me when im oc x canon-ing like crazy (i made an edit 💀)
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see the actual edit below actually (I hid it under read more because I am shy 💀💀💀💔)
Song used
I think it would’ve been funnier if I just edited this in Windows Movie Maker instead actually
Maybe one day I’ll make that version…………. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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comoladepapelucho-blog · 11 months
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República Independiente de Collico.
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chaosetordre · 18 days
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Playa Las Hadas (Lago Collico) - Cunco, Araucanía, Chile.
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quasi-normalcy · 9 days
Star Trek series rated by Canadianness!
The Original Series - Shatner's from Montreal; Doohan's from Vancouver; John Collicos (the guy who played Kor, the first Klingon) is from somewhere in Canada; and, um...yeah. 4/10
The Next Generation - So, in the episode "Lower Decks", Lavelle tries to bond with Riker over being from Canada (he's actually from Alaska). Also, Matt Frewer and Saul Rubinek are in episodes. 2/10
Deep Space Nine - I was going to rate this one pretty low since it has pretty much only Nicole deBoer and that one scene where Eddington mentions having a "lucky loonie" to go on, but then I realised that the series was literally premised on a brutal colonial project aimed at mineral extraction, and that's like...the *most* Canadian thing. 7/10
Voyager - WTH is this? No Canadians; nothing particularly Canadian. 0/10
Enterprise - Hoshi Sato wants to take leave in Canada after getting tortured with heat. 1/10
Discovery - Points for being filmed in Canada, and most of the extras and personality-less bridge bunnies being played by Canadians (though points off because the one Discovery novel that I've read keeps emphasizing that Detmer, who has the most personality out of all of them, is from Düsseldorf). Callum Keith Rennie's in the last season. 4/10
Picard - um...Alison Pill is there! 1/10
Lower Decks - Let's see...two of the ships have been named the Vancouver and the Toronto. The plot with Barb Brinson is riffing on having an imaginary girlfriend in Canada (one of our most famous exports). Also, I know this isn't canon, but the comics are done by Ryan North, which has to count for something. 4/10
Prodigy - Man, this series doesn't even air in Canada! -1/10
Strange New Worlds - Filmed in Toronto: actually *set* in Toronto in one episode; retroactively makes Khan Canadian (Khanadian?) which...sure. I'll accept that. Points for casting Edmonton's Bruce Horak as Hemmer, who comes from an ice planet and, as an Aenar, has a generally laid-back, pacifistic attitude towards life (which I think is how a lot of Canadians like to think of themselves); points off for killing him off 9 episodes into the first season. 9/10
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coronellotainfo · 5 months
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#AHORA #FLORIDA Accidente vehicular ruta N-48-0 Sector Collico. Bomberos en ruta al Lugar. #ECHBiobio https://t.co/cn037lwPTD
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hammersonthewall · 1 year
Anoche soñé
BadbadNotGood 3LP (Esto no tiene nada que ver, tengo que escucharlo más tarde) Era bien angustiante el ánimo de todo, la verdad. Yo andaba en Collico, y estabamos visitando a mi Ita*, pero había un aire de pena en el ambiente. Una chiquilla (que conocí ayer) se me coló en el sueño y me decía que dieramos una vuelta, y uno, arrancando del ambiente, hacía caso. Ibamos a Galilea. Antes pasabamos a conocer a sus roomies, y me dí cuenta que había algo bien terrible en el asunto. Nuevamente, todo era angustiante. Arranqué, salí a Galilea, y todo fue a peor
No era la villa Galilea que uno conoce en este mundo si. Era una especie de paseo. Muy marmolado, muy iluminado con ampolletitas en cordel y todo así. Pero el paseo se iba haciendo más y más angosto. Entre pared y pared cabían una persona apoyada en la pared, y un meson de camping. Todos llenos. El humo era sofocante. El olor era demasiado fuerte. Pasta base.
Por algún motivo, llevaba un latón de una cerveza verde de unos 710cc. aprox. Y uno de los tipos que salían de un escaparate me apuntaba; sabía bien que tenía dos latones en la mochila y me los pedía cuchillo en mano. No el teléfono, no la billetera, nada más que los latones. Salían corriendo y yo volvia por el pasillo de la pasta base, apestado por el humo, asustado de haber consumido pasivamente.
