#Cold Chain Monitoring Market Report
theblue6ook · 3 months
A Sick Day
It’s not a cold. It’s not. It’s just… allergies or something. Y/N definitely does not need to stay home. Bruce disagrees.
B (24) & Y/N (22)
A/N: recently got a puppy and he has taken all of my free time <3 Also, this fic is unedited and proud.
“Get your coats and turn on your radiators, Gotham. An ice front is coming in and it’s coming in hot. Or should I say cold? No, this isn’t the work of Mr.Freeze, he’s still in Arkham and we hope he stays there. This is the work of a winter storm. While the snow will be beautiful, it will also be dangerous.”
Y/N scoffed at her computer. The newscasters always made such a big deal about winter storms. Nothing can be worse than what they had to deal with when Mr.Freeze escaped a year ago. She was stuck in her apartment for three days with no groceries, splitting a box of stale Triscuits with Carrie three meals a day. If anything, cold weather is more an inconvenience than a danger. Plus, it’s been teetering on 45 degrees out the past week. How much colder would it get?
So… It got fucking cold.
Gotham had hit record-low temperatures. So low it hadn’t been a natural occurrence since the 60s. Lucky for Carrie, she had chemo this week and the hospital had gotten spooked by the recent weather reports so they asked her to stay overnight. While the hospital bill wouldn’t be nice, it’s way better than what Y/N is dealing with. 
Her radiator is shitting out on her. The whole building's radiator system actually. Normally when the weather is this bad she would opt to work at home, like everyone else, except she can’t take the cold. Her body in particular can’t take the cold. It could be from the shitty surroundings in her apartment building or from sniffly Nathan who works in Wayne Enterprise’s marketing department, but she thinks she’s coming down with something. What’s worse is that the cold weather is making it worse.
Her whole chest felt like it was burning, which is a real contrast to how cold she was walking to work. She couldn’t get her car past the snow and she needs warmth and warmth is at Wayne Enterprises. So, she trudges into the empty building, up the elevator, and sits at her desk with a groan.
Breathing heavily, she shrugged her coat off her shoulders and pressed her freezing fingertips underneath her armpits. She looked at her reflection in her desktop monitor. Her cheeks were bright red and she had dark circles under her eyes. At least no one else was here to see her. No one else was here to see her…
Would it hurt to take a nap? No one would know. No one would see. 
Y/N stood and stepped out into the hallway. Not. A. Single. Soul. Oh, she is so napping.
Bruce had chained up his tires this morning and headed to Wayne Enterprise. It was too bright for The Tumbler and he needed to gather a few equipment items from Lucious Fox’s bunker. It’s not like anyone was here anyway. There was not a single car in the garage, not even Y/N’s, which is really saying something. 
He perused the bunker, grabbing a few small but powerful heaters, fleece-lined leather for his suit, and a couple of other items, stuffing them into his duffle bag. He was used to the cold, training in it, even living in it on one occasion, and the people of Gotham needed him so he’d be there. 
Pulling the duffle bag over his shoulder with ease, he headed out of the bunker and towards the elevator. He left a particular file that wasn’t meant for Wayne Enterprise in his office, while no one was here, you can never be too careful. Except… There was someone here. 
He could only assume the head poking out from her coat was Y/N and she was sleeping? In the office? Stepping closer to her, he noticed, even under all her layers, she was trembling. Pulling her coat collar from her face, he finally got a good look at her. She was flushed and had broken out into a sweat, even her ears were bright red. He held onto her shoulder and shook her lightly.
“Y/N,” Bruce spoke softly. She ground turning away from him. He slapped a hand to her forehead trying to gauge her temperature. She definitely had a fever, it couldn’t be lower than a 100. Slowly her eyes opened at the disruption, then became wide at who was standing over her. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m not the one sleeping in the office.”
“Sorry,” she mumbled embarrassed, “I don’t know how that happened-”
“Y/N you’re burning up. What are you even doing here?”
“Why does someone come to work, Bruce?”
“You’re not working. You’re sleeping.”
“I had the intent to work-”
“I just felt like coming in,” she snapped. In truth, she was embarrassed. Here was her billionaire boss. If he didn’t feel like sleeping in his mansion, he could stay the night at his penthouse. She was sure he had other properties as well, meanwhile her radiator couldn’t even stay on when it gets chilly outside.
Bruce held her stare with a firm gaze and narrowed his eyes.
“You’re going home.” It wasn’t a question and he definitely didn’t ask as he lifted her under her armpits from the couch and stood her up on the floor. He took her coat roughly from the couch and threw it over her shoulders. Bruce turned to pack the rest of her things up. Y/N was so tired, but she was also so frustrated. She had just gotten here. It had taken her so long to walk here. “Let’s go. Where’d you park?”
She remained silent and looked away from him. 
“Y/N. Where did you park?”
“I’m not going home. I just got here.”
“You’re sick you’re going home,” before she could speak he added, “and don’t say your car is in the garage because I know it’s not in there.”
“...I parked on the street.”
He tilted his head examining her, “No you didn’t. The snow us up to the stairs. Where’s your car?”
His question came out as more of a statement, demanding of an answer. She wouldn’t look at him and he grew both frustrated and disappointed. “For the love of god, please tell me you did not walk here.”
“My car couldn’t get past the snow!” she loudly admitted, “Is that what you wanted to hear-”
“Y/N. When your car can’t get past the snow, it means you stay home!” 
He held his hand to his brow, trying to sooth the tension in his head. Throwing his duffle bag and her work bag easily over his shoulder, he didn’t give her much of a chance to say anything as he grabbed her by the hand to pull her toward the elevator. Even in his frustrated state, shaking his head and rolling his eyes, his grip on her was still gentle.
Stubborn as ever, she would let him pull her to the car. She would let him buckle her in. She would let him drive her to her broken, cold home, but she wouldn’t say a damn thing about the radiator. None. Of. His. Business.
[She’s even more stubborn when she’s sick.]
And she did just that. She let Bruce Wayne take her hand, blaming the warmth in her face on her high fever. She let him tug her to his expensive McLaren 650s Spider with a new shiny set of winter tires. She enjoyed seeing it too and part of her enjoyed annoying him. And she let him plop her into his expensive shiny car, buckle her in, and drive her home. What she didn’t expect was him wanting to walk her inside…
“I can get inside just fine, thank you.” Y/N attempted to push him back towards his car. Her hand held to his chest and pushed firmly. He didn’t even budge. Not even a sway.
“You’re not walking up three flights of stairs alone in your condition.”
“My condition?” she paused. “How do you know I live on the third floor?”
“You put your address on your resume,” he lied smoothly.
“I didn’t know you read my resume-”
“Stop stalling.”
She tried to keep him out, she really did, but he was so persistent. They made it to the front door, thank you Mr.Wayne I can take it from here. Nope, he needed to help her up the stairs, so they made it up the stairs. Thank you, Mr.Wayne I think I can make it inside by myself. Nope, he had already made it up the stairs; he might as well finish the journey. They made it to her front door. Thank you, Mr.Wayne you can go now. Nope, there’s no reason he can’t sit her things down for her.
In her heart, she knew there was no way he didn’t notice the cool, crisp air in the hallway. The way not a single apartment radiated heat and she knew he had to be suspicious. Her hand shook in shame as she unlocked her apartment and opened the door up, head down. 
Letting himself in, she heard a deep sigh, radiating from his chest, “Y/N, you can’t stay here-”
“It’s freezing in here-”
“You don’t think I know that?” Once again, he grabbed her hand pulling her into the hallway, shaking her head. He took the keys straight out of her hand, locking the apartment door. “What are you doing? We just got here?”
