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cejav13 · 2 days ago
Jennifer Coolidge Wants to Guest Star on 'The Bear'
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Could you imagine? The possibilities are endless. Get Chris Storer on social media or on the phone.
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lioncourtz · 7 months ago
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Collider interview at SDCC x
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thepersianslipper · 1 year ago
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Yes, Collider, yes! Let's get the momentum going! Sign the petition, engage with #renewasacrew.
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memosminifridge · 3 months ago
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Kayvan of all time 🥰🦇
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months ago
“I think that's also very, very different to Armand's attraction because there's something really astute about Lestat . Seeing a future like that and the potential is something that Armand didn't have. I think Armand sees Louis as a vessel for how he can change Armand , and how he can enrich Armand’s life, rather than seeing Louis as his own person and what he's bringing and giving to the world. That's the tragedy of the romance between them. It's just all about himself.”
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fathercharlesoffdensen · 10 months ago
"Charles invading Magneto's mind (an act Magneto's right to call a violation) leaves Erik stranded in the literal freezing waters of his lifelong PTSD. Those tumultuous ocean waves, an obvious metaphor for Erik's mind, threaten to sweep both Erik and Charles away. 'Both' is Episode 10's key word. Charles Xavier could've easily consigned Magneto to his agony and gone about his business. Instead, he makes a choice simultaneously selfless and selfish. He doesn't fight Bastion (Theo James) with his X-Men. He stays in Magneto's mind and risks not just his own life, but his psyche. Even though the gesture doesn't excuse Charles's mental attack, he seizes this rare opportunity to help his beloved friend escape his emotional torment. Charles Xavier will either drag Erik free or drown with him, holding him close in the seething ocean.
"Charles is the only person capable of reaching Magneto because they're equals and opposites. Call them polar magnets or counterbalancing scale weights — or just soulmates. They complete one another, overused Jerry Maguire quote or not. Magneto hears Rogue's (Lenore Zann) distraught voice crying out to him in his amnesiac darkness. Hers is the only face he sees from his memories. Yet without erasing or diminishing his obvious love for Rogue, Erik also adores Charles. He has for decades. Even when they were physically apart, Charles rested in Erik's mind. Blocking out Xavier's influence is why Magneto wears his helmet. As Rogue wisely points out to Erik in Episode 2, 'You were worried if you still felt how much he loved you, you wouldn't be able to go through with your crusade.' That helmet is Magneto's armor against love.
"So, of course, it's Charles who reminds his fragmented self of the identity he forged from the ashes. Charles's compassion succeeds for the first time not because X-Men '97 backpedals their 'Magneto was right' statement in Xavier's favor. Rather, Charles finally works to meet Erik where he is. Erik might be an island because of and despite himself, but his fate needn't be forever lost and always losing. Charles reminds him they are a chosen family of two. He bleeds the poison from Erik's heart. And Magneto emerges reborn, reclaiming himself, his memories, and his purpose. He couldn't have a true redemption arc without Charles at his side."
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fivelila · 6 months ago
What was it like for the two of you to find your relationship this season? Was that surprising to you? What did you most enjoy about that?
ARYA: It was a big surprise. I was not expecting it at all. When I found out, I thought it was a joke, and it wasn’t. I was like, “Oh, okay.” And then, it made sense. They’ve had this real back and forth of true hatred and loathing. It was very satisfying to get to see them come together that way. And I loved filming it. It was really fun getting to be away from the real world for these few weeks, just filming in the subway and having this experience in a different timeline. I just thought it was such a cool storyline. I would have loved to explore it more, rather than just in that small amount of time, but it is what it is. It was such a cool concept.
GALLAGHER: The whole arc for Five in Season 4 is that he is without a purpose since there’s no real world to save, and he’s been like that for six years. On an existential level, he doesn’t know his place. He’s lived through every time period and not really had good human connections with people, so he just feels very isolated from everything and is drifting through existence. His family is fine. And then, when they get lost in the subway and he finds himself with somebody who he relates to, it becomes the purpose in his life to be there for that person. I think that’s a really relatable thing and it was a nice arc to get to play for the character.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
David interview with Maggie Bocella for Collider, 10.7.2013
COLLIDER: Obviously, when you started making this show, you had the book to go off of, you had a very specific framework to work off of. But because everything for Season 2 is new, did you get to have any input with Neil Gaiman on where Crowley goes from the end of Season 1?
