had their own sense of self and their own range of affect and behavior. The most obvious of these dissociative system are ones that contain traumatic memories, which Janet originally describes as 'primary idées fixes' or 'primary emotional states.' These systems consisted of a 'psychological and physiological phenomena, of images and movements of a multiform character', each with its own sense of self. When these systems reactivate, whether in nightmares or in a waking state, persons are 'continuing the action, or rather the attempt at action, which began when the [trauma] happened; and they exhaust themselves in these everlasting recommencements.'
'Secondary idées fixes' or 'secondary emotional states' are related to primary idées fixes (traumatic memories). These secondary idées fixes are not based on actual events, but are related to them, and may manifest as fantasies or dream elaborations. A person might hallucinate being in hell, secondarily related to an extreme sense of guilt during or following a traumatic experience. For Janet, these secondary idées fixes, forming the basis of secondary dissociative states, were required for hysterical psychosis. Even when traumatic memories completely dominated consciousness and behavior, Janet would not speak of hysterical psychosis unless secondary idées fixes developed. However, the book authors believe a wider range of phenomena deserve the label dissociative psychosis.
According to Janet, the more traumatized someone is, the more fragmented their personality. This implies that dissociative psychosis may be part of a relatively simple or a more complex truama-related dissociation of the personality. The theory of structural dissociation is essentially an extension of Janet's theories.
According to the theory of trauma-related structural dissociation, trauma-related disorders involve insufficient integration among two or more dissociative parts of the personality. Basically, the person functioning as one type of dissociative part may try to go on with life as if the trauma has not affected them. Since Myers (1940), this part has been named the 'apparently normal part' or ANP. The other type of dissociative part, 'emotional parts' or EPs, is fixated in traumatic memories, and re-experiences them often.
The primary and prototypical form of structural dissociation is related to the lack of integration between one ANP and EP. An ANP will fulfill functions in daily life, avoiding traumatic memories, but as an EP the person's actions are essentially mediated by the mammalian defense system and attachment cry. An EP is highly motivated to engage in defensive actions against perceived threat due to their fixation on traumatic memories. Secondary structural dissociation is a more complex version, involving more than one EP and thus a lack of coherence among flight, freeze, fight, and fawn. In tertiary structural dissociation - the most complex - there is also a lack of integration among different action systems for daily life as well as among EPs. Clinical observations indicate that dissociative psychosis is usually embedded in secondary or tertiary structural dissociation.
The book defines dissociative psychosis as 'a syndrome involving one or more EPs that seem to be characterized by psychotic experiences, which either obtain executive ontrol or heavily intrude upon ANP.' However, the book contends that the question of what defines the EPs as 'psychotic' is difficult to answer. A person who is really an ANP suffering from voices belonging to perpetrator imitating-parts may be diagnosed as psychotic or schizophrenic and receive heavy doses of antipsychotics or even ECT whereas a dissociative specialist would likely recognize the dissociative nature of the phenomena and make a diagnosis of OSDD or DID, and offer psychotherapy. Even so, the book authors believe that dissociative psychotic episodes may require 'specific interventions not typically used with dissociative disorders, including, potentially, short-term inpatient admissions or mdication.' However, they also advise caution with the use of antipsychotics. They contend that focusing exclusively on the dissociative disorder and ignoring the dissociative psychotic episode could be counterproductive. In short. dissociative psychosis could be a window into understanding complex dissociative disorders.
The book says that the following dissociative conditions could be considered instances of dissociative psychotic episodes: a) an ANP feeling overwhelmed by threatening and/or imperative voices, b) an EP(s) in executive control re-experiencing traumatizing events, c) an EP(s) in executive control (re)experiencing terrifying hallucinations derived from traumatic experiences, d) rapid switching among EPs because of reactivated traumatic experiences, and e) the phemonemon of double emotion, in particular instances in which current traumatization reactivates past traumatization. These various forms of dissociative psychosis are not mutually exclusive.
The chapter concludes by acknowledging the highly theoretical nature of the previously discussed topics, stating that studies regarding dissociative psychosis and the effectiveness of its treatment are strongly needed.