“You’re staying with me this weekend.” 
“Are you insane?”
“I have a house with over fifteen bedrooms. I think you can find somewhere to sleep.”
“This is so unprofessional.”
“I don’t care.” With her apartment keys he walked back toward the stairs at an alarming pace. She had no choice but to follow.
“Bruce, I swear to God I am not staying at the manor.”
“Welcome to Wayne Manor Miss.Y/N.”
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cryopathiic-a · 1 year
interesting prompts || accepting always
[  VISITING  HOURS  ]:     upon waking in a hospital bed, one of the muses turns their head, and finds the other sleeping in an uncomfortable chair by their bedside.
To get in had been the hardest part. He was armored with his ceremonial attire and the excuse of the right to practice one's faith being a widely acknowledged human right. But in truth what had helped him the most was the fact nursing was apparently yet another female-dominated line of work. And so he strolled the hallways to her appointed floor and there mistakenly entered another female patient's room and profusely apologized to the nurse there and thanked her for her directions — though not before snatching that patient's vital sign report from the pocket at the edge of the hospital bed.
And with the same tranquility he had walked a few rooms further down the hallway, until his heart skipped a beat upon closing the distance with the one and only being that mattered in this world. A nurse was fumbling with the heart monitor inside. Its rhythmic beeping welcomed them in the room; but there was something off with the machine, apparently.
God herself on a hospital bed.
Did mundane hybris truly have no limit?
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❝ Konbanwa, sister. ❞ He begins; and the nurse turns - only to fall right into the trap of diamond eyes. After a brief chat on how the marvels of science can be disappointing because humans are not meant to control the whims of Gods and other jibber-jabber like that, she's walking out of the room and leaving the two alone, as is required for one to practice their spiritual needs with a confidant in the form of a priest. He has a legit visitor's card, after all. He was allowed in through security and he's taking out a chain of prayer beads that looks pretty antique and original, so it's fine. The guy looks safe.
Soon after he's assuming his rightful place by her bedside, looming over her pale visage as she rests peacefully. He pouts. There's a bullet hole the size of his thumb between her eyes. Michikatsu was not kidding when he spoke of special bullets. Fingers idly trace over the wound, applying the slightest pressure, if only to harvest some blood. He makes sure no one is passing by the room's window when he brings it to his lips for a taste of communion.
❝ Mm... how I've missed that, you have no idea. ❞ He breathes under a hum of delight. Blessing comes in the form of a forehead kiss. He presses his lips over the wound a moment longer; and cups her face with hands cold enough to jolt the dead back into life. ❝ I'm sure my lesser brethren has failed to accomodate your hospitalization already; but don't you worry, my blood. ❞ The smile he wears is shared between affection and sinisterness whilst gazing down on her resting features. He parts with her then, to drag the visitor's chair a little closer to the bed. It makes no sound, as he makes sure to single-handedly lift it off of the floor ever so slightly.
His eyes stalk the entrance when he discreetly reaches for her patient's report card. There's more papers than the other folder had. Digging into his cloak, he unearths the stolen report and briefly browses over both documents. Things highlighted in red; so much red. He's lucky; he got here on time and the doctors have yet to check on her vital stats. Things that are way above average; and others that are way below. He can't quite figure out what all those terms are - but he won't need to. He will only need to change the names on those cards.
And after that he will take the TV remote and put on stock market news, which is one of the Lord's favorite things to watch. And then he will settle there beside her, and take her palm to wrap both their hands together with the prayer beads and press her cold fingers to his forehead whilst mumbling a prayer or two — from those in his recollection.
Dōma would have an easy rest tonight. Knowing, that when sunlight finds him dozing off in that uncomfortable armchair on her bedside, his immunity will have been returned. And as for the miraculous recovery that would follow?
Well, with a pious man by her side day and night, surely some humans would be more... willing to believe their explanation.
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adalidda · 2 years
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Illustration Photo: Sugarcane is one of the most efficient producers of biomass of all plant species and can be used as a renewable fuel. The new variety  Ho 06-9002 has a high fiber content, excellent regrowth ability over 4 to 5 years, is cold-tolerant, has a high stalk population, and produces excellent biomass yields. (credits: USDA Media by Lance Cheung / Public domain)
Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund for Startups in the Energy Transition
At the Repsol Foundation, we have been supporting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs for more than 10 years through Fondo de Emprendedores, our accelerator for start-ups that provide technological solutions to meet the challenges of the Energy Transition. This is a perfect program for start-ups in the testing phase with real customers, or that will reach this phase in 1–2 years.
This program aims to accelerate startups working in any of the following:
SCOPE 1: LOW-CARBON ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY 1. Recycling and treatment technologies: conversion of biomass, new processes for converting waste into chemical products 2. Biogas production, upgrading, transport and end use technologies 3. Low environmental impact H2 renewable solutions for production, blending, transport and storage 4. Advanced biofuel production and conversion technologies (liquefaction or de novo, gasification) and synthetic fuels for road, maritime and aviation transport 5. Processing of chemicals and other organic materials for circular economy 6. Low-carbon lubricants for industrial and automotive applications 7. CO2 Capture, Use and/or Storage Technologies. CO2 Direct Air Capture: new absorbent materials and efficient process design 8. COX, H2 conversion processes to Hydrocarbons 9. Low carbon technologies for Oil & Gas operations, including energy efficiency, GHG direct emissions (scopes 1 and 2), Methane emissions, CCS or Geothermal. 10. Other technologies related to this scope’s heading
SCOPE 2: BIOTECHNOLOGY AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS 1. Bio conversion of organic material to chemicals. Biorefinery, biofactory 2. Protein engineering, development of biocatalysts and enzymes 3. Gene editing technologies and applications in energy and materials 4. Plastic biodegradation technologies 5. Biosensors design, production and end use. 6. Anti-corrosive, anti-bacterial, thermal nanocoating for pipelines and infrastructures 7. Organic and inorganic membrane technologies, including new materials 8. Improvement of the properties of fuels, lubricants and chemicals 9. Other technologies related to this scope’s heading
SCOPE 3: PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BASED ON ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND RENEWABLES 1. Intelligent energy management systems 2. New batteries and fuel cells technologies 3. Distributed energy solutions 4. Energy conversion and storage systems 5. Advanced mobility solutions 6. Renewable energy generation, maintenance and control and commercialization. 7. Other technologies related to this scope’s heading
SCOPE 4: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR 1. Artificial intelligence applied to process optimization and energy efficiency. 2. Digital twins and intelligent interfaces for process control 3. Digital technologies for predictive and prescriptive maintenance 4. Smart trading for the energy marketplace 5. Computational chemistry tools for energy applications 6. Remote sensing, IoT and robotic solutions for industrial assets and environment 7. Quantum computing applications in energy sector 8. Other technologies related to this scope’s heading SCOPE 5: NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CARBON FOOTPRINT REDUCTION 1. Reforestation and afforestation technologies for resilient CO2 absorption sinks 2. Advanced monitoring, reporting and verification technologies in CO2 absorption 3. Digital technologies applied to carbon markets value chain 4. Technologies for ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) project certification 5. Other technologies related to this scope’s heading
Startups admitted to the Program will receive during the acceleration period a contribution of FIVE THOUSAND EUROS (€ 5,000) per month as ordinary funds. Additionally, admitted Startups may request up to a maximum of FORTY THOUSAND EUROS (€ 40,000) per year as extraordinary funds for strategic expenses to achieve the milestones of the Work Plan (as defined in section 4.4), mainly to complete the pilot test. The disbursement of this additional contribution will be subject to the exclusive decision of Fundación Repsol.
