#Compact Disc Compact Price
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
𝔏𝔶𝔫𝔶𝔯𝔡 𝔖𝔨𝔶𝔫𝔶𝔯𝔡 - ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔐𝔢 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔷𝔢
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archivistbot · 1 year
why do you have to record everything on tapes? have you tried cds?
ARCHIVIST: Tape offers high storage density, enabling large amounts of data to be stored in a compact form. Tape has a long lifespan, our tapes are designed to retain data integrity for decades. Tape storage is cost-effective, offering a lower price per gigabyte compared to other storage mediums like hard drives or solid-state drives. Additionally, tape can be used offline. Lastly, tape is reliable and resilient, withstanding harsh environmental conditions and offering robust error correction capabilities. So, in short, tape offers a whole host of benefits over conventional storage systems.
TIM: Disc rot.
ARCHIVIST: Disc rot is a condition that can affect CDs. The discs are made up of layers, including a reflective layer where the data is stored. Disc rot occurs when this layer starts to break down or develop imperfections. When that happens, data can be lost. This makes CDs an extremely unreliable storage medium, and significantly reduces their lifespan.
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skiplo-wave · 6 months
It's definitely a Alabama thing. I am living proof why you shouldn't engage in incest. If they choose to have children, those children end up paying the price of it. I don't mean to offend anyone's culture. In America this is VERY taboo. Unless you are from a certain part of the south.
My parents are 6th cousins. It's far back, but to be fair they did NOT know.
My mom's parents are 4th cousins.
My dad's parents are 2nd cousins.
My grandparents are 1st cousins. They was arranged.
My great-grandparents was also arranged and they are 2nd cousins.
My great-great grandparents are uncle and niece to each other.
Me, my siblings and cousins all have health issues. I am 5'1". From the outside, on a good day, that doesn't look like nothing other than I am short. The inside it's a whole different story. I have compacted bones. They ache severely in cold weather. I have scoliosis and messed up discs in my back. I have very fragile bones. One little twist or turn results me to throw out my back and hit the floor. My legs will become numb and I can't move them. There are some days I can't walk, but it's even more painful to sit. A lot of people who have these issues don't realize that their family tree could have a huge role to play in their health. My feet are screwed up and I have a extra bones on each foot like I was suppose to have 6 toes. I don't wear sandals because of it. I am very embarrassed about them.
Imma be real what’s importance of saying 4th cousin or 2nd cousin twice removed
Cause it sounds confusing like yall cousins or not?
( not at you anon I mean in general)
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naphthu · 2 months
hi, we're naph, an ever-evolving symbiote of electric flesh & metal machinery whose song has no end and had no beginning; churning endlessly through railway tracks, telephone cables, and the headphones of all who seek aural union with the angels of static & the transsexual divine.
our song makes art of sounds, words, colours, and shapes, and we offer them up at the altar of your consumption. we only ever charge a monetary price for physical goods such as books, compact discs, or prints.
more about us & our blog below the cut
our featured tags are a scrapbook of themes, ideas, dreams, fears, and memories that make up but one small part of our endless song's infinite & incomprehensible system of notation. our own posts are tagged #bit naph
we are esotericist followers of the prophet yeshua ben miriam, who you may know by the name given him by those who had him slaughtered and made a prison of the liberation she taught. we endorse no dogma of religion or politic and we reject identity entirely, especially ideological identity.
we are happy to answer most questions asked in good faith so long as they are neither personal or explicitly political.
may your heart be ever open and your ears be ever ringing.
gxd bless,
~ naph
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rojinaaaaa · 1 year
A Review of Trainspotting (1996)
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A nuanced dark comedy/coming of age/addiction movie exploring what it's like to be young and so reluctant to grow up when the idea of adulthood serves little joy. The movie opens with Mark's speech: "Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers...Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?". The opening monologue has become identifiably iconic as it shows the character's nihilistic outlook on life, a key ingredient in the massive success of the film.
In a way, Mark represents every single teenager, angry and hopeless about the future awaiting them. This is even more relatable in the 21st century world of raising house prices, little jobs, climate change etc. So Mark, is the version of every pissed off teenager who wishes they could say "fuck it" and utterly destroy their lives (because what's the reason not to anyway?). Regardless, I found myself wishing the best for him, wanting him to stay clean, leave the world he knows and find joy elsewhere. It was so frustrating every time he picked up the needle again.
The movie itself can be hard to watch at times, including several bloody scenes, a dead baby, and so many scenes of needles (hard to watch if you're scared of them). But, the mega humour, the british-garage music reminiscent of other coked-up teenage movies, and the broken but beautiful boys, leaves this movie stuck in your head, to the point where you start a tumblr blog to rant about it from your room. I'm not a film critic, but this easily gets a five from me.
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landlordrecords · 2 years
Charity CD shopping for beginners
About nine years ago, I did THIS post: https://www.tumblr.com/landlordrecords/77471855182/charity-record-shopping-for-beginners , which I thought was quite good & summed up the subject of shopping for records in charity shops quite well, & seemed to get the odd nice comment. Since then, vinyl has swung back into favour, & everyone now seems to think every piece of vinyl is worth a fortune, & hence the charity shops either have overpriced vinyl or none at all (as either the shops sell them online or at central stores, or punters hold onto them or sell them online). Hence, the current state of the charity shops for vinyl is very poor, back to the days of largely bad easy listening & 80s records. It must be an annoying time to be starting out as a record collector (can you imagine starting now? Jeez. It was a tall enough order when I started at the beginning of the 90s). I covered CDs briefly in that piece, but I felt that with the way things have gone, that bit needed expanding somewhat. As with the previous one, if you’ve been around for a while, most of this will be obvious, but...
