#Compensation Insurance in Louisiana
bonanoinsurance · 2 years
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Louisiana Workers Compensation
Typical conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tendinitis, and rotator cuff injuries.
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longliveblackness · 2 years
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In the 19th Century, US banks and southern states would sell securities that helped fund the expansion of slave run plantations. To balance the risk that came with forcibly bringing humans from Africa to America insurance policies were purchased.
These policies protected against the risk of a boat sinking, and the risks of losing individual slaves once they made it to America.
Some of the largest insurance firms in the US - New York Life, AIG and Aetna - sold policies that insured slave owners would be compensated if the slaves they owned were injured or killed.
American banks accepted their deposits and counted enslaved people as assets when assessing a person's wealth. In recent years, US banks have made public apologies for the role they played in slavery.
In 2005, JP Morgan Chase, currently the biggest bank in the US, admitted that two of its subsidiaries - Citizens' Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana - accepted enslaved people as collateral for loans. If plantation owners defaulted on loan payment the banks took ownership of these slaves.
JP Morgan was not alone. The predecessors that made up Citibank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo are among a list of well-known US financial firms that benefited from the save trade.
"Slavery was an overwhelmingly important fact of the American economy," explains Sven Beckert, Laird Bell Professor of American History at Harvard University.
In the 1830s, Southern slaveowners wanted to import capital into their states so they could buy more slaves. They came up with a new, two-part idea: mortgaging slaves; and then turning the mortgages into bonds that could be marketed all over the world.First, American planters organized new banks, usually in new states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Drawing up lists of slaves for collateral, the planters then mortgaged them to the banks they had created, enabling themselves to buy additional slaves to expand cotton production. To provide capital for those loans, the banks sold bonds to investors from around the globe - London, New York, Amsterdam, Paris.
En el siglo XIX, los bancos estadounidenses y los estados del sur vendían seguros para ayudar a expandir las plantaciones de esclavos. Para balancear el riesgo de traer humanos forzadamente de África a América, se compraban pólizas de seguro.
Las pólizas cubrían la posibilidad de que los barcos se hundieran y el riesgo de perder esclavos individualmente una vez que llegaran a América.
Algunas de las compañías de seguro más grandes de los Estados Unidos; New York Life, AIG y Aetna, vendían pólizas a los dueños de esclavos y les aseguraban que serían compensados si los esclavos que les pertenecían se lastimaban o morían.
Los bancos americanos aceptaban los depósitos y contaban a las personas esclavizadas como propiedad cuando se encontraban evaluando la riqueza de una persona. En los años recientes, bancos estadounidenses han emitido disculpas públicas por el rol que jugaron durante la esclavitud.
En el 2005, JP Morgan Chase, actualmente uno de los bancos más grandes de los Estados Unidos, admitió que dos de sus compañías subsidiarias, Citizens' Bank and Canal Bank ubicados en Louisiana, aceptaron a esclavos como garantía para préstamos. Si los propietarios de las plantaciones incumplían con los pagos de los préstamos, los bancos se apropiaban de estos esclavos.
JP Morgan no estaba solo. Los antecesores que formaron a Citibank, Bank of America y Wells Fargo se encuentran en la lista de empresas financieras que se beneficiaron de la trata de esclavos.
"La esclavitud fue un hecho abrumadoramente importante para la economía estadounidense", explica Sven Beckert, profesor Laird Bell de Historia Estadounidense en la Universidad de Harvard.
En 1830, los dueños de esclavos ubicados en el sur querían importar más capital a sus estados para poder comprar más esclavos. Se les ocurrió una nueva idea que consistía de dos partes: hipotecar esclavos; y luego convertir las hipotecas en bonos que podrían comercializarse en todo el mundo. Primero, los plantadores estadounidenses organizaron nuevos bancos, generalmente en nuevos estados como Mississippi y Louisiana. Elaborando listas de esclavos como garantía, los plantadores los hipotecaron a los bancos que habían creado, lo que les permitió comprar esclavos adicionales para expandir la producción de algodón. Para proporcionar capital para esos préstamos, los bancos vendieron bonos a inversionistas de todo el mundo: Londres, Nueva York, Ámsterdam, París.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Your Black World http://bit.ly/1dwTN6Q
It is no secret that slavery rests at the foundation of American capitalism and is often synonymous with the sugar, tobacco, and/or cotton plantations that fueled the Southern economy.  What many may not know is that slavery also rests at the foundation of many notable corporations.  From New York Life to Bank of America, several companies have benefitted from slavery.  Many of the companies even acknowledged their involvement in slavery and offered apologies in an attempt to reconcile their tainted history but, is an apology enough?
History has consistently shown that slavery has diminished the quality of life for African Americans and simultaneously enhanced the quality of life for White Americans.  From institutionalized racism to blocked social and economic opportunities, African Americans are often excluded of African Americans.
Apologies cannot compensate an entire race of people for all of the social and economic ills they face as a result of their enslavement. They cannot address the residual effects of slavery.  They cannot provide job opportunities to a race of people who are experiencing high unemployment rates.  Apologieswithout action from the very systems they helped to create.  Had it not been for slave labor, many corporations would not be where they are today and for these companies to acknowledge their involvement in slavery and then simply say ‘Oh, I’m sorry”, is to downplay their role in perpetuating the degradation are nothing more than a futile attempt to correct a wrong by pacifying the wronged.  Instead of apologies, these companies could give back to the African American community bydonating to HBCUs, investing in minority businesses, offering more minority scholarships, or launching initiatives to increase their number of minority employees. 
New York Life New York Life found that its predecessor (Nautilus Insurance Company) sold slaveholder policies during the mid-1800s.
2. Tiffany and Co Tiffany and Co. was originally financed with profits from a Connecticut cotton mill. The mill operated from cotton picked by slaves.
