sunstreamglobal · 9 months
Guidance on Improving Transparency in Conflict Mineral Reporting
Explore the ethical imperative and regulatory landscape surrounding conflict mineral compliance in our guide on improving transparency in conflict mineral reporting. Delve into the challenges of supplier engagement, data accuracy, and technology integration, while discovering practical solutions to navigate these complexities. This resource equips companies with essential insights to not only meet regulatory requirements but also demonstrate a commitment to responsible sourcing and ethical business practices in the realm of conflict minerals.
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exrconsultancy · 2 years
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Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives - Booksvenue.com
An unflinching investigation reveals the human rights abuses behind the Congo’s cobalt mining operation―and the moral implications that affect us all.
Cobalt Red is the searing, first-ever exposé of the immense toll taken on the people and environment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by cobalt mining, as told through the testimonies of the Congolese people themselves. Activist and researcher Siddharth Kara has traveled deep into cobalt territory to document the testimonies of the people living, working, and dying for cobalt. To uncover the truth about brutal mining practices, Kara investigated militia-controlled mining areas, traced the supply chain of child-mined cobalt from toxic pit to consumer-facing tech giants, and gathered shocking testimonies of people who endure immense suffering and even die mining cobalt.
Cobalt is an essential component to every lithium-ion rechargeable battery made today, the batteries that power our smartphones, tablets, laptops, and electric vehicles. Roughly 75 percent of the world’s supply of cobalt is mined in the Congo, often by peasants and children in sub-human conditions. Billions of people in the world cannot conduct their daily lives without participating in a human rights and environmental catastrophe in the Congo. In this stark and crucial book, Kara argues that we must all care about what is happening in the Congo―because we are all implicated.
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Visit our website — www.booksvenue.com
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viraj096 · 2 years
Solving PCB Layout Design Problems With CAD
Read full article: https://degentevakana.com/blogs/view/65530
Computer Aided Design, or CAD, is the process of drawing, designing, and developing a product or concept using computer software. A user can use CAD software to produce a graphic model of the object.
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No conflict minerals in iPhones & Co.
No conflict minerals in iPhones & Co. The Apple Group is working on a "completely green" iPhone, which should be made of 100% recycled material and should not contain  conflict materials. Apple does not want to process mineral resources that are mined in a conflict or high-risk area. To ensure traceability of specific mineral supplies throughout the production process, Apple relies on blockchain technology, which also ensures data protection. A "closed economic cycle" is the objective. Apple wants to avoid poor working conditions and child labor, such as those found in cobalt mines in the Republic of Congo. Cobalt is used for the production of lithium-ion cells/batteries. In order to exclude sourcing of conflict minerals as far as possible, Apple has prepared an Environmental Protection 2021 Progress Report: https://www.apple.com/environment/pdf/Apple_Environmental_Progress_Report_2021.pdf
Find out more about Apple’s requirements for suppliers here: https://www.apple.com/supplier-responsibility/ Since all iPhones and laptops contain a lithium ion cell or lithium ion battery that is classified as dangerous goods class 9, you as a consumer or distributer should also ensure that lithium-ion cells and batteries that have reached the end of their life are properly recycled or disposed of.
Defective/damaged lithium-ion cells and batteries are handled in accordance with regulations. There are specific requirements for assessment, packaging, labeling and documentation. So these are not just handed over for recycling. We at LITHIUM BATTERY SERVICE will be happy to assist you: You can read about how to dispose of and recycle lithium cells and batteries according to legal requirements with us: We offer free information on disposal in all ADR states at this link: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/en/disposal/ Anyone who transports lithium cells and batteries or who sends them for disposal and recycling can download detailed and practical checklist articles from us on how to transport this dangerous goods in compliance with regulations. The checklist articles contain all the necessary information for preparing shipments. With reference list. Prepared shipping documents and labels are included. 
 Defective/damaged lithium-ion cells and batteries must be assessed and handled in accordance with regulations. These have their own packaging, labeling and documentation requirements. So these are not just handed over for recycling/disposal. We also have suitable checklist articles as work instructions for this. You can find the checklist articles here: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/en/checklist?tab=1 If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/en/contact/consulting
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globalsouth · 4 years
Demand for electric car batteries' raw materials set to rise: UNCTAD report
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The demand for raw materials used to manufacture rechargeable batteries will grow rapidly as the importance of oil as a source of energy recedes, as highlighted recently by the collapse of prices due to oversupply and weak demand resulting from COVID-19, according to a new UNCTAD report. The report, Commodities at a glance: Special issue on strategic battery raw materials, documents the growing importance of electric mobility and the main materials used to make rechargeable car batteries. Ongoing efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions are expected to spur further investment in green energy production, which has been steady over the years, standing at around $600 billion per year on average. “Alternative sources of energy such as electric batteries will become even more important as investors grow more wary of the future of the oil industry,” said Pamela Coke-Hamilton, UNCTAD's director of international trade, launching the report. Electric car sales have boomed in recent years, rising 65% in 2018 from the previous year to 5.1 million vehicles, and are expected to reach 23 million in 2030. Electric car sales have boomed in recent years, rising 65% in 2018 from the previous year to 5.1 million vehicles, and are expected to reach 23 million in 2030, according to the International Energy Agency. Read the full article
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wwwfoecouk · 7 years
RT @Global_Witness: New EU #conflictminerals law comes into force today! Read what we make of it https://t.co/lnWN3npLnN
New EU #conflictminerals law comes into force today! Read what we make of it https://t.co/lnWN3npLnN
— Global Witness (@Global_Witness) June 8, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/wwwfoecouk June 08, 2017 at 09:57AM
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elenalsposts · 7 years
Materiali a rischio, un aiuto per la...
