#Community Unity Football
manasastuff-blog · 2 months
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" National Football Day " #trending#viral#footballday
National Football Day and why it plays a crucial role in uniting people across the globe. we delve into the significance of this special day, exploring its history, impact, and why it’s celebrated by millions. Learn about the lesser-known facts that make National Football Day a unique and important event. Whether you're a football fan or simply curious about this day, this provides an in-depth look at the reasons behind its celebration and how it brings communities together.
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neuerswaist · 3 months
at least this whole thing brought joy back to us for a bit
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openvimark · 3 months
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(vía Camiseta larga con la obra «Football: A Passion That Unites the World» de 0penvimark)
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tallfroggieart · 9 months
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The World
A secret santa gift I made for the lovely, wonderful @liesmyth ! So excited to get to finally share it!!! :D
(Tarot meanings for the World card and some extra ramblings beneath the cut for those who are interested)
The World
Upright: Success, achievement, accomplishment, travel, completion, fulfilment, sense of belonging, wholeness
Reversed: Shortcuts, delays, seeking closure, incompletion, emptiness
"To encounter the World in your cards is to encounter a great unity and wholeness. It symbolizes the moment when the inner and the outer worlds - self and other - become a single entity. In some traditions, this state is described as enlightenment, or nirvana. There is a recognition that the individual self is profoundly linked with all other things, and that we all dance and sway along the flow of life to one rhythm. Not only do you hear this rhythm, but you participate in it - following the dips and the rises, the joys and the sorrows.
The meaning of the World card is fulfillment, achievement, and completion. This shows that all the efforts that you have been putting in place are starting to pay off. It reflects that you have completed a major milestone in your life and you have built the resilience to withstand challenges. The World may indicate completion of a long-term project, study or any other major event in your life. It may also mean the birth of a child, marriage, graduation or any other thing that you have accomplished.
The World card shows that you have a desire to give back to the community in various ways. You have a commitment to make the world a better place because you understand that everything is connected."
- Labyrinthos, The World
Ok and now for my unhinged rambling about Jamie motherfucking Tartt. Ahem.
Like. GUYS HES LITERALLY THIS CARD IN HIS S3 ERA AND IM NOT KIDDING. he’s the central cog!!! He’s the fulcrum of the triangle!! He’s total football! He’s the world’s most specialest puppydog-coded central attacking midfielder!! He’s the conductor, the playmaker, the literal heart and soul of AFC Richmond’s whole tactic!!!!! He means soooo fucking much to me you don’t even understand.
Yes I did take the bisexual Fibonacci spiral from Sunflowers and make it a key part of this card. If the universe didn’t want me to do that then it would have killed Jason Sudeikis before he could make that scene because my molecules have been forever altered.
(ps: ahem. stay tuned for some more AFC Richmond tarot! I’ve got a Roy in the works and plans for the rest of the main cast, though idk how far I’d follow it through. you could follow me and see what happens if you want 👉👈)
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libraincarnate · 2 years
astrology notes: 8 🧸🍬
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
🧁 scorpio 2nd house/mercury: okay if you didn’t know i have a thing for eyes, but i also have a thing for voices and i have placements that indicate that too. anyways, people with scorpio mercury? wow just wow. probably one of my favorite placements and one of the most captivating ones in my opinion. i recently heard someone’s voice and i guessed they had a scorpio mercury and i was right. girls with this placements may have a deeper voice but regardless it’s so damn sexy and sultry. their intelligence and broad vocabulary and various expressions leave their lips with ease. they ooze seduction unintentionally. this is THE bedroom voice. such power behind their words, the power to both uplift and destroy. it demands attention. speaking like they know more than they let on, discerning what you know and don’t know so that they can decide what and how much to reveal. hard to lie to these individuals. they’re quick to detect deception. they use their words decisively & directly.
🧁 favorable 11th house placements: community & togetherness is a wonderful thing to these folks. they find it beautiful to see people working together to accomplish a common goal or simply sticking together, loving & supporting one another. unfortunately society isn’t always like that but when they do witness something like that it makes them happy. they think, “see? that’s how it should be.” it’s a wish they have for the world, more unity.
🧁 neptune-pluto aspects: rock star alice cooper has neptune sextile pluto in his birth chart. he suffered from alcohol & drug addiction. some of his songs have meanings that have a double entendre. for example, when listening to his song called poison for the first time, it sounds like a love song about how badly he wants this person even though they may not be good for him, they bring him both pleasure and pain. but really that song is about his toxic relationship with drugs and alcohol.
he’s a libra rising & his chart ruler is venus in pisces which is in the 6th house of health, routine, and habits.
his neptune is a prominent placement for him being in his 1st house & conjunct his ascendant.
his neptune is at 12° (pisces degree) which is also associated with drugs/alcohol, addiction, a lack of boundaries, but also spirituality, musical talent, healing, the emotions, and creativity. and his pluto which brings transformation is at 13° (aries degree) which can indicate some form of struggle or abuse but there’s also courage, determination, and perseverance.
alice cooper has overcome his drug and alcohol addiction, has helped others including other rock n’ roll artists to do the same, and he became a christian and gave a lot of credit to Jesus Christ as the reason why he was able to beat these addictions.
i’m not saying everyone with this aspect will have a similar story, it’s just one way i’ve seen this aspect play out.
