itsaboutnothing · 1 year
Trying to tell the world about tropicana pina colada juice but tumblr and my no good internet connection is trying to silence me. POINA COLASAS!!!!!
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📍Manang Colasa
6.26.2017 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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alakransiya · 2 years
el acordeonista 🔥🔥
Corrido chingon
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bobbydigital407 · 4 years
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rashina119-blog · 8 years
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Repost from @streetartnyc . @hkwalls @okudart @clog_two @blvckmark8 @suiko1 @eggfiasco @peeta_ead @colasa @faustnewyork @swoonhq @willis82 #hkwalls #clogtwo #okuda #dmojo #suiko #eggfiasco #colasa #peeta #faust #roid #swoonhq #streetart #muralart #publicart #streetartfestival #hongkong #china #art #hongkongart #chinaart . Special thanks to @hocafoundation #hocafoundation #hongkongtramways @hktramways @vans @eicopaint @mtncolors @eggshellstickers #vans #eicopaint #mtncolors #eggshellstickers . #hkwalls2017 artists are @zoerism @amuse.126 @merlotism @snikarts @swoonhq @mauy_substreet and more from March 18-26 (at Hong Kong)
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yuriwangfingermedia · 2 years
J.GAO歡慶四週年 推出塗鴉藝術家COLASA跨界合作限量禮盒逆時系列新品上市
J.GAO歡慶四週年 推出塗鴉藝術家COLASA跨界合作限量禮盒逆時系列新品上市 三大精華X四重保濕萃取 打造「嫩膜」肌 品牌主理人高宇蓁引領 聆聽心中的聲音 逆時光綻放美麗 戲劇女神高宇蓁自創的保養品牌J.GAO,歡慶成立四週年!在這個值得紀念的時刻,正式宣告品牌名稱由J.KAO ,更改為「J.GAO」。同時,也發表兩款倍受矚目的「嫩膜」新品—J.GAO逆時緊緻彈力嫩面膜和J.GAO逆時緊緻抗痕嫩頸膜,以及獨家推出與塗鴉藝術家COLASA聯名合作的限量禮盒。J.GAO四週年,跨界結合發表地點選擇在饒富藝術氣息的路易莎咖啡象山藝文中心,繽紛創意驚艷美妝保養界! J.GAO主理人高宇蓁自詡為「聽見新時代訴求的女性企業家」,在品牌創立四週年之際,以特別訂製的四層大蛋糕歡慶!回首一路走來的親力親為、堅持不輕易妥協,她再度強調:「J.GAO創立的初衷,就是『聆聽心中的聲音Listen to…
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unmannedspaceship · 6 years
There's this eating place called "Colasas" near Davao Museum, and at the second floor you'll meet an old guy who is holding cards. Try and have a reading, you might hear some good news... or not. He doesn't mind about how much you pay him anw.
Gusto ko mga pumunta sa Davao Museum kaso ang daming tao 🤔🤔🤔
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danidellasstuff · 4 years
A luta é individual e toda vida daria um filme, bom ou ruim, mas daria... 😊
Trabalho desde os 15 anos, nessa idade eu dava aulas de ingles pra crianças, ja fui concursada. Prestei vestibular qdo tive emprego fixo, estudava e trabalhava, saí do emprego concursado e fui para a empresa privada.
Passei em federal, mas nao pude fazer o curso pq nao tinha condicoes.
A primeira , e talvez unica da minha geração na familia q fez faculdade.
Queria ter estudado ciencia, mas isso era demais de distante. Meu sonho era astronomia.
Sou nerd/geek, sempre fui boa aluna, nunca reprovei.
Sou rockeira de alma, devoro livros, series e filmes. Aliás fui criada por eles.
Sempre lutei pelos meus ideais, sofri mto com machismo. Nunca fui a da bunda colasa na cadeira, sempre me envolvi em caridade sem expor . Nunca fui do mínimo esforço.
Trabalhei em varias coisas, morei sozinha em 4 cidades diferentes, inclusive em Lima Peru.
Ja lavei banheiro de supermercado pra ppder comer, era trabalho digno.
Ja tive emprego em q ganhava mto bem e so usava o cerebro...
Ja fiquei desempregada mto tempo...
Ja namorei homens bons e outros q me deixaram doente.
Eu vivo , eu tenho ansiedade, eu choro , eu rio, ja perdi a fé inumeras vezes e tb ja a recuperei como se nunca tivesse perdido.
Continuo sorrindo, lutando e hj consigo enxergar mais facilmente no q eu erro e as pessoas q nao me merecem.
Sou mãe e amo meu filho mais do que tudo!
E tem dias q não me suporto!
Mas eu digo, minha vida nunca foi linear, sempre vivi sem medo.