Materiali a rischio, un aiuto per la certificazione di conformità #SAPItalia #ConflictMinerals #Compliance #REACH
Materiali a rischio, un aiuto per la...
Oggi i consumatori sono sempre più attenti ai potenziali risvolti etici dei loro acquisti, nella consapevolezza che la produzione dei beni che intendono comprare può...Read More
SAP Social Matters Program
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moraltimenp · 7 years
Apple vows to use only recycled materials, but Greenpeace says iPhones should also last longer #apple #bloodminerals #conflictminerals #greenpeace #Moraltime
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International & Domestic News, Friday, April 7th, 2017
--- "Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau said on Friday he could not judge the likelihood of the United States introducing a new border tax following meetings with U.S. officials this week. Speaking in London, he said discussions with the White House over the last few days had underscored that President Donald Trump's team was pushing for broad U.S. tax changes but said he would make no guesses at any outcome on trade tariffs. Trump's proposed Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) has sent shivers through all major exporters to the U.S., and especially neighbors like Canada and Mexico whose companies sell an enormous amount of their goods there. It would exempt U.S. export revenues from federal corporate tax but levy an implicit 20 percent tax on imports by preventing U.S. companies from deducting the cost of imported goods and supplies. "I can't handicap (judge chances of) an outcome other than to say I spoke to Steven Mnuchin about the ideas of this U.S. administration," Morneau said."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-canada-britain-finmin-idUSKBN1791TA?il=0
--- "For the first time in at least a decade, Mexico's army is allowing the United States and the United Nations to observe opium poppy eradication, a step toward deeper cooperation to fight heroin traffickers, three sources in Mexico said. The opening could bring Mexico more in line with other drug producing countries like Afghanistan, Colombia and Peru that have been heavily involved with the United Nations in cultivation studies and eradication efforts. The Mexican army hopes to gain more credit at home and abroad for its work and address doubts in Washington about the quality of its data and the success of the eradication program, the officials said. Last week, the army flew U.S. military, U.N. and embassy officials into the heart of Mexico's heroin country to witness the destruction of fields of opium poppies, according to two of the officials with knowledge of the operation."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-heroin-idUSKBN1792WE?il=0
--- "U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Friday told reporters that he plans to announce additional economic sanctions aimed at Syria in the near future, part of the U.S. response to a poison gas attack that Western countries say was carried out by the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. "We expect that those (sanctions) will continue to have an important effect on preventing people from doing business with them," Mnuchin said. "These sanctions are very important and we will use them the maximum effect.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-sanctions-idUSKBN17932P?il=0
--- "Syrian-Americans on Friday hailed the U.S. missile attack on a Syrian air base as a blow for human rights, but said they were wary of both President Donald Trump's motives and what comes next. Many who had been angered by Trump's efforts to ban Syrians, along with visitors from several other Muslim-majority nations, welcomed what they saw as his new role as the avenger of civilians killed in this week's chemical weapons attack. "We needed to take some action, show some backbone," said Judy Asghar, 35, an American born to Syrian immigrants who lives in Dearborn, Michigan, epicenter of one of the largest Arab-American communities in the United States...Some Syrian-Americans and Syrians in the United States said Trump's response to the chemical attack transformed him in their eyes. "A lot of Syrian-Americans are now cheering the president, are elated," said Dr. Mohammad Kabbesh, 45, a physician who grew up in Damascus but now lives in Sacramento, California, said by phone. Syrian refugee Motaz al Afandi, 49, of Texas said that if Trump pursues aggressive action toward Assad, he could end up solving the refugee problem. "If we get rid of Al-Assad, we won't need to be refugees anymore," said al Afandi, who runs a tow truck business in the Dallas area and sought asylum in the United States with his wife and three children after fleeing his country's conflict. Still, some who cheered the military action said the travel ban first launched in January had left them with mixed feelings about Trump, and they reserved judgment as they awaited his next steps...Others questioned whether the White House was using the humanitarian crisis as an excuse for more overseas wars."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-usa-syrians-idUSKBN179310?il=0
--- "Internal State Department instructions to implement President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban on citizens of six Muslim-majority nations help demonstrate that the ban violates the constitution, the American Civil Liberties Union argued in court filings late on Thursday. The ACLU made the argument as part of its lawsuit in federal court in the Northern District of California on behalf of three student visa holders against Trump's March 6 executive order barring travelers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days and refugees for four months. The lawsuit, which seeks class-action status, says the order discriminates against Muslims. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson issued instructions to implement Trump's order in a series of four cables to consular officers worldwide last month, which were first revealed by Reuters. The ACLU pointed to language from one of the cables that directs consular officers to assess whether applicants from the six countries "found otherwise eligible" for U.S. visas could still be denied visas based on Trump's order. The ACLU said the guidance "amounts to an unconstitutional amendment of existing law.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-cables-idUSKBN17930K?il=0