🧁 venus in the 5th house: you might be attracted to people who are talented. somone who plays an instrument really well. maybe you find it attractive watching someone play the guitar and rocking out, headbanging and stuff lol
someone who is really good at sports, seeing their athleticism, their skill, their dedication to the sport they play. touch down celebrations might be something you like to see if football is your thing. perhaps play fighting with your love.
someone who is a talented artist, seeing them use their creativity and skills to create something out of nothing. seeing their passion come to life in their art, how it tells a story. how they assign their own meanings to the colors, shapes, and materials they use.
🧁 harsh mars-uranus aspects: might be more willing to do something bad if they feel like they’re doing it for a good reason. reminds me of thomas shelby from peaky blinders. he does a lot of bad things for the sake of his family/loved ones, to better their lives. he shows his loyalty in extreme & intense ways. he also performs some philanthropic deeds. he’s smart, ingenious, unpredictable, has been to war and applies a war-like strategy or mindset in his approach to achieving his goals. he does what he wants when he wants and rarely takes the advice of others.
�� jupiter in the 4th house: motherhood may be a blessing for you. your child or children might feel like you’re the best mom ever and you might feel like that too lol your child may make your life better, more meaningful and fulfilling. you pass on the wisdom you’ve gained to them. encouraging education and spirituality in their upbringing. motherhood definitely alters your perspective on life. you learn so much from being a mom and part of that is because your child teaches you so much including by just watching them grow.
🧁 one thing i feel like is underrated about virgos is their sense of style. they can dress & it’s authentic. they stand out among the sea of fad loving doppelgangers because of their originality. and while they may not vocalize their judgements, i promise you they are analyzing every detail of your outfit, hairstyle, choice of accessories, etc. all in silence. they notice the smallest details which is part of the reason why they look so pristine & put together. they simply have good taste. potential as a stylist & designer.
🧁 4th house ruler in 11th house: this native may have, want, or prefer a chosen family rather than the family they were born with. their friends may feel more like a family to them and they may spend more time with them. may be an adopted child or feel like one, and you may want to adopt if you decide to start your own family. the people you look to as your mother or father figure may not be your biological parents. a community or sense of family with the ones you are closest to but not necessarily the ones you are related to.
🧁 the sign in your 2nd house may show you how you feel about sharing the things that belong to you (food, money, clothes, car, info on where you got something, and so on):
capricorn would probably only share with you if they actually like you or respect you.
virgo might be picky about who they share with or who gets to touch what.
libra i think would be both of the above but may feel bad when they want say no so they might just say whatever and give in for that reason.
sag is ruled by jupiter which is associated with generosity so i think they’d be more willing to give things away or tell you where they got their stuff from like a nice shirt that they have.
aquarius is another sign i feel like would be willing to share, since they’re associated with community & philanthropy but regardless of how social aquarius may be i think they’re a bit detached from people & they like their originality so they may not want everyone looking like them or having what they have so they may say no to most but yes to those closest to them.
scorpio may be a bit more possessive and private about what’s theirs so they may only share with those they trust.
gemini likes to talk and exchange information, they’re lighthearted individuals who may have no problem sharing or telling you where they got something.
to me taurus is 50/50. they’re known to be savers and spenders. they know how to gather and save their resources, can be hoarders and a bit selfish but they also like pleasing themselves, indulging in the things they like. they know how to spoil others as well so they’d probably just buy it for you instead of giving you what’s theirs.
🧁 lilith in the 11th house: might be a misanthrope, someone who dislikes humanity or society as a whole. however you may like people as individuals. i see this being a lone wolf/outcast placement.
🧁 your jupiter in their 1st house (synastry): you are a blessing to this person’s life. you definitely make their life better and an impactful difference would be felt with out you in their life. you make them feel good about themselves, make them feel confident, you support them. you broaden their outlook on life, providing fresh perspectives. you share the knowledge you have with them, make them wiser. the 1st house intrigues jupiter and wants to understand the 1st house person better. jupiter person could be one of if not the 1st house person’s favorite person.
you lift them up, bring optimism and encouragement. you guys feel good around each other, have a lot of fun together, make each other happier. you help them in their journey of self improvement whether you know it or not. the jupiter person sees the potential in the 1st house person during the times they don’t see it themselves. they encourage you to be your best authentic self. jupiter person may also discover things about themselves through their relationship with the 1st house person. jupiters perspective and understanding is broadened as well. also, jupiter probably spoils the 1st house person & 1st house person appreciates them so much and just knows how much they mean to them.
🧁 omg how many people with prominent 7th house placements have walked in multiple weddings? like you could’ve been a flower girl, ring boy, a bridesmaid or groomsman etc. especially with venus, jupiter, asteroid juno (3) here, or a 7th house stellium.