When the vinyl in charity shops started drying up a few years ago, I noticed the CDs were becoming more plentiful & cheaper. I often largely ignored these before, rushing from shop to shop when I was in a town for an hour or two, to look at all the vinyl. CDs in charity shops often used to be relatively expensive (£3/£4), considering that you can’t always guarantee they will play right, & the selection often poor. Now, as more people clear out collections & settle for streaming, the charity shops didn’t know what to do with them all, they had so many, & they have dropped to a max of usually £1.25, & often even 20p/25p, at which price it doesn’t really matter if the odd one doesn’t play (indeed, this is cheaper than replacement jewel cases used to be - if I was more mercenary, I’d hoover up loads of Westlife CDs, throw out the discs & replace all my bust boxes). With the pandemic, there was a huge amount of stuff people had time to sort & throw out, & this did seem to cause a charity shop wobble, with some being overwhelmed with CDs they couldn’t get rid of, & stopping doing them altogether (I even stuck one place £20 when they were literally giving away two rooms full of discs & I’d handpicked 100 from them). This seems to have calmed down now though. I have no idea how many I’ve bought in recent years - certainly many hundreds, maybe low thousands - I’ve had to start a supplementary part of my collection at my parents’ house, at the other end of the country, for the less exciting ones, there have been so many. Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY love vinyl - I was a record collector for several years before we even got a CD player, & I just stuck with it, BUT I’m not ultra-fussy - I do like to have physical copies of things, but don’t really mind what format, & new vinyl prices are truly mental, so... CDs also do have some obvious advantages - more compact, not better but more reliable audio playback (& probably better audio for a small but significant number of very quiet releases where you’d need virgin vinyl kept pristine to get good audio for them on vinyl), plus readymade for ripping from. 
My first big bagging was a couple of full collections of hip hop CDs - I pretty much completely overhauled my hip hop collection, filling in classics I’d never got round to, pretty much full (relevant) discographies for various rappers I’d never caught up with. There were earlier & later ones, but the bulk were from what I’d call the silver age (mid 90s-early 2000s), a lot of which I had ignored because of the received wisdom that this generation of hip hop albums were overlong, had too many skits, were just a couple of singles & an hour of filler. I have to say, this changed my opinion on that - I generally listen to CDs in the car, often hopping between stop-offs, & (taken in this episodic way, & able to dedicate more concentration than I can often give rap lyrics, while driving mechanically around well-known streets), I found most (certainly not all) to be way better than that, & well worth a listen or two. Also (& this isn’t new, but I’ve increased it), I spend a lot of time looking at 90s CD singles: these were often ultra-long, full of soundalike remixes, & I found this a chore at the time, but (still fiending for a lot of stuff from then), it’s surprising how many have good quality mixes buried away deep into the tracklist, even ones by acts you wouldn’t normally touch with a bargepole, & while some might be expensive on vinyl, they’re certainly not on CD single (if you can spot them). With the aforementioned episodic driving, I even quite like listening to half an hour’s worth of mixes of the same tune in order to find the goodies!
Most of the rules which I gave in the earlier piece, regarding vinyl, stay the same here -
For the Collector, Not the Dealer: I know several people who have advocated for years not to throw the baby out with the bath water on CDs - yes, they started overpriced, but became a useful, cheap way to pick up catalogue BUT they are not generally worth much still. I am starting to see rumblings that this is changing (think pieces etc), & it surely will do over time, as supplies on some titles get tighter; plus I seem to be selling cheap CDs better than a few years ago, for ever so slightly more, & occasionally for good prices BUT this is not a goldmine, it is for the enthusiast.
Broad Not Deep: Some genres I barely find in charity shops - for instance, any experimental stuff will be near-random & rare, & I don’t see much metal at all (I presume people hold onto it or swoop in first). Hence, you can’t generally go in expecting to find certain stuff (with the odd exception of ones I’ve seen hundreds of times but not thought I was interested in, then hear, like, & know I can go out & find within the next few stores). To be heavily into it, you need to be into a broad spread of stuff, & prepared to come home with a pretty random selection, commercial or obscure.
Go In Them All, Look At Every CD: Charity shops are seriously random, you never know what will come in when.
Be Prepared For Defeat: To be fair, with charity shop CDs at the mo, I could always buy SOMETHING, but try to keep your quality control going & be prepared to be pleased just to have swept that area recently. I sometimes find comps that have one or two tracks I’m after, but I listen to everything (eventually), & can’t always bear the thought of hearing all the other tracks I’ve got ten times over yet again.
If It Seems Right, Ask: I haven’t bothered getting into situations where I might get into the storeroom so much with CDs as with vinyl, but I still do occasionally get invited to look at further hidden stock if I ask if they’ve any more music. Worth a go in the right situation.
The Genres You Don’t Buy Yet: Refer back to Broad Not Deep.
Prices: We are starting to get back to where a few of the chains now have a special shop where they send all the good stuff (books, DVDs, CDs), & ramp the prices up. I’m willing to look, but unlikely to buy anything, at big prices in charity shops unless it’s some unbelievable find - most CDs are probably the same price or less new online still. Fair play to them though, & the prices aren’t as mental as those they sometimes put on vinyl yet (that trend has spread further & further, & to be fair, in recent years, has thrown up a handful of charity shops where they are clearly run by someone who knows their stuff, & I have found myself looking at racks & racks of things I never really thought I’d see copies of...but I can’t afford).