DAVID: Oh no, that's not my job. No, I mean, we've got Neil Gaiman, so you just get excited about what direction he's going to send you in. It wouldn't occur to me, to be honest, to start giving Neil Gaiman plot suggestions or character suggestions, that would just be limiting his brilliance, I think, if he was trying to sort of contort his ideas around mine. So no, I just sat back and was excited to let a script ping in and find out what was going to happen next. What a treat to get to be one of the first people to read the continuing adventures of Aziraphale and Crowley.
COLLIDER: In that vein, how do you think Crowley has changed between the end of Season 1 and where we see him now? Can we expect anything significantly different from him this season?
DAVID: Well, as you would expect, he's no longer working for his corporate bosses from Hell, which gives him a certain liberty. He's more of a free agent, but it does mean that they've taken back the swishy apartment that comes with the job. So he’s in slightly diminished circumstances. He's living in his Bentley in his car with his potted plant and feeling slightly hard done by it, I think. But quite early on, we see him meeting with Shax, who's his replacement in the job. So he's keeping his ear to the ground, seeing what's going on, and giving Shax a bit of guidance as to how to be Hell’s representative on Earth and also how to fix the boiler in the apartment. Yes, he's certainly as we always knew him, but probably a little bit grumpier.
COLLIDER: You mentioned the Bentley, and the Bentley being cursed to play Queen songs forever and ever and ever is one of my favorite parts of the show. I was curious what you think Crowley's favorite Queen song, is if he's not so sick of them that he never wants to hear them again.
DAVID: That's a very…wow, that's a difficult question. I need a lot of prep for that. What's my favorite Queen song? I don't know. I mean, “Don't Stop Me Now” is probably the best driving song, isn't it?
DAVID: And he certainly enjoys driving at ridiculous, slightly supernatural speeds. I suspect that's probably the best soundtrack for that, so it's probably that, or “A Kind of Magic,” I suppose, makes a certain sense for a supernatural being with unearthly powers.
COLLIDER: That's a good answer. But you also work very closely with Michael Sheen, who you not only work with on this but also on Staged, you're quite close. What's it like getting to put that friendship dynamic to use? Especially since this and Staged are so completely different.
DAVID: It's very nice to get to work with a friend every day, you can't pretend it's not. I mean, we did have the pleasure of doing Staged during lockdown, which of course probably wouldn't have happened were it not for us getting to know each other so well on Season 1 of Good Omens. It wasn't so long after the first Good Omens came out that we were all locked in our houses for months on end. We managed to come up with this notion of doing Staged and making a show on our laptops, which, really, we did initially just to amuse ourselves, to see if it was possible. Then it ended up becoming more. We just [premiered] Series 3, so between the first season of Good Omens and the second season of Good Omens, we managed to do three seasons of something else together!
COLLIDER: This show has had such a massive fan response. How much of that are you really aware of? Are you seeing how people are reacting to this show?
DAVID: Oh, it's been quite overwhelming. I've been to a few Comic-Cons over the last few years, and when I visited them pre-Good Omens, I saw a lot of people dressed up as me from…another show. But that has slowly changed until the amount of Doctors and the amount of Crowleys I meet are certainly neck and neck these days. But what's lovely about the Crowleys and the Aziraphales is they always come in pairs, so you get to meet people who've got all dressed up often with their best mates.
That's one of the great joys of being involved in this show, that these characters are so beloved. And of course, the great honor of taking on something like that, a character that people are so enthusiastic about, is that the great terror is that you'll break it, that you won't be… I think, especially with a literary character, the act of reading a book is such an internal mental spell that you cast, isn't it? Those characters are almost more vivid than a character that you might see on screen. So embodying characters that have been so loved for so long, not breaking them, not, you know, crushing dreams… The way that we've been accepted by those fandoms, it's been quite humbling, to be honest.