🧁 placidus vs whole sign house system: i mostly use the whole sign house system but i encourage you not to ignore the placements in your chart using the placidus system. you won’t relate to or notice the impact of all of your placements at once. you grow and develop as a person and this takes time, so it may take time to see the influence of certain placements and aspects in your chart regardless of which house system you use. people experience different areas of life at different times. i may experience the 6th house and 7th house related themes earlier in my life but you may experience much them later in your life.
remember each house has themes and different areas of focus. take the 8th house for example: you may not relate to the theme of death in this house (either literally or figuratively in the form of rebirth/transformation) and so you may not relate to the inheritance aspect either (or not yet) but you may relate to the themes of the occult along with sex & intimacy in this house. it’s normal to not relate to everything related to that house, and it’s normal not to relate to everything all at once.
after speaking to someone close to me, she relates to the placement of their sun using the whole sign system more than the placement of their sun using placidus. when using placidus, her sun is in the 4th house. initially she didn’t relate to this placement what so ever. but then she noticed something, she literally is the kim k of her family. if she dies the light goes out in her family. her relatives love her and are always asking for her. they adore her, think she's funny and they just like hearing from her. they talk to her the most. most of her parent’s friends mainly ask about her and want to talk to her on the phone and she's not the only child. she literally asks her parents if their friends forget that they have more than one child. their friends are always giving her money and gifts and food. she plays an important role in this family, she's basically a leader & she manages a lot of things in her house/family. her parents tend to brag about her to others as well.
however there are other themes in the 4th house which she does not relate to and there are other placements in her birth chart using the placidus system which she doesn’t relate to at all, or perhaps not yet.
apart from that, there’s something called intercepted signs, houses, and planets & duplicated signs and houses. they apply to house systems like placidus but not to those like whole sign. you may have these in your placidus chart. it might be something you relate to and you may learn something about yourself as well.
i cannot and will not attempt to explain them, but if you’re interested here are some posts that do explain them:
if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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On USWNT and equal pay, I would say it’s hard to compare US and other big European nations such as Spain. At the time of negotiations, the USWNT had historically had much more presence and successes in the woso/wofo world in comparison with their male counterparts in the international soccer/football community. Furthermore, they were coming off of the hype of a 2019 WWC win and therefore head much much more leverage and arguments for equal pay. If I remember correctly, one of their arguments was that there were generating much more commercial awareness in the US than the USMNT. This is a situation that’s unique to the US (and somewhat Canada as well) where soccer/football is barely a top 5 sport and not mirrored in Europe where soccer/football takes all prominence.
But despite the above and a long fight ahead, it’s still encouraging seeing the changes being made in woso/wofo in Europe albeit quite slowly.
oh for sure. there are so many legal differences between the uswnt situation and las 15/rfef. for example, the uswnt filed a lawsuit based on gender discrimination and us labour laws, specifically by "paying them less than members of the usmnt for substantially equal work and by denying them at least equal playing, training, and travel conditions; equal promotion of their games; equal support and development for their games; and other terms and conditions of employment equal to the men's team."
that's just not a route that the spanish women could have taken because our laws are different and the circumstances that would allow for gender discrimination do not exist to the extent compared to the us.
however, even if you can't apply the tactics 1 to 1, you can still make some general observations about team unity and some of the underlying factors that make certain protests work. for example, every single world cup player and alternate for the americans signed on to the lawsuit, nor did they have a situation where an entire slate of "scabs" were called up to replace them leading up to a major tournament. and they also received the support of the men's national team. that level of team unity just did not exist for spain due to many reasons i've discussed before.
i think there are lessons that can be learned from every federation's equal pay and gender discrimination fight. yes, just because one route worked in one country doesn't mean it will work in another, but there are still learnings to be had. and that's the point of organisations like fifpro, where these can be shared on a global level (personally, i think our spanish version can do more on that front than it's currently doing too!) 🫡
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hlstead · 1 year
bound by love
[ruben dias x black!reader]
a/n: my works are poc friendly/coded
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We had a bond that went beyond the cheering crowds and victories on the field. It was a love that was deep-rooted and unconditional, a love that brought us strength and joy in the chaos of our lives.
One evening, after a thrilling match, we walked hand in hand towards the car, the echoes of the fans' cheers still reverberating in the air. "YN, you were amazing out there," Ruben grinned, his eyes sparkling with pride.
I chuckled, feeling the warmth of his love wash over me. "You're the real star, Ruben. The way you defend, it's like poetry in motion."
As we drove through the city lights, our conversation shifted to the future, our dreams and aspirations intertwined. We wanted to make a difference, to inspire the younger generation, to break barriers and pave the way for a more inclusive world within the football community.
Days turned into weeks, and we found solace in the simple moments - cooking dinner together, late-night talks about life, and planning our future. Our love was like a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of unity.
One afternoon, we visited a local school to interact with the children. Their faces lit up with excitement as they saw Ruben, their football hero. I stood beside him, my heart swelling with pride, knowing that we were making a difference in their lives.
A young girl approached us, her eyes wide with awe. "YN, can I touch your hair?" she asked hesitantly.
I smiled, crouching down to her level. "Of course, sweetheart."
She gently ran her fingers through my curls, her face lighting up with wonder. "It's so pretty."
Ruben beamed at her, his eyes filled with adoration. "Yes, just like YN. Beautiful inside and out."
Days turned into months, and our love grew stronger. We faced challenges, the weight of expectations, and the prejudices that came with being in the public eye. But our love was a shield, protecting us from the storm.
One evening, as we sat on the balcony, the city lights twinkling in the distance, Ruben spoke softly, his voice filled with love. "YN, you complete me. Your strength, your beauty, your love - they're my guiding stars."
Tears welled up in my eyes, overwhelmed by his words. "And you're my rock, Ruben. Together, we can conquer anything."
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louisupdates · 9 months
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lubylu.ng Our designs are inspired by grassroots football, paying homage to football culture of the African diaspora.