Application Deadline: March 10, 2023
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/c4qmPwNwToZAAbf2L/repsol-entrepreneurs-fund-for-startups-in-the-energy/call
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The global Pharmaceutical Logistics Market is projected to grow from USD 99,675 million in 2024 to USD 189,329 million by 2032, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.35%. The pharmaceutical logistics market plays a critical role in the global healthcare sector, ensuring that medicines, vaccines, and other healthcare products are delivered safely and efficiently from manufacturers to end-users. This market has seen rapid growth due to the increasing demand for pharmaceuticals, the expansion of healthcare services, and the need for specialized logistics services to handle sensitive medical products. However, the sector faces several challenges, including stringent regulatory requirements, temperature control management, and supply chain disruptions. This article will delve into the key trends, drivers, and challenges of the pharmaceutical logistics market.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/pharmaceutical-logistics-market
Key Trends in Pharmaceutical Logistics
1. Growing Demand for Biologics and Vaccines The rise in biologics, vaccines, and complex therapies has spurred the need for specialized logistics services. These products are highly sensitive and require strict temperature control, often within cold chains, to maintain their efficacy. As more biologic-based drugs enter the market, pharmaceutical companies are investing in advanced logistics solutions that can meet the needs of these delicate products.
2. Advancement in Cold Chain Logistics Cold chain logistics, which refers to the transportation of temperature-sensitive products, has become a significant segment in pharmaceutical logistics. With the rising demand for vaccines, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus on maintaining appropriate temperature conditions during transportation has intensified. Innovations like real-time monitoring systems, temperature-controlled packaging, and advanced refrigeration technologies are helping to ensure that products reach their destinations without compromise.
3. Automation and Digitalization Technology is transforming the logistics landscape, and the pharmaceutical sector is no exception. Automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are being increasingly used to enhance operational efficiency, optimize routes, and provide real-time tracking of shipments. Digital platforms are streamlining the supply chain, reducing human error, and ensuring compliance with strict regulations.
4. Increased Regulatory Scrutiny The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated due to the critical nature of its products. Regulatory bodies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) impose stringent guidelines on how drugs should be stored, transported, and delivered. Compliance with these regulations is essential for pharmaceutical companies and their logistics partners. As a result, logistics providers must stay updated with changing regulations to avoid penalties and ensure the safety of pharmaceutical products.
Key Drivers of Market Growth
1. Global Demand for Pharmaceuticals The growing global population, rising life expectancy, and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases are driving the demand for pharmaceuticals. This growth, in turn, creates a higher demand for reliable logistics services that can ensure the timely and safe delivery of healthcare products to various regions worldwide. Emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa, are seeing an increase in healthcare expenditure, further fueling market expansion.
2. COVID-19 Pandemic Impact The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of efficient pharmaceutical logistics. The global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines required complex logistics arrangements, including cold chain management, transportation to remote areas, and real-time tracking of vaccine deliveries. The pandemic underscored the need for resilient supply chains and innovative logistics solutions to meet the challenges of distributing medical products on a massive scale.
3. Outsourcing Trends Many pharmaceutical companies are increasingly outsourcing their logistics functions to third-party logistics (3PL) providers. By outsourcing, companies can focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise and infrastructure of specialized logistics firms. This trend is driving growth in the pharmaceutical logistics market, as more companies seek cost-effective and efficient logistics solutions.
Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Logistics Market
1. Temperature Sensitivity and Cold Chain Failures One of the most significant challenges in pharmaceutical logistics is maintaining the correct temperature during transportation. Temperature excursions can lead to product spoilage, resulting in financial losses and potentially putting patients at risk. Cold chain failures are particularly costly, and ensuring that logistics systems are reliable and robust is essential.
2. Supply Chain Disruptions Global supply chain disruptions, such as those caused by natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, or pandemics, can significantly impact the pharmaceutical logistics market. These disruptions can delay the delivery of life-saving medications, leading to shortages and potentially harming patients. Logistics providers must have contingency plans in place to mitigate the effects of such disruptions.
3. High Operational Costs Managing the logistics of pharmaceutical products, especially cold chain products, comes with high operational costs. Specialized packaging, real-time monitoring systems, and the need for constant temperature control contribute to these expenses. Logistics providers are under pressure to balance cost efficiency with quality and compliance.
Key Player Analysis:
Top Key Players
DHL Supply Chain & Global Forwarding
Kuehne + Nagel International AG
FedEx Corporation
United Parcel Service (UPS), Inc.
DB Schenker
AmerisourceBergen Corporation
SF Express
Ceva Logistics
Panalpina Group
XPO Logistics
By Type
Cold Chain Logistics
Non-cold Chain Logistics
By Component
Refrigerated container
Sea freight Logistics
Airfreight Logistics
Overland Logistics
Monitoring components
RFID Devices
Networking Devices
By Application
Bio Pharma
Chemical Pharma
Speciality Pharma
By Procedure
Retrieval Systems
Handling Systems
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/pharmaceutical-logistics-market
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Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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blueweave8 · 7 days
Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market Scope, Trends, Report 2023-2030
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting, and Market research firm, in its recent study, estimated Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market size by value at USD 4.97 billion in 2023.During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market size to expand at a CAGR of 10.60% reaching a value of USD 10.22 billionin 2030. Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market is driven by the increasing demand for temperature-sensitive products like pharmaceuticals, fresh food, and frozen goods. Rising consumer awareness of food safety and quality standards boosts demand for advanced cold chain solutions. Additionally, the expansion of e-commerce and online grocery platforms is fueling the need for efficient cold storage and transportation. Government initiatives to improve infrastructure, including cold storage facilities and transportation networks, further support market growth in Indonesia.
Sample @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/indonesia-cold-chain-logistics-market/report-sample
Opportunity – Implementing Advanced Technologies like IoT, AI, and Blockchain
The integration of advanced technologies such as IoT, AI, and blockchain is significantly driving the growth of Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market. IoT-enabled sensors enhance real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity, ensuring product integrity. AI-driven predictive analytics optimize route planning and reduce delivery times, while blockchain provides secure and transparent tracking of goods throughout the supply chain. These technologies improve operational efficiency, reduce losses, and increase trust among stakeholders, boosting market demand.
Impact of Escalating Geopolitical Tensions on Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market
Escalating geopolitical tensions impact Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market by disrupting supply chains and increasing costs due to trade restrictions and tariffs. These tensions can lead to delays in the delivery of goods, impacting the efficiency of cold chain operations. Companies may face higher transportation and compliance costs, which could be passed on to consumers. Additionally, uncertainties may deter foreign investments and complicate cross-border logistics, affecting market stability and growth.
Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market
Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market – By Application
By application, Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market is divided into Horticulture (Fresh Fruits & Vegetables), Dairy Products (Milk, Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream, etc.), Fish, Meat, and Poultry, Processed Food Products, Pharma and Life Sciences, Other Applications (Chemicals, Bakery Product, etc.) segments. The fish, meat, and poultry segment is the largest in Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market. This dominance is driven by the high demand for temperature-sensitive food products, particularly seafood, and meat, which require efficient cold chain logistics to maintain quality and safety. Indonesia’s significant consumption of fish and meat, along with growing exports, further boosts this segment, making it the leading contributor within the market compared to other segments like horticulture and dairy products.
