ask-okaliz-ocs · 4 months
This is a question for Conchita! Do you know Dante has a huge crush on you?
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abnosome1 · 4 months
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kyokyeo · 2 years
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conchita from conchesumadre man
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higherentity · 11 days
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cyberdevil04 · 2 years
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Im a genius for thinking this up
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mar-tacuba · 7 months
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Circus Girl
(OC: Conchita)
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Joseph A. Pelletier, A.A. - God Speaks at Garabandal - Assumption - 1970
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fictionalnation · 10 months
Help me understand who Nan even likes because girl needs to make up her mind like thefack?
Love conchita and so I hope the whole Richard thing isnt what I think it is since I think the lady whats her face is also the mom of nan
Mabel has to be the smartest girlie in them all
I feel HORRID for Lizzie idk wtf is wrong with jinny like girl what
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licharklow · 6 months
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Banica Conchita is angry with Lich Arklow due to him disobeying her... (from a rp scene, original drawing by Ichika edited by @thecowardlyblackbird)
Evillious Chronicles
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wingedjewels · 5 months
White-necked Jacobin by Adam Rainoff Via Flickr: Capturing the White-necked Jacobin (Florisuga mellivora) in its natural habitat at Birdwatch La Conchita near Cali, Colombia, provided a remarkable opportunity to explore and document the vibrant dynamics of avian life. The photograph showcases this striking bird in mid-flight, its deep blue hood and green upperparts set against a softly blurred green background. Utilizing a shallow depth of field, I was able to isolate the bird from the surrounding foliage, emphasizing the brilliant coloration and intricate feather details that make the White-necked Jacobin a subject of endless fascination. From a technical standpoint, shooting this image required patience and a high shutter speed to freeze the rapid wing movement, capturing a moment of pure, ephemeral grace. Lighting played a crucial role, enhancing the iridescent quality of the bird's plumage. This image not only reflects my passion for avian photography but also underscores the importance of precision and timing in wildlife photography. It's a testament to the serene moments of nature that are often hidden in plain sight, waiting to be immortalized through the lens. ©2021 Adam Rainoff Photographer
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jinxedgods · 7 months
I LOVE how nan’s mom is a good mom because in any other universe she would’ve been written as a bitch. She’s tacky, emotional, and obsessed with her daughters marrying wealthy. But she loves Nan as if she’s her biological daughter. She never pits her daughters against each other. She taught them to be everything that she couldn’t. And she’s so tragic because you can see she has this deep fire and vibrant spirit that she can’t show in “polite” society. She could be as vibrant and wild as any of the girls in Nan’s friend group, but she can’t show it the same. And worse: her horrible cheating husband is the Fun Parent. The parent that’s easygoing and charming and whom the kids blame for nothing because he doesn’t do anything. Nan never fully, truly saw who her parents were until later in life. And when she did, she loved her mother even more.. I love you Mrs. St. George. You deserve better
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ask-okaliz-ocs · 4 months
Is Conchita still with the father of her children? Who is he?
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spaceokase · 1 year
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Drew up Nereida’s familiar, Conchita
Conchita has Seen Things
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federer7 · 2 years
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Conchita. Paris, 1930s
Photo: Brassaï
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lifeispopculture · 1 year
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digitalinterfacer · 9 months
tw: drugs, needles (syringes), knives
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prison girls (nov.2021-feb.2022-ene.2023-jun.2023)
introduciendo más ocs!! ><
"PRISON GIRLS" es una serie que estoy pensando hacer en forma de cómics, basado en 5 chicas que fueron "encarceladas" en una prisión falsa, liderada por una secta secreta, en donde ellas fueron elegidas para trabajar como sicarias especiales, asesinando a gente aún más criminal que ellas; políticos, famosos, entre otros.
las chicas en cuestión son maitena díaz wang, concepción "conchita", alejandra valles torres, federica videla y jazmín belén "jota" ponce (en orden de izquierda a derecha en la segunda foto).
maitena díaz wang es una chica argentina-tailandesa de 24 años. tiene un carácter dulce y amable, aunque por dentro esconde un lado oscuro y sadístico, resultado de su infancia junto a sus primos maternos. es fan del anime y le gusta la literatura (principalmente, la poesía).
concepción, de apodo "conchita", tiene 27 años, y es una muchacha bastante loca, impredecible y alegre. se ve un poco tonta a primera vista, pero ocasionalmente actúa con inteligencia; solamente tiene flojera de demostrarlo. a veces, se comporta literalmente como un animal, y también se puede comunicar con ellos. es muy amiga de los gatos.
alejandra torres valles es una mujer transgénero de 24 años. no se expresa con facilidad, es muy tímida e introvertida. sufre depresión y suele autolesionarse. le apasiona la música y el arte, razón por la que la molestaban en el colegio (aparte de por dejarse el pelo largo).
federica videla tiene 21 años, es una joven bastante ruda, agria y quisquillosa, pero en el fondo oculta su cobardía y sus miedos. le cuesta hacer amistades debido a que no sabe comunicarse bien. es muy llorona con cualquier cosa que le moleste o emocione. hace ejercicio y juega al fútbol (es hincha de river plate). a causa de las drogas, ella es muy flaca y raramente tiene ataques psicóticos.
jazmín belén "jota" ponce es una joven demigénero de 26 años. actúa siempre con calma y confianza, y de vez en cuando es vulgar. cansada de ser la niña "perfecta" y "bonita" de su familia, los abandona a los 16 años para unirse a una mafia motoquera. es fan de los videojuegos, mayormente de los de acción. su género de música favorito es nu-metal.
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unos personajes secundarios que pensaba agregar. se llaman candela rizzo y maría magalí nieves :p
en fin, ya empezaré con la historia, en algún momento :'v
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