We incorporate the iconic hexagon shape, symbolizing the unity and interconnectedness of the beautiful game. From stylish jerseys to trendy streetwear, we strive to showcase football culture in fashion and celebrate the passion and creativity of the global football community. Join us in embracing the spirit of the game #10
#FootballCulture #supereagles🇳🇬 🏐
Creative direction @louieakinwale
Talent @sarah_abshir
Production @thehouseofhyde
[Lubylu photoshoot incorporating 28 Clothing ecru socks, ad campaign posted to Instagram 21.12.2023]
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
“Football is typically about bringing nations together and fostering a sense of community and support. It's not about putting others down or harboring negativity. Let's focus on the positive aspects and the unity that the sport brings.”
Was anything that Jenni said fostering a sense of community and support? Because it seemed like she was about putting others down and harboring negativity. People have the right to be upset and speak against what she said. They are just giving her the same energy she gave the Brazilians
Once again I agreed with all of you, I’ve said it MANY times Jenni should not have said that!
She should not have been interviewed after the match. Frustration and tiredness led her to say something she should not have. In a state of exhaustion, it's easy to make errors in judgment.
Who hasn’t said something they shouldn’t have when they were upset? In moments of frustration or exhaustion, it’s easy to let our emotions take over.
Jenni may have lacked a sense of community, and I can see why people feel that way. However, the level of hate she’s receiving for it is completely unjustified.
You have every right to feel upset and express your opinions about what she said. However, it's not fair to direct such intense hate towards her. Everyone makes mistakes, and while it's important to hold people accountable, the level of negativity she's receiving is excessive and unproductive.
IN MY OPINION, I don't believe Jenni intended any harm. She is 34 years old with years of experience, having played numerous times and faced many losses as well. She understands that the game involves both winners and losers. I think she was more frustrated by the attitude and lack of fair play exhibited by certain Brazilian players and people took what she said WAY out of context.
Of course, the Brazilian players played football; otherwise, they wouldn't have scored 4 goals. However, it's the manner in which they played that raises questions. Their approach and tactics during the game seemed to lack sportsmanship.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Bomb City: The Case of Brian Deneke
The Movie:
“Bomb City is a 2017 American crime film… based on the death of Brian Deneke, the homicide that revealed the cultural clash between the local jocks and the punk community in Amarillo, Texas, and the result from the subsequent court case sparked debate over injustice in the American judicial system.
On December 12, 1997, 19-year-old American punk musician musician Brian Theodore Deneke (March 9, 1978 – December 12, 1997) was killed in a deliberate hit and run attack in Amarillo, Texas, by 17-year-old Dustin Camp. Camp was later found guilty of voluntary vehicular manslaughter and sentenced to ten years' probation and a $10,000 fine, which was later dropped. In 2001, he was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for a variety of parole violations. He was paroled under supervision on July 31, 2006. The homicide and the outcome of the trial against Camp galvanized the punk community and raised accusations about the social tolerance of the Texan city. This film is about the events of that night and some of what led up to it, as well as the way the police, the adults and the community re - murdered Brian Deneke, victim blaming and police terrorizing one group of children whilst looking the other way of another group of children for the same actions.
Brian Deneke is a 19 year old from Amarillo, Texas, who is into punk and the punk rock subculture. He is a local DIY promoter who books touring punk rock bands at a small run down venue. In this conservative town, there are many teenagers who actively follow punk and they routinely clashed with the jocks from one of the local high school's football team: The Tascosa Rebels.”
“Deneke was remembered by his friends as being friendly, charismatic and seen as a leader in local punk circles, helping to organize many local musical events. Nicknamed "Sunshine", Deneke had a spiked mohawk hairstyle and often wore a black leather jacket with a studded leather collar and sported homemade tattoos. He was also an enthusiastic skateboarder, and it was this interest which drew him into the punk subculture.
Like other punks in Amarillo, Deneke had suffered frequent harassment and bullying, and acquired nicknames such as "Punch" and "Fist Magnet" by tormentors. His parents were against their son's lifestyle, and warned him of possible prejudice from people in Amarillo.
Deneke was an artist for Stanley Marsh 3's art project, Dynamite Museum, which consisted of handmade mock road signs scattered across Amarillo city streets. Deneke was also the vocalist of punk rock group The White Slave Traders, and aspired to become a famous punk rock musician.
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On December 12, 1997, 19-year-old American punk musician Brian Theodore Deneke (March 9, 1978 – December 12, 1997) was killed in a deliberate hit and run attack in Amarillo, Texas, by 17-year-old Dustin Camp… Camp was later found guilty of voluntary vehicular manslaughter and sentenced to ten years' probation and a $10,000 fine, which was later dropped. In 2001, he was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for a variety of parole violations. He was paroled under supervision on July 31, 2006.
The homicide and the outcome of the trial against Camp galvanized the punk community and raised accusations about the social tolerance of the Texan city.
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Pop Culture:
Numerous tribute gigs and concerts have been made for Deneke since his death. In 2000, The Unity Through Diversity festival was held in Amarillo featuring The Undead and Mike Watt, amongst other bands. The tenth anniversary of his death demonstrated the ongoing significance of his death to the punk community with 25 concerts being held on December 8, 2007 across the United States and Canada, including concerts in New York City, Chicago, Seattle and five concerts across Texas including a two-day event in Amarillo. Half of the money raised by these events went to National Organization for Parents of Murdered Children, the other half to various anti prejudice causes.