Competitive Landscape
Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market is fiercely competitive, with numerous companies vying for a larger market share. Major companies in the market include Kiat Ananda Group, Enseval Putra Megatrading Tbk, PT MGM Bosco Logistics Bekasi, GAC Samudera Logistics, Pluit Cold Storage PT., PT. International Mega Sejahtera, YCH Group, PT. Wira Logitama Saksama, PT. Agility International, PT Halal Logistic Multi Terminal Indonesia, PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama, and other prominent players. These companies use various strategies, including increasing investments in their R&D activities, mergers, and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, licensing agreements, and new product and service releases to further strengthen their position in Indonesia Cold Chain Logistics Market.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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amrutatbrc1 · 12 days
Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market 2024-2033 : Demand, Trend, Segmentation, Forecast, Overview And Top Companies 
The refrigerated warehousing and storage global market report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides comprehensive market statistics, including global market size, regional shares, competitor market share, detailed segments, trends, and opportunities. This report offers an in-depth analysis of current and future industry scenarios, delivering a complete perspective for thriving in the industrial automation software market.
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Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market, 2024 report by The Business Research Company offers comprehensive insights into the current state of the market and highlights future growth opportunities.
Market Size - The refrigerated warehousing and storage market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $172.31 billion in 2023 to $187.87 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.0%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to globalization of the food supply chain, consumer demand for fresh products, e-commerce and online grocery shopping, pharmaceutical supply chain requirements.
The refrigerated warehousing and storage market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $262.9 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.8%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to population growth and urbanization, sustainability and energy efficiency, economic growth in emerging markets, climate change and extreme weather events. Major trends in the forecast period include technology integration, energy efficiency and sustainability, e-commerce and last-mile delivery, cold storage for e-pharmacies.
Order your report now for swift delivery @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/refrigerated-warehousing-and-storage-global-market-report
The Business Research Company's reports encompass a wide range of information, including:
1. Market Size (Historic and Forecast): Analysis of the market's historical performance and projections for future growth.
2. Drivers: Examination of the key factors propelling market growth.
3. Trends: Identification of emerging trends and patterns shaping the market landscape.
4. Key Segments: Breakdown of the market into its primary segments and their respective performance.
5. Focus Regions and Geographies: Insight into the most critical regions and geographical areas influencing the market.
6. Macro Economic Factors: Assessment of broader economic elements impacting the market.
Market Drivers - Warehouses are increasingly using mobile technologies to efficiently monitor warehouse operations. Mobile technology includes the use of tablets, smartphones, mobile printers, and other handheld devices for communication and information. These devices make use of GPS, RFID, VoIP, digital imaging, and voice technology. Technicians operating forklifts and automated material handling equipment in a warehouse are using mobile technologies to obtain information on troubleshooting, repairs, and work orders. This gives warehouse managers access to equipment status and performance reports and enables them to track warehouse operations around the clock. Wearable technology such as smart glasses is being integrated with warehouse management systems to improve hands-free mobility for workers. According to a report by MHI, a material handling, logistics, and supply chain association, 22% of the respondents use mobile technologies in warehouses, and the adoption rate is expected to reach 45% in the next two years.
The refrigerated warehousing and storage market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Cold Storage, Frozen Storage 2) By Ownership: Private Warehouses, Public Warehouses, Bonded Warehouses 3) By Application: Fruits and Vegetables, Bakery and Confectionery, Milk and Dairy Products, Meat, Seafood, Beverages, Other Applications
Get an inside scoop of the refrigerated warehousing and storage market, Request now for Sample Report @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=2256&type=smp
Regional Insights - Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market in 2023. North America was the second largest region in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market. The regions covered in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, and Africa.
Key Companies - Major companies operating in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market include AmeriCold Logistics, Nichirei Corporation, Lineage Logistics Holdings LLC, Henningsen Cold Storage Co., Burris Logistics, Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd., Agro Merchants North America Holdings LLC, Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd., Snowman Logistics Ltd., Lineage Logistics, Americold Reality Trust Inc., United States Cold Storage Inc., NewCold Cooperatief U.A., Nichirei Logistics Group Inc., Emergent Cold LatAm Management LLC, Interstate Warehousing Inc., Frialsa Frigorificos S.A. De C.V., Constellation Cold Logistics, Superfrio Logistica Frigorificada, FreezPak Logistics, Conestoga Cold Storage Limited, Congebec Logistics Inc., METCOLD Supply Network Management Limited, RLS Logistics, Friozem Armazens Frigorificos Ltda., Magnavale Ltd., Confederation Freezers, Trenton Cold Storage Inc., Nor-Am Cold Storage, Burris Logistics, Agri-Norcold A/S, Vertical Cold Storage, ColdPoint Logistics, Hanson Logistics Ltd., Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co., Henningsen Cold Storage Co., Gruppo Marconi Logistica Integrata, Zero Mountain Inc.
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Report Structure 3. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Trends And Strategies 4. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market – Macro Economic Scenario 5. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Size And Growth ….. 27. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Competitor Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 30. Appendix
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tushar38 · 13 days
Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market: Global Industry Analysis
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Introduction to Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market
The Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, quality, and longevity of perishable goods across the global food supply chain. These warehouses use advanced refrigeration technologies to store food products at optimal temperatures, preventing spoilage and maintaining freshness. The market is witnessing significant growth due to increasing consumer demand for frozen and refrigerated foods, technological innovations in cold storage facilities, and the expanding global food trade. Additionally, the rising focus on food safety regulations and sustainable storage solutions is driving the adoption of energy-efficient refrigeration systems.
The Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market is Valued USD 25.1 billion by 2024 and projected to reach USD 88.9921366690256 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 15.1% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032.. Cold storage facilities serve as an essential component of the supply chain, particularly for perishable goods such as dairy, meat, fruits, and vegetables. The market has seen a strong surge, driven by advancements in cold chain logistics, increasing globalization of the food trade, and improved energy-efficient storage solutions. Growing urbanization and the expansion of e-commerce for grocery products further bolster this sector.
Access Full Report :https://www.marketdigits.com/checkout/3634?lic=s
Major Classifications are as follows:
By Type
Vapor Compression
Evaporative Cooling
Blast Freezing
By Temperature Range
Chilled (0°C to 15°C)
Frozen (-18°C to -25°C)
Deep-frozen (Below -25°C)
By Application
Fruits & Vegetables
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Key Players of Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market
Trenton Cold Storage, Nichirei Logistics Group, Partner Logistics, Oxford Cold Storage, Kloosterboer, Nordic Logistics & Warehousing, Conestoga Cold Storage, Cloverleaf Cold Storage, Congebec, Burris Logistics, Hanson Logistics, Interstate Cold Storage, Henningsen Cold Storage, and Others.
Market Drivers in the Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market
Growing demand for frozen and perishable foods: Consumers are increasingly relying on frozen products, driving the need for enhanced cold storage infrastructure.
Technological innovations: Automation, IoT, and energy-efficient refrigeration systems are revolutionizing the sector.
Global food trade expansion: Increased export and import of perishable food items across the globe necessitate reliable cold storage facilities.
Market Opportunities in the Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market
Expansion of e-commerce for food delivery: The surge in online grocery shopping has increased demand for cold storage solutions.
Sustainability and green storage technologies: Companies focusing on energy-efficient and eco-friendly storage solutions can tap into a growing market of eco-conscious consumers.
Emerging markets: Countries in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa present lucrative opportunities as cold chain infrastructure develops in these regions.
Market Opportunities of Video Telematics Market
Expansion in Emerging Markets: Increasing demand for fleet management solutions in emerging economies presents a significant growth opportunity.