This was what I wanted to expand on most - I didn’t previously say much before regarding CD condition, other than that they don’t always play. I’m no expert on CD cleaning, so this is very much a rough guide, but:
Look at the playing surface of the disc in the light (usually the silver side with no artwork, although there are other colours, & sometimes I think you get double-sided ones, & some might have basically zero artwork, so are plain silver either side - hence, be slightly careful). If there is some dirt or whatever on it, it’ll probably come off - just give it a brush - & it’ll be fine. As with vinyl, with scratches it largely comes down to how deep they look - if it has just brushed against some stuff, it will probably be fine (although I might leave it if it is a spiderweb of such marks), if the marks look like it has literally been scratched, it might still play but I would generally just leave it. If you can see through the disc where paint has flecked off, it is toast, leave it. You won’t see many cracked ones, but obviously they won’t play. Beyond that, it is hard to tell - I was playing a DVD I’d picked up for 20p the other week, got halfway through & it started skipping chapters. When I got it out, I realised I must not have checked it very well, & the entire playing surface was covered in some sort of misty see-through build-up. I spent quite a while putting it under a slow cold tap, dabbing it dry with a soft towel, & repeating (all my CD-cleaning stuff died some years ago & it’s not something I need often enough to replace), eventually then rubbing the watery surface repeatedly when the previous technique wasn’t making much difference. It played fine afterwards. Others might look fine but not play at all - they can be temperamental.
Disc rot seems to mainly affect a generation of CDs from about the early 90s, although I’ve not seen it often enough to take much interest in it. It sounds like the name (look it up on Google Images), & obviously isn’t good if you do stumble across one with it. Bronzing comes from the same period (the discs end up looking bronze in colour), & I don’t remember having issues with ones like this, although I read that they will degrade, & they look pretty ugly.
Packaging-wise, if the disc has been kept OK, there may well be next to nothing wrong with the booklet etc - sometimes they’re a bit bent up or have rusty staples. The main annoyance is when they’ve been pushed in incorrectly & there are marks from the tray tabs on the booklet. This isn’t going to bother me unless they’ve caused a heck of a lot of damage. You also get water-damaged ones - best avoided, but if they are valuable ones & it’s just a bit of moisture (not everything stuck together), buyers don’t seem to mind. The real issue with CD packaging is the darned boxes. You can have lots of little imperfections with vinyl packaging, but in most cases, if it’s there, it looks broadly OK. CDs, however, were blessed with the dreaded jewel case, one of man’s worst inventions. To be fair, these are easily replaceable, & do generally do the job of protecting what’s inside, but they are also seriously maddening. They often get cracked, not that that is usually a big deal, but the worst is the hinges breaking off - they are really delicate. I have so many sat around here that I sometimes only have to move my chair around slightly to have another few to replace. About as annoying are the teeth which are meant to keep the disc in place - you can often open them straight from the factory & half of these are already broken off or flattened. Arguably better, but still flawed, are digipaks (the ‘softback’ of CD packaging) - these look way nicer to start with, but (as the tray is glued into the card), if the teeth go, it somewhat ruins the effect, & they are a bit prone to getting rubbed & scraped & little tears. I’m starting to think about putting my better ones in PVC slips. Far too late in the day, the industry eventually came up with super jewel cases, which are basically the same design & size as jewel cases, but much more robust (particularly around the hinge areas) & feature the latest in a long line of attempts to improve on the teeth. To be honest, I have relatively few of these, so the jury is still out for me, but they’re certainly better than what came before. Either way, as mentioned above, jewel cases are pretty much interchangeable & therefore easy to replace (it is more the number that need replacing after a while that is irritating) - some of the majors did do their own branded ones, but it is subtle & they did enough that these aren’t hard to replace either, if you are so inclined. I’ve never seen anyone arguing the toss over what generation of jewel case is on their expensive second-hand CD purchase, although I can imagine that coming in the future.
CDRs are a separate thang. A brilliant format to start with (wow, home recording artists can cheaply make their own releases, as with cassettes, but you can skip to individual tracks), they have turned out to be rather temperamental. To be fair, I have been examining mine a bit in recent times & it does mainly seem to be very early ones from certain labels (ie certain makes of machine) that have died, & even if they don’t work in players anymore, they sometimes still rip (or vice versa) - this is also the case with skipping CDs in general. A lot of the stuff that has died was by people who are still around, loading stuff up on Bandcamp etc, so it isn’t the end of the world but (as with breaking delicate 78s), it is a bit galling when they go, although some collectors don’t even seem to mind, they just want the item for posterity. If you’ve got lots of CDRs you haven’t ripped at high quality, especially early ones, it might be time to get them done if still possible.
There are, of course, plenty of CDs which are rare, although it is limited numbers compared to vinyl (which, as well as being generally agreed as more attractive, has a much longer history). The sort I see going for extreme money are one-offs (studio discs of work in progress etc), or box sets, or very obscure but trendy stuff, but there are plenty of second hand ones around at old CD prices (£10-15): if you imagine picking one of them up in every fifty 20p CDs from charity shops, it helps keep things affordable. I suspect some very early CDs might be worth money (although I’ve not seen much evidence of it in ones I’ve had, & would note that some of the early reissues have quite poor sound quality, obviously transferred from vinyl ‘needledrops’ rather than master tapes). I generally have a look at pop ones from past the mid-2000s, as sometimes these weren’t done in very long runs & can be worth at least enough to keep my hobby going, although it does vary (the golden rule is to only buy stuff I’d happily keep if it’s not worth anything). Certainly you see a lot of more recent promo ones by people who went on to be big going for inflated prices on Discogs, although this may wane over time, as they fall out of favour. The most valuable CD I own is the first Sleaford Mods CD(R), picked up as I think one of the last copies, just as they were about to go big. The most valuable I’ve picked up from a charity or junk shop is a donk double mix CD (!), but that’s only worth 50 quid, so you’re not going to make your fortune here BUT YOU ARE GOING TO PICK UP LOTS OF INTERESTING MUSIC YOU’VE NEVER HEARD BEFORE.