3. Aetna Aetna insured the lives of slaves during the 1850’s and reimbursed slave owners when their slaves died.
4. Brooks Brothers The suit retailer started their company in the 1800s by selling clothes for slaves to slave traders.
5. Norfolk Southern Rail Road Two companies (Mobile & Girard and the Central of Georgia) became part of Norfolk Southern.  Mobile & Girard paid slave owners $180 to rent their slaves to the railroad for a year.  The Central of Georgia owned several slaves.
6. Bank of America  Bank of America found that two of its predecessor banks (Boatman Savings Institution and Southern Bank of St. Louis) had ties to slavery and another predecessor (Bank of Metropolis)accepted slaves as collateral on loans.
7. U.S.A. Today  U.S.A. Today reported that its parent company (E.W. Scripps and Gannett) was linked to the slave trade.
8. Wachovia Two institutions that became part of Wachovia (Georgia Railroad and Banking Company and the Bank of Charleston)owned or accepted slaves as collateral on mortgaged property or loans.
9. AIG (American International Group)  AIG purchased American General Financial which owns U.S. Life Insurance Company.  AIG found documentation that U.S. Life insured the lives of slaves.
10. JP Morgan Chase  JP Morgan Chase reported that between 1831 and 1865, two of its predecessor banks (Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana) accepted approximately 13,000 slaves as loan collateral and seized approximately 1,250 slaves when plantation owners defaulted on their loans
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amymedbiller · 2 months
Breaking Down the Average Medical Billing and Coding Salary in Louisiana: What You Need to Know
Title: Breaking Down the Average Medical Billing and Coding ‍Salary in Louisiana: ‌What ⁤You Need to Know
Meta Title:⁤ Discover the Average Medical Billing and Coding Salary in Louisiana
Meta Description: Curious about the average salary for medical‌ billing and coding ⁣professionals in Louisiana? Read on to learn all about it!
Introduction: If you’re considering a career in medical billing and coding in ⁤Louisiana, one important factor to consider⁤ is the ‍average​ salary ‌you can expect to ⁢earn.‍ Understanding the average salary for this profession in Louisiana can help you make an informed decision about your career ‌path. In this article, we will⁢ break ‌down the average medical billing and coding salary in Louisiana and⁤ provide you with essential information to ‌guide your career choices.
Average Medical Billing and‌ Coding ‌Salary in Louisiana: The average salary for medical billing and coding professionals in Louisiana varies depending ⁤on factors such as‌ experience, education,​ certifications, and location within the ‍state. On average,⁣ medical billing and coding professionals in Louisiana can expect to earn between $32,000 and​ $50,000 per year. However, this number ​can be higher or lower based on individual circumstances.
Factors ⁣Influencing ‌Salary: Several factors can ⁣influence the salary of medical billing and coding professionals in Louisiana. Some of the key factors to consider include:
1. Experience: Professionals with ⁣several years of ‌experience in the field ​may earn ‌higher salaries compared to entry-level employees. 2. Education: Obtaining a relevant degree or certification in medical billing and coding⁤ can lead to higher-paying opportunities. 3. Certifications: Holding⁢ certifications such as Certified Professional Coder​ (CPC)‍ or Certified Coding⁤ Specialist⁤ (CCS) can increase earning ‍potential. 4.⁣ Location: Salaries may vary based on the city⁢ or region within Louisiana⁢ where you ⁣work. 5. Employer: Working for a large hospital or healthcare⁢ organization may result in higher salaries compared ​to smaller practices.
Benefits and Practical Tips: In addition to salary, medical billing and coding professionals in Louisiana may also receive benefits such⁣ as health insurance, retirement plans, paid⁢ time off, and professional development opportunities. To‍ maximize your earning potential in this field, consider the following practical tips:
1.⁢ Pursue relevant⁣ certifications to enhance your skills and marketability. 2. Network with industry professionals to explore‌ job opportunities and salary negotiations. 3. Stay⁢ updated on industry trends and changes in medical billing and coding practices. 4. Consider specializing in ⁤a specific ‍area‍ of medical coding to increase your value to employers.
Case Study: Let’s consider a case ​study ​of⁣ a medical billing and coding professional in Louisiana. Sarah has five years⁤ of‍ experience in the field and holds a CPC certification. She⁤ works for a ⁢large hospital in New Orleans and earns‍ an annual salary of $45,000.‌ Sarah’s dedication to continuous ⁣learning and professional development has helped her ‌secure a stable ⁤career with competitive compensation.
Conclusion: the average salary for medical billing and coding professionals in Louisiana can provide valuable insights for individuals considering a career in this field. By understanding the factors that⁢ influence salary, pursuing‍ relevant certifications, and staying informed about industry‌ trends, you can maximize your earning potential as a medical billing and coding ‌professional in Louisiana.​ Remember to leverage networking‌ opportunities and ⁢seek out mentorship‍ to‍ advance your career in this rewarding industry.
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partscargo · 3 months
What Should I Do After a Rear-End Collision? A Step-by-Step Guide
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Getting rear-ended can be a shocking and stressful experience. Even a relatively minor collision can cause injuries and vehicle damage that lead to expensive car repairs, medical bills, and other costs. 
Knowing exactly what to do after a rear-end accident can help protect your rights and facilitate the claims process. 
If you require assistance with vehicle repairs, consider exploring an e-commerce website for automotive parts to find the necessary components for restoring your vehicle to its pre-accident condition.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to respond after a rear-end car accident:
Step 1: Stop and Call the Police
The first thing to do is stop your vehicle in a safe location out of traffic lanes. Turn on your hazard lights.
Call the police to report the accident. Under Louisiana law, you must contact law enforcement after any collision that caused injury, death, or more than $500 in property damage.
Wait for the police to arrive at the scene. Provide your account of what happened and cooperate fully with officers.
Step 2: Gather Information and Document the Scene
While waiting for the police, exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver(s) involved. Get their name, driver's license number, phone number, insurance details, and license plate number.
Take photos and videos of the accident scene, vehicles, license plates, street signs, weather conditions, and any visible injuries. These will document important details.