AI-Powered Innovations: The integration of AI and predictive analytics can revolutionize fleet safety and efficiency, offering new business models.
Partnerships with Insurance Companies: Video telematics offers insurers a way to monitor driver behavior, reducing risk and allowing for dynamic pricing models.
The Food Refrigerated Warehousing Market is evolving rapidly, driven by increasing demand for frozen foods, technological innovations, and global trade expansion. While the industry faces challenges related to energy consumption and high infrastructure costs, the opportunities for growth, especially in emerging markets and e-commerce, are significant. Sustainable, efficient, and technology-driven solutions will likely define the future of this market.
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nashlee234 · 14 days
Frozen Ready Meals Market Strategies: Innovation, Supply Chain Efficiency, Targeted Marketing and Global Expansion for Long-Term Growth
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The frozen ready meals market has seen robust growth over the past few years, driven by changing consumer preferences, advancements in freezing technology, and a demand for convenient, time-saving meal solutions. This trend has been accelerated by shifts in global consumer behavior, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when eating at home became the norm. As the frozen ready meals market continues to expand, companies must adopt strategic approaches to capture market share and sustain growth. This article will explore some of the key strategies employed in this market, including product innovation, supply chain optimization, targeted marketing, and expansion into new markets.
1. Product Innovation: Meeting Diverse Consumer Preferences
Innovation is the backbone of the frozen-ready meals market. With consumers becoming increasingly health-conscious, there has been a growing demand for nutritious, plant-based, and organic options. Companies that cater to these preferences are seeing increased traction in the market.
Health and Wellness: A key trend is the shift toward healthier alternatives. Consumers are seeking frozen meals with lower sodium, no preservatives, and balanced nutritional profiles. Brands that promote clean-label products or meals tailored to specific dietary needs (gluten-free, low-carb, vegan) can attract a wider customer base.
Ethnic and Gourmet Options: As global palates become more adventurous, there is rising demand for ethnic and gourmet frozen ready meals. Companies are diversifying their portfolios by offering cuisine from various regions, such as Asian, Mediterranean, and Latin American flavors. This strategy helps tap into a multicultural audience and capitalizes on the global trend of consumers seeking exotic food experiences at home.
Premiumization: Introducing premium frozen meals with high-quality ingredients and innovative packaging can drive differentiation. Premiumization also aligns with the trend of consumers willing to pay more for perceived quality, taste, and authenticity. For example, offering meals with organic ingredients, antibiotic-free meat, or artisanal preparation methods can capture higher-margin segments.
2. Supply Chain Optimization: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability
The frozen ready meals market is heavily reliant on an efficient supply chain to ensure product quality and reduce costs. Companies that optimize their supply chains can achieve competitive advantages in terms of both pricing and sustainability.
Cold Chain Management: Effective cold chain logistics are critical for maintaining the quality and safety of frozen products. Investing in advanced cold storage and transportation solutions ensures that products remain fresh throughout the distribution process, minimizing spoilage and waste. Companies are increasingly turning to technology-driven solutions, such as IoT sensors, to monitor temperature and optimize cold chain management.
Sustainability Initiatives: Sustainability is becoming a key differentiator, especially as environmental concerns take center stage. Companies are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint, whether through eco-friendly packaging, energy-efficient freezing technologies, or reducing food waste in the supply chain. Sustainable practices not only improve brand reputation but also resonate with environmentally-conscious consumers.
Local Sourcing: Shortening the supply chain by sourcing ingredients locally can offer several benefits, including fresher ingredients, reduced transportation costs, and supporting local economies. Local sourcing also helps brands position themselves as environmentally responsible, catering to the growing demand for sustainably produced products.
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3. Targeted Marketing: Engaging Today’s Consumers
Marketing plays a crucial role in differentiating frozen ready meals in a highly competitive market. By leveraging data and targeting specific consumer segments, brands can enhance customer loyalty and drive sales.
Personalization and Digital Engagement: In an era of personalized marketing, companies are increasingly using data analytics to understand customer preferences and buying behavior. Through digital platforms, brands can tailor advertisements and promotions to specific consumer groups, such as health-conscious individuals, busy professionals, or families. For example, a campaign targeting busy professionals might emphasize convenience, while one aimed at health-conscious consumers might highlight nutritional benefits.
E-Commerce and Direct-to-Consumer (DTC): The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way consumers shop for food. Many companies in the frozen ready meals market are expanding into DTC models, allowing customers to order meals directly from the brand’s website or through subscription-based services. This approach not only enhances customer convenience but also helps brands gather valuable consumer data and build long-term relationships.
Collaborations with Retailers: Partnerships with retailers, especially those with strong online grocery platforms, are vital to gaining market access and expanding distribution. Brands that collaborate with major retailers can benefit from their vast supply networks and digital marketing efforts, increasing product visibility.
4. Geographic Expansion: Tapping into New Markets
Geographic expansion is a critical growth strategy for companies looking to extend their reach beyond saturated markets. Emerging markets offer significant growth opportunities for the frozen ready meals segment, particularly as disposable incomes rise and urbanization increases.
Expansion in Emerging Markets: Markets in Asia, Latin America, and Africa are witnessing a growing demand for frozen ready meals due to changing lifestyles, urbanization, and an increasing middle class. By investing in these regions, companies can tap into a large, underserved customer base. Adapting product offerings to local tastes and preferences is key to success in these markets.
Global Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with local distributors, retailers, and food manufacturers in emerging markets can help companies navigate regulatory challenges and establish strong distribution networks. Joint ventures or licensing agreements can also mitigate risks while expanding market presence.
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IoT-Powered Logistics: Revolutionizing Supply Chains for the Digital Age
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Market Overview and Report Coverage
The IoT-powered logistics market is witnessing significant growth due to the increasing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies across supply chain and logistics operations. IoT in logistics involves the integration of sensors, devices, and software to collect and analyze data in real time, enhancing operational efficiency, visibility, and decision-making. The growing need for streamlined supply chain processes, real-time tracking, and improved inventory management is driving the market forward.
According to Infinium Global Research, the global IoT-powered logistics market is expected to experience substantial growth from 2023 to 2030. The rise in e-commerce, advancements in IoT technology, and the increasing demand for automation and data-driven insights are key factors contributing to market expansion. Additionally, the growing focus on optimizing supply chain operations and reducing operational costs through IoT solutions is further boosting market growth.
Market Segmentation
By Type:
IoT Sensors and Devices: These include sensors for tracking temperature, humidity, location, and other environmental conditions. IoT sensors are crucial for monitoring cargo conditions, ensuring product quality, and optimizing transportation routes.
IoT Platforms and Software: IoT platforms and software provide the infrastructure for managing and analyzing data collected from IoT devices. These solutions enable real-time monitoring, data visualization, and predictive analytics, enhancing supply chain visibility and decision-making.
IoT Connectivity Solutions: Connectivity solutions, such as wireless communication technologies (e.g., RFID, GPS, and cellular networks), facilitate the seamless transfer of data between IoT devices and central systems. These solutions are essential for maintaining continuous communication and data exchange.
By Application:
Fleet Management: IoT-powered fleet management solutions enable real-time tracking of vehicles, route optimization, and maintenance scheduling. These applications help reduce operational costs, improve fleet efficiency, and enhance overall transportation management.
Warehouse Management: In warehouse management, IoT technologies are used for inventory tracking, automated storage and retrieval systems, and real-time monitoring of warehouse conditions. These solutions enhance inventory accuracy, reduce handling errors, and improve warehouse operations.