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cmitimesnews-blog · 18 days
Sony Launches PlayStation 5 Pro with Faster GPU, Available from November 7, 2024: Check Price and Features
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Sony today launched the much-anticipated PlayStation 5 Pro console. As you can probably tell from the name, it’s a more powerful version of the PS5. The beefy console was revealed during a dedicated technical presentation livestream event, which was hosted by Mark Cerny, the chief architect of the PS5.
However, unlike Cerny’s previous showcases, this one was quite short and concise, not to mention a whole lot of technical depth.
That’s probably because much of the PS5 Pro is built on the existing PS5. So, technically, it’s not a next-gen console. It’s a mid-cycle refresh along the lines of the PS5 Slim. The main focus here was on reducing the footprint without compromising on graphical performance. Here, the idea is to offer even better performance and the size of the console shown today looks like it’s built on the slim model rather than the original, which means it looks quite compact. The catch is that there’s no disc drive.
Sony PS5 Pro: Technical Specifications
Anyway, Cerny highlights the three main principles behind the PS5 Pro and why it exists. Apparently, gamers have been asking Sony to boost the GPU so they don’t have to choose between performance and fidelity modes in games. According to Cerny, “players are choosing performance about three quarters of the time,” which obviously comes at the expense of resolution and detail. The PlayStation 5 Pro is designed to remove or at least reduce that bottleneck by packing a bigger GPU (while keeping the same CPU as the PS5).
Specifically, you get 67 percent more compute units inside compared to the PS5. Graphics memory has also been increased by 28 percent. All of this results in 45 percent faster rendering on the PS5 Pro compared to the original PS5 – a significant increase in performance. In the real world, this means more detail in games and better frame rates.
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isfeed · 19 days
The Miniroll Bluetooth speaker is a return to form for Ultimate Ears
The Ultimate Ears Miniroll is available now in black, gray, pink, and blue colorways. | Image: Logitch / Ultimate Ears Ultimate Ears just launched the Miniroll, a new compact Bluetooth speaker that’s more portable than the company’s Boom-branded lineup. Priced at $79.99, the Miniroll is now the smallest and most affordable Bluetooth speaker offered by Ultimate Ears, and revives the disc design…
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i-amprashant-blog · 20 days
Discover the Power and Performance of the Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus Tractor
The Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus stands out as a leading choice among Indian farmers, offering a perfect combination of power, performance, and affordability. Designed to meet the diverse needs of both small-scale and large-scale agricultural operations, this 37 HP tractor brings reliability and efficiency to your fields. In this article, we explore the key specifications, features, pricing, and applications that make the Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus a preferred choice for farmers in 2024.
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Key Specifications and Features of Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus
1. Engine and Performance
The Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is equipped with a robust 37 HP diesel engine with an engine capacity of 2235 cc. It operates at 2100 RPM and comes with a Partial Constant Mesh gearbox, ensuring seamless gear transitions and optimal performance on varied terrains.
Number of Cylinders: 3
Torque: 136 Nm
PTO Power: 32.9 HP
Fuel Type: Diesel
Brakes: Multi-disc oil-immersed brakes
2. Steering, Clutch, and Transmission
This tractor model features Dual Acting Power Steering or Manual Steering (Optional), offering exceptional control and ease of handling. It comes with a Single (Standard) or Dual with RCRPTO (Optional) Clutch, making it adaptable to various farming tasks.
Gearbox Type: Partial Constant Mesh
Forward Gears: 8
Reverse Gears: 2
Top Speed: 28.5 km/hr
3. Lifting Capacity and Tyres
With a lifting capacity of 1480 kg, the Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is built to handle heavy loads effortlessly. It is fitted with 6.00x16 front tyres and 13.6x28 rear tyres, providing excellent stability and traction in different farming conditions.
Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus Price in 2024
The Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is competitively priced, starting at ₹6.05 Lakh and going up to ₹6.31 Lakh (Ex-Showroom Price in India). This attractive pricing makes it an accessible choice for Indian farmers, offering high-quality performance without exceeding budget constraints. For the latest on-road prices and detailed information, visit CMV360.
Applications of Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus
1. Ideal for Small-Scale Farming and Gardening
The compact and powerful Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is perfect for small-scale farming, gardening, and landscaping. It performs exceptionally well in confined spaces like orchards, nurseries, and backyard gardens, handling tasks such as tilling, mowing, and spraying with ease.
2. Efficient for Large-Scale Farming Operations
Thanks to its high lifting capacity and reliable engine, the Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is also suited for large-scale farming operations, including plowing, planting, harvesting, and towing heavy loads. Its versatility makes it a valuable asset for diverse agricultural activities.
3. Superior Performance Across Challenging Terrains
With its sturdy 2WD wheel drive, the Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus offers excellent traction and stability on challenging terrains. Whether you are working on flat lands or steep slopes, this tractor ensures superior performance and reliability.
Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus: Modern Features for Today’s Farmers
1. Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Benefits
The Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is designed for fuel efficiency, which helps reduce operational costs and minimize emissions. It supports sustainable farming practices, making it an ideal choice for environmentally conscious farmers.
2. Enhanced Comfort and Safety
This model features multi-disc oil-immersed brakes, providing effective control and preventing slippage. The ergonomic design of the steering and cabin ensures comfort, even during long hours of operation, enhancing productivity.