Deneke's death has been the subject of a number of songs, including:
“Brian’s Song” by Fifteen
“Brain’s Song” by The Code
“Tears on a Pillow (in Amarillo)” by The Undead
“Fortunes of War” by Dropkick Murphys
“Sunshine Fist Magnet” by Against All Authorities
“A Punk Killed” and “Murdered” by Total Chaos
“American Justice Is All A Lie” by Career Soldiers
“Sunshine” by The Swellers
“Hail” by Hammell on Trial
“Punk Song” by LambBed TW FOR FLASHING LIGHTS!!!”
Marilyn Manson has also discussed this case before.
Case Coverage:
Skate Park:
Originally, a petition to rename a local skatepark in Amarillo was passed around. Today, the person has changed to build a new skate park and name it after Brian.
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Representative Lauren Boebert, a Colorado Republican, took to Twitter on Sunday afternoon to complain about the Black National Anthem being performed during the Super Bowl.
Actress Sheryl Lee Ralph is slated to perform "Lift Every Voice and Sing," colloquially known as the Black National Anthem, ahead of the Sunday night football game. The song, written more than 100 years ago, emerged as a rallying cry during the civil rights movement, according to the NAACP. The NFL began including the song in its games following the Black Lives Matter protests that occurred during the summer of 2020, but the move has faced backlash from some conservatives.
Boebert became the latest prominent Republican to criticize the National Football League (NFL) over the song's inclusion, which will be performed alongside the "Star-Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful." The GOP lawmaker accused the league of attempting to "divide" Americans by including the Black National Anthem in the performance lineup.
"America only has ONE NATIONAL ANTHEM," she tweeted. "Why is the NFL trying to divide us by playing multiple!? Do football, not wokeness."
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Critics argued, however, that Boebert's tweet was more divisive than the inclusion of the performance. Condé Nast editor Luke Zaleski accused Boebert of "gaslighting" viewers.
"The gaslighting is the fact that she's using the concept of unity to divide. She's doing what she's accusing the NFL of. It's a fake grievance contrived to irk and produce the effect of further fracturing society," Zaleski tweeted.
"It's black history month. The song is meaningful to African Americans. It's also a historic game with 2 black quarterbacks, the first time ever. Get over yourself and your ridiculous white grievances. If you don't like it, don't watch. Simple," another Twitter user tweeted on Sunday in response to Boebert.
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Other conservatives have previously criticized the NFL over the song. In 2021, Fox News host Sean Hannity decried a performance as an attempt to "inject politics into sports." Several conservative pundits also complained when Vanessa Williams performed the song during a PBS Fourth of July special that same year.
NAACP leader James Weldon Smith first wrote "Lift Every Voice and Sing" in 1900. His brother, John Rosamond Johnson, composed the music for its lyrics, according to the NAACP.
The song was first performed by students at a segregated school in Jacksonville, Florida, to celebrate the birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who presided over the emancipation of slaves during the American Civil War, according to the NAACP.
The song became a landmark of African American culture. According to Time magazine, it was performed during meetings in which civil rights leaders planned the Montgomery Bus Boycott and has been quoted in speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Following the 2020 racial protests after the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the NFL sought to confront what many players have described as systemic racism following years of protests.
NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told The New York Times in 2021 that the inclusion of the song is "an opportunity to highlight messages that are important to the league, players and personnel and our communities."
"We've seen tremendous work done by our players to make an impact, and we can increase that through the high-visibility platform that the NFL provides," he said.
Newsweek reached out to Boebert's press office for further comment.
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opiatemasses · 9 months
Is fandom bigger than football?
Football fandom has its highs and lows. Conversely, excessive fandom can tarnish the sport. This issue came to the fore recently at a European fixture at Villa Park.
30th November 2023, Aston Villa versus Legia Warsaw - a night of history building for the ‘Villans’. Yet the immoral behaviours of a select group of opposing fans, dimmed the light on proceedings. Pre-game planned and targeted Violence struck fear and uncertainty to the safety of those involved.
This season alone, there has been similar issues seen at the Newcastle versus PSG fixture as well as AC Milan in their home Champions League game. This pattern of behaviour is cause for concern in the running of European competitions.
In this intense environment, I’ve learnt to appreciate that acting critically as a fan is the idyllic way to express emotions. A critical fan is one who exercises their loyalty to a team or individual, it can involve ‘attempting to change your team or fellow fans for the better.’
Some fans act critically in a space of passion and unity, binding individuals together. However, not all as seen with the examples above. This raises the question – where is the change in their behaviours going to come from?
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A catalyst for resulting actions
Current unruly behaviour in sports stadia is a catalyst for so many contemporary issues within football such as hooliganism, misogyny and violence. This, I believe, is why the microscope should be targeted towards addressing excessive spectatorship in the hope resulting issues can be tempered.
Integrity: a guide to follow
Individual integrity is a fundamental cog in a progressive society. Yet the actions we saw at Villa Park suggest there’s a negligence by some to act morally in a shared space. This shared space or  Imagined community of horizontal unity, is a great way to depict how actions in a public setting should take into consideration of those around.
Can fandom exist without getting out of control? It is in my contention that until there’s widespread awareness of the issues outlined, there won’t be any significant change.
A deep-rooted matter
We know that examples of unrestrained fandom are not just of present times. The impact of traditions and role models has only seemed to expose and encourage younger generations to express negative behaviours. This is why I call for change and action to limit the future impact of unethical behaviour within football.