Supply Chain Visibility: IoT solutions provide end-to-end visibility across the supply chain, allowing businesses to track shipments, monitor cargo conditions, and identify potential disruptions. Improved supply chain visibility leads to better decision-making and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Cold Chain Monitoring: IoT technologies are critical for monitoring temperature-sensitive goods in the cold chain. Sensors and tracking systems ensure that products are maintained within the required temperature range throughout transportation and storage, reducing spoilage and quality issues.
Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/form/1453?name=Sample
Regional Analysis:
North America: North America, led by the United States and Canada, is a key market for IoT-powered logistics due to advanced technological infrastructure, high adoption rates of IoT solutions, and a strong emphasis on supply chain optimization. The region’s developed logistics sector and focus on innovation contribute to its market leadership.
Europe: Europe is a significant market, with countries like Germany, the UK, and France leading in IoT adoption for logistics. The region’s emphasis on efficiency, sustainability, and digital transformation supports market growth.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to experience rapid growth, driven by increasing industrialization, rising e-commerce activities, and the growing need for logistics optimization in countries like China, India, and Japan. The region’s expanding manufacturing and retail sectors contribute to the demand for IoT-powered logistics solutions.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are witnessing growth due to improving infrastructure, increasing investments in technology, and the expanding logistics and supply chain sectors. The rising focus on digital transformation and automation in logistics is driving market growth in these areas.
Emerging Trends in the IoT-Powered Logistics Market
Several trends are shaping the future of the IoT-powered logistics market. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with IoT solutions is enhancing predictive analytics, enabling proactive decision-making and improved operational efficiency. The rise of 5G technology is expected to further boost IoT capabilities, providing faster and more reliable connectivity for real-time data transmission. Additionally, the growing focus on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints is driving the adoption of IoT solutions for optimizing energy usage and minimizing waste in logistics operations.
Major Market Players
Cisco Systems, Inc.: Cisco provides IoT connectivity solutions, platforms, and software for logistics and supply chain management. The company’s expertise in networking and IoT technology supports its position as a leading player in the market.
IBM Corporation: IBM offers IoT platforms and solutions for supply chain management, including data analytics, real-time monitoring, and AI-driven insights. The company’s focus on digital transformation and innovation contributes to its market presence.
Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft’s Azure IoT platform provides a range of solutions for logistics and supply chain management, including data analytics, connectivity, and real-time monitoring. The company’s cloud-based services and AI capabilities support its role in the market.
SAP SE: SAP offers IoT solutions for supply chain visibility, warehouse management, and fleet management. The company’s focus on integrating IoT with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems enhances its market position.
Honeywell International Inc.: Honeywell provides IoT-enabled solutions for logistics, including sensors, connectivity solutions, and data analytics. The company’s expertise in industrial automation and technology supports its leadership in the market.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/global-iot-powered-logistics-market
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Start a Profitable Cold Storage Business with Essential Planning and Investment Tips
The cold storage business is an important industry that helps keep perishable goods fresh. As the need for better food and medicine storage grows, it's vital to know how to start and run a cold storage plant. This blog will explain the basics of the cold storage business, such as creating a cold storage business plan, making investments, and understanding cold storage business profit.   
What is a Cold Storage Business?   
A cold storage business is all about storing items that can spoil easily, like food or medicine, in cool places to keep them fresh and safe for longer. This kind of business helps industries like food, drinks, and medicine by offering cold storage plants that have special cooling systems. These systems can store many things, from fruits and vegetables to vaccines and chemicals.   
Components of a Cold Storage Business Plan   
Starting a cold storage business needs good planning and a solid cold storage business plan. Here are the key steps to follow:  
1. Market Research   
Do some research to learn about the demand for cold storage services in your area. Find out who your potential customers might be, like supermarkets, food processors, and pharmaceutical companies. Look at the local competition and understand what your future customers need so you can offer the right services.   
2. Facility Design   
Designing your cold storage plant is very important. Make sure the facility has dependable refrigeration systems, good insulation, and technology to monitor the temperature. Think about the types of products you'll store and their temperature needs. Also, make sure your cold storage plant meets all local rules and safety standards.   
3. Financial Planning   
Make a simple plan for your finances, covering the money you need to start, run, and earn from your cold storage business. Setting up a cold storage plant can be costly, as you'll need to spend a lot on buildings, equipment, and technology. Prepare a clear cold storage project report that shows how much money you need and where you will get it. This report is useful if you want to get loans or attract investors.   
4. Technology and Equipment   
Put money into top-notch refrigeration systems and monitoring tools. Modern cold storage facilities use advanced technology to keep the temperature just right and manage stock. Automated temperature monitoring and real-time alerts can help run your cold storage business more smoothly and cut down on energy costs.  
5. Staffing and Training   
Hire knowledgeable staff to manage your cold storage plant. It's important to train them well so they know how to run and maintain the refrigeration systems, handle perishable goods, and follow safety rules. Skilled workers will keep the stored products in good condition and help your cold storage business run smoothly.   
6. Compliance and Regulations   
Make sure your cold storage business follows all necessary rules and regulations. This includes health and safety guidelines, environmental rules, and specific industry requirements. Regular checks and audits will help keep your cold storage plant in line with the law and prevent any fines or closures.   
Evaluating Cold Storage Business Profit   
To understand the profit of a cold storage business, you need to compare how much money you can make with how much it costs to run the business. Important things that affect profit include how well your refrigeration systems work, how much energy they use, and the prices you charge for storage. If you run your cold storage plant efficiently and keep high standards, you can increase your profit and get more customers.   
The cold storage business plays an important role in the supply chain, offering great chances for growth and profit. By creating a clear cold storage business plan, investing in the latest technology, and following the rules, you can set up a successful cold storage plant. With the right strategies and good management, the cold storage business can be both rewarding and profitable, meeting the growing demand for preserved and quality goods.   
Whether you're new to this industry or want to improve your current cold storage operations, knowing the key parts of this business will help you succeed.   
IID Membership- Membership at a Glance
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Uncovering Opportunities in Cold Chain Logistics Procurement Intelligence
The cold chain logistics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.9% from 2024 to 2030. The worldwide increase in demand for perishable items which are required to be stored and transported at an appropriate temperature to maintain their freshness and quality has led to the increase in demand for these services. Good cold chain logistics networks, which involve effective collaboration between suppliers, transportation providers, and customs officials to ensure timely delivery and compliance with international standards, are crucial in meeting the demand for fresh items across borders. The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 is responsible for the majority of cold chain logistics operations. This law has increased the Food and Drug Administration's control over product handling and transportation from the manufacturer to the store to the customer. The law requires shippers, loaders, motor or rail vehicle carriers, and receivers of these perishable items to employ sanitary practices to assure the food's safety.
Technologies such as RFID tags and blockchain are used in this category. DHL tracks the movement of temperature-sensitive goods across the supply chain using RFID tags. It can be used to ensure the integrity of shipments. This is because RFID tags can be used to verify the authenticity of goods and to detect any tampering. These tags can resist the extreme conditions of the cold chain since they are more robust than barcodes. They can be used to track products in real-time, assisting in preventing loss or misplacing and ensuring that they arrive at their destination on schedule. FedEx uses blockchain to monitor the supply-chain movement of goods that are sensitive to temperature. This makes it easier to make sure that the goods are undamaged and continue to be at the right temperature. It alsoprovides transparency into the cold chain process, which means that all stakeholders in the supply chain can see the data and track the movement of the products.
