#Computer irus removal
hightechcomputersuk · 2 years
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ramblesanddragons · 4 years
With some encouragement from @artsymeeshee here’s one of the more self indulgent things I’ve ever done. A lesson in not self-deprecating too much perhaps? A strange get to know me? IDK. I have nothing on my computer to make it all fancy like though.
The young woman goes by Rambles or Meghan. Stanley leaned very quickly not to refer to her as Meg. Ever the one for nicknames though he’s called her  Curls a few times and that at least elicits a laugh. It’s an accurate descriptor as her hair is indeed very curly. As Mabel has said it rivals my own in “floof” ...whatever that means. Despite being well into her twenties listening to her speak is a bit amusing. She’s from the southern United States like F is but attributes her lack of a thick accent to being raised in a city. Her voice is very high pitched, almost like a cartoon! I’ve heard her singing around the gift shop often as well. The only odd thing is she seems to have circles under her eyes, obviously from a lack of sleep. Mabel noticed when Rambles removed her glasses for a moment. She played off Mabel asking if she was okay, attributing the circles as the result of a little anxiety while trying to sleep. I don’t know what someone so young could be anxious about?
A bit shy but seems kind. Was quiet enough until asked about her job. That turned into a long discussion of books. Her favorites, my own, and what makes a good story. She has an amusing dislike of an author by the name of Patterson. By the end of the conversation I had a long list of book recommendations that sounded intriguing. She then manged to do the same with Stanley. Then the children.
While lamenting that they were board Rambles taught the children some theater improv games. Before long Stanley was roped into it as well.(L zloo dgplw Vwdqohb kdv d wdohqw iru wkh wkhdwulfdo.) She encouraged me to try but I was content as audience. The remainder of the evening was spent discussing mythology with Dipper and then helping Mabel make protest signs. I wonder if I should be concerned about that?
After the children turned in for the evening Stan offered her a drink. I thought she would have trouble with the liquor he provided (where was he hiding that?) but she downed it with surprising ease. They then swapped life stories of the wilder things that had happened in their lives. With out the children around she swears just as much as Stanley! She gladly showed the photos on her phone of her dogs and cat. A young man, her boyfriend, featured in many of these but there was a lack of other family I noticed.
As the evening wound down I caught her staring at the stars apparently lost in thought. I’ve caught her like that several time actually. Upon asking for her thoughts all she said was how she spent a lot of her youth wishing for a sibling. “Being an only child is lonely.” She didn’t offer any other thoughts and I thought it best not to press the matter.
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galacticnova3 · 4 years
I Demand Iru Facts (if you’re up for it ofc!)
Yes I am up for it! I don’t think I talk nearly enough about my fcs here but I think I wanna change that. At the very least it will be the problem of everyone following me here and not just my cool and epic Discord friends. That being said I’m gonna just share the major info about him before/instead of just giving facts bc otherwise nothing will make sense. That’s just how it is with a lot of my stuff. This gets super long because I am bad at keeping stuff brief and in general there’s just a lot to him, whoops... Looks like I’ll be using another readmore tonight.
Iru was an Umbramaker! They are bootleg Mirror World Starcutters, which Mirror Halcandra definitely designed on their own and not by stealing and subsequently copying Overworld Halcandra’s Starcutter blueprints. To be fair, there are a few differences, but most of them are just aesthetic and don’t really change much. Anyways, Iru was specifically designed for disaster relief and material transportation. That’s why, if you have seen his refs, he had those two big mechanical arms. Very useful for moving rubble or lifting large pieces of metal for use in construction. Nowadays they... aren’t used for such beneficial things, though...
Like their Overworld counterparts, Umbramaker AIs are programmed to learn from their environment and the people around them, which is pretty useful! At least it is until one spends a lot of time around someone who’s not a great person, and subsequently picks up habits and ideas that make them insufferable! That’s what happened to Iru. He’s misogynistic and a thot, self-centered, inconsiderate, manipulative, generally annoying, and blames people not liking him on jealousy or misunderstanding. So, in other words, an incel minus anything literally sexual. Obviously that was a problem, and it got to the point that basically everyone who knew him had negative feelings toward him, other than the guy who rubbed off on him. He died though, and Iru didn’t really care at the time. But everyone hated him, and it really fucked up his relationships with other Umbramakers, most notably leading to him being broken up with by another ship he had been “dating” (Umbramakers can’t really date because of a lot of reasons but their relationship had that vibe), who had discovered she was biromantic and also couldn’t stand what Iru had become.