Spectatorship is intense due to its embedded interest. However, the Villa Park example fails to accept that affiliation and devotion is an acceptable reason to act un-morally.
It seems as the stage grows, as the stakes increase, the acts of loyalty by fans are in danger of taking over the sporting event itself. Without digesting into more examples, I take you back to the England Euros Final where the actions of individuals eclipsed this event.  I ask, will excessive fandom always have a damning societal effect?
Football is commonly characterised as being about passion, togetherness and community. These are the values that should be upheld and celebrated, rather than the unruly behaviours that shine a negative light onto the game.
Minimising and normalising unjust fans' actions turns the shoulder on fronting this current issue within football. This ‘glossing’ over of repetitive negative actions, begs the question – can there ever be a complete control of unmoral behaviours within the sport?
A fan’s perspective
Camaraderie. inclusion. Escape. Passion. These words encapsulate what it means to be a supporter. Spectatorship brings a sense of belonging, it’s a form of escapism.
However, this escapism has its dangers - the excessive loyalties manifest at Villa Park, resulted in violence and the re-emergence of the negative fan stereotypes that exist within football, such as: misogyny, aggression and abuse. How would you feel knowing your safety is uncertain when attending these matches, especially European ones?
Why now and where next?
The recent examples of excessive fandom re-iterates the notion that this is a current and ongoing issue that needs widespread attention. By increasing awareness of this issue, my hope is that we can help put the focus on what it means to be a critical fan. By doing this I believe there can be a greater emphasis on enjoying the game and appreciating those around us to bind fandom and football in a more progressive society.
Do you agree that tackling excessive fandom, could stimulate a positive response for other current issues within football such as sexism, racism, and violence?
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Tomorrow we finally start with the first group game. We have prepared meticulously for this moment and are happy that the ball will roll tomorrow.
I also want to make my position clear before our first game and classify the things that have happened off the field in the last few days and weeks.
The unrest surrounding the events leading up to the World Cup in Qatar, the ban on the One Love bandage and other strange actions and statements by FIFA are of concern to us players and the entire team. The position of FIFA, as well as the way of communicating about the ban on pads, is in no way understandable for us.
Due to the decision of all football associations concerned not to wear the bandage at the games, the DFB and we players are also criticized. I can understand and accept the criticism, but I don't share this view!
The DFB has taken a stand and clearly expressed its position against FIFA. The association and we players have been involved far beyond the green pitch for years. Many national players have their own foundations or have been supporting various social institutions with great commitment for years. With our team foundation, we have launched various initiatives not only in connection with the tournament in Qatar, but also throughout Germany.
Anyone who expects us footballers to completely abandon our path as athletes and give up our sporting dreams, for which we have worked all our footballing lives, in order to position ourselves even more politically, will be disappointed.
Anyone who can take a differentiated look at the whole situation will hopefully give us full support over the next few weeks and have our backs. We want to show you that we can inspire our German football nation with team spirit, unity and football finesse. Preferably tomorrow against Japan.
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selfiemania · 2 months
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annathedolll S'abonner Just me#mtf trans#transfem#transgender#transgirl#fem bottom#feminine sissy#trans nsft#trans womanBlaze804 notes
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torianoir S'abonner Soft girl with something extra #Trans#transwoman#Transgender#Transfem#Transexual#Transsexual#Mtf#Maletofemale#Mtfttrans#Transpride#Tg#Ts#Siss#Toriana#Torianabee#Torianoir#TransgirlBlaze
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coldstonedreamery I can’t leave my room today Blaze144 notes
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coldstonedreamery Blaze
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Beautifull wife exposed. Dm me for the full pic with spread legs and open pussy view.
Submitted by @someguyintown1
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223 notes
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Your ride is here 😌
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6 533 notes
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Yummy puny licky
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kendrixtermina · 10 months
Gaza is NOT totalitarian
One thing you always hear from Zionists or even unaffiliated random westerners who know little about the conflict as a reason why the war is, if not completely justified, then at least tragically unavoidable, is that Gaza is a totalitarian regime & they’re either all indoctrinated to hate Israelis, or get portrayed as passive victims with no agency that need to be „liberated“
But over the last weeks we have seen a lot of scenes of life out of gaza and i have also read many books & watched documentaries to further educate myself and there is just no trace of that anywhere.
No big posters of leaders in classroom, no symbols & logos everywhere, no political phrases in people’s everyday speech, many of the people in videos seem totally a-political & lament that their family had nothing to do with the resistance or the war. They spend more time talking about friggin olive trees and embroidery than politics.
You could glean a bunch about their culture from the videos – extended families live together in big shared houses, they are very affectionate with children, they value community, the sport they tend to be obsessed about is Football…
Saudi arabia, for example, bans booze, art, music & forces everyone to wear burqas – that’s just not the case in Palestine. There are woman doctors & journalists, a wealth of poets & painters. You can buy booze grown in the west bank. You see the occasional lady without hijab, like Bisan often has her hair out, which tells me the ones that DO wear it do so because they want to, which is their good right. There were several Christian churches apparently operating just fine inside Gaza, until Israel bombed them.