This category is a highly fragmented industry, with a large number of small and medium-sized businesses that operate in this sector. The industry is characterized by a diverse range of companies including logistics providers, temperature-controlled packaging manufacturers, and refrigeration equipment suppliers. It is difficult to develop and maintain temperature-sensitive transportation that requires specialized equipment, facilities, and expertise. The risk of foodborne illness and product deterioration can be prevented by the cold chain process. This is because there are greater chances for things to be tampered with or affected by temperature changes.
Order your copy of the Cold Chain Logistics Procurement Intelligence Report, 2024 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Businesses generally use cost-plus pricing method that involves adding a markup to the cost of providing the service, which is typically based on the cost of transporting goods, as well as any additional expenses incurred by the logistics provider. The logistics provider frequently decides on the markup based on their intended profit margin and takes into account the industry's competitive environment. The equipment cost, which includes refrigeration units and temperature monitoring devices needed to preserve the integrity of temperature-sensitive commodities during transit, makes up the majority of the cost components in this category. Cost of labor, which includes paying employees to handle and transport commodities. The average labor cost range between USD 25 - USD 30 per hour. A typical refrigerated truck costs roughly around USD 170,000 and the price rises as the size and dimensions increase.
Due to the wide variety of items that need to be transported and stored at a controlled temperature, the United States is a significant market for cold chain logistics. This includes pharmaceuticals, fresh food, and medical supplies. They have a proven track record of innovation in the field of cold chain logistics, having created innovations like temperature-controlled cars and IoT. The recent rapid economic expansion in China has increased the demand for products in this category. The middle class in the nation is expanding quickly, and customers are reaching for more and more high-quality, fresh foods. The growth of this industry is being supported by the Chinese government. In order to encourage the use of cold chain logistics, the government has invested in the development of cold storage facilities and implemented legislation. The best sourcing practice in this category is to work with suppliers who have the expertise and resources to handle cold chain products and a good track record of maintaining the required temperature ranges throughout the supply chain. It is also important to have a contingency plan in place to mitigate any disruptions and ensure the quality and safety of the products being transported.
Cold Chain Logistics Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Cold Chain Logistics Market Growth Rate: CAGR of 18.9% from 2024 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 9 - 10% (Annual)
• Pricing Models: Cost plus pricing model and value-based pricing model
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier selection criteria: Customer service, price, delivery time, flexibility, reliability, experience, technical specifications, operational capabilities, regulatory standards and mandates, category innovations, and others.
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Supply Chain Insurance Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Industrial Robotics Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Key companies profiled
• FedEx
• Maersk
• Kuehne Nagel
• Americold Logistics
• XPO Logistics
• Safmarine
• Evergreen Line
• CH Robinson Worldwide
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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onlinecareerestmarket · 2 months
Brazil Cold Chain for Pharmaceutical Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts by 2031
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The Brazil Cold Chain for Pharmaceutical Market plays a critical role in ensuring the integrity and efficacy of pharmaceutical products as they traverse the intricate logistics network within the country. This system is a complex web of temperature-controlled storage, transportation, and distribution facilities designed to maintain the required conditions for pharmaceuticals from manufacturing to the end-user.
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭:https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2560
Top Companies
FedEx Corporation
United Parcel Service, Inc.
Kerry Logistics Network Limited
Orient Overseas Container Line Limited
DHL Express
Catalent, Inc.
The Brazil Cold Chain for Pharmaceutical Market is an indispensable element of the nation's healthcare infrastructure. Its primary function is to preserve the quality and potency of pharmaceuticals that are sensitive to temperature variations. Brazil, being a vast and diverse country with varying climatic conditions, presents unique challenges for the pharmaceutical supply chain. Hence, an efficient and reliable cold chain becomes imperative to overcome these challenges and ensure the safe delivery of pharmaceuticals to every corner of the nation.
Access Full Report @https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/brazil-cold-chain-for-pharmaceutical-market/2560
The infrastructure of the Brazil Cold Chain comprises a network of cold storage facilities strategically located throughout the country. These facilities are equipped with advanced refrigeration technologies to maintain specific temperature ranges required for different categories of pharmaceutical products. The cold chain is not limited to storage; it extends to transportation as well, with refrigerated vehicles ensuring that the temperature-sensitive drugs are not compromised during transit.
In recent years, the Brazil Cold Chain for Pharmaceutical Market has witnessed significant advancements in technology and infrastructure. Modern temperature monitoring systems have been integrated into the supply chain, providing real-time data to stakeholders. This ensures transparency and allows for prompt interventions in case of temperature deviations, safeguarding the quality of pharmaceuticals.
One of the notable challenges faced by the Brazil Cold Chain is the vast geographical expanse of the country. The need for an efficient and seamless cold chain becomes even more apparent when considering the diverse climatic conditions from the Amazon rainforest to the urban landscapes of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The ability to maintain the required temperature throughout the supply chain is not only a logistical necessity but also a regulatory requirement to comply with pharmaceutical quality standards.
Regulatory bodies in Brazil, such as ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency), play a pivotal role in ensuring the compliance of the cold chain with stringent standards. These regulations are in place to guarantee that pharmaceutical products reaching the end-users are safe, potent, and effective. Any deviation from the specified temperature ranges during storage or transportation could lead to the deterioration of the drugs, rendering them ineffective or even harmful.
Brazil Cold Chain for Pharmaceutical market is estimated to reach $1,067.1 Million by 2030; growing at a CAGR of 9.8% from 2023 to 2030.
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tamanna31 · 2 months
Utility Poles Market Poised for Steady Growth in the Future
Utility Poles Industry Overview
The global utility poles market size was estimated at USD 57.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.0% from 2024 to 2030. The market growth is driven by multiple factors such as rising electricity consumption, the increasing demand for efficient energy distribution and the subsequent construction of power transmission and distribution networks. The proliferation of smartphones, internet connectivity, and data-intensive applications has additionally contributed to the market growth by increasing the demand for efficient communication networks.
The shift toward smart grid technologies is driving the market owing to their ability to enable real-time monitoring of power usage, early detection of faults or damage, and optimization of maintenance schedules. These technologies enable real-time monitoring of power usage, early detection of faults or damage, and optimization of maintenance schedules, leading to improved reliability and efficiency in energy transmission and distribution, which in turn is expected to present lucrative growth opportunities for the market.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Utility Poles Market
Companies operating in the market have adopted various strategies to enhance their market presence and meet the growing demand for utility poles. Many companies are focusing on developing innovative utility pole designs that offer improved strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness. In addition, companies are exploring new geographical markets to tap into emerging opportunities and increase their market share. This may involve strategic partnerships, acquisitions, or setting up manufacturing facilities in key regions to better serve local demand. For instance, in January 2024, Nippon Steel Corporation acquired a 20% interest in Elk Valley Resources, the steelmaking coal business partnership sold by Teck Resources Limited. The acquisition was aimed at securing stable procurement of high-quality steelmaking coal, which is vital for decarbonizing the manufacturing process of steel. Such strategies by key companies are expected to fuel market growth in the coming years.
Browse through Grand View Research's Communications Infrastructure Industry Research Reports.
The global rugged servers market size was estimated at USD 630.2 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global land mobile radio market size was estimated at USD 26.85 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.7% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Utility Poles Company Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Tata Power, Nov Inc, SAE Towers, Nippon Steel Corporation, KEC International Ltd.
Tata Steel's diverse product portfolio caters to multiple market segments. The company offers a wide range of steel products, including hot and cold rolled coils and sheets, galvanized sheets, tubes, wires, and construction rebars for various applications in the automotive, construction, consumer goods, and engineering industries, demonstrating the company's versatility in meeting global steel demands.