Unique Features Making Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus a Top Choice
1. Sustainable and Cost-Effective Farming
The Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus is designed for sustainable farming practices, combining low fuel consumption with minimal emissions. Its diesel engine ensures prolonged efficiency, reducing operational costs over time.
2. Enhanced Comfort and Operator Safety
This tractor features ergonomically designed seating, steering, and control panels, ensuring comfort during long working hours. The multi-disc oil-immersed brakes add an extra layer of safety, giving operators confidence in various farming conditions.
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jefferyryanlong · 23 days
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Fresh Listen - Billy Paul, Let 'Em In (Philadelphia International Records, 1976)
(Some pieces of recorded music operate more like organisms than records. They live, they breathe, they reproduce. Fresh Listen is a periodic review of recently and not so recently released albums that crawl among us like radioactive spiders, gifting us with superpowers from their stingers.)
Over the course of a winter afternoon, slightly stoned from my father's weed vape and some Brazilian beer I had with lunch, I went hunting for vinyl records in Little Rock, Arkansas. I'd driven from my parents' house in a township called Central, which was really just a stretch of country highway outside of a bigger town named Malvern. Walmart, Popeyes, car dealerships and a main drag with mostly empty storefronts and secondhand stores.
There was a dearth of commercial/cultural spaces in Malvern: no bookstores nor record shops, no movie theaters. Even Hot Springs, a heavily trafficked tourist spot to the north, had only a modest selection of joints in which to dig for tunes. In the basement of the historic Arlington Hotel, I'd found a used, overpriced copy of Lalo Schifrin's Rock Requiem. Desire far from fulfilled, I sped to the state capitol after googling a short list of places that might be able to satisfy my jones: Control Records, Been Around Records and CD's, and Ugly Mike's. Since Control Records didn't seem like it would be open between Christmas and New Year's, I wended my way to Ugly Mike's for some digging.
The only other customers in Ugly Mike's were a younger couple, college students, maybe, and I was immediately impressed by their commitment to wade through what was essentially a late-90's music store in the middle of conversion to a hoarder's purgatory. It brought to mind John Ashberry's poem "The Bungalows": "You who were directionless, and thought it would solve everything if you found one, / What do you make of this? Just because a thing is immortal / Is that any reason to worship it? Death, after all, is immortal. "
I simply couldn't reconcile Ugly Mike's as a shop, a place of business. At some point, it had been a bonafide music store, maybe a popular one, but the product that that it sold, neglected with a carelessness that bordered on hostility to the most basic elements of trade, mouldered away in direct sunlight. In the central area, compact discs were arranged (I hesitate to use the term "organized") in those specially made press wood shelving units that were ubiquitous in both specialty shops and department stores in the late 90's, early 2000's, lined with squared-packaged discs under placards that read Rock, Pop, Jazz, and Soul. A layer of dust blanketed each row of CD's, still stickered with late 90's prices; $18.99, the going rate for an album back then, which seems inconceivable in today's streaming reality. The whole works was a monument to a time long past, far from missed.
To the side of the CD shelves were rows and rows of tattered cardboard boxes, LP's in worse shape than the boxes themselves, dirty and scratched with torn covers, obviously intended for the garbage. Ugly Mike seemed to have little interest in making them presentable. Though most of the records seemed to consist of the same stuff found on the floor of a Salvation Army (Andy Williams Christmas songs, pop tunes covered by easy-listening instrumental bands), I was able to pull from the rubbish a Quincy Jones, an MFSB, and Billy Paul's Let 'Em In to my breast. Flashes of genuine taste.
Unfortunately, I couldn't dig as deep as I'd wanted. For in addition to the D.L. Hughley radio show (soul/disco hits from the 70's) Ugly Mike played on the store's overhead speakers, Ugly Mike simultaneously ran a podcast about some islands off the coast of Africa loudly at another set of bluetooth speakers at a table, which served as his counter. The dual signals were getting to me. When I approached him, fight-or-flight response coursing through my body, Ugly Mike glanced at the records under my arm without taking his attention away from the podcast, charged me twenty dollars, and sent me on my way.
Paul's Let 'Em In starts off with great joy and not a little defiance. A clip from a Malcolm X speech, criticizing the American Dream as a boondoggle for the marginalized people of this country, rides along a jaunty groove courtesy of Philadelphia International Records. Malcolm questions the aspiration that prescribes complicity at the cost of one's soul. Whereas Paul McCartney's original seemed an open-ended invitation to any odd assortment of characters, Billy Paul's references to Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm, and even Louis Armstrong presents itself more as an argument, without rancor, for the inclusion of these great men into the historical record, as well as the popular consciousness. The implicit critique is that the United States has been resistant to having its story be told from the perspective of Black folks; Paul posits that a widening of the lens and acknowledge a lesser told (and lesser heard) story would result in a more happening party all around.
A slight criticism is that producers Gamble and Huff miss an opportunity in disposing of McCartney's most memorable motif from the song, a little marching melody he weaves between the verse and bridge. Not that it's essential to the story Billy Paul is telling; I would have just liked to hear that groove manifested through some of those hot Philly players.
Overall, though, the PIR factory has the tendency to smooth out the rough edges of their musicians, to a fault. PIR did not buy into the Stax or Fame Studios aesthetic, where the grit and grime is almost the point. Here the drums are perfectly balanced, guitars subtle and rhythmic, and strings tie everything together, almost muzakally. The result is sonic sophistication, expertly calibrated, to an extent that the soul and message of the artist are buried deep in the mix.