COLLIDER: You're also part of another Neil Gaiman joint, you play Loki in The Sandman audio series. Obviously, that's a different medium, but are there any similarities between working on The Sandman and working on Good Omens?
DAVID: The Gaimanverse is certainly its own creation, but Good Omens is always slightly different, of course, because it wasn't just Neil, it was very much co-created by Terry Pratchett, who also had a very distinctive voice and a distinctive universe. But there's something very specific about the Good Omens universe, which is where these two very distinct, very vivid authorial voices blend together to create something very specific and quite unique. So, I don't know how similar it was being part of The Sandman. I mean, it was a great pleasure to be part of it. It was wonderful to make Loki come from Scotland as well. I think Tom Hiddleston should take some notes. There's nothing better than a Glasgow Norse god. I’m kidding, obviously, he is the definitive Loki, but I did my best to sort of, you know, target his coattails.
COLLIDER: Besides Good Omens and Staged, you are coming back to Doctor Who this year. It's all anybody I know can talk about, but obviously, the spoiler police will come and get me if I attempt to talk to you about too much. So if you could describe what audiences are gonna see in November in, like, three words, what three words would you use?
DAVID: Three words? Three words?! Three new stories. That's not very good, is it? That doesn't give you very much away. Neil Patrick Harris! There you go.
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mimir-anoshe · 7 months ago
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firstpersonnarrator · 5 months ago
When TUA Was Still a Fetus
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From Rob’s interview with Collider about The Umbrella Academy (X)
The last time we spoke, for Bad Samaritan, you were in the middle of shooting The Umbrella Academy TV series for Netflix. Have you finished shooting the show?
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Having only had one script when you signed on, how did it ultimately turn out compared to what you thought it might be?
SHEEHAN: They really leaned into the unusual. It’s very untethered creativity. There’s nowhere that the show won��t dare to go.
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It’s just so incredibly left field. That’s what’s so wonderful about it. It has an essential kookiness. It’s a really strange combination of stuff. It’s hard to know what the world will say or think. Ultimately, I don’t care what they say, either way, because I really, really love it, but it’d be nice if they loved it. I’m just more curious than anything else. It takes a lot of really quite left field sci-fi ingredients, and splotches them together. I’ve seen the first four episodes, and they live this Upper West Side of Manhattan, luxuriant but very neglected upbringing. The Royal Tenenbaums springs to mind. They are these messed up adults, who are still emotionally stunted by their childhoods, and they just all happen to be very super, with super abilities. It’s very interesting. It’s like a traumatized X-Men.
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Is that more in line with your own personal taste? If you were going to do a comic book project, was it important to you that it was just a bit off-center?
SHEEHAN: I like stuff that’s more story driven. The storylines are just really incredibly unique, but are always story driven. It has a lot of the same writers as Fargo, and Fargo was all about the moving pieces on the chess board. You just never know what’s gonna happen, from one scene to the next, and Umbrella has that quality, too. It’s completely mad, and they completely embrace the madness. They don’t hold back, and that’s what excited me so much about it.
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perfectfangirl · 6 months ago
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"a new lease on life" you cannot tell me ghoulcy isn't going somewhere, you cannot
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austinslounge · 2 months ago
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Nice to see our man Austin at #2 on the list of A-List actors who exploded over the last 5 years! 😁 (Side Note: Zendaya was #1 😊)
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polkadotjohnson · 11 months ago
Nothing much, just David confirming he's a vampire...
(full awesome interview)
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richardarmitagefanpage · 5 months ago
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Richard is mentioned in a Collider article about his role as Devereaux in Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft.
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months ago
Opinion: Loumand never convinced me. Not in the movie. Not in the book. And not in the show. I think Jacob agrees too.
The show puts more emphasis on its ingenuity but I never got why Armand even likes Louis in the movie. And the book just kinda passed over this as trivial.
Yeah well, I think Assad put it quite well why it didn’t work for me (either):
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