NOV Inc. (formerly known as National Oilwell Varco) provides equipment and components used in oil & gas drilling and production operations, oilfield services, and supply chain integration services to the upstream oil & gas industry. The company is committed to innovation and technological advancement. The company invests aggressively in research and development to improve the performance and durability of its products. The company’s commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in its efforts to improve the environmental footprint of its products.
New Forests Company, Lishu Steel Co. Ltd, and Omega Company are some of the emerging market participants in the utility poles market.
New Forests Company specializes in the manufacturing and supply of transmission poles across East and Southern Africa. The company’s customer base includes national electricity utilities, government agencies, municipalities, and turnkey operators.
Lishu Steel Co.Ltd’s product portfolio showcases a diverse range of utility poles crafted from various materials, including steel, concrete, and innovative composite materials, thereby ensuring that the company can meet the specific needs of its global clientele, providing solutions that cater to different environmental conditions, load requirements, and aesthetic preferences.
Key Utility Poles Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the utility poles market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
Al-Babtain Power & Telecom
American Timber and Steel
Bell Lumber & Pole
Energya Steel-KSA
Europoles Middle East LLC
Frank R. Close & Son, Inc.
George Scott (Geo Stott)
HAS Engineering LLC
Metrosmart International Trading & Contracting W.L.L.
New Forests Company
NOV Inc.
Omega Company for Luminaries, Poles & Galvanizing
R&B Timber Group
Techno Pole Industries LLC
Valmont Industries, Inc.
SAE Towers
Skipper Limited
Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
KEC International Inc.
Lishu Steel Co., Ltd
Nippon Steel Corporation
Qingdao Mingzhu Steel Structure Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Guohua Tube Tower Manufacturer Co. Ltd.
Tata Steel
Kalpataru Projects International Ltd.
Jyoti Structures Limited
Sabre Industries, Inc.
Foresite Group LLC
Nanjing Tuopeng Construction Technology Co., Ltd
Recent Developments
In February 2024, Bell Lumber & Pole acquired a pole peeling facility and wood concentration yard located in Newport in the U.S. state of Maine from Prentiss & Carlisle, a forest resource management and timberland services company. The company’s customers in the Northeast region would enjoy even more direct access to local pole fiber as a result of the deal.
In February 2024, Skipper Limited received a contract worth USD 88.55 million (INR 7.37 billion) for the design, supply, and construction of a 765 kV Transmission Line Project for Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.
In January 2023, Nippon Steel Corporation collaborated with Mitsubishi Corporation and ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. to jointly study Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and establish potential CCS value chains in Asia Pacific.
Order a free sample PDF of the Utility Poles Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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globalgrowthinsights · 2 months
Smart Buildings Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends [2032]
Smart Buildings Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Smart Buildings manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Smart Buildings in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Smart Buildings Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Smart Buildings Market.
The market statistics represented in different Smart Buildings segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Smart Buildings are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Smart Buildings.
Major stakeholders, key companies Smart Buildings, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Smart Buildings in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Smart Buildings Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Smart Buildings and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/smart-buildings-market-100003
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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The Commercial Refrigeration System Market is projected to grow from USD 54766 million in 2024 to USD 75239.81 million by 2032, expanding at a CAGR of 4.05% from 2024 to 2032.The global commercial refrigeration system market is witnessing rapid growth, driven by several key factors such as rising demand from the food and beverage industry, technological advancements, and an increasing emphasis on energy efficiency. Commercial refrigeration systems are essential for preserving perishable goods, maintaining food safety, and ensuring product quality across various industries. This market encompasses various types of equipment, including refrigerators, freezers, walk-in coolers, display cases, and ice-making machines, used in sectors such as supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, and food processing facilities.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/commercial-refrigeration-system-market
Market Overview
The commercial refrigeration system market has seen substantial growth in recent years, driven primarily by increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and changing consumer preferences towards ready-to-eat and frozen food products. In addition, the expansion of the foodservice industry, including restaurants, cafes, and hotels, has spurred demand for efficient and advanced refrigeration solutions.
According to industry reports, the global commercial refrigeration market was valued at approximately USD 30 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 5% between 2021 and 2027. This growth is further boosted by the ongoing developments in cooling technologies, the need for greener refrigeration solutions, and the increasing awareness of food safety regulations.
Key Drivers of Growth
1. Rising Demand in the Food and Beverage Industry The food and beverage industry is one of the largest end-users of commercial refrigeration systems. The increasing demand for frozen and chilled food products has resulted in a heightened need for efficient refrigeration solutions. Supermarkets, grocery stores, and food processing facilities rely heavily on these systems to store perishable products, maintain their quality, and extend their shelf life. The growth of e-commerce and online grocery delivery services has also driven the adoption of commercial refrigeration systems to meet the requirements of cold chain logistics.
2. Technological Advancements Technological innovations in the commercial refrigeration sector have led to the development of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly systems. New refrigeration units with advanced features such as digital temperature control, smart monitoring systems, and energy-efficient compressors have gained significant traction in the market. The adoption of natural refrigerants such as ammonia, CO2, and hydrocarbons, which have low global warming potential (GWP), is another major trend, in line with global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet environmental standards.
3. Stringent Food Safety Regulations Regulatory bodies across the globe have introduced stringent food safety standards to ensure the quality and safety of food products. These regulations require businesses to maintain proper refrigeration and storage practices to prevent contamination and spoilage. As a result, companies in the foodservice, retail, and hospitality industries are increasingly investing in commercial refrigeration systems that comply with these regulations, further driving market growth.
4. Growth of the Hospitality Industry The global hospitality industry, encompassing hotels, restaurants, and cafes, has experienced steady growth due to increasing tourism and consumer spending on dining out. These establishments require reliable refrigeration systems to store food and beverages safely. The trend of cloud kitchens and ghost kitchens, which are food delivery-only operations, has also contributed to the demand for commercial refrigeration systems to maintain operational efficiency.
Challenges Facing the Market
Despite the positive growth trajectory, the commercial refrigeration market faces certain challenges. The high initial investment required for purchasing and installing advanced refrigeration systems is a significant barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Additionally, the rising cost of energy and the need for regular maintenance and repairs add to the overall operational expenses.
Moreover, environmental concerns regarding the use of refrigerants with high GWP have led to stricter regulations on traditional cooling technologies. Businesses are now required to phase out older systems and adopt more eco-friendly alternatives, which can be cost-prohibitive.
Future Outlook
The future of the commercial refrigeration system market looks promising, with continued growth anticipated over the next decade. The increasing focus on energy efficiency and sustainability will drive the development of innovative refrigeration solutions. Companies are expected to invest in research and development to create systems that not only reduce energy consumption but also comply with environmental regulations.
Moreover, the growing trend of smart and connected refrigeration systems, which enable real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, will further revolutionize the industry. As businesses seek to enhance operational efficiency and reduce downtime, the adoption of these advanced technologies will become more prevalent.
Key Players:
Johnson Controls
Baltimore Aircoil Company
Blue Star Limited
De Rigo Refrigeration
Based on Product Type
Refrigerator & Freezer
Transportation Refrigeration
Refrigerated Display Cases
Beverage Refrigeration
Ice Cream Merchandiser
Refrigerated Vending Machine
Based on Refrigerant Type
Based on Application
Hotels & Restaurants
Supermarkets & Hypermarkets
Based on Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/commercial-refrigeration-system-market
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Credence Research
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roshanblogs · 2 months
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