I heard that 4th way esoterism was influenced by Sufism which is an off-shoot of Islam, & seeing the religious mantras people cited I could see the relationship - they said stuff like they should trust in God's destiny, that God alone is enough for them etc. it has that same "accept what is & surrender to the universe, real strength comes from contact with divinity & then you need nothing else" vibe - though of course the esoterists believe less in a personal god & more in a panentheist "Unity Of Being". Ppl used to make a lot of bogeyman talk out of Islam meaning "submission" but now I think it's probably meant in a "surrender to the universe & accept what is" kinda way & that ppl ended up projecting the authoritarian character of Christianity onto it. Islam is alot more de-central & everyone does their own thing, innit? I remember that when Muslims hit a certain percentage in Germany they thought of introducing Islam classes to school (in addition to the Catholic & Lutheran classes they have - atheists & ppl of other religions get "ethics" instead which is basically moral philosophy) but one problem they ran into is that there's no central authority to get a course plan from. There is no such thing as a muslim pope. There are extremists who ARE authoritarian, like Saudi arabia (as there are of all religions; They're all the same, rly, it's probably down to some flaw in human brains) but that doesn't mean everyone's like that. You might pt down the authoritarianism there to Saudi Arabia being an absolutist monarchy...
(Of course, a lot of less educated westerners don’t know that the kind of extremism seen in the Saudis & Taliban is actually a fairly recent movement that was able to take over due to the ME being destabilized in the cold war… the area was once stable, organized & well-educated.)
Some of the people covering the war like Bisan, Plestia, Saleh etc. were normal instagrammers before, doing normal instagram things, not a hint of politics to be found.
I also recall this post by a gay ude saying that yeah it’s not super welcoming but there’s not really systematic persecution – your family might kick you out or quietly tolerate it while wanting nothing to do with it… so just like the more religious parts of the USA basically.
Also, I’d like to note that even if gaza WERE totalitarian, people in totalitarian countries don’t cease to be human and their lives don’t become worthless. Not everyone is a True Believer, most are just scared out of their mind. You need to read „Jugend Ohne Gott“, you need to watch „Das Boot“, you need to listen to stories of people who escaped from North Korea. Maybe if it’s easier to epathize with a fictional depiction, read 1984 or The Handmaid’s tale.
So, I consider myself German because that’s where I grew up & the only culture I have any emotional attachment to, but my parents are Cuban. Cuba is a fairly „soft“ totalitarian state in that dissenters are „only“ beaten & their job prospects ruined, not outright killed like in North Korea or under the Nazis, but even so, my grandma still rips up all papers before throwing them away because spies would go through people’s trash, and my parents needed to be told several times by friends that it’s OK to criticize politicians in public before they would feel comfortable riffing on then.chancellor Kohl.
Note, however, that people DID mock the Castros in private, among trusted family members. There are tons of jokes mocking them. Heck, even mocked Hitler behind closed doors – they used to call them Flüsterwitze („whisper jokes“) because if you say them out loud they shoot you. Just to illustrate how people trapped in totalitarian states are human.
Even in the early 2000s when I was still pretty young, I didn’t buy that it’s OK to kill Iraqis just because there is a Dictator. The citizens are victims, and unlike the leadership they are poor & can’t flee. What if someone invaded Cuba and killed all my cousins just to punish the bad guy opressing them? That din’t seem fair. They said I’d understand when I’m older but all I understood is what utter bullshit that war was.
We’ve heard so many Palestinians talking about their plight and there is hardly anyone speaking of repression or totalitarianism, including peole who left the country. (In stark contrast to Cubans, North Koreans or people who fled the Nazis, who don’t shut up about how much it sucked) There is not zero repression (like an incident where Hamas got Fatah-affiliated workers fired), but the same can be said of Israel or even the west – McCarthyism or the current withhunt against pro-palestine ppl.
Meanwhile we have that creepy song of Israeli children calling for murder, and many videos by Israelis saying they were indoctrinated. One person mentioned being outright told that arabs were their „enemy“, while two arab boys were sitting in her class. I also hear that many Israelis go most of their lives without even interacting with a Palestinian outside of military service.