Get contact info for any witnesses, especially if they saw the actual collision occur. Their accounts could help determine fault later.
Step 3: Get Checked Out by a Doctor
Even if you don't have obvious injuries, get examined by a doctor as soon as reasonably possible after the crash. Soft tissue injuries, whiplash, and other issues can develop over the next few days.
Describe all your symptoms to the doctor in detail. This medical record will be crucial evidence if you have any delayed-onset injuries or need extended treatment.
Follow all doctor recommendations for tests, specialty referrals, physical therapy, medications, or other care. Missing appointments or not following treatment plans can negatively impact your injury claim.
Step 4: Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company
Alert your insurer about the collision as soon as you can. There are often strict notification deadlines (such as 24-48 hours) outlined in Louisiana auto policies.
Provide all relevant details about the accident, other parties involved, vehicle damage, injuries sustained, and the police report.
Ask the claims adjuster about your policy's collision coverage and what steps they will take next. Cooperate fully with their investigation.
Step 5: Determine Fault and Seek Compensation
In a rear-end collision, the driver who hit you from behind is typically considered at-fault under Louisiana law. But fault can be complex if there were extenuating circumstances.
Consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to determine legal liability and options to recover accident damages.
An attorney can calculate damages, negotiate a settlement, and file a lawsuit if needed to get you full and fair compensation. Damages can include:
Medical expenses - bills for hospitalization, appointments, procedures, devices
Lost income - from missing work due to injuries
Property damage - repair or replacement cost for your vehicle
Pain and suffering - physical and emotional trauma from the accident
Step 6: Repair Your Vehicle
Take your car to an auto repair shop for a damage assessment. Get a detailed, written estimate for parts and labor costs. Save all repair invoices and receipts.
Ask if the shop will accept payment directly from your insurance company once the fault is determined. If not, you may need to pay out of pocket first and get reimbursed.
Your insurance will cover the repairs if you have collision coverage, minus your deductible. If you only have liability coverage, the at-fault driver should pay your repair bills.
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Step 7: Focus on Healing and Recovery
Make follow-up doctor appointments and attend all physical therapy or rehab sessions. This shows you are actively working to get better.
Take medications and follow treatment plans exactly as prescribed. Communicate regularly with your medical providers.
Maintain records of all accident-related medical costs, vehicle repairs, lost wages, and other expenses. Keep all receipts and request copies of records.
Stick to your usual routines as much as possible after the accident to help your mental and emotional recovery. Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet.
Step 8: Stay in Contact with the Insurance Company
Provide any additional evidence the insurance adjuster requests, such as medical records or repair estimates. Ask for clarification if you receive confusing information.
Do not settle or sign any release without consulting your attorney first. Insurance settlements often initially seem reasonable but fail to adequately cover all current and future costs.
An experienced lawyer can assess the value of your car accident claim and fight for maximum compensation. Let them handle negotiations with insurers.
Following these steps can help you take control after a rear-end accident. 
Focus on healing, speak with qualified legal counsel, and insist on fair compensation for your damages. 
You can recover and move forward after a rear-end collision with the right evidence and persistence.
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worldtopnews99 · 3 months
John Robin Law | New Orleans, Louisiana Car Accident Lawyers
Certainly! Here's a sample SEO-friendly blog post tailored to highlight John Robin Law's expertise as car accident lawyers in New Orleans:
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Navigating Car Accidents in New Orleans: Trust John Robin Law
In a city as lively as New Orleans, a car accident can turn festivities into distress in a split second. When faced with the aftermath of a collision, car accident lawyer new orleans having a trusted legal partner can make all the difference. At John Robin Law, we specialize in representing car accident victims throughout New Orleans, ensuring they receive the compensation and justice they deserve.
Why Choose John Robin Law?
1. Local Expertise: Our team possesses deep knowledge of New Orleans' unique traffic patterns and the complexities of Louisiana's legal system. This local insight allows us to navigate cases efficiently, ensuring our clients receive the best possible representation.
2. Top-Rated Legal Representation: As recognized leaders in car accident law, we are proud to be known as New Orleans' best car accident lawyers. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our track record of securing substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients.
3. Comprehensive Services: At John Robin Law, we offer a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of car accident victims:
Legal Guidance: From filing claims to negotiating with insurance companies, we handle all legal aspects so you can focus on recovery.
Maximum Compensation: We vigorously pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.
Personalized Attention: Every case is unique, and we provide personalized attention to ensure our clients feel supported throughout the legal process.
4. No Upfront Costs: We understand the financial strain that follows an accident. That's why we offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis. You only pay us if we successfully recover compensation for you.
5. Client-Centered Approach: Our commitment to our clients extends beyond legal representation. We prioritize clear communication, transparency, and empathy, ensuring our clients are always informed and empowered.
Experience the John Robin Law Difference
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Don't face the complexities of a car accident case alone. Whether you're dealing with minor injuries or significant damages, our team is here to advocate for your rights and secure the best possible outcome. Contact John Robin Law today auto accident lawyer new orleans for a free consultation and take the first step toward reclaiming your life after a car accident.
This blog post emphasizes the unique selling points of John Robin Law while incorporating SEO-friendly elements such as relevant ("car accident lawyer New Orleans," "auto accident lawyer New Orleans," etc.) and a clear call to action. It aims to attract potential clients searching for expert legal assistance in car accident cases in New Orleans.
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grouphealth485 · 8 months
Group Health Insurance Louisiana
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Navigating the Benefits of Group Health Insurance
In an era where health and well-being are at the forefront of our concerns, access to comprehensive healthcare coverage is more crucial than ever. Group health insurance emerges as a powerful solution, offering a myriad of advantages for both employers and employees. This article delves into the intricacies of group health insurance, exploring its benefits, key features, and why it is an essential component of a well-rounded employee benefits package.