--- "The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Friday it is suspending enforcement of the costliest requirements of its "conflict minerals" rule, after a court remanded it back to the regulator because part of it violates the U.S. Constitution. Acting SEC Chairman Mike Piwowar, a Republican, said he has asked staff for a recommendation on how to proceed with the rule, which requires companies to disclose if their products contain certain minerals from a war-torn part of Africa. For now, he added, companies will not be required to conduct a due diligence review or an audit, which are both part of the process used to determine the origin of the minerals. "Until these issues are resolved, it is difficult to conceive of a circumstance that would counsel in favor of enforcing" the due diligence requirements, he said in a statement. The move sparked backlash from SEC Democratic Commissioner Kara Stein, who accused Piwowar of acting beyond his authority to gut the meat of a rule mandated by Congress, adopted by the SEC and reviewed by the courts. “It is unprecedented for one commissioner, acting alone and without official notice and comment, to engage in de facto rulemaking," she said. "It represents a troubling attack not only on the Commission process, but also on the restraints of government power.”"
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-sec-conflictminerals-idUSKBN1792WX?il=0
--- "President Donald Trump pressed Chinese President Xi Jinping to do more to curb North Korea's nuclear program and help reduce the gaping U.S. trade deficit with Beijing in talks on Friday, even as he toned down the strident anti-China rhetoric of his election campaign. Trump spoke publicly of progress on a range of issues in his first U.S.-China summit – as did several of his top aides – but they provided few concrete specifics other than China's agreement to work together to narrow disagreements and find common ground for cooperation. As the two leaders wrapped up a Florida summit overshadowed by U.S. missile strikes in Syria overnight, Xi joined Trump in stressing the positive mood of the meetings while papering over deep differences that have caused friction between the world's two biggest economies. Trump's aides insisted he had made good on his pledge to raise concerns about China's trade practices and said there was some headway, with Xi agreeing to a 100-day plan for trade talks aimed at boosting U.S. exports and reducing China's trade surplus with the United States. Speaking after the two-day summit at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also said that Xi had agreed to increased cooperation in reining in North Korea's missile and nuclear programs – though he did not offer any new formula for cracking Pyongyang's defiant attitude...Chinese state media on Saturday cheered the meeting as one that showed the world that confrontation between the two powers was not inevitable and established the tone for the development of U.S.-China relations."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-idUSKBN1792KA?il=0
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viraj096 · 3 years
REACH And Its Impact On Business
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is a European Union law aimed at improving the safety of human and environmental health from chemical dangers while also boosting the efficiency of the EU chemicals sector. 
Read full article: https://www.robinspost.com/social/blogs/view/44788
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mbahelp24-blog · 8 years
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New EU 🇪🇺 #ConflictMinerals law will set due diligence obligations, help prevent… New EU 🇪🇺 #ConflictMinerals law will set due diligence obligations, help prevent minerals #trade from funding wars:
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endtimewatchman · 8 years
http://ift.tt/HDXIyB KINSHASA (Reuters) - A possible plan by U.S. President Donald Trump to suspend a rule on "conflict minerals" could help fund armed groups and contribute to a surge in unrest in central Africa, regional states said on Wednesday.
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via Reuters: World News
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We encourage you to break the silence about the sexual violence connected to #technology. #ConflictMinerals must be talked about if #corporate #crimes are to end. Show solidarity with the Democratic Republic of the Congo by advocating for #ConflictFree technology at your institution today! https://www.facebook.com/conflictfreesociety/
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nancyjnelson88 · 8 years
White House eying executive order targeting 'conflict minerals' rule: sources
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is planning to issue an executive order targeting a controversial Dodd-Frank rule that requires companies to disclose whether their products contain "conflict minerals" from a war-torn part of Africa, according to sources familiar with the administration's thinking.
from Binary Trading Tips http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/businessNews/~3/AZaEjH9pPm8/us-usa-trump-conflictminerals-idUSKBN15N06N
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