Cuando logré salir estaba en el Costanera Center. Todo muy normal. Pero me quedaba mirando un casino. Iba a entrar a apostar pero me encontraba con la mamá de una amiga, la Vale, que no conozco, y me preguntaba en que andaba. Yo necesitaba llamar a mis padres, y ahí recordaba lo que pasaba. Mi Ita había cumplido 100 años y había dejado de pelear por su vida. Decía que estaba cansada, que no había punto en el esfuerzo y que quería simplemente visitar Santiago una ultima vez. La iban paseando en un auto, y fue terrible el tener que acordar un punto de recogida para mi en un Santiago más caótico que el real. Se lograba y el terror volvía a ser angustia.
Despertar fue lo mejor, realmemente. Nunca quiero probar la pasta base.
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cristian4k · 2 years
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Botes en la orilla del río Valdivia, playa de Collico
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bdeb · 2 years
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Playa Collico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #polizon #bnw #chile #valdivia #valdiviacl #streetphotography #streetphoto #playa #beach #documentary #frio #cold #Collico #documentaryphotography #bnw_society #bnw_magazine #bnw_life #monochrome #x100s #fujifilm #x100sfujifilm https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd45ronulbu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cuando la luna caiga, bajo la sombra de la tierra.
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rambling abt collico (oc x canon) bc i can
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one day I daydreamed abt collico and there was like a conflicting dilemma between them and collie asks why are you serving dark enchantress when im hear to validate you and licorice is like well um. uh.
So he starts explaining dark enchantress’s plan (in this scenario he’s still in the cookies of darkness btw) and as he explains it he sees the disappointment on collies face and licorice makes a slow realization but he’s conflicted bc he’s also like I’ve been working my whole life to get recognized I can’t stop now and OOUUUGGGHH THE TENSIONNN
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another thought i thunk:
idk why but the thing I like abt collico is that both of em for a while before meeting each other never came out of their comfort zone and are learning to do that throughout their relationship
they’ve both been like outcasted by or from society (collie themself having never fully socialized with cookies until he met licorice, and licorice who has socialized with other cookies but very little to almost none that he was able to form a deep connection with)
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(2nd image text)
(1) “we aren’t so different, you an I… I’m a bowling ball and… you’re a guy!” (collie)
(2) “have you been watching animatic battle again” (lico)
(3) “…yea” (collie)
anyways guys thx for reading if you’ve made it this far : )
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messoamerica · 6 years
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Mapuche Machi’s Rewe (shaman’s ladder) • Collico, Chile • AD 1920
The Mapuche medicine woman or man called Machi possesses ritual objects to carry out the ceremony for each medical treatment or pleading ritual. The Mapuche developed the art of stone and wood sculpture with the intention of establishing communication between Ngünechen (the deity that governs the world) and human beings. The new shaman provides her- or himself with a wooden pole called Kemukemu. This pole is transformed into a sacred Rewe (clean and pure space) when she or he is initiated into the realm of a devoted Machi in a ritual called Ngeykurewen.
The first Rewe of a Machi has four steps carved into its front, representing the four main sacred spaces. These steps end at the top of the pole with a carved head representing the human spirits involved in the pleading ceremony. The Rewe is placed to the right side in front of the Machi’s home. The Rewe is a means of transportation used by the Machi to reach Wenu Mapu—or the blue space above, where the deities live—to maintain communication with the sacred spirits.
With time, the Machi acquires new power and skills to appeal for the blessings of Ngünechen and fight against the evil spirits. Each new spiritual power merits a new sacred step carved into the pole. This eight-step Rewe seems to have belonged to an experienced, accomplished Machi with sufficient knowledge and strength to propitiate communication with Ngünechen. This necessary spiritual mediation allows her or him to face the strongest evil spirits and bring back the right equilibrium for the community in times of danger or calamity.
—María Catrileo (Mapuche), linguist, Universidad Austral de Chile
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devincollinsofficial · 2 months
How many people out there own their own business?
Post Your Website ⬇️
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kin0u · 5 years
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todosomosinvisibles · 7 years
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dehojasypisadas · 2 years
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Collico, Martes 21 de Junio, 2022.
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