Understanding Group Health Insurance:
Group health insurance is a type of policy that covers a defined group of people, typically employees of a company or members of an organization. Unlike individual health insurance plans, group plans provide coverage to multiple individuals under a single policy. This collective approach often leads to more favorable terms and cost savings, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.
Advantages for Employees:
1. Cost Savings: One of the primary benefits of group health insurance for employees is cost savings. Group plans often come with lower premiums compared to individual policies, as the risk is spread across a larger pool of individuals. This affordability ensures that employees can access quality healthcare without breaking the bank.
2. Comprehensive Coverage: Group health insurance typically offers comprehensive coverage, encompassing a range of medical services such as hospital stays, prescription medications, preventive care, and more. This comprehensive nature ensures that employees receive the necessary healthcare without worrying about significant out-of-pocket expenses.
3. No Medical Underwriting: Unlike individual health insurance, group plans usually do not require medical underwriting. This means that employees can enroll in the plan without undergoing individual health assessments. This inclusivity promotes accessibility to healthcare coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions.
4. Employer Contributions: Many employers contribute a significant portion of the premium costs for group health insurance. This employer contribution is a valuable perk for employees, reducing their financial burden and enhancing their overall compensation package.
Advantages for Employers:
1. Employee Retention and Recruitment: Offering group health insurance can be a powerful tool for employee retention and recruitment. In a competitive job market, comprehensive benefits, including health coverage, can set an employer apart and attract top talent. Additionally, employees are more likely to stay with a company that prioritizes their health and well-being.
2. Tax Benefits: Employers may be eligible for tax benefits by providing group health insurance to their employees. In many jurisdictions, contributions made by employers towards group health insurance premiums are tax-deductible. This financial incentive encourages businesses to invest in the health and wellness of their workforce.
3. Improved Productivity and Morale: A healthy workforce is a productive workforce. Access to healthcare through group insurance can contribute to improved employee health, reducing absenteeism and enhancing overall productivity. Moreover, knowing that their employer cares about their well-being can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.
4. Collective Bargaining Power: Large groups of individuals under a single insurance policy often have greater bargaining power with insurers. Employers can negotiate better rates and terms, securing a more favorable insurance package for their employees. This collective approach allows businesses to provide robust coverage at a reasonable cost.
In the complex landscape of healthcare, group health insurance stands out as a beacon of support for both employers and employees. Its cost-effectiveness, comprehensive coverage, and positive impact on employee well-being make it a cornerstone of modern employee benefits packages. As businesses navigate the evolving landscape of workforce priorities, embracing group health insurance can foster a healthier, more engaged, and resilient workforce. In the pursuit of organizational success, prioritizing the health of those who contribute to it is not just a benefit but a strategic imperative.
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bonanoinsurance · 2 years
Workers Compensation Insurers
Benefits covered by Louisiana workers compensation the most important aspect of Louisiana workers' compensation is the benefits provided to employees who are injured on the job however, workers' compensation covers more than just injuries related to work. Louisiana workers' compensation laws also provide coverage for work-related illnesses, including certain types of cancer additionally, workers' compensation benefits extend to employees' spouses, children, and dependents who suffer financially due to the loss of income caused by an employee's work-related death some of the most common types of injuries and illnesses covered by Louisiana workers compensation insurers include: - work-related musculoskeletal disorders these are injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and bones caused by repetitive motion or poor posture while at work.
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nielsenandtreasllc · 1 year
How to Recover after a Flood
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Possessing 30 years of experience, Nielsen & Treas LLC is headquartered in Metairie, Louisiana. Nielsen & Treas LLC has an extensive background in representing insurance companies that issue flood policies.
Precautions after a flood include juggling physical and financial considerations. When returning home, homeowners must check for downed powerlines or ruptured natural gas lines so they do not electrocute themselves or start a fire accidentally. If opening the door is challenging, forcing it open may cause further structural damage, so they must find a safer way inside. Excess moisture exposure warrants disposing of food, beverages, medicine, and items that can’t be dried out completely, like mattresses.
While navigating the home, homeowners must also document the damage thoroughly with photos or video to justify the compensation from their insurance company. The insurance company will send an adjuster to inspect the home in person or remotely, so the owner's evidence will expedite the process. Once repairs begin, retaining copies of all documents like renovation contracts and receipts, and asking for approximate timelines for work completed, will help the homeowner pay fair rates and get the most out of their policy.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
RasTafari TV Campaign: Save Our Culture – End Genocide
Calling for an immediate Cease Support of all major and minor corporations and individuals who own products and service that profit from the Black Holocaust of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  (Visit RTV Save Our Culture Campaign)
Our mantra? Save Our Culture from Mass Genocide Cease from Funding our Own Demise Know who you support in Business and in Life And one by one, we will cut off the enemy supply and Transfer the Wealth of the Wicked over to our side.
“Therefore this is what the LORD says: “‘Your wife will become a prostitute in the city, and your sons and daughters will fall by the sword. Your land will be measured and divided up, and you yourself will die in a pagan country. And Israel will surely go into exile, away from their native land.'”  Amos 7:17
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History has consistently shown that slavery has diminished the quality of life and morals for all people, especially the Ethiopian/African living in exile at home and abroad.  Slavery has simultaneously enhanced the quality of life for the children of our captors and colonizers.  From institutionalized racism to blocked social and economic opportunities, Ethiopians worldwide are often excluded of African Americans.
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Apologies cannot compensate an entire race of people for all of the social and economic ills they face as a result of their enslavement. They cannot address the residual effects of slavery. They cannot provide job opportunities to a race of people who are experiencing high unemployment rates. Apologies without action from the very systems they helped to create. Had it not been for slave labor, many corporations would not be where they are today and for these companies to acknowledge their involvement in slavery and then simply say ‘Oh, I’m sorry”, is to downplay their role in perpetuating the degradation are nothing more than a futile attempt to correct a wrong by pacifying the wronged. Instead of apologies, these companies could give back to the African American community by donating to HBCUs, investing in minority businesses, offering more minority scholarships, or launching initiatives to increase their number of minority employees. These companies include:
1.  Lehman Brothers, whose business empire started in the slave trade, recently admitted their part in the business of slavery.