Feliz dia internacional da mulher
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torcuatoruizbcn · 4 years
ASTORGA (Leon) Astorga es un municipio de la provincia de Leon  lleno de historia y a 40 Km de la capital, tiene un gran patrimonio arquitectónico y restos románicos, edificios que son dignos de visitar están el palacio episcopal, obra maestra de Antonio Gaudi, el ayuntamiento con el tradicional reloj de los maragatos Juan Zancuda y Colasa, reloj del siglo XVIII, la fachada fue construida en 1675, la catedral, el museo del chocolate y los restos romanos, declarados de interés turístico. Astorga esta en el cruce de la ruta de la Plata con el camino de Santiago, cosa que la hace mas importante si cabe, ya que tiene muchas celebraciones y fiestas durante todo el año. La visita a Astorga entre otras cosas te invita a comer el cocido de maragatos que como ya sabéis es tradicional en toda la zona, dar un paseo por sus calles es un remanso de paz y tranquilidad, en la plaza Mayor se celebra todos los martes un mercadillo para toda la comarca, a 6 Km de Astorga encontrareis  Castrillo de los Polvazares que se conserva como autentico pueblo arriero. A visitar los rincones de España que no son pocos y cual de ellos mejor.
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khimbertha · 5 years
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BarB~Q cravings #dinner (at Colasa's Bar-B-Q) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8l5B5OJ_so/?igshid=zez6d99d4o71
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erl221b-blog · 7 years
2017.11.01  嘻塗展 C2 SQUAD 興趣使然,也因為大一在台北當代藝術館看了一場展覽,進而持續追蹤參與的藝術家,對於塗鴉不算陌生,也一直知道有 POW!WOW!Taiwan 這類大型的策展團隊,邀約世界各地的塗鴉客或稱街頭藝術家來台創作。
Beat Box 雙人團體:Golden Brothers 金子兄弟團名原為「精子兄弟」,意味著他們是地表最強的兩顆精子。針對這次的合作,他們提了「太極」的概念給塗鴉藝術家 ALLO 參考。
塗鴉藝術家 COLASA 問了韓森有沒有代表色,或代表性圖騰。 韓森回了沒有,不過倒提議代表作〈韓老師這裡〉給對方參考發揮。
近來品格教育〈Just Another 軸郎〉別有聲量,或說引發共鳴?軸郎應為「 查某人 」的快速念法,大概是女人、上了年紀的女人、中年婦女的統稱。個人經驗中,甚少女性會使用這個詞彙,就算使用,應該也是個中性偏貶意的意思。
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foodramblings · 5 years
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bobbydigital407 · 5 years
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Rules: Tag 20 amazing followers you want to get know better! I was tagged by the amazing @way-obsessed5
Name: Ashley
Nicknames: my mom calls me Ash, my uncle calls me ‘Colasa (which is another form of my middle name, Nicole, in Spanish, Nicolasa).
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 5’4
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Animal(s): Sea Otters, Shih Tzus, Siamese fighting fish (AKA Betta fish), and black cats
Average Hours of sleep: 5-9 hours, depending if I have school
Cat or dog person: i currently have a dog, but i would love to get a cat also.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Kara Danvers (AKA Supergirl), Alex Danvers, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Iris West, Lito Rodriguez, Bucky Barnes, Jacob Kowalski, K-2SO, BB-8, Barry Allen, Poe Dameron, Percy Jackson, Nico DiAngelo, this list could go on forever
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1-3
Favorite Singer/Band: The Weeknd, Halsey, Fall Out Boy, Adele, Aaron Tveit, Andra Day, Lana Del Rey, AC/DC, Def Leppard
Dream Trip: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Epcot, all of Europe (especially Greece, Italy, France, and Germany)
Dream Job: I would love to be a photographer and travel the world but I also want to be a teacher but I also want to be an artist
When was this blog created: March 2015
Current number of followers: 127
When did your blog reach its peak?: Not yet.
What made you decide to make a Tumblr?: i would search up funny and fandom tumblr posts and i decided to create one of my own
I tag: @bitterbiracialbibliophile @iholtzmann @swimmingtothemusic @lovelyfandom @givemeinternetorgivemedeath @not-normal-next-to-normal @winchestersofsheild
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grusik · 6 years
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Fleks, Vastar, Sine & Colasa...Taipei, Taiwan... by colourourcity 'Kyrie Irving' http://ift.tt/2CN3Qpj
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yuppielionheart · 7 years
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Epic dinner with @jjerrichogp @prei021 @toinfiniteej Ang bulalo na sinabawan ng tinola! 😂 San ka pa? Dito lang Meron nyan 🐣 #krizEats #sundate #timog #foodstagram #bulalo #epic (at Colasa's Bar-B-Q)
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