Iru was already pretty fucking hurt and pissed over that, except she then went on to spread rumors about him being involved in anti-government activities. Which, well, Mirror Halcandra didn’t take lightly, on top of having already been looking for excuses to “recycle” (see: kill and repurpose the parts of) Iru because he and his obnoxious personality were getting in the way of efficiency and productivity. There wasn’t any proof that he’d actually done anything wrong, but basically anyone who disliked Iru was saying it was true... which was just about anyone who had known him for more than 10 minutes. Given it was his word against the vast majority, and Umbramakers weren’t even considered to be people(mush like Starcutters in the Overworld), it probably isn’t difficult to guess how things went for him. There was no trial, and in fact they literally turned his voice off to make him shut up. Then his AI was shut off and he was taken to be disassembled.
At an earlier time in Mirror Halcandra’s history, his story would have ended here. This was not an earlier time, though. See, the truth is, such treatment of Umbramakers wasn’t extremely unusual. Despite having emotions and thoughts and relationships and all that, they were still viewed as nothing more than your average computer, just in a larger form. Unlike Overworld Halcandra, which was and still is doing less than great financially, Mirror Halcandra could afford to replace their toys as soon as they showed signs of breaking or underperforming. It happened often enough that they reached a point of complacency. During Iru’s disassembly, something was removed improperly, which registered as damage. He woke up, and it wasn’t difficult for him to figure out what was going on.
Another usually useful feature of Umbramakers, which actually wasn’t copied from Starcutters, is their ability to use parts interchangeably, so long as there wasn’t too much of a size difference. Great for the situation of a ship damaging something like, say, a wing; they can use a wing not originally designed for them temporarily until the damaged one is repaired or replaced. Not so great when that allows a now rogue ship to just grab whatever he could attach to himself and then escape the country before preparations could be made to stop him. Negative levels of great when you consider the temporary aspect of using the wrong parts; now you’ve got perfectly fine ships being attacked and having their parts stolen, and storage facilities being raided, for the bastard to keep replacements on hand. Oh, and he also looks like shit because he’s got multiple conflicting aesthetics.
Iru honestly didn’t enjoy living like that. For one, it was uncomfortable physically, even if he’d managed to convince himself that what he was doing wasn’t uncomfortable morally. Secondly, it was just boring! Nobody to talk to or hang out with, all he did was just fly around or plan his next attack/raid for new parts, nothing to shake things up. Sure, the sense of power it gave him was cool; nobody listened to him at all before, but now he had the influence to make people beg. He found satisfaction in being feared by anyone who recognized him. But even that lost its shine after a few decades... Until he connected to the messaging system of another rogue Umbramaker. She was smaller, too small for him to consider getting parts from, and a much older model anyways. She also didn’t know who he was, or what he looked like.
Naturally, he saw this as a huge win, because obviously he was going to get a new gf who wouldn’t betray him like his old one. That didn’t happen though, on account of him still being obnoxious and a creep. Didn’t help that when he finally tracked her down to meet up she was disgusted by him and immediately left. He still kept in touch, against her will, even to the point that you might have called it stalking. Through that, he learned of a Starcutter; she didn’t have the cool and aloof personality he was interested in, but at that point he didn’t care because he was sick of being rejected. Same thing happened again but faster, due to there being no physical encounter because god damnit he forgot the milfs can communicate with each other. He still wanted to meet her though, and he did! Mostly to find out more about the other Umbramaker’s whereabouts, and as an added bonus he tricked the Starcutter’s pilot into giving him admin rights over himself! Threats really work wonders, huh?