According to the Sun Times, the financial services firm acknowledged recently that its founding partners owned not one, but several enslaved Africans during the Civil War era and that, “in all likelihood,” it “profited significantly” from slavery.
“This is a sad part of our heritage …We’re deeply apologetic … It was a terrible thing … There’s no one sitting in the United States in the year 2005, hopefully, who would ever, in a million years, defend the practice,” said Joe Polizzotto, general counsel of Lehman Brothers.
2.  JPMorgan Chase recently admitted their company’s links to slavery.
“Today, we are reporting that this research found that, between 1831 and 1865, two of our predecessor banks—Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana—accepted approximately 13,000 enslaved individuals as collateral on loans and took ownership of approximately 1,250 of them when the plantation owners defaulted on the loans,” the company wrote in a statement.
3. New York Life
New York Life found that its predecessor (Nautilus Insurance Company) sold slaveholder policies during the mid-1800s.
New York Life Insurance Company is the largest mutual life insurance company in the United States. They also took part in slavery by selling insurance policies on enslaved Africans.
According to USA Today, evidence of 10 more New York Life slave policies comes from an 1847 account book kept by the company’s Natchez, Miss. agent, W.A. Britton. The book, part of a collection at Louisiana State University, contains Britton’s notes on slave policies he wrote for amounts ranging from $375 to $600. A 1906 history of New York Life says 339 of the company’s first 1,000 policies were written on the lives of slaves.
4.  N M Rothschild & Sons Bank in London was linked to slavery. The company that was one of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies. Documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed that Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, made his first personal gains by using enslaved Africans as collateral in dealings with a slave owner.
5.  Norfolk Southern also has a history in the slave trade. The Mobile & Girard company, which is now part of Norfolk Southern, offered slaveholders $180 ($3,379 today) apiece for enslaved Africans they would rent to the railroad for one year, according to the records. The Central of Georgia, another company aligned with Norfolk Southern Line today, valued its slaves at $31,303 ($663,033 today) on record.
6.  Norfolk Southern also has a history in the slave trade. The Mobile & Girard company, which is now part of Norfolk Southern, offered slaveholders $180 ($3,379 today) apiece for enslaved Africans they would rent to the railroad for one year, according to the records. The Central of Georgia, another company aligned with Norfolk Southern Line today, valued its slaves at $31,303 ($663,033 today) on record.
7.  USA Today has found that their own parent company, E.W. Scripps and Gannett, has had links to the slave trade.
8. Tiffany and Co.
Tiffany and Co. was originally financed with profits from a Connecticut cotton mill. The mill operated from cotton picked by slaves.
9. Aetna, Inc.,
Aetna, Inc., insured the lives of slaves during the 1850’s and reimbursed slave owners when their slaves died.
Aetna, Inc., the United States’ largest health insurer, apologized for selling policies in the 1850s that reimbursed slave owners for financial losses when the enslaved Africans they owned died.
“Aetna has long acknowledged that for several years shortly after its founding in 1853 that the company may have insured the lives of slaves,” said Aetna spokesman Fred Laberge in 2002. “We express our deep regret over any participation at all in this deplorable practice.”
10. CSX Railway used slave labor to construct portions of some U.S. rail lines under the political and legal system that was in place more than a century ago.
Two enslaved Africans who the company rented were identified as John Henry and Reuben. The record states, “they were to be returned clothed when they arrived to work for the company.”
Individual enslaved Africans cost up to $200 –  the equivalent of $3,800 today –  to rent for a season and CSX took full advantage.
11.  Brown Brothers Harriman is the oldest and largest private investment bank and securities firm in the United States, founded in 1818. USA Today found that the New York merchant bank of James and William Brown, currently known as Brown Bros. Harriman owned hundreds of enslaved Africans and financed the cotton economy by lending millions to southern planters, merchants and cotton brokers.
12,  Barclays, the British multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom has now conceded that companies it bought over the years may have been involved in the slave trade.
13.  The Canadian National Railway Company is a Canadian Class I railway headquartered in Montreal, Quebec that serves Canada and the midwestern and southern United States. The company also has a history in which it benefited from slavery. The Mobile & Ohio, now part of Canadian National, valued their slaves lost to the war and emancipation at $199,691 on record. That amount is currently worth $2.2 million.
14.  According to reports, Fleet Boston Financial evolved from an earlier financial institution, Providence Bank, founded by John Brown who was a slave trader and owned ships used to transport enslaved Africans.
The bank financed Brown’s slave voyages and profited from them. Brown even reportedly helped charter what became Brown University.
15. Brooks Brothers
The suit retailer started their company in the 1800s by selling clothes for slaves to slave traders.
16. Norfolk Southern
Two companies (Mobile & Girard and the Central of Georgia) became part of Norfolk Southern. Mobile & Girard paid slave owners $180 to rent their slaves to the railroad for a year. The Central of Georgia owned several slaves.
17. Bank of America
Bank of America found that two of its predecessor banks (Boatman Savings Institution and Southern Bank of St. Louis) had ties to slavery and another predecessor (Bank of Metropolis) accepted slaves as collateral on loans.
18. U.S.A. Today
U.S.A. Today reported that its parent company (E.W. Scripps and Gannett) was linked to the slave trade.
19. Wachovia
Two institutions that became part of Wachovia (Georgia Railroad and Banking Company and the Bank of Charleston) owned or accepted slaves as collateral on mortgaged property or loans.
USA Today reported that Wachovia Corporation (now owned by Wells Fargo) has apologized for its ties to slavery after disclosing that two of its historical predecessors owned enslaved Africans and accepted them as payment.
“On behalf of Wachovia Corporation, I apologize to all Americans, and especially to African-Americans and people of African descent,” said Ken Thompson, Wachovia chairman and chief executive officer, in the statement released late Wednesday. “We are deeply saddened by these findings.”