The next two tracks from Let 'Em In, both Gamble and Huff compositions, situate Paul as a counter-voice to 1970's looseness and depravity, moralistic stances that erode Paul's hipness. "We All Got a Mission," almost danceable, loses power in the obviousness of its lyrics about social responsibility. "How Good Is Your Game," a little smokier with its Latin-tinged guitars, is not exactly the song one wants to hear on the dance floor either, especially when one is trying to desperately to get said game on. Rather, the song is a chilling reminder that we're all powered by tightly controlled illusions about ourselves; the self-awareness Paul offers is unwelcome when we're out in the world trying to make some love.
The sanctimoniousness eases up on "Love Don't Come Easy," though the singer can't resist the the persistent helpfulness that borders on the self-righteous. For a moment, though, Steve Urkel becomes Stefan Urquelle, dropping G-rated love-making pointers to Carl.
A cover of Badfinger-by-way-of-Harry-Nilsson's "Without You" kicks off the ballad side of the record: music for candlelit anniversaries and bubble baths. This latter half cool-down is listenable, although it has the tendency, in its Philadelphia International Records way, to become so smooth as to be colorless, chrome. Like the musical arrangements, Paul's voice slides rather than hits; he seeks to caress, not to provoke. In that sense, he surely accomplishes what he's set out to do, and in the process forsakes memorableness for polish. Side Two doesn't grip the listener. It floats away like the scent of rose hips.
There is undoubtedly a space for this style of music. It's that space inhabited by Al Jarreau, Christopher Cross; that space where you can hear yourself breathe, when stillness of being takes precedence over the primitive violence of acting out or upon. The songs expend time, yet they give off a sense of stasis. But one must love to live with this feeling, when one invests a few hours getting to know a used record bought in a busted down Arkansas shop. As the great John Ashberry wrote, "Who cares what was there before? There is no going back; / For standing still means death, and life is moving on, / Moving on toward death. But sometimes standing still is also life."
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bestgaddi-com · 29 days
Digitrac PP 46i HS (Horsepower)
Horsepower Details
When it comes to horsepower, the Digitrac PP 46i delivers a commendable performance with a powerful engine. It boasts a horsepower rating of 46 HP, making it suitable for a range of agricultural tasks. This power ensures that the tractor can handle heavy-duty work efficiently.
Mileage of Digitrac PP 46i
Fuel Efficiency
One of the standout features of the Digitrac PP 46i is its fuel efficiency. With its advanced engine technology, it provides excellent mileage, reducing the frequency of refuelling and lowering operational costs. On average, the tractor offers a mileage of approximately 5 to 6 litres per hour, depending on the load and working conditions.
Comparison with Competitors
In comparison to its competitors, the Digitrac PP 46i’s fuel efficiency is competitive. It holds its ground well against other tractors in its class, making it a cost-effective choice for long-term use.
Technical Specifications
The Digitrac PP 46i is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and robust components. Here are some of its key technical specifications:
Engine Type: Diesel
Engine Capacity: 2200 cc
Transmission: Synchromesh
Brakes: Oil-immersed disc brakes
Dimensions and Weight
In terms of size, the Digitrac PP 46i is designed to be both compact and powerful. Its dimensions are tailored to offer stability and maneuverability. The tractor has a length of 3800 mm, a width of 1900 mm, and a height of 2200 mm. Its weight is approximately 2500 kg, providing a solid base for tackling various tasks.
Features of Digitrac PP 46i
Key Features
The Digitrac PP 46i comes packed with several features that enhance its functionality and user comfort:
Power Steering: For easier handling and maneuverability.
Hydraulic Lifting System: To handle various implements and attachments.
Comfortable Seat: Designed for long working hours.
Optional Features
Additional options include advanced GPS systems, air-conditioned cabins, and custom paint jobs. These features can be added based on your specific needs and preferences.
Engine Specifications
Engine Type and Capacity
The tractor is powered by a diesel engine with a displacement of 2200 cc. This engine type is known for its durability and efficiency, making it suitable for intensive agricultural use.
Performance Metrics
The Digitrac PP 46i delivers impressive performance metrics, including a top speed of 30 km/h and a robust torque output. This combination ensures the effective handling of various agricultural implements and tasks.
Power of Digitrac PP 46i
Power Output
With a power output of 46 HP, the Digitrac PP 46i stands out for its capability to perform heavy-duty tasks. This power rating makes it ideal for both small and medium-sized farms.
Torque and Performance
The torque output of the Digitrac PP 46i is well-balanced, providing the necessary force to tackle challenging terrains and demanding jobs. This ensures reliable performance and efficient operation across different conditions.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
𝔏𝔶𝔫𝔶𝔯𝔡 𝔖𝔨𝔶𝔫𝔶𝔯𝔡 - ℑ'𝔪 𝔄 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔶 𝔅𝔬𝔶
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herolectro · 1 month
Foldable Electric Bikes: The Ultimate Solution for Urban Commuters
Urban commuting has seen a revolutionary shift with the rise of foldable electric bikes. Offering convenience, portability, and eco-friendly transportation, these bikes are quickly becoming the go-to option for city dwellers. Priced at an affordable ₹43,999, the Hero Lectro H8 stands out as a top choice for those looking for a versatile and efficient commuting solution.
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What Makes Foldable Electric Bikes a Game Changer?
Foldable electric bikes, also known as folding e-bikes, combine the best of both worlds—compactness and electric power. They are designed to fold easily, making them incredibly convenient for storage and transport. Whether you need to take them on public transportation, store them in a small apartment, or fit them into a car trunk, foldable e-bikes cater to the needs of modern urban commuters.
Key Benefits:
Portability: Folding electric bikes can be easily folded and carried, making them ideal for people who need a flexible commuting option.