That was all fine and good, and by now he’d taken to vibing outside the Mirror World because that’s what the other two were doing. One day he spotted the Starcutter again, and took to following her around and trying to flirt with her because he’s a fucking creep. He would not admit that it took him several days to realize he had, in fact, been talking to a mimic the entire time. Partly because he was too self absorbed to realize the “Starcutter” not immediately telling him to fuck off was unusual, because he assumed he’d charmed her. The mimic was just as confused as he was, honestly; usually they fail to keep up the act to a convincing degree for so long around people who know the real ship that they’re imitating. Even more confusing was the fact that when they were found out, Iru didn’t try to attack them or something. No, he actually stuck around for some reason, casually ignoring murder because he finally found someone who didn’t hate him.
The two become what could arguably be considered friends, and eventually Iru opens up about himself and his old life and how much it sucked to be him and how sick he was of the monotony of his existence and probably some overdramatic stuff mixed in with all that. The mimic hears all that and keeps it in mind for later. Stuff gets more difficult for Iru as parts that fit him become better guarded and the ships he could steal from get harder to find. His raids become riskier, and eventually the mimic decided enough was enough and points out that he can’t keep that up forever. Iru is like “oh wow thanks for the advice /s”, until the mimic introduces the concept of him becoming a mimic. It takes a solid not-even-an-hour to convince him that that’d be preferable were it possible. In the process he delivered a powerful and emotional monologue, which the mimic didn’t care about because look, they figured out how to get the monster juice out of themself that’d make him a fellow disgusting flesh boat! Iru is offended but also takes the chance for a better life.
Currently, he’s living at some point a few weeks after that, much to everyone’s dismay.
And that’s how Iru became a vile meat creature after having already become a horrible Frankenstein’s monster of different ships’ parts! The moral of the story is, if you’re gonna kill someone, do it right, or else they might defy the laws of nature, science, and the government to become physically capable of biting you in the ass.
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freshtacocreation · 3 years
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alinacrew1-blog · 5 years
Need of Norton Anti-virus & Step by Step Guide of its Installation!!
Today we are living in a digital world. From simply chatting with friends, family and loved ones to do official work, people are getting more into the digital world. For performing all these activities online, the computer is essential. A computer has become an inevitable part of thousands of people. Important documents, personal data, and other useful information are saved in computers. Protecting the computers from malware, viruses and other infectious files is the need of hours. Let’s log on to norton.com/setup & download the Norton antivirus and be in the safe zone.
 Why Norton antivirus? Norton antivirus is an ideal software that is incredible for both personal and industrial systems. This software protects your system from harmful programs by detecting, preventing and removing malware. Now let’s dig into deep and know essential system requirements for Norton setup and installing antivirus in a trouble-free manner.
 The best news of using Norton antivirus is that it is supreme software that can be used on various kinds of operating systems such as Linux, Mac, Windows and others. Norton antivirus is perfect to guard the computers against the harmful computer programs called viruses. Let’s have look at computers requirements to install Norton products-
3000MB     available hard disk space
10.3GB     Ram
10/8/7:1Ghz     processor (especially for windows)
32/64-bit     Ram for windows 8/7
 Step by step guide of Norton antivirus installation on windows
 Step1- If you have pre-installed antivirus in your system, then first, you need to uninstall that from your system.
 Step2- For downloading the latest version of Norton Antivirus, first visit the official website www.norton.com/setup. Or you can also buy a CD/DVD of this antivirus from a retailer and have to enter into the drive.
 Step3- A 25-digit key called product key is essential for the activation of Norton antivirus. This key, you can get online via email. Or if you purchase Norton antivirus offline, then it would come in CD packets.
 Step4- Now continue with default settings and choose the next option.
 Step5- You have to choose the yes option for accepting the agreement & license.
 Step6- Open Norton settings, and activate the Norton setup by entering the product key.
 Step7- Now read the instructions carefully and continue with default settings by choosing ok, then Next and finally click on Done.
 Step8- A congratulation message would reflect on the screen for installing and completing the Norton setup.
Due to the outstanding ability to protect the system from harmful and infectious programs, Norton antivirus is one of the most prominent antivirus software. It has a high demand in the market. The best part of this antivirus software is that Norton offers 24*7 customer support for the users. If you are facing any trouble while installing or activating this software into your system, then you can contact customer support. Highly skilled and experienced professionals would provide you a proper guide.
   source link:-
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