20. AIG
AIG purchased American General Financial which owns U.S. Life Insurance Company. AIG found documentation that U.S. Life insured the lives of slaves.
USA Today reported that New York-based AIG completed the purchase of American General Financial Group, a Houston-based insurer that owns U.S. Life Insurance Company. A U.S. Life policy on an enslaved African living in Kentucky was reprinted in a 1935 article about slave insurance in The American Conservationist magazine.
AIG says it has “found documentation indicating” U.S. Life insured enslaved Africans.
21. JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase reported that between 1831 and 1865, two of its predecessor banks (Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana) accepted approximately 13,000 slaves as loan collateral and seized approximately 1,250 slaves when plantation owners defaulted on their loans.
Sources:  Atlanta Black Star
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meeksimpactlaw · 1 year
The Trusted Dui Automobile Accident Attorney In Atlanta, Ga
The collision is always unintentional, and the driver’s liability insurance coverage ought to pay for the harm carried out. A sufferer who suffers bodily damage in a drunk driving accident might declare monetary compensation. The legal claim could seek economic losses and non-economic losses as damages. If you’re struggling to file a claim, reach out to a drunk driving accident attorney in San Diego for assist.
Our legal team is guided by core values that reflect our compassion and dedication to serving our purchasers. We recognize that critical accidents can disrupt your life and go away you unable to work for months or longer. Our DUI damage attorneys perceive tips on how to build a case for full compensation and the means to negotiate successfully with insurance companies drunk driving accident lawyer. When drunk driving results in an accident, any ensuing litigation could be completely different than with different accidents. Louisiana law says that if a drunk driver is more than 25 p.c at fault for a car accident, they're barred from recovering damages. This can make it simpler for harm victims to recover compensation in court.
A physician can fully evaluate all the signs you display and be certain that you obtain immediate remedy. Finally, make sure you contact a Hudson drunk driving accident lawyer as quickly after the accident as potential. Ideally, you should deal with that consultation with a lawyer quickly after the accident. If you wait, you could discover it far more troublesome to reply if the insurance georgia drunk driving accident lawyer coverage firm that covers the liable driver contacts you to offer a settlement. Often, the insurance company will get in touch soon after the accident to issue a settlement offer and even stress you to take it rapidly, with the concept it would “go away” if you don't accept the supply. In actuality, nevertheless, you could deserve considerably extra compensation than the insurance company claims.
Often, folks undergo serious accidents or lose their lives in motor vehicle accidents that might have been prevented — if solely a driver had not gotten behind the wheel after ingesting. Other related components embrace who served the drunk driver his or her final drink, whether or not the drunk driver was visibly intoxicated at the time and whether or not the drunk driver was sufficiently old to legally drink. This contains obtaining the other driver’s contact and insurance coverage data, as nicely as contact information for any witnesses. Use your cellphone to take pictures of the automobiles, your accidents and anything else that could be related.
Many serious accidents are caused by drivers who is most likely not legally drunk, but whose impaired motor abilities pose a major menace to innocent drivers. The common settlement for a drunk driving accident within the United States is about $125,000. Since each car accident is different, compensation could be settled for lower than $10,000, and generally for more than $1,000,000. Settlements range tremendously, but with an award-winning drunk driving accident attorney from Wilshire Law Firm, you're drunk driving accident lawyers assured a fight for the maximum compensation you may deserve. Any injury victim missing health insurance is inspired to contact Wilshire Law Firm to obtain a free session about correct medical care and remedy. Health insurance isn't required, and any necessary medical care or therapy companies can be obtained via our law workplace without charge to the fullest extent.
While they are pretty straightforward, there could be room for argument on potential future damages. Typically, a claim is paid by the insurance coverage firm of the drunk motorist. Transmission of data from this web site is not meant to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship between Adam S. Kutner and the user of this web site. In the occasion that any data on this website does not conform fully with rules in any jurisdiction, this law firm is not going to settle for illustration primarily based on that information.
Penalties, fines, and jail time depending upon a number of components, together with what quantity of prior offenses a driver has had throughout the last 10 years. A Boulder car accident attorney may help assemble bodily proof from the scene of the accident, and witness testimony to assist show who's to blame. When there may be not plenty of proof, the accused drunk driver’s attorney would possibly drunk driving accident attorney even be succesful of convince the courtroom that you're responsible. While you might assume that the drunk driver is routinely at fault in an accident, that is not all the time the case. The Tenge Law Firm, LLC is pleased with its 30 years of experience working with victims of automobile accidents.
If these considerations sound acquainted, call the Raleigh vehicle accident attorneys at Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A., at present. We can help you establish all of your options, select a path that protects your legal drunk driving accident attorneys rights and pursues the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been hit by a drunk driver of a car or truck in North Carolina, it’s normal to feel offended, pissed off, and anxious.
Our attorneys present comprehensive representation, crafting persuasive instances that give purchasers the best chance of achieving full and honest settlement presents. When litigation is necessary, we now have the in-depth legal information and skill to struggle successfully for shoppers within the courtroom. Disclaimer – The settlements above are only a sample of cases represented by our office. Each case is different and the amount of a potential resolution of your case will range considerably relying on a considerable quantity of factors. The key to a successful outcome is personalised authorized advice tailored to your state of affairs and the facts of your case.
The most important factor is that you feel snug and assured in your lawyer’s skills to deal with your case effectively. At Arnona Rose, we’re committed to offering compassionate, competent, and relentless representation for our purchasers. The Colorado statute of limitations allows only three years from the date of the accident to file a drunk driving claim. If the one you love was killed by a drunk driver, you may have simply two years from the date of their demise to file a wrongful death declare.