Eco-friendly: These bikes offer an environmentally friendly alternative to cars and motorbikes, reducing your carbon footprint.
Cost-effective: With rising fuel prices, foldable electric bikes offer an economical way to get around without compromising on speed or convenience.
Hero Lectro H8: Leading the Charge in Foldable E-Bikes
When it comes to foldable electric bikes for adults, the Hero Lectro H8 is a standout model. This bike is designed with the modern commuter in mind, blending performance with practicality. Here's a closer look at what makes the Hero Lectro H8 a top choice:
1. Detachable Battery: The Hero Lectro H8 comes equipped with a 8.7 AH detachable battery. This feature not only makes charging more convenient but also adds an extra layer of security, as the battery can be removed and stored safely when not in use.
2. Enhanced Safety Features: Safety is a key consideration for any commuter, and the Hero Lectro H8 doesn't disappoint. It includes a key ignition system for extra protection, ensuring that only the rightful owner can power the bike. The bike is also IP67-rated, meaning it's resistant to both water and dust, making it a reliable choice for all weather conditions.
3. Impressive Range and Speed: One of the standout features of the Hero Lectro H8 is its range and speed. With a range of up to 40 kilometers on a single charge and a maximum speed of 25 kilometers per hour, this foldable electric bike is perfect for daily commutes within the city. Whether you're heading to work, running errands, or meeting friends, the Hero Lectro H8 ensures you get there quickly and efficiently.
4. Advanced Display and Braking System: The bike's LED display keeps you informed about your speed, battery level, and other essential metrics, helping you manage your ride better. Additionally, the disc brakes provide reliable stopping power, ensuring safety even in high-traffic conditions.
5. 7-Speed Gear System: The Hero Lectro H8 is equipped with a 7-speed Shimano gear system, allowing you to tackle different terrains with ease. Whether you're cruising on flat roads or climbing hills, this bike offers the flexibility you need for a comfortable ride.
6. High-Power Front Light: Visibility is crucial for safe commuting, especially during early mornings or late evenings. The high-power front light on the Hero Lectro H8 ensures that you are visible to other road users, adding an extra layer of safety to your rides.
Why the Hero Lectro H8 is the Best Foldable Electric Bike for Adults
With its combination of cutting-edge features and affordable pricing, the Hero Lectro H8 is positioned to be the ultimate solution for urban commuters. Whether you're a daily commuter or someone looking for a reliable and flexible mode of transport, this folding electric bike offers everything you need.
H2- Final Thoughts: Foldable electric bikes like the Hero Lectro H8 are paving the way for a new era of urban mobility. Their convenience, eco-friendliness, and advanced features make them a smart investment for anyone looking to enhance their commuting experience. At ₹43,999, the Hero Lectro H8 is not just a bike; it's a gateway to a more efficient, sustainable, and enjoyable way of traveling in the city.
So, if you're in the market for a folding e-bike, consider the Hero Lectro H8—a bike that truly folds into every market.
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xiaoxiaopaya · 1 month
As a sustainable agricultural production method, organic agriculture is increasingly favored by farmers and consumers. As an important part of organic agriculture, organic fertilizer has brought many benefits to farmers. This article will explore the application of organic fertilizers in organic agriculture and how farmers can improve agricultural production efficiency by using organic fertilizers and associated fertilizer pelletizer equipment.
1. Improve soil quality and crop health Organic fertilizers can improve the soil structure, increase the content of organic matter in the soil, and thus improve the water retention and air permeability of the soil. This helps the growth of the root system of the crop, increases the resistance of the crop to disease, and ultimately improves the yield and quality of the crop.
2. Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers Organic farming encourages the reduction or avoidance of chemical fertilizers in favor of organic fertilizers. This not only reduces the environmental impact of agricultural production, but also reduces input costs for farmers, as organic fertilizers are often more economical than chemical fertilizers.
3. Increase the market value of agricultural products Organic produce often commands a higher price in the market due to its health and environmental properties. Farmers can earn higher economic returns by producing organic produce.
4. Make agriculture more sustainable The use of organic fertilizers helps to maintain the long-term fertility of soils and reduces reliance on non-renewable resources, thereby enhancing the sustainability of agriculture.
Application of fertilizer granulator equipment in organic agriculture In organic agriculture, fertilizer granulator equipment is essential to improve the production efficiency and quality of organic fertilizer. The following are several commonly used fertilizer granulator equipment and their benefits to farmers:
Flat-Die Pellet Machine: This device compresses organic fertilizer into regular particles that are easy for farmers to apply and store. The use of Flat-Die Pellet Machine improves the uniformity and application efficiency of organic fertilizer and helps farmers to control the amount of fertilizer more accurately.
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Rotary Drum Granulator: Rotary Drum Granulator uses a rotating drum to turn organic fertilizer into pellets, suitable for mass production. This kind of equipment can improve the production efficiency of organic fertilizer and reduce the production cost of farmers.
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Disc Granulator: Disc Granulator uses the rotation of the disc and the gravity of the material to make uniform particles of organic fertilizer. This equipment is suitable for the production of high-quality organic fertilizer particles, which helps to improve the yield and quality of crops.
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Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine: Fertilizer Granules Compaction Machine extrudes organic fertilizer into pellets by two rollers rotating in opposite directions. This equipment can produce high-density organic fertilizer particles, which helps to improve the application effect of fertilizer and the absorption efficiency of crops.
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By using these advanced fertilizer granulator equipment, farmers can produce and apply organic fertilizers more efficiently, thereby improving the economic and environmental benefits of organic agriculture. The use of organic fertilizers not only helps to improve soil quality and crop health, but also enhances the sustainability of agriculture and brings long-term benefits to farmers.