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
The Philosophy of the Human Leg
The philosophy of the human leg is a multidisciplinary inquiry that explores the significance, symbolism, and ethical implications associated with the human leg. While it may seem unconventional, philosophical inquiry can extend to various aspects of human anatomy and physiology, including limbs such as the leg. Here are some key aspects of the philosophy of the human leg:
Embodiment and Existentialism: The human leg plays a crucial role in our embodiment—the experience of being in a physical body. Philosophically, the leg raises questions about our existential condition, mortality, and the limitations of the human body. It prompts reflections on the lived experience of movement, balance, and physical sensation, as well as the existential significance of mobility and freedom.
Symbolism and Cultural Meaning: The human leg carries symbolic significance in various cultures, mythologies, and religious traditions. Philosophically, the leg prompts inquiries into the cultural construction of bodily norms, ideals of beauty, and gendered representations. It also raises questions about the social and cultural meanings attributed to different types of legs, such as athletic legs, disabled legs, or prosthetic legs, and the ethical implications of these cultural constructions.
Ethics and Disability Studies: The philosophy of the human leg intersects with disability studies, which critically examines the social, political, and ethical dimensions of disability. Philosophically, the leg raises questions about the ethics of ableism, discrimination, and social inclusion. It prompts reflections on the lived experiences of individuals with mobility impairments, amputations, or prosthetic limbs, as well as the moral responsibilities of society to accommodate diverse bodily capabilities.
Technology and Enhancement: Advances in medical technology and prosthetic devices have expanded the possibilities for enhancing and augmenting the human leg. Philosophically, the leg raises questions about the ethical implications of limb replacement, enhancement technologies, and the boundaries between natural and artificial bodies. It prompts reflections on the implications of technological interventions for human identity, autonomy, and dignity.
Aesthetics and Body Image: The human leg is often subject to aesthetic judgments and ideals of beauty, particularly in the context of fashion, sports, and media representations. Philosophically, the leg prompts inquiries into the nature of bodily aesthetics, the cultural construction of idealized body types, and the ethics of body image norms. It also raises questions about the relationship between physical appearance, self-esteem, and social identity.
Phenomenology and Movement: Phenomenological philosophy explores the subjective experience of embodied movement and spatial orientation. Philosophically, the leg prompts inquiries into the phenomenology of walking, running, dancing, and other forms of bodily engagement with the environment. It prompts reflections on the embodied experience of time, space, and place, as well as the relationship between bodily movement and consciousness.
Overall, the philosophy of the human leg invites us to critically reflect on the significance of this often overlooked aspect of human anatomy. By exploring the philosophical dimensions of the human leg, we gain deeper insights into the nature of embodiment, identity, culture, and ethics.
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rainybluebirdflower · 8 months
"Subspace" refers to a psychological and physiological state that some individuals, typically those engaged in BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, Masochism) activities, may experience. It is important to note that not everyone experiences subspace, and individual reactions can vary. Additionally, communication, consent, and trust are crucial in any BDSM dynamic.
When a submissive person, regardless of gender, enters subspace while bound, it generally means they are experiencing a profound altered state of consciousness. This can result from a combination of intense physical stimulation, psychological factors, and the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
Here are some aspects of what might happen when a submissive woman goes into subspace while bound:
Intense Pleasure and Euphoria: The submissive person may experience heightened sensations of pleasure, euphoria, and a sense of detachment from reality. This is often attributed to the release of endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers.
Altered Perception of Time: Time may feel distorted, with minutes seeming like hours or hours passing in what feels like moments. This altered perception can contribute to a feeling of timelessness and being completely absorbed in the experience.
Reduced Pain Sensation: Boundaries between pleasure and pain may blur, and the submissive may experience a reduced sensitivity to pain. This is partly due to the release of endorphins, which can create a sense of well-being and act as a natural defense against pain.
Heightened Emotional Connection: Subspace can deepen the emotional connection between partners. The submissive person may feel a profound sense of trust, vulnerability, and intimacy with their dominant partner.
Impaired Cognitive Function: In some cases, cognitive functions may be temporarily impaired. The submissive might have difficulty forming coherent thoughts or communicating verbally. This is a normal part of the altered state of consciousness.