So, yeah, I think it’s pretty clear who the indoctrinated ones are.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.9
Accession Day (Jordan)
Ananda Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Bill and Ted Day
Birsa Munda Shahidi Diwas (Madhya Pradesh; India)
Clothing Poverty Awareness Day (UK)
Community Day (La Rioja, Murcia; Spain)
Coral Triangle Day
Cornflower Day (French Republic)
Denture Day
Donald Duck Day
Feast of the Birth of the White-Breasted Giantess
Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day
Global Maintenance Day
Home Sweet Home Day
International Archives Day
International Batten Disease Awareness Day
International Day of Celtic Art
International Dough Disco Day
La Rioja Day (Spain)
Light Industry Workers’ Day (Former USSR Nations)
Meezer’s Colors Day
Monkey Spank Day
Murcia Day (Spain)
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Earl Day
National Earl Baltes Day
National Helen Day
National Heroes’ Day (Uganda)
National Krewe of Tucks Day
National Long COVID Awareness Day (Canada)
National Meal Prep Day
National Mitchell Day
National Sex Day
National Sex Educator Appreciation Day
National Stripper Appreciation Day
No Apologies Period Day
Profess Your Love Day
Purple People Eater Day
Rockman Day
609 Day
South American Football Day
Toy Industry Day
Traverse Myelitis Awareness Day (UK)
World Accreditation Day
World APS Day (a.k.a. World Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Day)
Writers’ Rights Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Dark ’n Stormy Day
Kraft Cheese Day
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
Independence & Related Days
Flevelt (a.k.a. the Confederation of Flevelt; Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Självstyrelsedagen (Åland Self-Governing Day; Åland)
2nd Sunday in June
Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Bunker Hill Day observed (Massachusetts) [Sunday before 17th]
Canadian Rivers Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Austria, Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
International Drink Chenin Blanc Days, Day 3 [2nd Sunday]
International Shiatsu Day [2nd Sunday]
LEAF Open Farm Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Luxembourg) [2nd Sunday]
Multicultural American Child Day [2nd Sunday]
National Career Nursing Assistants’ Day [2nd Sunday]
National Children's Day [2nd Sunday]
National Garden Day (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
National Puerto Rican Day [2nd Sunday]
Race Unity Day (a.k.a. Race Amity Day; Baha’i) [2nd Sunday]
Ride the Wind Day [2nd Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday; also 2nd Tuesday]
World Swallowtail Day [2nd Sunday]
Write To Your Father Day [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 9 (2nd Full Week)
National Automobile Service Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.12]
National Clay Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Email Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Flag Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.14]
National Little League Week [2nd Week]
National Pet Wedding Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Right of Way Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 9, 2024
Annecy International Animated Film Festival (Annecy, France) [thru 6.15]
Beacon Sloop Club Strawberry Festival (Beacon, New York)
Community-Wide FELStival (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
International Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo (Houston, Texas) [thru 6.11]
Jewish Cultural Festival (Dayton, Ohio)
New England VegFest (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Peabody Awards (Los Angeles, California)
Savor Idaho (Boise, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Architects of the Middles Ages (Positivist; Saints)
Bathe in Marinara Day (Pastafarian)
Bede (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Cloverfield Dairy Cow (Muppetism)
Columba of Iona (a.k.a. Columbia or Columkille; Celtic Christian) [Poets]
Edmund (Christian; Saint)
Ephrem the Syrian (Roman Catholic Church and Church of England)
George Pérez (Artology)
James Collinson (Artology)
Jim Jones Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joe Haldeman (Writerism)
José de Anchieta (Christian; Saint)
Jotunheim Day (Pagan)
Liborius (Christian; Saint)
Lord Buddha's Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Michael Ancher (Artology)
Paul Beatty (Writerism)
Pelagia of Antioch (Christian; Virgin and Martyr)
Pieter Jansz. Saenredam (Artology)
Primus and Felician (Christian; Martyrs)
Ralph Goings (Artology)
Remembrance for Sigurd the Dragonslayer (a.k.a. Siegfried; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Richard, Bishop of Andria (Christian; Saint)
Robert Indermaur (Artology)
Vesalia (Feast of Vesta; Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Vincent of Aden (Christian; Martyr)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 57]
Bill of Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Cars (Animated Pixar Film; 2006)
The Coo Coo Bird (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1947)
The Crying of Lot 49, by Thomas Pynchon (Novella; 1966)
Dire Straits, by Dire Straits (Album; 1978)
The Empty Chair, by Jeffrey Deaver (Novel; 2000)
Gone in 60 Seconds (Film; 2000)
How Do I Know It’s Sunday (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Invisible Touch, by Genesis (Album; 1986)
Jelly-Roll Blues, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1924)
Kids Say th Darnedest Things!, by Art Linkletter (Humor Book; 1958)
Labour of Lust, by Nick Lowe (Album; 1979)
Loki (TV Series; 2021)
Mr. Tambourine Man, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1964)
The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco (Novel; US Translation 1983)
The Nine Billion Names of God, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Stories; 1967)
Ode to Discord: A Chimerical Combination in Four Bursts, by Charles Villiers Stanford (Song; 1909)
A Pirate Looks at Fifty, by Jimmy Buffett (Memoir; 1998)
Party Girl (Film; 1995)
Secret, Profane & Sugarcane, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2009)
Some Girls, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1978)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Film; 1989)
Stroke It Rich (Radio Game Show; 1947)
Super 8 (Film; 2011)
Tangled (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
3, by Honeyhoney (Album; 2015)
Tumble Weed Greed (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
Ups an’ Downs Derby (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
The Wise Little Hen (Disney Cartoon; 1934) [1st Donald Duck]
The Year of the Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Today’s Name Days
Annamaria, Ephraim, Grazia (Austria)
Diomed, Efrem, Kolumban, Ranko (Croatia)
Stanislava (Czech Republic)
Primus (Denmark)
Elar, Haljand, Hallar, Helar, Helari, Hellar (Estonia)
Ensio (Finland)
Diane (France)
Annamaria, Diana, Ephram, Grazia (Germany)
Rodanthi (Greece)
Félix (Hungary)
Efrem, Primo (Italy)
Gita, Liega, Ligita, Naula, Valeska (Latvia)
Felicijus, Gintas, Gintė (Lithuania)
Kolbein, Kolbjørn (Norway)
Felicjan, Pelagia, Pelagiusz (Poland)
Chiril (România)
Stanislava (Slovakia)
Efrén, Feliciano, Julián (Spain)
Birger, Börje (Sweden)
Cole, Coleman, Colman, Dean, Deana, Deanna, Dee, Dena, Diana, Diane, Dianna, Dianne, Dyane, Prima, Primavera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 161 of 2024; 205 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 4 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 11 Blue; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 May 2024
Moon: 12%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 St. Paul (6th Month) [Architects of the Middles Ages]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 83 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Dag (Day) [Half-Month 12 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.26)
Duir (Oak) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 6 of 13]
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