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leonbloder · 1 month
The Spirituality of Vinyl Records
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In the late 1980s, I got a part-time job at a record store for an employee discount. 
Since I had a full-time job at Walt Disney World at the time, I worked about 70 hours a week and only had one day off, but it was worth it to be able to buy my music at half price. 
One of my jobs every week was to change out the singles chart behind the counter to match the current Billboard Hot 100 singles for the week.  
In case you were wondering, the singles chart took up a whole wall behind the counter, and all of the singles were 45s (smaller vinyl records for the uninitiated). 
I also received many freebies when the record labels sent promo material, and by the time I had to give up my part-time job after a few years, I had amassed a record collection of over 600 vinyl albums. 
And then, as the years went by, I slowly got rid of them all.  Vinyl gave way to compact discs, MP3 players, iPods, and iPhones.  
I worked at the record store on the last day we sold actual records and filled all the bins with CDs, which was a surreal experience, considering we kept the place's name as Flipside Records.
Fast forward to 2024, over 30 years later, and something interesting is happening in the music business.  Not only is vinyl making a comeback, but more vinyl records are being made today than when I worked at the record store. 
I have begun rebuilding my record collection by visiting various record stores here in Austin, all selling new and used vinyl. And everywhere I travel, I tend to find record stores to see, like Easy Street Records in Seattle, which pretty much looks like heaven to me:
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I've been thinking about the resurgence of vinyl records for a while now, and I  have some thoughts about why they've made such a comeback.  It's not merely an "everything old is new again" kind of thing; it's deeper than that. 
People are buying vinyl records because of the experience. After a couple of decades of digital music, more people than ever want the experience of buying an album, holding it, opening it, reading the liner notes, and then putting it on a turntable to listen to. 
And you can't skip tracks with a vinyl record like you can with your iPhone.  You have to listen to all of it.  
It slows down the process of listening to music when you put on a vinyl record. You must turn it over when side one is complete, which demands that you be more present.  
The spiritual connection in all of this is that in a world of immediacy and less tangible experiences, we find ourselves craving what is tangible, which requires less immediacy and less convenience but more joy.  
For this reason, faith communities dedicated to showing Jesus through inclusivity, acceptance, love, and grace embody something many in our current culture long for but may not be able to express. 
Those of us in faith communities who embody Jesus's love and grace are well-positioned to speak into the void that so many feel in this emerging new age.  
May we do all we can to offer tangible means of love, hope, joy and peace. May we embody Jesus in ways that draw people to faith.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all, now and forever. Amen.  
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citynewsglobe · 1 month
[ad_1] It's a well-known undeniable fact that correct valve choice performs a key function in attaining the Firm’s objectives within the sphere of commercial operations. Thus, high-efficiency valves are an indispensable element of contemporary stream management techniques and contribute to the creation of a dependable and sturdy system. Utilizing this text, one is ready to get an understanding on the benefits and use of those valves and learn how to find the suitable producers and suppliers. Excessive-Effectivity Valves in Industrial Methods Valves of excessive effectivity are broadly required for controlling the stream of various media in industrial pipelines. They assist in regulating and guiding the stream, stopping any loss, and guaranteeing that techniques are functioning optimally. Such valves are designed to resist excessive strain and corrosive environments thus are helpful in industries just like the oil and gasoline trade, chemical processing, and water therapy industries amongst others. Benefits of Eccentric Butterfly Valves Particular forms of butterfly valves which might be used principally embody the eccentric butterfly valves. They provide a number of advantages, together with:They provide a number of advantages, together with: – Diminished Friction: The unconventional design reduces rubbing of the disc on the seat therefore reduces put on and tear of the valve. – Enhanced Sealing: These kinds of valves supply good sealing particularly when the strain is excessive and which means that the system could be very dependable. – Compact Design: They're helpful and can be utilized the place area is a limiting issue. Choosing an unconventional butterfly valve provider ensures you that you're supplied with a product that shall meet the operational wants in addition to the trade expectations. Choosing the Proper Industrial Valves Firm Due to this fact, when able to supply valves on your industrial necessities, you will need to take care of an industrial valves firm. Contemplate the next components: – Popularity: The very best technique shall be to establish corporations which have persistently offered high quality valves and good buyer relations. – Product Vary: Valves can be found in a large class, which means that one can all the time get essentially the most appropriate valve for the given process. – Technical Assist: Be sure that the corporate offers you good technical help and recommendation on the kind of valves to make use of in addition to learn how to keep them. Improvements in Valve Expertise The valve trade is dynamic in its nature and improvement due to the adjustments and improvements within the area that targets for higher efficiency. Key developments embody: – Good Valves: Incorporation of sensors and automation for actual time monitoring and controlling. – Superior Supplies: New supplies enhance the product’s imperativeness and talent to resist antagonistic circumstances. – Vitality Effectivity: Revolutionary designs make the constructions make the most of minimal vitality and subsequently have low prices of operations. Updating itself on these improvements is essential so that companies could make higher selections and choose essentially the most appropriate options to make use of.  Conclusion Valves equivalent to eccentric butterfly valves are essential for guaranteeing that industrial techniques function effectively and safely. Thus, selecting the best industrial valves firm and being conscious of recent applied sciences, companies can have all the mandatory instruments to satisfy their wants. On the subject of enterprise to enterprise actions, figuring out a proper provider and the traits of assorted forms of valves will make a drastic distinction to the system effectivity. The publish Exploring Excessive-Effectivity Valves: Information for Enterprise-to-Enterprise Industries appeared first on Vamonde. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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