It's crucial to emphasize that entering subspace requires trust, open communication, and a consensual relationship. Both partners should be aware of each other's boundaries and have a safe word or signal in place to stop the activities if needed. Additionally, aftercare, which involves providing emotional and physical support after a BDSM scene, is essential to help the submissive person return to a grounded state and ensure their well-being.
💖💖💦💦💖💖 💋😻
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 years
The Everyday Practice of Abundance Consciousness
What was I thinking? Who was I trying to be? It’s unlike me at this stage of my life to think more than I am being.  I’m no longer interesting in trying to grind it out during the wee hours of the morning. I'm taking a break from the few tasks I have left on my books for 7-10 days. I have sacred things I do to protect my body from absorbing too many EMFs, and what's also true, is that when you are a deep feeler/ highly sensitive, you receive deeper wisdom than most (which is a divine and precious gift that helps people like me to serve in the world) but you also deeply receive waves of stressful energy far more easily than most ...even with the metrics of protection surrounding you.
There is no separation or difference. If you have the gift of heart, intuition, and deeper sight, you have to manage not living in the shadows of those gifts. We weren’t physiologically designed to sit behind these computers, staring into them for days/weeks at a time which is what I have been doing. When your awareness expands, you are no longer numb to what’s happening with your body which stops you from repeating the same patterns that will deepen your body’s pain and suffering overtime. When I’m on my computer or phone too many days in a row, I can actually feel the waves draining my vitality, re-configuring my cells, and shifting the quality of my life.
Our eyes---the windows to our soul-- need to peak at trees, dirt, and sunlight undistractedly. I’m grateful that I curated a life where I can turn off my phone and computer, put them away in the back of my closet for a few days, and dust off my record player and finally read “Of Water and the Spirit.”
How we sense “time” is always a reflection of the consciousness we are living in. And there are only two types of consciousness: Fear/Scarcity/Lack or Love/Abundance/Vitality. When we release ourselves from expectations, we curate more abundant space for joy, and become free...eventually. I started shifting my energy imprint away from the consciousness of fear/scarcity/lack and into abundance consciousness around 12-15 years ago (I lost track of the exact time) despite not having any evidence of abundance in my life as I was working 50 hours per week and in a toxic relationship. In the beginning of shifting between paradigms and consciousness, there can be a lot of grave tension, release, pain, resistance, loneliness, and disruption, until finally homeostasis settles (may takes months or years). Abundance consciousness also gets us back into our bodies in real ways and allows us to genuinely love ourselves as we are, beyond every materialistic system. If we can hold the candle lit towards abundance consciousness, then the universe has no choice but to organize life around us in such a way that matches our new imprint/emanation like an algorithm...eventually. It takes time though and patience. And we have to be soft and strong enough not to give up on it or the new version of ourselves.
The Ingenious Divine Feminine Medicine Path
Let’s climb in a little deeper and get more grounded into this teaching.  What I have to say now is NOT for everyone, only for those with spiritual resonance.  My work is all about educating on how to reclaim the highest transmutation frequencies and greatest integrity that will “heal” or restore our individual selves and bring more collective harmony on this planet.  When we are not living in abundance, flooded in resources as part of our divine natural birthright, there is a part of our unconscious mind (our shadow) that likes not living in the abundance and is in love with scarcity and lack because it feels familiar and safe. We don’t *consciously* love it, of course, but we do unconsciously LOVE the drama, karma, and lack of ease--all those internal chemicals, feels, and sensations. We have to learn to love what’s happening, not just in our light but in our darkest most hidden, sometimes filthiest or dank aspects. We love being broke, not have enough “time,” feeling not enough, feeling ugly, having people be jealous of us, attracting narcissistic people... because a part of us is narcissistic or at least attracted to being victimized, etc. A portal opens when we stop outsourcing our experiences (and the raw energy coiled within them that we need) onto someone else such as “oh, but he was a narcissistic so I...” or “my boss did this so I didn’t...”  or “they made me...” Being courageous and seeing how you love and find comfort in specific exhaustive frequencies year after year, whether it is karmic or a conditioned pattern, allows you to access the dark energy within these experiences, the benevolent creative energy or “yin/feminine energy” , that gives you greater access to your full potential, the raw energy beyond the stories. Accessing this raw energy releases the resistance and stuckness and brings more flow and momentum towards your soul’s true path. This is all sexual energy. This is how we begin to love and adore the truth of what the feminine really is.