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xtruss · 1 year
How Recent State Laws Are Making It Harder to Sue Trucking Companies After Crashes
— July 12, 2023 | By James O'Donnell | Frontline
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The trucking industry is engaged in a concerted lobbying effort that critics say will make it harder for victims of crashes to sue the companies involved and limit the compensation plaintiffs can win. In the past three years alone, the industry has helped prompt new laws in seven states including Texas and Florida, which rank among the highest in the nation for fatal truck crashes.
The industry says those new laws will help curb frivolous lawsuits and excessive payouts, but safety advocates say they instead shield trucking companies from legitimate liability after crashes and disincentivize the companies from working to prevent crashes in the first place.
The new laws come as fatal truck crashes are on the rise. More than 5,000 people die each year in crashes with large trucks, up by more than 50% compared with a decade ago. FRONTLINE and ProPublica’s recent documentary, America’s Dangerous Trucks, examined one gruesome kind of truck accident — underride crashes — and why they keep happening.
After a crash, the best way a survivor can receive compensation for serious injuries or the loss of a loved one is to sue the trucking company and driver, according to Joe Fried, an attorney in Georgia with two decades of experience in truck crash litigation who spoke to FRONTLINE. That’s because most truckers carrying general freight across state lines are required by law to have $750,000 in liability insurance, but lifetime medical costs after serious crashes can quickly exhaust that amount. Carriers may be ordered to pay more than that figure, but if the company goes bankrupt or does not have the assets to pay, victims may never receive it. The $750,000 minimum was set by Congress in 1980 and, despite numerous efforts to increase it, has remained unchanged.
In late 2019, one of the trucking industry’s most vocal leaders, Chris Spear of American Trucking Associations, described crash lawsuits as an “all-out assault” on the industry in a radio interview. In a speech to ATA members around that time, Spear announced curbing crash lawsuits as a “tier-one priority” for the organization and vowed to work with state governments and state lobbying groups to pass new laws to do so. Since then, the ATA has also said that crash lawsuits are becoming more frequent and expensive, therefore raising insurance costs for carriers.
Mark Geistfeld, a professor of civil litigation at NYU Law and the author of five books on liability, told FRONTLINE he’s heard similar refrains about frivolous lawsuits from industry groups since the 1980s. That’s when industry lobbyists began trying to pass what they called tort reforms at the state level. Geistfeld has examined tort reform since then, noting that while the movement is less active now than it was in the 1980s, industries like trucking are ramping up their efforts.
“They call it reform, but historically most of the reforms have been about cutting back on liability,” Geistfeld said, referring to the industry groups.
He called the issue of meritless lawsuits a “bogeyman,” as the legal system has ways of sanctioning plaintiff lawyers if they knowingly bring frivolous cases. Industries campaigning for tort reform, he said, are typically more focused on reducing the amount they’ll be liable to pay if found responsible. They do so through campaigns for new state laws that change things like how trials are conducted, set caps on damages or redefine what evidence can be produced at trial.
Iowa, Montana, West Virginia, Louisiana and Missouri have also passed new tort reform laws supported by the trucking lobby. They take different forms in each state: Louisiana and West Virginia repealed rules which had prevented defense lawyers from bringing in evidence about whether the plaintiff had been wearing a seatbelt, and a law in Missouri raised the bar for ordering a trucking company to pay punitive damages. Jeremy Kirkpatrick, spokesperson for the ATA, said the state laws mark “initial successes in a long term campaign.”
While negligent trucking companies should be held accountable, he said, the new tort reform efforts the ATA is supporting aim to restore “balance and fairness” to the litigation system and are not about reducing liability. When a trucking company’s insurance premiums go up after large verdicts and settlements, according to Kirkpatrick, leadership may cut costs by lowering wages, which can mean hiring less experienced drivers and can have a negative impact on safety.
“The trucking industry has become a target for plaintiff-attorney profiteering,” he said. “This is about reforming specific rules and practices that enable plaintiffs’ attorneys to inflate damages and engineer nuclear and disproportionate verdicts and settlements.”
Texas: Limits on Company Liability and Evidence
Texas, which ranked first in the nation for truck-related fatalities in 2020 with 643 deaths, passed a law in 2021 that says trucking companies cannot be sued for their role in a crash unless the driver has first been found liable by a court — a process called a bifurcated trial. It passed with support from the Texas Trucking Association, a state lobbying group and ATA member, which said the law will protect trucking companies from “biased and unfair courtroom tactics.”
Previously, according to trucking lawyer Fried, plaintiff attorneys could bring in evidence about a trucking company’s broader practices — such as how many other accidents it was involved in — to convey to the jury that the crashes were a systemic problem. It’s a practice long-derided by truck lobbying groups, which refer to it as “reptile theory” and say it wrongfully aims to rile up the jury against trucking companies to encourage larger verdicts.
The new Texas law changed that. In the first phase of the trial that determines compensatory damages, attorneys are now more confined to the facts immediately surrounding the specific accident and whether the company was negligent in hiring or vehicle maintenance before the crash. Broader evidence about the company’s past is only allowed if the driver or company is proven at fault and the trial moves to a second phase. It’s a legal change Fried expects trucking groups will try to bring to other states.
“This passed in Texas because the politics were ripe for it there,” he said. “But it’s definitely being pursued elsewhere.”
Florida: Shrinking the Window to Sue
The trucking lobby also notched a win in Florida, which ranks third in the nation for truck-related fatalities, with a law passed in March that made a number of changes to civil litigation that are particularly relevant to trucking. Alix Miller — president and CEO of Florida Trucking Association, an ATA member — lobbied heavily for its passage.
“Florida is one of the worst when it comes to trucking litigation,” Miller told FRONTLINE, saying that the state’s new law and others like it aim to make the legal system more balanced for defendants. The Florida law changes how medical bills are presented at trial by only admitting the amount paid versus the amount initially billed. It also reduces the statute of limitations from four to two years for personal injury cases.
Safety advocates say that a shorter time frame in which one can sue becomes an obstacle to victims in their effort to pursue accountability after crashes.