Much of the work has to do with “sexual healing,” because this is usually where the energy is stuck or kinked up that is shrinking our life force also known as prana also known as potential. Sexual healing happens when you begin to have full access to your life force energy.  Coming into full integrity with your energy body will make you feel more alive, abundant, and connected to spirit. In order to attract the kind of relationship you long for, you have to be the kind of person you desire to meet. To be ready for the most amazing relationship, you have to go into dark “wombed” energy and clear out what is inhibiting full access to your life force energy.
Returning to the Original Template: A Keeper of Infinite Possibilities
Our souls are equipped for these times but we do have to be intentional in our unlearning to override the body’s signals so that we can come back to what we we born for and share the gifts we have been entrusted with. I intentionally created my life from the wisdom and medicine I gained through my decolonial sexual healing practices, like learning to connect to the divine through undulating my hips as prayer in wild, uncultivated, ‘off-the-beaten-path’ nature. Everyone needs sexual healing due to the limits and trauma that have been inflicted upon over many timelines, not from a place of victimization, but from the archetype of the alchemist so that we can retrieve back our freedom of time, energy, and resources.
No one escapes the impact of a sexually wounded society that shrouds us in limits around time, resources, and possibility. The messaging handed down to us by our parents, by religions, and by advertising, porn, celebrities, music, etc lives active in our root posterier chain- our backs, spine, hips, glutes, knees, pelvis, and bellies. As part of the female lineage, we naturally carry around so much of what’s happening in the collective within. All the cultural, inherited, and religious sexual shame and guilt make home out of our bodies. Most of us are not fully aware of the impact that these collective residences have on our health, relationships, capacity to receive money, and other forms of abundance like “time-freedom.”  We are supposed to care, go inside ourselves like mothers delivering our own babies, and birth real solutions that do not look like us constantly absorbing and never pulling the roots.
Because nowhere in the Western world are we taught that our sexual energy is sacred, regenerates our bodies, and is connected to every part of our lives and the earth. Or that our sexual energy isn’t just about sex. It is our flow of life force. It is our heartbeat. And it is absolutely necessary to have access to our sexual energy beyond the shame and wounding if we desire to truly live. Instead we respond to our sexual energy through hurts and trauma by shutting ourselves down in order to feel safe. And these unconscious ways stay with us and effect us in every way.  All the sneaking around, embarrassment, hiding, and performing around bodies and sex, commodifying our sex mainly for the male gaze, and shame around being a sexual being actually shuts down our potential in the external world, including freedom from Gregorian time and the ability to regenerate our bodies.. Amplifying your sexual energy grows your prana/life force which means that how to increase your prana has to become a part of your wellness practice. Purifying your sexual energy is a big part of it. Without this sexual healing, we have no roots or wings. No earth, no heaven. 
Life gets to be incredibly easy and truthful for us all. We do not have force or push through like machinery. I wish you a life of abundance, where you do not have to hustle and be in constant out-put mode, and can take as many breaks as needed to water yourself (your actual cells) so that you continue to pour from your overflow and have a healthy immune system and pain-free periods as a result. Female physiology is so tender and needs abundance: rest, nature, quiet, touch, belly laughs, and breaks, basic human needs that my heart won’t allow me to ignore or bypass. When you live aligned with the consciousness of abundance, it goes against your nature and principles to force, shallow breathe, or live desperately. Abundance consciousness gives us plethora of options to choose from which includes the ability to: 1. take our time and 2. take care of our cells.  The Melody of Love is so delicious though ...that my ego wanted to push right on through like it was the end of the month when I worked as a Tax Accountant Maniac, but my heart and body whispered for me to stop. I listened. I sincerely wish for lives where we can all listen to the soft whispers that never have to become screams in order to get our attention. One loveliness xx
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