“When you talk to victims who have been through this, they will tell you that the first two to three years are completely disorienting,” said Zach Cahalan, executive director of Truck Safety Coalition, a group that provides resources and support to people involved in truck crashes and advocates nationally for safety regulations. He noted that victims often have to deal with a deluge of paperwork, medical bills, physical therapy appointments and other demands as they process the crash.
“By the time they realize that ‘Hey, I might need to pursue a civil trial,’” he said, “sometimes the statute of limitations is over.”
Iowa: Caps on Damages
Another path these laws have taken is to cap the amount of noneconomic damages awarded to plaintiffs — compensation for losses that, unlike medical bills or wages, cannot be easily measured, such as the loss of a child.
The Iowa legislature passed a law in April, supported by the Iowa Motor Truck Association, an ATA member, that caps pain and suffering payments to $5 million in accidents involving commercial vehicles, though it includes exceptions for certain situations of extreme negligence, like if the driver was intoxicated.
Supporters of the law say that plaintiff lawyers profit too much off of crash litigation and that the cap will help fix this. But Cahalan of the Truck Safety Coalition opposes such limits on damages, and he said instead that juries should continue to have agency in determining how much should be paid after a crash.
“Your ability to be made whole following a crash should not be arbitrary,” he said.
Geistfeld, from NYU Law, said that whether in trucking or another industry, the outcomes of tort reform efforts decide who is responsible for paying for the cost of injuries. They also shape the incentives that businesses weigh when deciding how to conduct their operations safely, he said.
“The idea, ultimately, is if the businesses are forced to pay for the liabilities of their drivers, then the businesses are going to adopt safety measures to try to make sure that they can do as much as possible to keep drivers from getting into crashes,” he said. “And that’s obviously good for society.”
— “America’s Dangerous Trucks” is part of a collaborative investigation from FRONTLINE and ProPublica. The documentary premiered on June 13, 2023, and is available to stream in the PBS App and on FRONTLINE’s Website.
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ctrl-salt-delete · 1 year
Republicans: "Government should be run like a business" FEMA: *increases flood insurance rates to compensate for the consistent deficit of the national flood insurance program*
Republicans: "no wait not like that"
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Roofing Contractor Licenses and Certifications
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Whether you're remodeling your home or installing a new one, finding the right roofing contractor to do the job is important. You need to make sure you hire a qualified, experienced, and licensed professional. Before you hire a contractor, ask questions about his background, certifications, and company's structure.
Before you can hire a contractor, you need to determine what licensing requirements are in place for roofing contractors in your state. Some states have specific requirements for roofing contractors, while others do not. For instance, a contractor in California does not need to be licensed, while a contractor in Wisconsin requires a license; see more info on this site.
Roofing contractors are generally employees of a roofing company. They must be comfortable working on a variety of projects and handling heavy loads. They may need to access your home for various tasks, such as power outlet repair. They also need to be familiar with local building codes. They must use products as outlined in those building codes. They may charge a premium for work on sloped roofs and asbestos. In addition, roofing contractors can be hired for specialty jobs, such as roof repairs.
In Illinois, you'll need a license based on the type of work you'll be doing. For example, you'll need a license to install a new roof on a single-family home or commercial property. You'll need to take a course or pass an exam to receive a roofing contractor license. You'll also need to register with the Department of Labor and Industry's Contractors' Registration Section. In some cases, you'll need to prove you have workers' compensation insurance.
Getting a roofing contractor's license can be a daunting task. In Minnesota, for example, you'll need to pass a trade and business examination. In addition, you'll need to submit proof of a $15,000 surety bond. Additionally, you'll need to provide a business information form. Check out www.yutzyroofingservice.com to discover more about the best roofing contractors. You'll also need to demonstrate you have adequate general liability insurance.
In Michigan, you'll need to obtain a roofing contractor license, which falls under Residential Maintenance and Alterations (M&A). You'll need to complete at least 60 hours of education. You'll need to pass a trade exam and show that you have the correct bond and insurance. In the case of asbestos work, you'll need a Class B Asbestos Abatement Certification. You'll need to take an approved training course.
Similarly, in Louisiana, you'll need to obtain a roofer's license before you can do work valued at more than $7,500. The license will also require you to pass a law and business examination. For roofing contractors in Kentucky, you can become certified with the KRCA. For roofing contractors in Massachusetts, you'll need to register with the State Board of Building Regulations and Standards. You'll need to submit references, and you'll need to pay an annual fee.
You'll also need to be careful when hiring a storm chaser. If you live in a neighborhood where these types of contractors are common, it's wise to confirm their address. You can do this through Google maps. If you have any concerns, you can always contact the local authorities. It's good to visit this site for more information about this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_roof.
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montielhodgelaw · 2 years
The Importance of Insurance Defense Attorneys in Louisiana | Montiel Hodge
If you're a business owner in Louisiana, chances are you're well aware of the importance of insurance. In a state like Louisiana where natural disasters are all too common, it's essential to have adequate insurance coverage to protect your business in the event of a disaster. But what many business owners don't realize is that having a good insurance defense attorney on your side is just as important as having insurance itself. Here's why.
Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying out claims. That's why, when you file a claim, you can expect the insurance company to do everything in their power to deny it. And if they can't deny the claim outright, they'll do their best to lowball you on the payout. That's where an experienced insurance defense attorney comes in.
An experienced insurance defense attorney knows the ins and outs of the claims process and will fight tooth and nail to get you the payout you deserve. They'll also be able to spot any red flags that could lead to your claim being denied, and they'll know how to navigate the appeals process if your claim is denied. In short, having an experienced insurance defense attorney on your side gives you the best possible chance of getting the full payout you're entitled to.
Insurance defense attorneys in Louisiana play an important role in protecting the state’s residents. They work to ensure that insurance companies provide coverage for those who need it and that policyholders are treated fairly. If you have been denied coverage or are facing other problems with your insurance company, contact Montiel Hodge for help. Our experienced team will fight for you and make sure you get the compensation and treatment you deserve.
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